Time |
Nick |
Message |
06:00 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
06:53 |
remingtron_ joined #evergreen |
06:58 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
07:02 |
rfrasur joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
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jweston joined #evergreen |
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Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan joined #evergreen |
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alynn26 joined #evergreen |
09:03 |
gmcharlt joined #evergreen |
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abneiman joined #evergreen |
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sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
09:15 |
mmorgan |
@coffee |
09:15 |
* pinesol |
brews and pours a cup of Burundi Kinyovu, and sends it sliding down the bar to mmorgan |
09:15 |
mmorgan |
@coffee [someone] |
09:15 |
* pinesol |
brews and pours a cup of Guatemala Hunapu Antigua Bourbon, and sends it sliding down the bar to RBecker |
09:20 |
nfBurton joined #evergreen |
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mantis1 joined #evergreen |
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mantis1 joined #evergreen |
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cmalm joined #evergreen |
09:58 |
dbs |
Hmm. Anyone else running Bibliotheca Smartstation RFID with the web staff client? I have a few questions: |
09:59 |
dbs |
a) What sort of configuration did you have to do to get it to paste the barcode into the right field on check-in / check-out? |
10:00 |
dbs |
b) Is there a preference for disabling or reconfiguring the web staff client hotkeys? (The "Default Hotkeyset" library setting was added in 2011, presumably for XUL only) |
10:02 |
dbs |
Bibliotheca SmartStation claims F1/F2 for disabling/enabling RFID security so there's a conflict |
10:04 |
jeff |
we have a number of 3M pads with 3M "Staff Workstation" software, and it mostly serves as a software keyboard wedge. The newer bibliotheca (Feig-based) hardware uses what looks to be a bibliotheca branded version of the same software. |
10:04 |
jeff |
I suspect our bibliotheca software is not the same as your bibliotheca software. |
10:04 |
dbs |
jeff: unknown, ours was installed a couple of years back |
10:05 |
jeff |
In our case, it "types" characters to the active application, optionally bringing a window (by title) to the foreground. |
10:06 |
jeff |
But it has no global hotkeys that we are aware of, and it does not pass additional characters or keystrokes to indicate what mode the rfid pad software is in, or if/how it is setting the security on the tag. |
10:06 |
dbs |
jeff: that sounds about right; I wasn't involved when the bibliotheca person installed and configured the software portion, but there's a "CUSTOM" profile that our staff used with XUL |
10:08 |
dbs |
looks like this in practice: https://www.imgpaste.net/image/hYf57 |
10:10 |
dbs |
I'd love for it to just act like a standard barcode scanner, with toggleable RFID security enable/disable. Might be a profile for that. I'll have to see it in person |
10:10 |
jeff |
Okay, that's the pre-3M bibliotheca software that I've seen once or twice but not had my hands on. |
10:11 |
dbs |
As for the web staff client hotkeys - I'm guessing that's configurable only through code at this point |
10:11 |
jeff |
You might ask bibliotheca if it's possible to use the other software, just so you know and have that as an option (or not). If you're out of support contract, that might be a non-starter. |
10:14 |
dbs |
Thanks jeff! |
10:15 |
jeff |
dbs: hotkeys are defined in tt2 templates with an eg-accesskey attribute -- they are also translated, so... if "alt+s" makes sense for one language but not another, you can account for that. |
10:16 |
jeff |
most/all are in Open-ILS/src/templates/staff/navbar.tt2 |
10:18 |
jeff |
I don't know if access keys within different interfaces are handled differently, aren't a common thing yet, etc. |
10:18 |
jeff |
(rather, if they use a common thing or just implement them individually) |
10:18 |
jeff |
dbs: you're welcome! |
10:18 |
dbs |
Thanks again - i had tracked that down but was a bit surprised that we no longer had the ability to just turn them on/off |
10:19 |
dbs |
there are still a number of bugs about them not working in iframes, etc |
10:20 |
nfBurton |
Just click on the top nav bar before hitting the hotkey. We are just finishing RFID enabling our library with PV Supa products |
10:20 |
jeff |
yes, galen had a candidate fix for that which I was looking at the other day, as part of bug 1437106 |
10:20 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1437106 in Evergreen "keyboard shortcuts in the web staff client" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1437106 |
10:21 |
jeff |
and yes, there is the "just click a menu / navbar area before pressing the hotkey" workaround, but I would like to work to make that no longer necessary. |
10:22 |
jeff |
mostly because it fails my absurdity test. i feel absurd telling someone about the required workaround. :-) |
10:22 |
Dyrcona |
If you want "hot keys" for everything, you don't want a browser-based application, just repeatin' myself, I know..... |
10:22 |
dbs |
nfBurton: right, the issue here is that the Bibliotheca software wants F1 / F2 for its own use, but the web staff client is trapping them first |
10:23 |
Dyrcona |
Actually, you probably want a GNU Emacs mode. :) |
10:23 |
nfBurton |
Ah yeah. |
10:23 |
* dbs |
for this specific library doesn't want hotkeys for anything, but there's no easy way to turn them off |
10:24 |
dbs |
short of creating a custom web staff client build at nohotkeys.concat.ca :) |
10:26 |
Dyrcona |
You should never trap the keys used by the browser in my opinion. F1 is almost always the help key. |
10:27 |
* Dyrcona |
think aloud: Hmm... GNU Emacs mode for MARC editing that can talk to Evergreen.....that *might* work.... |
10:28 |
* Dyrcona |
mumbles as he walks off. |
10:45 |
dbs |
Yeah I've been bitten by hitting F5 to reload :) |
12:01 |
abowling joined #evergreen |
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sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
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cowens joined #evergreen |
13:57 |
agoben |
The EOP/TEP Board meeting will start in about 5 minutes! |
14:03 |
agoben |
Ok, let's go! |
14:03 |
agoben |
#startmeeting EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19 |
14:03 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Dec 19 14:03:09 2019 US/Eastern. The chair is agoben. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:03 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:03 |
Topic for #evergreen is now (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:03 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to 'eob_evergreen_project_board_meeting_for_2019_12_19__agenda_https___wiki_evergreen_ils_org_doku_php_id_governance_minutes_2019_12_19' |
14:03 |
agoben |
#topic Roll Call |
14:03 |
agoben |
Use the #info command to provide name and affiliation |
14:03 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Roll Call (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:03 |
agoben |
#info agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana |
14:03 |
tlittle |
#info tlittle = Tiffany Little, PINES |
14:03 |
JBoyer |
#info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, EOLI |
14:03 |
jvwoolf |
#info jvwoolf is Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation |
14:03 |
rhamby |
#info rhamby = Rogan Hamby, EOLI |
14:03 |
nfBurton |
#info nfburton = Chris Burton, NFPL |
14:03 |
cowens |
#info cowens = Chris Owens, BPL |
14:03 |
gmcharlt |
#info gmcharl = Galen Charlton, EOLI |
14:04 |
alynn26 |
#info alynn26 = Lynn Floyd Evergreen Indiana |
14:04 |
agoben |
csharp won't be able to join us; any word on Holly? |
14:05 |
agoben |
Guess that's everyone then. |
14:05 |
agoben |
#topic Approval of Minutes |
14:05 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Approval of Minutes (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:05 |
agoben |
#info Minutes from 2019-11-21 meeting: https://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-11-21-14.00.log.html |
14:05 |
agoben |
Corrections, updates, suggestions? |
14:05 |
tlittle |
None from me |
14:05 |
nfBurton |
None. Looks good |
14:05 |
agoben |
#startvote Accept minutes from 2019-11-21? yes, no |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Begin voting on: Accept minutes from 2019-11-21? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:05 |
gmcharlt |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
tlittle |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
cowens |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
jvwoolf |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
nfBurton |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:05 |
agoben |
#endvote |
14:05 |
pinesol |
Voted on "Accept minutes from 2019-11-21?" Results are |
14:05 |
pinesol |
yes (7): nfBurton, JBoyer, agoben, cowens, tlittle, gmcharlt, jvwoolf |
14:06 |
agoben |
#topic Chair Report |
14:06 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Chair Report (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:06 |
agoben |
Nothing specific to report here. |
14:06 |
agoben |
#topic Treasurer's Financial Report |
14:06 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Treasurer's Financial Report (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:06 |
gmcharlt |
#info One invoice received from attorney, to be paid tomrorow |
14:06 |
gmcharlt |
#info One invoice sent to OverDrive on behalf of the conference for a $500 donation |
14:07 |
gmcharlt |
#info no updates to the SFC ledger |
14:07 |
gmcharlt |
fin |
14:07 |
gmcharlt |
well, not quite |
14:07 |
gmcharlt |
#info gmcharlt working on draft of the grant report, to have ready for review by interested board members next week |
14:07 |
agoben |
gmcharlt++ |
14:07 |
agoben |
Thanks! |
14:07 |
agoben |
Speaking of which.... |
14:07 |
agoben |
#topic SFC Updates |
14:07 |
Topic for #evergreen is now SFC Updates (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:07 |
agoben |
Actually have a couple of things here. |
14:08 |
agoben |
Over the past few weeks the SFC has been sending out dunning notices to vendors and participants in the 2016 conference. |
14:09 |
agoben |
They've looped the sfc listserv in on at least some of them, but it's causing some ripples in the vendor/sponsor community. Any thoughts on what we can do to address this? |
14:09 |
gmcharlt |
one thing to occurs is to request their list of what they consider to be unpaid invoices |
14:09 |
gmcharlt |
*that occurs |
14:09 |
agoben |
csharp forwarded an example to the private list (since it includes confidential vendor info) |
14:10 |
gmcharlt |
to get a sense of the scope |
14:10 |
tlittle |
Agree with that--that seems like a good first step |
14:10 |
cowens |
Yes, I wouldn't understand why these would still be around from 2016. |
14:10 |
agoben |
Someone want to take that on? I can if no one else is willing. |
14:11 |
agoben |
Yeah, it raises some concerns for me about the state of the project's bookkeeping, but part of the letter was to ask for verification if they actually *had* paid already, so it may be less extended than initial appearances suggest. |
14:12 |
nfBurton |
So they don't even know if payment has been made? |
14:12 |
agoben |
Right. |
14:12 |
nfBurton |
That doesn't bode well |
14:13 |
jvwoolf |
Is this holding anything up for us? |
14:13 |
lstratton joined #evergreen |
14:13 |
agoben |
Not at this point. It might for the final turnover of our funds. |
14:13 |
jvwoolf |
Other than reputation, I guess. |
14:13 |
nfBurton |
I was going to suggest buying the debt from them and dealing with it ourselves but they don't even know if it actually is a debt |
14:13 |
JBoyer |
In that case I wonder if there's something that ties them together, invoices handled through a third party or something like that. (I don't remember anything about the 2016 conference along those lines though) |
14:13 |
gmcharlt |
agoben: I can make a treasurer-to-treasurer inquiry first if you wish |
14:14 |
agoben |
I think there was some weirdness with either the CC or invoicing process that year |
14:14 |
tlittle |
Can we ask them to send communications about this through us, so that they're not harassing our sponsors for something that may not even be an issue? |
14:14 |
agoben |
gmcharlt, I like that. Keeps it purely a business thing for bookkeeping purposes. |
14:14 |
gmcharlt |
agoben: ok |
14:14 |
agoben |
#info gmcharlt will reach out to the SFC and request a list of open bills owed the project. |
14:14 |
nfBurton |
yeah that sounds good |
14:14 |
gmcharlt |
do we know of other example beyond the one csharp forwarded? |
14:15 |
agoben |
I haven't seen any others, and I didn't get that one either, so am not sure how wide-ranging it is, but I know there was at least one other to a vendor that's very involved in PINES. |
14:16 |
cowens |
They definitely should be going through us rather than directly contacting people. |
14:16 |
gmcharlt |
that's rarely been their position in previous years, unfortunately |
14:17 |
gmcharlt |
and speculating, if this is in response to an audit or financial review, I'm not sure they would budge as a matter of fiduciary responsbiility |
14:17 |
gmcharlt |
but in any event, hopefully will find out mroe soon |
14:17 |
agoben |
Since the contracts were all with them, it could cause them auditing problems down the line if someone accidentally were to pay us directly though. I'd appreciate knowing the scope so we can move forward with public relations wiht the affected individuals. |
14:18 |
tlittle |
At the very least, could we ask them to use the current EOB listserv instead of the defunct 2016 one so that we actually know what they're sending out? |
14:18 |
tlittle |
It sounds like they're CC'ing us (I think), but no one is actually seeing anything since no one is on that listserv. This may also be a dead end, but just sayin' |
14:19 |
agoben |
It would publicly post confidential info |
14:19 |
tlittle |
Hrm. The private Board list, then? |
14:19 |
agoben |
So it couldn't go to the public list. Might be able to ask for a cc to the private list |
14:19 |
agoben |
But then they'll be privy to all of our private communications, becuase I think you have to be a member of the list to post. |
14:20 |
tlittle |
Well then that's a no go |
14:20 |
gmcharlt |
we can ask them to confirm the membership of their private email list of current EOB members |
14:20 |
rfrasur |
gmcharlt++ |
14:20 |
agoben |
That would help, yes. |
14:21 |
agoben |
I think it's not the regular sfc list, but rather the one for that year's conference if that's significant |
14:21 |
gmcharlt |
yeah |
14:21 |
tlittle |
Was just about to say the same |
14:22 |
agoben |
So it may be a question of adding us to multiple lists. |
14:22 |
agoben |
Depending on how many years worth of invoices are still open. |
14:22 |
gmcharlt |
or, hopefully, then just CCing evergreen sfconservancy.org or whatever it is rather than the conference-specific lists |
14:22 |
gmcharlt |
*them just CCing |
14:23 |
tlittle |
That sounds good |
14:23 |
agoben |
gmcharlt, I appreciate you reaching out so we have a better idea of what we're working with. And yeah, that would be a better option for us. |
14:23 |
agoben |
Anything more that we want to do at this point? |
14:24 |
agoben |
Ok, then I'll note for the record that I responded to Karen's query about status of NFP transition. It went to the list, so hopefully everyone saw it. |
14:25 |
tlittle31 joined #evergreen |
14:25 |
agoben |
And gmcharlt has already given us an update on the grant report status. |
14:25 |
agoben |
Anything else for the SFC today? |
14:26 |
agoben |
Going once.... |
14:26 |
agoben |
twice... |
14:26 |
agoben |
#topic Release Manager (3.4) |
14:26 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Release Manager (3.4) (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:26 |
agoben |
any news on 3.4 that we should be aware of? |
14:28 |
agoben |
Looks like no, so |
14:28 |
agoben |
#topic Release Manager (3.5) |
14:28 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Release Manager (3.5) (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:28 |
agoben |
csharp is out, berick, are you around? |
14:28 |
agoben |
Or does anyone else have an update on 3.5? |
14:29 |
agoben |
Hopefully all is well on that front. |
14:29 |
agoben |
Conferences next: |
14:29 |
agoben |
#topic 2020 Conference Committee |
14:29 |
Topic for #evergreen is now 2020 Conference Committee (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:30 |
agoben |
Any updates on the conference? |
14:31 |
tlittle31 |
#info The contract for AV has been signed |
14:31 |
tlittle31 |
And the window for program proposals has been extended, and we're getting in some really good proposals so that's exciting |
14:31 |
agoben |
Great! |
14:32 |
agoben |
Look forward to seeing the program :) |
14:32 |
JBoyer |
Don't let that discourage anyone from throwing something new or unusual our way. Make us vote on what's on the schedule! |
14:32 |
JBoyer |
:) |
14:33 |
agoben |
Alright, I don't think we have an update for the next one, but just in case |
14:33 |
agoben |
#topic Site Selection Committee |
14:33 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Site Selection Committee (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:33 |
agoben |
Has anyone heard if an application has been received as yet? |
14:33 |
agoben |
I have not. |
14:33 |
tlittle31 |
I have not heard anything for sure; csharp has been heading that up |
14:34 |
agoben |
Ok, we'll check in with him again in January |
14:34 |
agoben |
#topic Outreach Committee |
14:34 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Outreach Committee (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:34 |
agoben |
#info The full report is available here: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/board/2019-December/000030.html |
14:34 |
agoben |
rhamby? Anything to add? |
14:34 |
rhamby |
I have nothing to add beyond the report but will take any questions. |
14:34 |
rhamby |
And if anyone is just dying to do social media I'll be glad to take your name. :) |
14:35 |
agoben |
Seems to be quiet. Everything on the report looked good |
14:35 |
agoben |
Thanks! |
14:36 |
agoben |
#topic Unfinished Business: The Evergreen Project amendment of incorporation articles |
14:36 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Unfinished Business: The Evergreen Project amendment of incorporation articles (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:36 |
agoben |
gmcharlt, did the replacement forms go out alright? |
14:36 |
gmcharlt |
agoben: they did indeed |
14:36 |
agoben |
I haven't heard anything, but wasn't sure what the timing was this round. |
14:37 |
gmcharlt |
from my memory of timing, we should be hearing from the SoS soon, mod the holiday season |
14:37 |
agoben |
++ |
14:38 |
gmcharlt |
the check was cashed |
14:38 |
jvwoolf |
That's a good sign |
14:38 |
agoben |
Much better than the last round |
14:38 |
agoben |
Woohoo! |
14:38 |
agoben |
I just found it on their site. |
14:38 |
gmcharlt |
cool! |
14:38 |
agoben |
I hope this will work: https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/BusinessEntity/BusinessEntityDetail.aspx?page=beSearch&ID=4034716 |
14:39 |
agoben |
Looks like it was approved on 11/27/2019 |
14:39 |
tlittle31 |
Woo! |
14:39 |
agoben |
#info The Evergreen Project's amended articles of incorporation were approved by the MO Secretary of State on 2019-11-27 |
14:40 |
rfrasur |
I think you might need to be logged in to view the search. |
14:40 |
rfrasur |
(at least, in my case) |
14:40 |
gmcharlt |
you don't, but you do have to search by name |
14:40 |
agoben |
Am not logged in. |
14:40 |
jvwoolf |
Yeah, didn't work for me, but I believe you agoben |
14:40 |
gmcharlt |
I'm looking at it now as well |
14:40 |
agoben |
https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/Common/CorrespondenceItemViewHandler.ashx?IsTIFF=true&filedDocumentid=15008994&version=4 |
14:40 |
agoben |
How about that one |
14:40 |
agoben |
? |
14:40 |
rfrasur |
Yep, that worked |
14:41 |
gmcharlt |
(maybe TEP could offer the MO SoS guidance on how to create record permalinks ;) ) |
14:41 |
tlittle31 |
That worked |
14:41 |
JBoyer |
yay! a scan of a PDF, my favorite! |
14:41 |
nfBurton |
woo! |
14:41 |
agoben |
This means we're really just down to the 1023 though. |
14:41 |
jvwoolf |
Progress! |
14:42 |
agoben |
That's still coming up, so another update... |
14:42 |
jvwoolf |
progress++ |
14:42 |
agoben |
#topic Unfinished Business: Dilly's POA |
14:42 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Unfinished Business: Dilly's POA (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:42 |
agoben |
The POA is on file with the IRS, so we're official there too. |
14:42 |
tlittle31 |
Woo! |
14:42 |
agoben |
Nothing more to talk about there. |
14:42 |
agoben |
#topic Unfinished Business: 2020 Election |
14:42 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Unfinished Business: 2020 Election (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:43 |
agoben |
jvwoolf, any news? Or queries for us? |
14:43 |
jvwoolf |
I have it on my calendar to start the process on January 6th. |
14:44 |
agoben |
++ |
14:44 |
agoben |
Sounds good, just wanted to check in :) |
14:44 |
jvwoolf |
Remind me of the online tool that was used? Is there an account I need access to? |
14:44 |
rfrasur |
was it opavote? |
14:44 |
agoben |
Yes, that's what we used last year |
14:44 |
jvwoolf |
That sounds familiar |
14:45 |
agoben |
As long as you're in good shape! Just let us know if you need a hand. |
14:45 |
jvwoolf |
So do I just create my own account and start the election from there, or is there a global Evergreen account? |
14:45 |
agoben |
I'd check with Terran. She ran it last year and may be able to pass on the account |
14:46 |
rfrasur |
I believe Terran has some information about it... |
14:46 |
jvwoolf |
OK, I can check with her. Thanks! |
14:47 |
agoben |
We should centralize the login so we have it for future use if desired if you don't mind archiving that with the Board somewhere. |
14:47 |
agoben |
Moving on then. |
14:47 |
agoben |
#topic New Business: NPF Status - 1023 |
14:47 |
Topic for #evergreen is now New Business: NPF Status - 1023 (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:47 |
agoben |
Still waiting on mailing adddresses from a couple of board members. Didn't get the fiscal info in with the holidays, so that's still blank in the draft, but the draft is up in our drive folder for review. Please send me any obvious corrections or open any discussions on the email list |
14:48 |
agoben |
I didn't get current addresses from nfBurton or tlittle31, if you would please resend those? My email may have eaten them. |
14:48 |
nfBurton |
oh yes |
14:48 |
tlittle31 |
Sure, I will do that |
14:48 |
agoben |
Thanks! |
14:49 |
gmcharlt |
agoben: I have time next week to put in numbers |
14:49 |
agoben |
Excellent! I'm in on Monday if you want my help at all. |
14:50 |
gmcharlt |
likewise |
14:50 |
agoben |
Perfect. |
14:51 |
agoben |
It's a LONG document at 22 pages so far, so if the rest of everyone will peruse it and get me any feedback over the next 2-3 weeks, hopefully we can confirm it and get it shipped to the lawyer for final review at the next meeting. |
14:52 |
agoben |
Any other comments or elements you wanted to address now from the 1023? |
14:52 |
jvwoolf |
The latest documents you'd like us to review are the Word Docs at the top? |
14:53 |
agoben |
No, it's a PDF in the main 1023 folder with today's date attached |
14:53 |
agoben |
The word docs are from the previous attempt (though I lifted some of the narratives since we'd already approved/reviewed them last year) |
14:53 |
jvwoolf |
Got it. Thank you. |
14:54 |
sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
14:54 |
agoben |
Any announcements or other items for today? |
14:55 |
tlittle31 |
None here. |
14:55 |
agoben |
Ok, then. |
14:55 |
agoben |
#topic Next meeting |
14:55 |
agoben |
#info Our next meeting will be on January 16, 2020. |
14:55 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Next meeting (Meeting topic: EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting for 2019-12-19, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-12-19) |
14:55 |
agoben |
#endmeeting |
14:56 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org | Can't speak? Make sure your nickname is registered and that you are identified to freenode services: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Dec 19 14:55:59 2019 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-12-19-14.03.html |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-12-19-14.03.txt |
14:56 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-12-19-14.03.log.html |
14:56 |
jvwoolf |
agoben++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
Thanks, everyone! |
14:56 |
JBoyer |
agoben++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
jvwoolf++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
JBoyer++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
gmcharlt++ |
14:56 |
nfBurton |
agoben++ |
14:56 |
tlittle31 |
agoben++ |
14:56 |
cowens |
agoben++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
tlittle++ |
14:56 |
gmcharlt |
agoben++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
nfBurton++ |
14:56 |
gmcharlt |
JBoyer++ |
14:56 |
gmcharlt |
jvwoolf++ |
14:56 |
agoben |
cowens++ |
14:56 |
gmcharlt |
Hecate++ # not being too disruptive during the meeting |
14:56 |
cowens left #evergreen |
14:57 |
agoben |
Such a good kitty :) |
14:59 |
sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
15:04 |
mmorgan1 joined #evergreen |
15:56 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
16:20 |
Dyrcona |
So, NISO has a draft standard for RESTful library applications API: https://www.niso.org/niso-io/2019/10/niso-releases-draft-fasten-recommended-practice-public-comment |
16:21 |
berick |
Dyrcona++ |
16:21 |
Dyrcona |
Did anyone else know about it? I only found out today. |
16:23 |
jeff |
I've had awareness of it. |
16:28 |
sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
16:30 |
mantis1 left #evergreen |
16:43 |
jvwoolf left #evergreen |
16:50 |
JBoyer |
Boy, I hope that's almost nothing like NCIP. |
16:52 |
JBoyer |
(though I am cautiously optimistic) |
16:55 |
Dyrcona |
Obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/927/ |
16:56 |
JBoyer |
standards+=1, I know. :) |
16:58 |
Dyrcona |
You can download the draft PDF if you want to read it: https://groups.niso.org/apps/group_public/download.php/22568/NISO%20RP-28-201x%2C%20FASTEN%20draft%20for%20public%20comment.pdf |
16:59 |
JBoyer |
I've made a note of it for later, I intend to look it over. For now though, I walk into the mist. |
17:01 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
17:05 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
17:15 |
jeff |
may it be as uniformly implemented as NCIP, as popular as RA21, and as well-maintained as SIP3? |
17:18 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
17:37 |
sandbergja_ joined #evergreen |
17:38 |
abowling left #evergreen |
18:00 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
20:06 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
21:33 |
* dbs |
is so happy to see people talking about password resets |
21:34 |
dbs |
Oh, for the logs, i was able to resolve the Bibliotheca SmartStation "how do we get the barcodes into the web staff client?" issue |
21:35 |
dbs |
Once I customized navbar.tt2 to clear the F1 and F2 hotkeys so that Bibliotheca would pick them up, I dug into the Bibliotheca program folder |
21:36 |
dbs |
there was a config file called something like VSSPConfiguration where I found a few lines that had pipe-delimited values including "|Notepad|", which was one of the apps that staff could scan RFID tags into |
21:37 |
dbs |
I figured out that it was matching strings from the human-friendly list of program names in Task Manager, so adding "|Chrome|" and "|Firefox|" allowed it to direct the RFID barcodes into those programs |
21:38 |
dbs |
As Dyrcona mentioned, Chrome traps F1 for help (in conformance with Microsoft UI standards since the 90's I think), so we decided to use Firefox |
21:39 |
dbs |
I didn't notice any way of configuring the Bibliotheca software to use different hotkeys, but didn't look very hard. So there we are. |