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Results for 2014-04-09

10:52 Dyrcona Hmm. Our records are using OCLC elvl with capital letters sometimes. Could that a part of why it doesn't work for me?
10:52 gmcharlt eeevil: I'm actually right at the end of that mode - was focusing on 2.6.0 bugs specifically, and you saw my request for somebody to deal with the fixed-field editor pullrequests
10:53 eeevil I did indeed
10:53 gmcharlt I may poke at testing and writing test cases for 1304559 later this afternoon, but that shouldn't be construed as a reason for anybody to not work on that one
10:54 eeevil Dyrcona: shouldn't be ... the current content of the field should not matter to the existence (or not) of the context menu. only missing cmf and ccvm rows should cause what you're seeing. (a missing ELvl ccmv ctype and set of values, specifically)
10:56 kbutler joined #evergreen
10:57 Dyrcona No elvl in ccvm.

Results for 2014-04-08

00:27 zerick joined #evergreen
01:05 timlaptop joined #evergreen
05:14 pinesol_green` Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
05:39 jboyer-isl joined #evergreen
05:39 wjr joined #evergreen
05:39 wjr joined #evergreen
09:52 asimon What is the best way to delete all patrons from the database and load them again (with the same barcode numbers)?
09:53 bshum asimon: Out of curiousity, what are you attempting to gain by doing so?
09:53 Dyrcona asimon: Blow the database out and start over.
09:54 asimon bshum: I'm trying to replace a test set of patrons with the latest information.
09:54 asimon Dyrcona: I can't do that because of all the other information in the database.
09:55 Dyrcona asimon: Then, you're mostly stuck because of referential integrity triggers.
09:55 Dyrcona asimon: Assuming the patrons are tests, shouldn't the rest of the data be test data, too? [Though I guess not.]
09:56 atlas__ joined #evergreen
09:57 bshum In our system, we load student data during new schoolyears and overlay the original entry in Evergreen with new data based on a matching identifier (like student ID or barcode)
09:59 asimon Dyrcona:  No.  I have deleted the sample bib and copy records and I am loading a new set beginning with a different id range, and I want to do the same thing with the patron records, but I'm getting: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "usr_usrname_key"
10:55 phasefx joined #evergreen
10:56 jwoodard joined #evergreen
10:57 Sato`kun joined #evergreen
11:00 yboston Dyrcona++ # wading through RDA
11:01 ericar joined #evergreen
11:03 yboston Dyrcona: let me know how I can help. I don't have a 2.6.x VM set up right now but I can set one up to test RDA or authority code out, etc.
11:06 pmurray_away joined #evergreen
11:10 Dyrcona yboston: That branch should apply to 2.5 at least.
11:10 yboston Dyrcona: that is what I was hoping as I looked at the code
11:11 yboston Dyrcona: would you like me to try it out on my test 2.5.x server?
11:11 Wyuli joined #evergreen
11:11 Dyrcona yboston: If you want to, just cherry-pick the top commit.
11:12 yboston Dyrcona: I will have to do it manually since the tests ervers I have are not git based, but it should not be too hard
11:20 kmlussier joined #evergreen
11:27 Guest25194 joined #evergreen
11:34 Dyrcona Is the dev. meeting today?
11:57 eeevil asimon: it does not. jeff: right
11:57 * eeevil looks for that code...
12:15 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:22 bshum kmlussier: I think they're required because PINES required them :)  So we inherit that from them.
12:25 bshum jihpringle: Huh... have you guys updated your test server to 2.6-rc yet?
12:25 ningalls joined #evergreen
12:26 bshum jihpringle: I've got some reports on our test system that the acq/cataloging loader (vandelay) isn't matching anymore and basically just running forever with no results.
12:26 jihpringle bshum: not yet, but we're hoping to have a test server running 2.6rc soon
12:27 bshum jihpringle: All good, I'm digging through things on my end to try figuring out what's happening with our system and if maybe we're just on the tail end of some bad setup
12:27 bshum jihpringle: I'm crossing my fingers that it's something small and we didn't break acq and cataloging before 2.6.0 :\
12:27 jihpringle fingers crossed
12:28 jihpringle I'll find out when we're getting our new test server and take a look at this as soon as we do
12:41 Dyrcona bshum: I've emailed our catalogers to ask them to test Vandelay on our training server. It is up to date as of Friday.
12:41 bshum Dyrcona: Cool, that's appreciated.
12:41 eeevil asimon: http://pastebin.com/nDj80KVW ... that's from a pre-staging schema, custom thing, but I think it's close. it'll update or insert staged patrons, matching on the barcode
12:42 kmlussier bshum / jihpringle / Dyrcona: I just loaded order records on Dyrcona's dev system without any problems.
12:59 dbs Even the bestest RDFa in the world isn't going to smooth that over.
13:01 kmlussier Dyrcona: How recent is master on your training server? I know this was working a couple of weeks ago, but if you've updated it since then, it might affect your acq pilots.
13:04 Dyrcona kmlussier: I updated it Friday.
13:05 Dyrcona kmlussier: I reloaded the database, too, forgetting that it would blow out their test acquisitions data.
13:05 Dyrcona On the plus side, they get more acquisitions practice. :)
13:06 Dyrcona +1 to release blocker status
13:06 kmlussier Dyrcona: Heh. I'll send them a quick e-mail asking them to hold off on trying order record uploads for a while.
13:24 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1304559 in Evergreen "acq and cataloging loader broken in 2.6-rc" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Critical,Confirmed]
13:24 bshum I'll start looking for what's broken next, but I've filed the bug to start
13:24 bshum Well, maybe right after lunch
13:34 * jeff exploits a test wheezy system
13:34 jeff yup.
13:34 jeff that easy.
13:46 bshum 14 minutes till the dev meeting
13:46 bshum There's a few action items on the list from past meeting
13:46 bshum See agenda:  http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/dok​u.php?id=dev:meetings:2014-04-08
14:24 kmlussier dbwells: Yes, looks like I fogot to do that. I can target it now.
14:24 dbwells kmlussier: thank you!
14:25 eeevil I'll raise my hand for 1304559 ... I think dbwells is on the right track in the bug comment
14:25 bshum fwiw, we added the icons kmlussier mentions in the branch to our test system and it seemed fine.  So I'd be happy to push things along.
14:25 gmcharlt jeff: I think 1303940; since it looks like Dyrcona has reviewed it and given a (virtual) signoff, I'll do a final test and push it today
14:25 gmcharlt s/1303940/1303940 is/
14:26 dbwells jeff: I guess we'll see :)
14:26 Dyrcona I'd like to see some thought given to dbwells' suggestion on 1303940.
14:26 gmcharlt (and look at dbwells comment)
14:29 jeff #info Please review the acknowledgements for Evergreen 2.6 and make any additions/updates
14:29 jeff #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1302113 bug 1302113 - acknowledgments in release notes
14:29 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1302113 in Evergreen 2.6 "acknowledgments in release notes" (affected: 1, heat: 6) [Undecided,New]
14:29 dbwells eeevil: I did a very quick test of subbing in record_attr_flat for record_attr in vandelay._get_expr_push_jrow().  So far, nothing exploded, but I haven't tested it very hard yet.
14:29 jeff #info Evergreen 2.5 bug fixes?
14:30 jeff dbwells: you're still wearing the release maintainer hat for 2.5, correct?
14:30 eeevil dbwells: that will work fine, I'm only concerned about performance ... my plan is to look directly at the vector
14:33 jeff #info Evergreen 2.4 - final release?
14:33 eeevil I'll align that with dbwells' next week
14:33 eeevil after pushing in as many fixes as we can safely
14:34 jeff #info Final planned Evergreen 2.4 maintenance release scheduled for April 16
14:35 jeff eeevil, dbwells: any specific things that either of you would like to call attention to in terms of things that you'd like more testing/eyeballs on for any of the above releases?
14:35 dbwells jeff: nothing I can think of, thanks
14:36 eeevil nothing specific
14:37 jeff moving on!
15:08 dbwells bshum: I was thinking of branching at RC, but at this point, we might as well wait for .0, I think.
15:08 dbwells so, yest
15:08 dbwells I mean yes
15:09 bshum Cool deal.  I'll try adding new things later this evening if I can carve out some time to test more and signoff
15:09 dbwells bshum: kmlussier: here's a very quick attempt at ferreting out the Vandelay issue - http://pastebin.com/CtujPy6z
15:09 bshum I can drop that into our test system and see what happens.
15:10 dbwells I know eeevil is cooking up something better, but this should be really easy to test, and might tell us if we're on the right track.
15:10 bshum Will do
15:10 kmlussier dbwells++
15:10 kmlussier I'll leave it in bshum's capable hands while I head home. :)
15:45 Melanion The CRs in question were added in 8/13, at which time our system was running..2.3? Maybe 2.2. So it could have happened before the fix.
15:47 dbwells bshum: you can ignore my earlier function paste, I accidentally threw an extra '=' in there anyway.
15:48 mmorgan Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe nullifying action.circulation.xact_finish for those transactions would make them reappear on the patron records.
15:48 dbwells bshum: We're better off testing this, since it's ready now: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Ev​ergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/collab​/miker/1304559_and_1271661_vandelay_fixes
15:49 Dyrcona mmorgan: I believe it would.
15:52 bshum dbwells: That I can do.  We didn't get to work on the first one, mary ended up heading out early for something else
15:53 CleverNameHere joined #evergreen
16:53 kmlussier joined #evergreen
16:54 CleverNameHere So when running a report through evergreen it sends me a link to https://localhost/blah/blahblah/blahblahblah. Anyone know how
16:54 CleverNameHere iI can configure that to our evergreen servers name
16:57 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
16:58 jeff CleverNameHere: in your opensrf.xml configuration file, look at the value under reporter/setup/base_uri
16:58 kmlussier I don't know the answer, but I wish I had come up with a screen name that's as clever as CleverNameHere's. :)
17:03 Wyuli joined #evergreen
17:18 * gmcharlt grabs 0854
17:19 gmcharlt bah
17:19 gmcharlt correction, 0878
17:33 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] LP 1303940: pg_tap regression test. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=16eec85>
17:33 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1303940: improve readability of test case - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1764ceb>
17:33 pinesol_green [evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#1303940: Protect against bogus data that can breaking indexing - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c964cd4>
17:33 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1303940: don't attempt to store NULL values in keyword, browse, or facet indexes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9984b11>
17:33 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1303940: pin schema upgrade to 0878 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=149ffb3>
17:33 jeff @who can breaking indexing?
17:33 pinesol_green pmurray_away can breaking indexing.
17:34 CleverNameHere Thanks Jeff. I found it.

Results for 2014-04-07

01:29 pinesol_green` joined #evergreen
01:31 berick joined #evergreen
01:33 DPearl joined #evergreen
04:57 pinesol_green` Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
07:33 robbat2 joined #evergreen
07:33 robbat2 joined #evergreen
08:19 ericar joined #evergreen
09:09 bshum Dyrcona: Yes, that happened to me.
09:09 yboston joined #evergreen
09:10 Dyrcona bshum: Did you figure it out?
09:10 bshum Dyrcona: What I found was that local definitions were breaking things in browse for some reason.  I never did get to the bottom of that with eeevil.
09:10 bshum We had an added author entry that was also for browse and something in the xpath or such was breaking the indexing process.
09:11 bshum I think I set it aside in my testing by making it not a browse entry for the moment and then things proceeded as expected.  So something in how I defined a local index broke things.
09:11 Dyrcona I'll check. We probably have a similar situation.
09:11 bshum Though i'm not 100% sure why.
09:11 bshum I think it was a combination of explicit marcxml definition vs. mods32 stuff
09:11 Dyrcona I don't recall adding browse search definitions. As I recall, the one that I tried adding never worked.
09:11 bshum And the browse-xpath entry borked something
09:12 * dbs wonders if phasefx's live testing script could be repurposed to also leave a running system at dev.evergreencatalog.com at the end; and set up not just master, but also current stable for demo.evergreencatalog.com
09:13 Dyrcona Heh. My laptop just updated "libmagic1." I wish it really lived up to the name. :)
09:16 Guest37989 joined #evergreen
09:17 pastebot "Dyrcona" at pasted "Only browse_xpath we added" (3 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/48
10:07 Dyrcona I think we might have changed one or two, but my memory is fuzzy. I'll have to compare with the stock entries in 950.*.sql or wherever.
10:07 bshum Dyrcona: Unfortunately no, I was just messing with the function's definition directly in my pgadmin window and learning how to apply the raise statements.
10:07 Dyrcona bshum: NP. Just thought I'd ask.
10:07 bshum I don't think I have that anymore because we blew away that test system already :(
10:08 Dyrcona I am going to run another browse ingest and capture all of the output to a file.
10:08 Dyrcona Then, I'll know if it is every record or just some records.
10:08 Dyrcona Maybe I'll try adding the raise statements beforehand.
13:55 eeevil Dyrcona: k. you got an LP already? if not, I'll create one and toss this up
13:55 Dyrcona eeevil: No, I didn't make a bug, yet.
13:55 eeevil on it
13:56 dbs For further win, add a pgtap test that triggers the problem (until the fix goes in, natch)
13:56 hbrennan joined #evergreen
13:56 eeevil dbs: this is a good point. Dyrcona, do you think you could do that?
13:57 phasefx jeff: tsbere: do either of you know how to configure a staff client for a "silent" install?
13:58 Dyrcona eeevil dbs: I don't usually use concerto, but I could add a record from our collection that triggers it.
13:58 tsbere phasefx: What kind of silent install are you looking for?
13:58 dbs Dyrcona: yeah, for a pgtap test you could just insert the record directly as part of the test. No need to rely on concerto
13:58 eeevil Dyrcona: that, or forcing in a record shaped like this one at id=-2, say, and watching it blow up
13:59 phasefx tsbere: the only context given to me was for "automated background installation", but I can solicit more info
14:00 tsbere phasefx: Look into passing /S to the installer, if my memory is correct. If that doesn't work I can google the information.
14:00 phasefx tsbere: thanks man
14:01 Dyrcona dbs: I'll look into inserting the record. I recall seeing another test that does that.
14:03 Wyuli joined #evergreen
14:04 tsbere phasefx: I think that /autoupdate, /noautoupdate, /permachine, /nopermachine, and /developer are also accepted (when the client was built with those options)
14:06 dbs Pg/t/regress/lp1242999_unbreak_new_encode.pg may be what you're looking for :)
14:07 eeevil Dyrcona: a branch to base your tap test on: working/user/miker/lp1303940-browse-hates-null
14:07 Dyrcona dbs && eeevil Thanks to you both.
14:09 dbs eeevil is in my head
14:10 eeevil dbs: it's very cold, but polite, in here
14:11 jl- uhm, so about that bib_tag in the database for each record.. what is it?
14:11 eeevil jl-: I confess, I have no idea what you are describing...
14:11 jl- makes 2 of us
14:13 eeevil oh! hah... that just pins the bib id of the records in that test dataset
14:13 phasefx tsbere: invoking the installer works with /S, not sure if we can build an installer with that behavior enabled by default, but maybe /S to the installer will suffice.  thanks man
14:13 tsbere phasefx: I believe we could make it do so by default
14:14 tsbere would require editing the nsi file, though
14:16 * tsbere isn't sure that is the best idea and prefers the /S option
14:16 * phasefx nods
14:16 eeevil it looks to be used for constructing the last_xact_id. you can ignore that, unless you want to be able to use that to identify batches of records that you use marcxml_import() to pull in
14:18 jl- eeevil: correct, but in my case it's not a test dataset I'm using it to load our university bibs
14:20 eeevil jl-: so ... what's your question. last_xact_id is used for optimistic locking in the normal workflow.  it can also do double duty as a way to identify records that came into the system in batch. you can ignore it, or use it, but it's just an opaque string, insofar as the software is concerned... does that help?
14:20 jl- eeevil: yes, so it might be useful in the database, but it has no functionality in the frontend?
14:22 jl- see the example here: http://paste.debian.net/92250
14:22 jl- of course I have ~200k following
14:28 Dyrcona jl-: Note what eeevil said about "optimistic locking in the normal workflow." If a user has a record open while something else changes it in the background, the staff client won't save the user's changes if the last_xact_id has changed in the meantime.
14:29 Dyrcona jl-: It's particular value is usually unimportant.
14:31 jl- Dyrcona: in my case I'm planning ahead, we don't have any users. I'm running test-migrations
14:32 Dyrcona jl-: I understand. We're telling you what that field is used for. Basically, it doesn't matter what you put into it at the start.
14:33 Dyrcona jl-: I did something like IMPORT-{UNIX_timestamp} during our migration.
14:37 RoganH joined #evergreen
15:17 Dyrcona wifi--
15:18 bshum @blame wifi
15:18 pinesol_green` bshum: wifi 's bugfix broke bshum's feature!
15:18 kmlussier berick: I got a little lost in the discussion for bug 1187993. Would it indeed be useful for me to ask somebody to do a small JAWS test of a site using HTML5 datalist elements?
15:18 pinesol_green` Launchpad bug 1187993 in Evergreen "Auto suggest causes significant accessibility issues for using basic search in some browsers" (affected: 3, heat: 18) [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1187993
15:18 Dyrcona So, is it normal for pg_tap to say that you gave it a bad plan if a test fails?
15:18 kmlussier berick: If so, I'll do it ASAP.
15:18 jeff I see no left joins, SET copy_id, or even UPDATE statements in that trigger.
15:19 jeff anyone else who cares to, i'd be interested if this turns up a non-zero value: select count(*) from asset.opac_visible_copies where copy_id is null;
16:57 jeff gsams: pay particular attention to the basics, like the reverse DNS (PTR) record for the mail server.
16:58 gsams jeff++ #that will be super helpful!
16:59 gsams jeff: yeah the basics, I'm pretty sure are solid.  But the also recommend portion is definitely questionable for us.
16:59 jeff also, generating some test messages to a gmail account you control can help when you get to the point of reviewing your SPF record, etc. -- it's useful to do a before and after there.
16:59 jeff FWIW, we do not currently do DKIM or DMARC on our transactional email from the ILS, and have not had problems.
17:00 jeff But we also have a pretty strong separation between transactional and promotional -- our promotional stuff goes through completely different channels.
17:01 jeff The unfortunate truth is that in some cases, a handful of users hitting "this is spam" can hurt you regardless of what you do.
17:01 jeff for sufficiently large values of "handful" :-)
17:01 gsams yeah, that also had occured to me.  I know at least this is purely transactional though, so I've got that going for me.
17:02 gsams and SPF is setup already...
17:02 jeff worth a test to ensure that your spf record as seen by and interpreted by google is resulting in a pass.
17:03 jeff (headers as viewed in gmail "View Original" will help there)
17:03 gsams well, the odd thing for me: v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all
17:05 gsams I'm honestly not sure if that is odd actually...
17:05 jeff sounds like you're a google apps user, and sounds like that SPF record is intended to identify the mail for that domain that is sent through google apps. it does not appear to account for the mail being sent from the ILS.
17:09 jeff with ~all and the sending server not in the list, you'll get a softfail.
17:09 jeff which is in most cases worse than not having any SPF record. :-)
17:09 jeff even with the "Receiving software SHOULD NOT reject the message based solely on this result" bit.
17:26 gsams well a postfix test showed it heading to spam for my gmail.  I've gone in and added an SPF record for our system, so we will see in a bit if it helps us out.
17:26 gsams jeff++ Dyrcona++
17:26 gsams thanks again!
17:26 gsams bshum++ as well
17:27 bshum gsams++ # raising the question and getting me wondering about our own systems too....
17:31 gsams roanoke_patrons++ #for raising the issue enough times to get me to do that!
17:31 pinesol_green` Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
18:46 book` joined #evergreen
18:56 gmcharlt FYI, OpenSSL has released a major security fix http://heartbleed.com/
18:56 rangi yeah, upgrade all the things

Results for 2014-04-06

02:31 RBecker wow, i'm late :)
08:28 dbs_mob joined #evergreen
08:29 dbs_mob @later tell grace_ you have a typo: "opeils"
08:29 pinesol_green dbs_mob: The operation succeeded.
16:16 BigRig_ joined #evergreen
16:16 geoffsams joined #evergreen
16:38 remingtron_ joined #evergreen
16:51 zerick joined #evergreen
16:51 dbs joined #evergreen
16:55 Sato`kun joined #evergreen
17:14 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
17:32 rangi eeevil: who is your office is EM .. whoever they are, thank them for signing for the laptop for me please :)
19:44 olirna joined #evergreen
22:58 jeff dbs++

Results for 2014-04-05

00:26 zerick joined #evergreen
03:56 mxmwine joined #evergreen
04:07 buhareva joined #evergreen
05:14 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
10:55 jeff_ joined #evergreen
11:45 RBecker joined #evergreen
11:54 ogio71 joined #evergreen
14:01 daffodil joined #evergreen
16:51 gsams joined #evergreen
16:53 geoffsams joined #evergreen
16:57 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
18:12 abbacchio left #evergreen
23:10 gsams joined #evergreen
23:42 grace_ Help? http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/46

Results for 2014-04-04

00:05 ningalls joined #evergreen
00:10 torrie joined #evergreen
04:57 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
07:36 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:54 collum joined #evergreen
08:12 csharp hmm - looks like the change in 80e3f6f may have borked some long-standing PINES reports templates
08:13 timlaptop joined #evergreen
08:13 asimon joined #evergreen
08:15 akilsdonk joined #evergreen
08:19 asimon *: I am trying to load a file of bib records into a test server.  In order to preserve the rest of the data, I did a truncate cascade on the bre table (there are no copy records) and set record_entry_id_seq to 500000.  When I load the records, the id numbering starts at 001.  The load script is clearly using the TCN (which begins at 500001) as the id.  How is this possible?
08:22 csharp asimon: there's a "global flag" that determines that behavior, if I recall correctly
08:23 csharp config.global_flag?  (I don't have access to our DB right this second to check)
08:24 csharp also available via the staff client in the Server Admin section, btw
10:52 bshum New bug usually.
10:53 bshum would be what I would recommend when dealing with something that's already been released.
10:54 mmorgan I'll poke around some more and open one if warranted. Thanks!
10:58 bshum Hmm
10:58 bshum mmorgan: Can you tell us a little more about the org unit structure and which ou you're disallowing from hold pickup?
10:59 bshum (when I tested it just now, it worked fine to disable the option on the place hold screen...)
11:01 mmorgan Interesting. Here's a pic: http://screencast.com/t/AIs8afgOj0gZ
11:02 csharp could it be autogen.sh related?
11:02 mmorgan We have NOBLE(All libs) as consortium, then Phillips Academy as a system. It's some of the branches I'm trying to disallow, like Phillips Addison
13:05 bshum Haha
13:06 Dyrcona :)
13:07 * dbs wonders if anyone is willing to add serial.* data to the --load-all side of things
13:08 bshum berick: I have a question about websockets and upcoming changes to OpenSRF.
13:08 bshum As I work my thoughts together about the XUL vs. web client
13:09 bshum I'm wondering if any changes in the underlying architecture would require us to test also the XUL client to make sure we don't break things?
13:09 bshum While we transition to the web client
13:10 berick bshum: websockets will have no effect on the xul client.  it has to be activated within the script / application to be used, and the browser client code is the only thing (for now, anyway) that activates it.
13:10 berick the activation occurs within the base browser staff template
13:10 bshum berick: Ah, cool deal.  Then I feel slightly better on that front.
15:20 dbs For that matter, the 69x mappings are supposed to be local too. There are only a couple that match even OCLC's definitions.
15:20 yboston jl-: congrats
15:20 yboston jl-: which import approach did you use?
15:20 jl- I'm hoping to get one of our libraries as a gineau pig for a pilot now, maybe for a dvd collection, or something.. wean them off voyager
15:21 jl- yboston: I used the sql_loader which is pretty close to the staging table from dbs
15:21 jl- in /openils/Evergreen-ILS-2.5.1/​Open-ILS/tests/datasets/sql/
15:22 jl- I made a script that formats them simialr to the concerto files
15:26 jl- anyway, have a good weekend everyone
15:27 jeff neat, we have an action.billable_cirulations view. i wonder if that's a known typo or something specific to us. :-)
15:28 hbrennan jl-: Ugh, it's 11:30 here, but my body thinks it's later so I can leave too right?
15:28 jeff (we also have action.billable_circulations)
16:01 bshum That's the first time in a long time someone's used that...
16:03 bshum I suppose we don't really use LP that way.
16:05 madseumas joined #evergreen
16:10 ericar bshum: out of curiosity, I just tried recreating what she's reporting. I can't reproduce the results. tested on 2.5.3b
16:11 bshum ericar: Thanks for taking a look over.  I wasn't too sure what all the circumstances are here.
16:12 bshum The LP account who opened that question seems to be someone from Evergreen Indiana.
16:12 ericar bshum: me either
16:14 Bmagic csharp: Thanks for the info
16:14 bshum mmorgan: Oh interesting... holding the key down does give me various JS errors.
16:14 bshum For different Fn keys
16:15 madseumas Hello, everyone.  I just updated a small (20k items or so) library from 2.3.2 to 2.5.3b on a test VM.  Upgrades all went fine, no db errors. She (it's my wife's library; I'm a unix admin by trade so I help her maintain it) was using jspac, which is gone now.  Should the uncustomized tpac still be able to return records or does it need some basic level of customization before it will?  Keyword searches that work on her liv
16:15 bshum madseumas: You got cut off at "keyword searches that work on her live"
16:15 bshum IRC has a cap on how much you can type at once.  So just break up the sentences a bit :)
16:16 madseumas argh sorry, will do
16:16 madseumas should read " Keyword searches that work on her live system return nada on this test one."
16:16 ericar mmorgan: yes, first time got TypeError: $("patronStrings").getString is not a function second try got TypeError: $("commonStrings") is null. Held the key for about 2 seconds
16:16 madseumas haven't done IRC in 10 years or so :)
16:17 mmorgan lp 1300789
16:24 rjackson-isl it is repeatable
16:24 madseumas csharp: yes, ran reingests, very carefully followed DB script output from each
16:24 rjackson-isl use F4 and before the screen pops up hit another F key
16:25 dbs madseumas: does the test VM have enough memory? 2.0 GB of RAM or more?
16:25 csharp madseumas: well, at the very least, VACUUM ANALYZE all of the metabib.* tables
16:25 rjackson-isl other sequence such as F1 then F4 does not produce this
16:25 madseumas dbs: test VM has 2GB of RAM.  No memory pressure, catalog is quite small
16:26 dbs although... if title searches are working, one would think all db calls should
16:26 dbs madseumas: heh, 2.0 GB is barely enough for our ~200 test record set with all services running
16:27 csharp yeah, I use a minimum of 4 GB, even on small test servers
16:27 ericar rjackson-isl: I just reproduced the error you describe above. However, it was from holding the F4 key while still trying to use another F key. Also, holding the F4 too long will reproduce the results
16:27 dbs bshum: 901c, yeah, that's something
16:27 csharp but you should see swapping or i/o wait in top when the searches are processed
16:32 dbs madseumas: wondering if it's the missing 901 fields, then, as bshum suggested
16:33 mrpeters left #evergreen
16:34 madseumas csharp: command line search, limit 10, I see 10 ids being returned
16:34 dbs SELECT COUNT(*) FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE marc !~ 'tag="901"'; -- if you can query the database would be a good test
16:34 dbs Result should be 0.
16:34 madseumas dbs: will do, one sec
16:35 madseumas dbs: result was 11780
16:35 bshum Oops
17:26 hbrennan Access?! Oh jeez.
17:27 madseumas yah, the forms allowed you to search by specific title or author but that was it.  cataloging was a nightmare.
17:27 hbrennan I can only imagine.
17:30 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
17:32 madseumas quick question, where do the default book jackets in a tpac catalog search come from?
17:32 madseumas I had thought google books stuff was turned off by default
17:33 bshum madseumas: By default in newer versions I believe the added content handler is for OpenLibrary

Results for 2014-04-03

03:07 dbwells joined #evergreen
03:25 dkyle joined #evergreen
05:55 flopaul joined #evergreen
07:37 csharp @later tell gmcharlt I'll need to re-review it.  I have a fresh 14.04 vm to test with, so it'll be today
07:37 pinesol_green csharp: The operation succeeded.
08:10 tfaile joined #evergreen
08:10 ktomita_ joined #evergreen
10:55 * pinesol_green brews and pours a cup of Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe, Koke Grade 1, and sends it sliding down the bar to gmcharlt
10:55 kmlussier Two lemon sherberts in one morning. :(
11:05 collum joined #evergreen
11:06 csharp gmcharlt: my ubuntu-14.04 OpenSRF Makefile branch installs fine and passes the opensrf.math test, but I haven't run Evergreen on it yet
11:06 gmcharlt csharp: great - do you expect to have tuits to do an Evergreen test soonish?
11:07 csharp sure - I'll install EG after lunch
11:07 csharp virsh_snapshot-create++
11:12 jeff tspindler: i have more than one kringle from that bakery in Racine on my kitchen counter at this very moment. :-)
12:53 Dyrcona csharp++ # for wrangling with the Trusty Tahr.
12:53 Dyrcona heh, goatherding. :)
12:53 jeff technically 14.04 isn't even out yet, so it's of course tricky claiming support for it. In theory, it should be pretty stable now.
12:53 csharp jeff: it's pretty solid in our smoke tests
12:54 jeff yeah, I meant "stable" as in "no longer a moving target"
12:54 jeff i should have clarified.
12:54 csharp though, I did hit a bug in the installer when configuring LVM
13:36 berick antimarcite
13:42 kmlussier @dessert
13:42 * pinesol_green grabs a slice of Red Velvet Cheesecake and sends it sliding down the dessert bar to kmlussier
13:59 bshum csharp: Fwiw, I put a copy of our full database into a PG 9.3 running on 12.04 and that seems to be fine so far.  Or at least I haven't hit any significant pains yet.  (once I upgraded to include the 9.3 fixes)
13:59 bshum I'll be curious what you come up with for 14.04.  We'll get to it sometime.
14:00 bshum I'm still deciding whether during our next upgrade we'll move from 9.1 to 9.3 in production too.
14:00 bshum That stuff I just said was for our test server only.
14:03 csharp cool
14:06 csharp okay - looks like we're down to 3 CPAN dependencies with 14.04
14:06 csharp so that's nice
15:04 * csharp doesn't build from scratch very often nowadays
15:05 dbs I think we agreed to deep-six Lucid support for 2.6, right? Add 14.04, drop 10.04.
15:05 csharp yep
15:07 bshum I think nobody's tested 2.6 with Lucid anyways.  So... it's already dead to me!
15:07 bshum (but probably works)
15:08 * dbs tries removing ld.so.conf.d entry on Fedora 20 to see if that whole section can be wiped out
15:08 csharp okay - this shows my limited autotools knowledge, but how does make find the right library?
15:08 gmcharlt dbwells: needless to say, I'm perfectly fine with you squashing that branch mercilessly
15:09 dbs Nope, still necessary on Fedora.
15:10 dbs "Failed to dlopen library file oils_pcrud.so: libdbdpgsql.so"
15:10 kmlussier joined #evergreen
15:11 dbs csharp: very rough approximation, autotools runs a million tests to detect its environment and configure things as automagically as possible. and then you can override behaviour to boot.
15:11 kmlussier gmcharlt++ #acknowledgements
15:11 csharp dbs: okay - I figured
15:13 gsams joined #evergreen
16:42 tspindler left #evergreen
17:07 bmills joined #evergreen
17:08 gsams joined #evergreen
17:13 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
17:22 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:24 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
17:35 tsbere joined #evergreen

Results for 2014-04-02

00:05 remingtron__ joined #evergreen
03:39 b_bonner joined #evergreen
03:39 mtcarlson_away joined #evergreen
05:13 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
06:56 timlaptop joined #evergreen
07:18 Callender joined #evergreen
07:32 Callender joined #evergreen
11:54 mrpeters left #evergreen
11:54 mrpeters joined #evergreen
11:57 phasefx bshum: no worries.  I have no strong opinions about LP other than that its search function could use improvement, so I'm glad you care enough about it to act on things
12:08 csharp ok, I'm trying to get EDI working on a test server... we create a purchase order and activate it.  5 minutes later I see the A/T event process, then the edi_pusher.pl script runs and by its feedback messages, it appears to be working (after enabling passive FTP).  However, the vendor did not receive the file - any thoughts?  The lack of error logs is handicapping me here
12:10 csharp 2014-04-01 15:33:38 acq ./edi_pusher.pl: [INFO:20745:RemoteAccount.pm:595:] OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount : successfully sent <vendorURL> /tmp/bzVbVKKjQp --> Out//bzVbVKKjQp
12:14 mcooper joined #evergreen
12:15 * csharp will rule out human error (e.g., wrong FTP directory) before continuing to beat on it
12:25 rfrasur Cheesecake has arrived and pictures will be forthcoming since that's the only way I know to digitize them so far (and a 3D scanned and printed model would just be mean).
12:26 Dyrcona rfrasur: There is talk of 3D printed "food."
12:26 rfrasur Hmm, then there are better possibilities for the future than pictures.  But not yet :D
15:21 sseng jihpringle: acq
15:21 jihpringle there are some claiming bugs in the manual process in acq depending on what version you're running
15:22 sseng jihpringle: oh ok
15:23 jihpringle we've tested manual claiming in acq but none of our libraries currently use it
15:23 jihpringle the bug to watch out for is - https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1195063
15:23 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1195063 in Evergreen "ACQ: Claim Vouchers Do Not Appear and Cause Problems with Profiles" (affected: 2, heat: 12) [Undecided,New]
15:24 sseng jihpringle: having a hard time finding claimings documentation in terms of automated claming . and now that it's been clarified that it's currently manual only... thanks!
15:24 jihpringle np
15:31 jeff csharp: huh. well that's interesting. one of my working theories here was that the issue was related to trying to walk a bunch of holds that the copy wasn't eligible to fulfill, and that combined with something else was causing the breakage.
15:31 jeff csharp: the example i had the other day was an age protected copy with 80+ holds at non-local libraries.
15:31 csharp the first example was probably a fluke - a patron requested the title literally 90 seconds before staff began checkin and it captured for the new hold - staffperson assumed it was the "old" hold
15:31 jeff so it did the hold permit test 80+ times... twice, I think.
15:32 csharp jeff: ah
15:33 pastebot "csharp" at pasted "log messages for clear hold shelf checkin modifier failure" (5 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/41
15:34 csharp jeff: ^^ this is what we see server side at the time of the network errors in our library's case
16:46 krvmga kmlussier: you got the single layer icons?
16:47 kmlussier krvmga: I did and I've rolled everything into a git branch.
16:47 kmlussier krvmga++
16:57 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
16:58 yboston @marc 400
16:58 pinesol_green yboston: unknown tag 400
17:06 krvmga is there any way to do a call number search limited to the children's collection in eg 2.4? i'm thinking that it might be possible in 2.5.

Results for 2014-04-01

00:53 zerick joined #evergreen
04:01 flopaul joined #evergreen
04:57 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
06:56 timlaptop joined #evergreen
07:27 kmlussier joined #evergreen
07:28 kmlussier @coffee
13:37 dbwells kmlussier: ok, tried to recreate the $3.99 lost billing case, here is what I got: http://screencast.com/t/urv1F0q6
13:38 kmlussier dbwells: That's what I had hoped to see. :)
13:38 kmlussier So the good news is we're on the same page. The bad news is I have to figure out why I'm seeing something different.
13:38 dbwells yeah :)
13:40 dbwells I only changed two setting for this test.  "Void list item billing when returned" is true for CONS, "Prohibit negative balance on bills (DEFAULT)" is true for CONS.
13:40 dbwells Set item price to $3.99, marked lost, paid $1.99, returned item
13:40 kmlussier Yes, that's what I have. Well, the negative balance setting isn't for the consortium in my case. It's for the branch.
13:41 * kmlussier will need to focus on working with some other issues with Dyrcona and return to this question shortly.
13:42 dbwells I can try that, but it seems unlikely.  Your display is strange enough that it seems likely to be code from two different branches mixing in a bad way.
16:38 bshum Heh
16:41 jeff__ joined #evergreen
17:28 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:30 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
17:49 jboyer_isl joined #evergreen
17:51 gmcharlt_ joined #evergreen
18:03 bmills joined #evergreen

Results for 2014-03-31

09:32 jl- dbs: are you ever on the vufind dev call?
09:37 dbs jl-: I was on a few back before the RDFa branch was merged
09:37 dbs Well, and for a few after too
09:40 jl- dbs: I'm usually there since four of our instances use vufind. I'm currently doing some solr testing because their solr configuration seems dangerous
09:40 Dyrcona jl-: Is there a Launchpad bug for your branch? If not, you should make one, and add the documenation tag.
09:41 yboston joined #evergreen
09:44 jl- Dyrcona: how do I go about making a launch pad bug?

Results for 2014-03-30

01:08 Callender_ joined #evergreen
01:15 zxiiro joined #evergreen
01:53 Callender joined #evergreen
05:13 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
09:48 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:51 artunit joined #evergreen
11:42 ldwhalen joined #evergreen

Results for 2014-03-29

03:23 bshum kmlussier++ # more plugins!
04:56 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
10:03 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:18 jl- morning
10:27 jl- dbs ping

Results for 2014-03-28

00:14 dcook Hehe. I was just thinking it must be fairly massive.
00:15 dcook biblioitems in Koha is rather enormous though. It stores the full MARCXML (minus items) in a field, then bits and pieces in other fields.
00:15 dcook Anyway, thanks for the info :)
00:17 bshum Sure thing :)
00:20 bshum @later tell dbwells Oh you know... maybe this is weird 9.3 stuff.  This is a newer postgres we're using for our test server and maybe it's mucking something up?  I really will look more closely tomorrow on why it's creating nonsense.
00:20 pinesol_green bshum: The operation succeeded.
00:25 bshum Well it works fine with our concerto database.  So, maybe I just have some really strange records causing things to break down.
00:28 bshum I can't even figure out why it would even try inserting what it did.  We don't have any bib IDs that go that high.
00:31 bshum There's two
00:31 * bshum hits head on table
00:49 dcook :(
01:07 bshum Grr
01:07 bshum It's got to be something weird with some other browse index in my system.  I removed the one we're testing and it's still failing and doing weird stuff.
01:07 bshum I wish I could figure out which bib was breaking this
01:15 * dcook believes in bshum!
01:49 bshum Whee, added a RAISE NOTICE statement to read off the bib_id for whatever it tries inserting
01:49 bshum Now I'll find the culprit bib!
10:29 jl- http://vf-stlib.klnpa.org/vufind/
10:29 jl- looks so much better
10:30 berick kmlussier: yep, known issue.  will get back to that soon
10:30 jl- http://vf-stlib.klnpa.org/vufind/Search/Results?​lookfor=test&amp;type=AllFields&amp;submit=Find
10:30 kmlussier berick: Thanks!
10:31 * dbs submitted some fixes for the Evergreen driver for VuFind recently, that were accepted.
10:32 dbs jl-: Conifer is Laurentian University, Algoma University, Northern Ontario Medical School, Collège Boréal, and a bunch of smaller libraries.
11:26 jl- I've had mild success with the concerto sql loader (50k records) and the staging table (http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/dev/_migr​ating_your_bibliographic_records.html) however, for the records past that number both scripts went into a crazy loop, never stopping until disk space (>100GB) was full
11:26 jl- it might be my records fault tho but I did clean them
11:27 jl- Im not sure what technique to stick with
11:27 jboyer-isl This is semi-recent, though not personally tested: http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.5/_mig​rating_your_bibliographic_records.html
11:28 jboyer-isl That section covers more than just records.
11:28 jl- http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.5/_mig​rating_your_bibliographic_records.html
11:28 jl- sry
11:28 jboyer-isl Oh, hey, you apparently were looking at a recent version of that. Oops. :(
12:21 gmcharlt interesting could be good or bad... :)
12:21 jcamins gmcharlt: wahanui, is that you?!?
12:21 Dyrcona :)
12:21 gmcharlt jcamins: hey!  I pass the Turing test at least 3/4 of the time!
12:24 Dyrcona yboston: Have you changed your ssh key lately?
12:25 yboston I switch to a new machine, but I was under the impression that the old key came over
12:25 yboston but I was wondering if this was part of the issue
12:28 gmcharlt yboston: not to worry -- you would have to try very hard to do something that tsbere and I couldn't fix
12:28 yboston gmcharlt: BTW I have been watching your Git tutorial video, good job
12:29 gmcharlt how was the recording?
12:29 yboston though not done watching yet. I also watched a 5 hour lynda.com training videeos that was good too
12:29 yboston the audio and video are not perfect, but I had a very clear shot of the screen
12:30 yboston I am watching it without any compression (audio or video), so if I post it to YOutube, etc it might nto be as goos
12:30 yboston *good
12:30 yboston I can prepare a sample on youtoube as a test
12:31 gmcharlt ok
12:37 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:46 mrpeters joined #evergreen
13:51 dbwells I know bshum was poking it and got derailed, but if anyone can review and commit https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1259665 , I'd be very appreciative.  It is the only thing holding up the RC at this point.
13:51 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1259665 in Evergreen "Series search in 2.5 does not retrieve 800 |t" (affected: 3, heat: 20) [High,Confirmed]
13:52 dbwells It is my understanding the bshum's issues were not related to the minor changes in this branch, but I can't say that 100%.
13:52 bshum dbwells: Correct, my issues seem unrelated.  I did find a few 800t's to test with and they seemed fine on reingest.  But I have to enable the browse stuff fully to check things out.
13:53 bshum Pretty confident we can just merge though :)
13:53 bshum I'll try and do that after a few more meetings end.
13:53 bshum Sorry :\
13:57 Dyrcona @marc 800
13:57 pinesol_green Dyrcona: An author/title series added entry in which the author portion is a personal name. (Repeatable) [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,4,6,8]
13:57 Dyrcona t is the title?
16:18 denishpatel joined #evergreen
16:26 Dyrcona Hey, bartender! Hey, man! Lookee here! Draw one, draw two, draw three, four glasses of beer!
16:26 * Dyrcona channels Floyd Dixon.
16:28 yboston jl-: My biggest batch with that script was like 2200 records without holdings from EBSCO ebooks service via OCLC. It ran fine on my test server, but I had a timeout error when loading them to my production server hosted by ESI
16:28 yboston jl-: which is a few states away from here, so there shoudl have been latency issues
16:29 yboston jl-: BTW< did we meet at the conference?
16:34 afterl left #evergreen
16:38 afterl joined #evergreen
16:45 afterl left #evergreen
16:55 bshum Ack, rebase on other pushed commits.
16:55 * bshum does the dance
16:55 bshum And we're good
16:56 yboston mceraso++ for testing OSRF
16:56 mdriscoll left #evergreen
16:56 kmlussier mceraso++
16:57 bshum mceraso++

Results for 2014-03-27

00:54 alynn26 joined #evergreen
01:30 Polonel joined #evergreen
01:38 fredp_ joined #evergreen
05:05 pinesol_green Incoming from qatests: Test Success - http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.html>
05:15 remingtron_ joined #evergreen
05:15 dbwells_ joined #evergreen
05:29 flopaul joined #evergreen
13:50 pinesol_green rfrasur: hussein Hussein-ify your anagram!
13:50 rfrasur good grief
13:50 pams joined #evergreen
13:50 jcamins rfrasur: I guess you don't want to hear "a focus group of actual users/usability test with a mockup of the cheap version of the site might help."
13:51 kmlussier yboston: I didn't document too many commands in the quick start guide because I didn't want to overwhelm newbies. But I think it would be nice to have a page that documents all of the commands we can use.
13:51 Dyrcona @loves
13:51 pinesol_green Dyrcona loves git; Tina Dico; you anyway; scripted sign off; sed; Monique Ortiz; and OpenBSD
13:52 jcamins If you don't ask, you'll just be guessing, and that's a waste of your time!
13:52 * jcamins gets off soapbox sheepishly.
13:52 rfrasur fwiw, I know.  You just asked what I WANTED.  Not what I know needs to happen.
13:52 kmlussier rfrasur: A simple usability test can be something simple to implement.
13:52 jcamins lol
13:52 jcamins That's true.
13:52 rfrasur ^
14:22 lstjohn kmlussier: +++1 conference was stellar thanks for the planning
14:22 mbcraw how do you know when a remote meeting is scheduled? do you get an email notice?
14:22 ddale afterl: how do you have a private chat.
14:22 rangi speaking of which Dyrcona, current tstate of play for teh NCIP stuff is it is in preliminary testing with MassCat .. but the NCIP/ILS/Evergreen.pm still needs to be written, and about 20 more handlers (ive covered all the ones for ILL)  <-- useful stuff
14:22 rangi also, I hate NCIP
14:22 afterl jihpringle:  thank you so much
14:22 rfrasur mbcraw: many of the announcements go through the ils-general email list.
14:22 terranm I do like IRC for meetings, but I'm not usually in here otherwise because I don't have the mental bandwidth with my other work
15:37 tonyb_ohionet joined #evergreen
15:38 berick dbwells: you around?  like to get some UI feedback from you when you get a sec
15:39 dbwells berick: sure, ask away
15:39 berick kmlussier too if you got a sec..
15:39 berick https://bill-dev2.esilibrary​.com/eg/staff/test/autogrid  (admin / demo123)
15:39 berick working on grid column width and sort priorities
15:39 berick drop down menu along top right, Configure Columns
15:40 berick adds a new inline config option
15:40 berick (which is much better than a popup, because you can see what you're doing)
15:40 berick anyway, the display is not all there yet, needs to be more well.. visually documented or some such
15:40 kmlussier Nice
15:40 berick but curious about suggestions, plusses, minuses
15:41 kmlussier Is there a way users can resize the columns?
15:47 dbwells berick: new Chrome works fine
15:47 berick dbwells: cool
15:48 berick jihpringle: cool, thanks
15:48 eeevil berick: in your test, are you doing server-side sorting? (and are you paging ... which is the driver for my question)
15:48 jihpringle berick: would the column widths stay or would you have to redo them everytime you go into the interface?
15:49 berick jihpringle: they would eventually persist
15:49 berick so, you would jsut set them once
16:20 eeevil fixed height rows, yes, agreed
16:20 dbwells glad you guys sorted that out, wasn't sure what was being asked of me :)
16:21 jihpringle the ability to toggle to wrap text in places where long titles display would be handy (like the hold shelf browse), but other than that fixed height rows work for me
16:21 berick here's another one, with scrolling on (but not paged yet) -- https://bill-dev2.esilibrary​.com/eg/staff/test/autogrid2  -- and the template code:  http://paste.lisp.org/display/141804
16:23 eeevil some way to see the full content, but elipsis-truncated for long data (CSS!!! text-overflow:ellipsis)
16:23 berick template code for the other, with explicit fields and (some) labels http://paste.lisp.org/display/141805
16:23 berick eeevil++
16:50 dbwells berick: I also just looked at your second example, and even with longer data, the variable height rows aren't as bad as I thought they would be.  Still, that's a small sample, so my general tendency toward convention stands :)
16:51 dbwells berick: also, as random bug report you probably know about shift-click selection is turning everything blue.
16:52 kmlussier berick++
16:52 berick dbwells: fixed-height: https://bill-dev2.esilibrary​.com/eg/staff/test/autogrid2
16:53 jeff dbwells: i believe that's just the default browser behavior when shift-click isn't being trapped, which as berick noted earlier is simply because it hasn't been implemented yet. :-)
16:53 berick dbwells: yeah, i was confused by that at first.  does the same when you click then mouse over
16:54 jeff as i look at the normalized title/author, what was the name or bug number for the "materialized better-than-simple record extracts" idea/work/branch?
23:43 rfrasur joined #evergreen
23:54 pastebot "bshum" at pasted "reingest failure?" (8 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/37
23:55 * Guest2223 expected "reingest failure" to be related to food in some way
23:55 bshum Hehe
23:55 bshum Unfortunately not.
23:56 bshum @later tell dbwells Testing the reingest command at the end of the 800t reingest with the new browse broke something on my test server. Not sure if it's index related or something deeper. Will investigate more tomorrow.
23:56 pinesol_green bshum: The operation succeeded.
23:56 dcook And I'm back
23:57 dcook Quick ? for you bshum if I may?

Results for 2014-03-26

16:44 * csharp t rie s to type fffro m code4libbbbbbbbb
16:44 rfrasur hehe, nice
16:45 jeff and i am pleased to report that there was no $18/day charge on my bill for in-room wifi, either. :-)
16:45 dbs so csharp / bshum , have you written any selenium tests yet?
16:46 rfrasur jeff: that was also quite lovely.
16:46 * dbs is delighted to only be dealing with crappy wifi here
16:46 csharp dbs: nossir
16:46 dbs csharp: what are you waiting for? 15 minutes of intro so far! :)
16:46 jeff i need to look at selenium again. i think my last selenium tests were for jspac. :-)
16:46 csharp heh
16:47 jeff and they were more along the lines of "it takes HOW long to load X from a cold browser cache?"
16:47 dbs jeff: really good presentation on it right now
16:47 bshum dbs: I haven't poked at it, but I remember the lightning talk in vancouver about it
16:48 jeff <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97">
16:48 jeff <TITLE>NOIMAGE1</TITLE>
16:49 phasefx we can make it easier for selenium tests too if we embed some non-localizable keywords to indicate state in the HTML we produce
16:50 phasefx then you can make assertions against the presence or absence of those keywords
16:50 dbs phasefx: that sounds kind of terrible, actually
16:51 phasefx I saw that in use when I researched it, but the whole practice of UI testing is kind of terrible IMO :)
16:52 phasefx why does that specifically sound terrible?
16:53 Dyrcona "the whole practice of software is kind of terrible" FTFY, phasefx.
16:53 Dyrcona :)
16:53 phasefx thanks man
16:53 dbs Dyrcona++
16:53 * Dyrcona is tired and cranky at the moment.
16:53 dbs phasefx: test the actual things in the UI, like class properties for state
16:54 * rfrasur is too.
16:54 Dyrcona rfrasur++ # for putting up with a different brand of crazy.
16:54 rfrasur I'm not sure how much I put up with it.  I feel like I'm nagging at people every five minutes.
16:55 * dbs takes meds these days and finds he's not as cranky (believe it or not)
16:55 phasefx dbs: I think I erred using a word like state; too strong.  What I read was that you aim for testing the widgets/controls, but don't go for testing functional behavior per se
16:55 * rfrasur takes a deep breath and goes to get some tea.
16:55 * csharp never saw much actual sign reading in his frontline public library staff days
16:56 rfrasur csharp: not even when the librarian is actually putting her hand under the words and reading it aloud?

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