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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-05-29

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:55 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:55 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:04 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:12 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:54 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:06 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:13 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:24 mantis1 joined #evergreen
09:45 riteveld joined #evergreen
09:46 riteveld hello evergreen :)
09:49 Bmagic riteveld: hey! How's your day?
09:50 riteveld Hello Bmagic. Fine, working on a pair of evergreen problems during an upgrade.. ;) what about you?
09:50 Bmagic I'm basically doing the same :)
09:51 riteveld hehe so original
09:52 Bmagic Are you getting stuck on a problem? Maybe we can help!
09:53 riteveld Thanks for offering! yes stuck on a pair of things. I am stuck with trying to understand why the Fast Item Add option fails. It does not add an item during the creation of a new record or a z39.50 import, but it does work once the record is created, from the Marc Edit view..
09:54 Bmagic hmmm, any errors in the browser console? Or postgres logs?
09:54 riteveld I did check and it is a version updated to include this patch https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=787429​0eec05c5a9a90b00e517d2ecadf0b3034e
09:56 riteveld yes a very generic error in the browser console, not sure if related: worker request failed with undefined
09:56 Bmagic some basic things we probably need to make sure of: was autogen.sh ran after the upgrade?
09:57 riteveld yes
09:57 Bmagic and since this issue is inside the eg2 app, I would be interested in rebuilding the app via the ng build steps
09:57 riteveld and not sure  if related but in osrfsys.log it warns this : Collision using internal ID as tcn_value for record 16822
09:58 Bmagic ah!
09:58 Bmagic collisions on tcn value, sure, that would be it
09:58 riteveld but it happens while creating a new record so do not understand what it is colliding with..
09:59 Bmagic the ID column on biblio.record_entry most likely or the tcn_value column
10:00 Dyrcona riteveld: What does this query return in your Evergreen database: select * from config.internal_flag where name = 'cat.bib.use_id_for_tcn'
10:01 Bmagic Dyrcona++ # I was just trying to find the name of that setting
10:01 * Dyrcona suspects it might have been flipped on or off during the upgrade.
10:01 riteveld enabled is true
10:01 riteveld value is empty
10:02 Bmagic I wonder if the sequence is below max(id)
10:02 Dyrcona That could be.
10:02 Dyrcona riteveld: Now this one: select * from biblio.record_entry_id_seq
10:03 Dyrcona Then this one: select max(id) from biblio.record_entry
10:03 Bmagic what are the numbers from these two queries: SELECT last_value FROM biblio.record_entry_id_seq;  select max(id) from biblio.record_entry;
10:03 Bmagic lol
10:03 riteveld last_value and max(id) are the same
10:04 Dyrcona Try the select *. It provides more information about the sequence.
10:04 riteveld last_value | log_cnt | is_called
10:04 riteveld ------------+---------+-----------
10:04 riteveld 16822 |      32 | t
10:04 Dyrcona OK. That looks normal.
10:05 Dyrcona If is_called were false it would try to use 16822 rather than 16823 for the next entry.
10:05 Bmagic so tcn_value must already exist on another record for the one coming in
10:05 Dyrcona Try this: select id, tcn_value from biblio.record_entry order by id // Look for any that don't match.
10:06 riteveld right. but this happens when creating a new record, and that works and the tcn increases, it is just the quick item add that fails..
10:06 sleary joined #evergreen
10:08 Dyrcona We were making suggestions based on the error message you reported.
10:09 riteveld yes! just wondering why if it gives that error, if it still manages to create the new record
10:09 Bmagic maybe see about this: select id, tcn_value from biblio.record_entry where tcn_value~'16822';
10:10 Bmagic according to the error, there was already a row in biblio.record_entry with that tcn_value, which is odd (might be a different issue from the fast item add issue)
10:10 riteveld yes they are all paired
10:11 Bmagic ok, I guess we can stop chasing that one
10:12 riteveld Bmagic: before you suggested rebuilding the app via the ng build steps? do you have a link to some documentation on this?
10:13 Bmagic https://evergreen-ils.org/documentat​ion/install/README_3_12.html#install​_files_for_angular_web_staff_client
10:13 riteveld thanks!
10:13 Dyrcona Unrelated: When did cat.copy.templates turn into webstaff.cat.copy.templates?
10:14 Bmagic Dyrcona: doesn't sound familiar, I'd have to check git log
10:14 Dyrcona Yeah, I was just about to grep the code. I think it might be an Angular thing...
10:15 Dyrcona I have one library asking about sharing templates, and they have the latter in production, but on a dump from last month, the settings are cat.copy.templates.
10:17 Dyrcona Huh... 3.0.1-3.0.2 db upgrade...
10:17 Bmagic that was like when jquery was still cool
10:17 Bmagic fire was novel
10:17 Dyrcona DB upgrades 1084 and 1319.
10:19 Dyrcona Looks like it is Angular, though it doesn't turn up, literally, in Open-ILS/src/eg2.
10:19 Dyrcona I mean literally literally... :)
10:19 Bmagic latterlly
10:19 Dyrcona grep -R -F ... literally. :)
10:20 Dyrcona cat.copy.templates does turn up. So, I wonder if webstaff is being magically added?
10:22 Bmagic seems plausable
10:22 * Dyrcona goes hunting for serverStore.
10:25 Dyrcona Futher down the rabbit hole: open-ils.actor.settings.apply.user_or_ws
10:26 Dyrcona And, I don't see webstaff being added anywhere.
10:26 Bmagic grep for webstaff?
10:28 Dyrcona webstaff.cat.copy.templates turns up here: Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default​/staff/cat/volcopy/app.js
10:29 Dyrcona So, maybe I missed something and I really want webstaff.cat.copy.templates for AngularJS, and cat.copy.templates are for Angular...
10:30 Dyrcona Makes sense, I guess. The database that I was messing with yesterday has been upgraded to main.
10:30 * Dyrcona checks on not upgraded.
10:30 Dyrcona I think it's time to play some Police: Too Much Information. :)
10:35 Rogan Dyrcona it's always a good time for the Police (I'm fond of 80s music as a personal taste but the Police have stood the test of time IMO)
10:45 pinesol News from commits: LP2067115: More fieldmapper comboboxes domId <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d44e6b​0da02c250fa6e233f38ff566aed86ca39d>
10:45 pinesol News from commits: LP2067115: Fieldmapper should set combobox domId, not id <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=841a22​81fb1727327bb15eb476c0406fed463616>
10:56 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:14 smayo joined #evergreen
11:14 collum joined #evergreen
11:25 smayo I've been trying to test a new function that should be on the AngularJS navbar (dark mode color switch) but none of my changes to navbar.js have been doing anything, and the function neither runs nor throws an error. I check the page sources and find that navbar.js is not there. But the navbar still does everything but the new stuff???
11:25 Bmagic seems like a dev environment issue?
11:26 sleary joined #evergreen
11:26 Bmagic the browser will omit loading JS files if they aren't syntactically sound
11:27 Bmagic smayo: maybe confirm that your environment does load the file with vanilla
11:30 smayo Will do
11:33 smayo Environment does NOT load navbar.js with vanilla
11:34 Bmagic does this: https://bugsquash.mobiusco​nsortium.org/eg/opac/home
11:35 smayo It's not there on your test server either
11:35 Bmagic if it's in eg2, then the filename won't surface the same on the browser, it's all compiled and boiled down into random js files, and some are combined into a single
11:36 smayo I'm looking for it on the circ page
11:37 smayo There IS a machine code-ish version of it in core.module.js, which IS included, but it doesn't have an individual file like, say, grid.js
11:39 smayo So how do changes propagate into core.module.js?
11:49 gmcharlt_ joined #evergreen
11:49 gmcharlt_ left #evergreen
11:54 Bmagic smayo: navbar.js is AngularJS ('m slowly catching up with you) - which acts differently on the browser compared to Angular. And, yep, I agree, navbar.js doesn't seem to be loaded. Maybe it's depricated?
11:54 sleary_ joined #evergreen
11:58 sleary joined #evergreen
12:00 smayo Maybe? It seems to be referenced directly (and working?) by the button to change locale, applyLocale(), which I can't find defined anywhere other than navbar.js and core.bundle.js
12:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:02 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:04 Bmagic smayo: sorry I'm not much help. I can confirm what you're seeing, but I don't know why
12:13 Dyrcona smayo: navbar.js is loaded via webpack.js: Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/webpack.config.js
12:14 Bmagic Dyrcona: I saw that but why doesn't the browser offer that file as a file I can "See" for break points?
12:16 smayo And why doesn't it change js behavior when I change navbar.js?
12:16 Dyrcona You probably have to not use build-prod.
12:17 Bmagic that makes sense
12:17 Dyrcona Dunno, really. I'm not a fan of JavaScript.
12:18 Bmagic I like fans, especially old ones with the steam punk look
12:18 Dyrcona With the metal blades that *will* sever fingers.
12:18 Bmagic you smell what I'm steppin' in!
12:26 collum joined #evergreen
12:37 mantis1 JavaScript--
12:38 smayo AHA! I run npm build in the directory with webpack.config.js and then my changes EXIST!!
12:38 smayo Bmagic++ Dyrcona++
12:40 JBoyer I think it's safe to say fewer people dislike JS than dislike the current state of web development, which is so far removed from html, css, and js, as to be unrecognizable.
12:42 * JBoyer trips over a pile of helm charts, transpilers, and docker images and grumbles "When did people stop /writing software/ instead of orchestrating infrastructure to LARP Google 2.0?!"
12:42 Dyrcona JBoyer++
12:43 Dyrcona Bmagic: Smells like WASM. :)
12:43 * Dyrcona wonders why an event was not created in his test.
12:46 Dyrcona hold.available is supposed to get created right away, no?
12:50 Dyrcona The environment is set up.
12:52 Dyrcona Yeahp. I can find it calling even.autocreate in the logs.
12:55 Dyrcona open-ils.cstore.direct.action​_trigger.hook.search.atomic: returned 1 result(s) found it, too.
12:57 Dyrcona It also found the 3 events.
13:01 Dyrcona And......It's there. It was there the whole time. My SQL query was wrong.
13:19 Dyrcona Oops...
13:20 Dyrcona Another thinko in a script I've got ${0##*/} when I want ${0%/*}
13:22 smayo joined #evergreen
13:50 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:59 Bmagic claiming 1418
14:15 Bmagic for rel_3_12, on the 002 script, Do I also bring that all the way to the current DB stamp ID? when backporting a DB script?
14:16 pinesol News from commits: LP#2059974: stamp DB update <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=726a3a​140eb791db6e75b19c0d72c283eada9892>
14:16 pinesol News from commits: LP#2059974: Restrict search length for suggestions <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=74fb8e​51b50256d43caf5e40ad32201da560c56d>
14:19 sleary_ joined #evergreen
14:27 Dyrcona Bmagic: Yes, you do.
14:27 Bmagic Dyrcona++ # I ended up looking back through history to answer it
14:43 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
14:44 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
14:47 jeffdavis Has anyone tried out cross-registration with RediSRF? Is it possible to use TLS to encrypt Redis traffic in that kind of setup?
14:49 jeffdavis (cross-registration = setting things up in opensrf_core.xml so messages can be passed among multiple servers, not just locally)
14:53 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
14:54 Dyrcona jeffdavis: never tried that with Redis.
14:57 berick jeffdavis: when connecting across multiple redis servers, it's just another client connection like any other.  would not expect it to make any difference.
14:58 mantis1 left #evergreen
15:17 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:33 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:33 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
16:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:04 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:58 jihpringle joined #evergreen
21:17 pinesol News from commits: Updating relator codes for 3.13 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1c0061​738d09e6244fa2057db7231658e9854d79>

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