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Results for 2018-11-02

08:31 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Boyer] LP1796988: Fix Saving Last Copy Template - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=f709f27>
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:34 Dyrcona JBoyer++ # timing
08:35 JBoyer Dyrcona++ # testing
08:35 Dyrcona Well, Janet Schrader did the actual testing, I just installed it.
08:36 JBoyer So long as it gets in, ++'s all around.
08:36 Dyrcona :)
14:43 * berick needs to figure out the package-lock.json stuff
14:44 berick i thought it would magically do stuff, but so far it's just in the way
14:44 miker heh
14:46 Dyrcona I've not been committing from a built Evergreen, so it only bothers me when I try to rebase on one of my test vms to pick up the latest code.
14:47 hbrennan joined #evergreen
14:49 miker I was having problems that were solved by adding ngx-device-detector, so I think that's the only actual addition to package.json. the rest was just version stuff
15:04 pinesol [evergreen|Remington Steed] Docs: Update old command osrf_ctl.sh to osrf_control - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9bb271b>

Results for 2018-11-01

14:58 pinesol Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2018/evergreen.2018-11-01-14.00.html
14:58 pinesol Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2018/evergreen.2018-11-01-14.00.txt
14:58 pinesol Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2018/evergreen.2018-11-01-14.00.log.html
15:00 remingtron abneiman: sandbergja: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=evergreen-docs:github-workflow
15:00 remingtron I'm sure it's not perfect, but that's roughly the steps I follow to test and push a GitHub pull request
15:00 sandbergja remingtron++
15:00 abneiman remingtron++
15:00 sandbergja thanks so much!

Results for 2018-10-30

13:29 Ryan_LGPL joined #evergreen
13:30 Ryan_LGPL Hi!  I have a question about automatic opening cash drawers, and Evergreen!
13:31 Ryan_LGPL We  just got a new cash drawer at my library, because the old one's latch was broken, and wouldn't stay closed anymore, without extreme effort.
13:32 Ryan_LGPL The replacement drawer does not (Though it didn't state this in the advertisement) have a manual open button...it only opens with the key.  It's an EOM-POS cash drawer.  It does plug into our printer, and DOES respond to the test button in the printer settings for testing whether our printer can trigger the latch.
13:33 Ryan_LGPL How can I get Evergreen to send the signal to the printer to trigger the cash drawer?  Also, is it possible to get it to only do so when printing receipts for actual financial transactions, and NOT when printing due date slips?
13:33 jeff A few options here.
13:34 jeff Depending on the printer and the print driver, you should be able to configure it so that it does a "drawer kick" after every print job.
13:34 Ryan_LGPL Printer is a TSP100u.  I can't find any settings in it's settings for the printer/cashdrawer interaction, aside from the test button that confirms that it CAN send the code to open the drawer
13:36 jeff If you'd like to only "kick" the drawer open for certain kinds of receipts, you might be able to do this by creating a second windows printer object for the same device, and configuring only that printer to send the drawer kick at the end of jobs, and then using Evergreen printer contexts to send certain receipt templates to that printer that kicks.
13:37 jeff Some printers support a "control font" and certain characters printed with that control font do certain things. Older (much older) printers only supported escape codes, which required certain hex values to make their way from the app to the printer without being transformed along the way. That's not likely to work these days.
13:37 jeff But if the printer supports a control font you might be able to configure a "drawer kick" command in a receipt template that way.

Results for 2018-10-26

14:07 pinesol csharp: vacuum full; strong opinions; data; Data from TNG; simple fixes to scary-looking problems; and all the things
14:08 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:08 csharp @hates
14:08 pinesol csharp hates dojo_hold_policies_interface; SIP; when libraries purchase third party products without testing and blame Evergreen for it not working; reports; the fact that the Base Filters is unnecessarily greyed out when applying an Aggregate Filter and vice versa; evil; reports more; reports even moar; details; reports even more; the fact that the Base Filters is unnecessarily greyed out when (2 more messages)
14:08 csharp @more
14:08 pinesol csharp: applying an Aggregate Filter and vice versa even more; having to teach SIP2 client vendors about the SIP2 specification; troubleshooting reports; money reports; marc; reports even more than before; the EDI ruby bits; acquisitions; <quote>fun<unquote>; edi; sip2; sip too; sip two; acq; acq more; acq way more than before; omg I hate acq; omg I love acq; hate hate hate; comcast; action_triggers; (1 more message)
14:08 csharp @more
16:11 Bmagic probably more like 4 years ago... geez
16:11 bshum I'm reading off old emails from 2014/15 era
16:12 bshum So yeah
16:15 Bmagic thanks yall, off to the test server for many hours
16:46 Bmagic I just printed to a Dymo printer from the web client using Hatch
17:09 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:11 jeff Bmagic++
17:17 Bmagic Anyone here have a Dymo printer?
17:18 rhamby heh, probably in a box somewhere in the garage
17:19 sandbergja Bmagic: we've got one!  We don't use Hatch, though
17:19 Bmagic Looking for someone to test drive this code with Webby/Hatch/Dymo
17:19 Bmagic It might be a matter of adjusting the template to get the label to print in the upper left corner or something like that
17:20 Bmagic (I don't have the physical printer, just the driver installed. Not getting errors now. Had a library on the phone and got it to print out a blank label but they had to go)
17:27 alynn26 I have a dymo let me try, which server do you want me to use?
17:55 alynn26 Ok
17:57 alynn26 set it as the default, same thing.  I have a Dymo LabeWriter 450 Duo.
17:58 Bmagic alynn26: thanks for trying! I am hacking more on it next week.
17:58 alynn26 Ok, if you want me to do some testing, let me know. Just email me.
17:58 Bmagic right on! Thanks
17:58 alynn26 good night.
18:08 jvwoolf joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-10-25

13:40 JBoyer That's the one!
13:40 JBoyer csharp++
13:40 * JBoyer hasn't had time to even use launchpad search, never mind fail at it.
13:41 csharp I just had to deal with that post 3.2 test upgrade :-)
13:49 mmorgan1 jeff: just came across this bug that relates to yesterday's discussion of suspending hold capture: bug 1740147
13:49 pinesol Launchpad bug 1740147 in Evergreen "Wishlist: Provide functionality to bypass capturing for a hold pickup location when the org unit is closed" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1740147
13:49 jeff mmorgan++

Results for 2018-10-24

12:08 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:09 gmcharlt dbwells: berick: JBoyer: Dyrcona: thoughts on a last minute push of bug 1797923?
12:09 pinesol Launchpad bug 1797923 in Evergreen 3.1 "Browser client iframe (catalog, etc.) loading page" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1797923
12:09 gmcharlt I'm willing to push if the buildmasters are OK; it tests well for me and is a good improvement even if it doesn't completely resolve 1731272
12:11 JBoyer I'm +1; even though it doesn't completely resolve 1731272 it wasn't really intended to. And it does bring it that much closer to working.
12:11 dbwells gmcharlt: I think it should go in.  I am also actively looking at bug #1724348, which I think is really the other half of 1731272.
12:11 pinesol Launchpad bug 1724348 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web client: set default view not sticky" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724348

Results for 2018-10-23

11:04 Dyrcona Only thing you can do is setup a proxy and drop duplicate requests.
11:05 * Dyrcona has looked into the general problem of double form submissions.
11:05 Dyrcona I should say, the proxy is the only thing you can do that would be 100% effective.
11:07 JBoyer Sure, it can't really stop anyone determined, or multiple people actually submitting the same search, I don't mind that. But I just did a simple test where I held down enter until I it looked like the screen was about to change and got 108 identical searches.
11:08 Dyrcona JBoyer: Sounds about right.
11:10 JBoyer Interesting thing about doing that though, you can get a rough idea of how well your load balancer spreads things around. ;)
11:10 Dyrcona Or doesn't spread things around. :)
11:46 rhamby kmlussier: ok, I might as well cancel the karoake rental then....
11:46 kmlussier rhamby: There's no reason you can't do karoake! I'm sure somebody will post the video so that I can enjoy it.
11:50 Dyrcona :)
11:51 kmlussier If anyone is looking for a quick and easy patch to test, there's bug 1783602
11:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 1783602 in Evergreen "Copy counts should be removed from metarecord search results page" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1783602
11:56 plux cqqqqq
11:58 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
12:26 JBoyer We remove age protection the day it "expires" and also automatically roll some 'blah blah new' circ mods to regular old 'blah blah'
12:27 JBoyer An automated script is really the only way to do it. It could be made into a srfsh script, or something that uses the CronScript perl modules, but the end result is the same.
12:27 jwoodard We remove ours monthly from new items
12:27 mmorgan Also, I have not tested this, but I remember discussion about the ability to set up a hold policy that consults an age hold protection rule based on other selections in the hold policy.
12:29 jwoodard as we have grown we are encountering more special cases where age protection would be nice
12:29 jwoodard but we do not want to increase the workload
12:30 jwoodard how does the "item age<" field function?
14:01 jeffdavis cool, thanks
14:16 gmcharlt kmlussier: ping
14:16 kmlussier gmcharlt: Yes?
14:17 gmcharlt kmlussier: I'm wrapping up testing of the branch for bug 1746536
14:17 pinesol Launchpad bug 1746536 in Evergreen "web client: cannot edit vol/call number in item status" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1746536 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
14:17 gmcharlt I've verified that Janet's testing in commit 27 also works for me in the current branch
14:17 gmcharlt and I"m no longer seeing the issues reported in comments 23 and 24
14:18 gmcharlt before I merge, was there anything else you're aware of holding up that one?
14:18 kmlussier gmcharlt: I'm confident that the previous bug fix has addressed the issues I found. Those were the only two issues.
14:18 gmcharlt ok, great
14:18 gmcharlt merging now
14:24 pinesol [evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#1746536: Restrict CN addition but allow CN edits... - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=6cd17f1>
14:24 pinesol [evergreen|Kathy Lussier] LP#1746536: Remove input-group-addon class from Add Call Number button - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=f6d7999>
14:25 khuckins joined #evergreen
14:25 berick if anyone's feeling adventurous, I've found the patch for bug #1797923 to be helpful in my webstaff testing
14:25 pinesol Launchpad bug 1797923 in Evergreen 3.1 "Browser client iframe (catalog, etc.) loading page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1797923
14:25 berick before tomrrow's release cut, i mean
14:26 yboston joined #evergreen
17:31 khuckins joined #evergreen
17:35 dbwells berick: I think it is mentioned in the tangle of bugs listed on #1731272, but I might be mistaken.  It seems your branch fixes some things on that bug, so maybe it deserves to be separated out to a new bug for clarity anyway.
17:36 berick dbwells: ok, just making sure the patch didn't introduce a bug
17:37 dbwells berick: No, sorry if I implied that.  In my testing your branch made 'default view' go from majorly broken to considerably less broken.
17:38 dbwells in my experience
17:39 jihpringle default view is fixed in the patches on LP 1724348 and LP 1731272 but neither have made it into a release yet
17:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 1724348 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web client: set default view not sticky" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724348
17:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 1731272 in Evergreen 3.1 "web client: "Set default view" breaks record page loading" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1731272

Results for 2018-10-22

16:09 miker I think I agree, esp since this is only a sip2 change
16:19 jeff Dyrcona: can you confirm which bibliotheca product is in use where you're seeing issues?
16:20 Dyrcona jeff: No. They just say Bibliotheca self-checks.
16:20 jeff Dyrcona: And what the visible symptoms are? I'd like to have enough info to test/reproduce.
16:21 Dyrcona I can share the bug description with your, though I found the language confusing.
16:21 * Dyrcona slaps his fingers.
16:21 jeff Sure! I'll take what I can get! Want to post it as a comment on the bug?

Results for 2018-10-20

13:14 Dyrcona :)
13:14 Dyrcona @hate JavaScript
13:14 pinesol Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.  Dyrcona hates JavaScript.
13:14 aabbee i played with some of this, but don't remember well enough how fleshing can fail. i seem to have misplaced my test server..
13:14 Dyrcona Also, what I've learned and played with in AngularJS is a lot simpler than what goes on in the browser client.
13:15 aabbee i've been working on understanding angular6. i wouldn't call it simple.
13:16 Dyrcona I did a plunk to figure out how to use $q.defer() and tried that but it didn't work in the context of Evergreen. Looking at the other uses of defer in the current browser client leaves me scratching my head.

Results for 2018-10-19

08:54 lsach joined #evergreen
09:12 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:13 yboston joined #evergreen
09:13 csharp berick: finally getting around to testing your branch for bug 1793802 - I'll let you know how it goes
09:13 pinesol Launchpad bug 1793802 in Evergreen "Wishlist: Age billing/payment data with circs" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1793802 - Assigned to Bill Erickson (berick)
09:13 yboston joined #evergreen
09:15 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:40 collum joined #evergreen
09:40 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:47 nfburton joined #evergreen
09:55 berick csharp: heads up, it's still a long-running-ish update.
09:56 berick 2-3 hours IIRC
09:56 berick will be testing again soon on a large data set
10:02 csharp 2-3 hours is fine compared to the 10 I was seeing without removing/aging any data
10:06 kipd left #evergreen
10:07 kipd joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-10-18

11:38 JBoyer Worse is a poor choice of word, even for a joke. Harder to get right is 100% spot-on though.
11:39 * Dyrcona pages C. G. Jung, and if he's not around, Gordon Sumner.... :)
11:40 Dyrcona Nah, I think worse is the correct term. :)
11:40 mmorgan I will definitely give that ou setting a test and have a look at lp 1787274
11:40 pinesol Launchpad bug 1787274 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web Client: Transits Don't Always Clear" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787274
11:41 berick mmorgan: if you can confirm the source, it should be fix-able w/ code.  if this is a new issue, webstaff seems like a likely candidate
11:41 berick but you can tell from the circs themselves or the logs

Results for 2018-10-17

09:01 * pinesol grabs some Shamrock Shakes for _bott_
09:03 _bott_ I do like the Shamrock Shake
09:03 * kmlussier has never had a Shamrock Shake. :(
09:04 Dyrcona Ah ha! That test that fails on 3.0.13 but succeded on master last night is broken on 3.0.13. It's looking for the wrong number. I guess I'll fix that.
09:07 Bmagic Wrong number, please hang up and try again. If you feel that you have reached this recording in error......
09:13 Dyrcona tests+-
09:14 JBoyer berick, kmlussier, re: copy notes post-3.1, in addition to skipping the migration script I went as far as putting the field back in the copy editor since we have so many libraries on both sides of the xul/web line. There are a large number of local commits I'm looking forward to throwing away once we upgrade next month...
09:14 cesardv Bmagic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI_wyiY4vyk
09:14 cesardv lol
09:16 Bmagic cesardv: this is the one I was thinking of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37aHq3WDe-w
09:17 cesardv Bmagic: ah yeah, I've heard that variation before...
09:17 Bmagic It's a bygone era
09:29 JBoyer sooo, who has a test install of the latest 3.2? I'm getting failures to load item status with this error: vendor.bundle.js:6 TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of null at item.js 162
09:30 pinesol [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1796971 Wait for call number and copy before loading locations - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=193f06d>
09:30 pinesol [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1796978 Realign working copy refresh with proper condition - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=f64ec2e>
09:30 JBoyer That line is filtering on copy alerts to only display the count of non-ack'd alerts attached to the item and it's failing for copies with and without alerts.
14:09 pinesol Launchpad bug 1795906 in Evergreen "Bring parity to the estimated queue position in OPAC and Record -> View Holds UIs" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1795906
14:51 abowling joined #evergreen
14:53 Dyrcona jeffdavis: Just run master. It isn't as scary as it sounds. :)
14:53 jeffdavis heh
14:56 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
15:01 jeffdavis Dyrcona: the amount of testing we do before an upgrade means we usually only do one big upgrade per year - usually shortly after a major version release, at which point there's not much difference from master. Then we backport fixes as required.
15:02 Dyrcona jeffdavis: Perfect candidate for running master in that case.
15:02 jeffdavis This year with the switch to the web client we have more backports than usual. We did a minor upgrade from 3.1.0 to 3.1.4 and will probably do another minor release upgrade next month.
15:02 Dyrcona We just upgraded from 3.0.8 to 3.0.12 and I installed the patches for 3.0.13 last night.

Results for 2018-10-16

15:14 JBoyer berick++
15:14 JBoyer berick++
15:15 JBoyer I've been looking at things on and off; very glad you had time to knock it out.
15:18 JBoyer I'll test that branch out, but something that occured to me when I was looking earlier is that applyControlFunctions will always only look at the default columns since it's called before the columns are loaded.
15:19 JBoyer Not really knowing where those are used I'm not sure how to even verify that at the moment.
15:20 berick JBoyer: that should be OK
15:20 berick that's most setup for future actions
15:20 berick *mostly
15:21 JBoyer Sounds good then. I didn't figure it would affect this, but wondered if it would matter later.
15:30 khuckins joined #evergreen
16:15 JBoyer bug 1798170 is tested, signed, etc. and all around happier with the order of operations.
16:15 pinesol Launchpad bug 1798170 in Evergreen "Custom grid columns fail to display on initial load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1798170
16:31 * kmlussier shakes her head at JBoyer's Carly Rae Jepsen impersonation on bug 1798170.
16:31 pinesol Launchpad bug 1798170 in Evergreen "Custom grid columns fail to display on initial load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1798170
17:03 Bmagic yeah, I am starting to learn that
17:03 Bmagic It seems possible that xul users could make the old style alert though
17:03 Bmagic will the web client respect the old alert?
17:04 jeff and it isn't sufficient to just hold off on using the feature in new ways. the upgrade script migrated legacy copy alerts in a way that made them at least no longer visible / editable by the xul client, even if they continued to fire.
17:05 jeff i do not think we've yet tested if the code supports the legacy copy alert message in the web client, or if we need to revert/change some things there until we're off xul.
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:05 jeff it was a late discovery in pre-upgrade planning process for us when we jumped from 2.10 to 3.1.
17:06 Dyrcona The test server isn't testing, or is it just not posting to the channel?
17:06 berick jeff: are you just using the browser client for all copy-alert related stuff?
17:07 jeff berick: no, we skipped the migration of copy alerts in the relevant upgrade script, so our legacy alerts remain in-table.
17:07 stephengwills left #evergreen
17:22 jeff I have a local todo to look into it. I have a suspicion that it might be messy. The web client probably sees the alerts at checkin/checkout but probably can't successfully modify them, at least not in a way that doesn't lead to alert message bifurcation. :-)
17:31 cesardv joined #evergreen
17:43 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
17:57 bshum Dyrcona: I'm pretty sure the test server isn't posting to channel because phasefx has to rebuild it out of Wheezy and into Stretch or some other supported distro
17:57 bshum So yeah, no telling how long it's been since the last successful test run :\
17:58 bshum I haven't run one in awhile myself.
18:00 khuckins joined #evergreen
18:36 nfburton joined #evergreen
18:47 Dyrcona bshum: I'm just curious if it is having failures. On rel_3_0, I'm getting live_t/20-hold-targeter.t failing, on master on Ubuntu 18, live_t/09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t fails for me.
18:48 Dyrcona tests+-
19:15 Dyrcona OK. Tests are working for me on master after reloading concerto.
21:51 Bmagic What does it mean when OpenSRF::Transport /usr/local/share/perl/5.22​.1/OpenSRF/Transport.pm:83 Session Error: router@private.localhost/open-ils.serial IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!! ? Ejabberd is messed up? Which config should I tweak do you think?
22:14 beanjammin joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-10-15

09:44 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:45 bshum csharp: hellopoom: If you're having nginx problems with the legacy embedded admin pages in the web client, it might be this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/opensrf/+bug/1684970
09:45 pinesol Launchpad bug 1684970 in OpenSRF "Proxy setup masks client IP needed by osrf-http-translator" [Medium,Confirmed]
09:46 bshum Something to do with libapache2-mod-rpaf, but also there's IP stuff in there
09:46 bshum I'm not all caught up on that bug's outcome
09:47 bshum berick / gmcharlt might need to revisit it before next OpenSRF beta
09:49 bshum Looks like we're changing direction in that bug and need to test out mod_remoteip stuff
09:50 hellopoom Thank you, I'll try this solution
09:54 csharp that's right - I wasn't remembering the details
09:54 csharp bshum++

Results for 2018-10-11

09:02 Dyrcona Was the 3.2.0 release announced?
09:03 stephengwills joined #evergreen
09:03 Dyrcona Indeed, it was.
09:05 * Dyrcona waits on lost a/t to finish on test server...
09:05 remingtron joined #evergreen
09:09 sallyf joined #evergreen
09:11 Dyrcona Yeahp. It's definitely the parallel settings for open-ils.trigger causing the lost print notices not group properly. The question is now why does this one a/t have the problem and our others don't?
10:33 csharp there was a bug sometime in the last 1.5 years where the group field could be null but the perl assumed it wasn't and would choke, but that's not what your issue sounds like
10:34 csharp and that should be fixed upstream (not just in PINES)
10:45 Dyrcona Right, and that's not my problem. There's something about our lost-print trigger that doesn't like being run parallel.
10:46 Dyrcona I'm waiting on another test run to finish...
11:05 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
11:09 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:20 khuckins joined #evergreen
11:35 Bmagic windows_file_explorer++
11:35 Bmagic windows_task_manager++
11:36 * mmorgan wonders what's so great about file explorer and task manager
11:36 aabbee "windows 10 october 2018 update no longer deletes your data" https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/1​0/microsoft-fixes-october-update-file-​deleting-bug-resumes-insider-testing/, so they got that going for them, which is nice.
11:39 kmlussier @karma microsoft
11:39 pinesol kmlussier: Karma for "microsoft" has been increased 0 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of -1.
11:39 kmlussier microsoft--
11:52 Bmagic Right now, I am favoring fedora with KDE (if someone made me switch today)
11:53 bshum berick: Oooo pretty :D
11:53 * Dyrcona used to work on KDE and wouldn't recommend it. They broke everything in KDE 4 and decided to release it half-finished.
11:53 Bmagic I've heard that too but in testing, everything seems to work for me
11:53 Dyrcona Well, they've had time to finish more stuff since then. :)
11:54 Bmagic Starcraft 2 doesn't work so well in wine on my GPU on Gnome or KDE... so there's that
11:54 Dyrcona I left about the time 2.0 was done because my daughter was born and no more time.
12:32 mmorgan s/bit/but
12:36 Dyrcona mmorgan: Thanks. All of our print notices are sort on usr.
12:37 Dyrcona Our lost print notice has an extra loop to sort by target_copy.call_number.owning_lib, and before I started running these in parallel it worked.
12:38 Dyrcona The other od print notices work, so I assume the failure is related to this second sort, but I'm still waiting on test results.
12:56 * Dyrcona thinks we're going back to the old settings...
13:22 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:58 jeff Just a few short days after the LoC MARC site outage, and I'm getting bibs from OCLC with no 245.

Results for 2018-10-10

13:26 JBoyer That database seems... sickly.
13:27 jeff looks like the upgrade script may have relied upon assertions that do not hold true with our database.
13:29 JBoyer I do remember undertaking a "Great Realignment" here at some point years ago. Without that I suspect we'd be in the same boat.
13:30 JBoyer (though I did just go check our 3.2 test db just to be sure we're not actually knee deep in said boat.)
13:42 jeff during your "Great Realignment", did you dig into how you had diverged?
13:43 jeff And, did you encounter any serious gotchas?
13:49 JBoyer I suspect that one or more new fields were added manually without necessarily using the same ids as the upgrade scripts (or worse, the upgrade scripts disagree(d) with the seed data) but it was long enough ago and I was fresh enough at the job that I didn't go very far down that road.
15:11 kmlussier #action gmcharlt will open and work on bugs for documentation changes for better ejabberd configuration during installation of OpenSRF
15:12 kmlussier #info berick has reviewed miker's ejabberd changes for bug 1703411
15:12 pinesol Launchpad bug 1703411 in OpenSRF "OpenSRF: XMPP Non-SASL auth is being phased out" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1703411
15:12 kmlussier #info gmcharlt and Dyrcona to tested the ang6 branch
15:12 kmlussier Is there anything else to say about the action items from the previous meeting?
15:13 kmlussier #topic OpenSRF 3.1 beta release
15:13 Topic for #evergreen is now OpenSRF 3.1 beta release (Meeting topic: 2018-10-10 Evergreen developers meeting)
15:13 kmlussier gmcharlt?
15:13 Dyrcona I think that bug 1703411 should actually be bug 1793356.
15:13 pinesol Launchpad bug 1703411 in OpenSRF "OpenSRF: XMPP Non-SASL auth is being phased out" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1703411
15:13 pinesol Launchpad bug 1793356 in OpenSRF "Ejabberd strips custom XML attributes" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1793356
15:16 kmlussier gmcharlt: Are there any OpenSRF bugs that need to be reviewed to help with the release?
15:18 gmcharlt for the beta, as many eyes as possible on the websocketd patch woudl be great
15:18 JBoyer I'm hoping to throw some tuits in that direction soon.
15:18 * berick is running it on a large test cluster as of 2 weeks ago
15:19 JBoyer berick++
15:19 kmlussier #help websocketd patch needs review from as many people as possible.
15:19 Dyrcona I'm running websocketd in production with OpenSRF 3.0.1 if that means anything.

Results for 2018-10-08

16:07 stephengwills thanks
16:13 Dyrcona Well, I'm out of here, folks. Catch you all tomorrow!
16:50 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:48 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: re-adding missing anchor to install instructions - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=65e6050>
17:48 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: adding action/triggers to staff client admin docs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2aa51b4>
17:48 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: adding info about testing action triggers - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=10c7e63>
19:51 beanjammin joined #evergreen
21:34 RBecker joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-10-04

15:07 alynn26 Its a JSON File. There is one issue with the pocket label, we print the Circulating library on the pocket. In the templates they left out the short code for circulating library but had the ID.  In the JSON, I use the ID, and have it print the approiate Short code for the Library.
15:07 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:09 sandbergja alynn26++ #can't wait to try these out!
15:15 alynn26 I have a quick question about Vandelay.  My staff have been trying to export the Item Import list as a CSV, and it is not working.  I have them a work around, but would rather see this fixed. I tested it on Nobles test server and you can not export it there either.
15:21 alynn26 sandbergja, here are the instructions I gave our staff on printing labels.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zV​o5B01n4SfR8FIuBE1cxDxhkruNDcxu?usp=sharing
15:32 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
15:33 alynn26 joined #evergreen
15:35 aabbee joined #evergreen
17:37 jeffdavis I filed bug 1794884 about non-OPAC-visible holdings in Z39.50 output but it looks like a similar issue exists with, e.g, /opac/extras/supercat/retri​eve/marcxml-full/record/$id
17:37 pinesol Launchpad bug 1794884 in Evergreen "SRU/Z39.50 results can include non-OPAC-visible holdings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1794884
18:00 berick joined #evergreen
18:08 jeffdavis looking at the no-longer-used _cp_is_visible() function in Application/SuperCat.pm, seems like only opac-visible items should be included
18:09 jeffdavis which I think means the new_record_holdings() function in Application/SuperCat.pm ought to be updated to test for opac visibility
18:10 * jeffdavis files a bug report
18:35 jeffdavis for the logs: bug 1796201
18:35 pinesol Launchpad bug 1796201 in Evergreen "SuperCat output can include non-OPAC-visible holdings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796201
18:47 jaswinder joined #evergreen
20:04 badzerglingyQ joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-10-03

16:38 kmlussier BAMkubasa: I think it needs to be 0.
16:38 BAMkubasa bshum 2.12.7 in this instance
16:38 Bmagic 0=consortium 1=system (usually)
16:38 BAMkubasa Bmagic, no, not in our testing of a separate account with the same privileges
16:39 BAMkubasa alright, first test then will be to set those privileges at the consortium level and try again
16:41 * kmlussier isn't certain now that she hears another account with the same privileges has no trouble. But it doesn't hurt.
16:41 kmlussier More than eight years working on Evergreen, and I still don't understand how it works.
16:44 bshum Silly nitpick, but BAMkubasa, you said VIEW_CIRC_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT instead of VIEW_HOLD_MATRIX_MATCHPOINT

Results for 2018-10-01

10:17 ValenFn joined #evergreen
10:22 Dyrcona JBoyer | csharp | mmorgan: We have customized filters but not for the hold_request.shelf_expires_soon hook. I assume we don't need any?
10:24 JBoyer Doesn't seem like you should, no. I suppose you could simplify it a bit or remove it altogether to see if that at least allows the definition to catch and react a few events.
10:25 Dyrcona I am considering just doing --process-hooks for just that hook. I tried on a test database, but it had no holds meeting the conditions. The data is too old.
10:25 Dyrcona I'll see if I can find the collection query in the logs, first.
10:34 Guest46016 joined #evergreen
10:35 kmlussier joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-26

12:00 trotski20008 joined #evergreen
12:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:11 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: Adding release notes for 3.0.12 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2e32e9b>
12:13 * berick re-tests 3.1 sql upgrade after migrating ~2/3 of money.billing to money.aged_billing
12:13 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: Adding 3.1.6 release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9c5ab62>
12:13 miker kmlussier: do you have a moment to consider my last comment on bug 1746536?
12:13 pinesol Launchpad bug 1746536 in Evergreen "web client: cannot edit vol/call number in item status" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1746536
15:49 spreeuw6 joined #evergreen
15:50 kd2kiq joined #evergreen
16:02 CLDZ0 joined #evergreen
16:04 berick csharp: my 3.1 billing updates went from 12 hours to 5 hours afer deploying my aged billing code locally.  still lots of testing to do, but things are looking better.
16:05 mmorgan berick++
16:10 fernie16 joined #evergreen
16:14 sybix_ joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-25

13:20 * mmorgan is trying to figure out the context for the ou setting circ.max_accept_return_of_lost. Is it the copy.circ_lib, circulation.circ_lib, or checkin lib?
13:30 user-19 joined #evergreen
13:32 Dyrcona mmorgan: I don't think it's actually used anywhere. At least, a quick grep didn't turn anything up.
13:32 * mmorgan tried the quick grep, too.
13:33 mmorgan I know through testing it works when set at the consortium level.
13:35 dbwells mmorgan: I am fairly sure it is the copy circ_lib
13:36 Dyrcona mmorgan: It's used in Circ/Circulate.pm line 3703
13:37 Dyrcona Looks like dbwells is correct.

Results for 2018-09-24

14:46 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1789442: restore column allocation for barcode input - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=110624b>
14:46 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1789442: turn of Perl taint-checking on 14-OpenILS-Utils.t - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=6c0e0d5>
14:48 Dyrcona remingtron++
14:49 dbwells berick, gmcharlt, et al: I noticed now the extra chatter on the checkout display problems on bug #1552778.  I had also noticed this bug and am trying to track it down, but I also stand ready to test any proposed fixes should others also be looking at it right now.
14:49 pinesol Launchpad bug 1552778 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web client check-out "specific due date" should also include times" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1552778
14:50 gmcharlt dbwells: I will look at that one in a bit, but not for another hour or so due to other calls on my tuits
14:52 dbwells gmcharlt: Okay, thanks for the update.  I'll keep poking, but I don't have a good view of the big picture yet, so we'll see if I get anywhere useful.
16:29 berick fix pushed for bug 1794176
16:29 pinesol Launchpad bug 1794176 in Evergreen "Webstaff: Lines added to checkout grid blank on checkout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1794176
16:30 berick hm, looks like tooltips were backported too, so this fix will need backporting as well
16:31 dbwells testing now...
16:32 dbwells berick++
16:38 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:42 kmlussier @blame tooltips
16:42 pinesol kmlussier: I come to bury tooltips, not to praise them.

Results for 2018-09-21

10:46 Dyrcona Lp 1514085
10:46 pinesol Launchpad bug 1514085 in Evergreen "Feature Request: Make Vandelay Asynchronous/Stateless" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1514085
10:46 beanjammin joined #evergreen
10:47 csharp no, I know I didn't
10:47 csharp not on production - we were testing it and I'm not sure where Tiffany left off
10:47 Dyrcona Must be something else, then. Carry on. :)
10:47 csharp thanks for thinking of it
10:48 Dyrcona Might be worth trying with that branch on a test system, though. There's a chance it might resolve your issue.
10:50 cesardv JBoyer: hey! Sorry I was in the zone... what's up?
10:51 JBoyer No problem, I was just curious why bug 1691263 added select-on-focus, since some of our catalogers are unhappy about it.
10:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 1691263 in Evergreen 3.0 "webclient wishlist: wrap long fields in MARC editor" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1691263
15:33 pinesol Launchpad bug 1552778 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web client check-in "effective date" and check-out "specific due date" should also include times" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1552778
15:33 pinesol Launchpad bug 1789442 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web client: When editing an hourly due date the time is automatically changed to 12:00 am" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1789442
15:34 Dyrcona gmcharlt expects us to work.... :)
15:34 * Dyrcona is testing bshum's branch for Ubuntu 18 support in Evergreen, and it is going well so far.
15:35 gmcharlt of particular note: that branch establishes a clean_ISO8601 in Evergreen, copied and fixed from cleanse_ISO8601 in OpenSRF; other time-manipulation functions are brought over as well, particularly interval_to_seconds() and seconds_to_interval()
15:35 gmcharlt so... not only do I want you all to work... I want you to work hard! ;)
15:35 Dyrcona :)
15:35 bshum Speaking of Ubuntu 18, should we wait till the .1 to put that through?  It wouldn't be the first time we ported distro support in a future release if we wanted to give more time to test things around
15:36 bshum Though we've also just pushed stuff like that before, and called it "initial support" :D
15:36 bshum With more to come later
15:36 gmcharlt bshum: works for me if it works for y'all; distro support need not be strictly tied to Evergreen .0 releases
15:36 Dyrcona Well, it's not much use without OpenSRF released also. The -RC is Monday, and that's really up to berick.
15:36 bshum That's true, OpenSRF is important
15:36 gmcharlt and on my plate for next week now that the webstafblockers (I think) all have patches at this point
15:36 Dyrcona Anyway, time to run the tests and then kick the tires on the web staff client.
15:37 bshum gmcharlt: That's cool, definitely doesn't hurt to test stuff more thoroughly all around, especially since we're going back to CPAN for some of the dependencies again.  And new perl, etc.
15:38 Dyrcona Tests are failing, but I kind of expected that. :(
15:38 bshum Bah humbug :)
15:38 kmlussier gmcharlt: If nobody else gets to it, I'll try to take a look at webstaffblocker patches over the next couple of days.
15:38 gmcharlt kmlussier++
15:40 bshum Dyrcona: Err, not for a few days :(
15:40 bshum Well not since last week
15:40 bshum When we were doing the bug week
15:41 Dyrcona Well, it might be a problem with newer Perl versions and something odd that we're doing: Failed test 'use OpenILS::Application::Circ::HoldNotify;'
15:42 Dyrcona Yeahp, that's what it looks like: Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\${ <-- HERE EMAIL_SENDER}/ at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/OpenI​LS/Application/Circ/HoldNotify.pm line 358.
15:42 Dyrcona I think that used to just raise a warning.
15:45 Dyrcona Yeahp, in perl 5.22 it says that construction is deprecated, not illegal.
15:50 spont4e4 joined #evergreen
15:57 berick can we delete HoldNotify yet?
15:58 Dyrcona No idea, but the fix isn't too hard. However, I get some nice warnings including a vulnerability from CGI.pm.
16:00 bshum Dyrcona: fwiw, all live tests pass clean for current master as of this writing on my new ubuntu 16.04 box.  So guess it's a unique issue to 18.04's new perl.
16:01 Dyrcona It's something that was deprecated and then became illegal, i.e. it throws a warning on ubuntu 16.04. bshum: Did you also run make check or just make live-check?
16:02 bshum Dyrcona: I just ran livecheck first
16:02 bshum I can go back and do the other
16:02 bshum make check passes, though I do see all those deprecation warnings you speak of
16:03 Dyrcona live tests are also blowing up, but I'm about to call it a day.
16:08 Dyrcona We're definitely not ready for Ubuntu 18.04 and Perl 5.26.1.
16:20 kmlussier joined #evergreen
16:49 pinesol [evergreen|Dan Wells] LP#1791340 Webstaff: Don't backdate when we're not - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c09dd9a>

Results for 2018-09-20

10:26 berick bshum: oh, going for PG 10.. bold
10:26 bshum berick: But hey, on the plus side, npm ran happily enough
10:27 berick ;)
10:27 bshum berick: PG10 is the default for Ubuntu 18
10:27 bshum We could add the PG apt repo and only install up to 9.6 I guess
10:27 bshum To match what we're doing with Stretch
10:27 * bshum will consider that as an option to get a working system proceeding so that we can test the rest of it
10:28 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Boyer] LP1792371: Fix De-select Whole Page Action - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5f4b487>
10:29 bshum Oh for randomness, now that eg_startup is in apache_24 folder, we need to add it to the .gitignore too
10:30 berick bshum: well, pg10 prep is certainly appreciated.  if that's a pre-req for adopting the 18.04 install target, though, it will push it back.
10:42 bshum Where they tell you that 9.6 is obsolete, and you should install 10 instead
10:43 bshum Must be a package thing with the repo
10:43 berick that was fast
10:43 * bshum clicks OK and proceeds anyways
10:43 bshum :D
10:44 bshum Well their site says it's still supported through 2021
10:45 bshum I don't know why this warning popped up
10:45 * bshum will test that further the next installs
10:47 bshum And concerto DB created with PG 9.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.  Moment of truth, firing up open-ils services...
10:48 bshum And search works in tpac
10:49 bshum Whee
10:49 bshum Now to setup my websockets and see if the web client can open... lol
10:49 berick woohoo
10:49 bshum berick++
10:50 JBoyer bshum++ # What does this button do...
10:52 Dyrcona bshum++
10:52 * Dyrcona is still working on getting OpenSRF to work with a clean Ubuntu 18 vm.
10:54 bshum Staff client logs in for me too.
10:54 bshum I'll test more of the parts later on
10:54 bshum And get all the changes I recommend for OpenSRF and Evergreen into some branches for further testing
10:56 bshum Unrelated, there are "ads" in my Ubuntu 18 terminal screen
10:56 bshum "here's how to make a kiosk, look at this tutorial URL"
10:56 bshum "here's entertainment tips to use with Ubuntu"
10:56 Dyrcona Yes, I've seen those.
10:56 bshum That's just weird
10:56 Dyrcona No, just stupid.
15:35 Dyrcona Lp 1793356
15:35 pinesol Launchpad bug 1793356 in OpenSRF "Ejabberd strips custom XML attributes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1793356
15:35 Dyrcona 1 "5" not 2.
15:38 berick Dyrcona: ah, thanks for checking that.  test likely needs a poke
15:39 Dyrcona Yeah, I suspect it is looking for things in attributes.
15:40 Dyrcona Yeah, looks like the sample message needs updating on line 114.
15:43 Dyrcona And, looks like line 202 is also blowing up.
15:46 computertechie9 joined #evergreen
15:47 Dyrcona berick: Would you like me to update the bug with the test failure details?
15:53 berick Dyrcona: oh, yeah, or just a comment that it's happening so it's not lost
15:53 Dyrcona Will doo.
15:53 Dyrcona do.

Results for 2018-09-19

10:33 berick do it
10:35 * Dyrcona imagines berick in a pec flex saying "Do it!" a la Shia Laboeuf. :)
10:36 csharp we're running it on XFS
10:42 Dyrcona XFS is cool. I used it on a test db server.
10:43 Dyrcona The setup time for ZFS is amazing, though. Just run two commands and you're done. No waiting around for a format, etc.
10:44 Dyrcona Well, you can do it in one, but I wanted a mirrored pool. :)
10:54 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
21:01 gsams_ joined #evergreen
22:00 bshum berick++ # clean Ubuntu 18.04 has working opensrf.math for me now! RE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/opensrf/+bug/1793356
22:00 pinesol Launchpad bug 1793356 in OpenSRF "Ejabberd strips custom XML attributes" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
22:01 bshum Testing the next rounds with Evergreen will require further tweaking and building new Makefile for it.  I'll poke at that further and report back when I can.
23:30 yar joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-18

10:49 bdljohn joined #evergreen
11:15 berick note to self, running 'prove' on a pgtap file produces confusing results.
11:16 Dyrcona heh.
11:34 berick would be great to get bug 1787274 merged before the RC - review/test volunteers needed
11:34 pinesol Launchpad bug 1787274 in Evergreen "Web Client: Transits Don't Always Clear" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787274
11:37 miker berick: I have a few to toss in that boat, too. once I'm at a computer I'll list them here of that might be helpful
11:38 berick miker: great
11:38 * berick adds a test note to the LP
11:39 kmlussier berick: I'm about to load some patches on a VM. I can add that one to the pile.
11:39 berick kmlussier++
11:39 berick kmlussier: well, maybe wait for miker's input -- not sure what he's got in mind
13:28 BAMkubasa hello good people. can anyone tell me in which of the data tables I can find details about secondary permission group(s) that a user is in? actor.usr has profile for the primary permission group, but I'm trying to find out other instances where staff have multiple permission groups
13:29 jeff BAMkubasa: I believe that would be in permission.usr_grp_map
13:29 jeff yep, just double checked my memory. you'll find a mapping in that table of usr (actor.usr.id) to grp (permission.grp_tree.id)
13:34 BAMkubasa ok, gotcha Jeff. that worked with my test case. Thanks!
13:34 jeff BAMkubasa: you're welcome!
13:36 pihlstro7 joined #evergreen
13:36 pihlstro7 was kicked by jeff: spam
14:25 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:25 kmlussier Nope. Looks like I added eg.circ.checkin.do_inventory_update. Sigh...
14:27 kmlussier Actually, eg.circ.checkin.do_inventory_update is the correct setting that's tied to that checkin modifier. I don't know what that other one is.
14:30 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: LP1793184 adding to the 3.2 release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=cbdc776>
14:44 TheLugal18 joined #evergreen
14:45 TheLugal18 was kicked by jeff: spam
14:46 beanjammin joined #evergreen
14:50 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1787274 Prevent multiple active copy checkins - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a03994f>
14:50 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1787274 Active copy transit unique constraint - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=87bc5e5>
14:50 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1787274 One active transit pgtap tests - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2b72119>
14:50 kmlussier Gah! Forgot about the upgrade script.
14:51 kmlussier Calling 1133
14:56 pinesol [evergreen|Kathy Lussier] LP#1787274: Stamping upgrade script for no dupe transits - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=af72b32>

Results for 2018-09-14

13:15 pinesol [evergreen|Chris Sharp] LP#1745610 - Deprecate original hold_targeter.pl - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1873334>
13:15 pinesol [evergreen|Chris Sharp] LP#1745610 - Update Makefile.am to reflect filename changes. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4839720>
13:15 pinesol [evergreen|Chris Sharp] LP#1745610 - Add release notes for hold targeter script change. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=56aa144>
13:26 Dyrcona cesardv: Are you done with Lp 1684202? I ask because we're testing it and I noticed that you're still assigned to the bug.
13:26 pinesol Launchpad bug 1684202 in Evergreen "webclient: no automatic refresh after adding or editing copies & volumes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684202 - Assigned to Cesar V (cesardv)
13:28 collum joined #evergreen
13:28 rlefaive joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-13

10:07 * csharp is looking at bug 1773434
10:07 pinesol Launchpad bug 1773434 in Evergreen "Item Status - missing option to "Show in Catalogue"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773434
10:08 jwoodard joined #evergreen
10:08 csharp looks like we have working code there with a semi-signoff from kmlussier, but it ends with a question about menus
10:09 csharp wondering if we shouldn't accept the fix as-is and let kmlussier open a new bug if she thinks it makes sense to change it - thoughts?
10:09 * csharp was about to test and sign off
10:10 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1786534: ensure that changes don't regress - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4894212>
10:11 gmcharlt csharp: yeah, I think it makes sense to either leave that for a follow-up bug or just do a quick follow-up patch
10:12 gmcharlt either way, so long as it doesn't block /something/ getting in for 3.2
11:02 Dyrcona The CStoreEditor generates search_ delete_ create_ and update_ functions for the objects from the IDL. It uses the oils_obj:fieldmapper attribute with the :: converted to an underscore.
11:03 Dyrcona It also requires a transaction for delete, create, and update.
11:03 Dyrcona If you have any specific questions, please ask.
11:05 csharp jeffdavis: FYI, PINES staff are about to test bug 1715767 - hopefully we'll see a signoff so it can make it to 3.2
11:05 pinesol Launchpad bug 1715767 in Evergreen "Allow others to use my account (privacy waiver)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1715767
11:06 csharp (unless it's too late for getting that done)
11:07 berick csharp: too late on that one for 3.2, but a sign-off now so we can merge as soon as rel_3_2 is branched would be great.
12:38 plux left #evergreen
12:38 plux joined #evergreen
12:39 JBoyer git --amend --notary
12:44 plux working on an upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.2 beta on a test box - hit issues with the reingest at 1103.data.virtual_index_defs.sql - tried running with just one valid biblio.record_entry id and it just hangs - ditto for other records
12:45 plux anyone else seeing issues with that?
12:46 beanjammin joined #evergreen
12:47 JBoyer plux, is postgresql completely crashing on you? depending on your database you might be running into bug 1764542
12:47 pinesol Launchpad bug 1764542 in Evergreen "Incorrect format on config.metabib_field insert results in segmentation fault" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764542
13:15 csharp hmm - that's interesting :-/ :https://pastebin.com/nrrRPgrX
13:16 yboston joined #evergreen
13:16 berick would have been more interesting had it returned a result ;)
13:32 csharp trying to ferret out an issue where I register a workstation, log in with it, then am brought back to workstation (though it sees the one I registered) and when I click "Use Now" it goes back to the login page with "egAuth found no valid authtoken" in an endless loop
13:33 csharp this is on FF and Chrome and cache/cookie clears have all happened
13:34 csharp I've applied several patches at the behest of my colleagues for testing bugs, so I don't know what broke it :-/
13:36 Dyrcona charp: Have you tried doing the npm, make, and make install steps again?
13:36 Dyrcona csharp, that is.
13:36 csharp no, I haven't

Results for 2018-09-12

11:28 berick bshum++
11:29 bshum berick++ Dyrcona++ jeffdavis++ # trailblazers
11:29 berick then i can merge the ansible branch
11:30 pinesol [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1777180 Websocketd gateway and test scripts - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=21c9c76>
11:30 pinesol [opensrf|Jason Stephenson] LP#1777180 Update README for websocketd - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=d1c33b4>
11:31 csharp okay for bug 1735816, after applying the patch, we're not seeing already-entered copy notes when we click copy notes - I can confirm they are created in the DB
11:31 pinesol Launchpad bug 1735816 in Evergreen "Cannot Delete Existing Copy Notes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1735816
11:31 csharp gathering console output now
11:35 JBoyer :/ Have you done all of the clear cache/hard reload voodoo that Chrome wants you too doo?
11:37 csharp yeppers
11:38 blongwell joined #evergreen
11:40 bshum sandbergja++ # your testing notes are great!
11:42 sandbergja Thanks!
11:43 JBoyer Well that's fabulous, it looks like that patch has fallen off of production here... and all of our other machines. woo.
11:43 JBoyer One moment.
13:14 beanjammin joined #evergreen
13:18 pinesol [opensrf|Ben Shum] LP#1777180: Add zip/unzip to prerequisites - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=da7e927>
13:21 dkyle1 joined #evergreen
13:25 bshum phasefx: FYI, I'm thinking to rebase the branches to eliminate wheezy install targets
13:25 bshum And push those through, since Wheezy is definitely EOL
13:25 bshum I know you're in the process of building a new live test server, but I just wanted to give you a head's up before I go ahead
13:26 miker bshum: IMO, that's kinda a version-y thing... we know that up to 3.1 works on wheezy, so I'd say remove it for master only. thoughts?
13:26 bshum miker: Yes I was only going to push that change for master only
13:26 bshum (for 3.2)
13:49 miker I'm glad we don't support IE ... think of all the phantom click sounds!
13:49 berick that means it's working!
13:50 berick well, not functioning, of course, but putting forth effort
13:54 jihpringle aabbee: that fix is on my list to test in a sandbox later today
13:55 aabbee jihpringle: great news, thank you! i hope it just misplaced the line when it was merged and is an easy fix. looking forward to knowing either way.
14:18 pinesol [opensrf|Jason Stephenson] Lp#1718459: Remove Debian 7 Wheezy installation support. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=265aa9f>
14:20 rlefaive joined #evergreen
15:47 berick jeff: only for the install -g @angular/cli bit
15:47 berick i wonder if we can get rid of that, though
15:48 JBoyer I thought all of the stuff that needed to be done by root was in <blah>-developer?
15:48 bshum berick: Hmm, that directory doesn't exist on my test system anymore, but the folders leading up to it seem to be owned by me
15:48 JBoyer my entire build (after prereqs) is run by opensrf until install time.
15:49 berick JBoyer: it is...
15:49 bshum Would it matter that I'm using myself benjamin, rather than opensrf to run the step though?  Since the user is opensrf for the Evergreen repo
15:53 JBoyer +- oops.
15:53 berick https://gist.github.com/berick/6​a5f9f111de78f23dbfd8f17227fa534 -- for example ;)
15:53 jeff berick: ah, yeah. looks like installing @angular/cli locally is possible, but weird.
15:54 berick anyway, the 2 "becomes" are what I'm trying to remove
15:54 * berick doesn't have a clean vm handy at the moment to test
15:54 bshum I can test that out on my busted VM with the error :)
15:55 bshum But I'll retest it on a clean VM afterwards
15:55 berick bshum: cool, may have to do some chown'ing first
15:55 bshum I was just going to blow away the directories and start over too, but yeah I getcha
15:55 berick the ultimate chown
16:44 bshum I think for majority users, we'd want that option to exist and be turned on
16:44 bshum Or at least, I would :D
16:45 berick yeah, +1 to that.  it is an OS-specific installer and this just makes that whole thing easier
16:49 bshum berick: I'll put all those thoughts into a branch and test everyone on fresh VMs tomorrow
16:50 bshum Thanks!
16:50 bshum Signing off for now, have a nice day y'all
16:50 Bmagic lata
16:51 berick later bshum
16:51 berick and thanks again

Results for 2018-09-11

10:49 csharp it's not happening to me on Linux (Chrome or FF)
10:49 csharp yeah, we cleared cookies, then tried again
10:49 stephengwills left #evergreen
10:49 Dyrcona OK. I asked not because I have answers, but I didn't see that behavior when I tested it recently. I also used FF and Chromium on Linux.
10:50 Dyrcona I did log in with eg2/staff, first.
10:50 jeff csharp: What version of Chrome on each? By any chance, has one recently upgraded to Chrome 69 and the other is still on an earlier version?
10:50 csharp https://pastebin.com/xaHugXr2 - dev tools console output
13:15 pinesol [evergreen|Dan Scott] LP#1774886 Distinguish Phys Char Wizard with an edit icon - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1d38620>
13:21 beanjammin joined #evergreen
13:32 Dyrcona JBoyer: Would you mind sharing the SQL you used to cancel all of your duplicate transits? I am inclined to go with your solution to that problem.
13:33 JBoyer I'll see if I still have it around. It took a few rounds to make sure I wasn't getting rid of things we need. (and I can't exactly test a recreation since it's stopped...)
13:34 Dyrcona I can probably figure something out, but thought that if you did the work already, I could save myself some time. :)
13:41 berick in case it hasn't been said, +1 to the unique constraint being part of the fix for that bug
13:46 terran joined #evergreen
14:11 yboston joined #evergreen
14:11 csharp maybe something local
14:13 Dyrcona JBoyer: That looks a lot like where my thoughts were heading. You should get all of the duplicates that way.
14:13 bshum Well the copy locations editor worked for me when I opened it on my test VM
14:14 bshum I don't remember how to navigate to funds :)
14:14 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1724083 Webstaff approve pending patron address - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e763bd6>
14:14 bshum The only way I found forward was through the eg2 version of it
14:14 bshum But let's say that I'm rusty in my Evergreen navigation
15:57 phasefx csharp: jeff: ^  I have multi-host support worked out
15:58 csharp phasefx: there should be some VMs for the purpose (probably long out of date) on mundungus
15:59 csharp I created Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora hosts IIRC, but I didn't have credentials to set up buildslaves
15:59 phasefx csharp: main things are 1) vm's need to be refreshed from snapshot periodically and 2) they need to accept an outside ssh connection (key-based)
15:59 bdljohn1 joined #evergreen
16:00 phasefx (optionally from a known IP if you want to tighten it further)
16:00 bdljohn joined #evergreen
16:02 bdljohn1 joined #evergreen
16:05 phasefx branched from collab/phasefx/wheezy_installer, we have http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/random.git​;a=tree;h=refs/heads/collab/phasefx/eg_live_tests   There's a public key in there for live@testing.evergreen-ils.org, and a config file in qa/test_runner.xml for managing remote hosts
16:06 bdljohn joined #evergreen
16:10 csharp which OSes need to be testing?  I have Ubuntu 14.04 & 16.04 and Debian jessie hosts running
16:10 csharp I can add others
16:10 bdljohn1 joined #evergreen
16:11 phasefx csharp: I think the more the merrier, but I'll likely be getting a Debian Jessie vm to replace the wheezy one we've been using
16:14 phasefx the script will fork a process for each server being tested
16:14 Dyrcona phasefx: I'd go for stretch so that you get a longer support lifetime.
16:15 phasefx Dyrcona: sounds sane to me
16:16 * phasefx needs to put together a multi-host dashboard/summary page
16:20 phasefx we could also test branches other than master if desired
16:32 Dyrcona JBoyer: I think we need a more thorough approach to remove "duplicate" transits. I added a query and I was able to create the index, but I still have 1,712 copies with duplicate transits since we upgraded to 3.0 using my first query from https://pastebin.com/AqZeeeh2
16:38 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
16:42 Dyrcona But, I guess all of those transits can't be open....I think the open ones where another has been sent, should probably be canceled.

Results for 2018-09-10

00:08 sandbergja joined #evergreen
01:06 beanjammin joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:42 JBoyer joined #evergreen
06:56 agoben joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
08:19 JBoyer Ouch. That's really bad.  :(
08:21 JBoyer Have you put that server under fairly significant load to be certain it's not hardware at all?
08:21 JBoyer (That's much more appealing than something in the db being so broken that the entire thing dies....)
08:22 csharp yeah, this is a tried and true test server identical to our prod servers
08:22 csharp been using it since 2014 - all appears to be fine hw-wise
08:22 JBoyer Guess it's a good thing I'm planning to do the same here this week. :/
08:23 csharp I think I'll do a single-thread reingest with some RAISE NOTICEs as you suggested
08:24 JBoyer ++
09:34 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:35 terran joined #evergreen
09:49 collum joined #evergreen
09:59 JBoyer Dyrcona, I don't have a lot of great info on the duplicate transits issue, as a test I canceled all of the duplicates and added a unique index on target_copy where the cancel and recv times are null. Haven't heard of any issues since.
10:00 Dyrcona JBoyer: Thanks! That reminds that I need to search the logs for a particular example.
10:03 JBoyer It's clearly still being triggered, as a quick grep of the index name is pulling up 27 attempts this month to insert a dup. :/
10:09 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:11 terran Thanks, that all reinforces my thoughts :)
16:11 rhamby_ csharp: it's a fair cop
16:14 Dyrcona :)
16:17 terran berick++ for first patch signed off for bug squashing week! (and thanks to Garry for testing, but I don't see him in here)
16:32 berick woohoo
16:32 berick Garry++
16:39 phasefx berick: have you tried the eg2/ work on wheezy by chance?
16:41 Dyrcona There is/are Lp bugs with branches to remove wheezy prereqs if anyone wants to dust them off.
16:41 bshum https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1718459
16:41 pinesol Launchpad bug 1718459 in OpenSRF "Remove Installation Targets for Debian Wheezy" [Undecided,New]
16:41 phasefx it'll take me a while to get the live tests moved over to something newer
16:45 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:59 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
17:02 Christineb joined #evergreen

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