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Results for 2024-06-06

12:48 pinesol Dyrcona: finger is why we can never have nice things!
12:48 berick @band add The Depopulaters
12:48 pinesol berick: Band 'The Depopulaters' added to list
12:49 Dyrcona berick: I ended up adding a loop in O::A::Acq::EDI::retreive_core to remove duplicate accounts/in_dir combinations from the list. I can test it in a minute. I'll put a link to the commit once I've pushed it to the working repo.
12:58 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:00 jeffdavis I think "depulication" would technically be flea removal.
13:09 Dyrcona jeffdavis++

Results for 2024-06-05

11:05 * redavis opens up dev tools.  looking for that JS error
11:05 riteveld redavis: yes you're right!
11:07 redavis I'm going to need to hop over to another computer with more screen real estate (still getting my setup set up again).
11:11 pinesol News from commits: LP2058256: Update owner selector in Carousel test <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=77a978​3c9ff4c5c3d5fb99a161b546ef5a1c7b3a>
11:11 pinesol News from commits: LP2058256: Update eg-marc-editor selectors in nightwatch tests <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=180cff​0218b85eddefd008f26d4617435e8731c2>
11:11 pinesol News from commits: LP2058256: Update eg-grid selectors in nightwatch tests <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=683e9d​973e692ee3278350ff113ea9b0358e4347>
11:11 pinesol News from commits: LP2058256: Find form inputs by their label in nightwatch tests <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=839832​90466705d0d217cd0c4ee22fb033032e89>
11:12 redavis csharp_, I wonder if what I'm seeing in console has to do with the combobox stuff Stephanie talked about in the collaborative code review...
11:13 riteveld I have the offline-db-worker.js throwing "shared worker replying with error
11:13 riteveld Object { code: 202, message: "http://google.github.io/lovefield/error_lookup/s​rc/error_lookup.html?c=202&amp;p0=Setting.value" }"

Results for 2024-06-03

11:41 eeevil berick might know off the top of his head, though?
11:46 berick ideally those params would be passed invididually to mkurl (inside the {}), but passing the params via the base URL string should also work
11:46 mantis1 joined #evergreen
11:48 mantis1 when testing action triggers/notices, what would it take for something to fall into 'invalid' status?
11:49 berick mantis1: the event def will have a validator
11:49 berick and its check(s) failed
11:50 berick e.g. hold ready for pickup notice, but the hold was canceled in the meantime
11:50 Dyrcona mantis1: The validator fails. Look at the event_definition and you can find the code somewhere under OpenILS/Application/Trigger/Validator.pm or OpenILS/Application/Trigger/Validator/*
11:51 Dyrcona The event definition validator field value corresponds to a subroutine name.
11:51 * Dyrcona is testing a custom db upgrade from 3.10.3 to main, and stuff keeps failing left and right.
11:51 mantis1 I'm trying to test a pre-overdue but it seems like it should have passed
11:51 mantis1 I checked out an item that would be due within the right time frame
11:51 mantis1 but I'm also trying out a new HTML format for it
11:52 Dyrcona What's the validator?
11:52 mantis1 CircIsOpen
11:56 Dyrcona Are there action_trigger.event_params entries specifying 'target_age_field' and 'min_target_age' for the event_definition?
11:57 Dyrcona if target_age_field is missing, the delay_field will be used instead.
11:58 Dyrcona if min_target_age is missing, it will fail to validate.
12:03 mantis1 the thing is it does work but in a testing environment, it's just coming up invalid
12:03 mantis1 not sure what the difference between this and production would be
12:03 Dyrcona action_trigger.filters in /openils/conf ?
12:05 mantis1 it's the same as production it looks like
12:06 mantis1 also in that table, we have max_delay_age and min_target_age
12:12 Dyrcona mantis1: if none of that turns out to be the issue, keep asking. I'll keep looking. :)
12:12 mantis1 sorry how do you check for timezone in the GUI?  I didn't see anything in the docs about it
12:13 Dyrcona I use timedatectl on the command line
12:14 mantis1 looks like it's set right; EDT
12:14 mantis1 I also ran some tests with a notification from production on this server without any changes and it's also giving an invalid status
12:14 Dyrcona OK. It's under Settings -> "Date & Time" in the GUI.
12:15 Dyrcona There are some warnings you grep the logs for.
12:16 Dyrcona "'min_target_age' parameter required for MinPassiveTargetAge validator"

Results for 2024-05-30

13:42 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:03 Dyrcona With the validator in place, I can probably drop this line: https://github.com/CWMARSINC/evergreen-xml-no​tices/blob/cwmars/create-notice-file.pl#L397
14:08 Dyrcona "On 9-9-99, I hope I'm sitting on the back porch, drinking red wine, singin' oooh... French fries with pepper."
14:50 pinesol News from commits: LP2067640 fix mistake in retrieve coordinates test, added tests for the remaining... <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=7077a7​683a19e4718d29e8bac3db040aeb16216e>
14:56 cbrown_isl joined #evergreen
15:11 Bmagic sleary++ # RC
15:14 sleary Bmagic++ # building and testing!
15:15 Dyrcona Cleanup failed. The hold was undefined....
15:15 Dyrcona Probably because reactor is NOOP_True.
15:43 jihpringle joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-05-29

10:30 Dyrcona Makes sense, I guess. The database that I was messing with yesterday has been upgraded to main.
10:30 * Dyrcona checks on not upgraded.
10:30 Dyrcona I think it's time to play some Police: Too Much Information. :)
10:35 Rogan Dyrcona it's always a good time for the Police (I'm fond of 80s music as a personal taste but the Police have stood the test of time IMO)
10:45 pinesol News from commits: LP2067115: More fieldmapper comboboxes domId <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d44e6b​0da02c250fa6e233f38ff566aed86ca39d>
10:45 pinesol News from commits: LP2067115: Fieldmapper should set combobox domId, not id <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=841a22​81fb1727327bb15eb476c0406fed463616>
10:56 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:14 smayo joined #evergreen
11:14 collum joined #evergreen
11:25 smayo I've been trying to test a new function that should be on the AngularJS navbar (dark mode color switch) but none of my changes to navbar.js have been doing anything, and the function neither runs nor throws an error. I check the page sources and find that navbar.js is not there. But the navbar still does everything but the new stuff???
11:25 Bmagic seems like a dev environment issue?
11:26 sleary joined #evergreen
11:26 Bmagic the browser will omit loading JS files if they aren't syntactically sound
11:30 smayo Will do
11:33 smayo Environment does NOT load navbar.js with vanilla
11:34 Bmagic does this: https://bugsquash.mobiusco​nsortium.org/eg/opac/home
11:35 smayo It's not there on your test server either
11:35 Bmagic if it's in eg2, then the filename won't surface the same on the browser, it's all compiled and boiled down into random js files, and some are combined into a single
11:36 smayo I'm looking for it on the circ page
11:37 smayo There IS a machine code-ish version of it in core.module.js, which IS included, but it doesn't have an individual file like, say, grid.js
12:42 * JBoyer trips over a pile of helm charts, transpilers, and docker images and grumbles "When did people stop /writing software/ instead of orchestrating infrastructure to LARP Google 2.0?!"
12:42 Dyrcona JBoyer++
12:43 Dyrcona Bmagic: Smells like WASM. :)
12:43 * Dyrcona wonders why an event was not created in his test.
12:46 Dyrcona hold.available is supposed to get created right away, no?
12:50 Dyrcona The environment is set up.
12:52 Dyrcona Yeahp. I can find it calling even.autocreate in the logs.

Results for 2024-05-28

10:49 pinesol smayo: Band ''Good good boss man'' added to list
11:20 Dyrcona OK. Got it: {"-and" => {sms_notify => {"not" => undef}, sms_notify => {"!=" => ""}}} # It wasn't that hard after all. I confused "+" on a table with "-" on an operator.
11:20 Dyrcona Don't worry. I also did not spend the last hour on this.... :)
11:30 eeevil Dyrcona: the comparitor for "is not null" can be anything (that passes the "it looks like a comparitor and not an injection attempt" test) other than "=", and "is null" must be exactly "=" ... late for you this morning, I know, but for the logs: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku​.php?id=documentation:tutorials:jso​n_query#other_kinds_of_comparisons (A note immediately above that "Other Kinds" heading, and toward the end of that section as well.)
11:33 Dyrcona eeevil++ I refer to that document frequently. My problem was with the "and" moreso than the not null in the end.
11:35 Dyrcona left #evergreen
11:35 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
14:24 Dyrcona And people say Lisp is ugly.....
14:31 Dyrcona Yeah, that works with the ids added.
14:38 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
15:34 Dyrcona berick mmorgan Bmagic : https://github.com/CWMARSINC/ev​ergreen-xml-notices/tree/cwmars is what I've got so far for CW MARS. I'm going to test it for hold notifications this afternoon. We're not planning to use the two configured curbside notices, yet. I want to check if the code needs more modification for those.
15:35 mmorgan Dyrcona++
16:05 Bmagic claiming 1417
17:00 dguarrac_ joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-05-24

13:04 Dyrcona Hrm... It says the hook is passive, but I'm copying values from another event with the same hook, and it doesn't have a max_delay....
13:06 Dyrcona And the hook doesn't exist....
13:06 * Dyrcona checks for typos.
13:07 Dyrcona OK. It's an odd one: au.sms_text.test. That dot between text & test is usually a comma, and I should have copy and pasted instead of typing.
13:07 Bmagic :)
13:34 LindaJansova joined #evergreen
13:36 * Dyrcona is having one of "those" days where the brain and fingers cannot get it together. typos--
13:38 pinesol Dyrcona: go with Stanely Kubrick
13:38 Dyrcona pinesol: You have a very dark sense of humor.
13:38 pinesol Dyrcona: As great as you are man, you'll never be greater than yourself.
13:39 Dyrcona berick: Have you got a suggestion for running test SMS messages through the XML notice generator? I was thinking of running it once per minute, but I guess I'll have to check with Unique support about what they might expect.
13:40 Dyrcona @decide underscore or comma
13:40 pinesol Dyrcona: go with underscore
13:41 Dyrcona pinesol++
14:21 Dyrcona I'm looking at curbside. (We have one library, at least, still using it.) I might need some new templates.
14:21 Dyrcona Maybe not.
14:39 Dyrcona "1, 2, 5!"
14:49 Dyrcona hmm.. Don't think sending test SMS is gonna work this way. The staff client expect an almost immediate response. With NOOP_True, it will always report success won't it?
14:51 Dyrcona Eh, no.... There's no template output, so the staff client will always report failure. Staff will not like that.
14:59 berick Dyrcona: oh you're trying to use open-ils.actor.event.test_notification ?
15:00 berick yeah that would take some changes to tie-in a 3rd party sms generator
15:00 Dyrcona berick: No, the staff client uses it. I'm just trying to figure out how that would work.
15:01 berick right, yeah, it should basically work, but like you said, the UI will not get the output it may currently be expecting
15:01 Dyrcona That's the conclusion I'm coming to, unless we hack the staff client.
15:02 Dyrcona It looks like it might only fire 1 event, even if two are configured... I should test that, though.
15:02 Dyrcona I'll enable my test event and see what happens on a test system.
15:07 Dyrcona With both events active, neither got created.
15:11 Dyrcona The default event from Evergreen by itself works. My custom event does not. The latter reports a failure and the event fails to get created. I'll check if the validation needs anything, but I think the validator is NOOP_True.
15:12 Dyrcona Huh... I wonder if I'm looking at the correct database...
15:21 Bmagic ha! so that's what that column is for
15:21 mmorgan :)
15:21 Bmagic nope, not backdated
15:22 Dyrcona On my events thing: with both events enabled only 1 fires. In any case the event that fires is set to complete, so we can't use this as-is for test text messages.
15:22 Bmagic Dyrcona: that's what I was thinking
15:22 Bmagic (on your thing)
15:23 Dyrcona Yeah, I just had to run it to make sure.
15:23 Dyrcona My test system does fire my test event with both enabled, but that's probably just "luck."
15:30 mmorgan Bmagic: Is the max_fine in the circ properly set to 10?
15:30 Bmagic mmorgan: yes
15:30 Bmagic technicall 10.00

Results for 2024-05-23

08:44 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:47 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:14 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:21 Dyrcona berick | Bmagic: I'm working on moving the xml notices to production for live testing. I see one of the hold ready for pickup events that I'm mimicking from someone else has --process-hooks set. Is that going to interfere with our regular hold ready for pickup notices?
09:26 * Dyrcona takes a look and figures, "No."
09:30 Bmagic I think worse case: the cron job that runs the xml output could run the reactor for the non-xml stuff. Which isn't a big* deal IMO. Still though, I prefer to make the xml AT granularities unique
09:38 csharp_ yeah, granularity is key
10:56 Dyrcona Six trigger drones running, and none of them doing anything.
10:59 Dyrcona Yeah. A stderr message in the open-ils.trigger log that the client disconnected.
10:59 * Dyrcona tries again.
11:01 Dyrcona Nothing like testing in produciton.
11:01 Dyrcona production, even...
11:02 eeevil berick: you are now comma-free
11:04 berick eeevil++

Results for 2024-05-22

10:19 pinesol News from commits: LP2006969 (follow-up): fix a lint issue in MARC editor case statement <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ad1d41​06a3013dfd1ae2fd44493e6d994f441309>
10:20 berick don't forget https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snarf_(ThunderCats)
10:20 kmlussier heh
10:29 Bmagic_ test
10:29 Bmagic_ dang it, still have the tail
10:29 Bmagic there
10:30 Bmagic csharp_: sup?
15:17 Dyrcona I wonder if it would make more sense to wrap a check for "if for_email" around the email address and the text_number below that with a "if for_text" wrapped around it in the template?
15:18 Dyrcona Hm... That complicates the logic further doesn't it? Because it would seem natural to add another check around the block that prints the street address.
15:23 Dyrcona Bmagic: I copied the minimum of that I think is necessary to the utilities repo.
15:24 Dyrcona I also pushed a branch to github with the same changes on the a clone of berick's original repository: https://github.com/CWMARSINC/everg​reen-xml-notices/tree/cwmars-test (I'm pretty sure that one is public.)
15:27 * Dyrcona was going to use that on a test system to see how it works. Maybe I'll try that right now.
15:28 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
15:32 jvwoolf csharp_: Do all of the PINES libraries have LibraryIQ, or just some?
15:33 csharp_ jvwoolf: at this point, just two
15:45 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:53 jvwoolf csharp_: We have 4 including a big system. Helping them out with some location cleanup at this very moment, so they can make more use of the tool.
16:07 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:33 Dyrcona Well, the test of hold ready for pickup notifications yielded an empty file because the test data is about 17 days out of date. :)
16:36 Dyrcona I should add for_text to a couple more files.... I was gonna wing it by setting FOR_EMAIL to --for-text. :)
16:43 Bmagic what's the setting/mechanism that warns catalogers that they are importing a duplicate in the z39.50 interface?
16:48 Dyrcona I don't remember off the top of my head. I'd have to grep through the code to find it.

Results for 2024-05-21

14:50 sandbergja berick++
14:50 sandbergja I'll share with our rust club here
14:51 sandbergja Thanks for your review and letting us use it as a guinea pig -- it's been very helpful
14:52 berick of course, i appreciate the commits/tests
15:01 cbrown_isl joined #evergreen
15:24 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:33 jvwoolf joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-05-16

15:50 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
15:57 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:14 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:19 sandbergja berick: we've got a group here learning Rust.  We were thinking about adding some more tests to the eg-universe-rs repo as a possible project to spread our wings, if it would be helpful -- what do you think?
16:30 berick sandbergja: sounds like a great idea
16:31 berick of course ping me with any questions
16:39 rlefaive joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-05-15

09:59 sleary joined #evergreen
10:00 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:00 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:22 Dyrcona Bmagic: I have not had a chance to test the 3.13 beta tarball, yet. I was going to do it first thing this morning, but stuff came up.
10:32 Dyrcona @decide bookworm or jammy
10:32 pinesol Dyrcona: go with jammy
10:33 redavis joined #evergreen
10:48 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:39 Dyrcona I'm doing it all by hand from the tarballs. I've got OpenSRF 3.3.0 up and running and test pass, but we knew that should work.
11:42 kmlussier Dyrcona: It never hurts to double check just in case something changed.
11:44 Dyrcona True.
12:07 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:02 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
13:12 Dyrcona So picky... Have to remember to run autogen.sh and restart apache2.
13:18 dmoore joined #evergreen
13:27 Dyrcona Bmagic: All Perl and pgtap tests pass with the 3.13 beta tarball on a fresh installation.
13:27 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
13:28 Dyrcona I'll give the db upgrade a whirl
13:41 Dyrcona The db upgrade seems to work.
13:42 sandbergja joined #evergreen
13:43 sandbergja berick: trying to set up a redis dev environment, and osrf_control -l --start-all gave me the error "[auth] ERR Protocol error: invalid bulk length,  at /usr/share/perl5/Redis.pm line 311."  Does that sound familiar at all?
13:48 Dyrcona So, after doing a db upgrade, the following pgtap tests fail: t/lp1371647_add_fixed_fields.pg and t/lp1588543_marc_record_attributes.pg. I'm not sure we really care about running tests after doing an upgrade, so don't let that hold up the release.
13:49 * Dyrcona did the db upgrade twice to make sure the failure was consistent.
13:50 Dyrcona sandbergja: When I've had an auth error with Redis, I've usually forgotten to update the opensrf_core.xml file.
13:52 sandbergja Dyrcona++

Results for 2024-05-14

15:19 redavis !!!
15:19 Bmagic #link https://evergreen-ils.org/downloa​ds/Evergreen-ILS-3.13-beta.tar.gz
15:19 sandbergja nice!  woohoo!
15:20 Bmagic If anyone has some time, testing that would be sweet
15:20 mmorgan Bmagic++ berick++ shulabear++ sleary++ abneiman++
15:20 dluch releaseteam++
15:20 redavis Bmagic++ berick++ shulabear++ sleary++ abneiman++
15:30 redavis That was my thinkin's.  Cool.  Thanks for the spell wisdom.  Makes sense.
15:30 Bmagic ok, that's another branch to merge.....
15:30 Bmagic someone else should probably do it
15:30 Dyrcona FWIW, I don't disable JIT on my test db with Pg12+.
15:31 csharp_ I would have to watch a tutorial - my scant reading doesn't have me grokking it yet
15:31 Bmagic (since I authored it) - anyone want to take the action item?
15:31 csharp_ could be one of those things that tests fine but causes havoc at scale
15:31 Bmagic or I guess I should back up and ask if it needs* to make it in before 3.13 is official
15:32 csharp_ I think since PG11 is dead, we should push it asap
15:32 Dyrcona csharp_: Depends on a number of factors from what I understand.
15:40 csharp_ 1 bug <--> 1 issue is the kind of granularity I try for
15:40 mmorgan Commits can get missed.
15:40 csharp_ but I'm not developing big ol' UIs and things
15:40 kmlussier But if the commit with the shared component is added to a specific launchpad bug, and then somebody has feedback on that shared component as part of testing, won't that discussion be on that specific LP bug even if it's for a distinct feature?
15:40 csharp_ mmorgan: I agree
15:41 kmlussier csharp_: So are you saying those shared components should get their own distinct bug?
15:41 redavis (s/omnibus bus (that's funny)/omnibus bug)
15:44 csharp_ there's not a consensus for anything
15:45 mmorgan Extra intermediate work may save work further down the line...
15:45 csharp_ yeah, and hints in the bug comments usually say "the top 10 commits on <branch>"
15:45 eeevil if all commits on a branch attached to an LP must have that LP prefix before being pushed to working, I'm fine with that rule. but that's not ... what I though the rule was, and wanted to avoid extra work that would 1) delay testing 2) make everyone that wanted to look at it move to another branch
15:45 redavis Does it need to be a vote? since it's already in the guidelines?
15:45 berick i don't think we're talking about working bracnches eeevil
15:45 berick just the final product
15:50 shulabear https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=newdevs:git:create
15:50 eeevil (and, yeah, I do think the committer can amend the commits as appropriate -- or ask the author for a cleanup "final" branch)
15:50 Dyrcona kmlussier: I do, but I don't use it any more. I do this `git cherry-pick ^HEAD working/user/whoever/branch`
15:51 Dyrcona Or, I check out the branch and rebase on master. That's why I don't like extraneous commits, i.e. not related to what's being tested.
15:51 csharp_ I've been doing 'git cherry-pick commit1^..commit10', but I'll experiment with Dyrcona's method
15:52 Bmagic Dyrcona: I could see an issue with that command if the working branch was based on a different working branch? That would bring in more than just the feature you wanted to checkout?
15:52 Dyrcona Yes, you have to start from the same or similar bases.

Results for 2024-05-12

06:40 rlefaive joined #evergreen
12:23 dmoore_doppel joined #evergreen
12:53 dmoore_beta joined #evergreen
13:10 pinesol News from commits: LP#1949109: Follow-up: lint fix <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c412f1​b7102fac47fa106c7f892608d0ce427db7>
17:11 pinesol News from commits: lp2065457: adjust mocks in angular tests <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=7e8ba5​614f13b98fb992e3257533603cc7004ef5>
19:11 pinesol News from commits: lp2036312: Upgrade nightwatch to version 3 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=89e0a6​0140711b819326b6178668965c92e46293>
23:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2006969 Turn off combobox for complex fixed fields <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=547e31​3434c913a01498d74c5bba9d8150a5290c>
23:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2006969 MARC reference comments for fixed fields editor <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=e05506​cb50d7fcf25fd6269685c09814a17032e9>
23:42 pinesol News from commits: LP2006969 Updated MARC tag tables <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a9c8fa​f996fc2d0fc12ba1cdf4d492d38be51b6b>

Results for 2024-05-09

15:00 pinesol News from commits: LP#1949109: Advanced filter UI improvement <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=e707f8​1b85b1a6e167459441bbca2b209055cc65>
15:00 pinesol News from commits: LP#1949109: Library and Location groups <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=90ef6b​bedd27a02ed91ea5c77832f2a8e8d85e2e>
15:17 mantis1 left #evergreen
15:30 sleary Bmagic thanks for writing up the results of our testing!
15:35 Bmagic sleary++ # thanks for all your time today
15:35 Bmagic shula++ # thanks for all your time today
15:45 eeevil terranm++

Results for 2024-05-03

08:29 redavis joined #evergreen
08:48 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:52 csharp_ aha - it wasn't selinux after all - I needed to comment out the "bind" directive in redis.conf
08:53 csharp_ and with that, I have OpenSRF running with a successful opensrf.math test on RHEL 9
08:54 csharp_ spoke too soon - opensrf.persist isn't starting
08:58 rlefaive joined #evergreen
09:05 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:05 Dyrcona runaround--

Results for 2024-05-02

07:59 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:18 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:34 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:45 mmorgan rlefaive: bug 1993824, released in 3.12 resolved those issues. I did a quick test on a test server and was able to download csv and delete a session.
08:45 pinesol Launchpad bug 1993824 in Evergreen "wishlist: Angular Link Checker Interface" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1993824
08:50 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:57 dguarrac joined #evergreen
11:49 Dyrcona I think verify_passwd requires a hash of the password.
11:51 csharp_ or the salt
11:51 Bmagic looking at the function, maybe I can delete the row in actor.passwd?
11:52 Dyrcona Bmagic: actor.change_password worked for me yesterday on a system that's running main from early last month. I changed a patron's password on the test system to play with NCIPServer authentication.
11:52 Dyrcona I could login with the new password.
11:53 Bmagic no go on my test machine. Tried srfsh also
11:54 Bmagic srfsh# login admin demo123
11:56 Bmagic something is afoot
11:56 Bmagic I'm sure it's me, crawling logs
15:57 Dyrcona I don't think there can be one because acn doesn't have a field that links to actor.usr, but I could be wrong.
15:58 jmurray-isl I was wondering. The template gets its user info from the user_data variable, instead.
15:59 Dyrcona Yeah. Evergreen supplies the user data when the event is created.
16:00 jmurray-isl In addition to that one, the Send Test SMS action trigger (hook: au.sms_text.test) doesn't seem to have context_usr_path defined either, but the primary target should be actor.usr.id.  I've tried various things, but nothing has worked to populate that one, either.
16:00 Dyrcona For that event, you only get the carrier and the number.
16:02 Dyrcona My previous comment was for texting a call number.
16:02 Dyrcona For au.sms_text.test the core type is au.
16:02 jmurray-isl Yep, I've tried, target, target.id, and id and none seem to work.
16:03 Dyrcona What's your ultimate goal?
16:04 jmurray-isl To populate context_user on SMS action trigger events so I can reference them in an SQL query daily report on the counts of SMS events to various carriers
16:05 jmurray-isl Those two action trigger definitions were the outliers.
16:06 jmurray-isl Their number is minimal, to be fair, but I was mostly wondering for completion sake.
16:09 Dyrcona For the send test sms, you can use the target in your SQL.
16:10 jmurray-isl Yep.
16:11 Dyrcona I don't think you can get anything in the text call number event context_usr without changing Perl code.
16:11 jmurray-isl Gotcha.
16:19 JBoyer FYI for GitLab hosters, they’ve laid a security egg re: password resets: https://arstechnica.com/?p=2021409
16:19 JBoyer Update asap
16:19 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:23 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: Yes. It's pulled from the target using the context_usr_path. Since the usr is the target for the test sms event, it's not possible to grab it. Look at OpenILS/Application/Trigger/Event.pm around line 496.
16:25 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: When you tried id on the send test sms, did you restart the open-ils.trigger service after making the change? "id" might work on that one since the core_type is au.
16:27 jmurray-isl I did not restart the service.  I'll try that.
16:30 Dyrcona I was trying to test it, too, but I didn't set websockets port last time that I built opensrf  for debuggin.
16:34 Dyrcona then a hard reload in Chrome...
16:38 Dyrcona Context user was filled in with the wrong id, and the event errored.
16:40 Dyrcona Nope. I take that first part back. context_user was not set. The event did error.

Results for 2024-04-30

12:18 dickreckard Bmagic: a new clean database works correctly with the current Evergreen bits. it seems to be the upgraded db that breaks the keyword search ( and probably other things then. )
12:18 Bmagic I see what you mean, carry on
12:26 smayo joined #evergreen
12:49 Dyrcona I have test/dev servers where features sometimes don't work. I've got one where the acq. interface completely fails. Search has been a problem in the past. A full ingest sometimes helps.
12:49 Dyrcona dickreckard ^^
12:57 Dyrcona We usually blame these issues on the test environment being slower than production.
14:05 sleary joined #evergreen
14:54 Dyrcona oops. accidentally pushed a working branch to NCIPServer origin, and gitolite won't let me delete it. I should probably check/update the configuration to prevent pushing working branches in that repo. There's only 3 of us that use it, anyway....
15:09 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
16:06 Dyrcona I guess a username that's 14 digits will cause us problems.... I've recently come out against letting patrons chose their own usernames in light of these issues and other bugs.
16:07 Dyrcona I've been outvoted, so I go along with it.
16:08 Dyrcona Stompro: Do you want to update the code or should I?
16:09 Stompro Feel free, I'll hopefully be able to test it out tomorrow afternoon.  I don't get why usernames don't actually work either, that might be a different bug.
16:10 Dyrcona Well my barcode == username, and breaks the rules. I should have tested with a regular patron, and in light of this, I will test it again.
16:11 Dyrcona I think I know the account to test with. One of those with the lowercase d in the barcode. They also have a different username.
16:13 Dyrcona Hm.. the lowercase d password is inactive in my test database and the uppercase D one is active. I guess that's even better. :)
16:17 Dyrcona Also, the code was implemented to only expect barcodes, but....
16:21 Stompro do you mean the "<AuthenticationInputType>barc​ode</AuthenticationInputType>" part?
16:22 Stompro I noticed that also, but I don't remember what the other options in the standard were there off the top of my head.

Results for 2024-04-29

13:00 dickreckard alright.. temps getting warmer and some sun today.. now finishing the day working from home with some evergreen misteries still to solve.. :P
13:00 dickreckard how about you?
13:00 Bmagic I got my tomatoes in the ground this weekend! I figured it's practically May! Maybe we can help with your Evergreen mysteries! I love a good mystery!
13:01 dickreckard yeah! late spring this year
13:02 dickreckard I am trying to found out why the keyword search field does not work. all other fields work both in autocomplete as in normal search but the keyword not at all. this is a test system with a database that has been updated from version to 3.2.2 to 3.12.1.. but he update scripts on the db seemed to work correctly
13:03 Bmagic how many rows do you have in metabib.keyword_field_entry? select count(*) from metabib.keyword_field_entry
13:05 dickreckard 57910
13:13 Bmagic seems like you should get results... maybe reingest?

Results for 2024-04-25

08:07 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:44 csharp_ redavis: probably OpenSRF restart and autogen.sh (and often cleared cache in the browser)
08:44 csharp_ I've not dealt with custom tree stuff
08:45 redavis It says that it just needs an apache restart, but I suspect autogen should also be included in there.
08:46 redavis We'll do testing beforehand, but it seems like this would deal with vestigial org units showing up publicly.
08:46 redavis Okay, to Costco and then austensibly to hackfest amongst other things.
08:47 dmoore joined #evergreen
08:50 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:51 Stompro joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-04-18

08:52 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:57 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:54 sleary joined #evergreen
09:54 abneiman Bmagic++ # test server for parts
09:58 redavis joined #evergreen
11:39 abneiman for core committers, noting that Equinox/ECDI's big Acq pieces are pullrequested & signedoff if anyone has time to review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2039609
11:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 2039609 in Evergreen "wishlist: Acquisitions Sprint A - Z39.50 and other fixes" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
11:39 abneiman Also, reports / reports security are here - the former has been extensively tested by the community; the latter by BCLC: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1993823 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2043142
11:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 1993823 in Evergreen "wishlist: Angular Reports Interface" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
11:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 2043142 in Evergreen "wishlist: Reports security improvements" [Wishlist,New]
11:41 abneiman all of those are available at butternut.evergreencatalog.com for further review

Results for 2024-04-17

12:35 Bmagic sleary: Since you mentioned it, the other* bug that I'm merging doesn't have the release-notes line in the commit message: LP2045292 - Darn it! I almost committed it!
13:33 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
13:40 pinesol News from commits: LP#1949214: do not jump-on-single-hit when doing metarecord search in staff catalog <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=17296d​7fea50856a7313cf1976c9348fdd3b2a19>
13:42 csharp_ Bmagic: testing out your docker.io container on my Fedora box - I'll letcha know how it goes
13:42 csharp_ using podman
13:44 csharp_ to quote apache2, "It Works!"
14:11 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:33 sandbergja podman++
14:43 Bmagic csharp_++

Results for 2024-04-12

12:00 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:10 Bmagic Dyrcona: I'm troubleshooting the SFTP ingram sftp thing. I've successfully logged into their server using a GUI tool, but the funny thing is, their server is sending my GUI tool a banner message. Which, I think, is tricking the Evergreen code. We're able to push orders, but we can't receive. When attempting to scp manually via scp command, I get this: "exec request failed on channel 0" - which is their server attempting to use my tty (
12:10 Bmagic according to google)
12:11 Bmagic did you deal with this during testing?
12:11 berick hm, just deployed locally.  i've only testing sending so far.
12:11 berick *tested
12:13 Bmagic bouncing this off of you: scp account_redacted@ftp.ingramcontent.com:/outg​oing/filename_redacted.EIN ./test.ein
12:13 Bmagic does that look sound?
12:14 Bmagic (it prompts for the password) - which I provide, then I get the "exec request failed on channel 0" error
12:16 berick Bmagic: that fails for me too, but using "sftp" instead of "scp" works OK
15:20 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
16:21 Stompro I think the fake ISBN's that B&T creates for DVDs are not conflicting with real codes.  Looks like Romania and Argentina were assigned 630 and 631 in 2023.
16:21 Stompro s/are not/are now/
16:36 Stompro But, a test system with ISBN::Data from 2021 also doesn't load them... so maybe something else is causing this.
16:39 Dyrcona Fake ISBNs were problem never a good idea.
16:40 Dyrcona s/problem/probably/ but somehow problem is more appropriate though is not an adverb.
16:50 mmorgan probably a problem

Results for 2024-04-10

15:32 Dyrcona csharp_++
16:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:12 Dyrcona Yay! I got 2+2 = 4! :)
16:12 Dyrcona I'll have to run the other tests later.
17:01 dmoore joined #evergreen
17:06 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:23 jihpringle joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-04-09

15:37 Bmagic I think* it was saving a bib record, which in-turn queried reporter.old_super_simple_record - which is what's written on the bug report
15:37 eeevil there are certain things that JIT wants to do that we have already poured a lot of brain power into manually tuning
15:37 Bmagic that makes sense
15:38 eeevil it's not that EG is incompatible with PG's JIT, it's that (just like autovac and stats targets, and lots of other stuff, tbh) it requires config that is tuned to your particular size and shape of data
15:39 eeevil a small EG instance may benefit a BUNCH from JIT, and reporting might as well (I've tested neither, but I have suspicions)
15:40 sandbergja thanks, eeevil, that's helpful info to have
15:40 eeevil but(!) unless someone has the tuits to learn the feature well, and analyze our queries in that context, I agree that we should recommend disabling JIT for now
15:40 Bmagic eeevil++
15:41 eeevil I'd actually propose we investigate (as a community, as broadly as we can manage) cross-column stats targets before jumping into JIT
15:41 Dyrcona I'm OK with that, but I don't think I've every encountered an issue caused by JIT. Pg 16 (even unoptimized) has pretty much always been faster than Pg 10 for me. BUT! I've not run it in produciton, just in testing on a production-sized database with a production-sized server.
15:41 eeevil (not to derail the JIT-specific discussion, but as a query tuning tool I think that will pay off for more folks)
15:42 eeevil Dyrcona: I haven't seen JIT-specific issues either, but I think we can be fairly sure that plan stability is /higher/ without JIT (until we learn to tune it well)
15:43 Bmagic Disabling it fixed our problem on a test-then-production instance
15:43 Bmagic pretty sure it manifested as a time-out when clicking on save in the MARC editor
15:43 Dyrcona So, we'll recommend disabling JIT in the installation instructions, then.
15:43 eeevil which is to say, yes, some folks will lose out on some optimizations they get "for free" with JIT on, but things are much less likely to go sideways in ways some have seen

Results for 2024-04-08

13:43 Dyrcona Oh! i meant to add some information about toubleshooting, particularly how to get the output from the fetcher. (It has more problems than the pusher.)
13:51 csharp_ Dyrcona: I just applied the fix and tlittle will be changing relevant accounts
13:51 mmorgan Dyrcona++
13:51 csharp_ we asked Ingram for a test location and got crickets, so we'll be testing live
13:52 csharp_ vendors don't seem to value testing in advance
14:00 Dyrcona Ingram has a test server, but don't know how up to date it is.
14:00 * Dyrcona tried sftp with B&T and the error was a rather unceremonious, "go away."
14:03 Dyrcona Ugh! I typoed the page name when I created it.....
14:06 Dyrcona OK, fixed it: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.o​rg/doku.php?id=acq:edi_sftp
14:07 Dyrcona Is there a particular mailing list I should send this to? I was just going to email the general list.
14:12 Dyrcona I set up a test vm with sftp and copied files from production, but some things didn't show up until we used the production server.
14:36 Dyrcona I feel like if I email the general list, someone's going to complain: "What is this? Why am I getting this?"
14:37 pinesol News from commits: LP1843940 - Permission Tree Display Sort Order <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b3a4e3​7a697d5ba5ec126127b2bcc0b77306c6e4>
14:39 Rogan Dyrcona I feel like when you sign up for the general list you're on the hook for a variety of evergreen related emails

Results for 2024-04-05

07:53 collum joined #evergreen
07:58 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:36 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:42 Dyrcona Guess, I'll undo my testing changes on the test database and try the fetcher with the production settings and grab the files from Ingram's server. Maybe there's something that my test changes are masking.
08:43 Dyrcona I did add vsftp on my sftp host, and configured one account to get files with ftp and others with sftp and that did not seem to cause files to be downloaded more than once in my test environment. I thought that using ftp and sftp with basically the same account would do it, but it didn't.
08:46 Dyrcona I have also verified that FTP is working.
09:03 Dyrcona Feels like there should be a way to do this with pg_dump/pg_restore, but so far no dice. I think I'll try a data-only dump with --disable-triggers and a truncate on the tables after.
09:11 Dyrcona pg_dump: warning: there are circular foreign-key constraints among these tables:
10:12 berick been meaning to move in that direction myself
10:13 Dyrcona OK. I guess we agree more than I thought yesterday.
10:13 berick also considering keeping local copies of the plain files -- before they go into the DB -- as a secondary backup for debugging, etc.
10:13 Dyrcona I still haven't been able to replicate what I saw in production on my test environment, so I'm trying to restore the original settings. I'm running the fetcher to get caught up.
10:14 berick possibly a lighter way to say "we already have this" than querying the DB
10:14 Dyrcona Yeah, that is worth exploring.
10:15 Dyrcona Back to the issue, I thought it must have to do with 1 account having sftp in the host and the others having ftp with the same credentials and directory, but even when I did that on my test setup, it didn't pull the files twice.
10:16 Dyrcona This other account says X of 1722 targets....
10:34 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:45 Dyrcona Ok. I've got only the Ingram accounts set to active. I did a run to get caught up and grabbed 63 files. The second run grabbed 0. Now, I'm going to set 1 account to sftp in the host and see what happens. There are other accounts with the same credentials using FTP. This should replicate what we saw in production.
10:48 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:54 Dyrcona Files retrieved: 275
10:55 Dyrcona Wow! I think it is the host part of the duplicate check in retrieve_core after all. Dunno why it didn't trigger on my local test server, though.
10:56 Dyrcona berick: I think we should regexp_replace('^[a-z]+://', host, '') in the host check, or we just need to update all of the same accounts at once?
10:57 Dyrcona or, maybe [^:]+ instead of [a-z]+?
10:58 Dyrcona I'm running the same again to see what happens. I suspect it should grab 275 again unless a new file has gone up.
11:45 Dyrcona csharp_: We had something local that was written in PHP. Now, we're using Metabase.
11:45 Dyrcona It's not built into Evergreen, though you could add links.
11:46 Dyrcona So, setting all of the accounts with the same username and password to use sftp resolves the multiple files retrieval, as I thought it might.
11:48 Dyrcona Moral of the story: Don't just set 1 account to SFTP to "test" it. It's all or nothing.
11:51 jeff and take steps to ensure that nothing tries to fetch files while you make the config changes to all the accounts in question?
11:52 Dyrcona jeff: A SQL update should be fast enough and much faster than doing it in through the client.
11:54 Dyrcona I may suggest a small path to O::A::Acq::EDI.pm to remove the scheme from the URL stored in host field of acq.edi_account. Doing a schemeless comparison would also resolve the issue.
15:40 StomproJ Yes, for a number of years.
15:40 Bmagic StomproJ++
15:40 Bmagic we gotta get this merged then
15:41 StomproJ Works for SMS call number also, and for the SMS test message.... although there is a bug there I need to document.
15:42 Bmagic I'm reading https://gitlab.com/LARL/evergreen-larl/-/com​mit/73b424779e2a07e351cc5cd78c8c2ee32b12fd6e
15:43 StomproJ Testing is probably hard since you need a flowroute account setup with real money involved.  Plus all the SMS Campaign registration stuff.
15:44 Bmagic right, so, it'll never get merged.... how do we "trump" that?
15:44 Dyrcona From what I understand, the campaign registration is pretty much required if you want your messages to get through, even with the commercial gateway.
15:44 StomproJ Oh, I need to update it for the latest version of their API also, which improves the delivery report data.
15:45 Dyrcona Bmagic: You've got the power....
15:45 Bmagic the branch needs documentation and probably a pg test and a perl test
15:46 Dyrcona EDI is also hard to test.
15:47 StomproJ I could probably provide api keys for someone to test...  I'll have to think about how to do that.
15:48 Bmagic StomproJ++
15:48 Dyrcona I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble for sharing test API keys.
15:48 Bmagic maybe we could create a trial account for testing
15:49 StomproJ I'll reach out to Flowroute and see if they can provide trial accounts.
15:50 Bmagic Flowroute might get an increase in business, which makes it feel "icky" to only support them, but we gotta start somewhere
15:50 Dyrcona There's precedent with stripe. Someone with an account has to test it.
15:51 Dyrcona Well, that's the code that there is, supplied by a community member. I don't see anyone else sharing anything. (Says the guy who's not a fan of commercial solutions in general, but in this case, what can you do?)
15:55 Bmagic I prefer Evergreen to talk to a commercial SMS API, rather than generate XML and ship that to MessageBee (for example)
15:56 Bmagic Shipping XML and maintaining a bunch of AT template toolkit's is more annoying IMO
15:59 StomproJ I'm using a php script to just send them to my email now.  You just tell flowroute your callback url.
16:00 Dyrcona "Click here to spam the world"
16:00 Bmagic What's the next step to get this Flowroute code merged? We have a bug, and the code, though the code isn't in the "normal" form/branch method? A signoff maybe? It could use the documentation pieces (release notes, and proper doc injections). I'm sure everyone would welcome such an addition, and the SMS fire has been burning for a long time now
16:01 Dyrcona Bmagic: You just said it. It needs signoff and release notes minimum. Tests and documentation would be most welcome.
16:02 Bmagic Seems pretty doable to get it over the finish line IMO. StomproJ: maybe we can divide the tasks?
16:04 Bmagic I think it would be "easier" (for me) if it were in the working repo
16:04 StomproJ Sure, I think just having someone else interested in it helps... Probably docs on setting up a flowroute account also...
16:17 Bmagic sweet, StomproJ: you good with rolling with the collab branch?
16:17 StomproJ Sure, sounds good.
16:17 Dyrcona Bmagic++ StomproJ++
16:18 Bmagic Sounded like you were interested in the documentation additions, and release notes? I can try my hand a tthe tests
16:18 StomproJ Here are all the flowroute related commits that I have in our custom production repo.  https://gitlab.com/LARL/evergreen-larl/-/​commits/rel_3_11_1-larl?search=flowroute
16:19 Bmagic StomproJ: I think/hope those are the exact commits I just put onto our collab branch
16:19 Dyrcona https://gitlab.com/LARL/evergreen-larl/-/com​mit/3d4cdbc7d6260640e5f086c2965dccc3797e27d1 isn't in the collab branch, and I wonder if it is necessary.

Results for 2024-04-04

13:32 berick Dyrcona: i'd stop short of deleting the files after download since that's new behavior, but fixing the dupe detection is obv. critical.
13:33 Dyrcona In the long run, I think we should delete the files, or make it an option. As far as I can tell, Ingram isn't cleaning up the outgoing directory. I have not checked other vendors, yet.
13:34 Dyrcona So, I'll agree with that not being a bug fix.
13:36 Dyrcona Meanwhile, I can test with local servers and messages from production.
13:36 Dyrcona Wonder if the fetcher works with the debugger?
13:47 Dyrcona I swear that I saw the duplicate detection code last week, but can I find it right now? Nope.
13:48 Dyrcona It's probably in OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_retrieval
15:26 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
16:03 sandbergja joined #evergreen
16:11 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
16:30 Dyrcona OK. I cannot reproduce the duplicate retrieval in any of my 3 test environments with recent files.
16:31 Dyrcona This requires further investigation.
16:52 Dyrcona Well, that's that fo today.
16:59 Guest21 joined #evergreen

Results for 2024-04-03

12:16 Dyrcona I wonder if it is possibly a difference in the server? Could the SFTP server affect the return value of $sftp->put()?
12:21 Dyrcona Has anyone else started using/testing SFTP with Ingram in production? If so, have you noticed anything in the acq.edi_message table, notably remote_file having just a "1" in it?
12:41 Dyrcona i think there's a bug in the put_sftp function that somehow escaped testing. I unfortunately do not have syslogs on the test machine going back far enough to see what happened there. I'm going to run another test.
12:50 Dyrcona Actually, I think I see the bug on one of my test systems. I'm going to test again and see what happens.
13:05 sleary joined #evergreen
13:44 Dyrcona Bleh. None of the production data is loading today. Too much missing extra data: bibs, etc.
13:46 Dyrcona When I tried to add items via brief record, I get a failure to update the database. As I said, I don't know what I'm doing in the acq interface.

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