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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-05-02

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
01:28 rlefaive joined #evergreen
03:30 rlefaive joined #evergreen
05:32 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:21 collum joined #evergreen
07:25 sleary joined #evergreen
07:27 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:37 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:53 rlefaive Hi! I hear there's a new angular interface for the link checker. Can anyone confirm if it's got the ability to delete sessions, and if the CSV download works? (I'm on 3.8)
07:59 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:18 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:34 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:45 mmorgan rlefaive: bug 1993824, released in 3.12 resolved those issues. I did a quick test on a test server and was able to download csv and delete a session.
08:45 pinesol Launchpad bug 1993824 in Evergreen "wishlist: Angular Link Checker Interface" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1993824
08:50 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:57 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:29 rlefaive mmorgan: That's so awesome! Thank you! I'm looking forward to our upgrade (soon!) because it seems to have a lot of great bug fixes.
09:38 sleary joined #evergreen
09:53 jihpringle joined #evergreen
10:35 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
11:25 csharp_ berick: https://github.com/awesomized/libmemcached - this is apparently a resurrected version of libmemcached, so maybe RHEL isn't as dead as I thought for OpenSRF/Evergreen
11:25 csharp_ (following up on Monday's discussion)
11:31 jeff musing once again about making "hold notification options per hold" the exception, if not eliminating the feature entirely.
11:35 csharp_ jeff: sounds reasaonable from my vantage point
11:38 jeff we moved to "patron notification preferences at time hold becomes available" for all holds about nine years agors ago.
11:38 jeff funky keyboard ld lag creates interesting typos.
11:39 Stompro jeff++ I would love that, causes way too many problems, every time someone places a hold they have a new chance to mess up the notification options.
11:39 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:41 Stompro And having to explain again and again how the notification settings are set when the hold is placed, so the 6 month old hold won't have their newly added phone number.  (Although there is a feature to catch those now).
11:43 Dyrcona jeff: Open a Lp bug and let's have the conversation. tsbere is not around any more. :)
11:43 * Dyrcona no longer buys the argument that it makes sense to have different notifications for different holds, certainly not by default.
11:46 csharp_ @band add funky keyboard ld lag
11:46 pinesol csharp_: Band 'funky keyboard ld lag' added to list
11:47 csharp_ hallelujah! with libmemcached-awesome-devel all my problems are solved!
11:47 csharp_ I think we're done here folks
11:48 Bmagic csharp_++
11:49 Bmagic does this work for anyone else:  select actor.change_password(1,'demo123', 'main');
11:49 Bmagic and verify: select actor.verify_passwd(1,'main','demo123');
11:49 Dyrcona I think verify_passwd requires a hash of the password.
11:51 csharp_ or the salt
11:51 Bmagic looking at the function, maybe I can delete the row in actor.passwd?
11:52 Dyrcona Bmagic: actor.change_password worked for me yesterday on a system that's running main from early last month. I changed a patron's password on the test system to play with NCIPServer authentication.
11:52 Dyrcona I could login with the new password.
11:53 Bmagic no go on my test machine. Tried srfsh also
11:54 Bmagic srfsh# login admin demo123
11:56 Bmagic something is afoot
11:56 Bmagic I'm sure it's me, crawling logs
12:00 sleary_ joined #evergreen
12:02 Dyrcona Bmagic: Are you sure you made the change in the correct database?
12:02 Bmagic ok,  the situation is that I've created another database on the same server. I setup Evergreen with one database, and then added another, then edited opensrf.xml to point to the new database. The new database looks good, standard concerto.
12:03 Bmagic I used eg_db_config to edit the opensrf.xml file using --update-config --service all
12:04 Bmagic restarted the stack, and found that I couldn't login. So I walked backwards to the database and decided to use the change password function which gave positive feedback. But the account still doesn't work. Restarted memcached, no dice
12:04 Dyrcona In addition to my questions about looking at the correct database, is user 1's usrname 'admin'?
12:05 Bmagic it usually* is... I'll double check (good point)
12:06 Bmagic interesting: no!
12:06 Bmagic it's: 36afc3f7ff3e592ce7f6d108b51d1167
12:06 Bmagic how the....
12:07 Dyrcona Did you not set it with eg_db_config?
12:07 Bmagic oh, that's probably it
12:07 Bmagic Dyrcona++
12:07 Bmagic can't computers just know what I want?
12:08 * csharp_ is reminded of https://i.pinimg.com/originals/80/1e/4​8/801e48e5c0b877760dfd8f326a96170c.jpg
12:08 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
12:09 Dyrcona csharp_++
12:09 Dyrcona I should finally watch that series.
12:09 csharp_ oh, it's excellent
12:10 csharp_ Dyrcona: it would appeal to your "burn it down and start over" instincts :-)
12:10 Bmagic yes, I'll back csharp_ up on that: it's like crack for us devs
12:10 Bmagic I'll throw one more at you: "Halt and catch fire" - also worth a watch
12:10 Dyrcona Yeah, I've seen clips, plus... Rami Malek.
12:10 csharp_ Bmagic: yes, that's an excellent series that doesn't get enough attention
12:11 Dyrcona One of my favorite memes: https://knowyourmeme.com/p​hotos/1061438-we-wuz-kings
12:15 Dyrcona OK. I put a hold on the season 1 DVD.
12:19 Dyrcona OK. Evergreen has one thing on Symphony. If I specify a default list on Symphony, I can't easily add items to other lists. "Add to my lists" automatically adds to the default list, and I then have to move the items to another list if I want.
12:21 Bmagic I think I can go out on a limb and say that Evergreen has more than one thing on Symphony :)
12:21 Dyrcona Hee hee.
12:21 mmorgan :)
12:22 Dyrcona Now, I can't figure out how to undefault my list of "Books to Read"
12:23 csharp_ Dyrcona++
12:23 Dyrcona It's buried in Preferences as "Preferred List."
12:24 Bmagic you should ask for DB access
12:24 Dyrcona Ha!
12:24 Dyrcona Bmagic++
12:24 Bmagic "just give me the database, the UI is dumb"
12:24 csharp_ Mr. Robot would just hack in
12:25 csharp_ passwd = 'fsociety.dat'
12:25 Bmagic csharp_++ # lol
12:26 Dyrcona I still have my old username.
12:27 Bmagic I read an article about how Google forced one if it's users out of their gmail account name. They registered when gmail was a baby. They got rose at gmail.com. Some years ago, there was a concerted effort to collect all of the "sweet" email addresses for paid usage (not sure if that's right)
12:28 Dyrcona Definitely not cool.
12:31 Dyrcona Ooh, they have "800 Words." I might request season 3 part 2, 'cause my disk has a scratch that messes up Episode 14. Arr, matey! ;)
12:32 * Dyrcona considers format shifting his collection. Perfectly legally.
12:32 Bmagic I installed pop!_OS on bare metal the other day. Works pretty good. Most* games run
12:33 Dyrcona Phone's on shuffle and it's playing the second of two Joe Jackson songs in a row.
12:33 Bmagic starcraft 2, and presumably all the other blizzard games run alright. EVE Online on the other hand.... freezes after 5 minutes or so. Maybe I'll give Zorin a spin
12:33 csharp_ I may need to install some Perl dependencies from the RHEL repos because installing 4 CPAN packages is requiring a lot of time building mods from source
12:34 pinesol News from commits: LP2063980: remove long-commented code <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=614f93​269556554fc2d7dc2616dd89e34f4382f5>
12:34 * csharp_ runs off to find CPAN documentation on how to see dependencies
12:35 Dyrcona I got soured on Clevo hardware, so I haven't considered System76 since before they started pop!_OS.
12:38 Dyrcona csharp_: When I set up support for a new Debian or Ubuntu release, I usually check for O/S packages for the things we install via CPAN. I sometimes miss one....
12:38 Dyrcona So, yeah, grab the RHEL packages if they exist.
12:41 csharp_ yeah - the top-level packages don't, but a lot of the modules they depend on are installable
12:42 * Dyrcona should get back to working on installation on Ubuntu 24.04. I got distracted by bugs and other things.
12:43 JBoyer How long have we had WP's Jetpack saying this: "Discover more from Evergreen ILS \n Subscribe now to keep reading and get access to the full archive."
12:43 JBoyer Distinctly unpleasant Medium vibes.
12:43 JBoyer ^ on evergreen-ils.org I mean
12:43 Dyrcona JBoyer: I never noticed.
12:44 Dyrcona My guess would be since the last upgrade.
12:44 JBoyer It's not on the homepage so maybe you only see it directly on a post.
12:44 JBoyer (followed a search result earlier today)
12:45 JBoyer But that's as likely a timeline as any, Dyrcona++
12:46 Dyrcona Seems to only pop up on the first article you read.
12:47 Dyrcona JBoyer++
12:48 mmorgan JBoyer: I noticed that popping up just before the conference.
12:49 JBoyer yeah, it sets a cookie if you click continue reading.
14:00 sleary joined #evergreen
14:05 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:51 csharp_ looks like selinux is now in the way of RediSRF - trying to learn SELinux on the fly, which I do only when I need to, which is almost never
14:55 Dyrcona NSA--
14:58 csharp_ I have hit this before, but with Apache https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working​/OpenSRF.git;a=blob;f=README;h=6c64a84bf​79d04fb7ae2a9fbf51c110f37c15994;hb=4f681​7e19f1ec571607fbfde0f6770e6e899d130#l555
15:00 Dyrcona Computer security is non-existent anyway, so why give up the convenience in the pursuit of something that doesn't exist? Just remove SELinux.... (I'm only half-joking.....)
15:48 jmurray-isl Anyone know offhand what the context_usr_path would be for the default SMS Call Number action trigger (hook: acn.format.sms_text)? This doesn't seem to be populated in stock.  I can see a "user_data" variable that I can relate to ../Trigger/Reactor/SendEmail.pm, but I'm not otherwise finding where I can find what variable would give me the ID.
15:50 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: It's null.
15:51 jmurray-isl So it's not assignable?
15:53 Dyrcona I'm looking.
15:54 jmurray-isl ++
15:57 Dyrcona I don't think there can be one because acn doesn't have a field that links to actor.usr, but I could be wrong.
15:58 jmurray-isl I was wondering. The template gets its user info from the user_data variable, instead.
15:59 Dyrcona Yeah. Evergreen supplies the user data when the event is created.
16:00 jmurray-isl In addition to that one, the Send Test SMS action trigger (hook: au.sms_text.test) doesn't seem to have context_usr_path defined either, but the primary target should be actor.usr.id.  I've tried various things, but nothing has worked to populate that one, either.
16:00 Dyrcona For that event, you only get the carrier and the number.
16:02 Dyrcona My previous comment was for texting a call number.
16:02 Dyrcona For au.sms_text.test the core type is au.
16:02 jmurray-isl Yep, I've tried, target, target.id, and id and none seem to work.
16:03 Dyrcona What's your ultimate goal?
16:04 jmurray-isl To populate context_user on SMS action trigger events so I can reference them in an SQL query daily report on the counts of SMS events to various carriers
16:05 jmurray-isl Those two action trigger definitions were the outliers.
16:06 jmurray-isl Their number is minimal, to be fair, but I was mostly wondering for completion sake.
16:09 Dyrcona For the send test sms, you can use the target in your SQL.
16:10 jmurray-isl Yep.
16:11 Dyrcona I don't think you can get anything in the text call number event context_usr without changing Perl code.
16:11 jmurray-isl Gotcha.
16:14 Dyrcona Looks like all of the events with a context_usr_path that is not null have hooks with a core_type of ahr or circ.
16:15 * Dyrcona looks at how contest_usr is set.
16:18 jmurray-isl Right. it's pretty much always set to usr otherwise.
16:19 JBoyer FYI for GitLab hosters, they’ve laid a security egg re: password resets: https://arstechnica.com/?p=2021409
16:19 JBoyer Update asap
16:19 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:23 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: Yes. It's pulled from the target using the context_usr_path. Since the usr is the target for the test sms event, it's not possible to grab it. Look at OpenILS/Application/Trigger/Event.pm around line 496.
16:25 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: When you tried id on the send test sms, did you restart the open-ils.trigger service after making the change? "id" might work on that one since the core_type is au.
16:27 jmurray-isl I did not restart the service.  I'll try that.
16:30 Dyrcona I was trying to test it, too, but I didn't set websockets port last time that I built opensrf  for debuggin.
16:34 Dyrcona then a hard reload in Chrome...
16:38 Dyrcona Context user was filled in with the wrong id, and the event errored.
16:40 Dyrcona Nope. I take that first part back. context_user was not set. The event did error.
16:41 jmurray-isl Yes, that's what I'm seeing, too.
16:42 Dyrcona It's time for me to head home. I might look into the errors tomorrow morning because I'm curious.
16:42 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: Good luck!
16:43 jmurray-isl Thanks for looking!
17:04 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:46 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:47 sleary joined #evergreen
19:58 JBoyer joined #evergreen
21:42 book` joined #evergreen
21:53 sleary joined #evergreen
21:54 JBoyer_ joined #evergreen

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