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Results for 2017-03-02

00:08 bshum We haven't finished the juggling for all that yet...
00:09 * bshum strongly wants to see https://bugs.launchpad.net/opensrf/+bug/1579219 merged for OpenSRF 2.5.0 and also for Evergreen 2.12 then.
00:09 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1579219 in OpenSRF "don't require mod_perl as an OpenSRF dependency" [Wishlist,Triaged]
00:09 * bshum updates targets accordingly
00:09 bshum Well, for Evergreen.  Looks like we don't have an OpenSRF 2.5.0 final yet.
00:09 bshum For bug milestone
00:12 bshum Guess I haven't built on Ubuntu 14.04 in awhile.  I totally forgot about mod_perl oddness till now.
00:13 bshum And huzzah, working Ubuntu 14.04 with PG 9.4 and OpenSRF master and Evergreen master (with the working branch changes)
00:13 bshum Whee
00:13 bshum Tests pass, and webclient functions.  Good enough.
00:15 * bshum starts Fedora 25 download and goes to bed
04:28 NawJo joined #evergreen
05:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:21 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:25 agoben joined #evergreen
08:00 remingtron_ joined #evergreen
10:34 * dbs sees mention of PostgreSQL 9.1 in Evergreen README in master, ugh
10:34 bshum dbs: Yeah, we're working on changing all that
10:35 dbs bshum: right, I saw the discussion yesterday, but seeing the minimum of 9.3 and then "but Trusty comes with 9.1 so you're all good" a few paragraphs later o.0
10:35 pinesol_green [opensrf|Dan Scott] Remove Fedora as a well-tested target - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=b397106>
10:36 dbs okay, I'll limit my edits to just getting rid of Fedora mentions and leave the postgresql-related updates to someone else
10:39 bshum dbs: Fwiw, I started updates for that language in the collab for PG 9.4 support
10:39 Dyrcona Trusty comes with 9.3.
10:39 bshum http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=ref​s/heads/collab/bshum/PG94-testing has the latest
10:40 Dyrcona I think that was a typo. :)
10:40 Dyrcona I'm testing that branch with Trusty, now.
10:41 Dyrcona We have it so 9.4 gets installed automagically from apt.postgresql.org.
10:45 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Scott] Remove Fedora from install documentation - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9389188>
10:46 miker berick / csharp: and to stick a fork in it, yes, the old targetter would move the hold to a new target upon (prev_check_time-exceeded) retargetting. line ~1390 of Storage/Publisher/action.pm ...
11:24 brahmina joined #evergreen
11:29 Bmagic berick: but yeah, we are running that branch in production. Why do you ask?
11:30 berick csharp: ^--
11:30 csharp Bmagic: I asked :-) - because I'd love to see some payment/billing linkages
11:30 csharp I'll add that to my testing for 2.12 once we get it running on our staging servers
11:31 Bmagic so far so good. Our libraries seem to enjoy it
11:31 csharp I bet
11:32 Bmagic count(csharp) == count(berick) = glance cross confuse, lol
16:27 Dyrcona Thanks, anyway.
16:29 Dyrcona Oh, wait! Copying mine down and doing  a diff shows that I'm looking for is there!
16:30 Dyrcona And, it looks like I didn't copy berick's stuff correctly, possibly.
16:30 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Failure <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
16:30 kmlussier uh oh
16:31 bshum Ho hum
16:32 bshum Guess lsb-release isn't on the test server
16:32 kmlussier The new Postgres stuff?
16:33 bshum kmlussier: Yeah, it's dying on the first try to use lsb-release to detect what linux distro the server is running
16:33 bshum The command isn't found, so that tool isn't installed
16:33 kmlussier Well, I guess it wouldn't be Bug Squashing week if we didn't have a failed test or two.
16:34 kmlussier or three or four
16:36 Dyrcona Hah!
16:36 Dyrcona I had the right version. I copied it to the wrong place in a rush last week.
16:39 Dyrcona jeffdavis++ # one more time. If I hadn't looked at your branch, this would have taken me longer to figure out.
16:42 Dyrcona Might not be in the user's path.
16:42 Dyrcona Or, yeah, options changed.
16:42 Dyrcona I hate when they do that.
16:42 Dyrcona What does the test server run?
16:43 bshum It's Debian Wheezy
16:43 bshum I think
16:43 bshum phasefx would know best
16:44 phasefx it's wheezy
16:44 bshum But yeah, it's choking on checking for the lsb_release command and that's passing an empty value to the pgdg apt source, and that results in a 404 error and boom, the rest dies
16:45 bshum On my debian wheezy test vm, running "lsb_release -cs" gives me "wheezy" in reply, so I'm not sure
16:45 Dyrcona Same here.
16:45 Dyrcona Tests could be running in a chroot with limited utilities available.
16:46 phasefx lsb_release not found
16:47 Dyrcona phasefx: Is there a chroot?
16:48 phasefx Dyrcona: yes, coming from package coreutils
16:48 Bmagic because I gotta be honest, I am a Michael Bolton fan. For my money it doesnt get better than when he sings.....
16:48 Dyrcona I mean are tests run in a chroot.
16:49 phasefx Dyrcona: oh, no
16:49 phasefx apt-get update is failing on that machine too
16:49 phasefx Err http://apt.postgresql.org -pgdg/main amd64 Packages

Results for 2017-03-01

03:58 NawJo joined #evergreen
04:20 NawJo joined #evergreen
05:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
05:52 genpaku joined #evergreen
06:20 genpaku joined #evergreen
07:14 kmlussier joined #evergreen
07:16 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:22 agoben joined #evergreen
07:46 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1517596: add missing template file for webstaff patron merge - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=512dd0c>
08:41 abowling1 joined #evergreen
08:45 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:54 genpaku joined #evergreen
10:06 rjackson_isl it was good for visiting the local eagle's nest Sunday AM with the frozen temps (mud was also frozen for the hike)
10:09 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jeff Davis] LP#1668816: Prevent Internal Server Error in OPAC when logged-in user has no card - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d2ff144>
10:12 abowling joined #evergreen
10:46 terran FYI, bug squashing is going great this week: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPR5gIL02E​iIvsg5vDKLs40rgw0Daqy4_TRWPlqU0WY/edit?usp=sharing
10:46 terran bugtesters++
10:47 terran The bottom-right list on that spreadsheet has new or updated patches that are ready to test
10:49 kmlussier I would like to load remingtron's new patch on mlnc3, but I don't know when I'll get to it.
10:51 pinesol_green [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1667091 Remove non-SSL websockets sample configs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=2fc52cf>
10:52 gmcharlt now cutting the OpenSRF 2.5 RC
12:13 Dyrcona @quote get 5
12:13 pinesol_green Dyrcona: Quote #5: "<senator> the armenian regression sounds like a spy novel" (added by bshum at 03:44 PM, February 22, 2011)
12:13 Dyrcona heh. that was a real bug.
12:13 dbs Bmagic: iirc some of the inputs might not work as expected for things like money or date/time values -- you'll want to test those
12:14 Bmagic good to know
12:14 Bmagic good thing this experiment was for bug squashing week :)
12:20 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:26 rlefaive joined #evergreen
13:28 jeff apparently despite their interface's calendar coloring the days as "available", Friday is not actually available at the conference hotel.
13:52 maryj joined #evergreen
14:09 * dbs offers up bug 1584891 as low-hanging i18n-friendly fruit for testing
14:09 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1584891 in Evergreen "marc_export -i gives incorrect record length in the leader when call numbers include UTF8 characters" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1584891
14:13 Dyrcona UTF-8 in call numbers... I've seen it. All I can say is, "Yuck."
14:14 terran jeff: apparently we hit the contract numbers for the Friday room block, but we are trying to get more - you might want to contact joe@gtownlibrary.net for followup
15:09 * gmcharlt commissions a recipe ;)
15:10 gmcharlt if we want to go with a compressed agenda, I have a suggestion
15:10 berick #info berick Bill Erickson
15:10 gmcharlt namely, what are the top priorities for testing for the upcoming releases?
15:12 kmlussier OK, well the agenda is fairly short as it is, so let's note that the one action item is deferred and move on to updates where we can talk about testing for 2.12.
15:12 gmcharlt #link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?​id=dev:meetings:2017-03-01#new_business
15:12 kmlussier Thanks, I was just about to do that! It's been a while since I took the meeting controls.
15:12 kmlussier #topic Action items from last meeting
15:13 kmlussier I should have a little more time on my hands in a couple of weeks.
15:13 kmlussier #topic OpenSRF 2.5 updates
15:14 kmlussier gmcharlt?
15:14 gmcharlt #info OpenSRF 2.5.0-rc released today
15:14 gmcharlt #info OpenSRF 2.5.0 will be released on 14 March
15:14 gmcharlt #info Testing requested, in particular for installation issues on supported platforms
15:14 gmcharlt and that's it, unless there are questions.
15:16 kmlussier Any questions for gmcharlt?
15:16 * gmcharlt answers in advance: 42
15:16 kmlussier :)
15:17 kmlussier #topic Evergreen 2.12 updates
15:17 kmlussier #info 2.12 beta was released last week
15:18 kmlussier Thanks to everyone who helped get the release out and to those who helped with the issues with the automated tests.
15:18 kmlussier We're getting a lot of bug fixing activity done this week with Bug Squashing Week.
15:18 kmlussier terran++
15:20 kmlussier One thing I would like to do for the end of bug squashing week is to see if there are any volunteers in the community who might want to go through some of the use cases we have on the wiki just to make sure the release is in good shape.
15:20 kmlussier I think I tried something similar for the 2.10 release without much luck, but maybe we'll get some takers.
15:21 kmlussier I do have a question regarding translations. Eva had contacted me a while ago to see if we might be able to do the translation dance again at the .1 release to give translators more time to get their translations in.
15:21 kmlussier Is that something that would be doable?
15:22 bshum kmlussier: As long as we don't merge any new string changes or run any POT updates for the templates, then the PO files won't drift any further than what's in Launchpad
15:22 bshum So that is doable, until we start merging new features or syncing the templates again
15:23 bshum Or like how gmcharlt and others fixed some typos in the git branch and touched the change in all the templates too
16:11 Dyrcona On the Pg 9.3 front on wheezy, we get the apt.postgresql.org repo to add easily, but libdbi won't build with libpq-dev from the community repo.
16:11 Dyrcona That's as far as I got before climbing up the ladder.
16:12 Dyrcona I have not had this problem on the production vms I've made with wheezy, but then, I've stuck with the 9.1 client from Debian.
16:14 Dyrcona I *think* bshum and I are both using working/collab/dyrcona/wheezy-pg93-testing which is based on working/user/bshum/wheezy-pg93-testing which he said has stuff he lifted from csharp. :)
16:16 Dyrcona The error, for anyone still paying attention, is configure: error: Invalid PostgreSQL directory - libraries not found.
16:17 csharp hmm
16:19 csharp so why still on wheezy? (not judging, just askin' ;-) )
16:56 berick csharp: ok, the only time it should target somewhere else when there is a copy at the pickup library, is if there is only 1 copy at the pickup library and that copy is currently targeted, so a new copy is selected (from the next "closest" location)
16:57 berick csharp: anyway, yeah, keep me posted
17:00 csharp berick: thanks for the pointers!
17:02 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:02 kmlussier csharp / berick: Is it a case where the opportunistic capture happens before the person in library A has a chance to pull it off the shelf? Do you have holds stalling in place?
17:03 kmlussier Oh, I think berick was already suggesting that above. :)
17:03 csharp kmlussier: we have 5 days of stalling in place, but I'm sure it's not that - our staff is pretty savvy about that feature
17:04 csharp at least I can say that about the 2 staff that independently reported the issue :-)
17:04 kmlussier OK, then, so it shouldn't be an opportunistic capture.
17:04 * kmlussier tried out a bunch of different use cases with the new holds targeter, but did not test out holds stalling.
17:06 csharp I figured we were good after a month and a half, but you can trust PINES libraries to find every single corner case :-)
17:07 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:09 * kmlussier never knows what status to give a bug that was addressed through one of the big web client merges.
18:51 Dyrcona And, Pg 9.4 server installs nicely. So, I'm signing out.
19:28 jeff Dyrcona++
19:47 Jillianne joined #evergreen
21:23 bshum @later tell Dyrcona Saw the branch work for PG 9.4, looks great. I'll test the latest on fresh Wheezy and also apply changes for Trusty too. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1493824
21:23 pinesol_green bshum: The operation succeeded.
21:23 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1493824 in Evergreen "Evergreen/PostgreSQL 9.4 support" [Wishlist,Triaged]
21:26 bshum Dyrcona++

Results for 2017-02-28

04:57 gk-1wm-su joined #evergreen
05:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:10 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:31 agoben joined #evergreen
07:33 kmlussier joined #evergreen
11:31 khuckins joined #evergreen
11:46 bshum Hmmmm, https://github.com/phhusson/quassel-irssi
11:49 Stompro When changing the bib source on a title, is a reingest needed for visibility changes to be seen, or is it a memcache results cache of some sort that I need to wait to time out?
11:51 berick Stompro: catalog searches are temporarily cached
11:51 berick you can bypass the cache with minor search tweaks, though, to test
11:51 berick like foo -zzzzzz
11:54 Stompro berick, thanks.
12:02 brahmina joined #evergreen
12:10 mmorgan joined #evergreen
16:46 bshum The fun part for the committer is making sure that if they add your code with id 54 let's say, that we don't accidentally merge someone else's code where they also decide to use 54, etc.
16:46 bshum If there were multiple people touching it at the same time
16:46 terran exactly
16:46 kmlussier That's why we should test the upgrade scripts before we merge.
16:46 bshum First come, first serve.  Next person has to update and rebase.
16:47 bshum But this is all new stuff for 2.next / 3.0 right?  :D
16:47 bshum So we got time to figure it out too
16:49 bshum Just one of those, oh by the way, watch out for this in your upgrade experience
16:49 bshum aka, write a good release note about it
16:49 terran I shall do my best
16:49 bshum And maybe put some -- comments in your upgrade script about it
16:49 bshum So that if/when we merge it for testing, we can put it in hopefully safer places
16:49 terran good idea
16:51 bshum Maybe someday when we're on PG 9.5 for more folk, we can use https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/UPSERT
16:51 bshum Or we could probably do some smarter upgrade scripting to think through the problem too... hmm
16:57 Bmagic I got the xul staff client recompiled from these instructions https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=backend-devel:i18n
16:59 Bmagic but now, on the login box, I can choose my new language, I click "apply locale" and I get xml parsing error: chrome://open_ils_staff_cli​ent/content/main/main.xul. Line 21, <window id="main_win"
16:59 Bmagic XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
17:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:03 bshum Bmagic: Just a guess based on some old threads, but maybe try a fresh profile
17:03 bshum http://markmail.org/message/vatzumzzq74w3uay
17:03 Bmagic ah, I'll try a fresh one

Results for 2017-02-27

05:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:52 kmlussier joined #evergreen
07:12 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:20 agoben joined #evergreen
16:36 jlundgren joined #evergreen
16:37 * bshum feels like git.evergreen-ils.org is slow and unhappy about something
16:42 berick neat, just noticed the 'open in new window' and 're-embed' options in the browser client (for embedded dojo/catalog UIs)
16:46 jeffdavis kmlussier: pushed an update to OneClickdigital API support (bug 1541559) - I noticed I had hardcoded the base URL for their testing environment, fix adds an org setting for this a la OverDrive API
16:46 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1541559 in Evergreen "OneClickdigital API integration" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1541559
16:47 gmcharlt berick: yeah, that was me essentially losing all hope of systematically fixing sizing issues in embedded Dojo interfaces :)
16:47 kmlussier jeffdavis: Thanks! Could you open a new bug report for that one now that the other one is at a Fixed Released status?
16:57 mmorgan joined #evergreen
16:59 bshum Just merely :)
17:00 * gmcharlt is blocking IPs that are requesting tarballs from git
17:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:04 jlundgren left #evergreen
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:08 gmcharlt OK, things should be moar better now

Results for 2017-02-26

00:34 serflog joined #evergreen
00:34 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org
04:43 yeehi joined #evergreen
05:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
11:35 kenstir joined #evergreen
14:26 yeehi1 joined #evergreen
16:25 Jillianne joined #evergreen
17:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>

Results for 2017-02-25

00:14 neady joined #evergreen
00:14 dbs__ joined #evergreen
00:15 genpaku_ joined #evergreen
05:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:32 kmlussier joined #evergreen
07:34 kmlussier @later tell jeff could you take a look at my comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1013786/comments/15? Would you be able to resolve the conflict and write a brief test plan?
07:34 pinesol_green kmlussier: The operation succeeded.
07:34 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1013786 in Evergreen "tpac: Check for password strength at login" [Medium,Confirmed]
07:53 jonadab joined #evergreen
13:25 yeehi1 Thank you yes, Dyrcona. Sorry, i forgot to say thank you. I had a quick look and evergreen seems fine.
13:25 Dyrcona Well, I was just checking because you disappeared and reappeared in IRC about that time.
16:54 Jillianne joined #evergreen
17:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
19:02 Jillianne2 joined #evergreen
22:06 Jillianne joined #evergreen

Results for 2017-02-24

05:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
05:17 boson joined #evergreen
07:29 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:30 agoben joined #evergreen
16:32 mmorgan bmills++ Best wishes!
16:44 Jillianne joined #evergreen
16:55 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
17:02 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:07 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:10 dbs bmills++ # good luck!
17:28 gmcharlt bmills++ # don't stray too far!

Results for 2017-02-23

00:35 boson joined #evergreen
03:29 Jillianne joined #evergreen
05:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:13 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:30 agoben joined #evergreen
08:17 * csharp wonders how many other gmail users end up on the Italian Linux Society's website when clicking git.evergreen-ils.org links that break across mulitple lines
08:30 jeff it's a combination of Launchpad breaking the URL across multiple lines, and some mail clients (including gmail) turning url-looking strings in text messages into links.
08:31 csharp ah - that makes sense
08:32 jeff so the first part of the url gets linked beause it starts with http://, and the second part gets linked presumably because it starts with a domain-looking string and in all other ways looks like a url where someone didn't include the leading "http://"
08:38 JBoyer miker, good call on the TT fixes on lp 1274999, but now I'm stuck on something else; the Next link isn't appearing anymore. I tested this thing multiple times (it was annoying looking for titles with exactly 10 copies, etc...) can you see anything obviously wrong?
08:38 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1274999 in Evergreen "Next 10 Link erroneously available at the end of holdings in OPAC, intermittent " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1274999
08:39 JBoyer Or anyone else that would like to poke at templates! Feel free to tell me how I've err'd, because this is maddening. :/
08:40 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:42 JBoyer D: The worst! Works as expected on a migration server, falls over on dev and production. Sparta? This is madness!
08:44 csharp JBoyer: is there a good concerto record to test on?
08:45 csharp nevermind - I found one
08:46 JBoyer You need a couple, one with exactly copy_limit (usually 10) copies, and one with more than that
08:48 Stompro jeffdavis, is the Sitka new items carousel for wordpress plugin available for others to use?
08:52 csharp JBoyer: with miker's branch I'm not seeing the "Next X" link either, if that helps
08:55 JBoyer csharp, miker, even with my branch they're not working correctly on 2/3 servers here. For instance: http://evergreen.lib.in.us/eg/opac/record/8205944 has no link, but 15 copies. Put mig. in from of evergreen and it does work. :(
08:55 csharp actually, I'm not seeing it with your branch either
08:55 JBoyer Same changes!
08:55 csharp yeah - I can confirm that behavior on my master test server
08:56 csharp if I revert both commits, it works
08:56 JBoyer Well, "works," that's where you need a record with total copies == copy_limit.
08:57 csharp well, I mean that the link reappears
09:00 JBoyer Well that's embarrassing... The mig server where I monkey patched this to test has ctx.copy_offset + ctx.copy_limit < total_copies, but my patch has ctx.copy_offset + ctx.copy_limit > total_copies which is completely backward...
09:00 JBoyer csharp++ for looking.
09:01 * JBoyer goes to fix the branch, and our servers.
09:02 csharp JBoyer: happy to help!
09:05 miker JBoyer: sorry for not testing the branch, I just wanted to clean up the syntax.  feel free to squash my commit into yours if you keep it
09:06 JBoyer I'm definitely making your changes also. And it's evident *I* didn't fully test the branch either, so no harm there. :/
09:07 JBoyer I'll probably force update my branch to have a single commit that matches your changes (AND work), but if you'd like to sign off on it after that that would be great.
09:21 yboston joined #evergreen
09:28 kmlussier joined #evergreen
13:19 mmorgan I do know about that "Request Item" function, and that it does not set notifications. AFAIK, these holds were not placed that way.
13:29 rjackson_isl There is still an open bug where SMS carrier can be left blank and have Hold Notification Format set to SMS with a Defalt SMS/Text Number entered - bug 1098685
13:29 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1098685 in Evergreen "User can select SMS notify without providing a valid address" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1098685
14:16 bshum well, for giggles, Debian Stretch (9.0) testing has not yielded a working OpenSRF.  It blows up with the libraries and can't find the stuff to start up opensrf.math or dbmath processes.   So I guess that's changed somewhere, somehow.
14:20 bshum On the plus side, the ejabberd 16.x stuff we wrote for Xenial seemed to work, along with the basic packages from xenial too for defining what to install.
14:47 Stompro rjackson_isl, I hate that bug.
15:16 bmills joined #evergreen
16:08 kmlussier @dessert [someone]
16:42 dkyle1 joined #evergreen
16:43 _bott_1 joined #evergreen
16:53 Jillianne joined #evergreen
17:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:05 Bmagic I just received a feature request where the staff would like to be able to place a copy level hold on a copy from the item status screen. Any thoughts on that idea?
17:29 Stompro Bmagic, I think you can already do that, right click -> request item.

Results for 2017-02-22

00:34 eady joined #evergreen
04:42 Guest25107 joined #evergreen
05:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Failure <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
06:56 kmlussier joined #evergreen
07:01 kmlussier Good morning #evergreen!
07:01 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
10:27 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1666933: note that the minimum supported Pg version is 9.3 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=215bb67>
10:39 pinesol_green [evergreen|Kathy Lussier] Docs: Some corrections to hatch information in 2.12 release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1a631f8>
10:44 berick kmlussier: hatch doc changes look good
10:44 bshum "Evergreen 2.8 has been tested on..." (it's said 2.8 since forever. Should we just make it just say "Evergreen" and omit the specific version number?)
10:44 bshum In the README for Linux distro support
10:44 kmlussier Well, I can say with confidence that 2.8 has been tested on all those distros.
10:45 kmlussier 2.12? Not so sure.
10:45 bshum Fair... but kind of meaningless in all these current README docs
10:45 bshum For newer versions anyways
10:45 bshum So maybe it shouldn't say that either
10:48 kmlussier Sounds good to me
10:48 Bmagic Anyone created a report that shows an "average age" of groups of items, on a shelf for example?
10:49 csharp Bmagic: interesting that you bring that up because we had a similar request this week (it was for a meeting that passed before I got to it, though, so I didn't create it)
10:49 gmcharlt Pg t/ tests pass on both newly seeded and upgraded-from-2.11.3 databases
10:49 csharp our request was "what is the average life of audiobooks in PINES"
10:49 Bmagic csharp: I am working on it, but I don't think its possible with the report engine
10:50 csharp it might be view-worthy
10:52 bshum csharp: I'll take that approach in mind as I toy with wording (and other stuff) in the README.  I'm getting ISOs for Wheezy, Jessie, and the new thing (Stretch) to try some stuff out
10:53 bshum With Stretch frozen, I figure it's time to play with Debian 9.0 and start finding out what fun adventures await...
10:54 gmcharlt OK, active pull request for bug 1666928 for review ASAP, please
10:54 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1666928 in Evergreen "Build tests are failing for Overdrive and OneClickdigital modules" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1666928
10:54 gmcharlt or rather, would be if Launchpad DID NOT KEEP TIMING OUT
10:54 gmcharlt so, I'd like to request review and merge of user/gmcharlt/lp1666928_deal_with_failing_tests
11:03 kmlussier gmcharlt: works for me. I'll merge it in a sec
11:05 mmorgan joined #evergreen
11:05 berick not an issue for Hatch, but certainly put pressure on localStorage for non-hatch users
11:07 kmlussier gmcharlt: done
11:08 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1666928: fix build tests for ebook API Perl modules - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=8dce9e6>
11:25 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
11:35 jeffdavis bah, thanks for that fix gmcharlt
11:36 gmcharlt jeffdavis: you're weclome!
11:38 dbs gmcharlt: nice find on relator maps, id.loc.gov would be a good way to go.
11:39 * dbs throws bug 1584891 onto the heap, but it should have a test :/
11:39 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1584891 in Evergreen "marc_export -i gives incorrect record length in the leader when call numbers include UTF8 characters" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1584891
11:57 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:06 * dbs is pretty sure he fixed that problem last year but can't find the bug or branch so...
15:44 kmlussier Would be nice if the only known web client issue was that surveys are inaccessible from the patron account.
15:44 berick you don't /have/ to update it ;)
15:45 tsbere kmlussier: Define all other web client issues as "features" and hope nobody notices? ;)
15:45 kmlussier heh
15:46 kmlussier We might get more libraries willing to test it in production.
15:48 * kmlussier starts to write 'the ability to delete patrons via the web client is missing.' Quickly corrects it to say 'the ability to delete patron accounts...'
15:48 khuckins__ joined #evergreen
15:49 mmorgan Heh. That former might be pretty popular...
15:49 kmlussier bug 1517595
16:50 csharp gmcharlt++ # ha!
16:54 * kmlussier thinks bug 1437106 has been resolved, but hasn't tried keyboard shortcuts in the web client in months.
16:54 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1437106 in Evergreen "keyboard shortcuts in the web staff client" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1437106
16:54 kmlussier It might be a good thing for somebody tot test during Bug Squashing week to see if it's still an issue.
16:55 berick Stompro++ # bug 1667115 -- I keep meaning to do something about that..
16:55 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1667115 in Evergreen "Log Noise - retrieve config.hard_due_date called with no ID..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667115
17:00 kmlussier berick: bug 1472316 was covered by the Hatch Omnibus bug, right?
17:00 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1472316 in Evergreen "Enabling/Disabling Hatch in browser client causes loss of settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1472316
17:01 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:02 berick kmlussier: yeah, i'd say so.  the "copy settings to hatch" and "copy settings to local storage" actions provide a manual solution to the problem.
17:02 berick we may eventually want to automate that, but it's at least work-around-able now
17:02 kmlussier Hooray for successful tests!
17:05 mmorgan Yay!!
17:06 gmcharlt berick: heh, although "copy settings to Evergreen server" also looks attractive :)
17:06 gmcharlt though just for actual workstatino settings, not cases like the tag table where we're just using local storage as a fast cache

Results for 2017-02-21

01:32 Jillianne joined #evergreen
05:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Failure <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:12 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:29 agoben joined #evergreen
07:29 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
07:42 csharp c0c60f45
07:42 pinesol_green csharp: [evergreen|erickson] use the event def template for the bill note (thanks, miker) instead of using a param.  Created a system billing type of Notification Fee, also so none is needed via event param.  Added first billing type const (yay). - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c0c60f4>
08:43 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:47 rhamby there's a strange moment when you're going through the stock test data and find a Goodread review you wrote in a 520 tag of a bib
08:57 Dyrcona Callender_++  gmcharlt++ # They know why. :)
08:57 Dyrcona rhamby++ # That's funky. :)
08:58 * Dyrcona is about to let staff back into the client...
09:33 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:35 kmlussier Good morning #evergreen!
09:38 mmorgan kmlussier: Good Morning!
09:39 kmlussier bshum and I spent a bit of time last night looking into perl live test failures resulting from new records added to the test dataset.
09:40 kmlussier bshum has a branch he posted at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1541559/comments/19 that addresses the current perl live test failures that came from the new ebook records, but doesn't address the PgTAP test that had previously been failing.
09:40 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1541559 in Evergreen "OneClickdigital API integration" [Wishlist,Fix committed]
09:41 kmlussier I'm wondering if anyone has other ideas for loading new records to the dataset so that it doesn't move copy numbers around in a way that breaks our tests. I'm not sure bshum's branch is the best long-term solution.
09:52 tsbere kmlussier: I have ideas....that may not work at all for what I am assuming the problem may be. :/
09:55 * tsbere isn't actually 100% positive what the issue is
09:55 kmlussier tsbere: Well, I'm hoping for a long-term solution that might allow us to add bib records to the test data in a way that puts them to the back in the line so that they don't disrupt the ids for the existing test records.
09:56 kmlussier tsbere: The issue is that when we add new bib records to the test dataset, it shifts the copy ids around in such a way that the tests are no longer pointing to the correct data.
09:56 kmlussier I don't know that the ideal, long-term solution is something we can put in place for today's beta release.
09:57 bshum tsbere: http://testing.evergreen-i​ls.org/~live/test.24.html <-- it shows up here in the recent live test runs.  Test 2 dies, so does 3, 4, 9 (yikes neg balances), and 14.
09:57 bshum Due to the shifted copies as kmlussier says
09:57 * tsbere takes a quick look at things and throws his previous ideas out the window
10:00 kmlussier @coffee
10:00 * pinesol_green brews and pours a cup of Panama Gesha 2011, and sends it sliding down the bar to kmlussier
10:03 tsbere I have another idea, but I want to check something first before I elaborate
10:08 dbs hmm, I'm not surprised checking for a specific database ID (like in 02_simple_circ.t) isn't robust. bshum's approach is expedient, but we should pursue a better longer-term fix post-beta?
10:10 tsbere I actually wonder why the extra bibs being moved further down is fixing things. Or is this a "the call numbers got moved around due to located URIs" issue?
10:10 bshum dbs: I've been wondering if we shouldn't consider either adapting the test data to always create specific copies that are intended for passing the tests properly, and leave the rest random, or if we need to make the whole thing less randomly generated to begin with.  and do X bibs random, Y bibs more specifically, and Z bibs exactly one way
10:10 dbs tsbere: it's how we create copies
10:11 dbs tsbere: when we had one set of bib records, it was easy enough to say "Create a batch of call numbers, and then a batch of copies, based on this set of MARC"
10:11 bshum but then I worry about curbing the helpfulness of the tests
10:11 JBoyer I don't actually see any benefit to the random generation and think that a fully hard coded test set would make things a lot simpler in the long run. (Especially in those instances where someone resets a server every day, say, and goes to some lengths to make sure everything ends up the same... ;) )
10:12 dbs bshum: well, looking at 02-simple_circ.t, I'm not convinced it's a great test either
10:12 bshum dbs: That too crossed my mind :)
10:12 JBoyer Then ids in failed tests also become a lot more useful.
10:12 dbs JBoyer: here's the thing, the call numbers and barcodes are already unique
10:13 dbs so using the database IDs in the tests is probably not a great practice
10:13 dbs JBoyer: they're not randomly generated, they have a very specific pattern
10:13 JBoyer That's also true.
10:14 * csharp votes for *not* relying on DB serial IDs for tests
10:14 bshum Given that the generated call numbers and barcodes are based on the bib ID numbers right?  Isn't it safe to assume to they'll usually generate out the same way as long as the bib order loading proceeds as expected?
10:14 bshum Well maybe not, it is a little random I guess
10:14 * bshum stops talking and runs to his next meeting
10:15 dbs bshum: yeah, database doesn't guarantee specific ids when it hands out serial types, it just ends up that way
10:15 tsbere So, looking at things *very* quickly, I suspect that just skipping the marcxml_import table (insert directly like the auth_concerto.sql file does) and putting the various "assets" lines after the appropriate "bibs" line in load_all would be at least a little more robust to future changes.
10:15 JBoyer Agreed on not depending on ids, that's not why I'd like a more static sample. We've considered putting together a small static set for training purposes and have been (ab?)using concerto for that through the years.
10:20 kmlussier For today, I'm thinking we can use bshum's approach to make the tests temporarily happy. rhamby is also working to take a similar approach with the records from bug 1665626.
10:20 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1665626 in Evergreen "Need more metarecord groups in sample dataset" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665626
10:21 kmlussier And then we can consider other options for better loading of test data / better tests in the near-term future?
10:21 dbs sounds good
10:21 * kmlussier can try out tsbere's suggestion to see how it works. But not today.
10:23 kmlussier As I told bshum in a pm, the good news is the fact we are seeing so many test failures speaks to the fact that we've gotten very good about adding live tests since the last time new records were added to the dataset.
10:23 kmlussier We just need to robust-ify them.
10:25 tspindler joined #evergreen
10:29 dbs +1
10:30 Jillianne joined #evergreen
10:50 JBoyer csharp, I pulled up some buckets at various sizes, the only one that was really miserable had around 4000 items in it, though even the 75 and 100-ish ones I wouldn't call "fast." :/
10:50 csharp JBoyer: hmm - weird
10:50 rhamby "just when things look darkest, they go black." - John Newman
10:50 csharp thanks for testing after me
10:50 JBoyer Given that they're supposed to only pull details about the 30-ish or so you can see does make that seem odd.
10:51 berick csharp: i don't remember if the tpac references any IDL strings, but if I had to guess, i'd say it doesn't.
10:51 csharp berick: k - thanks
11:46 Dyrcona "Take your hat off, boy, when you're talking to me." ;)
11:47 kmlussier bshum++
11:49 dbs And then Tanya and Kim Deal got together to create The Breeders which blew my mind as a Throwing Muses/Belly/Pixies fan
11:49 pinesol_green [evergreen|Ben Shum] LP#1541559: Change order of test bib loading - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1a9b812>
11:50 rhamby dbs: The Breeders were awesome. Iliked Belly and Pixies too but never got into Throwing Muses.
12:01 dbs I was hooked when I got Garoux des Larmes on a mixtape from a girl I didn't know in California :)
12:06 Dyrcona dbs: There's a Monty Python retort in there somewhere, but I'm too busy.
12:27 csharp JBoyer: with one of the 100+ buckets, could you try clicking "Show Status"?
12:28 tspindler Dyrcona: "And now for something completely different"
12:31 JBoyer csharp, Intense unhappiness. A tiny window with no contents opened in the middle of the screen and everything is frozen. I expect it to time out soon.
12:32 csharp ok - that's the complaint
12:32 csharp I'm about to fire up a 2.9.1 client to see if it happens on our old test server
12:32 JBoyer Or, you could click the X on the little window to make it go away, though it doesn't seem to do much.
12:32 csharp actually, I'm not seeing the window - just nothing happening and frozen client
12:36 Dyrcona tspindler: More like "farsical aquatic ceremonies."
13:07 mmorgan Hmm. Just killed my client. Clicked Show Status while viewing the copy bucket, THEN tried to scroll down the list of items.
13:07 csharp yeah - that's what we're hearing from the wild
13:11 Bmagic I have not received a report about this issue but it sure sounds like it's a real issiue
13:14 kmlussier OK, I've squashed rhamby
13:14 kmlussier Ugh. Didn't mean to hit <enter>. I didn't really squash Rogan.
13:15 kmlussier I've squashed rhamby's commit and added my own commit to http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Eve​rgreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/kml​ussier/lp1665626-fix-metarecord-test-rebase
13:15 rhamby I assumed I was being abused as normal /shrug
13:15 JBoyer Sometimes I don
13:15 JBoyer t like the single quote being right next to Enter.
13:15 kmlussier But it isn't working for me. When I load the new bibs, I'm getting a bunch of perl live test failures. I'm putting it out there for additional eyes.
13:19 csharp @who squashed rhamby?
13:19 pinesol_green phasefx_ squashed rhamby.
13:21 * kmlussier has a theory.
13:21 kmlussier Unfortunately, it takes many minutes to test out my theories.
13:42 collum joined #evergreen
14:31 kmlussier All tests successful.
14:32 kmlussier Now I just need to squash some commits and update the metarecord test. I should have something for somebody to merge in the next 15 minutes.
14:38 collum joined #evergreen
14:45 mmorgan kmlussier++
14:56 kmlussier working/user/kmlussier/lp16656​26-fix-metarecord-test-rebase is ready for testing and, hopefully, signoff and merging.
14:56 kmlussier Once that fix gets into master, we'll close off new code for 2.12beta and hand things over to gmcharlt to perform his magic.
14:57 gmcharlt speaking of which
14:57 gmcharlt the OpenSRF beta tarball will definitely be available today
14:57 gmcharlt but the Evergreen one may not be until tomorrow
14:58 kmlussier Works for me! gmcharlt++
14:58 kmlussier Also, bshum++ rhamby++ # Helping with tests.
15:02 Dyrcona Chtulhu Fhtagn!
15:03 Dyrcona At least, I can end today with most things working, thanks in part to gmcharlt and Callender_.
15:03 kmlussier gmcharlt++ Callender++
16:27 JBoyer (spoiler alert: any time the total number of copies mod copy_limit == 0 you get a Next link, even if there are only copy_limit copies total.)
16:27 kmlussier Speaking of release notes, I just remembered there are still some stray entries from 2.11 that need to be cleared out.
16:27 JBoyer kmlussier, That's how I was leaning, miiiiight be able to squeeze it in today yet in that case. :)
16:29 kmlussier JBoyer: Might be a nice thing to test during Bug Squashing week. :)
16:30 JBoyer kmlussier++
16:46 hbrennan joined #evergreen
16:48 bshum All tests pass for me in the branch
16:48 bshum Anyone else testing and signing off to push?
16:48 * bshum will go ahead and get it in otherwise
16:50 * bshum whistles a happy tune
16:52 pinesol_green [evergreen|Rogan Hamby] LP#1665626: adding new records to the meta group and breaking into new file - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=7ecb690>
16:52 pinesol_green [evergreen|Kathy Lussier] LP#1665626: Change order of test bib loading - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=44644b4>
16:52 pinesol_green [evergreen|Kathy Lussier] LP#1665626: Update metarecord_constituent_result_reroute.pg test - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=02a62c2>
17:00 pinesol_green News from qatests: Test Failure <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:01 bshum Aw, not fast enough.  Didn't get the latest commits in that test run.  Have to wait till tomorrow I guess.
17:02 * phasefx can force another run
17:02 bshum The build test failure though, hmm
17:02 bshum That's something else
17:02 phasefx oh, in that case, no need for me to force it
17:03 bshum Yeah, best to figure out what that one is about too and then fix all the things
17:03 bshum But later
18:11 Dyrcona hm... The line where filename is set suddenly looks wrong, there's a space: $self-> ftp_get. I think that should be all right, but I'll verify.
18:13 Dyrcona yeah, a space there should not be a problem.
18:14 Dyrcona oh, duh. it's _ my block cursor on the line below obscured it.
18:14 Dyrcona Even so, a space still seems to work from a quick test.
18:14 * Dyrcona calls it a day.
19:07 brahmina joined #evergreen
19:43 bshum Hmm, confirmed that the make check fails on the build test with 23-OpenILS-Application-EbookAPI.t
19:43 bshum At least, confirmed for me on my own VM, not just the builder test
20:37 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] Translation updates - newpot - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a67e294>
21:54 denials_exile joined #evergreen
21:55 denials_exile In case anyone is looking for the Planet, it will be down until this is fixed: https://status.linode.com/incidents/2ns3cw1dsymf (hopefully soon, sigh)

Results for 2017-02-20

19:09 * bshum can try that too
19:10 bshum The perl live tests seem unhappier
19:11 kmlussier Yes, sorry, it's the pgTap test that has been failing.
19:11 bshum But maybe it's something I did wrong in my testing run
19:11 bshum Or maybe it's the new bibs doing something
19:11 kmlussier The perl live tests have been doing okay in the twice-daily test runs.
19:17 bshum Fwiw, it passes pg tests successfully now
19:17 bshum Let me try the live tests both ways to be sure and then I'll go ahead and commit it
19:17 bshum But probably after I eat dinner
19:21 bshum Or you know, right now
19:21 bshum Cause I'm super curious...
19:22 bshum Okay, so reverting the new bib change from rhamby, and the perl live test succeeds, except for something with the hold targeter.  Probably a bad install on my end
19:22 bshum I'll double check all my install configs to be sure the hold targeter stuff is setup right
19:22 bshum This is a reinstalled system so maybe I need to update something
19:23 bshum When i ran the live tests against the new test bibs, things blew up for stuff all the way down to some of the early tests with bills and circs
19:24 bshum So maybe we moved a bib assignment or something for an early test
19:24 * bshum goes to get dinner first now
19:24 Dyrcona dinner would be nice, but the family is not home, yet.
19:24 Dyrcona the wife wants to make pasta or hambugers or something.
19:24 Dyrcona I hinted that she should get pizza and chicken wings on the way home.
19:25 kmlussier bshum: Which tests are failing?
19:26 Dyrcona What's not failing would be a shorter list for me....
19:26 kmlussier I had been thinking Rogan's new bibs got later ids, but I see they jumped ahead of a few records in the dataset.
19:26 dcook left #evergreen
19:28 kmlussier So, generally, when people add new records to the test dataset, I think they add a new sql file, rather than appending it to an existing sql file. Maybe we need to do that with these records to make sure it doesn't bump anything being used by the tests.
19:29 Dyrcona And, they get home while I'm trying to concentrate on writing an email and the dog goes nuts barking.
19:32 * kmlussier can try to make that happen while she waits for her VM to fire up.
19:43 jeffdavis kmlussier: I will write release notes for the ebook API stuff, hopefully tomorrow
21:00 bshum I think it's still unstamped
21:01 kmlussier I didn't push those?
21:01 kmlussier Huh, I know I did those.
21:02 bshum I'm circling back to finishing testing the test stuff
21:02 kmlussier I'm still working on that. I just fixed an issue with a missing comma.
21:03 bshum Oh okay
21:03 bshum :)
21:30 Dyrcona I did build new clients on the replacement.
21:31 Dyrcona but of course, the upgrade files are missing.
21:33 Dyrcona bshum: That's what I'll do, I'll rename the xul version directory temporarily and I'll delete the old ones still hanging around on some of the servers.
22:08 kmlussier To follow up on fixing our tests, bshum and I have found that the addition of any new bib records to the test dataset is busting our perl live tests. See my comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/eve​rgreen/+bug/1665626/comments/4
22:08 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1665626 in Evergreen "Need more metarecord groups in sample dataset" [Undecided,New]
22:09 Dyrcona Yay! more f'd up legacy server configuration that only manifests when you try to restart stuff.
22:09 bshum kmlussier++ # trying to fix tests with me
22:09 kmlussier I would like to hold off on merging that code until we can see if there is a way we can add bibs to the dataset without shifting the existing data. Or, maybe, we just need to accept that we have to fix up a bunch of perl live tests every time we add bibs.
22:10 Dyrcona This and hardware failure is why a "simple" upgrade has taken 12 hours so far.
22:10 kmlussier bshum++
22:12 kmlussier @swill Dyrcona
22:12 * pinesol_green grabs a forty of Jeremiah Weed and sends it sliding down the bar to Dyrcona
22:39 bshum kmlussier: This is a really terrible hack
22:39 bshum But hey, it works:  http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=worki​ng/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/he​ads/user/bshum/move-test-ebook-bibs
22:40 bshum And all live tests succeed for me after I move the ebook bibs out of the way of being loaded the first time around
22:40 Dyrcona yay. at least something works for somebody.
22:40 Dyrcona Simple day of installing o/s and security updates, turns into a 3-hour tour on the SS Minnow.
22:41 bshum "Those poor people..."

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