Time |
Nick |
Message |
01:29 |
Christineb joined #evergreen |
01:29 |
eby joined #evergreen |
01:29 |
jeffdavis joined #evergreen |
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degraafk joined #evergreen |
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ejk joined #evergreen |
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sleary joined #evergreen |
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phasefx joined #evergreen |
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akilsdonk joined #evergreen |
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jweston joined #evergreen |
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pinesol joined #evergreen |
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eeevil joined #evergreen |
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denials joined #evergreen |
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gmcharlt joined #evergreen |
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jonadab joined #evergreen |
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eby joined #evergreen |
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degraafk joined #evergreen |
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redavis joined #evergreen |
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collum joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan joined #evergreen |
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mantis joined #evergreen |
09:01 |
dguarrac joined #evergreen |
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Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
09:39 |
Christineb joined #evergreen |
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collum joined #evergreen |
13:56 |
* Dyrcona |
tries to figure out just what permissions a special account would need to delete items, call numbers, and bibs consortium-wide. |
13:56 |
Dyrcona |
And, that's about all I want it to be able to do. I think that's enough power. .... Muahaha! :) |
13:57 |
Dyrcona |
Oh! I guess it needs to be able to checkin.override everything, too. |
13:57 |
redavis |
That's a lot of power, lol |
13:58 |
redavis |
to delete bibs, that is. |
14:01 |
Dyrcona |
Well, it's for a script we use to delete copies and optionally check them in. |
14:01 |
redavis |
Ahhh, got it. |
14:01 |
Dyrcona |
Rather than continue to use my account, I thought we'd set up an account to use just for this purpose. |
14:02 |
redavis |
That's a very good idea |
14:02 |
Dyrcona |
Thanks! I agree. :) |
14:14 |
redavis |
Dyrcona++ |
14:54 |
Dyrcona |
I thought that there would be more permissions checks, but DELETE_COPY is basically it when you go through the code that way. |
14:55 |
Bmagic |
permissions probably need overhauled/normalized somehow. /me slowly backs away |
14:57 |
Dyrcona |
Well, it kind of makes sense that if you want to delete copies and the delete empty volumes and bibs setting is on that it doesn't check permissions for deleting volumes and bibs, it just does it. |
15:01 |
csharp_ |
JBoyer: email lists are there, but the web UI is not functional yet - I was working on setting up certbot to get certs and now I'm faced with USG ITS roadblocks |
15:02 |
csharp_ |
firewall exception request is hitting some well-intentioned but probably too-heavy-handed policies |
15:03 |
csharp_ |
making me wonder 1) if we need to get certs from somewhere else and 2) if we need the Evergreen project to find us some web space to run these servers out from under ITS :-/ |
15:04 |
csharp_ |
@blame corporate IT |
15:04 |
pinesol |
csharp_: corporate IT was monkeying around too much on the prod servers! |
15:04 |
csharp_ |
pinesol: nope, that was me late yesterday truncating the production reporter.schedule table thinking I was on a test server |
15:04 |
pinesol |
csharp_: No, you're a puzzleheaded kraken! |
15:05 |
csharp_ |
apropos of nothing, our backups are effective! |
15:05 |
berick |
*phew* |
15:06 |
Dyrcona |
Backups *are* effective. It's also good to test your restore plan every now and then. |
15:07 |
JBoyer |
csharp_++ |
15:08 |
JBoyer |
FW issue that they don't want anything coming in on 80 I assume? |
15:08 |
JBoyer |
Well that would be pretty over the top now that I write it out |
15:08 |
csharp_ |
would've preferred a lower cortisol inducing approach to testing our restore plan, but you're right, Dyrcona |
15:09 |
csharp_ |
JBoyer: yeah :-/ |
15:09 |
csharp_ |
basically any firewall request involving access from parties outside the USG must get CIO-level approval with a form and all |
15:09 |
csharp_ |
TPS cover sheet probably not involved, but I don't know yet\ |
15:10 |
JBoyer |
yuk. |
15:10 |
csharp_ |
it was a forced marriage |
15:14 |
Bmagic |
please sir, may I have a port sir |
15:14 |
Bmagic |
I'll gladly port you Tuesday for a port today |
15:15 |
berick |
@blame [band] for port hoarding |
15:15 |
pinesol |
berick: Money Materialized Billable Exact Summary Good Time Band stole berick's ice cream! for port hoarding |
15:15 |
csharp_ |
haha |
15:16 |
berick |
a rollicking good time! |
15:21 |
Bmagic |
We just subscribed to Syndetics for jacket covers. They've changed their endpoint. Anyone have the link handy? Their email didn't help. Evergreen is attempting: https://proquest.syndetics.com/?isbn=0881103195/lc.gif&issn=&upc=&client=XXXXX |
15:22 |
Bmagic |
when manually attempting it, I'm not getting the document that Evergreen is expecting (replacing XXXX with our ID) |
15:22 |
csharp_ |
https://syndetics.com/index.aspx is what we have - and https://secure.syndetics.com/index.aspx somewhere else |
15:23 |
csharp_ |
are those the old ones? |
15:23 |
csharp_ |
still working afaik |
15:24 |
berick |
still using https://syndetics.com/index.aspx as well (for staff client) |
15:24 |
Bmagic |
yep! that's what I needed |
15:28 |
Bmagic |
I guess https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/admin_initial_setup/designing_your_catalog.html#_syndetic_solutions was right after all |
15:28 |
csharp_ |
https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/admin_initial_setup/designing_your_catalog.html#_syndetic_solutions is always right in the end |
15:28 |
Bmagic |
lol |
15:29 |
Bmagic |
(I referred to it when configuring the xml, but the email lead me astray) |
15:29 |
Bmagic |
lead/led |
15:29 |
jeff |
@blame vendor emails |
15:29 |
pinesol |
jeff: vendor emails is the SPY! |
15:29 |
jeff |
untrue. |
15:30 |
csharp_ |
@who is the spy? |
15:30 |
pinesol |
csharp_ is the spy. |
15:30 |
csharp_ |
pinesol: sshhhhhh! |
15:30 |
pinesol |
csharp_: it's origin/main all the way down |
15:33 |
berick |
@band add Origin Turtle |
15:33 |
pinesol |
berick: Band 'Origin Turtle' added to list |
15:54 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
16:05 |
Dyrcona |
Oof! First attempt is PERM_FAILURE..... |
16:05 |
Dyrcona |
permission.usr_perm_map is probably ignored? |
16:07 |
Dyrcona |
OhI The account needs UPDATE_COPY, too. |
16:10 |
jeff |
I frequently wish that there were a renew method that accepts a circ id instead of an item barcode. Anyone remember if that's a bad idea, or if there were Specific Reasons for the existing methods to be barcode-based? |
16:11 |
Bmagic |
jeff: it seems like a good idea to me. I've encountered that conundrum before too. I can't think of a reason it would be a problem. |
16:12 |
Dyrcona |
jeff: Checkin takes a copy_id argument, and its basically the same code. I think renew would accept: copy_id => $id |
16:12 |
jeff |
I think I found another / similar instance of bug 1666622 -- using "adjust to zero" as a way of "paying" the overdue fines on an open circ appears to break your ability to then renew that circ, because xact_finish gets set, and you throw ACTION_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND looking for a circ matching usr + target_copy + checkin_time NULL and xact_finish NULL. |
16:12 |
pinesol |
Launchpad bug 1666622 in Evergreen "Adjust to Zero closes bill, hides new billing amount from patron summary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1666622 |
16:13 |
berick |
i'm surprised it's not already supported |
16:13 |
Dyrcona |
I was opposed to that logic. I think what I had before worked better, but I'm honestly not bitter. |
16:14 |
Dyrcona |
berick: If you're talking about renewal by copy id. I think it is supported, but I haven't actually tried it. |
16:15 |
berick |
i meant by circ ID |
16:15 |
Dyrcona |
My logic comment was about "adjust to zero." |
16:16 |
Dyrcona |
Oh, by circ id... I don't think that is supported for any of the circ methods..... I should have paid more attention to what jeff typed. I'm not using the big screen today. I'll blame my age and failing vision.... :) |
16:20 |
Rogan joined #evergreen |
16:56 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
17:15 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
17:24 |
csharp_ |
who actually owns the evergreen-ils.org domain? is it EOLI? |
17:24 |
csharp_ |
or the project itself? |
17:59 |
Bmagic |
csharp_: probably a question for redavis |
18:00 |
Bmagic |
https://www.whois.com/whois/evergreen-ils.org name.com, must be private |
18:36 |
jeff |
in a post-GDPR world, almost all domain registrations are private-by-default, even if you're not paying for the previously-existing "premium" private registration services. |
18:43 |
jeff |
sent an inquiry, ideally we didn't all just do that. :-) |