Time |
Nick |
Message |
07:03 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
07:29 |
bdljohn left #evergreen |
08:21 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
08:37 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
08:56 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
09:02 |
lsach joined #evergreen |
09:38 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
09:39 |
nfburton joined #evergreen |
09:52 |
Christineb joined #evergreen |
10:31 |
Bmagic |
jeffdavis++ |
10:42 |
beanjammin joined #evergreen |
11:05 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
11:09 |
Guest49 joined #evergreen |
11:11 |
Guest4915 joined #evergreen |
11:14 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
11:16 |
mmorgan |
We're seeing instances of renewal transactions milliseconds apart. I suspect they're from double clicks by patrons and double scans on the staff side. I didn't see a Launchpad bug, and I'm wondering if I'm missing a setting or config somewhere that would build in a cushion to not allow a renewal if it's too soon after the previous one. |
11:17 |
JBoyer |
I know there's some interest in not adding a lot of JS to the OPAC yet but if the first line of the click handler disabled the button/form a lot of duplicate stuff could be avoided. (we've seen multiple holds placed less than a second apart here, for instance.) |
11:18 |
JBoyer |
Too many people just have in their heads you double click everything all the time. |
11:18 |
khuckins_ joined #evergreen |
11:28 |
mmorgan |
JBoyer: Yes, we see double-click issues in other places, too. But there's also the barcode double scan issue, that can act the same way. |
11:28 |
JBoyer |
Ah, yes. |
11:31 |
Dyrcona |
mmorgan: bug 1787274 |
11:31 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1787274 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web Client: Transits Don't Always Clear" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787274 |
11:32 |
Dyrcona |
I know it sounds off topic, but read it. The fix involved changes to prevent duplicate checkins from happening when people double click, etc. |
11:32 |
mmorgan |
Dyrcona: Thanks, I'll read through. |
11:33 |
mmorgan |
But I also have a memory that it might be possible to set up an interval somewhere such that a renewal would not be allowed too soon after the previous checkout. |
11:33 |
mmorgan |
Could've been a dream. I didn't find anything when I searched. |
11:34 |
berick |
mmorgan: if the 2 transactions happen practically simultaneously, the setting won't have any effect |
11:34 |
JBoyer |
Oh, there's an OUS that determines when trying to check an item out to the user that already has it out is considered a renewal vs a failure, maybe you're thinking of that? |
11:34 |
Dyrcona |
Ye olde race condition. |
11:35 |
berick |
won't hurt to set it, of course, but not a guarantee of a fix |
11:35 |
mmorgan |
JBoyer: I did see that ou setting, but maybe I misread it. Thought it controlled whether the transaction would be a renew or new checkout. |
11:36 |
Dyrcona |
Evergreen isn't the only web app that suffers from double clicks, or someone dropping something on the keyboard, either. There are not a lot of good solutions out there, other than "use a proxy and drop identical requests." |
11:37 |
JBoyer |
That's all it does, yes. But I wondered if that might have been what gave you the idea since if memory serves the name is easy to mis-read. I could also be throwing darts in the dark, as well. :) |
11:38 |
JBoyer |
Q. What's worse A. Asyncrhony! than multi-threading? |
11:38 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
11:38 |
JBoyer |
Worse is a poor choice of word, even for a joke. Harder to get right is 100% spot-on though. |
11:39 |
* Dyrcona |
pages C. G. Jung, and if he's not around, Gordon Sumner.... :) |
11:40 |
Dyrcona |
Nah, I think worse is the correct term. :) |
11:40 |
mmorgan |
I will definitely give that ou setting a test and have a look at lp 1787274 |
11:40 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1787274 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web Client: Transits Don't Always Clear" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787274 |
11:41 |
berick |
mmorgan: if you can confirm the source, it should be fix-able w/ code. if this is a new issue, webstaff seems like a likely candidate |
11:41 |
berick |
but you can tell from the circs themselves or the logs |
11:41 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
11:41 |
berick |
opac_renewal / desk_renewal |
11:41 |
* Dyrcona |
wonders about the status of bug 1505772 in light of the other. |
11:41 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1505772 in Evergreen "multiple active transits can be found in database" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1505772 |
11:42 |
* Dyrcona |
also searches for the bug about checkin getting slow because things pile up in the list. |
11:42 |
mmorgan |
We're not on the web client yet, so it's not specifically a web client issue. |
11:42 |
Dyrcona |
No, it's not... We saw things get much worse with the web client, though. |
11:43 |
berick |
mmorgan: ah, ok |
11:44 |
Dyrcona |
IIRC, there are backend changes in the branch to prevent double checkins. Not sure if that covers renewals, too. |
11:44 |
Dyrcona |
berick should know, if he remembers. :) |
11:44 |
mmorgan |
In a small sampling for one library's items from this month to date, there were five opac renewals and one desk renewal |
11:44 |
berick |
bug 1787274 prevents duplicate active transits on the backend |
11:45 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1787274 in Evergreen 3.1 "Web Client: Transits Don't Always Clear" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787274 |
11:45 |
berick |
and prevents double-scan / too-quick checkins in the client |
11:45 |
berick |
by tracking barcodes in-flight |
11:47 |
* mmorgan |
wouldn't think unique constraint triggers would work for circ transactions in the same way as transits, but would think tracking barcodes in flight would. |
11:47 |
berick |
mmorgan: yeah, what JBoyer said (disable the action in the client) is likely fix for tpac |
11:48 |
* mmorgan |
will open a launchpad bug |
11:49 |
mmorgan |
JBoyer++ Dyrcona++ berick++ |
11:52 |
beanjammin joined #evergreen |
11:58 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
12:08 |
nfBurton joined #evergreen |
12:24 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
12:49 |
collum joined #evergreen |
13:17 |
jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
13:37 |
terran joined #evergreen |
13:46 |
rgagnon joined #evergreen |
13:47 |
kmlussier |
Oops. I forgot there was an EOB meeting today. |
13:48 |
* kmlussier |
quickly writes up an Outreach report. |
13:58 |
sthomas joined #evergreen |
14:00 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
14:00 |
* kmlussier |
hits Send on the report with a minute to spare. |
14:00 |
jvwoolf |
kmlussier++ |
14:00 |
terran |
miker: Are you here? |
14:01 |
collum |
kmlussier++ |
14:01 |
rgagnon |
kmlussier++ |
14:02 |
miker |
I am now |
14:02 |
miker |
sorry folks, carpool line |
14:02 |
miker |
I'll begin now |
14:02 |
miker |
#startmeeting 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18 |
14:02 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Oct 18 14:02:41 2018 US/Eastern. The chair is miker. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:02 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:02 |
Topic for #evergreen is now (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:02 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to '2018_10_18___eob_meeting____https___wiki_evergreen_ils_org_doku_php_id_governance_minutes_2018_10_18' |
14:02 |
miker |
#topic Introductions -- announce yourself, please |
14:02 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Introductions -- announce yourself, please (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:02 |
miker |
#info miker = Mike Rylander, EOLI |
14:03 |
terran |
#info terran is Terran McCanna, PINES |
14:03 |
JBoyer |
#info JBoyer is Jason Boyer, IN State Library |
14:03 |
agoben |
agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana |
14:03 |
rgagnon |
#info rgagnon is Ron Gagnon, NOBLE |
14:03 |
collum |
#info collum is Garry Collum, KCPL |
14:03 |
jvwoolf |
#info jvwoolf is Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation |
14:03 |
sthomas |
#infro sthomas is Scott Thomas, PaILS |
14:03 |
agoben |
#info agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana |
14:03 |
miker |
I believe we may not get Holly... |
14:04 |
miker |
so, we'll move on to |
14:04 |
miker |
#topic Approval or Correction of Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-09-20-14.02.html |
14:04 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Approval or Correction of Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-09-20-14.02.html (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:04 |
miker |
any corrections/additions? |
14:04 |
miker |
or general discussion? |
14:05 |
miker |
hearing nothing, let us vote |
14:05 |
miker |
#startvote Approve 2018-09-20 meeting minutes? yes, no |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Begin voting on: Approve 2018-09-20 meeting minutes? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:05 |
rgagnon |
#vote Yes |
14:05 |
miker |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
collum |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
sthomas |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
jvwoolf |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
terran |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
miker |
#endvote |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Voted on "Approve 2018-09-20 meeting minutes?" Results are |
14:05 |
pinesol |
yes (8): rgagnon, JBoyer, agoben, miker, collum, sthomas, terran, jvwoolf |
14:06 |
miker |
huzzah! we're off to a brisk start |
14:06 |
miker |
On to officer reports |
14:06 |
miker |
#topic Chair report |
14:06 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Chair report (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:06 |
miker |
As usual, nothing here that won't be discussed later. |
14:06 |
miker |
#topic Financial report |
14:06 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Financial report (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:06 |
miker |
#info No known changes, still waiting on final ledger reconciliation. |
14:07 |
miker |
and thank you gmcharlt for the update |
14:07 |
JBoyer |
gmcharlt++ |
14:07 |
miker |
moving on to |
14:07 |
miker |
#topic SFC Update |
14:07 |
Topic for #evergreen is now SFC Update (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:08 |
miker |
#info We had a call with Karen from SFC (Amy, Scott, Mike), the outcome of which was that they are going to go directly to the MOBIUS law firm for details on the services rendered, and they now have the agreement between the Evergreen corporate board (same as EOB) and MOBIUS for creation and Form 1023 services. |
14:08 |
terran |
That's great news. |
14:08 |
miker |
apparently they did not have that previously |
14:08 |
terran |
Does the SFC have any remaining outstanding questions/problems with how we are proceeding? |
14:09 |
miker |
they have questions, or they believe they will have questions |
14:09 |
terran |
I thought that the SFC and MOBIUS had developed an agreement shortly after the last EG conference. |
14:09 |
miker |
they don't have specific issues to raise, other than they want more information from us and sooner |
14:10 |
miker |
but we may hear more specific requests or concerns after they digest the formation/legal agreement more |
14:10 |
sthomas |
They don't like the fact that they were not aware of our agreement with MOBIUS for legal services. |
14:10 |
miker |
as for the conference, there seems to be a little conflation between MOBIUS role in that and the separate corporate legal service agreement |
14:11 |
terran |
I understand they don't like it, but was it actually in violation of anything? |
14:11 |
sthomas |
She didn't come right out and say, but there is a question as to whether we can even enter into such an agreement. |
14:12 |
sthomas |
Without SFC approving. |
14:12 |
terran |
Is this a service that the SFC should have been doing for us? |
14:12 |
miker |
well, we can, as a separate entity (the corporate board) but, they want all i's dotted and t's crossed before transferring to the new org |
14:13 |
terran |
Do we know where the ball was dropped with that initial agreement between MOBIUS and the SFC earlier in the year? |
14:13 |
miker |
we can't bind SFC to any agreement, but it would have been preferable for payment, etc, of services if they'd been involved |
14:13 |
miker |
s/but/so/ |
14:14 |
miker |
terran: we were acting as a group outside SFC, which isn't improper, but then putting on our EOB hats and asking for payment of services caught them completely by surprise |
14:15 |
miker |
EOB should have involved them at the time of the MOBIUS/pre-corporate agreement. not necessarily as a party, but as an advisor at least |
14:15 |
terran |
So the air is now cleared and we can move forward? |
14:16 |
terran |
Or are they going to continue pushing back against paying the invoices? |
14:16 |
miker |
SFC is committed to working around the kinks, so, yes, I believe the air is now as clear as it can be made |
14:16 |
JBoyer |
Evergreen-shaped air fresheners for everyone. |
14:16 |
miker |
but it may be more time consuming than it would have been if they'd been involved |
14:17 |
terran |
And is the SFC going to be handling the registrations / vendor fees / etc. for the 2019 conference? |
14:17 |
sthomas |
Yes. We made it very clear to them that we need the registration site up and the exhibitors flyer approved. |
14:17 |
miker |
we have asked them to do that, and they've agreed. they want to get their heads around the new information they have before opening the site to sthomas, currently |
14:18 |
miker |
IMO the flyer and site are the immediate term goals with SFC, immediately followed by their review of our 1023 |
14:19 |
sthomas |
Yes plus MOBIUS needs to be paid. |
14:19 |
terran |
Okay. Hopefully they are expedient with the sponsorship flyer and site, as we really need to start contacting potential vendors and sponsors soon. |
14:19 |
miker |
sthomas: hopefully their direct contact will facilitate that... |
14:20 |
miker |
terran: yes, the next step as planned was for afterl to reach out to them on IRC, as a reminder |
14:20 |
miker |
however |
14:20 |
miker |
Amy is on vacation, so, sthomas or I will likely need to do that rather than wait for her return |
14:21 |
jvwoolf |
afterl is out until 10/29 |
14:21 |
miker |
we can coordinate that in email, sthomas, if you're agreeable |
14:21 |
sthomas |
I vote for miker to do it since I am pretty incompetent on IRC. |
14:21 |
miker |
jvwoolf: thanks for the detail, that's helpful |
14:22 |
miker |
sthomas: ha! ok, I will put it on my list. for everyone, the channel is called #conservancy and is on the freenode network. it's an open channel, anyone can join |
14:22 |
terran |
miker++ sthomas++ afterl++ for getting all of the miscommunication straightened out! |
14:23 |
collum |
Indeed miker++ sthomas++ afterl++ |
14:23 |
rgagnon |
miker++ sthomas++ afterl++ |
14:23 |
agoben |
here, here! miker++ sthomas++ afterl++ |
14:23 |
miker |
sthomas: anything else re SFC for the moment? |
14:23 |
jvwoolf |
miker++ sthomas++ afterl++ |
14:23 |
miker |
did I leave anything out? |
14:23 |
terran |
Does the SFC need/want to be in on the lawyer interviews? |
14:23 |
sthomas |
I think you got it all. |
14:24 |
miker |
terran: I am happy to ask them |
14:24 |
* miker |
goes looking for the doodle poll |
14:24 |
JBoyer |
May as well see now, lest we run into another invoice-type situation. |
14:25 |
sthomas |
Really good point. |
14:25 |
miker |
looks like next Weds/Thurs and the following Weds, correct? |
14:25 |
terran |
jvwoolf: have any of them confirmed the call times? |
14:25 |
jvwoolf |
miker: That's correct |
14:26 |
jvwoolf |
terran: Not yet. I haven't heard from the second firm at all. |
14:26 |
miker |
#action miker will ask about the sponsor flyer in #conservancy and ask if SFC would like to send a rep to the lawyer interview calls |
14:26 |
terran |
jvwoolf++ for all the time and effort you have put into this! |
14:27 |
JBoyer |
jvwoolf++ # indeed |
14:27 |
miker |
jvwoolf++ # indeed |
14:27 |
agoben |
jvwoolf++ |
14:27 |
rgagnon |
jvwoolf++ |
14:27 |
collum |
jvwoolf++ |
14:27 |
sthomas |
jwoolf++ |
14:27 |
miker |
(and, we can now prob skip a later bullet :) ) |
14:27 |
terran |
#info Possible Evergreen lawyer interviews: October 24 at 2pm, October 25 at 2pm, October 31 at 3pm (all EST) |
14:27 |
terran |
(did I do that right?) |
14:28 |
miker |
terran: yes, but I think I have to do it, which I will now do |
14:28 |
terran |
Oh :D |
14:28 |
miker |
#info Possible Evergreen lawyer interviews: October 24 at 2pm, October 25 at 2pm, October 31 at 3pm (all EST) |
14:28 |
kmlussier |
miker: Anyone can do an #info command. |
14:28 |
agoben |
EST or EDT? |
14:28 |
nfburton joined #evergreen |
14:28 |
JBoyer |
Otherwise our intros are for naught. |
14:28 |
jvwoolf |
14:28 |
kmlussier |
JBoyer: Good point! |
14:28 |
miker |
kmlussier: ah! perfect... well, now we REALLY know when it may happen |
14:29 |
jvwoolf |
Oh, I mean EDT |
14:29 |
terran |
I always forget there is a difference |
14:29 |
miker |
#info EDIT for timezone: Possible Evergreen lawyer interviews: October 24 at 2pm, October 25 at 2pm, October 31 at 3pm (all EDT) |
14:30 |
miker |
I'm fine just finishing the "lawyer interview update" now -- we're most of the way through that, I assume |
14:30 |
jvwoolf |
Just another FYI on that... |
14:30 |
miker |
jvwoolf: anything else to note? |
14:30 |
jvwoolf |
I didn't get a chance to contact the firm the other lawyer recommended this morning, but I'll do that after the meeting. |
14:31 |
miker |
jvwoolf: thanks muchly! |
14:31 |
miker |
ok, moving on |
14:32 |
miker |
#topic Release manager (Bill Erickson) |
14:32 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Release manager (Bill Erickson) (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:32 |
miker |
berick: updates/requests/etc to share? How is "retirement" to Release Maintainer treating you? |
14:33 |
miker |
I'll consider that "retirement is great!" |
14:33 |
miker |
On to committees |
14:33 |
miker |
#topic 2019 Conference committee (Scott Thomas) |
14:33 |
Topic for #evergreen is now 2019 Conference committee (Scott Thomas) (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:33 |
miker |
Please take it away, sthomas. |
14:33 |
miker |
anything we haven't yet discussed? |
14:33 |
sthomas |
Just to recap... Sponsorship flyer is ready and we stand ready to start contacting exhibitors. Awaiting approval from SFC then the EOB will need to approve. We are also waiting for SFC to give us access to the registration site so we can start customizing it. |
14:34 |
agoben |
I can't access the posted packet link. Was there a separate invite sent out to view? |
14:34 |
rgagnon |
sthomas: Same here |
14:34 |
terran |
Hrrm... let me check the sharing |
14:35 |
terran |
Try this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NyE-txZU5f744xsa2M1uwylOSPzxtWIm/view?usp=sharing |
14:35 |
miker |
IMO, the EOB can evaluate it in parallel with SFC. hopefully the latter will be done soon (after ping from me) |
14:35 |
agoben |
ty! |
14:35 |
rgagnon |
Much better! |
14:35 |
berick |
sorry, on conf. call |
14:35 |
miker |
berick: would you like us to go back after this? do you have updates? |
14:36 |
terran |
Most things are the same (on the flyer) as last year, but we dropped the tote and added transportation |
14:36 |
berick |
miker: no, i'll be afk for a bit |
14:36 |
miker |
terran: thanks. (all) shall we follow up with that in email? |
14:37 |
jvwoolf |
terran: Was that sent to the EOB list? I don't remember seeing the email. |
14:37 |
miker |
assuming so, terran, would you mind sending that to evergreen sfconservancy.org for discussion? |
14:37 |
terran |
The layout is also wonky when previewing online. Better if downloaded. Yes, will do. |
14:37 |
jvwoolf |
terran: Nevermind, found it. |
14:37 |
miker |
terran: thanks! |
14:38 |
miker |
berick: gotcha, np, and thanks for maintaining |
14:38 |
miker |
ok! on to... |
14:38 |
miker |
#topic Outreach committee (Kathy Lussier) |
14:38 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Outreach committee (Kathy Lussier) (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:38 |
miker |
take it away, kmlussier! |
14:38 |
kmlussier |
#link http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/eg-oversight-board/2018-October/002297.html |
14:39 |
kmlussier |
I have nothing to add to the written report except a little karma. |
14:39 |
kmlussier |
abneiman++ # Coordinating the contributor acknowledgement program. |
14:39 |
miker |
kmlussier++ |
14:39 |
miker |
abneiman++ |
14:39 |
kmlussier |
rhamby++ # Stepping up to take over as outreach chair when I leave. |
14:39 |
terran |
kmlussier++ rhamby++ |
14:39 |
rhamby |
kmlussier: I think it's more like everyone else tooks a step back at the same time :) |
14:39 |
agoben |
kmlussier++ |
14:39 |
JBoyer |
kmlussier++ rhamby++ abneiman++ |
14:39 |
miker |
rhamby++ |
14:39 |
kmlussier |
abneiman++ Again. For volunteering to help out with the annual report, which is a big task. |
14:39 |
jvwoolf |
abneiman++ kmlussier++ rhamby++ |
14:39 |
terran |
And to abneiman++ |
14:40 |
rgagnon |
kmlussier++ rhamby++ abneiman++ |
14:40 |
sthomas |
kmlussier++ rhamby++ |
14:40 |
collum |
kmlussier++ rhamby++ abneiman++ |
14:41 |
miker |
thanks, kmlussier. your leadership will be missed |
14:41 |
* abneiman |
was startled by IRC notifications suddenly blowing up |
14:41 |
terran |
Agreed. I feel there will be a dark hole in the force with kmlussier gone. |
14:41 |
abneiman |
kmlussier++ # you will be very much missed, indeed |
14:42 |
collum |
Yep |
14:42 |
miker |
"like a thousand voices crying out, all silenced at once" |
14:42 |
miker |
kmlussier++ |
14:42 |
sthomas |
kmlussier++ |
14:42 |
jvwoolf |
I was going to say "a thousand herded cats" |
14:42 |
miker |
jvwoolf++ |
14:42 |
miker |
heh |
14:42 |
miker |
any other questions for kmlussier re outreach? |
14:43 |
miker |
we can continue on that thread if necessary, of course |
14:43 |
terran |
Just a +1 to the new outreach initiatives and the logo |
14:44 |
miker |
indeed |
14:44 |
miker |
we'll move on to some remaining old business, which will probably be short |
14:44 |
miker |
#topic Update on nonprofit status |
14:44 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Update on nonprofit status (Meeting topic: 2018-10-18 - EOB meeting -- https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2018-10-18) |
14:44 |
miker |
#info As mentioned above, SFC will be reviewing our Form 1023, and I recommend we ask them to do so sooner rather than later, for both timing and transparency reasons. |
14:44 |
miker |
sthomas: IIRC, you were going to ask for either a Consent Action specifically for adopting the COI policy, or a template we could use for the same, and for the future. |
14:45 |
sthomas |
SFC has the 1023. Yes, I have the template. I will dig it up and send it later or tomorrow. |
14:45 |
miker |
perfect, thanks! |
14:45 |
terran |
sthomas++ |
14:45 |
agoben |
sthomas++ |
14:45 |
jvwoolf |
sthomas++ |
14:45 |
miker |
sthomas++ # double indeed |
14:45 |
rgagnon |
sthomas++ |
14:46 |
JBoyer |
sthomas++ |
14:46 |
collum |
sthomas++ |
14:46 |
miker |
the 1023 is still the next step, so, I don't think there's much more there. correct, sthomas? |
14:46 |
miker |
more to discuss, I mean |
14:46 |
sthomas |
Correct |
14:47 |
miker |
the last Old Business topic was the lawyer search, but we've covered that pretty well unless anyone has thought of anything else in the last 20 minutes or so |
14:48 |
miker |
jvwoolf++ # again |
14:48 |
terran |
jvwoolf++ |
14:48 |
agoben |
jvwoolf++ |
14:48 |
collum |
jvwoolf++ |
14:48 |
sthomas |
jvwoolf++ |
14:48 |
rgagnon |
jvwoolf++ |
14:48 |
JBoyer |
jvwoolf++ |
14:48 |
miker |
does anyone have any New Business to raise, or do we all agree we have enough right now? ;) |
14:48 |
jvwoolf |
miker: Can I share my news? |
14:49 |
miker |
jvwoolf: absolutely! |
14:49 |
terran |
Only if it's good news! |
14:49 |
JBoyer |
Intrigue! |
14:49 |
jvwoolf |
I'm expecting a baby in March! |
14:49 |
terran |
WOOOOO!!!! |
14:49 |
agoben |
Congratulations! |
14:49 |
rhamby |
jvwoolf: congrats! |
14:49 |
terran |
Congratulations!!! |
14:49 |
sthomas |
Excellent! |
14:49 |
miker |
Congrats! |
14:49 |
rgagnon |
Congratulations!! |
14:49 |
kmlussier |
jvwoolf: Congrats! Very good news indeed! |
14:49 |
collum |
Congrats! |
14:49 |
rhamby |
jvwoolfs_baby++ |
14:49 |
terran |
So... I take it you won't be at the EG conference? :D |
14:49 |
JBoyer |
So, jvwoolf++ literally, then! :D |
14:49 |
miker |
cloning++ |
14:50 |
jvwoolf |
terran: That's right |
14:50 |
jvwoolf |
Going to be so weird, first one I've missed in 8 years, I think |
14:50 |
kmlussier |
jvwoolf: I've seen people bring babies to conferences. |
14:50 |
jvwoolf |
kmlussier: I would rather not less than one month post partum! :) |
14:51 |
terran |
14:51 |
kmlussier |
:) |
14:51 |
jvwoolf |
Somebody should FB live me into a dinner, though! |
14:52 |
jvwoolf |
Or some other form of video chatting :) |
14:52 |
terran |
You could still do a presentation via Google Hangouts :D |
14:52 |
rhamby |
jvwoolf: we can make that happen |
14:52 |
jvwoolf |
terran: Haha! |
14:53 |
miker |
new sponsorship op ;) |
14:53 |
terran |
Have we discussed having an Evergreen Conference Nursery? |
14:53 |
miker |
as a (truly minor) note: depending on jvwoolf's availability, that actually does have a (small) impact on how we do things for a little while. we may need to have a for-real phone call for votes (that aren't taken in person) and provide meeting notice by mail, IIRC. a small burden with a great reason :) |
14:54 |
miker |
terran: we have discussed (and had, at one conf, I think?) child care |
14:54 |
miker |
maybe Vancouver? |
14:54 |
miker |
I could be making that up. or be thinking of code4lib |
14:54 |
jvwoolf |
miker: That effort is very much appreciated! |
14:54 |
terran |
That's a cool idea |
14:56 |
miker |
everyone should feel free to continue congratulating jvwoolf, but if there's no other new business, I'll free us from our meeting bonds |
14:56 |
miker |
going once... |
14:56 |
miker |
thanks everyone! |
14:56 |
terran |
miker++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
Thanks! |
14:56 |
miker |
#endmeeting |
14:56 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org | Can't speak? Make sure your nickname is registered and that you are identified to freenode services: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Oct 18 14:56:53 2018 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-10-18-14.02.html |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-10-18-14.02.txt |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2018/evergreen.2018-10-18-14.02.log.html |
14:56 |
JBoyer |
miker++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
miker++ |
14:56 |
collum |
miker++ |
14:56 |
jvwoolf |
miker++ |
14:57 |
rgagnon |
miker++ |
14:57 |
miker |
yay karma! |
14:57 |
kmlussier |
miker++ |
15:04 |
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cesardv joined #evergreen |
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Bmagic |
miker++ |
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cesardv joined #evergreen |
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JeeshBoy joined #evergreen |
16:42 |
JeeshBoy |
Hey, I'm kind of a reports newbie and I'm trying to find where, if anywhere, the user settings for hold notices can be found in the reports module |
16:43 |
JeeshBoy |
As in, the checkboxes indicating how a patron wants to be notified of holds--Phone/Email/SMS |
16:44 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
16:46 |
Dyrcona |
JeeshBoy: The reporter label is "User Setting" and that's all I know about that. I am not a reports guru. |
16:55 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
16:59 |
JeeshBoy |
Dyrcona: I've managed to run a report listing all user setting names and labels and another report listing all setting id/value pairs for a single user, now I've just got to match the two up and figure out how to filter on what I need |
16:59 |
JeeshBoy |
All so some poor page can call a list of patrons -with- phone numbers but without emails or SMS settings when they have holds available |
17:13 |
jvwoolf left #evergreen |
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sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
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Christineb joined #evergreen |