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IRC log for #evergreen, 2019-05-15

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:14 sandbergja joined #evergreen
01:01 book` joined #evergreen
02:51 jamesrf joined #evergreen
05:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
07:01 jamesrf joined #evergreen
07:01 agoben joined #evergreen
07:12 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
07:47 littlet joined #evergreen
08:35 bos20k joined #evergreen
08:46 csharp point of curiosity - came across this Fedora Magazine article on setting up AS2 to transmit EDI orders/invoices
08:46 csharp https://fedoramagazine.org/manage-busi​ness-documents-with-openas2-on-fedora/
08:47 csharp don't know if that has any applicability to Evergreen, but it caught my eye
08:54 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:11 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:23 yboston joined #evergreen
09:27 JBoyer So I have an installation of the latest 3.3 and I'm seeing a problem loading the reporter. Can someone else with a 3.3 install try loading the reporter?
09:28 JBoyer For some reason the call to open-ils.actor.user.perm.highest_org.batch is being given the home_ou, not the user id. (the two IDLs were out of sync, but now they're the same and still no joy.)
09:31 jeff depending on which was out of sync, you might need to run autogen to correct the js fieldmapper bits?
09:35 JBoyer I wondered about that. as soon as it's ready again I'll see if that was it.
09:37 Dyrcona JBoyer: Is this Pg 10?
09:38 JBoyer Dyrcona, It was initially, but I've since backed this machine down to 9.6 (on 18.04)
09:39 JBoyer and it appears that syncing IDLs and re-running autogen did not help... :-/
09:39 JBoyer TO the debugger! D:
09:39 Dyrcona JBoyer: OK. I asked because I seem to recall perm.highest_org needed a patch for Pg 10.
09:40 Dyrcona If you don't get to it, I'll search Lp after I finish what I'm working on.
09:47 mdriscoll joined #evergreen
09:48 JBoyer It's something IDL related, I just can't tell why. With the debugger paused in the reports initialization calling USER.id() is home_ou, active() is user id, home_ou is first_given_name, it's bananas.
09:51 mmorgan I have a number of rows in action_trigger.event for a certain definition in various states that I don't want to run. Can I just set the state on these to complete? Or is there something else that needs to be done to keep them from processing?
09:53 Dyrcona mmorgan: You can set them to complete or error. If the state is anything other than "pending," I don't think they'll actually run again unless forced to.
09:53 JBoyer invalid also works.
09:55 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:56 Dyrcona JBoyer: I think I confused highest_org with something else earlier.
09:56 mmorgan Ok, thanks. I think I'll go with invalid:)
09:56 csharp JBoyer: I had a similar issue that we've fixed by removing the reports fm_IDL.xml and symlinking it to the conf fm_IDL.xml
09:56 JBoyer eg_org_top sounds familiar.
09:57 csharp obviously not a choice for those in different locales
09:57 remingtron csharp: symlink, clever!
09:57 csharp also, a dirty hack that I feel gross even suggesting :-/
09:58 remingtron handy idea, at least for a dev machine
09:58 csharp remingtron: pretty sure someone here suggested it to me sometime back to fix an unrelated issue :-)
10:00 JBoyer UGH.
10:00 JBoyer So, after syncing IDLs and re-running autogen.sh, one needs to remember to tell Chrome to clear cache and hard reload.
10:01 JBoyer The most fun.
10:01 Dyrcona JBoyer: Yeah, eg_org_top is what I was thinking of.
10:01 JBoyer It's good now, thanks for the suggestions everyone.
10:05 jeff next time i'll suggest a fresh cache and not assume. :-)
10:06 csharp JBoyer: awesome that you got it fixed
10:07 JBoyer Well, it's "fixed" in that it will now load and show your folders, but now it's unhappy about trying to set onclick handlers when trying to see what's inside a folder. that one is a puzzler.
10:08 Dyrcona JBoyer: Having fun, yet? :)
10:08 JBoyer *party horn*
10:13 collum joined #evergreen
10:59 khuckins joined #evergreen
11:10 khaun joined #evergreen
11:27 Dyrcona Seems like after each Evergreen release messing with MARC records in the database gets slower.
11:28 Dyrcona It's gotten to the point where it would be more efficient for staff to load records via Vandelay than using my Perl DBI scripts.
11:40 csharp our match sets create ugly and super slow MARC loading through vandelay too
11:43 sandbergja joined #evergreen
11:46 Dyrcona I'm tsvector searches for ISBNs, but not for the other identifiers.
11:47 Dyrcona I'm using tsvector....
11:48 Dyrcona Doesn't seem to help, much.
11:49 Dyrcona https://pastebin.com/g4RGDJLr
11:53 dbs csharp: hah, I came here today because I noticed the same Fedora EDI article. I was like "What? Where were you 10+ years ago?"
11:54 dbs Also, I thought most of our vendors still use FTP or the like, rather than encrypted transfer methods...
11:57 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
12:01 dbs Dyrcona: hrm, how do we spin that as a feature in the release notes? "Indexing now 5% slower!"
12:02 Dyrcona dbs: Pretty much. Last time I tried timing things, it took 2 seconds to update a MARC record.
12:03 dbs There was a lot of wisdom to the slim MODS approach for indexing, but I guess the demands for incredibly fine-grained search pushed us in a different direction
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:03 dbs Also maybe complex Perl inside the database...
12:05 Dyrcona Yeahp. I think we do too much in the databse....a case of too many features being a bad thing.
12:05 csharp dbs: yeah - I would expect a lot of cluelessness from acq vendors
12:06 csharp just don't see EDI mentioned much in the wild and got excited :-)
12:06 dbs csharp: me too :)
12:06 Dyrcona "I would expect a lot of cluelessness." :)
12:08 Dyrcona "FTP was fine in 1999!" (No, it wasn't, but stil....)
12:08 dbs Folio went with a MARC-centric approach to indexing and display and are now thinking about how to integrate BIBFRAME in parallel; their path will likely lead to a common intermediate format as well
12:08 dbs Dyrcona++
12:09 * Dyrcona begins to suspect that MARC is part of the problem.
12:09 csharp @quote add * Dyrcona begins to suspect that MARC is part of the problem.
12:09 pinesol csharp: The operation succeeded.  Quote #198 added.
12:09 dbs (I believe slim MODS was supposed to be an intermediate format for Evergreen too but we've hard-coded MARC into frontend, middle layers, and backend all over now)
12:11 * dbs was sorry to miss out on EG2019 conf
12:11 csharp dbs: we missed you too
12:11 Dyrcona Yeah, we did miss you.
12:14 dbs aww
12:17 dbs p.s. gmcharlt: the link for the EG history talk actually leads to your Angular slides - major cognitive dissonance when I opened that up :) (https://evergreen-ils.org/conference/2019-evergre​en-international-conference/2019-presentations/)
12:29 gmcharlt dbs: thanks! (and missed you too!)
12:30 Dyrcona @dunno
12:30 pinesol Dyrcona: https://i.imgur.com/m8EySrW.gifv
12:34 Dyrcona So, I suspect something is broken in SRU in 3.2.
12:35 Dyrcona I have two more or less identical searches that return very different results depending on if you do it through SRU or the OPAC.
12:35 Dyrcona https://catalog.cwmars.org/opac/extras/sru/CWMA​RS/holdings?version=1.2&amp;operation=searchRet​rieve&amp;query=eg.author%20%3D%20%22paulo%20co​elho%22&amp;startRecord=1&amp;maximumRecords=0
12:35 Dyrcona https://catalog.cwmars.org/eg/opac/results?quer​y=author%3Apaulo+coelho&amp;qtype=keyword&amp;f​i%3Asearch_format=&amp;locg=1&amp;detail_record​_view=0&amp;_adv=1&amp;page=0&amp;sort=poprel
12:36 Dyrcona The SRU search (top) returns 4 results. The OPAC search currently returns 198. AFAICT, it should be the same search.
12:37 Dyrcona Oh... It's the quotes!
12:37 Dyrcona Don't mind me. :)
12:37 Dyrcona %22 = "
12:37 remingtron joined #evergreen
12:38 Dyrcona So, maybe the bug is that z39.50 searches quote the author?
12:39 Dyrcona hrm... no. Without the quotes, the SRU search ends up with an internal server error.
12:40 Dyrcona But, this still doesn't explain why the same author search via Z39.50 on our catalog returns different results from the same search on NOBLE's catalog.
12:52 Dyrcona I seem to recall messing with Supercat and quotes back in the 2.9 days while I was at MVLC, but I don't recall exactly what I did.
12:55 JBoyer I think you stopped it from trying to do exact matches even if there are quotes, because we have that patch loaded here. I'll look it ip
12:56 Dyrcona JBoyer++
12:56 Dyrcona That sounds about right.
12:58 JBoyer our old local commits have some less-than-helpful names. like "SIP Upgrades" and "un-break the broken fix from ..."
12:58 JBoyer Entirely my fault, but still.
13:00 Dyrcona Well, I can't find it in my working branches, a  lot of them are just named for Lp bugs.
13:01 JBoyer I have the commit hash in our repo, now I'm trying to find out how to get a patch for a single commit in the past. I now have a nice 40+ files to clean up, all of which come after. :p
13:01 JBoyer (and from the comment it looks like you didn't put it up on LP anywhere)
13:02 Dyrcona git show HASH > ~/path/file.patch
13:02 Dyrcona Yeah, it was probably in my MVLC repo, which is now long gone.
13:02 JBoyer That's definitely better than fighting with format-patch.
13:03 Dyrcona For something like this, definitely quicker.
13:04 Dyrcona I stumbled upon this informative branch name from 2012: working/user/dyrcona/zomg_wtf_bbq
13:05 pastebot "JBoyer" at pasted "Z39.50 search fix from Dyrcona" (23 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/10005
13:06 JBoyer Looks like I applied it by hand since it shows me as the author. (that simple a change I probably wouldn't bother with a patch file)
13:06 Dyrcona Yeah. I don't mind. I'm going to test it out on a vm.
13:07 Dyrcona JBoyer++ muchas thanks!
13:07 JBoyer Dyrcona++ for putting it out there *mumble* years ago!
13:08 JBoyer hah, the thing has dates. Somewhere around May 2016.
13:18 Dyrcona Yay! It works!
13:19 Dyrcona I think the patch is older than that by a year or so, though.
13:23 Dyrcona Maybe not...
13:24 JBoyer It's definitely older than that date because the CommCat was around well longer than SRCS.
13:31 khuckins joined #evergreen
13:33 Dyrcona I apparently never made a Lp bug. I just searched for bugs reported by me with all statuses checked.
13:34 Dyrcona I do recall discussing the change with miker and the conclusion being that's OK for a local change.
13:34 jeffdavis dbwells: any idea if the fix for bug 1796945 is likely to be backportable to 3.1?
13:34 pinesol Launchpad bug 1796945 in Evergreen 3.3 "Report templates cloned from those created on XUL client causing error or producing different results" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796945
13:34 jeffdavis it's not targeted for that version
13:36 * dbwells looks
13:37 Dyrcona jeffdavis: Have you tried applying it to 3.1?
13:37 jeffdavis not yet
13:38 dbwells jeffdavis: Yes, I think it should.  I wasn't sure if webstaff report cloning got into 3.1, but it appears that it did.
13:38 dbwells I will target it.
13:38 jeffdavis Awesome, thanks. I expect we'll be testing it on 3.1 soon.
13:39 dbwells jeffdavis: If it doesn't and there is any confusion, I'd be happy to help sort it out, if needed.
13:39 jeffdavis dbwells++
13:52 Dyrcona JBoyer: I found the original in some old files I kept from MVLC. Looks like it was from January 2016.
14:20 khuckins joined #evergreen
14:25 Dyrcona BTW, if anyone is interested in a branch with the patch that JBoyer and I have been discussing, it is on the working repository at collab/dyrcona/supercat-unquote-z3950
14:29 JBoyer If you do external resource sharing via a third party search aggregator you're probably interested.
14:35 JBoyer Part of me wishes scp would complain if neither src nor dest are actually remote...
14:35 * JBoyer has been removing files named after hosts for a couple mins
14:36 Dyrcona Happens to me, to.
14:36 Dyrcona too, even. :)
14:36 Dyrcona scp file user@typo:./
14:38 JBoyer Good way to leave a lot of "backups" lying around. ;)
14:40 Dyrcona :)
14:52 csharp JBoyer: I have the same complaint about scp
14:57 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
15:05 yboston joined #evergreen
15:43 khuckins joined #evergreen
15:49 * jeff looks at the 242 unique values in actor.usr_address.address_type and once again considers removing / papering over that field and migrating some contents to an optional "address note" field.
15:59 jeff Does anyone here currently use the address_type field in a way that they're attached to and would not be served by an optional address note/comment field?
16:02 jeffdavis wow, only 242 unique values?
16:02 jeff jeffdavis: we've done some cleanup. ;-)
16:03 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
16:05 Dyrcona Whee! 571!
17:00 pinesol News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live>
17:03 Bmagic I'm trying to figure out why some of my circ notices are showing a blank title and author for "circ.target_copy.call_number​.record.simple_record.title" and "copy_details.author" - looks like it makes use of "reporter.simple_record"
17:05 Bmagic querying that view for my record ID - I get two rows of results. Having two results is the issue?
17:06 Bmagic perhaps circ.target_copy.call_number.​record.simple_record.0.title instead? (Adding the "0" to indicate the first result?)
17:10 jeffdavis we've run into that intermittently, don't think I ever got to the bottom of it
17:10 Bmagic sheesh
17:11 miker berick: around for some brain picking, re websocketd?
17:11 Bmagic jeffdavis: I've got examples that use different code to get the title:  FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a"]'); title = title _ part.textContent; END;
17:12 Bmagic And in that example, the title is blank. Funny enough, this template outputs html and plain text in the template. For some reason, the template uses both the FOR loop and simple_record.title - the simple_record.title method outputted the title where the FOR loop didn't. LOL
17:19 Bmagic I hope to see everyone at Geekway 2 the west Tomorrow-Sunday https://geekwaytothewest.com/
17:20 jeffdavis Should config.metabib_field.display_field default to TRUE or FALSE? The table definition is inconsistent with the upgrade scripts.
17:22 Bmagic jeffdavis: default false for me on 3.1.6 as well as 3.1.10 and 3.3.0
17:23 jeffdavis It will be false on a system that was upgraded from <3.0, but true on an install that started with 3.0+
17:23 jeffdavis bug 1829294
17:23 pinesol Launchpad bug 1829294 in Evergreen "Conflicting defaults for config.metabib_field.display_field" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1829294
17:24 Bmagic jeffdavis++
17:29 mdriscoll left #evergreen
17:30 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
17:49 jamesrf joined #evergreen
18:10 berick miker: sorry I missed you, I will be tomorrow
18:19 csharp jlamos++ # community VM wrangling
18:50 khuckins joined #evergreen
18:51 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
18:57 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
20:43 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
21:05 sandbergja_ joined #evergreen
22:57 sandbergja joined #evergreen

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