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Results for 2020-08-21

10:23 kenstir phasefx: No I am not, I just call open-ils.circ.holds.test_and_create.batch
10:24 phasefx it may be that you can call that one prior to actually placing a hold to help inform the hold placement UI, and still do test_and_create when the hold is actually attempted
10:26 phasefx are you actually allowing batch holds to be created, or just one at a time?
10:27 kenstir phasefx: that's a great idea.  No just one at a time.  I was asked to call test_and_create because the app used to call another API that bypassed the `test` part and allowed holds when it shouldn't have
10:27 * phasefx nods nods
10:28 phasefx that's probably something bug-worthy on the Evergreen side if it hasn't already been addressed
10:28 kenstir it definitely is filed in LP, though I think it isn't fixed yet
12:48 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1865564 Clear holds cache after Request Items - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3044d37>
12:51 collum joined #evergreen
13:02 collum joined #evergreen
13:02 terranm FYI, my test server is refreshed with a new set of patches to test - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11MjEa8V8d7​NYxVM3s1Ra1IOdbhZPFExoWiWDOAKEXoE/edit?usp=sharing
13:08 collum joined #evergreen
13:10 JBoyer csharp++
13:11 JBoyer Also, angular-acq-test has the latest versions of lp 1888723 and lp 1813191
14:49 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
15:07 khuckins joined #evergreen
15:08 khuckins joined #evergreen
15:16 jeffdavis terranm: are you able to confirm that ctx.show_related_resources is set to "true" in config.tt2 on https://terran-master.gapines.org/ ? The branch for bug 1230380 doesn't seem to be working there but it worked in my test environment.
15:16 pinesol Launchpad bug 1230380 in Evergreen "856 electronic access link doesn't display when 2nd indicator is anything other than 0 or 1" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1230380
15:19 jihpringle sandbergja: hey Jane, I'm taking a look at course reserves (which looks pretty neat so far) but I think something's up with the server
15:19 jihpringle when signed in as a local admin or the global user I can't search the catalogue (returns zero for all searches) and I can't register new patrons
15:20 jihpringle thanks :)
15:21 terranm jeffdavis: Sorry, I overlooked that. It should be set to true now.
15:22 jeffdavis terranm++
15:22 sandbergja Oh, yes! one of the services stopped :-(
15:22 sandbergja Thanks for catching that, jihpringle
15:23 sandbergja jihpringle: should be back now
15:23 sandbergja Thanks so much for testing!
15:25 jihpringle awesome, thanks sandbergja!  .
15:28 dguarrac_ joined #evergreen
15:29 AFloyd__ joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-20

03:45 troy__ joined #evergreen
04:03 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
04:30 troy__ joined #evergreen
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:20 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
06:58 agoben joined #evergreen
07:24 collum joined #evergreen
12:23 terranm it's loaded onto https://terran-master.gapines.org/eg/staff if you want to see
12:33 mrisher terranm: how do I log in to that gapines.org page?
12:34 terranm admin / open-ils
12:35 mrisher I loaded the branch onto my testing environment and am trying it out.  I went to the offline circulation page and so far I'm not seeing any console errors.  I'm using the branch in the last comment -- user/mrisher/lp1752356-offl​ine-block-patron-exp-rebase
12:35 mrisher thanks. I'll try that
12:36 terranm I cherry-picked both the top two commits on that branch, yours, then Bill's
12:40 mrisher confirming that I do get the console error you're talking about.  I'm looking into what's causing this.
12:40 terranm mrisher++
14:09 gmcharlt terranm++
14:09 agoben Very nice!
14:09 agoben terranm++
14:10 terranm We have a lot of things loaded on test servers that we need more testers looking at!
14:10 dluch terranm++
14:10 jvwoolf terranm++
14:10 tlittle terranm++
14:10 * gmcharlt uses his non-existant powers of telepathy to make everybody look at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11MjEa8V​8d7NYxVM3s1Ra1IOdbhZPFExoWiWDOAKEXoE/edit#gid=0 and pick up a bug to test
14:10 JBoyer To testers: Feel free to ask questions if you're not sure how to test something or if you think it needs extra setup
14:11 agoben Looking forward to seeing all of the that progress in production!
14:12 terranm Also, there are a lot more pullrequests that aren't currently on a test server, so if anyone has one they really want to test, one of us can try to get it loaded
14:12 agoben Alright, if there are no more updates on the releases/feedback fest, I'll move on to conferences and events.  Best of wishes on the rest of the testing this week!
14:12 agoben #topic Hack-A-Way Update
14:12 Topic for #evergreen is now Hack-A-Way Update (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2020-08-20, agenda: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=governance:minutes:2020-08-20)
14:12 agoben #info Update available here: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/piper​mail/board/2020-August/000147.html
14:13 agoben rhamby, anything else at this point?
14:13 rhamby Nope, lots going on.  We had a planning meeting that just ended 15 minutes ago and we've got a lot to do but a plan and getting it done.
14:13 rhamby There will be a lot of emails and more communication coming out in the next three weeks.
14:14 agoben Sounds excellent!
15:22 mrisher A recent Evergreen audit used JAWS and NVDA.  The article above mentions them and VoiceOver.
15:22 mrisher "JAWS is currently the most popular screen reader, though VoiceOver, NVDA, and others are becoming much more popular due to their features and low cost. "
15:24 mrisher Not sure the process the Evergreen community uses to make a decision like this.
15:24 sandbergja The second point "Should I always test my web content for accessibility using a screen reader?" is a really good one, I think.  I don't know if we have enough people in our dev community who are regular screen reader users
15:24 berick @quote add <tom_waits> The large print giveth and the small print taketh away
15:24 pinesol berick: The operation succeeded.  Quote #206 added.
15:24 berick jus cuz
15:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 1795720 in Evergreen "Icons in staff client menu bars should be hidden from screen readers" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1795720
15:39 terranm I'm installing that patch now
15:39 terranm (again, since I wiped that server clean)
15:47 mrisher I ran into some bugs using ChromeVox.  Didn't feel like it was working properly.  I forget the specifics.
15:48 mrisher One great feature of Firefox is that you can test accessibility with it.  You can click the "Accessibility" button, click on any web element, and there's a panel telling you what would be read, were you using a screen reader
15:49 sandbergja mrisher: yes! that is pretty sweet
15:49 terranm +1
15:51 dbwells joined #evergreen
15:55 sandbergja terranm++
15:55 terranm accessibility++
15:56 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:57 mrisher Yes, these are good things. I like giving thorough testing instructions.  Should I just say something like "You'll need a screen reader. JAWS and NVDA are popular options." ?
15:57 mrisher Maybe throw in a note about how Firefox can be used if installing a screen reader isn't practical?
15:58 dbwells joined #evergreen
15:58 sandbergja That sounds good to me
15:59 sandbergja And link to some "here's how to get by in JAWS and NVDA" instructions
15:59 sandbergja e.g. https://developer.paciellogroup.com​/blog/2015/01/basic-screen-reader-c​ommands-for-accessibility-testing/
16:00 sandbergja And also linking to some automated accessibility testing tools, too.  They don't catch everything, but are good for finding the basics (e.g. unlabeled form inputs)
16:00 sandbergja aXe is my favorite, but I also use WAVE
16:01 sandbergja also, ng lint can do some accessibility testing too!
16:03 sandbergja See http://codelyzer.com/rules/ -- all the ones that start with template-accessibility
16:07 mrisher just added some testing instructions to https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1887869
16:07 pinesol Launchpad bug 1887869 in Evergreen "Web Staff Client - Accessibility and the Item Edits Page" [Undecided,Confirmed]
16:08 mrisher I didn't see your additional comments about automated tools and ng-lint til after I hit submit
16:08 mrisher terranm: I didn't see 1887869 on the list of feedback fest bugs, but it'd be great if it could be included
16:10 terranm I can bump that one up
16:10 terranm (We started out with about 170 open pullrequests so we couldn't load everything at once)
16:10 dickreckard joined #evergreen
16:11 mrisher fair enough.  I'm looking for something to help test myself...
16:15 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:16 sandbergja mrisher++ # testing instructions
16:16 terranm joined #evergreen
16:16 alynn26_away joined #evergreen
16:17 pinesol [evergreen|Rogan Hamby] lp1771386 update to record merge assets function to make source bib inactive as well as flagged deleted - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=dc215a9>
16:25 sandbergja mrisher: I know gmcharlt was looking for testers for bug 1850547
16:25 pinesol Launchpad bug 1850547 in Evergreen "Angular Acquisitions Sprint 3: Acquisitions Search" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1850547
16:26 mrisher sandbergja: thanks.  I'll take a look at it
16:26 terranm We're hoping to get that one loaded onto a test server that has real PINES data on it too since Acq is such a bear to configure
16:27 sandbergja terranm: would that be available to testers outside PINES?
16:28 sandbergja The acq data in concerto is just so small!
16:30 terranm Not publicly, but Tiffany might be able to set up a private Google Meet session or something
17:07 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:28 dbwells JBoyer++
17:54 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:04 terranm joined #evergreen
18:14 csharp @dessert add 31 Unchanged Chunks
18:14 pinesol csharp: The operation succeeded.  Dessert #61 added.

Results for 2020-08-19

06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:49 agoben joined #evergreen
07:26 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:44 rjackson_ISL joined #evergreen
14:05 knesbit joined #evergreen
14:54 sandbergja jeffdavis: I'm taking a look at bug 1850992
14:54 pinesol Launchpad bug 1850992 in Evergreen "Use RemoteAuth for EZProxy authentication" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1850992 - Assigned to Jane Sandberg (sandbej)
14:55 sandbergja And everything is working well until after Evergreen authenticates and bumps me back to EZProxy
14:55 sandbergja Then EZProxy is complaining that it got sent an invalid URL
14:55 sandbergja (which seems odd, since isn't EZProxy the one who created the URL in the first place?)
14:56 sandbergja Do you happen to have an ezproxy config from your testing a few months ago?
15:09 ddisbro joined #evergreen
15:44 pastebot "jeffdavis" at pasted "EZProxy config (I think)" (4 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/10011
15:44 jeffdavis sandbergja: ^ I think that's the ezproxy config I was using
16:13 jeff i would recommend using https there... but that's probably not causing the current issue.
16:13 jeff (arguably we should require https and refuse to auth over http for this)
16:13 sandbergja true
16:13 jeff what is the starting point URL you're using to begin the testing? the link that you're following which goes to EZproxy and then prompts auth, etc?
16:14 sandbergja https://ezproxy.libweb.linnbenton.edu/login?url​=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authty​pe=ip,uid&amp;profile=ehost&amp;defaultdb=a9h
16:14 sandbergja (which won't go to Evergreen atm, but I can switch it quickly if you want)
16:15 sandbergja (just don't want users to end up on a non-working login page)
16:20 jeff the prefixing of login is a workaround for if you have a wildcard-only cert that doesn't include the non-prefixed host.
16:20 jeff (if your cert is for *.ezproxy.example.edu and doesn't ALSO include ezproxy.example.edu)
16:22 jeff if you enable ticket auth and try to visit https://login.ezproxy.libweb.linnbenton.edu/menu in a fresh browser / incognito / etc do you log in and get to the ezproxy menu, or does it break somewhere?
16:26 jeffdavis Incidentally it is ok to use your production wskey on a test server if you want to set up a separate EZProxy instance for testing purposes, per https://help.oclc.org/Library_Management/EZpr​oxy/Install_and_update_EZproxy/EZproxy_WSKeys
16:26 sandbergja jeffdavis: good to know
16:26 * jeff nods
16:26 jeffdavis probably overkill in this specific case, but maybe useful if there is other testing you want to do
16:27 jeff depending on your environment it may not be possible to get certs and such. :-)
16:29 sandbergja jeff: I get to log in, but still get that goofy "unsupported url" error
16:36 jeff okay. are you in a position where you could use temporary test credentials and capture a HAR file and send it to me?
16:39 jeff (new incognito window, open dev tools, make sure "Preserve log" is checked, go to https://login.ezproxy.libweb.linnbenton.edu/menu and log in via ezproxy ticket auth, and once that's done and you get your error, right click any of the requests in the Network tab and select "Save all as HAR with content" (note that the HAR file will contain all content, including your credentials -- which is why I
16:39 jeff mentioned temporary test credentials)
16:39 jeff (and you can change/invalidate the credentials before sending the HAR file)
16:40 sandbergja sure
16:40 sandbergja those aren't actually real credentials on the evergreen side anyway :-)
16:52 jeff is it possible that OILSRemoteAuthEZProxyBaseURI is set to a value that ends in a forward slash character (/)?
16:56 sandbergja I'd updated the vhost file
16:57 sandbergja but never got around to restarting httpd
16:57 sandbergja jeff: thanks so much!
16:57 jeff you're welcome!
16:58 jeff we could document that you don't need/want a trailing slash in that variable, or we could strip it since we're going to be constructing a url with a / and we don't want //...
16:59 jeff sandbergja++ testing!
17:00 sandbergja documenting seems easy enough: just a comment above that line in the vhost config
17:00 sandbergja jeff++
17:00 sandbergja jeffdavis++
17:44 jeff also... where do you think scihub gets their data? i'd guess at least some of their scraping is via weak secrets and not just weak credentials. ;-)
17:45 jeffdavis arguably that falls under earning it :)
17:45 jeffdavis (for the record we do not use a weak secret and I am not advocating doing so)
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:08 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
20:45 mrisher joined #evergreen
21:12 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-18

06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:07 agoben joined #evergreen
07:24 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
08:03 rfrasur joined #evergreen
11:23 csharp doc-ception?
11:24 rhamby yep
11:24 csharp he not busy begin born (writing docs) is busy dying (not writing docs)
11:55 rhamby I have to say that when I see someone give a testing use case using concerto data it makes me happy
11:56 rhamby so
11:56 rhamby berick++
12:03 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
12:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:46 collum joined #evergreen
15:32 mrisher joined #evergreen
15:47 mantis1 left #evergreen
16:00 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
16:52 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1839562 Ang Vandelay Match Set Replace Mode - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=345134a>
16:54 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1890351 Vandelay queue type selector retains data - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=68ee2d1>
17:03 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:16 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1850825 Vandely export set default record source - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3959b9c>
17:24 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1845047 Ignore grid page size pref when paging disabled - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=6528a88>
17:42 pinesol [evergreen|Mike Risher] lp1747664 add batch edit of call numbers to item bucket - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9342a78>
17:50 pinesol [evergreen|Garry Collum] LP#1844732 Circulation Modifier Display when Batch Editing Items - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=8652e10>
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:27 sandbergja joined #evergreen
19:26 sandbergja joined #evergreen
19:30 sandbergja Oh man, bug 1517298 is just fun to work with!

Results for 2020-08-17

05:19 laurie joined #evergreen
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:55 agoben joined #evergreen
07:18 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:36 collum joined #evergreen
08:56 terranm joined #evergreen
09:12 collum joined #evergreen
09:25 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:26 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1890849 Grid context menu override fixed width - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4444165>
09:35 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:37 mmorgan2 joined #evergreen
09:38 dbwells joined #evergreen
10:26 pinesol [evergreen|Mike Risher] LP#1724019 Offline Circulation Orgs Alphabetized - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a68ac98>
10:34 collum joined #evergreen
10:34 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:47 csharp could someone with evergreen-ils.org site access please change the "commits" links on https://evergreen-ils.org/​communicate/mailing-lists/ to their new locations? http://list.evergreen-ils.org/mailman/listinfo
11:52 csharp berick++
11:52 csharp jeff++
11:53 csharp "Datestyle" sounds like a bad 80s personal grooming program you'd order off TV
11:55 terranm lol
11:55 terranm Bmagic: For the ones on your test server that you encountered merge conflicts, did you work around the conflicts and get them installed, or could they not be installed?
12:01 Bmagic they are installed - I make the line edits as needed
12:01 Bmagic Wasn't anything I didn't think I could understand
12:01 terranm Bmagic++
16:17 berick rhamby: hey i'm going to add your sign-off when I merge commit 28ba45bf4d980e3d8290e430a6d97d7beecd3d1d
16:17 berick hm, thought one of the bots would speak up
16:18 * berick calls 1213
16:27 pinesol [evergreen|Rogan Hamby] LP1858833 Convenience function for setting a salted password - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1e03e23>
16:27 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1858833 Stamping DB upgrade for change_password - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=f11549c>
16:32 mantis1 left #evergreen
16:39 pinesol [evergreen|Terran McCanna] LP#1726918 Alert doesn't display for soon-to-expire patron accounts - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=99c8ec6>
16:53 pinesol [evergreen|Mike Risher] lp1801947 eg-help-popover accessibility - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ab83912>
16:53 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] lp1801947 (follow-up): specify behavior for eg-help-popover button - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d0c8176>
17:03 PaILS joined #evergreen
17:09 PaILS left #evergreen
17:16 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:31 nfBurton joined #evergreen
17:44 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
17:45 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
21:09 sandbergja joined #evergreen
21:14 sandbergja joined #evergreen
21:34 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-16

09:36 oleonard joined #evergreen
17:41 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:01 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:30 sandbergja joined #evergreen
21:36 sandbergja joined #evergreen
22:47 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-15

06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
20:34 sandbergja joined #evergreen
21:59 Christineb joined #evergreen
23:44 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-14

16:22 * Dyrcona calls it a week.
17:21 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:25 jvwoolf1 left #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:23 sandbergja joined #evergreen
19:06 sandbergja rhamby++ # bug 1786524
19:06 pinesol Launchpad bug 1786524 in Evergreen "Add a support script for importing patrons" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786524 - Assigned to Rogan Hamby (rogan-hamby)

Results for 2020-08-13

12:40 mrisher joined #evergreen
12:41 mrisher joined #evergreen
14:17 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
16:08 pinesol [evergreen|Shula Link] LP#1839365: add h1 heading to Angular staff login page - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e4de2aa>
16:08 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1839365: (follow-up) update AngularJS login page as well - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=badfbdf>
16:16 sandbergja joined #evergreen
16:18 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:20 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:57 dbwells joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:08 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:11 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:39 dbwells joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-12

00:38 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
03:10 khuckins joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:31 agoben joined #evergreen
06:45 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
06:48 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
15:14 csharp jvwoolf1: and make sure the /openils/conf and /openils/var/web/reports fm_IDL.xml's are aligned
15:14 jvwoolf1 csharp: Will do! Thanks!
15:15 csharp we don't have i18n needed here so we just symlink the reports one to the conf one
15:15 jvwoolf1 Yeah, I found that out when I was testing
15:22 jvwoolf1 bmagic++ # For the Hacking Evergreen video series. Wish I had found these sooner!
15:26 Bmagic jvwoolf1++
15:26 Bmagic thanks!
15:44 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:50 dbwells joined #evergreen
17:01 Bmagic rhamby++ # collectionhq patch review
17:47 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:02 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:16 abowling1 joined #evergreen
18:38 sandbergja joined #evergreen
19:25 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
19:26 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
19:28 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
20:13 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] Lp 1843079: Add renewals remaining to AutoRenew reactor's user data - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=68ed88e>
20:30 mrisher joined #evergreen
21:07 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
21:09 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-11

03:04 khuckins joined #evergreen
04:48 khuckins joined #evergreen
05:27 khuckins joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:28 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:39 agoben joined #evergreen
07:51 rfrasur joined #evergreen
11:22 Dyrcona nfBurton: Keep in mind that my function returns the id of the new event definition in case you want to change the template or granularity or whatever. I've used it a lot since writing it, because of COVID.
11:26 Dyrcona I upgraded the VM to postgresql-client-12 and everything is good. Also means that I get the new --csv option that I have gotten used to using on my laptop. :)
11:28 Dyrcona So far, Pg 12 has been nice. I've noticed that inserts seem to be a lot faster than on Pg 9.6.
11:31 Dyrcona That said, I haven't tested anything really complicated, yet.
11:31 csharp I'll start looking at it soon
12:18 nfBurton joined #evergreen
12:22 khuckins joined #evergreen
14:54 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:31 Bmagic Dyrcona: That PG function for cloning seems like a good candidate for inclusion into stock. Cloning AT environment doesn't work most of the time anyway. What if EG didn't give you a choice and just cloned the AT with the environment, end of story?
15:34 Dyrcona Bmagic: I don't use the admin interface, so I don't know how well or how poorly this works in the client. There are other ways besides a database function to make it copy the environment and parameters when cloning.
15:35 Bmagic agreed, just seems that this solution has already been coded and "tested" in production. It seems straight forward as well. Just sayin'
15:35 rfrasur I could have dreamed this.  Has the library settings editor been angularized in an upcoming version?  I'm not seeing it...but am hopeful that I'm just overlooking.
15:36 Bmagic rfrasur: I read that somewhere too....
15:37 rfrasur Was it in a fantasy novel?  Or something on the wiki?
17:55 berick and are they all in 'processed' status?
17:55 berick or complete
17:56 Bmagic all identical "proccessed" - same PO, same File name, everything. create_time is different, id is different
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:01 berick Bmagic: i can't explain that.  what EG version?
18:02 Bmagic 3.3.4
18:02 Bmagic so you are saying that you don't have those same rows repeated? (I though you did)

Results for 2020-08-10

02:15 dbwells joined #evergreen
03:26 laurie joined #evergreen
04:17 dbwells joined #evergreen
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:54 agoben joined #evergreen
07:24 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:26 collum joined #evergreen
09:39 csharp I remember a few years ago jeffdavis (?) had a ticket for forcing HTTPS everywhere and there were some concerns, but I haven't seen any trouble using the OPAC with HTTPS, so maybe those are all gone?
10:01 Dyrcona csharp: Offline or something like that used to break in the XUL client, other than that go for it.
10:01 Dyrcona But, the OPAC, never had a problem with HTTPS except for mixed content warnings that I believe we have resolved.
10:02 Dyrcona csharp: You might also be interested to know that I'm switching our main test/development database to Pg 12 today.
10:03 csharp yes, I am interested - please keep us informed! :-)
10:04 csharp thanks for the response - that was my understanding too (that it was XUL related)
10:16 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
17:21 mmorgan Chrome reset worked for one user, fingers crossed for the others!
17:23 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:59 abowling1 joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:05 abowling joined #evergreen
18:16 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
18:17 dbwells joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-09

12:13 dbwells joined #evergreen
13:01 dbwells joined #evergreen
16:34 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:02 dbwells joined #evergreen
19:58 JBoyer joined #evergreen
20:03 dbwells joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-08

01:08 dbwells joined #evergreen
03:11 dbwells joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:27 abowling1 joined #evergreen
07:09 sandbergja joined #evergreen
07:12 dbwells joined #evergreen
10:17 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:01 dbwells joined #evergreen
16:02 dbwells joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:04 dbwells joined #evergreen
18:28 yar joined #evergreen
22:05 dbwells joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-07

01:44 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
01:49 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
01:54 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:18 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:39 collum joined #evergreen
08:05 mantis1 joined #evergreen
14:26 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
16:05 mantis1 left #evergreen
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:53 abowling1 joined #evergreen
19:02 abowling joined #evergreen
19:42 sandbergja joined #evergreen
19:43 pinesol [evergreen|Michele Morgan] LP1811466 Add fields to holdings editor column pickers - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5ad0497>
20:45 alynn26_away joined #evergreen
22:24 bshum joined #evergreen
22:35 jeffdavis joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-06

01:40 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
01:45 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
01:57 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
06:02 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Installing Angular web client <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2020-08/2020-08-06_04:00:16/test.29.html>
06:34 agoben joined #evergreen
07:25 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:53 mantis1 joined #evergreen
12:47 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1864371: (follow-up) fix lint - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1a51824>
12:47 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1864371: bump up ng-bootstrap to 7.0.0 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0ebbd2f>
12:48 gmcharlt berick++ sandbergja++
12:49 sandbergja_ Anybody else having trouble running this pgtap live test: lp1145213_test_func_asset.merge_record_assets.pg ?
12:49 sandbergja_ testing.evergreen-ils.org has no problems with it, but it fails every time I try it on recent branches
12:50 sandbergja_ every other pgtap live test runs fine -- just that one
12:50 sandbergja_ either I get 3 instead of 4, or it complains about the prefix fkey (which makes sense to me)
12:51 phasefx that one broke before and I thought I fixed it
12:52 sandbergja_ phasefx: let me check; maybe I have the broken version
12:52 phasefx bbe8a9295e8e309b3c240808ba7e2ad491dbf82c
12:52 pinesol phasefx: [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] lp1145213 avoid race condition in bib merge test - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=bbe8a92>
13:04 Bmagic berick++
13:04 Bmagic sandbergja++
13:33 JBoyer berick++
14:24 Bmagic abneiman: jynx!
14:25 Bmagic yeah, talking about that here could soak up a bunch of time - listerv
14:25 abneiman will do
14:25 dluch Sounds great, thanks
14:25 dluch Big thanks again to Bmagic and remingtron for all their work getting Antora set up and to devted for finding it and everyone in DIG who tested and made suggestions!
14:25 dluch Bmagic++ remingtron++ devted++
14:26 Bmagic and the link again for anyone: http://eg-docs.georgialibraries.org/prod/
14:26 dluch gmcharlt++ abneiman++ for getting it all wrangled in!
14:26 dluch Antora++
14:30 dluch Related to that, as I was looking through all the tickets on Launchpad with the tag "documentation," I noticed a bunch that are super-old and/or no longer relevant. I made going through them a suggestion for a possible thing to work on during working time, unless this seems like a project that DIG should work on together.
14:31 dluch Thoughts/Questions?
14:31 alynn26 as to LP# 1642023 There is more work to be done, but those can be added later.
14:31 abneiman dluch: the PR on 1487123 is a couple years old and there's a pending question from gmcharlt about it - and I'm not sure if it will still play nicely with Antora - so taht might need deeper review than just a test/signoff?
14:32 dluch abneiman: Okay, sounds good. That was one I hadn't really have time to look over.
14:32 jweston dluch: review of old doc bugs sounds great - I don't think it needs to be a group DIG project; just as individual time allows
14:32 gmcharlt yeah, my gut feeling is that will need to be looked at afresh post-Antora
16:14 * JBoyer too
16:33 Bmagic berick++
16:40 mantis1 left #evergreen
16:48 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Installing OpenSRF pre-requisites <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2020-08/2020-08-06_16:00:03/test.7.html>
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:59 abowling1 joined #evergreen
18:10 abowling joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-05

01:47 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
02:05 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
02:41 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
04:47 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Installing OpenSRF pre-requisites <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2020-08/2020-08-05_04:00:03/test.7.html>
05:28 agoben joined #evergreen
07:16 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:27 rfrasur joined #evergreen
10:15 Bmagic csharp++
10:15 Bmagic now.... how is this possible
10:17 Bmagic from postgresql.conf: log_timezone = 'America/New_York'
10:17 berick returns 'America/New_York' when I test
10:17 Bmagic looking at another config, perhaps it should be: log_timezone = 'localtime'
10:17 csharp from the docs, show timezone is equivalent to current_setting('timezone')::text
10:18 berick though I do like the idea of living in '<-04>+04'
12:30 mrisher joined #evergreen
12:30 mrisher joined #evergreen
12:33 Dyrcona depesz++
12:34 Dyrcona He reviewed the Evergreen schema and did some performance testing once before.
12:34 Dyrcona Bmagic++
12:37 Bmagic I remember that! I was excited to meet someone famous, albiet IRC
12:38 Bmagic again - a video clip comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3AucZOsjZ4
16:26 Dyrcona Probably.
16:29 Dyrcona Well, catch you tomorrow!
16:36 csharp GPLS has a direct conflict with the hack-a-way dates - not sure how we'll be able to reconcile it
17:13 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1889251: make call number affix sort keys read-only - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ffc05ea>
17:20 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:21 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1867834 Staffcat clear basket on logout - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ad66d9e>
17:31 jvwoolf1 left #evergreen
17:43 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] LP1774892 stripe elements - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=cfabfa7>
17:43 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] LP1774892 stripe elements - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9aa36c7>
17:43 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] LP1774892 stripe elements - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9aada19>
17:43 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] LP1774892 release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5b2e582>
17:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:58 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:58 pastebot joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:15 sandbergja joined #evergreen
19:09 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:45 jlundgren joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-04

01:32 abowling1 left #evergreen
03:01 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
04:49 mrisher joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:00 agoben joined #evergreen
07:13 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:40 angelo joined #evergreen
15:03 JBoyer Folks can feel free to introduce themselves as they continue to come in
15:03 JBoyer #topic Action Items from Last Meeting
15:03 Topic for #evergreen is now Action Items from Last Meeting (Meeting topic: 2020-08-04 - Developer Meeting, Agenda Available at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/dok​u.php?id=dev:meetings:2020-08-04)
15:03 JBoyer First up, now that I notice he may not be here, csharp was going to ask around PINES if lp 1821094 is ready or needs more testing, terran, do you know how that went?
15:04 pinesol Launchpad bug 1821094 in Evergreen 3.4 "Item status refresh after editing can get confusingly slow" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821094
15:04 terran I'm not sure
15:04 miker #info mike = Mike Rylander, EOLI
15:57 gmcharlt I'm inclined to merge it sooner rather than later, in particular, before feedback fest
15:58 berick i saw the comment re: removing the org setting, gmcharlt
15:58 berick i'll look at that
15:58 gmcharlt and specifically before feedback fest so that /all/ test systems set up for FF are implicitly testing it as well
15:59 JBoyer That does make sense, should help with the slightly shorter release cycle also.
15:59 _sandbergja +1 merging it soon for 3.6
16:00 JBoyer berick, do you want an action item for that or would you like someone else to give it another look first?
16:00 _sandbergja As a side note, it will be really nice to have those broadcast messages in the Angular client
16:01 berick JBoyer: i have one thing to fix (removing org setting), but other than that I thing someone else would need to volunteer for testing the branch
16:01 _sandbergja I can volunteer
16:01 berick thanks _sandbergja++
16:01 JBoyer _sandbergja++
16:02 JBoyer #action _sandbergja to do some testing on the Angular staff catalog branch with the aim of merging pre-feedback fest
16:03 JBoyer And I suppose berick's second point on the agenda is fairly closely related, given the timing?
16:03 berick right, Ang 9 (or 10) bug 1864371
16:03 pinesol Launchpad bug 1864371 in Evergreen "Upgrade to Angular 9" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1864371
16:05 berick _sandbergja: definitely not
16:05 _sandbergja Yes!
16:06 gmcharlt I also glanced over the ng-bootstrap and bootstrap release notes, and bumping up up to 7.0.0 and 4.5.1 respectively doesn't look like it will be too painful
16:06 berick and the tab/nav changes are encouraged but not strictly required yet
16:06 berick hold my last thought, i haven't tested latest bootstrap
16:06 berick pretty sure it's still just deprecated, though
16:06 _sandbergja I can take a look after you, gmcharlt
16:06 gmcharlt _sandbergja++
16:07 berick gmcharlt++ _sandbergja++
16:07 berick +1 to pre-FF
16:08 _sandbergja So, when reviewing old PRs, we can easily check Angular 10 compatibility
16:08 gmcharlt yeah
16:09 JBoyer #action gmcharlt , _sandbergja , and berick will work to test and merge lp 1864371 to use Angular 10 in the staff client before Feedback Fest week.
16:09 pinesol Launchpad bug 1864371 in Evergreen "Upgrade to Angular 9" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1864371
16:09 JBoyer That sounds great.
16:09 JBoyer Given it's standing as a, uh, standing item, we can skip over discussionneeded for now.
16:11 gmcharlt not much to say otherwise unless there are questions
16:11 JBoyer lp 1879983 for those reading the logs later
16:11 pinesol Launchpad bug 1879983 in Evergreen "Curbside Pickup" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1879983
16:12 mmorgan Is the test server with that code still available?
16:13 gmcharlt mmorgan: as it happens, yeah, curbside.evergreencatalog.com is still up
16:13 jeffdavis we're testing curbside here, will share any feedback via LP
16:13 gmcharlt only thing it would need is refreshing it to the latest-and-greatest
16:13 gmcharlt jeffdavis++
16:14 JBoyer Any other questions or curbside discussion?
16:44 Dyrcona "Ain't That Pretty At All"
17:36 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:38 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:11 dbwells_ joined #evergreen
18:20 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
18:57 RBecker joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-03

06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:54 agoben joined #evergreen
07:11 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:39 collum joined #evergreen
16:22 pinesol Launchpad bug 1189980 in Evergreen "Clear Shelf-Expired Holds confirmation needed" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1189980
17:17 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:17 gmcharlt sandbergja: I'd appreciate your thoughts on my follow-up to bug 1839369
17:17 pinesol Launchpad bug 1839369 in Evergreen "Splash page has placeholder text to label a textbox element" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1839369
17:40 pinesol [evergreen|a. bellenir] LP1761142 Volume Copy Editor Changed Fields Hard to Discern - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0b9b434>
17:40 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1761142: (follow-up) tweak field-change style - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=cdd4237>
17:40 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1731370: (follow-up) fix a typo that was causing console noise - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c8c9cbb>
18:00 pinesol [evergreen|Josh Stompro] LP#1674364 - Use database bib id for cover art lookup - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=b4eb8c6>
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:05 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:21 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
18:27 mrisher joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-02

06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
11:14 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:19 sandbergja joined #evergreen
16:16 JBoyer joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
22:31 ericar joined #evergreen
22:34 sandbergja joined #evergreen
23:20 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-08-01

00:32 sandbergja joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
10:39 jvwoolf left #evergreen
13:00 sandbergja joined #evergreen
13:05 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:34 devted joined #evergreen
15:34 dluch joined #evergreen
15:34 Bmagic joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:57 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:02 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:54 Bmagic joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-31

06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:11 mrisher joined #evergreen
07:22 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:23 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
12:16 pinesol Launchpad bug 1850547 in Evergreen "Angular Acquisitions Sprint 3: Acquisitions Search" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1850547
12:21 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
12:43 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Boyer] LP1842431: Add a release note - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e8afbd4>
12:45 Dyrcona csharp++ gmcharlt++ JBoyer++ # For setting up new commit email lists and the latter for testing it without knowing.
12:47 JBoyer <Ralph_Wiggum>I'm helping!</Ralph_Wiggum>
12:47 Dyrcona :)
12:47 csharp gmcharlt++
16:03 JBoyer Yeah, negative renewals are a fun thing. There's at least one large consortium somewhere that places Force holds on items when items go negative at libraries that don't own them... :)
16:05 Dyrcona So, to answer my question: It does appear that EDI supports buyer cancelling an order via the Purchase Order Change "message."
16:05 Dyrcona JBoyer: Welcome back from meetings!
16:14 JBoyer Going to get back to lp 1843079 next week, but I'm +1 for the changes. (If anyone else wants to run it through one more test / signoff so all I need to do is commit and push that's A-O-K. ;) )
16:14 pinesol Launchpad bug 1843079 in Evergreen "Add Accurate Renewal Remaining to Autorenewal Notify " [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1843079
16:14 Dyrcona JBoyer++
16:14 Dyrcona I'm signing out, now. Everyone have a great weekend!
16:18 berick joined #evergreen
16:20 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
17:18 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:40 pinesol [evergreen|Jeff Davis] LP#1847343: fix Exclude Electronic Resources checkbox when locale picker is enabled - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ad4ec59>
17:56 pinesol [evergreen|Mike Rylander] LP#1885759: Count months and quarters across year boundaries - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3cbd3d7>
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:12 pinesol [evergreen|Josh Stompro] LP#1783793 - Suspend holds when activation date set in web client angularjs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=bcccbf0>
18:42 abowling joined #evergreen
19:04 abowling1 joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-30

03:31 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
03:34 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
04:33 mrisher joined #evergreen
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:11 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:53 rfrasur joined #evergreen
07:57 agoben joined #evergreen
08:36 collum joined #evergreen
08:38 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:52 mantis1 joined #evergreen
09:38 pinesol [evergreen|Josh Stompro] LP#1851541 - Add audio alert for item alert popups - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=cc1852a>
09:48 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] lp1731370 CSS styling for new items and volumes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=22ee04b>
09:48 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] lp1731370 CSS styling for new items and volumes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=912b840>
09:48 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] LP1731370: Distinguishing new copies and volumes with aditional means (WCAG 1.4.1) - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3d39064>
10:30 pinesol [evergreen|Kyle Huckins] LP#1754110 Patron Reg. Field Label Override - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5169b97>
10:30 pinesol [evergreen|Kyle Huckins] lp1754110 Patron Reg Field Label Override Release Notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0e275ea>
10:30 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1754110: (follow-up) release notes tweak - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4640519>
10:46 berick gmcharlt++
10:47 Dyrcona @praise gmcharlt
10:47 * pinesol gmcharlt can run a report without assistance
11:18 sandbergja_ gmcharlt++
11:20 sandbergja_ On a related note, I am so excited for 3.5.1.  38 bug fixes so far!
11:31 csharp gmcharlt++
11:40 jeff It looks like there are multiple ways that someone can place a hold on something, then have an item captured to fill that hold, then have circ policy prohibit checking that item out. Disregarding things like "you have a standing penalty that blocks CIRC but not CAPTURE", there are still things like "circ policy says you have to be this old to check this item out". Am I missing some way that other
11:40 jeff libraries handle this, or is this just a sharp edge we have to be careful of when doing things like limiting circ by user age?
11:43 jeff I don't think we'd want to test "can this patron check this item out at the pickup library" because of the aforementioned "standing penalty blocks CIRC but not CAPTURE"...
11:48 jeff Stated another way, there are some cases where the item should be captured for a hold even though circ policy would block checkout, because the reason for the block (say, fines or patron expiration) can be resolved at checkout time. Other things, like patron age... are less likely to be resolved at checkout time.
11:49 jeff And yes, there would be a corner case with "patron isn't old enough to check the item out at capture time, but they will be old enough before the shelf expiry time is reached!" -- I'm okay with the solution there being "don't capture until the user is old enough". :-)
11:49 jeff Has anyone else here run into a similar scenario, and given it thought or a solution/
11:49 jeff ?
11:59 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:14 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
12:19 Dyrcona jeff: Limiting circ by age seems to be a problem, so stop doing that. I know that's a non-answer, but.....
12:20 Dyrcona We can't currently limit hold placement by age, can we? In light of your situation that would be a possible enhancement.
12:25 khuckins joined #evergreen
12:26 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
12:34 jvwoolf I'm testing a change to fm_IDL.xml that should affect a reporter source. I have copied the changed IDL to /openils/conf and /openils/web/reports. I ran autogen, restarted Apache and all Evergreen services including the reporter. I'm still not seeing my change in the report template when I create a new one from scratch. What am I missing?
12:36 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
12:37 JBoyer jeff, I don't suppose uou
12:38 JBoyer re so lucky as to be interested in a minor / adult distinction, are you? Since config.hold_matrix_matchpoint does consult the juvenile flag.
16:48 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
17:22 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:28 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:06 sandbergja__ joined #evergreen
18:24 abowling1 joined #evergreen
18:42 abowling joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-29

06:02 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:37 agoben joined #evergreen
07:14 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:29 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
12:39 csharp dbs: speaking of, we have a newly-provisioned EG web server set up to replace lupin - if you want to move the planet stuff there when we migrate, we can do that
12:40 csharp no schedule for that at the moment, just on The List
12:40 Dyrcona @blame The List
12:40 pinesol Dyrcona: The List tests their code on the LIVE SERVERS, then blames the user. SAD!
12:40 Dyrcona @band add The List
12:40 pinesol Dyrcona: Band 'The List' added to list
12:41 Dyrcona "So little to do and so much time... Wait. Strike that. Reverse it."
16:54 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:30 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Installing AngularJS web client <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2020-07/2020-07-29_16:00:03/test.28.html>
18:14 khuckins joined #evergreen
18:25 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:18 collum joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-28

06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:23 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:54 agoben joined #evergreen
07:58 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:45 Dyrcona csharp: https://www.postgresql.org/d​ocs/current/release-12.html
15:45 Dyrcona Might save you some time searching.
15:45 csharp Dyrcona++ #thanks
15:46 Dyrcona I'm considering skipping 10 and 11 and going straight to 12 from 9.6 if testing pans out.
15:53 gmcharlt csharp: if you have an eye for looking at the hopeless holds branch again (https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1811710), I've rebased it and very likely figured out the cause of the errors you were seeing back in January
15:53 pinesol Launchpad bug 1811710 in Evergreen "wishlist: Improvements to Hopeless Holds" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
15:54 csharp gmcharlt: thanks - will put it on The List
16:53 berick gmcharlt: thanks for the heads up.  no preference on general implementation.  2 parts of my branch i like FWIW are "Status" => "Hold Status" relabel and sort support (albeit on the numeric code) of the hold status column.
17:29 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:00 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:34 abowling1 joined #evergreen
18:44 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
18:44 abowling joined #evergreen
19:21 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1889296 Staffcat holds request time includes time - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=7570d7e>
20:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:56 sandbergja joined #evergreen
20:59 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-27

01:33 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
03:34 dbwells joined #evergreen
04:30 dbwells joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:56 agoben joined #evergreen
07:10 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:12 dickreckard hello all.. i have a question regarding the open-ils.search.biblio.marc method..
10:39 agoben (<.<) (>.>)  ....yeah, just the good stats...  (<.<) (>.>)
10:39 csharp idea that just occurred to me without thinking too much about it: create a stats schema that doesn't care about anything live or archived
10:41 Dyrcona Well, we could actually calculate stats and store them, then they won't change later when things are deleted/updated. Is that what you mean, csharp?
10:44 Dyrcona rhamby: The update works for me. I got the old circs to delete and the others look like new checkouts. I'll refrain from adding additional updates, because I don't need them, yet. (I'm testing with a library that left CWMARS to join MVLC about 8 years ago.)
10:45 rhamby Dyrcona: coolness
10:45 jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen
10:46 nfBurton joined #evergreen
11:19 rhamby it's another one of those "it would be nice .... when we have time" things
11:19 Dyrcona Yeahp.
11:20 Dyrcona So, I think I'll just add a esi schema to my database and we can figure out something more automatic later if necessary.
11:20 Dyrcona my test database that is.
11:23 Dyrcona I have 9 org units that I can remove, though we might keep one. krvmga used to use it for testing things. Not sure if anyone else does.
11:27 Dyrcona csharp++ # For list migration work.
11:34 jeff printers--
11:39 Dyrcona printing--
17:39 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:39 jvwoolf1 left #evergreen
17:44 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:09 abowling1 joined #evergreen
19:25 abowling joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-26

04:17 dbwells joined #evergreen
04:30 dbwells joined #evergreen
05:27 sandbergja joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:12 sandbergja joined #evergreen
07:30 dbwells joined #evergreen
09:23 dbwells joined #evergreen
11:04 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Etheridge] LP1819542 Hanging transits can cause checkins to fail - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4355cc6>
11:26 dbwells joined #evergreen
11:52 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:00 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:27 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:27 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
17:29 dbwells joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
18:10 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
18:23 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:29 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-25

01:24 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
02:06 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
05:37 mrisher joined #evergreen
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
09:36 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:14 dbwells joined #evergreen
13:16 mrisher_ joined #evergreen
14:15 dbwells joined #evergreen
15:09 sandbergja joined #evergreen
16:16 dbwells joined #evergreen
16:46 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Installing OpenSRF pre-requisites <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2020-07/2020-07-25_16:00:02/test.7.html>
17:37 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:40 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
17:41 sandbergja joined #evergreen

Results for 2020-07-24

03:32 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
03:45 dbwells joined #evergreen
04:46 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
06:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:46 agoben joined #evergreen
07:47 dbwells joined #evergreen
07:51 rfrasur joined #evergreen
09:27 Dyrcona tpyo's first album: Manjaro Has Weird Defaults :)
09:30 dbwells joined #evergreen
09:51 JBoyer claiming 1209
09:51 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1886713: fix issue where AngularJS hotkeys fail to initialize - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=88d26e9>
09:56 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:59 pinesol [evergreen|Chris Sharp] LP#1747542 - Repair item/user circulation test - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4b20584>
09:59 pinesol [evergreen|Jason Boyer] LP1747542: Stamp upgrade script - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4d48ae2>
10:11 pinesol [evergreen|Chris Sharp] LP#1852443 - Re-label duplicate-named "all circulations" source - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2657846>
10:34 Dyrcona It has been a busy week for commits, too.
10:38 berick my heart grew 3 sizes this week
10:38 Dyrcona heh.
14:29 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:07 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:41 mantis1 left #evergreen
16:19 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] LP1867524: Add a help popover to the End field in the Closed Dates Editor - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ffeab9d>
16:29 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1847784: install badge_score_generator.pl by default - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=77d4613>
16:29 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1847784: (docs) refer to the badge score generator cron job by name - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=f4ace39>
16:37 pinesol [evergreen|Jane Sandberg] LP1739288: report back on invalid barcodes in Item Status screen - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0a790be>
16:41 pinesol [evergreen|Jeff Davis] LP#1833300: wrap SRU query in parentheses before appending site param - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c14af88>
16:53 nfBurton joined #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Create Evergreen Database <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2020-07/2020-07-24_16:00:02/test.41.html>
18:11 nfBurton @pinesol blame
18:11 pinesol nfBurton: The horror... The horror...
18:51 abowling1 joined #evergreen

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