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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-02-27

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
08:04 collum joined #evergreen
08:34 mantis joined #evergreen
08:42 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:03 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:52 csharp_ @band add Mother Bucket
09:52 pinesol csharp_: Band 'Mother Bucket' added to list
10:39 Bmagic csharp_: did you (or anyone for that matter) figure out a fix for the coded_value_map table post-3.13?
10:40 Bmagic I'm considering truncating the table and all linked tables, and re-inserting stock data from 3.13 950.data.seed-values.sql
10:41 Bmagic (on an already-upgraded database). In other words: passed the point of no return
10:48 berick i'm not up to date on the coded_value_map issues, but it seems like a reingest would fix the data there?
10:53 csharp_ Bmagic: in the end I decided to just skip the whole thing by commenting out the thousands of lines for that DB change
10:53 Bmagic ok, that's what I thought you said
10:58 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:59 berick csharp_: mind pointing me at what you commented out?
10:59 * berick will be going down this road shortly
11:00 Bmagic probably the whole 1433 (or whichever DB number) block
11:01 csharp_ Bmagic: berick: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=ev​ergreen/pines.git;a=commit;h=4e27fc​0ae5790ab71606e20cae09b9b87bfeb870
11:02 Bmagic 1416
11:02 berick csharp_++ Bmagic++
11:02 Bmagic csharp_++
11:04 berick oh my that's a beast
11:04 * berick reads about the bug
11:07 berick csharp_: are yo using the updated MARC editor?
11:07 berick heh
11:39 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:54 Bmagic here's what I came up with: https://gist.github.com/bmagic007​/43f3c5ad37aeec1ae642dea0f3ef0c83
11:54 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:55 Bmagic It's pretty straightforward: truncate coded_value_map (which cascades to composite_attr_entry_definition ) - then re-populate those two tables with stock Evergreen 3.13 from 950.seed. I was encountering an search issue having to do with searching by pubdate, and after running this script, the issue went away
11:56 Bmagic for reference, this query showed the bug: /eg/opac/results?bool=and&qtype=keyword&contains=c​ontains&query=&bool=and&qtype=title&contains=conta​ins&query=quiet+wilderness&bool=and&qtype=author&c​ontains=contains&query=&_adv=1&detail_record_view=​0&locg=1&pubdate=is&date1=2011&date2=&sort=poprel
11:57 Bmagic the enhanced marc editor also functions fine
11:57 Bmagic remember: the bug affects only databases that undergo the upgrade* to 3.13. Databases that start life at 3.13 and above are not affected by this bug
12:03 jeffdavis That doesn't re-insert any of the stuff from update 1416, does it?
12:05 Bmagic The 1416 upgrade script was generated by a python script. But it was different than what was generated for the 950 seed data. And the seed data seemed OK, whereas the upgrade block wasn't. So, I'm not sure how to answer that. Yes, it inserts the data that makes the enhanced marc editor happy, but (hopefully) not the bad stuff that ended up in the upgrade script
12:06 jeffdavis Let me rephrase.
12:07 jeffdavis IMO the next point releases for 3.13+ should include a fix that omits 1416 from the 3.12.3-3.13.0 version upgrade script altogether.
12:07 jeffdavis For folks who have already run that upgrade script, it seems like your script will leave them with more or less the same data in ccvm etc as if they had omitted 1416 during their upgrade.
12:07 jeffdavis Does that sound correct?
12:08 Bmagic It should leave them with the data in ccvm as if they had installed Evergreen fresh at 3.13 instead of upgrading to 3.13
12:10 Bmagic the code that was merged to main, both included huge changes to 950 seed data as well as the supplementary upgrade script (1416)
12:14 Bmagic jeffdavis: well, looking at git now, my assumption is off a little. The commit a9c8faf996fc2d0fc12ba1cdf4d492d38be51b6b didn't change the 950 seed file, but rather 961.data.marc21-tag-tables.sql, so it would seem the ccvm row state shouldn't have received any changes? I'm confused now.
12:16 Bmagic In other words: why would the patch mess with ccvm only for upgrading databases, and not for new databases?
12:18 jeffdavis I think Llewellyn found that 961.data.marc21-tag-tables.sql wasn't included in sql_file_manifest, so none of the stuff that 1416 is supposed to do actually exists in a clean 3.13+ install either (I haven't verified this though).
12:18 Bmagic I see, the 961 file does* mess with ccvm. Using a function. So, I think my patch SQL script needs to run through that code too
12:19 Bmagic maybe I misunderstand. The 961 SQL code didn't get run upon new installs of Evergreen due to a bug for including it during DB seed?
12:20 jeffdavis Yes, that's the theory.
12:20 Bmagic well, in that case, I don't* want to execute the stuff in 961 :)
12:21 collum joined #evergreen
12:28 jeffdavis So my proposal would be: (1) Remove 1416 from the version upgrade script (and maybe delete 961 too for good measure?). (2) Advise people who have already upgraded to use your fix_coded_value_map.sql script; it won't restore any local customizations they previously had in ccvm, but it will restore parity with stock 3.13+.
12:28 jeffdavis (3) Redo whatever 1416 was trying to do so it does it properly (this can happen later IMO).
12:29 Bmagic totally, however, I'm concerned that we're throwing away what was (probably) needed for the patch to achive it's goals. We need to have a better understanding of what the 961 script was trying to do.... yeah, what you said
12:33 jeffdavis Bmagic: you might want to run 960.data.marc21-tag-tables.sql after truncating ccvm as part of your fix too (960, not 961) - looks like it adds stuff to ccvm during a fresh install
12:33 Bmagic ok, I'll update
12:47 Bmagic weird, the total number of rows that stock rows in ccvm exceeds the SETVAL of 10k now. So, out of the box, the staff client can't create new rows in that table until someone had attempted it over 2000 times to increment the sequence higher than the max ID number
12:54 Bmagic I'm wrong again, nevermind
12:58 Bmagic OK, I think I got it, same gist
12:59 _collum joined #evergreen
13:31 csharp_ berick: yes, we're using the newer MARC editor
13:37 berick csharp_: i'm guessing the changes from 1416 were nice-to-have's and not required?
13:37 berick for basic functionality
14:09 mmorgan joined #evergreen
14:31 Bmagic berick: the way I understand it: it's for filling out the field/subfield dropdown menu with accurate LoC information
14:32 berick Bmagic: k, that's about what I was expecting
14:33 csharp_ berick: I guess so, since we haven't heard complaints after a week and a half
14:33 Bmagic :)
14:34 berick that's what I was looking for, thanks csharp_
14:34 csharp_ happy to help!
14:34 Bmagic csharp_: they've not seen it any other way, but I wonder if you would get some tickets if they were used to the enhanced editor having all of that stuff, and then gone
14:35 berick presumably those extra bits have never been there for pines
14:36 Bmagic one thing is pretty certain: 1416 has a bunch of unintended consequences in the advanced OPAC search mainly
14:39 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:22 mantis left #evergreen
15:42 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:42 Bmagic does the git server block IP's? I've been thwarted a few times trying to clone a repo, and I've been coming from an IP that starts with 3.87
16:23 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
16:59 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
18:22 jihpringle joined #evergreen
22:18 sandbergja joined #evergreen

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