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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-05-22

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
05:00 scottangel_ joined #evergreen
05:00 dluch_ joined #evergreen
05:00 Bmagic_ joined #evergreen
05:08 sleary joined #evergreen
07:21 collum joined #evergreen
08:01 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:07 sleary joined #evergreen
08:32 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:57 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:01 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:05 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:06 kmlussier Good morning #evergreen!
09:06 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
09:06 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Sumatra Golden Mandheling, and sends it sliding down the bar to eby
09:06 kmlussier @tea [someone]
09:06 * pinesol brews and pours a pot of Earl Grey Decaffeinated Black Tea, and sends it sliding down the bar to jeff (http://ratetea.com/tea/big​elow/earl-grey-decaf/87/)
09:08 eby already got a Sumatra Anaerobic Dry Process Pendekar going but thanks
09:09 Dyrcona eby: Sounds fancy!
09:11 sleary joined #evergreen
09:30 eby https://www.sweetmarias.com/sumatra-an​aerobic-dry-process-pendekar-7777.html
09:32 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:55 kmlussier I am enjoying the full-bodied flavors in my mug of Folgers.
09:58 sleary joined #evergreen
10:04 jeff in a ticket system with over 200,000 tickets, we managed to submit something that the state resource sharing consortium had not seen before. yay!
10:04 jeff > That was something new. I agree, an insert barcode gone horribly wrong
10:05 jeff @ana [ana insert barcode gone horribly wrong]
10:05 pinesol jeff: Wobbling or hard-core serenity
10:06 mantis1 joined #evergreen
10:07 jeff a patron with not one, but TWO (of the same) item barcodes on their patron record in the INN-Reach DCB client. nominal is zero item barcodes from any libraries being attached to a patron account as a patron barcode.
10:07 berick lotto ticket time
10:14 csharp_ Bmagic_: around?
10:18 csharp_ su: user openarf does not exist
10:18 csharp_ su: user openarf does not exist
10:18 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:18 csharp_ laggy network = repetition
10:19 csharp_ @band add OpenARF
10:19 pinesol csharp_: Band 'OpenARF' added to list
10:19 csharp_ my dogs' favorite typo
10:19 pinesol News from commits: LP2006969 (follow-up): fix a lint issue in MARC editor case statement <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ad1d41​06a3013dfd1ae2fd44493e6d994f441309>
10:20 berick don't forget https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snarf_(ThunderCats)
10:20 kmlussier heh
10:29 Bmagic_ test
10:29 Bmagic_ dang it, still have the tail
10:29 Bmagic there
10:30 Bmagic csharp_: sup?
10:34 jeff I was curious to see if there had ever been a crossover featuring mostly sidekicks from 1980s cartoons: Snarf, Orko, etc... No idea, but I found:
10:35 jeff Orko, Slimer, Wicket, & Snarf - "An original hip-hop song about mostly-derided 80's media franchise mascot/sidekick characters having a big party to celebrate how good life is despite of their haters."
10:35 jeff it rhymmes "hate-ees" with "80s".
10:38 berick oh i forgot about Orko
10:50 BDorsey joined #evergreen
11:57 csharp_ Bmagic: working on the libraryiq exporter and saw that one of our larger systems' full export was taking days to process - chunksize default is 500 - do you have a recommendation for what's "too large"?
11:57 csharp_ also,
11:57 csharp_ libraryiq--
12:01 csharp_ I upped the chunksize to 1500, but wondered if I'm being too conservative, given our fast, robust hardware and large datasets
12:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:08 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:21 Bmagic csharp_: hmm, without looking at it, there's a schema that contains the functions that run over the tables to gather the data. Perhaps those queries need to be tuned, or perhaps an index added here or there. I'd say you'd need to break the problem down to the individual queries and find the ones that are slow, then figure out why
12:21 Bmagic I remember spending a lot of time on those queries for speed reasons
12:23 Bmagic barring that, it's pretty easy to change the chunksize. maybe that's all you need to do. Try 10000 and see if that makes it better or worse :)
12:33 jeff I'm guessing this is https://github.com/mcoia/e​vergreen-libraryiq-export ?
12:34 jeff Is there a sa specification for what the vendor in question wants, or is it like so many others, and it's not actually written down anywhere (or the written version is incorrect)?
12:34 * jeff shshakes the extra letters out of his keyboard
12:48 Dyrcona marc_export should be good enough for LibraryIQ. If you patch marc_export with all the latest stuff from main, it should be fast, too.
12:58 Dyrcona This one's for jeff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1U1Ue_5kq8
12:58 JBoyer Dyrcona, do you know if SHAREit is sending user ids or barcodes in their AcceptItem requests? We're seeing problems with ids not working today and I don't know if that's on them or my current build of main + some of Josh's patches.
13:00 Dyrcona JBoyer: They send us barcodes. We send them ids so they can match up patrons with changed barcodes.
13:00 JBoyer cool, that's what I thought but wanted to double check
13:01 JBoyer Dyrcona++
13:05 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:05 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:06 csharp_ Bmagic: thanks!
13:45 csharp_ Bmagic: reporting back - yes, upping to 10K has sped things up
13:47 Dyrcona csharp_ | Bmagic: Cursors sometimes help, too.
13:54 sleary joined #evergreen
14:01 redavis joined #evergreen
14:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:06 Bmagic jeff: the specs for libraryiq, hmmm, I don't remember where I got them. I'm sure I was referring to something when I wrote that.
14:19 csharp_ Bmagic: jeff: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DMsRKcX-​zlNiHC5AeYskhBEomaVDAQ-y/view?usp=sharing
14:20 * Dyrcona got collectionhq confused with libraryiq earlier, obviously.
14:20 Dyrcona csharp_++
14:20 csharp_ yeah
14:21 csharp_ I just wish we had the tuits to roll our own dashboard thingy and remove the need for third parties
14:22 Dyrcona A few sites have dashboards of one sort or another, but mostly built outside of Evergreen.
14:22 csharp_ Edelweiss, CollectionHQ, LibraryIQ, OrangeBoy, etc.
14:22 csharp_ yeah
14:22 Bmagic funny you should mention that
14:22 Dyrcona One of our members used CollectionHQ for a DEI analysis of their collection.
14:22 csharp_ oh, interesting
14:22 Bmagic llewellyn might be cooking up a dashboard
14:22 csharp_ based on subject entries I guess?
14:23 csharp_ Bmagic: oh?  that would be rockin'
14:23 Bmagic I agree, I've been pushing for it pretty hard
14:23 csharp_ @who is the change I want to see in the world?
14:23 pinesol is the change I want to see in the world.
14:23 csharp_ pinesol: try again
14:23 pinesol csharp_: Zoia knows how to make fusilli.
14:23 Dyrcona Heh.
14:24 * csharp_ pours one out for zoia
14:24 Dyrcona pinesol: How is Zoia doing these days?
14:24 pinesol Dyrcona: Leave me alone, I'm busy right now.
14:32 Dyrcona @eightball How I get the patron's txt number into these notices?
14:32 pinesol Dyrcona: You know the answer better than I.
14:32 Dyrcona pinesol: Apparently you English gudder than I do.
14:32 pinesol Dyrcona: You probably want hard-boiled eggs.
14:33 Dyrcona pinesol: No, thanks! I'm full from lunch.
14:33 pinesol Dyrcona: We're going to need a bigger boat.
14:33 Dyrcona Ha!
14:38 eby jeff: are you in the disappearing items from dcb while still in your posession group
14:42 Dyrcona berick | Bmagic: I'm looking at the Evergreen XML notices. Do either of you have advice for where to put the SMS number for hold notices, etc.? I assume it is not added elsewhere.
14:44 berick Dyrcona: i have a local change to pull that the opac.default_sms_notify user setting
14:44 berick ok, i need to get our current code into pub repo
14:44 berick keep putting it off
14:45 Bmagic berick++
14:45 mantis1 left #evergreen
14:46 Dyrcona berick++ I was thinking of grabbing from the first hold, but the setting works, too!
14:47 berick ah i forgot about hold_requiest.sms_notify since we don't use the hold-specific phone fields
14:47 Dyrcona That's all right. I think it should go away these days. ;)
14:49 kmlussier I know that question has come up in IRC over the years. Has anyone considered moving that discussion to the general list to see if we could get some buy-in for it?
14:50 csharp_ kmlussier: which question?
14:50 kmlussier Moving away from the per-hold notice methods.
14:51 csharp_ ah
14:54 berick Dyrcona: Bmagic: https://github.com/kcls/evergreen-pub/tree/r​elease/3.11/KCLS/utility-scripts/xml-notices
14:54 Bmagic berick++
14:54 berick there's one very specific kcls hack in there around
14:54 berick https://github.com/kcls/evergreen-pub/b​lob/release/3.11/KCLS/utility-scripts/x​ml-notices/create-notice-file.pl#L363
14:54 * berick got lazy
14:55 Bmagic we all do it!
14:55 Bmagic thanks for pointing that out
14:56 Dyrcona berick: Thanks!
14:56 Bmagic Alder st... is that the island where you send all your bad patrons?
14:57 Dyrcona The Island of Misfit Patrons? :)
14:57 Bmagic It's like lord of the flies over there
14:57 Dyrcona Bmagic: I'll add the block around line 396 to the copy in the utilities repo, and add the corresponding bit to the template.
14:58 Bmagic lol, I was just typing something like that to you
14:58 Bmagic go for it
14:58 Dyrcona :)
15:08 Dyrcona Looks like there are more changes that should be grabbed...
15:14 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:17 Dyrcona I wonder if it would make more sense to wrap a check for "if for_email" around the email address and the text_number below that with a "if for_text" wrapped around it in the template?
15:18 Dyrcona Hm... That complicates the logic further doesn't it? Because it would seem natural to add another check around the block that prints the street address.
15:23 Dyrcona Bmagic: I copied the minimum of that I think is necessary to the utilities repo.
15:24 Dyrcona I also pushed a branch to github with the same changes on the a clone of berick's original repository: https://github.com/CWMARSINC/everg​reen-xml-notices/tree/cwmars-test (I'm pretty sure that one is public.)
15:27 * Dyrcona was going to use that on a test system to see how it works. Maybe I'll try that right now.
15:28 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
15:32 jvwoolf csharp_: Do all of the PINES libraries have LibraryIQ, or just some?
15:33 csharp_ jvwoolf: at this point, just two
15:33 csharp_ they have not been very pleasant to work with :-/
15:34 csharp_ but all that is up to the individual library systems - we just support what the libraries want the best we can
15:35 csharp_ (DISCLAIMER: opinions my own)
15:45 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:53 jvwoolf csharp_: We have 4 including a big system. Helping them out with some location cleanup at this very moment, so they can make more use of the tool.
16:07 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:33 Dyrcona Well, the test of hold ready for pickup notifications yielded an empty file because the test data is about 17 days out of date. :)
16:36 Dyrcona I should add for_text to a couple more files.... I was gonna wing it by setting FOR_EMAIL to --for-text. :)
16:43 Bmagic what's the setting/mechanism that warns catalogers that they are importing a duplicate in the z39.50 interface?
16:48 Dyrcona I don't remember off the top of my head. I'd have to grep through the code to find it.
16:51 * mmorgan is not an expert but would it be 'Import Match Sets'?
16:54 Dyrcona mmorgan++ I think there's an option in there to do something about duplicates.
16:54 Dyrcona Maybe more than 1 option.
16:55 Dyrcona Anyway, I'm out for the day. Be back tomorrow.
16:58 * mmorgan just asked a colleague and she is not aware of anything that actually warns about importing a duplicate in the z39.50 interface.
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:14 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:39 kmlussier left #evergreen
20:41 jeff joined #evergreen
21:03 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
22:08 sleary joined #evergreen
22:09 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
22:11 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
22:30 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen

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