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Results for 2018-09-10

00:08 sandbergja joined #evergreen
01:06 beanjammin joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:42 JBoyer joined #evergreen
06:56 agoben joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
08:19 JBoyer Ouch. That's really bad.  :(
08:21 JBoyer Have you put that server under fairly significant load to be certain it's not hardware at all?
08:21 JBoyer (That's much more appealing than something in the db being so broken that the entire thing dies....)
08:22 csharp yeah, this is a tried and true test server identical to our prod servers
08:22 csharp been using it since 2014 - all appears to be fine hw-wise
08:22 JBoyer Guess it's a good thing I'm planning to do the same here this week. :/
08:23 csharp I think I'll do a single-thread reingest with some RAISE NOTICEs as you suggested
08:24 JBoyer ++

Results for 2018-09-09

01:14 beanjammin joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
14:10 csharp 0e9ae4e2
14:10 pinesol csharp: [evergreen|Ben Shum] LP#1768902: Add UPC to z3950 search for OCLC and LOC - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0e9ae4e>
14:10 csharp bug 1768902
14:10 pinesol Launchpad bug 1768902 in Evergreen "Default installations of Evergreen should have UPC Z39.50 search for OCLC and LoC" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1768902
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:44 beanjammin joined #evergreen
20:49 beanjammin joined #evergreen
21:55 beanjammin joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-08

04:10 beanjammin joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
08:33 aabbee joined #evergreen
10:45 aabbee left #evergreen
11:20 idjit joined #evergreen
14:05 beanjammin joined #evergreen
14:54 beanjammin joined #evergreen
15:09 csharp 6214235b
15:09 pinesol csharp: [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1672775 Action/Trigger retention interval SQL/IDL - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=6214235>
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
22:52 asjoyner joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-07

00:05 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: documenting new 3.2 features based on release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=bb466cd>
06:30 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:05 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:24 kmlussier joined #evergreen
07:29 bdljohn joined #evergreen
14:07 Dyrcona berick: They should still be on whatever brick processed that request for a few days. They'll be more intact from the brick than from our syslogger. I'll see if I can find them and add them to the bug.
14:09 berick Dyrcona++
14:12 yboston joined #evergreen
14:16 abneiman Question for the room
14:16 abneiman I'm testing sort persistence in web client grids -- so far in 3.1.5, not a single Cat or Circ grid will save a user-set sort priority.  Once you leave the interface and come back, it's back to default sort.  Spot checks in 3.0.9 show the same.
14:17 abneiman Has anyone else come across this?  I know a couple bugs have been filed for specific grids (bug 1758381 and bug 1790169) but I'm curious id anyone's looked into it more broadly
14:17 pinesol Launchpad bug 1758381 in Evergreen "Web Client: Copy Buckets Default Sort Seems to be Random" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1758381
14:17 pinesol Launchpad bug 1790169 in Evergreen "Web Client: Sort Priority not honored in Check In and Capture Hold screens" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1790169
14:25 kmlussier abneiman: Sort persistence is one thing I haven't looked closely at yet.
15:15 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:01 khuckins joined #evergreen
17:27 aabbee left #evergreen
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running Evergreen browser client build/test - Expected 6 errors but encountered 3. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>

Results for 2018-09-06

06:32 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:32 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Log Output: osrfsys.log - Expected 3 errors but encountered 7. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:54 agoben joined #evergreen
07:07 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
09:46 rjackson_isl Dyrcona++
09:46 Dyrcona You'll want a select for sql command you want to run, and I wouldn't worry about the order too much.
09:46 Dyrcona for each sql command..
09:59 * berick preps a perl live test fix patch
10:02 rlefaive_ joined #evergreen
10:02 rjackson_isl oh joy a couple of duplicate tcn values trying to udelete the bibs - off to find and change those to uniqueness!
10:04 Dyrcona Was the merge matching on a field related to the tcn, i.e. 001 or 035?
10:05 rjackson_isl sorry - I didn't participate in the merge portion
10:07 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:30 berick ok perl live test fixes pushed:
10:30 berick http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/E​vergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user​/berick/perl-live-test-failure-2018-09-06
10:30 berick 2 commits -- test/sign-off/merge volunteer needed
10:31 bshum berick++
10:33 Dyrcona The closed_date is new in 3.2/master, right?
10:34 bshum Looks like it
10:35 berick yes
10:35 berick ditto the other fix
10:38 Dyrcona I can test the tests in a few.
10:40 Dyrcona Oh, I hear off stage voices telling me that someone is going to test the branch with the ansible installer.
10:41 berick Dyrcona: heads up, I had some problems w/ my ansible installer yesterday...
10:41 berick the 'npm' command is acting funky
10:41 Dyrcona Heh. npm always acts funky.
10:47 berick Dyrcona: well, hoping it's merged before the opensrf release, not necessarily by tomorrow, though
10:47 berick we still have a little time before osrf release is cut
10:47 berick i wouldn't complain, though ;)
10:48 Dyrcona I'll see what I can get to today and tomorrow. I've already volunteered to test the 3.2 beta.
10:48 Dyrcona Of course, next week is bug squashing week...
10:50 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:51 bshum berick: Assuming my live tests complete successfully in a second here, I'll push your changes through and then I'd like to do a PO template sync so that I can have less breakage while testing Evergreen with i18n enabled.
10:51 berick bshum++
10:52 bshum "All tests successful" yay!
10:54 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1635354 Invoice close date perl live test - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=505e46b>
10:54 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1774277 Acq requests live test vandelay repair - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=30a0646>
11:00 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
11:01 * bshum assumes that more fieldmapper changes will come with the merging for ang6, etc. so I'll check for PO template sync again after we get those in.
11:02 Dyrcona bshum++
11:03 berick that's the only change
11:04 bshum That might be okay then
11:04 bshum It's not a string that needs to be entity-ized or whatever they call that
11:04 Dyrcona So, think I'll go head and test websocketd without a proxy on one of my test vms with production data and the branch we'll use for our next update at CW MARS.
11:04 berick right
11:05 berick Dyrcona: nice.
11:05 * Dyrcona has a selfish motive. It's a bummer having to kill apache2 processes every hour or two.
11:28 Dyrcona I was just about there. :)
11:33 berick i wonder if we should add an optional build target in the EG makefile for building the web clients.  that way if you have the -developer deps installed, a simple 'make' builds everything.  no extra steps.
11:34 Dyrcona berick: Sounds like a good idea, and websocketd appears to work. I can login at least. :)
11:35 berick Dyrcona: oh good!  as far as I know, that's the first non-proxy ssl test
11:35 Dyrcona Hm... I suppose websocketd doesn't have to run as root because it uses a port higher than 1024.
11:35 berick yes, i've been running as opensrf
11:35 Dyrcona I started it with sudo out of an overabundance of caution.
11:36 Dyrcona I didn't have to change any Apache configuration or anything in Evergreen, either. Very nice! berick++
11:37 Dyrcona I'll test this week and next before adding my sign off.
11:42 berick Dyrcona++
11:45 Dyrcona Ah ha. I still need root because of permissions on my ssl private key file.
11:47 Dyrcona I don't recommend changing those permissions for anyone following along at home. :)
12:40 yboston joined #evergreen
13:18 bdljohn joined #evergreen
13:28 ohiojoe joined #evergreen
13:45 ohiojoe good afternoon everyone, DIG meeting in 15 minutes
13:47 sandbergja joined #evergreen
13:49 ohiojoe testing one two three (taps mic) is this thing on?
13:52 jeff ohiojoe: loud and clear.
13:52 * kmlussier waves at ohiojoe
13:52 ohiojoe excellent, thank you
16:25 yboston joined #evergreen
16:47 gmcharlt berick: et. al. - I've pushed a signoff branch for bug 1775466 and am +1 for merging it for the beta
16:47 pinesol Launchpad bug 1775466 in Evergreen "Angular6 Base Application" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775466
16:48 berick gmcharlt++
16:50 berick things have been pretty quiet today, so I see no need to delay much more.  i'm going to reivew gmcharlt's branch and do a few more tests then merge unless I hear otherwise in the next 30 mins or so
17:17 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
17:21 gmcharlt berick: are you planning on merging the disable-XUL branch, assuming nobody jumps in right away to give it third-eyes?
17:22 berick gmcharlt: i certainly can
17:23 berick gmcharlt: and that branch may need the 'rm -rf' additions you added (in the make clean's)
17:24 berick +1 to skip_xul=yes
17:24 gmcharlt berick: ah, indeed
17:25 Dyrcona If you want someone to test a 3.2 beta branch before making a tarball, I can probably manage that.
17:26 berick Dyrcona: a final set of eyes before tarballin' would certainly be appreciated
17:27 Dyrcona I have a clean VM that I prepared for next week. I'll use that.
17:31 berick gmcharlt: merged
17:32 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1790923: add release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0469a1c>
17:53 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:55 khuckins joined #evergreen
18:22 gmcharlt berick: I've done my testing of bug 1791162
18:22 pinesol Launchpad bug 1791162 in Evergreen "Support building the browser client via Evergreen 'make'" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791162
18:23 gmcharlt I've left a comment, but I think this needs a bit more baking time and should be left for the RC
18:23 gmcharlt and for the purpose of the beta build, leave make_release as it is; build masters can just supply -x to skip building the XUL client
18:29 Dyrcona :)
18:30 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:33 Dyrcona gmcharlt++ berick++
18:33 Dyrcona headache--
18:40 rsulejmani joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-05

09:17 mmorgan Dyrcona: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2018-08-28#i_374554
09:18 Dyrcona mmorgan++ # Yes, I thought so.
09:18 Dyrcona There has been a lot of that since the upgrade to 3.0.
09:21 Dyrcona Strange that it didn't blow up in my test database last week.
09:21 mmorgan Dyrcona: Was your test db newly built?
09:24 Dyrcona mmorgan: No, it was a duplicate of production with some upgrade scripts applied.
09:24 Dyrcona The upgrade scripts did not fix the trigger.
09:24 Dyrcona It is failing in that database today, because I had it refresh from production on Saturday.
10:32 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:45 gmcharlt new pull request to fix a webstaffblocker; requesting review - bug 1781235
10:45 pinesol Launchpad bug 1781235 in Evergreen "Web Client: Sometimes Unable to Change Primary Patron Barcode within "See All" Box" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1781235
10:46 * Dyrcona will ask the bug reporter if he'd like it set up for testing today. It could wait until next week, no?
10:55 rlefaive_ joined #evergreen
10:57 Dyrcona And, here we go!
11:19 jeff spammers--
11:41 berick oh yeah, dev meeting today
11:41 berick good time for one, I guess
11:42 Dyrcona I guess it is.
11:51 bshum phasefx: Curious, did we ever find out what's happened to the live test running?  The page seems to be gone now entirely.
11:56 beanjammin joined #evergreen
11:58 pinesol [evergreen|Jeff Davis] LP#1781641: make staff-applied patron blocks overridable on web client checkout/renew - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=55f5d3c>
12:01 rlefaive joined #evergreen
12:18 pinesol berick: The operation succeeded.  berick loves deleting things.
12:19 phasefx deleting is certainly easier :)
12:19 phasefx at this point
12:19 bshum If it was me, I'd say anything older than a month might be unnecessary.
12:20 bshum For the live test outputs I mean
12:20 bshum Even a couple weeks is probably overkill
12:20 bshum We really only are paying attention if it screams at us daily
12:20 phasefx alright, I'm convinced
12:22 * phasefx had an old notion of comparing output between runs, but that doesn't have to go far back in time either
12:23 phasefx everything but this month has been deleted; we'll see if it recovers with the next run
15:21 kmlussier berick, you have the floor
15:21 * berick clears throat
15:22 berick in reverse of the list, I need volunteers to help with building, documentation, etc for the Beta
15:22 dbwells I've put myself on the sheet for the beta build, and remingtron will do a test install, but more testers are always welcome.
15:22 berick thanks dbwells and remingtron
15:22 Dyrcona I can test.
15:23 berick thanks Dyrcona
15:23 JBoyer I'll give at least a live-data upgrade a shot.
15:23 kmlussier berick: sandbergj is usually pretty good about taking care of release notes.
15:23 berick kmlussier: even for the major releases?  wasn't sure if that usually fell under the regular process
15:24 dbwells I have also put myself (for now) and the release notes line, but plan to ask sandbergja if she wants to give it a go.
15:24 berick awesome
15:24 berick note to self: save some time to review the DB upgrade in depth Friday
15:25 berick ok and.
15:25 berick discussed earlier today in IRC, bug merge cut-off for beta1 will be tomorrow night
15:25 berick (thursday)
15:26 berick so we can start the build steps first thing Friday
15:26 berick i expect there will be a bump or two given the late mergeds of xul stuff, angular stuff
15:26 berick *merges
15:26 berick which leads me to...
15:26 berick any last minute OMGNO's on either the xul or angular stuff?
15:27 berick (note I'm running the angular stuff through build tests to today on the current code)
15:27 gmcharlt so just to give an update on the XUL-disabling stuff
15:28 gmcharlt it is going to be *easy* to revert if we end up not running with it before release of 3.2.0
15:28 * dbwells steps out quietly
15:31 Dyrcona I'm a bit concerned about the XUL link, because I swear that I've seen parts of the web staff client fail without it.
15:31 gmcharlt so outright removal won't be possible in 3.2
15:31 Dyrcona heh.
15:31 * JBoyer must also disappear. Micro update re: bug 1731922, it's been well tested, the version on the AMO site is fine for testing, you just need to make sure your hatch.bat has the changes in that branch. Will answer any Qs tomorrow
15:31 pinesol Launchpad bug 1731922 in Evergreen "Firefox add-on for Hatch" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1731922
15:32 kmlussier gmcharlt: Do we have a list of those interfaces?
15:32 berick good targets for early angular porting
15:39 berick i'll keep the original branch around for history
15:39 berick well, branches
15:39 berick that should be wrapped up today
15:39 kmlussier Great! Do you need volunteers to test it or are they already lined up?
15:40 berick I do need volunteers
15:40 * gmcharlt volunteers
15:40 berick main test targets are: ability to build/install/run etc. and testing the ACQ admin UI's to make sure they function as expected
15:40 Dyrcona I can probably test it again tomorrow.
15:40 berick there's a lit of the UI's in the release notes that will be ang6-based
15:40 berick s/lit/list/
15:41 berick but basically got to admin -> acq admin and poke around
15:41 berick i'll update the LP when I'm done and slap a pullrequest on
15:41 kmlussier #action gmcharlt and Dyrcona to test ang6 branch once it is squashed.
15:41 berick thanks gmcharlt, Dyrcona
15:42 kmlussier berick++ gmcharlt++ Dyrcona++
15:42 berick oh, one thing I wanted to mention...
15:42 berick since we're just doing grid UI's for now
15:43 berick the grid has some additional niceties.  arrow keyboard navigation (all directions), drag-drop column positioning works, Enter==dbl-click, verticall expand rows to see more content, inline translations editor
15:43 Dyrcona berick++
15:43 berick good to test some of that too
15:44 kmlussier Ooh! People are going to be happy to see drag-drop column positioning.
15:44 berick everything else should be the same
15:44 kmlussier OK we have about 15 minutes left. Do we have anything else on Evergreen updates or on any other topic?
17:58 berick gmcharlt++
18:06 khuckins joined #evergreen
18:10 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
18:32 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:32 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Log Output: osrfsys.log - Expected 3 errors but encountered 7. <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:35 bdljohn1 joined #evergreen
21:47 bdljohn joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-09-04

09:29 Dyrcona open-ils.cstore, of course.
09:29 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:30 JBoyer I thought a couple folks have run into issues with huge numbers of events and possible memory issues, maybe the memory pressure caused failures to spawn new cstore drones in such a way that the whole thing wasn't killed by the oom killer?
09:30 JBoyer Kind of hard to test that, really, but it sounds possible.
09:31 JBoyer s/test/verify/
09:33 Dyrcona kern.log doesn't show anything.
09:34 Dyrcona The machine has 32GB of RAM.
09:34 JBoyer That would be hard to clog.
13:03 jeffdavis csharp: I don't suppose you've had a chance to look at bug 1715767 ?
13:03 pinesol Launchpad bug 1715767 in Evergreen "Allow others to use my account (privacy waiver)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1715767
13:03 robbiecalwls joined #evergreen
13:04 robbiecalwls Hi Everyone.  Hope you had a nice holiday weekend.  Really banging my head against the wall with web client.
13:04 robbiecalwls setup a new server as a test, signed SSL cert, can get into software client fine, web client no
13:05 robbiecalwls Edge gives me "login failed" when I know my username/pass is correct and firefox does nothing
13:07 robbiecalwls any thoughts/help/hints are greatly appreciated!  :)
13:07 nfBurton Did you test the login at the end through srfsh?
13:08 nfBurton The end of installation**
13:08 robbiecalwls yes, works fine
13:08 robbiecalwls even created an additional user and tested OK
13:08 nfBurton hmm. I have this if i don't use the websockets tag while installing opensrf
13:09 nfBurton But my server uses Apache2-Websockets
13:09 robbiecalwls I am also using Apache2-Websockets
13:43 * berick removed OPTIONAL in the websocketd branch, fyi
13:44 * Dyrcona has been meaning to try websocketd without a proxy.
13:45 * bshum was thinking to remake his asciinema video, but now thinks maybe he'll wait until the dust settles from merging of things
13:45 berick sounds like a Faulkner novel.  The Merging of Things
13:46 berick Dyrcona: non-proxy test would be appreciated, certainly
13:46 gmcharlt berick: I've finished reviewing your addition to bug 1779920
13:46 pinesol Launchpad bug 1779920 in Evergreen "wishlist: Add Auto Renewal functionality" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1779920 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
13:46 gmcharlt berick: OK to merge?
16:52 kmlussier dbwells++
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:43 Bmagic I just dealt with memcached "Too many open files" - I saw it was discussed on IRC http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2015-01-09#i_148725
17:45 cesardv berick: sorry for the late reply... just went over the latest branch you pushed to lp1779920, which Galen merged - thanks for that, all looks good! Haven't gotten a chance for an actual install-n-run test, but I will soon
17:46 berick cesardv: hey, no problem.  since it's already merged, a double of the code in master would be apprecaited
17:47 cesardv berick: will do
18:00 berick AFK for a bit, will wrap up bug 1774277 later

Results for 2018-09-02

17:38 * asjoyner adds some debug logging to Authen.pm
18:06 asjoyner okay, so it seems that the method Authen.pm uses to detect if you're using https is flawed.
18:07 asjoyner specifically, the check on line 49 of $url =~ /^http:/o here: https://github.com/evergreen-library-sys​tem/Evergreen/blob/master/Open-ILS/src/p​erlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/Proxy/Authen.pm
18:30 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:54 asjoyner despite my best efforts, there doesn't seem to be a reliable way for that code path to determine if the session is happening over HTTPS (or more precisely, TLS these days...)
18:59 asjoyner hopefully someone more adept at mod_perl and/or the CGI perl module than me can take a stab at it.  For now, I'm going to just comment out that block and go on my merry way.
19:04 asjoyner to clarify for whomever might read this later, as best as I can tell, if your traffic doesn't arrive on port 443, by the time it gets to line 49 in the code it gets prepended with http://, regardless of the actual protocol Apache is speaking

Results for 2018-08-31

11:34 idjit (with "user linux account" being "the account that you use to log onto the Linux system as a regular user")
11:35 robbiecalwls cool thanks.  I am using /openils/ for install and that all got setup on install of OpenSRF, I just wanted to make sure home directory was ok for unpacking.  Sometimes that is a no-no
11:35 kmlussier I always use /home/opensrf. I also usually use the opensrf account as my "user linux account"
11:35 robbiecalwls ah, thanks, good to know that is OK too!
11:36 robbiecalwls My system is on the verge of making the decision on whether to make the leap or not, so I am getting a test server rolling, just in case
11:36 robbiecalwls ::fingers crossed::
11:37 robbiecalwls This will be a long three weeks to wait for their decision.
11:39 Dyrcona robbiecalwls: It's never a no-no to extract a source tarball in a user's home directory.
11:39 Dyrcona If you've encountered software that will not install from there, that software's build system is broken.
11:40 Dyrcona And, I do what kmlussier does for both OpenSRF and Evergreen.

Results for 2018-08-30

09:13 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
09:18 yboston joined #evergreen
09:50 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:55 kmlussier Our qa test results haven't been posting in the channel since Monday morning.
09:57 rhamby_ kmlussier: qa bot decided to take early vacation for labor day
09:58 * kmlussier would like to join the qa bot on its early vacation.
10:17 collum joined #evergreen
10:42 bshum Hmm
10:43 bshum @list rss
10:43 pinesol bshum: add, announce add, announce list, announce remove, commits, info, latestbugs, qatests, remove, and rss
10:43 bshum Well it's there
10:43 bshum I wonder what that's all about
10:45 bshum Oh I see
10:45 bshum The latest live test output was generated on Mon Aug 27
10:46 bshum So it's not our bot that's the problem, it's the live test running on the QA server
10:51 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:53 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
11:51 Lausefuchs17 joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-29

09:18 kmlussier jeff: Yes, that is true.
09:19 Dyrcona I want to say something about the white screens and 3.0.11 (Lp 1775719). # This came up elsewhere this morning.
09:19 pinesol Launchpad bug 1775719 in Evergreen 3.0 "Multiple IndexedDB connections (via tabs) can result in data inconsistency" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775719
09:19 Dyrcona I have not seen white screens on a test system with 3.0.11 installed.
09:20 Dyrcona I have seen a white screen with the regular login screen on a system with the Angular 6 branch installed.
09:20 Dyrcona So, that would be /eg/staff/login and not the /eg2/staff/login.
09:20 Dyrcona However, deleting the auth cookies resolved that white screen.
09:21 Dyrcona I assume that logging out didn't clear the cookies.
09:22 Dyrcona That is all. :)
09:22 kmlussier Dyrcona: I've seen that auth cookie white screen on a test system without the Angular 6 branch. It has happened when I've done something unexpected. I can't remember what the unexpected thing was. In my case, though, I hadn't previously logged out.
09:23 Dyrcona I logged out using the hamburger menu, but not sure if I was on an eg or eg2 URL.
09:24 Dyrcona I should try it again.
09:25 kmlussier OK, in my case I cleared local storage while I was still logged in. http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2018-03-14#i_350503
17:57 Bmagic nfBurton++
18:17 Mat__ joined #evergreen
18:18 matLAC anyone around to help with an odd problem?
18:20 matLAC Our printer will not print receipts. I have it set in the system printer settings. When I go in and select the printer and print a test page, it works fine. But when I go to a patron page and try and print a receipt, it says there is a printer cannot be found
18:23 pinesol [evergreen|Dan Wells] Forward-port 3.0.11 upgrade script - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=79bb4ec>
18:23 pinesol [evergreen|Dan Wells] Forward-port 3.1.5 upgrade script - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0596857>
18:23 jihpringle matLAC are you running the web client or xul client?
18:25 matLAC xul. Still trying to get web client up and running. Running into problems with HATCH and our server crashed so I've been all hands on rebuilding that
18:26 matLAC 3.0.6 is our current build
18:28 matLAC It also printed hold sheets
18:29 jihpringle if you haven't already, try selecting the radio button for Receipt in the Printer Settings Editor and then click the Set Default Printer and Print Test Page
18:30 jihpringle it sounds like maybe the receipt printer context isn't using what you've set for the default
18:31 matLAC Beautiful. Thanks a ton. Too easy. Now I feel dumb. Thanks for having the outside view
18:31 jihpringle no worries, I'm glad that worked!
18:32 matLAC now to fix the patron computer that can't find the net. Thank ya!

Results for 2018-08-28

07:56 rlefaive joined #evergreen
08:29 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:36 collum joined #evergreen
08:59 Dyrcona berick: I successfully upgraded a VM from NodeJS v6 to v8 and tested the Angular 6 branch over the weekend. What I looked at seemed to work.
09:10 yboston joined #evergreen
09:11 Dyrcona A related question: Do we still need to install grunt/cli in 3.1->master?
09:14 Dyrcona bshum | csharp: Have either of you started branches or Lp bugs for Ubuntu 18.04?
13:14 mmorgan We found a similar error message on another table when that was the case.
13:18 Bmagic I'm not seeing it
13:18 Bmagic I dropped the trigger and I still get the error
13:20 mmorgan Bmagic: What about asset.copy_tag_copy_map I just found a duplicate trigger on a test system.
13:20 Bmagic oh found it
13:21 Bmagic inherit_copy_tag_copy_map_copy_fkey versus inherit_asset_copy_tag_copy_map_copy_fkey
13:21 Bmagic the name "asset" is the "correct" naming convention and I still had a trigger rule without that in the title
14:42 stephengwills joined #evergreen
15:01 terran_ joined #evergreen
15:04 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
15:10 terran_ Does anyone have a concerto test server up right now that has the new bill summary screen installed on it?
15:12 kmlussier terran_: The one in 3.1? Yes, the masslnc community demo server has it.
15:12 terran_ kmlussier: Hrrm, I was having trouble searching for patrons on that server. Trying again...
15:14 terran_ kmlussier: I can search mlnc4 but don't see the new bill summary. mlnc2 is timing out when I try to search for a patron
15:15 kmlussier terran_: If you go to https://mlnc4.noblenet.org/eg​/staff/circ/patron/228/bills and then double click on a bill, you should see it.
15:15 kmlussier Not sure what's going on with mlnc2. Can't even remember what I have loaded on there. I'll check it out.
15:16 terran_ Thanks Kathy! I'd get Chris to load it on our test server, but he's teaching a class right now so I can't bug him :)
15:17 terran_ Oh... I was looking at the main screen rather than on the bill details <blush>
15:19 stephengwills joined #evergreen
15:21 terran_ kmlussier++
16:02 khuckins joined #evergreen
16:22 t_ joined #evergreen
16:43 mmorgan joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-27

06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:13 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:27 bdljohn joined #evergreen
08:08 rlefaive joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-26

00:56 Stummi15 joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:45 JStoker12 joined #evergreen
08:16 Zord7 joined #evergreen
09:34 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:57 beanjammin joined #evergreen
17:44 beanjammin joined #evergreen
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:57 beanjammin joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-25

00:13 beanjammin joined #evergreen
00:27 ningalls joined #evergreen
02:38 Mony7 joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
08:02 rlefaive joined #evergreen
09:01 syncretism_mbl joined #evergreen
09:08 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:24 bdljohn joined #evergreen
16:56 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
17:06 jvwoolf left #evergreen
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
20:48 beanjammin joined #evergreen
20:52 RBecker joined #evergreen
21:42 beanjammin joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-24

02:36 foobarrel joined #evergreen
02:36 dluch joined #evergreen
03:23 ecrist1 joined #evergreen
06:30 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:07 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:34 bdljohn joined #evergreen
16:31 idjit joined #evergreen
17:01 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:39 jeff @later tell Dyrcona did you ever determine the underlying cause/fix for your marc_export memory exhaustion on Perl >=5.20?
17:39 pinesol jeff: The operation succeeded.
18:09 abowling left #evergreen
18:30 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:35 lsach joined #evergreen
19:50 lsach joined #evergreen
20:22 Phex joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-23

03:32 Guest75798 joined #evergreen
06:10 AlwaysHigh28 joined #evergreen
06:25 adamg joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:05 crayon14 joined #evergreen
07:07 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
12:19 berick thanks, and yeah, also want to confirm we're not missing a commit that might have fixed it
12:21 Dyrcona I can't really tell, when I did the history branch I kind of did the commits over, so not sure how the typo got in there.
12:21 Dyrcona If you want to just fix the typo in a separate commit and push, that's fine with me.
12:22 berick push as in to the working branch or to master?  I'm also fine with either after consulting.
12:22 * berick has run a variety of tests and other stuff appears to work
12:24 Dyrcona Oh, I see how it happened.
12:24 Dyrcona I had to edit jeff's commit because the skip_display was added after he made it.
12:25 berick ah
17:06 Guest36329 joined #evergreen
17:08 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:27 bungle5 joined #evergreen
18:32 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:57 fkz22 joined #evergreen
20:43 sandbergja joined #evergreen
21:47 mnsri_away joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-22

02:41 fsamareanu10 joined #evergreen
04:26 obserd joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:03 agoben joined #evergreen
07:26 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:35 bdljohn joined #evergreen
09:05 * csharp starts looking for signed off bugfixes himself
09:06 * Dyrcona was thinking of doing that very thing before you mentioned the cutoff.
09:08 lsach joined #evergreen
09:10 csharp hmm - I'm interested in getting berick's fix for bug 1774448 in, but I have no idea how to test it without just throwing it into production :-/
09:10 pinesol Launchpad bug 1774448 in Evergreen 3.0 "web staff client can spam open-ils.auth.session.retrieve requests" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774448
09:12 JBoyer speaking of testing things, bug 1733590 just got a fresh branch. (people have Strong Feelings about only printing what they've selected from Items Out)
09:12 pinesol Launchpad bug 1733590 in Evergreen "Web Client: Print Item Receipt not selective" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1733590
09:13 * Dyrcona tests Lp 1743801
09:13 pinesol Launchpad bug 1743801 in Evergreen 3.0 "web client: item status list view display issues" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1743801 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
09:13 csharp JBoyer: oooh - I'll see if we have time to test it today
09:15 JBoyer csharp, and I think for the one you're looking at, I think it can be tested by setting an absurd value for the login timeout pre-patch, watch the browser just flood your system with session retrieve calls, and then apply the patch and see if the number drops to a reasonable level. (and that you can still do things, etc.
09:15 JBoyer I'll try to poke at that one.
09:16 Dyrcona JBoyer: By "absurd value" you mean an absurdly low value, right?
09:16 Dyrcona Like 5 seconds or something dumb like that?
09:18 JBoyer Actually I think it would be best to test it 2 ways, something like 500ms and then (32 bit) INT_MAX + 500. Those should both call it excessively, and post-patch both should be set to the new minimum of 60000ms
09:18 Dyrcona A'ight.....
09:18 JBoyer I don't know who is just typing 20 digit numbers into the LSE for their auth timeouts, but it sounds like it must have happened at least once.
09:19 Dyrcona Well, if time permits, I can give that one a whirl unless someone else beats me to it.
09:37 csharp bug 1772053, even
09:37 pinesol Launchpad bug 1772053 in Evergreen 3.0 "Web Client: Print Templates - Missing/Problem Fields" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772053
09:37 csharp librarians like grouping things together, I get it, but that bug will likely be open for years :-/
09:38 JBoyer Ah, I misunderstood the point of the 32 bit overflow. A better test would be to set it to , 4500ms short of the overflow at 2,147,483,647 so it's valid for about 25 days but session retrieve is called every half-second. (The minimum if you choose a small value is 5 seconds + the small value.)
09:38 * Dyrcona doesn't like "omnibus" bugs/branches much either.
09:38 csharp Dyrcona: same
09:39 Dyrcona So, on Lp 1743801, I'm not actually seeing the problem.
09:39 JBoyer 2147479147ms, that is.
09:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 1743801 in Evergreen 3.0 "web client: item status list view display issues" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1743801 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
09:39 Dyrcona Loan Durations and Fine Level already show up as words in my item status display on a test VM with 3.0 installed.
09:39 JBoyer I had a hard time following what the remaining issue with that one was also. (aside from the t/f - y/n that was explicitly called out)
09:40 JBoyer And I know fine level and circ duration should have been fixed at some point because I remember doing it. (One of those angular str-to-int things)
09:40 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:00 csharp aabbee: bug 1788417
10:00 pinesol Launchpad bug 1788417 in Evergreen "Web client: Boolean fields say "true"/"false" when XUL client used "Yes"/"No"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1788417
10:06 Dyrcona Hm... Fine level isn't working for me. Maybe I broke it with the conflict resolution?
10:12 berick csharp: I'll add a test note for bug 1774448
10:12 pinesol Launchpad bug 1774448 in Evergreen 3.0 "web staff client can spam open-ils.auth.session.retrieve requests" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774448
10:12 Dyrcona Weird....
10:13 aabbee 1788417: dunzo.
10:15 csharp aabbee++ #will test
10:16 aabbee csharp: i hope it works. instead of testing it myself, i discovered some ssl errors on my testing VM and got distracted. lemme know! :-)
10:16 csharp also, I can confirm that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1743801/comments/15 is because the fix was not applied correctly to the servers - my bad
10:16 pinesol Launchpad bug 1743801 in Evergreen 3.0 "web client: item status list view display issues" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
10:17 csharp we're testing multiple branches on that server - probably overwrote it at some point
10:22 Dyrcona I don't even understand that comment, tbh.
10:22 JBoyer csharp++ # Bug 1788417; Readability is important, t/f?
10:22 pinesol Launchpad bug 1788417 in Evergreen "Web client: Boolean fields say "true"/"false" when XUL client used "Yes"/"No"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1788417
10:26 aabbee Dyrcona: weird. fine level and loan duration were fixed in the same commit (not just the same branch). does age protect show up correctly?
10:27 bos20k_ joined #evergreen
10:28 Dyrcona One thing I've noticed is there are two </eg-grid> at the bottom of the file.
10:28 csharp aabbee: I see it working on my test
10:28 aabbee csharp++ \o/ whoo!
10:35 Dyrcona Now, it's working.
10:37 JBoyer berick++ # Clarification
10:37 JBoyer I have *definitely* verified that the spamming is for real. Just now applying the patch to verify it's out.
10:40 khuckins joined #evergreen
10:42 * JBoyer would have better luck testing if he applied the correct branch. :-/
10:42 Dyrcona :P
10:51 csharp yeah, looks like we need the fixes from bug 1738249 applied to see the list stuff completely fixed (another omnibus fix)
10:51 pinesol Launchpad bug 1738249 in Evergreen 3.0 "Circulation Library in Item Status" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1738249
10:52 csharp my "lock into a release and cherry-pick selected fixes" approach is pretty painful ATM
10:53 Dyrcona csharp: Do you want help with the cherry-picks?
10:53 * Dyrcona is in the process of picking another branch with conflicts, ATM.
10:54 csharp nah, it's okay - honestly it's really just trying to test too many fixes on the same server at once
10:56 Dyrcona OK. I'm 'bout to push the branch I tested this morning.
10:56 csharp Dyrcona++
10:59 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:01 pinesol [evergreen|a. bellenir] LP#1743801: Item Status List View Display Issues - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3710c28>
11:01 pinesol [evergreen|a. bellenir] LP#1743801: Item Status List Display Issues - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a1cbed7>
11:01 csharp aabbee++
11:10 csharp aabbee: I've applied the t/f y/n fix to my test server and it's displaying "
11:10 csharp {{itemFieldValue(item, col) | egGridValueFilter:col:item}}"
11:11 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1724029 Patron search API returns correct order - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=6e32bb5>
11:11 csharp not sure whether that's a "me" problem or a code problem
11:11 csharp I've verified that both files are changed ok
11:27 pinesol Launchpad bug 1684970 in OpenSRF "Proxy setup masks client IP needed by osrf-http-translator" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684970
11:27 Dyrcona Hm. Nope, no conflict.
11:28 aabbee i'mma just nuke the branch and try again (including *all* of the patch this time.)
11:28 Dyrcona I'll push to a collab branch and test it since I tried the rebase, myself.
11:29 rlefaive joined #evergreen
11:30 Dyrcona aabbee: It would be well worth the practice to try it again, just the same.
11:32 JBoyer bug 1774448 : the tin accurately describes the functioning of its contents.
11:34 Dyrcona And, I busted my backport to my local 3.0 branch. :)
11:39 aabbee branch is fixed. (recreated.) i think i got it right this time.
11:42 Dyrcona aabbee++
11:42 Dyrcona I've tested it and it works for me. I'm going to push a signoff branch in case csharp still wants to look at it.
11:43 Dyrcona I'm going to make a separate branch for rel_3_0 becasue there is a conflict there.
11:43 aabbee Dyrcona++ csharp++ berick++ # \o/
11:44 bos20k joined #evergreen
13:47 jeff_ print it out and keep it with you at all times. you may be challenged at any time to present it.
13:47 Dyrcona heh.
13:48 * csharp prints wallet-sized copy
14:21 JBoyer If anyone has time for another easy UI test, bug 1735816 has been updated to address some UI feedback and looks ready to go. :)
14:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 1735816 in Evergreen "Cannot Delete Existing Copy Notes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1735816
14:32 * csharp volunterrs
14:33 csharp er.. volunteers
14:36 csharp berick: done that many many times
14:43 jeffdavis I would like bug 1715767 to get into 3.2. It's on the roadmap and targeted for the beta release, is there anything else I should be doing?
14:43 pinesol Launchpad bug 1715767 in Evergreen "Allow others to use my account (privacy waiver)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1715767
14:44 csharp ooh ooh - that looks cool
14:44 * csharp is in the middle of 50 things today, but I'll help test
14:45 Dyrcona But, it's past the deadline.... :)
14:46 Dyrcona Oh, wait, never mind.
14:46 * csharp forgets when the deadline is
14:53 csharp (bug 1735816)
14:53 pinesol Launchpad bug 1735816 in Evergreen "Cannot Delete Existing Copy Notes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1735816
14:53 Dyrcona berick: Experience a tremor?
14:54 csharp JBoyer: this was on PINES 3.0.2-ish test server, FYI
14:54 JBoyer You're going to need to Clear Cache and Hard Reload, because that's what it does pre-patch.
14:54 csharp ah - ok
14:55 Dyrcona @band add Clear Cache and Hard Reload
16:49 kmlussier @sortinghat
16:49 pinesol Hmm... kmlussier... Let me see now... GRYFFINDOR!
16:59 csharp @librarian
16:59 pinesol csharp: Management:5, Cataloging:13, Acquisitions:11, Reference:18, Circulation:11, Systems:15, Research:13, Custodial:9
17:02 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:02 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: finalizing 3.0.11 release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=b2f630a>
17:02 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: finalizing 3.1.5 release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=f051ccd>
17:07 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:22 justanotheruser2 joined #evergreen
17:22 beanjammin joined #evergreen
18:01 Pidgeotto joined #evergreen
18:21 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
18:23 asjoyner left #evergreen
18:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:49 alphor23 joined #evergreen
19:56 f13 joined #evergreen
20:10 ManyRaptors joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-08-21

02:26 JBoyer_alt joined #evergreen
02:26 remingtron_ joined #evergreen
04:43 ReimuHakurei11 joined #evergreen
06:30 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:07 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:10 JBoyer joined #evergreen
07:24 armyriad24 joined #evergreen
11:53 Dyrcona I see.
11:55 dbs It might scale to 5 or 10 or 50 bricks, I dunno. I was more looking at it as an easier way of people getting up and running with Evergreen, as it separates out PostgreSQL & ejabberd into their own containers (potentially with different OS levels where beneficial say in the case of ejabberd), etc
11:55 beanjammin joined #evergreen
11:58 Dyrcona Yes. I can see it might be useful for testing/development, maybe less so for production.
12:12 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:24 Redfoxmoon9 joined #evergreen
12:33 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:25 * jeff sighs and picks up an extra slash from the pile
14:27 DaleZeut_ If I shutdown nginx I can see the site - with nginx running I get the Bad Gateway error and nginx log shows - connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /eg/opac/home HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "ilsserver"
14:32 jeff DaleZeut_: Your nginx error log entry implies that you have nginx set to connect to Apache (the non-websockets instance) on port 7443, listening on localhost/ Is Apache configured that way?
14:39 csharp DaleZeut_: example from a test server I administer: https://pastebin.com/QqkZitMD - set in eg.conf
14:42 rashma_away joined #evergreen
14:58 DaleZeut_ I have changed the apache conf and port file and now appear to be working.  Bless you all who have helped me fumble finger my to this point.  Thank you all
15:01 jeff DaleZeut_: congratulations! you're welcome!
17:33 sandbergja jeff: I agree that a stock event wouldn't really make much sense.
17:34 sandbergja Thanks for grabbing the bug!
17:52 sandbergja One more question: is there any way to create a copy alert type that shows for *all* states?  It's pretty frustrating to have to forecast every single state an item will ever be in and add an alert for each of them
18:30 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:43 DaleZeut joined #evergreen
18:50 adam_montgomery joined #evergreen
18:54 DaleZeut Back again - Thanks in advance - When I goto Admin → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor - I am getting Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://ilsserver.school.ffcs.org/upup.min.js Source Map URL: upup.min.js.map

Results for 2018-08-20

01:09 hammond15 joined #evergreen
06:32 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:52 JBoyer joined #evergreen
06:59 agoben joined #evergreen
07:11 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
11:23 * csharp is really looking forward to moving all of our libs to EDIWriter and bypassing the whole JEDI stuff
11:28 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:40 Dyrcona And my action_trigger event is now in an invalid state.
11:41 Dyrcona Since this is a test account. I'm going to recommend that they make a new PO.
11:45 csharp Dyrcona: the validator checks to see if the provider has edi_default set and is not set to use_attrs
11:47 csharp it would not be intuitive to an end user setting up an EDI account, so make sure they have "Use EDI Attributes" unchecked
11:47 * csharp goes afk for a bit
17:07 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:14 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:44 khuckins joined #evergreen
18:32 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:36 DaleZeut joined #evergreen
19:50 DaleZeut Hello - and thanks in advance.  I have setup a evergreen 3.0.10 server (mostly...).  I can log in and search the library (no results as I didn't load the database) but I am getting responces I would expect.
19:51 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] Docs: removing outdated info about alerts - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d38e73f>

Results for 2018-08-19

04:08 sjohnson21 joined #evergreen
04:11 l2y joined #evergreen
04:54 fryst5 joined #evergreen
06:31 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:41 ozy5 joined #evergreen
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07:42 emerson26 joined #evergreen

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