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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-02-28

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:34 Bmagic joined #evergreen
05:17 book` joined #evergreen
07:21 collum joined #evergreen
08:36 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:47 mantis joined #evergreen
09:33 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:34 Dyrcona Bmagic: Don't ask me what future me remembers. I'll have to get back to you last week. :)
09:34 Bmagic Dyrcona++
09:43 csharp_ upgrading the evergreen email list server, FYI - should be short downtime
09:44 Dyrcona csharp_++
09:44 * Dyrcona checks the git server.
09:44 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:45 Dyrcona Imagonna reboot the git server after updates install. It'll be down 5 minutes tops.
09:46 Dyrcona I usually announce it, but this is spur of the moment.
09:46 Dyrcona Tell ya what. I'll pick a time and reboot it then.
09:51 Dyrcona "at not installed." OK. No biggie.
09:52 Dyrcona Four thirty pm on a Friday...Best time ever to do anything.....
10:13 Dyrcona Hmm. I thought that there was a bug for the emergency closing handler timing out/being really slow under some circumstances, but I can't find it in Lp.
10:16 Dyrcona Nothing quite like arbitrarily closing old tickets on a Friday. :)
10:22 csharp_ well sheeeeeitt
10:22 csharp_ mailman is, like not even a package in 22.04
10:22 csharp_ and it depends on a lot of python2 stuff - seeing what's possible
10:29 Dyrcona csharp_: Mailman 3 is Python 3.
10:30 csharp_ yeah
10:31 redavis joined #evergreen
10:33 csharp_ gonna plow ahead for a bit and see if I can get mailman3 working on 24.04
10:33 csharp_ if not I can revert to 20.04
10:33 csharp_ upgrades--
10:33 Dyrcona I've been saying that Ubuntu upgrades lately have been feeling more like downgrades.
10:34 csharp_ yeah :-(
10:34 csharp_ if 20.04 weren't EOL soon I would have left it
10:35 Dyrcona 20.04 had itssues, too.
10:35 Dyrcona Trusty Tahr forever! :)
10:36 csharp_ ah, that puts your comment the other day in context
10:36 csharp_ and yes, that was a good release
10:37 csharp_ but yeah, if you're running mailman, 22.04 is a no-(mail)-man's land
10:37 csharp_ it's either 20.04 or 24.04 if you run LTSs
10:38 csharp_ 24.04 = the new 14.04?
10:39 csharp_ my first Ubuntu install was 7.10 in early 2008 - ah that was fun
10:39 csharp_ gutsy gibbon
10:41 Dyrcona 24.04 on desktop is crap.
10:41 Dyrcona I'm using it.
10:41 csharp_ heh
10:41 csharp_ I haven't used Ubuntu as my daily driver for a long time
10:42 berick 24.10 gives me what i need
11:16 Dyrcona Well, disabling and enabling the user service for emacs with systemd did not resolve the issues, so I'm going to stop trying to run it as a service on Ubuntu 24.04.
11:21 Dyrcona berick: Do you use the XML SMS notices with message bee for curbside pickup?
11:22 berick we use them for locker pickup.  not using the curbside evergreen pieces.
11:22 berick guessing it's about the same
11:22 Dyrcona I wonder if I have to contact UMS to let them know we're adding it?
11:23 berick i think you have to contact them to add pretty much anything, setup email templates, etc.
11:26 Dyrcona Yeah. That's what I think, too.
11:26 Dyrcona Thanks!
11:30 Dyrcona I found an email where we sent them language for these last year, so I guess I need to check with Unique to let them know that we want to start sending them, since we haven't so far.
11:35 csharp_ ok - gonna move back to 20.04 :-( - mailman3 won't install because the python/django configurations are utterly broken
11:35 Dyrcona csharp_: Sounds 'bout right.
11:35 csharp_ this is the point where if I were smarter, I'd just revert to the snapshot I took before upgrading
11:36 csharp_ <padme>You took a snapshot, right? RIGHT?</padme>
11:36 berick csharp_++ # fightin the good fight
11:36 csharp_ thanks for the pats on the back, y'all
11:37 bshum csharp_++ # you got this!
11:37 csharp_ one crazy-pants option I thought about was trying to run a 20.04 docker on top of the 24.04 I have now, but then I'd have (lost count) uh, 4 problems
11:37 csharp_ bshum: :-)
11:39 csharp_ docker config + mailman + apache + network + postfix = NEVER MIND
11:39 Bmagic lol
11:40 Bmagic I wouldn't do it for the sole reason, it's still 20.04. You can't polish a turd (wrap it in docker) and make it any better :)
11:40 csharp_ agreed
11:40 abneiman @quote add < Dyrcona > Don't ask me what future me remembers. I'll have to get back to you last week.
11:40 pinesol abneiman: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
11:40 abneiman bite me, pinesol
11:40 csharp_ @quote add < Dyrcona > Don't ask me what future me remembers. I'll have to get back to you last week.
11:40 pinesol csharp_: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
11:40 csharp_ pinesol: hey!
11:40 pinesol csharp_: I eat more coconut cream pie before breakfast than most people eat all day
11:41 abneiman oh snap, pinesol has some sauce today
11:41 Bmagic @quote add <Dyrcona> Don't ask me what future me remembers. I'll have to get back to you last week.
11:41 pinesol Bmagic: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
11:41 csharp_ pinesol: you break-a my heart
11:41 pinesol csharp_: Message root @ server God....Universe going down for reboot....
11:41 Bmagic lol
11:41 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:41 abneiman hahaha
11:41 abneiman Bmagic++ csharp_++ # valiant attempts
11:41 csharp_ pinesol: jackweed
11:41 pinesol csharp_: is your coffee overgranularized?
11:41 bshum pinesol: whoami
11:41 pinesol bshum: bshum
11:41 berick pinesol is 1 step away from I know you are but what am I?
11:41 pinesol berick: Mr. Spock: Something fascinating just happened.
11:41 csharp_ pinesol: blame pinesol
11:41 pinesol csharp_: itself stole bshum's tux doll!
11:41 bshum It knows who I am at least ;)
11:42 csharp_ pinesol: whoami
11:42 pinesol csharp_: I don't recognize you. You can message me either of these two commands: "user identify <username> <password>" to log in or "user register <username> <password>" to register.
11:42 Bmagic I'm rubber and your glue....
11:42 csharp_ pinesol: I recognize you, mf
11:42 pinesol csharp_: Try restarting apache.
11:42 bshum @quote add <berick> pinesol is 1 step away from I know you are but what am I?
11:42 pinesol bshum: The operation succeeded.  Quote #251 added.
11:42 csharp_ bshum: showoff!
11:42 Bmagic did somone plug pinesol into deepseek?
11:42 csharp_ @band add DeapSeak
11:42 pinesol csharp_: Band 'DeapSeak' added to list
11:43 csharp_ huh - it lets me do that
11:43 bshum That's probably a less secure plugin I guess
11:43 Bmagic computers suck
11:43 csharp_ pinesol: especially YOU
11:43 pinesol csharp_: GitHub is my copilot
11:45 abneiman pinesol: I need that on a tshirt pls
11:45 pinesol abneiman: Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
11:54 csharp_ pinesol: whoami
11:54 pinesol csharp_: csharp
11:54 csharp_ you know my REAL NAME?
11:55 Dyrcona pinesol: whoami
11:55 pinesol Dyrcona: Dyrcona
11:57 redavis joined #evergreen
12:00 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:27 mmorgan pinesol: whoru
12:27 pinesol mmorgan: Try running autogen
13:28 Dyrcona "Who are you? Who? Who?
13:29 berick i really wanna know
13:29 Dyrcona And, now, I have to play it.
13:30 berick :)
13:30 * Dyrcona increases the volume.
13:32 Dyrcona Whoooooo arrree youoooo?
13:45 jeffdavis I'm still having trouble with search slowness due to a bad query plan for asset.record_has_holdable_copy in 3.14.
13:46 jeffdavis I poked a little bit at statistics and such, but I can't figure out how to get Postgres to use a better plan.
13:50 jeffdavis This is the EXPLAIN output (for a slow query that's equivalent to asset.record_has_holdable_copy): https://explain.depesz.com/s/8xly
13:53 jeffdavis If I run the same query in a 3.11 database on the same Postgres server, it's quite fast: https://explain.depesz.com/s/bUX8
13:54 Dyrcona Does not deleted need to be in there so much?
13:54 Dyrcona I'm specifically looking at the bitmap heap scan on serial.unit.
13:55 Dyrcona Same thing for asset.copy. I wonder if that's throwing the optimizer off?
13:55 jeffdavis I think that's due to this index on asset.copy introduced in 3.12: CREATE INDEX cp_extant_by_circ_lib_idx ON asset.copy(circ_lib) WHERE deleted = FALSE OR deleted IS FALSE;
13:56 jeffdavis combined with the use of the actor.org_unit_descendants function
13:56 Dyrcona It should probably just be the latter. Try recreating the index without "deleted = FALSE OR".
13:57 * Dyrcona tries something.
13:58 Bmagic jeffdavis: have you VACUUM ANALYZE; ed recently?
13:59 Dyrcona Well, "false = false" is true. I guess my hypotheses was proven incorrect.
13:59 jeffdavis yep, there's been lots of vacuum analyze along the way :)
13:59 Bmagic that's bitten me more than once, had to check
14:00 jeffdavis JIT is disabled too (it wasn't when I started looking, turning it off didn't help though).
14:00 Dyrcona Vacuum full analyze; -- When in doubt, defrag out.
14:00 Dyrcona You restarted after turning off JIT?
14:00 jeffdavis reloaded config, not a full restart
14:01 Dyrcona I'd try a full restart.
14:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:05 jeff I haven't looked at the explain output, but since you mentioned actor.org_unit_descendants(): would your plan benefit any if that function (whichever version is being used here -- there are at least two versions with different arguments) were marked as STABLE instead of VOLATILE?
14:06 jeffdavis Changing it to STABLE didn't improve the performance.
14:06 jeff ok, worth a try. sorry that didn't help!
14:06 jeff I think that function might be safe to be marked as stable, but I may be incorrect there also.
14:08 jeffdavis That's my understanding too - sounds like any function that does not modify data (i.e. is SELECT only) should be safe to mark as stable?
14:09 Dyrcona jeffdavis: That's my understanding.
14:10 jeffdavis Modifying that index to get rid of the redundant deleted condition does fix the problem, which is better than my previous workaround of omitting the deleted condition altogether.
14:10 Dyrcona jeffdavis++
14:10 jeffdavis Dyrcona++
14:11 jeffdavis I still don't understand *why* it produces a bad query plan in some environments though.
14:11 Dyrcona I think we might have done that and never open a Lp bug about it.
14:11 * Dyrcona checks.
14:12 Dyrcona Nope. Not in production anyway.
14:12 Dyrcona jeffdavis: Did you mention the Pg release?
14:12 Dyrcona Oh. I see the version didn't seem to matter.
14:12 jeff I think (at least in the past) it was common to need two versions of a similar index, like deleted = FALSE and deleted IS FALSE. I don't know the reason for an index combining both. It might cause it to be used by neither style query, or it might depend on PostgreSQL version.
14:12 jeffdavis oh, this is PG 14
14:14 Dyrcona Maybe it was the OR causing a heapscan sometimes?
14:15 jeff I'm not looking at the index though, so I should stop taking stabs in the dark. :-)
14:15 Dyrcona jeff: That sounds like the kind of thing one hears on the Internet. :)
14:16 jeffdavis I see a random Stack Overflow comment from 2017 that says "Predicates in partial indexes' WHERE clause *must* match your queries' predicates in order to be used. WHERE ispublish, WHERE ispublish = TRUE and WHERE ispublish IS TRUE are 3 different predicates."
14:18 Dyrcona "random StackOverflow comment" Who is the random commenter?
14:18 jonadab joined #evergreen
14:18 * Dyrcona has seen a lot of stuff on StackOverflow lately that he knows to be just plain wrong. (Not saying that this is wrong, but suspects it is out of date.)
14:19 jeffdavis https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42​972726/postgresql-create-index-for-boo​lean-column#comment73038823_42972726
14:19 Dyrcona @who is the random commenter.
14:19 pinesol jeffdavis is the random commenter.
14:19 Dyrcona Ha!
14:19 jeffdavis oh god
14:21 jeffdavis https://www.postgresql.org/d​ocs/14/indexes-partial.html
14:22 Dyrcona Ok. I buy it. It's not just "things you read on the Internet."
14:22 Dyrcona "I'll take 'things you read on the Internet' for 400, Alex."
14:31 jeffdavis specifically it says "The system can recognize simple inequality implications, for example “x < 1” implies “x < 2”; otherwise the predicate condition must exactly match part of the query's WHERE condition or the index will not be recognized as usable."
14:31 jeffdavis ...which, I don't know if deleted = false is a "simple inequality implication" or not
14:33 csharp_ well, in the interest of Learning Something New™ I have gone a bit down the road of installing mailman3 from source
14:33 csharp_ the Debian/Ubuntu packagers have *failed* miserably to create an installable package
14:33 Dyrcona jeffdavis: Well, "deleted is false" and "deleted = false" *should* be treated the same. Doesn't mean that they are.
14:34 csharp_ the bad news is that the lists are down until I've figured this out - and there's no way to announce that on the lists, heh
14:34 Dyrcona IDK, though. There may be some semantic difference between "=" and "is" that's not obvious.
14:35 Dyrcona csharp_++ ubuntu--
14:35 csharp_ I feel confident that I can get it going over the weekend - not sure if it will be this afternoon
14:35 csharp_ kind of having fun using pip/python3 to do stuff
14:36 csharp_ and the new version is 1) modular and 2) database-backed (using PG)
14:36 csharp_ theoretically, mailman3 core is already running, but the lists aren't configured yet - there are methods to migrate
15:34 mantis left #evergreen
16:01 Dyrcona csharp__++
16:12 csharp_ oh! it works
16:12 csharp_ I'm running around looking for stuff
16:13 csharp_ the web stuff isn't working yet - untangling old apache stuff, trying to get Let's Encrypt working, etc.
16:13 csharp_ but if mail can flow that's awesome
16:16 Dyrcona csharp__++
16:17 csharp_ damn - I don't think I've breathed all day
16:18 Dyrcona Well, take a breath.
16:18 * csharp_ collapses in relief
16:18 csharp_ I need to go play some guitar about this
16:19 Dyrcona I think I hear either a Beatles or a Taylor Switch parody.
16:19 Dyrcona "Yeah-eah, I'm the mail man."
16:20 Dyrcona Heh.... "Switch...."
16:23 csharp_ I slipped up and called her Taylor Smith recently and my daughter can't get over it
16:23 abneiman csharp_: tell her to shake it off ;-)
16:24 JBoyer Like a polaroid picture; really add some flavor to this artist mix.
16:25 berick that would leave me with some Bad Blood
16:26 berick (i do like that song)
16:26 csharp_ abneiman++
16:27 csharp_ too... many... songs... now in my head
16:35 pinesol News from commits: LP#2068740 Followup - Leave admin account password alone in concerto <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=7b18b3​bd51fc72e1b4fba68391085c02d9b92bad>
16:48 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:51 abneiman shake it off like a polaroid prooooobleeeeem
16:56 berick Taylor Smith is crushing it
17:04 abneiman Taylor 3000
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:24 berick TayTay3K
17:25 berick @band add The Plot Chickens
17:25 pinesol berick: Band 'The Plot Chickens' added to list
17:52 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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