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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-03-03

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:51 redavis joined #evergreen
07:27 collum joined #evergreen
08:40 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:42 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:45 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:50 jmurray-isl joined #evergreen
09:01 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:40 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:28 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:28 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
11:29 Dyrcona ubuntu-- dell--
12:07 * Dyrcona can never remember that it's fwupdmgr... not fwupd or fwupdate.
12:15 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
12:17 Dyrcona Yay! Emacs server (when started via systemd) and Emacs client are even more crashy on 24.10 than on 24.04, and my built-in camera still doesn't work.
12:18 Dyrcona I'd switch this machine to Arch, but it belongs to work...
12:20 Dyrcona I thought the driver was supposed to be in the 6.11 kernel, but maybe it's in 6.12?
12:22 Dyrcona Also, why do some applications not get focus when started from the launcher?
12:22 Dyrcona Most do...
12:31 Dyrcona So, I'm trying to find the code that determines if a location is a valid pickup location, because I'm pretty sure it requires can_have_users as well as can_have_vols, but can I find that code? Nope. Not today, I can't.
12:32 Bmagic if Windows were open source, would you install it?
12:34 ianskelskey joined #evergreen
12:35 Dyrcona Looks like the code either changed or I was wrong. Apparently can_have_users isn't required for hold pickup.
12:36 Dyrcona Bmagic: I have used Windows. I would use Windows if it were required|forced by my employer. (I just recently bought a Xbox for gaming, so I'm not a F/OSS zealot.)
12:41 Bmagic hehe! There's a "right" tool for everything, sometimes it's not open source or free unfortunately. (I mean in general, I'm not speaking to the current delemmia).
12:42 Dyrcona Bmagic: I don't agree that there's necessary a "right" tool.
12:42 Dyrcona necessarily...
12:44 Bmagic that said - I'm giving Linux Desktop another spin at home. So far, so good. I'm currently using FlowBlade to edit my Daughter's Dog Sled Video
12:46 Dyrcona Your daughter is into dog sledding? That's cool.
12:47 ianskelskey Hey yall. What version of postgresql are people running? Bibliomation is looking to upgrade to something 13+ Were hoping to skip 13 since its losing support later this year.
12:48 Bmagic ianskelskey: 15
12:49 berick going to 14 in a couple weeks
12:50 JBoyer Yeah, I think as long as you disable jit 15+ is entirely fine. (and eventually we'll spend the time to find out why jit hates our queries, but that's currently the only face-rake in place on later versions.)
12:50 Dyrcona We plan to go to 16 in April. I've been testing with 17 as well.
12:50 JBoyer Oh, and the libc reindex-the-world thing in 14.
12:50 ianskelskey Thank you. I was just going to ask if there were any specific considerations to be aware of. Anything else?
12:51 Dyrcona ianskelskey: What Evergreen release are you on?
12:51 ianskelskey 3.13.6
12:52 Dyrcona You should be OK, then. If you were on an older release, there are some Lp branches that I would suggest backporting.
12:53 Dyrcona Lp 1937294
12:53 pinesol Launchpad bug 1937294 in Evergreen "Updating Evergreen for Newer PostgreSQL Versions" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1937294
12:53 Dyrcona Lp 1947595
12:53 pinesol Launchpad bug 1947595 in Evergreen "array_accum Aggregate and PostgreSQL 14" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1947595
12:53 Dyrcona Lp 1997098
12:53 pinesol Launchpad bug 1997098 in Evergreen "Add Support for PostgreSQL 15" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1997098
12:54 Dyrcona If you have those 3, then you're OK for Pg 15+.
12:54 Dyrcona I think you need to disable JIT for Pg 13+.
12:54 Dyrcona Well, you'll have a bad time with search if you don't.
12:56 Dyrcona Lp 1999274
12:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 1999274 in Evergreen 3.10 "Performance of Search on PostgreSQL Versions 12+" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1999274
12:56 Dyrcona That one, too.
12:56 Dyrcona So, I guess there are 4.
12:56 ianskelskey Thank you. That was very helpful.
12:58 berick Dyrcona++
12:58 berick had to re-read them to check
12:58 Dyrcona For the logs: It is also safe to apply those patches if you're staying on PostgreSQL 10 for a bit. I've tested releases as old as 3.7.4 with those patches on all versions of Pg from 10 through 17.
12:59 berick ianskelskey: btw just got that logitech mx mouse.  very nice.
13:01 ianskelskey Heck yea. I think they're great.
13:30 csharp_ Dyrcona++
13:32 ianskelskey left #evergreen
14:17 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:22 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:24 JBoyer csharp_, still working on mailman? lists.evergreen-ils.org wants nothing to do with me connecting.
15:26 JBoyer Also, I'm assuming Chris has to deal with this, I don't recall who else has access to that machine. It's not lupin, right?
15:34 Dyrcona No, it's not lupin.
15:38 Dyrcona I'm not sure what it is running on, now, but I'm pretty sure that I don't have access to it. I just tried what I have in my notes and it doesn't work.
15:50 JBoyer Dyrcona++
16:35 JBoyer csharp_++ I can see you're still fighting the good fight re: mail. Best of luck.
17:08 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
17:11 Bmagic csharp_++

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