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Results for 2022-02-15

09:31 pinesol Dyrcona: Vendor records is probably integrated with systemd
09:35 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:39 * Dyrcona reloads the database to give it another go.
09:49 Dyrcona Think I'll redirect stderr to a file. I'm not sure where these messages are coming from, either when I create the MARC::Record from the raw marc data, or when doing the insert.
09:49 Dyrcona Most likely the former.
09:58 JBoyer Bmagic_, I'm told the cert for the MOBIUS bugsquash server could use a refresh sometime.
10:01 Bmagic_ oh! will do

Results for 2022-02-07

09:09 terranm joined #evergreen
09:14 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:45 Keith-isl joined #evergreen
11:16 Dyrcona So, back to that MARC subfield lookup issue I had on Friday. If I use naco_normalize() on my input string and naco_normalize() on the subfield text, then I get the matches that I expected. Only the second naco_normailize is necessary, but with both I don't have to make my input all lowercase, etc.
11:39 Dyrcona My program now does what I expected, it normalizes 347$b values so that they are all the same for a given material type.
11:41 Dyrcona All of our variations on "4K Ultra HD Blu-ray" (usually missing a word here or there) look the same.
12:26 jihpringle joined #evergreen

Results for 2022-02-04

16:29 jeff if the normalization is causing problems only with your change attempt, and the problem is that the normalization makes it difficult to find the relevant records, could you change your approach to use mrfr metabib.real_full_rec to find *possibly* relevant records, then parse their marcxml to determine the non-normalized value in 347$b?
16:29 jeff (you probably already have that idea or better)
16:30 Dyrcona jeff: It's pretty simple. I'm searching mrfr using the value string converted to a tsvector to find the records that I want to update.
16:31 Dyrcona I'm using that string, preconversion to look for matching 347$b in the MARC::Record. It's the $subfield eq $str that it is failing, basically.
16:32 Dyrcona If normalize $subfield, then it will match, but then I'll be stuffing a different, normalized value into the MARC and our catalogers might not like that.
16:33 Dyrcona Turns out, too, that it's only 49 records, so I may just ask the cataloging center to fix them.
16:34 Dyrcona Now, I want to make t-shirts and wrist bands with "WWJSD" on them: What would Jon Skeet do?
16:36 Dyrcona I'm tempted to stuff this code into my private scripts repo anyway.

Results for 2022-01-11

09:23 Dyrcona So, I found out that a full ingest is pretty much required going from 3.5 to 3.7. Titles and authors were not showing the bootstrap OPAC on our training server until I ran pingest over the weekend.
09:36 miker Dyrcona: that's ... strange. missing data in metabib.display_entry, somehow?
09:38 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:50 Dyrcona miker: Yes. The TTOPAC pulls titles and authors from the MARC, IIRC. BooPAC uses display fields.
09:53 mmorgan JBoyer++
10:50 mantis We're on 3.6.5 using Angular for the staff but still using TPAC for the OPAC.  When accessing the Patron View button on conjoined items, we get a server error.  This however works when Boopac is enabled on our other test servers.  Is this a known bug?
11:06 Dyrcona mantis: IDK, but if it is not on Lp, then it's probably not widely known.

Results for 2021-10-13

11:03 rhamby right
11:11 Dyrcona Well, I like automating things because automated mistakes usually lend themselves to automated fixes.
11:12 Dyrcona csharp_: I work with a project that includes a submodule. If you have questions, let me know. I might be able to help.
11:13 Dyrcona So, I'm looking at MARC export, and I think it's a bug that it exports holdings in 852. I think it's supposed to be 952.
11:31 Dyrcona Eh, maybe that isn't a bug. I should have looked at the full description again. ;)
11:33 Dyrcona Hmm.. The query that I'm working on is going to be more complicated than I first thought...
11:34 Dyrcona Or, maybe not. I probably don't have to include locations for deleted copies.
11:35 Dyrcona Thanks, rubber ducky!
11:44 mmorgan __(')<
12:02 Dyrcona Wonder if I messed up, or if there are really that many copies: Record length of 2216371 is larger than the MARC spec allows (99999 bytes). at /usr/share/perl5/MARC/File/USMARC.pm line 314.
12:03 Dyrcona mmorgan++
12:03 Dyrcona Guess I'll convert to XML and have a look after it finishes.
12:05 Dyrcona Heh. I messed up my query....
12:50 Dyrcona Always fun when you get the submodule out of sync with the main code. :)
12:52 Dyrcona Here's the project I'm talking about: https://github.com/Dyrcona/openfortigui
12:54 Dyrcona Ugh. Looks like this code might be too slow to be useful.
12:57 Dyrcona When it was just straight up dumping MARC, it took about 10 to 15 minutes to dump 48,000+ records. It has been running for about 45 minutes now and only dumped 1,296 records with holdings. I should probably modify the main query to return the marc and copy info.
13:05 Dyrcona Wonder if I can array_agg over an array_agg?
13:22 Bmagic Dyrcona: I've got some perl that dumps records in parallel, I've seen it hit 300 records/second
13:24 Bmagic IIRC, 8 threads. Mind you, it's not using the perl "threads" module because Encode.pm. Instead it launches a system command and monitors a mutual file on the fs
13:48 Dyrcona I don't bother with threads in Perl 5. I use fork.
13:49 Dyrcona Anyway, I think I've got a solution. Rather than run this time consuming query once for each record, I'll do it once for all records and make a hash table of the information per record id.
13:49 Dyrcona If I get the options right, I can probably have selectall_arrayref make the data structure for me.
13:53 Dyrcona My program basically works like this: Get a list of bre.id using one of 3 queries. After that loop through the array of ids and grab the marc for each one. If this is a batch of deletes, set the leader 05 to d and write to the binary output file. Otherwise, delete the 852 tags in the marc, look up the copy location and org unt name for each copy and add a 852 to the marc for each.
13:53 Dyrcona Then, write it to the output file.
13:54 Dyrcona It got really slow when I added the copy location/org_unit query.
14:02 Bmagic I had some of the same challenges

Results for 2021-09-17

13:26 Bmagic small ones tend to load completely. But this interface is still Dojo, so I don't imagine anyone is interested until it's Angular
13:41 pinesol [opensrf|kenstir] Fix LP#1883169 by using growing_buffer - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=a3368f9>
13:42 jvwoolf Interestingly, we had one with 6 items fail to load
13:44 Dyrcona jvwoolf: How big is the MARC associated with those?
13:45 Dyrcona I'm pretty sure there is some MARC pulled over as well, though I might be thinking of something else.
13:45 Dyrcona Oops!
13:45 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:46 Dyrcona jvwoolf: Check the public irc log. I think you might have missed something that I said.
13:47 jvwoolf Dyrcona: Will do, my client keeps crashing today :(
13:48 jvwoolf Cataloger says the MARC is "nothing out of the ordinary"
13:52 Dyrcona Default max stanza size on Ubuntu 18.04 is 64K, IIRC, so if the MARC is around 10K each, or even for a few of them, thee you go.
13:57 Dyrcona s/thee/there/
13:58 jvwoolf Dyrcona: Fair enough
14:00 jvwoolf joined #evergreen

Results for 2021-09-14

12:54 berick Dyrcona: it should pull from settings, but you can also override with --tempdir
12:54 collum joined #evergreen
13:01 Dyrcona berick: I see that, and I'm not sure that's my problem. The file in /tmp may or may not be related. It could be some Net::Server thing.
13:04 Dyrcona Yeah, the 0 byte file in /tmp seems to get dropped when I kill the marc stream importer and then shows up when I start it.
13:05 Dyrcona I think I remembered reading in the Net::Server docs somewhere that something required Socket::Linux, so I've installed that module via apt packages. We'll see if that makes a difference.
13:09 Dyrcona ah ha. Maybe this is the problem: opensrf.settings.host_config.get training.cwmars.org,
13:14 mixo joined #evergreen
13:16 mixo thank you for help
13:18 Dyrcona So, that opensrf.setting.host_config.get call seems to be coming from SettingsClient, but the subsequent opensrf.settings.default_config.get call does not appear to be logged, so I don't think getting the settings is the problem.
13:18 Dyrcona mixo: On behalf of those who helped you, "You're most welcome!"
13:22 Dyrcona berick: Can I just throw a binary marc file at the port to test it? (It looks like it, but thought I'd ask.)
13:33 Dyrcona Well, i tried lobbing  a MARC record at it using netcat and nothing happened.
13:36 Dyrcona Interesting, it actually got something in my case: Sep 14 13:27:23 training /openils/bin/marc_stream_importer.pl: [INFO:5664:marc_stream_impor​ter.pl:449:163163899556641] stream parser read 1603 bytes
13:37 Dyrcona Whatever happens after that, I don't see authentication nor vandelay calls in the logs, and yes, I'm using syslog for everything.
13:48 Dyrcona So, it is failing to create the temp file, but that failure is not logged. That's what it looks like right now.

Results for 2021-09-08

13:20 abneiman joined #evergreen
13:20 jweston joined #evergreen
13:38 collum joined #evergreen
14:47 Dyrcona Does anyone use the MARC stream importer with OCLC?
14:47 Dyrcona I have questions.
14:51 berick Dyrcona: affirmative
14:52 JBoyer claiming 1284 for (void *)

Results for 2021-08-20

08:52 Dyrcona I'll run my output through yaz-marcdump and see what it says. Most of the length errors seem to involve records with multibyte characters and we say the record is two to four bytes longer than the vendor does. I supsect that they might not be counting lengths correctly.
08:53 Dyrcona I know we do have a bunch of garbage records with bad indicators and other junk.
08:55 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:58 Dyrcona I've also asked this vendor if they can accept records as UTF-8 and not MARC-8.
09:04 Bmagic JBoyer++
09:07 Dyrcona yaz-marcdump's messages are next to useless.
09:08 Dyrcona "Separator but not at end of field...."
13:01 Dyrcona jeffdavis: What Eg version?
13:01 jeffdavis 3.7 beta-ish
13:02 Dyrcona Ok. I've not seen that on 3.5.3, but we may also have very different Z39.50 use patterns.
13:09 Dyrcona I wonder if I should open this bug on Evergreen or on marc-perl on github? I've got a bib that consistently produces a record with a bad length when exported in MARC8.
13:10 jeffdavis bug 1940698 for the Z39.50 thing
13:10 pinesol Launchpad bug 1940698 in Evergreen "Duplicate open-ils.search.z3950.search_class calls lead to drone exhaustion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1940698
13:17 Dyrcona FYI: I just used the --pipe option on marc_export in production and it did exactly what I expected: Lp 1940662.

Results for 2021-08-19

16:36 jeff the changelog entry notes it as: "This restores sudo handling of $HOME to what everyone else does"
16:41 jeff (and the actual change to "what everyone else does" probably only affects 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) and later.)
16:53 Bmagic How does Evergreen "know" which index an authority record belongs to? Subject/Author ect.
16:57 Dyrcona Bmagic: It starts with the headings fields in the MARC.
16:58 Bmagic Let's say the authority record was both an author and a subject. Like Mark Twain. Books about him and books by him
16:58 Dyrcona It should show up in both.
16:59 Dyrcona It depends on a number of factors that would require me to do some digging.

Results for 2021-08-11

13:35 Dyrcona Thanks, terranm. I'm not sure we'd want to allow this, but I think it could be a useful feature with appropriate org unit settings.
13:36 terranm But yes, the vendor only verifies the address against the USPS database and puts the data into a standardized format for us. We're not doing actual verification that the person lives at that address because the cost is much higher.
13:42 terranm Dyrcona - yes, I agree.
13:44 Dyrcona On an unrelated note, the split command is pretty much useless for splitting a file of binary MARC records. At least, I can't figure out how to use \x1E as the separator character.
13:45 Dyrcona csplit also looks like it is not very useful for this task.
13:56 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:30 terranm JBoyer - I'm trying to test this patch on festivus but I'm getting browser console errors and an "Editing users in this group is disallowed " message when I try to edit a patron (logged in as admin) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1937299

Results for 2021-08-10

13:00 tlittle terranm++
14:28 Bmagic Does Evergreen have a way to include the "call numbers" that are in the MARC into the "expert search" -> Call number?
14:29 Bmagic 090a and 090b and 099a
14:29 Dyrcona Bmagic: You can search by MARC field in advanced search, though I know that's not what you're asking.
14:30 Bmagic sure, I'm aware of the tag searching. This question is specifially about the "Call Number" Search
14:30 Dyrcona Yeahp. You'd have to write some custom code to do what you're asking.
14:31 Bmagic That search is searching asset.call_number right?
14:36 Bmagic That's what I'm coming up with too. Dyrcona++
14:37 Bmagic I thought I understood this cataloger to say that this used* to work. But I don't think it ever could have
14:37 JBoyer Heads up, Dev meeting is scheduled to be in ~30. There's nothing but placeholders and LP updates currently; if there's nothing else anyone wants to discuss I'd recommend we give this month a pass.
14:38 Dyrcona Bmagic: Yeah, I don't think that ever worked. Only way to search those field is MARC expert search.
14:38 Bmagic TY, thanks for confirming
14:38 Dyrcona You could add an index for those fields and add it as an advanced search option, bu t it would still only search the MARC, not asset.call_number and MARC.
14:39 Dyrcona You'd have to modify the backend somewhere to search both.
14:39 Dyrcona JBoyer: I'm cool with having the meeting or skipping it.
14:39 Bmagic JBoyer: skipping is fine with me as well

Results for 2021-07-29

08:49 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:06 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:14 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:27 Dyrcona So, for those following along (or not), I have run my db upgrade script on Pg 9.6, Pg 10, and Pg 11 so far. This includes a partial ingest of record attributes for MARC item type g.
09:31 Dyrcona It took 28 hours 48 minutes on Pg 9.6. On Pg 10, it ran for 25 hours 3minutes. Pg 11 finished after 12 hours 7 minutes. This is with the db being "optimized" and the server rebooted in between each configuration change.
09:31 berick pg11 FTW
09:32 Dyrcona I probably won't get around to "testing" Pg 12 and Pg 13 until next week. I want to restore the configuration for Pg 10 for an automated production restore over the weekend.

Results for 2021-07-19

13:51 jeff also, i think the desktop client may initiate the connections from the client PC.
13:52 jeff the desktop connexion client also has another option, "OCLC Gateway Export". this lets the ILS return a status message that's displayed to the end user.
13:52 jeff OCLC and Koha have some documentation on that. I think I looked at that a while ago also.
13:53 Dyrcona The marc stream importer also appears to be aimed more at loading a file via command line, since it requires a username, password, workstation, queue, etc as command line options. This does not seem to be optimized to run as a server process.
13:56 JBoyer I thought those might be optional in server mode (though I haven't looked in a long time)
13:57 Dyrcona I'll keep looking. Thanks, again.
13:59 jeff not sure about "optimized" to run as a server process, but it certainly supports running as a server process.

Results for 2021-07-16

09:43 stephengwills the insight into your process is helpful.
09:49 Dyrcona stephengwills: Lp 1936662 if you'd like to confirm
09:49 pinesol Launchpad bug 1936662 in Evergreen 3.7 "Missing Did You Mean Prequisites in Pg Server Installation Make Targets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1936662
09:53 Dyrcona Hm... After looking more closely, they are there. I should double check if they're getting installed or not. It could be that the CPAN_MODULES_PGSQL is just not being called. In which case MARC::File::XML would also be missing on a new installation.
09:55 Dyrcona Y'know what. I was too quick to open the Lp bug. They *should* be getting installed.
09:55 Dyrcona I'm going to check on a clean VM before I mark the bug invalid, though.
09:57 stephengwills Dyrcona++

Results for 2021-06-15

13:03 jeffdavis I should read what I type before I hit Enter
13:24 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:52 jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen
14:08 Dyrcona Bmagic: RE the trouble you reported with parsing MARC records last week, I heard today that OCLC has an issue that they're generating corrupted MARC records sometimes with cat express. I'm also told that they're working on it.
14:11 Bmagic Dyrcona: interesting!
14:16 dickreckard joined #evergreen
14:17 rhamby yeah, someone mentioned it on the evergreen catalogers list last week, what they reposted from oclc wasn't much just "catexpress and connexion are having issues and we're working on it" if I remember the essence correctly

Results for 2021-06-03

09:52 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:55 awitter joined #evergreen
10:47 Stompro joined #evergreen
11:08 Dyrcona Grr. marc--
11:08 Dyrcona gmcharlt: The badldr.usmarc test data also has an extra record terminator in it.
11:09 Dyrcona tsbere's code causes it to error out, but the normal code doesn't. I think that's a different bug in the normal code.
11:11 Dyrcona Record number 2 ends like this: \x1e\x1d\x1d, or you could say there's an extra \x1d between records 2 and 3.
11:25 Dyrcona \x1e\x1d as the record separator and consider anything that doesn't conform to that as junk.
11:44 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:59 Stompro joined #evergreen
12:21 Dyrcona Heh. You get amusing results trying to run a MARC file as a Perl script. :)
12:31 collum joined #evergreen
12:52 Keith-isl joined #evergreen
13:18 jvwoolf joined #evergreen

Results for 2021-06-02

12:36 rhamby I usually scan for that and have it print them to visually eyeball and spot problems pretty fast
12:37 Dyrcona Bmagic: I did a quick perusal of my scripts and I don't see anything like what you mentioned.
12:37 collum joined #evergreen
12:38 Dyrcona The real problem is when 1 MARC file contains text in different encodings, or worse Windows-1252 with smart quotes.
12:38 rhamby yeah, that's why my solution does a decent job of finding the issues
12:39 rhamby note that breaking strings into arrays and scanning with ord can be really really slow on big files but I cheat and do titles and authors usually and that is usually a good indicator if I need to dig deeper
12:39 rhamby and yeah, the declaration if the file is marc8 vs unicode is usually more a hopeful statement than anything factual
12:39 Dyrcona I've used python chardet with non-marc data. It could be used on a field by field basis with pymarc.
12:40 Dyrcona Unicode is often spelt ISO8859-X (where X is a number). :)
12:42 Dyrcona That should be misspelt, not spelt. :)
12:48 Dyrcona I do have a script that spits out the record warnings and the encoding as understood by MARC::Record.
12:49 collum joined #evergreen
12:50 Dyrcona Bmagic: https://pastebin.com/Pef0KLeL
13:00 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:47 Bmagic correction "$file = MARC::File::USMARC->in($filename)"
15:48 Dyrcona Are you having any particular problems other than encoding?
15:49 Bmagic I'm thinking of potential issues with the way this script reads the records to make it more "compatible" for the masses
15:50 Dyrcona My script reads the records that way because that is a) how MARC::File::USMARC->in() does it, but also b) when you have "smart quotes" pasted into a field, you actually need to split records on \x1E\x1D because \x1D is in the smart quote sequence.
15:51 Dyrcona If you're having encoding issues with some records, I'd suggest trying pymarc and chardet to go over each field. You can then convert the data field by field if necessary.
15:51 Bmagic wow, I guess the question is: should I write this to support "smart quotes"
15:52 Bmagic maybe the contribution needs to land in MARC::File instead of my script?
15:52 Dyrcona MARC::FILE may already work with smart quotes. I know that tsbere opened a ticket on CPAN about it. I don't know if his patch ever went in.
15:53 Dyrcona gmcharlt should know, as i think he is one of the maintainers of MARC::File.
15:55 gmcharlt I should check the patch queue, but yeah, at the moment smart quotes would break MARC::File::USMARC's expectations
15:56 Dyrcona I was just looking at rt.cpan.org.
15:56 Dyrcona I couldn't find the bug report.
16:01 Dyrcona Well, it's not reported by tsbere, but here it is: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=70169
16:01 Dyrcona Looks like rt.cpan.org is being shutdown.
16:01 gmcharlt I'll take (another) look
16:03 Dyrcona gmcharlt: If you want a patch, I could probably provide. I recall tsbere writing one for this. Maybe it was for MARC::Batch?
16:03 Bmagic gmcharlt's comments from 2011 on that ticket are great: "not that encouraging such sloppy MARC records is a good idea. :)"
16:03 gmcharlt Dyrcona: sure, happy to take a patch from you
16:05 Bmagic just to be clear: I don't need to do anything special when I pass a UTF8 or a MARC8 or a MARC21 file into MARC::File::USMARC ?
16:05 Dyrcona Ha! I thought rt.cpan.org would be closed by now, but the latest bug on MARC::File is 20 minutes, and it's  a spam.
16:06 Bmagic MARC::File::USMARC does all the work for me? Figuring out which character set to use and whatnot?
16:06 Dyrcona Bmagic: Usually, yes.
16:06 Dyrcona If the encoding is set correctly in the file.
16:07 Dyrcona What are you actually trying to do? Load records from a migration/new library, a vendor?
16:15 Dyrcona gmcharlt: Is there a git repository for MARC::Recod & company?
16:16 gmcharlt Dyrcona: yeah: https://github.com/perl4lib/marc-perl
16:17 Dyrcona Cool. I make an issue and pull request there.
16:18 Bmagic Dyrcona: This sprang from the electronic_bib_import.pl work I'm doing
16:19 Bmagic answer: probably not migration, but yes on the vendor
16:21 Dyrcona Bmagic: USMARC records should be in MARC8 unless the leader says UTF-8. Trouble is, I've seen just about anything in actual MARC records, and it is difficult to tell at run time.
16:24 Dyrcona For the logs and anyone else following along at home: It turns out that tsbere made a pull request on github for the issue, but his code breaks the tests. I'll take that up and see if I can fix it so it doesn't break the tests.
16:27 Dyrcona Also, for Bmagic, and those following along, generally, the only way to detect the encoding of a MARC record that says it is MARC8 is to assume it is MARC8, convert it UTF-8 for Evergreen and catch any errors. That's another reason why I often read the records individually and convert them to MARC::Record inside an eval, so that 1 or two bad records don't spoil the whole batch.
16:30 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:32 jeff indication of marc8 vs utf8 is at the record level, not the file level, right?
16:33 Dyrcona jeff: Yes.

Results for 2021-04-05

11:06 collum joined #evergreen
11:59 dbwells joined #evergreen
11:59 Dyrcona It would nice if there were a way, in SQL, to say that you want to select all but 1 or 2 two fields from a table rather than having to type out to copy and edit a list of columns.
12:01 Dyrcona It would be really useful for skipping the marc column(s) for instance.
12:02 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:08 tlittle I totally agree, Dyrcona! Google helpfully reminds me that I've googled many times if I can do that in SQL, but alas
12:54 mantis left #evergreen

Results for 2021-04-02

14:23 rhamby copy and pasting into marc is just evil, but I also have a special disdain for copy and pastes (with various flavors of end of lines) that end up in csv files
14:24 Dyrcona Yeahp, and particularly with "smart" quotes.
14:25 rhamby oh yeah, anohter thing to add to my csv correction script ....
14:26 Dyrcona It's even worse in MARC, since one of them looks like the end of record character.
14:32 Dyrcona I wonder if we should limit authority_full_rec_value_index to the first 2000 characters or so, using substring?
14:33 Dyrcona I saw one suggestion online to use GIN for the index, but we can't since the field is not a tsvector.
14:34 Dyrcona The error output suggests full text indexing as an option: Consider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing.

Results for 2021-03-02

09:50 bshum For same reasons
09:50 Dyrcona Bmagic: How big are these invoices, i.e. # of line items?
09:51 Bmagic 60 or 70 lines
09:51 Dyrcona Oh, and I guess that includes a chunk of MARC for each one, so if the records are detailed.....
09:51 bshum Yep
09:52 Dyrcona Assuming 15K per entry, you're looking about 1MB to retrieve all that in one go.
09:53 Bmagic I solved the stanza size issue with a config tweak to ejabberd. But this other thing about incompletely loading the UI is a different thing. An issue I've seen for many months. Maybe years. But shrugged it off because the interface is still dojo
12:36 Dyrcona Time is hard.
12:43 Dyrcona When I add dates to milestones on Launchpad, I sometimes have to change the day because they can be off by a day.
12:46 * Dyrcona wonders how difficult it would be for "Use Now" on workstation registration to just work without having to log in again.
12:50 Dyrcona So, I just tried using MARC batch import with master, and I get upload progress 100%, but enqueue progress is 0%. There's also nothing in the /tmp directory AFAICT.
12:51 jeff have to teach open-ils.auth how to assign a workstation to a workstationless login and change type. Might also violate some other assumptions.
12:51 jeff Dyrcona: is your web server running with private temp, and you're using /tmp as the queue location? You'll need to either change to a different dir or stop using private tmp for the apache service.
12:52 jeff (many public services like apache are launched by systemd with private /tmp by default on a lot of systems now)
13:03 jeff apache's /tmp is not your /tmp :-)
13:04 jeffdavis I believe private /tmp is a change between Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 fwiw
13:07 Dyrcona Well, I hadn't noticed because I don't use it much on development, and we've been using /openils/var/tmp mounted via NFS in production for years.
13:08 Dyrcona So, I'm actually testing a security bug and trying to import a MARC record to trigger it, but the record won't import.
13:08 Dyrcona When I select it and hit Import Selected Records, the screen goes back to the main Import view, and the record does NOT end up in biblio.record_entry.
13:09 Dyrcona FWIW, I have no idea what I'm doing in the staff client, particularly the Angular interface.
13:28 Dyrcona So, maybe Vandelay is broken in master on Ubuntu 20.04?

Results for 2021-01-28

09:09 berick csharp: JBoyer: we also do monthly batch exports to ebsco, which I hadn't put 2-2 together at the time, but in the end we also don't need/want the real time data.
09:11 JBoyer Ah, ok. That is a lot closer to ok than "we're being scraped by a vendor we don't even use." Still not great but the eyebrow has been lowered.
09:11 berick exactly
09:17 Dyrcona We do a weekly ISBN dump for Novelist and a monthly MARC dump for EDS and send them to EBSCO.
09:20 Dyrcona I suspect that the EBSCO "attacks" are them looking up data for the on-the-shelf feature of Novelist.
09:33 Bmagic I can say with 95% certainty that unapi was the catalyst for the DOS yesterday. That's 6 bricks at 8 CPU's each, 48 CPU's maxed out. Today, we have a limit on that URL at nginx
09:35 berick Bmagic: mind sharing your nginx rule?  just curious

Results for 2020-11-02

15:58 mmorgan Another colleague wrote a tool to remove 856 fields from the MARC when links need to be removed.
15:59 * mmorgan doesn't do this directly but it's often discussed as it's so time consuming
16:12 Dyrcona I have a script and some extra tables to make removal of located URIs by vendor/library easier.
16:13 Dyrcona My script finds the records to be edited and removes the 856 tags from the MARC and then updates the MARC.
16:43 dbwells mmorgan: Dyrcona: Thanks for the responses.  In our case, we are deleting the bib records as well.  Is there any reason to be concerned about leaving located URIs in deleted records?  I'd be surprised, but you never know.
16:44 dbwells In my ideal workflow, deleting the record would make the URI bits go poof, but we weren't that lucky :)
16:47 Dyrcona Yeah, I haven't looked into what happens to located URIs when you delete a bib record.

Results for 2020-05-01

11:04 Dyrcona I'll generate another profile of undoing the delete with a title and description and share that if anyone else wants to see what I'm talking about.
11:04 Dyrcona s/delete/update/
11:04 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:04 Dyrcona I have a "revert" SQL with the original authority record marc handy.
11:08 Bmagic jeff: yeah, mostly that. I can confirm that you shoild do it, lol.
11:08 Bmagic Shouldn't*
11:10 Dyrcona This time it was faster, probably because of database cache, but still too long....

Results for 2020-04-10

09:42 Dyrcona Either space or -.
09:44 Bmagic alright - thems the breaks I guess
09:44 Dyrcona We have a Genre entry.
09:46 Dyrcona Put his in xpath: //marc:datafield[@tag='600']
09:47 Dyrcona Put this in browse_xpath and display_xpath: //*[local-name()='subfield' and contains('abcdfgklnpstuvxyz',@code)]
09:48 Dyrcona Then whatever you want for the joiner, I'd recommend '-- '. NOTE the space after --.
09:48 Dyrcona Try that see if it's close.
10:25 * miker looks up
10:25 Dyrcona Oh no, never mind. xpath syntax sucks.
10:25 Bmagic xpath_syntax--
10:26 Dyrcona I think you should remove this from the xpatch field: and marc:subfield[@code="a"] and marc:subfield[@code="d"]
10:26 Bmagic I threw that in there later. It was* identical to your suggestion above
10:27 miker if you have a special-purpose cmf there's no reason you couldn't create an xslt to do something special
10:28 Bmagic It sounds like we can't get subfield a+b and the rest of them joined with dashes - which is probably ok. At this point, I am trying to figure out why the index STILL has dahses with joiner set to null

Results for 2020-02-06

11:19 Bmagic I believe that setting used to be false which would explain how the bib exists in the first place
11:20 Dyrcona Bmagic: Maybe. It's supposed to replace the 001 with the bib id and move the original 001 to an 035 on import.
11:20 Dyrcona You can try setting it back to false to see if that helps.
11:21 Dyrcona BTW, bug 1859191 indicates that the web staff client MARC editor ignores that flag.
11:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 1859191 in Evergreen "Editing and saving MARC record changes the TCN value" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1859191
11:21 Bmagic Dyrcona++
11:23 Dyrcona Too many moving parts--

Results for 2019-12-19

10:23 * dbs for this specific library doesn't want hotkeys for anything, but there's no easy way to turn them off
10:24 dbs short of creating a custom web staff client build at nohotkeys.concat.ca :)
10:26 Dyrcona You should never trap the keys used by the browser in my opinion. F1 is almost always the help key.
10:27 * Dyrcona think aloud: Hmm... GNU Emacs mode for MARC editing that can talk to Evergreen.....that *might* work....
10:28 * Dyrcona mumbles as he walks off.
10:45 dbs Yeah I've been bitten by hitting F5 to reload :)
12:01 abowling joined #evergreen

Results for 2019-10-24

08:42 Dyrcona ...since we're doling out the karma. :)
08:42 Dyrcona chardet++
08:42 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:45 Dyrcona Email can be worse than MARC when it comes to character set issues.
08:48 dbwells agoben++
08:48 * Dyrcona goes back to writing an email to summarize hack-away activity for CW MARS staff.
08:53 * mmorgan would love to see a message summarizing the hackaway go out to the general list.

Results for 2019-09-26

08:59 Dyrcona Grr. Trying to convert a do block that uses exception/when into a function and Pg keeps saying syntax error at or near END for the END closing the function's begin. Doesn't matter if I add a semicolon or remove it.
09:01 Dyrcona OIC.... I need another BEGIN...
09:04 Dyrcona Thanks, ducky! :)
09:15 Dyrcona Whee! Nothing like call number labels to contain garbage, well, after MARC.... :P
09:17 aabbee joined #evergreen
09:32 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:33 rhamby Dyrcona: you forget addresses :)

Results for 2019-09-06

11:06 berick yeah, Wilmington got a nice blast.
11:07 berick i watched some Outer Banks webcams this morning and it's just a grey windy mess
11:07 Dyrcona Yeah....
11:08 Dyrcona 2019-09-06 10:32:53 bd1-bh4 open-ils.vandelay: [ERR :3810:Vandelay.pm:272:1567780218267323] unable to read MARC file
11:08 berick Dyrcona: that's likely the client_max_body_size issue
11:08 Dyrcona Was typing the question!
11:08 Dyrcona berick++
15:30 csharp the problem didn't exist in the new ng staff catalog when I tested that on one of the "problem" records
15:30 csharp but does in the AngJS version on current-ish master
15:33 Dyrcona csharp: Maybe that's what they were trying to explain to me yesterday. I was told it happens with tags that have a second indicator.
15:34 Dyrcona I looked at the MARC edit view and not that one, let me look at the bibs they sent me again.
15:34 Dyrcona I also was not sent screen shots.
15:35 Dyrcona Oh, yeah. They also added this as a comment on a totally unrelated ticket, though I guess to the staff it could seem related when you don't know how it all works.
15:38 Dyrcona Yeahp. I see it with one of the two sample records but not the other.

Results for 2019-07-02

08:39 rhamby I'm still on my first cup so my intelligent well composed response is: ug
08:43 Dyrcona So, I'm explaining the problem and giving the ticket back to the cat center.
08:44 * Dyrcona catalogs by editing the marcxml in a text file and then updating the database via psql. :)
08:45 Dyrcona Heh. I should write a MARC mode for emacs. :)
08:45 * Dyrcona checks if one already exists.
08:49 Dyrcona Heh. Bmagic might like this: marcopolo - Emacs client for Docker API
09:08 jvwoolf joined #evergreen

Results for 2019-06-18

12:44 berick beware MARC records are patron-visible
12:44 Dyrcona That, or you could modify the database trigger.
12:44 Bmagic Dyrcona: that sounds like a good place - are you thinking in perl? or postgres?
12:44 Dyrcona And what berick said is one reason I wouldn't do this in the MARC itself.
12:45 Dyrcona I was thinking to add the hook mechanism in the Perl, but you'd probably need some database support to configure it.
12:45 Bmagic yeah, maybe I could convince them not to use the tag
12:46 Dyrcona Another reason that I wouldn't do it in the MARC is it makes the records longer, and doesn't add anything "useful" to the bibliographic data.
12:47 Dyrcona It's metadata, and should be recorded elsewhere.
12:47 Dyrcona Just my opinion....
12:47 berick and in this case, meta-metadata

Results for 2019-05-15

10:13 collum joined #evergreen
10:59 khuckins joined #evergreen
11:10 khaun joined #evergreen
11:27 Dyrcona Seems like after each Evergreen release messing with MARC records in the database gets slower.
11:28 Dyrcona It's gotten to the point where it would be more efficient for staff to load records via Vandelay than using my Perl DBI scripts.
11:40 csharp our match sets create ugly and super slow MARC loading through vandelay too
11:43 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:54 dbs Also, I thought most of our vendors still use FTP or the like, rather than encrypted transfer methods...
11:57 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
12:01 dbs Dyrcona: hrm, how do we spin that as a feature in the release notes? "Indexing now 5% slower!"
12:02 Dyrcona dbs: Pretty much. Last time I tried timing things, it took 2 seconds to update a MARC record.
12:03 dbs There was a lot of wisdom to the slim MODS approach for indexing, but I guess the demands for incredibly fine-grained search pushed us in a different direction
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:03 dbs Also maybe complex Perl inside the database...
12:08 Dyrcona "FTP was fine in 1999!" (No, it wasn't, but stil....)
12:08 dbs Folio went with a MARC-centric approach to indexing and display and are now thinking about how to integrate BIBFRAME in parallel; their path will likely lead to a common intermediate format as well
12:08 dbs Dyrcona++
12:09 * Dyrcona begins to suspect that MARC is part of the problem.
12:09 csharp @quote add * Dyrcona begins to suspect that MARC is part of the problem.
12:09 pinesol csharp: The operation succeeded.  Quote #198 added.
12:09 dbs (I believe slim MODS was supposed to be an intermediate format for Evergreen too but we've hard-coded MARC into frontend, middle layers, and backend all over now)

Results for 2019-05-08

10:14 Dyrcona Same time as the reshelving complete job, that is. They now run on different util servers, but still the same database.
10:15 Dyrcona Could be some deadlocks going on there, too.
10:15 Dyrcona I'll check the pg logs.
10:19 Dyrcona Bleh... whole MARC fields showing up in the logs. Probably a long-running query or some other failure.
10:21 Dyrcona And, no. Nothing about locks in the logs for the relevant time period. We may not be logging locks in Postgres.
10:34 JBoyer Calling 1163, let's see how this goes.
10:34 * berick holds JBoyer's beer

Results for 2019-04-18

13:42 jeffdavis check the postgres docs for the exact syntax for that command - the point is that "evergreen" needs to be listed first in your search_path
13:42 jeffdavis since it's not, you are probably running into old but still-installed versions of db functions/triggers as a result
13:43 abowling jeffdavis: that's almost certainly what i'm running into
13:50 * Dyrcona suspects non-UTF8 in MARC records, but the search path, etc., are good places to start since they're quicker to resolve if that is the case.
13:51 berick gmcharlt: at minimum, a sign off on the Hatch.git changes would suffice. I can upload the changes to the chrome store.
13:51 berick and a FF stored upload volunteer as well
14:11 jeff When using the hatch installer, the Chrome extension is installed. Does that extension come from the installer or from the chrome store?

Results for 2019-04-12

08:44 aabbee joined #evergreen
09:05 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:22 _bott_ joined #evergreen
09:24 Dyrcona So, I'm being asked to make an Opac Icon Format and Search Format from a RDA field value. Can that even be done? The only examples I've seen so far come from MARC fixed fields.
09:28 Dyrcona I guess that is possible....
09:28 JBoyer You can do it, I've added a bunch here based on the 753 (for gaming systems)
09:29 Dyrcona JBoyer: Yeah, I just found it in the documentation, which tells me how to do it in the client. I would rather something that I can do in the database, but I can always set it up on a test server and extract the new table entries.
09:31 JBoyer Getting them to actually show up will pretty much require tearing down and rebooting all of your memcache servers though, so that's a lot of fun.
09:31 nfBurton Yup mine have sometimes taken 2 weeks to show
09:32 nfBurton And noone seems to know why
09:32 Dyrcona JBoyer: I've done set them up by hand before, but don't recall if I used arbitrary MARC fields in them that way.
09:32 Dyrcona JBoyer: If I can set this up today, I can do it during the upgrade when I'm rebooting memcached anyway. :)
09:33 JBoyer Dyrcona++
09:33 Dyrcona Is something supposed to happen when you click "Save" in the Coded Value Maps interface?

Results for 2019-04-11

11:36 Dyrcona Which will shower you with binary.
11:36 bshum That'd be my guess too
11:37 Dyrcona You might want to "set_marcdump <somefile>" if all you care about is timing.
11:37 Dyrcona That will dump the marc to somefile and not your screen.
11:38 abowling joined #evergreen
11:40 bshum csharp: When you guys moved servers, what version of OpenSRF do you have?  And what's your ejabberd max_stanza_size set to
11:41 bshum I just wonder if it's some weird collision with chunking/bundling that's not being logged well

Results for 2019-03-01

15:31 makohund A bit better at handling large batches?
15:35 Dyrcona Yes. You can run an arbitrary number of records through it without having to do smaller batches through Vandelay.
15:36 Dyrcona Things may have improved in Vandelay recently, but we used to not be able to tens of thousands of records at once in Vandelay, at least not in a manner reasonable for the cataloging staff.
15:38 Dyrcona I'd put the MARC file on a utility vm, and then schedule the program to run sometime at night.
15:40 makohund Cool, thank you.  Will have to take a bit of time to suss it out (I don't know the MARC functions very well), but bypassing chunking it up for Vandelay's sake sounds great to me.
15:41 Dyrcona You'll notice it doesn't actually use MARC to parse the file. That's because "smart quotes" will break the MARC parsers in Perl.
15:42 Dyrcona And, yes, you will eventually find MARC records with smart quotes in them. Copy and paste....
15:45 makohund Ack.  Sounds like they need an "eat smart quotes, spit out regular quotes" filter of sorts.
15:46 jonadab That would in principle not be a difficult regular expression.
15:46 Dyrcona Well, the record terminator character in MARC 0x1E, is apparently part of a Windows smart quote regular expression.
15:46 jonadab Oh.
15:46 jonadab Eww.
15:46 Dyrcona bleh.... reading and typing at the same time.... :)
15:47 Dyrcona That's why I set the Perl record separator to the combination of the stop and start characters for the record. I think tsbere opened a bug on this for MARC::Record and/or MARC::Batch over a cpan some years ago.
15:47 makohund Wow... what an ugly coincidence.
15:51 makohund I'd wondered previously if perl might not be a better route for messing with the incoming 856's & $9's than MarcEdit.  Any thoughts on that before I investigate either option?
15:53 Dyrcona Well, it could be, but you'd have to layout what you want to add somehow.

Results for 2019-02-22

13:47 aabbee nope. did not realize that existed.
13:47 aabbee dbwells++
13:52 aabbee that worked perfectly. (but if i have to make code changes to hide the field anyway, i might as well just set the default field visibility to -1 and not bother with the org unit settings at all)
14:42 Dyrcona hmm... Do w have an unflatten marc command?
15:00 yboston joined #evergreen
15:07 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
15:11 pinesol [evergreen|Jeff Davis] LP#1801191: ensure recall does not extend due date - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9c90558>

Results for 2019-01-23

08:45 mdriscoll joined #evergreen
08:51 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:51 aabbee joined #evergreen
09:10 Dyrcona @later tell yboston The problem is that there is no way to match subfields to a particular field in metabib.full_rec, nor in the table metabib.real_full_rec. I recommend pulling out the marc from biblio.record_entry and extracting the fields with XPATH or using the MARC::Record Perl module.
09:10 pinesol Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.
09:14 yboston joined #evergreen
09:26 jvwoolf joined #evergreen

Results for 2019-01-04

12:46 aabbee great, thanks!
13:01 bos20k joined #evergreen
13:08 csharp Dyrcona: if this is too complicated to get into or is documented elsewhere, feel free to ignore, but what is the difference between what pingest.pl does and the "UPDATE biblio.record_entry set id = id" approach?  Does pingest.pl care about the "reingest on same marc" flag?
13:09 Dyrcona csharp: pingest.pl runs the ingest database functions, so it does not care about reingest on same marc flag.
13:10 Dyrcona It also allows you to skip certain ingests based on command line switches.
13:10 Dyrcona So, if the changes don't affect browse, you can skip the browse ingest, for instance.
13:14 Dyrcona It also handles splitting the ingests up into parallel batches for you, so you don't have to write out separate SQL files and run them yourself.

Results for 2018-12-12

13:26 dickreckard default behavior.
13:27 dickreckard I looked on launchpad and couldn't find mentions about it. so let me know if I can add notify this somewhere.
13:29 jeff It might be reasonable to review changing the default value of <importer>/tmp</importer> in openils.xml.example
13:31 Dyrcona dickreckard: You should be able to get marc records out of the URL that miker shared earlier.
13:31 sandbergja joined #evergreen
13:32 dickreckard damn!
13:32 dickreckard didn't see that jeff . *facepalm*

Results for 2018-11-08

11:42 Dyrcona Funny you should mention that.
11:43 csharp getting the core_query from the logs...
11:43 Dyrcona I have noticed what appears to be a slow down in our electronic resource URL mechanism since we upgraded to 3.0 back in May, though I've only done two "big" loads since then.
11:43 Dyrcona My current load seems to take 18 hours to process approximately 1,000 MARC records.
11:44 Dyrcona I don't recall it being that slow when we were on 2.12, but the Evergreen version may be a red herring and it is likely to be bad statistics.
11:44 Bmagic the code I wrote is very slow. It's due to the fuzzy matching query it uses to attempt to match the incoming bib. It's not strictly matching fields
11:45 Dyrcona I will share my code in a minute. There are two database queries used to search for matching records. It took me a long time to get the performance acceptable on 2.10/2.12.

Results for 2018-09-10

14:28 csharp I am still trying to discern which records are causing reingest to fail, so I don't have enough data yet to know
14:28 jeff fwiw, the marc field from the full paste of the record (psql extended view) seems to parse without warning with xmllint and yaz-marcdump. didn't try throwing it against anything else, like MARC::Record yet.
14:28 csharp I haven't added any indexes - this is on our freshly upgraded 3.2 server
14:29 Dyrcona You said update.... Is the MARC being changed?
14:29 csharp shouldn't be
14:29 csharp oh, well in this case, it was an overlay I think
14:29 csharp as in one of our catalogers attempted to overlay it

Results for 2018-08-09

10:51 Dyrcona harmless wrong tab. :)
10:52 Dyrcona And, since I just restarted apache on my test vm I have a question:
10:53 Dyrcona Has anyone noticed that you have to restart/reload apache after restarting the opensrf.settings service lately?
10:54 Dyrcona Since 3.0 or possibly the web client, if I restart opensrf.settings and open-ils.cat to pickup new MARC templates, for instance, neither the web client nor XUL will let me login until I restart apache2.
10:54 Dyrcona That didn't used to happen, IIRC.
10:57 kmlussier jeff++ # Continued efforts to make #evergreen usable while keeping the spammers out.
11:08 Christineb joined #evergreen
15:17 berick er, translate-toolkit
15:18 berick the xliff files are lot more expressive, hopefully we can use them directly in the near future
15:19 Dyrcona Well, po files were designed to work with compiled software in the last century, before XML was a thing.
15:20 Dyrcona Kind of like using MARC for bibliographic record data....
15:20 berick *zing*
15:22 nfburton joined #evergreen
15:32 yboston joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-07-18

12:09 mmorgan joined #evergreen
12:12 bshum Dyrcona: Well that's special...
12:12 bshum I guess I hadn't gotten that far in my testing yet, since I couldn't get OpenSRF working, I ended there
12:13 Dyrcona I wasn't even trying to install Evergreen. I just wanted MARC::File::XML to run a script.
12:13 Dyrcona Looks like someone (me?) joins Masters of the Universe and repackages it, or we're back to using CPAN for more things.
12:19 rlefaive joined #evergreen
12:40 khuckins joined #evergreen

Results for 2018-06-19

10:34 berick i don't know, it's almost elevensies
10:40 collum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8XeDvKqI4E
10:46 Dyrcona https://en.wikipedia.org/wi​ki/Elevenses#United_States
10:47 Dyrcona Anyway, has anyone noticed that the record summary in web staff client view of a MARC record doesn't honor the cat.default_classification_scheme?
10:47 Dyrcona We're getting LoC regardless of the ou setting value.
10:56 Dyrcona Hm... I think I see something, but need to look a bit more.
10:58 Dyrcona Ok. Not what I thought.

Results for 2018-06-04

14:27 Dyrcona And, if you get that working, adding a branch on the above-mentioned bug would be most helpful for everyone else.
14:37 Dyrcona Jaswinder: You typically need to create the object via Fieldmapper, get a pcrud or cstore transaction and then create the object.
14:38 frank_g What I see is that the photo patron is only visible in web client when the Url contains https instead of http
14:39 Dyrcona Jaswinder: Here's an example function that creates a skeletal MARC record, call number, and copy: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=NCIPServer.git;​a=blob;f=lib/NCIP/ILS/Evergreen.pm;h=3fc3ff1930​9b91c7a8f91acfd9ed6a1cdb268513;hb=master#l2103
14:40 Dyrcona It's in Perl and uses pcrud.
14:40 Dyrcona frank_g: Mixed content warnings/errors?
14:40 miker sandbergja: fwiw, it was intentional that some fields that are only used by db-layer code (stored functions, views) are not exposed in the IDL. but it doesn't hurt to expose them, per se

Results for 2018-04-13

16:37 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1754455 in Evergreen "marc_export: want to delete fields/subfields" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754455 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
16:38 dbwells jaswinder: This may help you with anonymous pcrud (specific slide, and the whole presentation in general): http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/rand​om.git;a=blob_plain;f=api_presentation/web_a​pis.html;hb=refs/heads/collab/berick/eg2015#(20)
16:38 Dyrcona I was going to completely revamp dpearl's second implementation to make it more generally useful.
16:39 Dyrcona I think we're going to end up with a mini-language for removing stuff from MARC records on export.
16:40 Dyrcona dbwells++ berick++
16:40 Dyrcona Dyrcona-- # I should have remembered that...
16:41 Bmagic Dyrcona: if we asked the vendor to leave it alone and we are provided the MARC back to us with the $0's intact, will the authority link survive the import?

Results for 2018-03-27

14:50 Dyrcona What's your overall goal?
14:50 dbwells I think he is adding "ebooks.com" as a provider.
14:51 Jaswinder Dyrcona: My goal is to add additional vendor that will be used for basic search, advanced search, checkouts, and etc. vendor API will return books or audio data and that will be displayed on the results.
14:52 Dyrcona Jaswinder: The best way to get the results in search is to add MARC records supplied by the vendor, then you use the oneclick digital settings with Evergreen.
14:52 Dyrcona If you want to use a search API for recorded books to add to Evergreen search results, a different approach would be in order.
14:53 Dyrcona I think you'd want to add a module to search that would use the vendor's api and add the results to your evergreen search results.
14:53 Dyrcona I'm not sure if anyone has ever done that.

Results for 2018-03-23

14:19 rjackson_isl probably just wait and see if it happnes again/regularly going forward - nothing spotted in logs
14:25 Bmagic I think it's the ->as_usmarc that isn't giving me the utf character conversions
14:26 Bmagic maybe I need to encode_utf8($marc->as_usmarc()) ?
14:31 Dyrcona Bmagic: There's a way to do it, but I usuall don't have to. man MARC::Charset.
14:32 Bmagic ah, maybe this is it $record->encoding( 'UTF-8' );
14:32 Dyrcona Bmagic: I don't think so.
14:33 Dyrcona It isn't that simple.
14:37 Bmagic I don't think these are weird records. I am just not handling them correctly.
14:38 Dyrcona Bmagic: Are you ignoring me?
14:38 Bmagic no? lol
14:38 Dyrcona Bmagic: man MARC::Charset or use yaz-iconv
14:39 Dyrcona Your best bet is probably converting the file, first, with yaz-iconv.
14:40 Bmagic Dyrcona++ # I'll try some stuff
14:41 dbwells Bmagic: If you can share your existing records and code, I don't mind helping with sanity checks.  We've all been thrown for loops figuring out encoding issues at one time or another.
14:41 Bmagic ty, if I get stuck using some of these other avenues, I will take you up on that!
14:42 Dyrcona My favorites are the records that contain Windows-1252 with "smart" quotes. One of them looks like an end of record marker to MARC.
14:42 Bmagic I remember you telling me about those!
14:42 Bmagic yuk
14:42 dbwells My all time favorite case was when a "zero-width space" somehow made its way into the record header somehow.  Try to find that!

Results for 2018-03-13

10:47 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1755502 in Evergreen "Alternate hold pickup popup displays when checking out item to hold patron" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1755502
10:47 csharp is there an EG db function that strips out marc fields? for instance, I have a large group of records and I want to strip a 9XX field out indiscriminately
10:48 bshum csharp: Kind of like https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.​php?id=scratchpad:random_magic_spell​s#how_to_prune_a_tag_under_the_hood ?
10:48 Dyrcona csharp: No there isn't, but we're working on adding that feature to marc export.
10:49 csharp Dyrcona: oh cool
10:49 csharp bshum: I'll look - I forget that page exists :-)
10:50 bshum Yeah it's an oldie, but I just always remember using that SQL to strip unwanted tags from our bibs too

Results for 2018-02-14

15:28 kmlussier That doesn't sound familiar to me, but I think my newest master system is probably a couple of weeks old.
15:30 Dyrcona I built the stock system last night, and the other this afternoon.
15:30 agoben joined #evergreen
15:31 Dyrcona I have only see it so far on the bills and messages. I just had a quick look at marc edit and some other interfaces and they look OK.
15:36 Dyrcona I hesitate to Lp it because maybe I messed something up.
15:36 Dyrcona But, I've done so many installations.....
15:38 Dyrcona Heh, and we're getting internal tickets about how to add the "You saved $XXX" to the checkout receipts in the web client. :)

Results for 2018-02-02

15:19 JBoyer-alt I was under the impression that the woes were "I want to make this UTF-8" not "My UTF-8 is ügly"
15:23 Dyrcona My impression is UTF-8 was wanted but ISO8859-1 was received.
15:24 miker Dyrcona: well, who knows what shenanigans are going on between his clipboard and your screen ... but yes, I see a-with-circumflex in my irc client also
15:24 Dyrcona Or, perhaps, MARC-8 was expected and ISO8859-1 was interpreted.
15:24 Dyrcona And, yeah, hard to say.
15:24 miker or, perhaps there are strings in various encodings in one record. that's my FAVORITE
15:25 Dyrcona Plus, who knows, I've seem MARC records change character sets in different fields without warning.
15:25 Dyrcona :)
15:25 Dyrcona Smart Quotes are the BEST!!!!
15:25 miker who DOESN'T catalog in Word(tm)?

Results for 2018-01-31

12:25 JBoyer joined #evergreen
12:26 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
12:58 jwoodard joined #evergreen
13:08 Dyrcona @marc 050
13:08 pinesol_green Dyrcona: A classification or call number that is taken from Library of Congress Classification or LC Classification Additions and Changes. The brackets that customarily surround alternate class/call numbers are not carried in the MARC record; they may be generated based on the presence of repeated $a subfields. (Repeatable) [a,b,3,6,8]
13:13 berick miker: fyi, put this together.  checking now to make sure it doesn't break anything.
13:13 berick http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working​/OpenSRF.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/us​er/berick/ws-gateway-connection-check

Results for 2018-01-22

16:21 Dyrcona rlefaive: Nothing that I've shared publicly, and most of what I have now are pretty specific to how C/W MARS manages URIs.
16:22 rlefaive Dyrcona… ooh, nice… when you say URIs are you refering to matching 856s?
16:22 Dyrcona Sort of. We usually match on 035 and 020.
16:23 Dyrcona Then, I pull the marc out and mess with the 856s in Perl.
16:24 rlefaive Dyrcona: i see. interesting. For some reason our match sets ignore the 035, but that seems like a good identifier to use.
16:24 Dyrcona I get best results from building a tsvector of the ISBNs in the incoming record and doing a ts_search on the index_vector column of metabib.real_full_rec.
16:25 Dyrcona Well, our code does two searches and adds up points based on the matches, choosing the first record with the highest score.

Results for 2017-11-29

12:38 jeff or what Dyrcona suggested, which will give you a JSON payload containing the biblio.record_entry object
12:39 jeff (including a "marc" field with the marcxml of the record.
12:39 jeff )
12:39 Dyrcona And the marc is in the marc field.
12:39 Dyrcona :)
12:39 ejk Thanks! I'll try the pcrud call.
12:40 Dyrcona I think there are other ways, but pcrud came to mind first.
12:44 ejk Thanks so much! Dyrcona++ jeff++
12:45 Dyrcona ejk: Is this written in Perl?
12:45 ejk *cough* PHP *cough*
12:45 Dyrcona OK. Never mind. I don't know any MARC frameworks in PHP. ;)
12:45 Dyrcona If you want to switch to Perl, Python, or Java, though.....
12:46 ejk jeff: I think I actually started this library based on your Opensrf PHP library from way back when; but it's been expanded quite a bit from there.
12:47 jeff good. mine was incomplete garbage. ;-)
12:49 Dyrcona Speaking of MARC.....We have a record that shows nothing in the View MARC window, but shows up OK if you click the display MARC link in the OPAC.
12:50 * Dyrcona wonders what is wrong... To the Batlogs!
12:50 Dyrcona Oh. Now it works....
12:58 khuckins joined #evergreen
14:14 ejk Material Type code and Additional Authors were the two that I could only find in the MARC record
14:14 Dyrcona It works fine on my Ubuntu 16.04 test vm, but I can't get it to work on training server with Debian 7.
14:15 jvwoolf left #evergreen
14:15 Dyrcona ejk: There are tables with mappings to get values from MARC, material type is one of them.
14:17 Dyrcona You want to look at config.marc21_ff_pos_map.
14:17 Dyrcona Here's an example in Perl of how it might be used: https://github.com/Dyrcona/evergreen_utili​ties/blob/master/perl/loaderecords.pl#L359
14:18 Dyrcona Added authors, you'll have to pull from the appropriate fields.
14:18 Dyrcona @marc 700
14:18 pinesol_green Dyrcona: An added entry in which the entry element is a personal name. (Repeatable) [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,​o,p,q,r,s,t,u,x,3,4,5,6,8]
14:18 Dyrcona And so on...
14:21 ejk Any way I can get that table through an OpenSRF call?
14:21 Dyrcona I usually see that referred to as item type. :)
14:22 Dyrcona ejk: What you could do is write some code to build a static look up table from the database and pop that into your code.
14:23 jeff ejk: for some purposes, i extract that kind of thing by transforming the MARCXML to MODS -- the MODS XSLT from LoC is what many parts of the Evergreen ingest/index process use -- with some modifications in a few places.
14:23 Dyrcona Those entries are based on the LoC MARC docs and almost never change.
14:23 Dyrcona MODS would be handy for the authors, for instance.
14:24 jeff ejk: some messy python is here that might give you a sense of how that works -- see the various XPATH bits in the indexes{} hash: https://github.com/tadl/marc-indexing-for-es
14:24 jeff specifically, https://github.com/tadl/marc-indexi​ng-for-es/blob/master/index.py#L70

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