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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-02-25

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:34 jonadab joined #evergreen
07:22 collum joined #evergreen
08:17 redavis joined #evergreen
08:48 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:12 dguarrac joined #evergreen
10:37 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
11:15 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:43 Dyrcona Trusty Tahr was peak Ubuntu.
11:46 * csharp_ doesn't know whether that's a dig or a compliment :-)
11:46 Dyrcona It's both.
11:46 csharp_ Dyrcona++
11:47 csharp_ the platonic ideal of ubuntuness
11:49 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:38 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:06 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:57 JBoyer He's a cool dude, with a funky ubuntude
14:59 * jonadab mumbles something incoherent about warty warthog.
15:14 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:15 sandbergja sleary: I
15:15 sandbergja ha whoops
15:16 sandbergja sleary: I'm trying to wrap my head around draggable, using your nice work in the shelving location groups admin as an example.  Do you have any docs/resources on the topic that you recommend?
15:39 sleary sandbergja I worked off the existing code for moving grid columns around, plus MDN
15:39 sandbergja sleary++
15:40 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:40 sleary sandbergja that said, I *just* spotted this the other day and am very tempted to try to integrate it... https://medium.com/designing-atlassian/designed​-for-delight-built-for-performance-da836950e78d
15:45 Dyrcona Two copies of the IDL, and the things are done locally, they can be out of sync, which they are in my case.....
15:51 Dyrcona Oof. Lost some data that way....
16:02 Dyrcona OK. all fixed!
16:02 Dyrcona emerge-mode++
16:58 mmorgan left #evergreen

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