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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-07-09

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:05 rlefaive joined #evergreen
00:25 rlefaive joined #evergreen
00:43 rlefaive joined #evergreen
01:02 rlefaive joined #evergreen
01:39 rlefaive joined #evergreen
02:06 rlefaive joined #evergreen
02:11 rlefaive joined #evergreen
02:21 rlefaive joined #evergreen
02:56 rlefaive joined #evergreen
03:35 rlefaive joined #evergreen
03:55 rlefaive joined #evergreen
04:28 rlefaive joined #evergreen
04:46 rlefaive joined #evergreen
05:46 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:03 redavis joined #evergreen
07:33 rlefaive joined #evergreen
07:34 rlefaive_ joined #evergreen
08:02 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:20 collum joined #evergreen
08:24 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:29 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:32 mantis joined #evergreen
08:35 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:35 redavis joined #evergreen
08:42 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:59 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:00 jonadab joined #evergreen
09:02 ian1 Good morning all. I'm having trouble with my initial installation of Evergreen. I'm following the instructions here: https://evergreen-ils.org/docume​ntation/install/README_3_11.html and I'm nearly done. Is anyone available to help me troubleshoot? I can provide more detail of course, but I don't want to bloat the chat before anyone responds. I'm on step 13.
09:02 Dyrcona ian1: What happens when you start Evergreen?
09:03 * redavis listens (with my eyes)
09:04 ian1 Here's the command and the error message:
09:04 ian1 opensrf@ian:~$ osrf_control -l --start-all
09:04 ian1 Use of uninitialized value $@ in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenS​RF/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm line 162.
09:04 ian1 Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Jabber 2024-07-09T12:58:51 OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/OpenSRF​/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm:162 Jabber Exception: Could not authenticate with Jabber server:
09:06 Dyrcona ian1: After you install Evergreen, you have to updated the jabber passwords in the opensrf_core.xml file again.
09:07 ian1 I updated them when prompted, but not since
09:07 Dyrcona It's in the paragraph in Step 11, below the sample copy commands.
09:08 Dyrcona You have to edit the new opensrf_core.xml like you did for OpenSRF.
09:08 ian1 Ill take a look.
09:40 Dyrcona ian1: How's it gonig? Are things working now?
09:55 ian1 Well that part moved along. Am I understanding correctly that the Evergreen installation overwrote `opensrf_core.xml` after I had set it up during the opensrf setup?
09:59 JBoyer ian1: It overwrote opensrf_core.example, which needs to be re-copied to plain opensrf_core.xml and updated again.
10:00 JBoyer opensrf comes with a very barebones core config and Evergreen comes with a more fully defined one that it needs to find all of its parts.
10:00 ian1 Got it
10:00 JBoyer This is related to opensrf being a separate project (though there's been talk of that ending in the future)
10:01 ian1 Now I'm getting errors when i run autogen
10:01 JBoyer try osrf_control -l --diagnostic to see if everything is still running.
10:02 JBoyer autogen failing is usually an issue with opensrf.xml or a problem with some of the database services
10:02 ian1 That gives me a bunch of messages that look like this:
10:02 ian1 * ERR open-ils.acq Has PID file entry [4031], which matches no running open-ils.acq processes
10:02 ian1 * ERR open-ils.actor Has PID file entry [4079], which matches no running open-ils.actor processes
10:03 JBoyer you may need to use --stop-all and if diagnostic still says that there's --kill-with-fire which will remove all opensrf processes
10:03 Dyrcona Sorry. Phone call. JBoyer++
10:04 ian1 I restarted it and tried autogen again:
10:04 ian1 Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2024-07-09T14:04:14 OpenSRF::Transport /usr/local/share/perl/5.34​.0/OpenSRF/Transport.pm:83 Session Error: router@private.localhost/open-ils.cstore IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
10:05 Dyrcona ian1: Did you run eg_db_config?
10:06 Dyrcona https://evergreen-ils.org/documentat​ion/install/README_3_11.html#_creati​ng_the_evergreen_database_and_schema
10:06 ian1 I did that yesterday
10:06 JBoyer Thinking about this there is kind of an assumption at some points in the install that the db is already there. :/
10:06 Dyrcona I'd do it again and make sure that the settings are correct.
10:07 ian1 What settings?
10:08 Dyrcona ian1: The options to eg_db_config, particularly: --user, --hostname, --password, --port, --database.
10:08 ian1 Can I ask why you are lead to think its this particular step?
10:08 Dyrcona You can also skip building the database if you just need to update opensrf.xml. Oh1 You did copy the new opensrf.xml.example to opensrf.xml in /openils/conf.
10:09 Dyrcona ian1: This right here: router@private.localhost/open-ils.cstore IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
10:09 Dyrcona cstore reads the database settings from opensrf.xml. They (can) get set by eg_db_config.
10:10 Dyrcona The #1 reason cstore is not connected on a new install is missing/bad database connections. Number 2 is you need to run ldconfig as root.
10:10 ian1 I did copy the new example.
10:11 Dyrcona OK. Can you connect to the database with psql?
10:11 ian1 How would I check?
10:11 Dyrcona run: psql -U {username} -h localhost
10:12 Dyrcona where {username} is the database user that you set up for evergreen. (It works best if that user is named evergreen.)
10:14 ian1 Looks like youre onto something:
10:14 ian1 psql: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL:  database "evergreen" does not exist
10:15 Dyrcona OK. run eg_db_config again.
10:15 ian1 Which is fun because it definitely took up most of the allocated storage on my virtual machine. =D
10:15 Dyrcona I usually use 25GB and it's OK.
10:19 ian1 running now
10:20 Dyrcona ian1: Do you mind pasting the command line you used?
10:21 ian1 perl Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/eg_db_config --update-config --service all --create-database --create-schema --create-offline --user evergreen --password ******* --hostname localhost --port 5432 --database everdb --admin-user evergreen --admin-pass *********
10:22 Dyrcona Two suggestions: 1. if there is no other database on here, name the database "evergreen" it will save you issues with psql.
10:23 Dyrcona 2. Set the --admin-usr to "admin" and the --admin-pass to "demo123". This way, you can run the automated tests and they will just work.
10:23 ian1 I can just run it again right?
10:23 Dyrcona I guess a third suggestion: Add --load-all-sample to get some sample data in the database, unless you intend to build your data from scratch.
10:24 Dyrcona You can, but I'd drop everdb, first : psql -U evergreen -h localhost -d postgres -c 'drop database everdb;'
10:26 ian1 round x
10:27 Dyrcona I don't remember how many times it took me to get a working test installation the first time. I still mess things up now and then when I build a new vm for testing. There are also scripts and docker images out there to make the setup easier.
10:27 Dyrcona It's because we've all made the same mistakes that we're able to help. :)
10:28 Dyrcona Also, if you can think of better ways to word the instructions, please do make suggestions/open bugs on Launchpad.
10:29 ian1 I'm planning to attend DIG meetings at a minimum. May look for other ways to get involved as well. I love a clean well formatted document. So I ran the db config again.
10:30 ian1 should I try to start it up again with: `osrf_control -l --start-all` and `autogen.sh`
10:31 Dyrcona Just to make sure, run `osrf_control -l --stop-all` then those two.
10:32 ian1 Same issue essentially:
10:32 ian1 opensrf@ian:/openils/bin$ ./autogen.sh
10:32 ian1 Updating Evergreen organization tree and IDL
10:32 ian1 Updating fieldmapper
10:32 ian1 -> /openils/var/web/opac/common/js/fmall.js
10:32 ian1 Updating web_fieldmapper
10:33 ian1 -> /openils/var/web/opac/common/js/fmcore.js
10:33 ian1 Updating OrgTree
10:33 ian1 Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2024-07-09T14:32:29 OpenSRF::Transport /usr/local/share/perl/5.34​.0/OpenSRF/Transport.pm:83 Session Error: router@private.localhost/open-ils.cstore IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
10:33 Dyrcona OK, run `osrf_control -l --diagnostic | less` and scroll through the output to see what is an isn't connected.
10:34 Dyrcona List those things that are not running in the channel.
10:34 * Dyrcona tries to figure out how to do git format-patch on two directories....
10:35 ian1 from open-ils: auth, auth_internal, cstore, pcrud, qstore, reporter-store and from opensrf: math and dbmath
10:36 Dyrcona OK, run this: `sudo ldconfig` then `osrf_control -l --stop-all`
10:36 Dyrcona then try the start-all again.
10:37 ian1 got it
10:37 ian1 and then autogen again?
10:37 Dyrcona Try osrf_control -l --diagnostic
10:37 Dyrcona Then autogen.sh
10:38 ian1 Looks like the same problems in the diagnostic
10:38 Dyrcona So, auth and auth_internal do not use the database, which is why I suggested the ldconfig.
10:39 Dyrcona Ok, run the stop-all, and then go back to the Evergreen source directory if you're not already there.
10:41 ian1 Okie doke
10:41 ian1 done
10:41 Dyrcona Once you've done that, try running `make clean`
10:41 Dyrcona Then, do the `sudo make install` , `sudo chown -R opensrf:opensrf /openils ./` steps again.
10:42 Dyrcona After that, we'll try again with osrf_control -l --start-all
10:44 ian1 Okay. Started all again
10:44 Dyrcona What does the diagnostic say this time?
10:44 ian1 same errors again
10:45 Dyrcona huh....
10:45 Dyrcona At this point, I'm stumped.
10:45 Dyrcona I'd need to see the configuration files.
10:46 Dyrcona Did you test OpenSRF before with the math add test from the OpenSRF README?
10:46 ian1 I did that yesterday and at the time it worked fine
10:46 Dyrcona So, you have /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opensrf.conf, then....
10:47 Dyrcona Is this Ubuntu 24.04?
10:47 Dyrcona but, no. You'd see messages about the routers not running, too.
10:50 Dyrcona It looks like you're having an issue with the services written in C, but what we just did should have fixed them.
10:50 ian1 Im running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, I see ld.so.conf.d, but I dont see a opensrf.conf in the etc directory.
10:50 ian1 Stepping away for 5 minutes. Brb. Thanks for all the help so far.
10:52 Dyrcona ian1: try this : `sudo bash -c 'echo /openils/lib > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opensrf.conf ; ldconfig'` You want the single quotes bu not the backticks for sure.
10:55 jihpringle joined #evergreen
10:55 Dyrcona git am is lying to me: error: "templates/opac/course_browse.tt2: does not exist in index"
10:56 Dyrcona The file is right there: ls templates/opac/course_browse.tt2 -> templates/opac/course_browse.tt2
10:57 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:01 ian1 joined #evergreen
11:01 ian1 I have returned.
11:01 Dyrcona ian1: did you see what I sent a few minutes ago, just before you left?
11:02 ian1 which message?
11:02 Dyrcona try this : `sudo bash -c 'echo /openils/lib > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opensrf.conf ; ldconfig'`
11:04 ian1 Is this supposed to be all one command?
11:05 mantis left #evergreen
11:05 Dyrcona yeah, everything between ` and `
11:06 Dyrcona You want to keep the single quotes
11:06 ian1 okay. I ran that
11:07 Dyrcona OK try starting services again.
11:07 ian1 diagnostic looks good now I think
11:07 Dyrcona Ok, now autogen.sh
11:08 ian1 looks much better but I got a permission denied at the end: "./autogen.sh: line 172: /openils/var/web/eg_cache_hash: Permission denied"
11:09 Dyrcona `sudo chown -R opensrf:opensrf /openils`
11:09 ian1 Did the ownership of th... yerp I was on my way to ask about that
11:10 ian1 "Done"
11:10 Dyrcona do the autogen.sh again.
11:11 ian1 made it to the end this time
11:12 Dyrcona ian1++ Congratulations!
11:12 Dyrcona Now, you should try signing in with the staff client to see if it works.
11:13 ian1 Hows that?
11:13 Dyrcona Point a browser at your vm, and see if it works.
11:13 ian1 What do you mean by point a browser at it?
11:14 Dyrcona open a browser and navigate to https://{your-vm'shostname or ip address here}/eg/opac/ <- that will get you to the public catalaog, IIRC.
11:18 ian1 Well it for sure works within the machine on localhost
11:19 Dyrcona did you set up the websockets?
11:22 ian1 I believe I did
11:24 Dyrcona Try going to /eg/staff/ and logging in with the admin-user and admin-password credentials you used in the eg_db_config step. It's good to the JavaScript console open when you do this.
11:27 ian1 Yup. Login failed with errors in console
11:28 Dyrcona Something about websockets?
11:28 ian1 Yes
11:28 ian1 I can send the errors over, but it seems like you already know.
11:29 Dyrcona First, check that websockets are running: `pgrep -af websocket` if nothing comes back then they're not running.
11:29 ian1 Nothin
11:29 Dyrcona Did you install nginx and set it up as a proxy for Evergreen?
11:30 ian1 Nope. I skipped all optional steps
11:31 Dyrcona OK. Go here: https://evergreen-ils.org/documentati​on/install/OpenSRF/README_3_2_5.html#​_websockets_installation_instructions
11:31 Dyrcona Scroll down to option 2 b.
11:32 Dyrcona You'll wan to run that command.
11:32 Dyrcona You want "b. Run websocketd without a proxy"
11:33 ian1 Okay. done
11:33 Dyrcona Try logging in again. You may have to reload the page first.
11:34 Dyrcona You may have to restart apache.
11:34 ian1 Im into workstation registration now
11:34 ian1 8-)
11:36 Dyrcona Cool! It's working.
11:36 ian1 excellent. Thank you
11:37 Dyrcona You're most welcome.
11:39 * Dyrcona fixed the git am issue by using 3-way merge: git am -3 .... Getting the updates into our overrides is another question. :)
11:54 mmorgan ian1++
11:54 mmorgan Dyrcona++
11:56 * Dyrcona is patching the overrides 1 at a time, and... Hey! Look at that.... Lunch time!
12:47 ian1 joined #evergreen
13:15 ian1 joined #evergreen
13:59 ian1 joined #evergreen
14:04 pinesol News from commits: LP2045440: Add copy tags url to 852$u in marc_export <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=990149​18fd2b72fb49d29bb76907956194c8ebf7>
14:04 pinesol News from commits: LP2045440: marc_export Exports Public Copy Tags <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c4b363​145af8944b704ffd8c6ae6ed29acdb6089>
14:04 pinesol News from commits: LP2045440: marc_export Exports Public Copy Notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=dee174​adbd3ed5f7e676ef387cb9130dfae53fd2>
14:39 terranm joined #evergreen
14:47 ian1 joined #evergreen
14:50 abneiman t-minus 10 mins to dev meeting
14:51 redavis joined #evergreen
14:56 JBoyer Dyrcona++ #helpin
14:56 shulabear joined #evergreen
14:57 smayo joined #evergreen
15:00 abneiman alrighty we're doing it live
15:00 abneiman #startmeeting 2024-07-09 Developer Meeting
15:00 pinesol Meeting started Tue Jul  9 15:00:17 2024 US/Eastern.  The chair is abneiman. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00 pinesol Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00 pinesol The meeting name has been set to '2024_07_09_developer_meeting'
15:00 abneiman #info agenda: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?​id=dev:meetings:2024-07-09#new_business
15:00 abneiman eh, sorry for the jump link. Y'all will figure it out.
15:01 abneiman #topic Introductions
15:01 redavis #info redavis = Ruth Frasur Davis, ECDI
15:01 abneiman who are you all, anyway? Please use format #info, nick, name, affiliation
15:01 dluch #info dluch = Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS
15:01 mmorgan #info mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE
15:01 phasefx_ #info phasefx_ = Jason Etheridge, EOLI
15:01 sandbergja joined #evergreen
15:01 abneiman #info abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, EOLI
15:01 smayo #info smayo = Steven Mayo, PINES
15:01 sandbergja #info sandbergja = Jane Sandberg, PUL
15:01 terranm #info terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES
15:01 sleary #info sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI
15:02 berick #info berick Bill Erickson, KCLS
15:02 abneiman welcome, all. If you come in late please feel free to introduce yourself!
15:03 abneiman #topic Action Items from Last Meeting
15:03 abneiman #info gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
15:03 pinesol Launchpad bug 2051946 in Evergreen "institute a Git commit message template" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2051946 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
15:03 eeevil #info eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI
15:03 abneiman I believe this is still pending
15:03 Dyrcona #info Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, CWMARS
15:04 collum joined #evergreen
15:04 abneiman #info mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same
15:04 mmorgan Rather than keeping this as a recurring action item, I would like to move this to a launchpad ticket where it can evolve with community input.
15:04 JBoyer #info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, EOLI
15:04 abneiman good call, mmorgan
15:04 rlefaive joined #evergreen
15:04 abneiman would you like an action item to convert the action item? :)
15:04 collum #info collum = Garry Collum, kcpl
15:05 mmorgan Yes! happy to open a ticket
15:05 redavis mmorgan++
15:05 sleary mmorgan++
15:05 abneiman #action mmorgan will open a ticket for  moving LP stats to community site & automating same
15:05 abneiman mmorgan++
15:05 abneiman next...
15:05 abneiman #info eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
15:05 Jaysal joined #evergreen
15:06 abneiman eeevil, anything to report?
15:06 eeevil eventually, yes, I will ...
15:06 shulabear #info shulabear = Shula Link, GCHRL
15:06 abneiman noted
15:06 abneiman #action eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
15:06 abneiman oh and ...
15:06 abneiman #action gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
15:06 pinesol Launchpad bug 2051946 in Evergreen "institute a Git commit message template" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2051946 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
15:06 abneiman and because it's that kind of day, back up the agenda to...
15:07 abneiman #info Dyrcona will take a look at bug 1017990
15:07 pinesol Launchpad bug 1017990 in Evergreen "Possible to bypass holds placement limits via direct API calls" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1017990 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
15:07 Dyrcona I haven't really had time, yet. Also does this need to be a meeting item, other than it was brought up here?
15:08 abneiman nope, it was just on the agenda as an action from last time. Will drop it for next meeting.
15:08 abneiman #info kmlussier will update wiki (commit message standards) to include details about shared components/pullrequest rule for LP tagging on multi-commits
15:08 JBoyer It does serve as a reminder to some of us that our branches are broken. (it me, I'm us. er, somehting like that)
15:08 abneiman #info kmlussier has done this: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:​git&amp;do=diff&amp;rev2%5B0%5D=1712683062&amp;​rev2%5B1%5D=1720473693&amp;difftype=sidebyside
15:08 abneiman kmlussier++
15:09 abneiman she notes "I did not update the new devs wiki page on Git for Windows because there are no instructions on the page for modifying the commit message at a later time."
15:09 redavis kmlussier++
15:09 mmorgan kmlussier++
15:09 dluch kmlussier++
15:09 shulabear kmlussier++
15:09 abneiman #info redavis, Dyrcona, abneiman, LindaJansova, EvaCe will investigate and see what it will take to move our translations to POEditor
15:09 abneiman we did have this meeting! it feels like it was a long time ago.
15:10 abneiman does someone not-me want to give a quick summary?
15:10 Dyrcona I think I'm supposed to do something related to that... and it does seem like a long time ago.
15:10 redavis It does feel like a long time ago. We did walk through POEditor plans and Galen was able to get some new functionality added.
15:11 redavis Because of the Project's non-profit status, it didn't cost anything.  But now, we're looking at what it'll take to make decisions and port stuff (if deemed useful) from Launchpad to POEditor.
15:11 scottangel #info scottangel = Scott Angel, MOBIUS
15:11 abneiman redavis++
15:11 sleary redavis to clarify, does that mean that we were missing some things that should have been available to us on the open source / non-profit plan we're on?
15:12 redavis Yes
15:12 sleary thanks
15:12 mmorgan redavis++
15:12 redavis Hold and I'll bring up what they were.  Carry on.
15:12 dluch redavis++
15:12 sleary redavis++
15:12 abneiman #info quoting redavis: We did walk through POEditor plans and Galen was able to get some new functionality added. Because of the Project's non-profit status, it didn't cost anything.  But now, we're looking at what it'll take to make decisions and port stuff (if deemed useful) from Launchpad to POEditor.
15:12 abneiman final action item:
15:13 abneiman #info redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
15:13 abneiman I believe there was also progress on this, yes?
15:13 redavis So, I wouldn't say that THAT has been done exactly...
15:13 Dyrcona We do plan to have extra time for translations in the 3.14 release cycle.
15:13 abneiman redavis++ Dyrcona++
15:13 redavis But we did build some extra time into the next release cycle to accommodate more time for translations and talked about how that might continue for other releases, but it point or major
15:14 redavis s/but it/be it
15:14 Dyrcona Regarding POEditor: They turned on GitHub/Gitlab integration for us and are willing to turn on other features according to gmcharlt.
15:15 abneiman redavis: do you want the action item to carry forward? There is a larger discussion that should continue, but in terms of the calendar event?
15:15 Dyrcona I think I'm supposed to look into getting the integration to work.
15:15 redavis Right.  GitHub/GitLab integrations, translation memory, history and audit logs.
15:15 sleary nice!
15:15 redavis abneiman, I feel wholly unprepared to answer that competently, so I'll say "yes."
15:15 abneiman Dyrcona: as today's action item fairy, I am ready and able to give you an action for that in this meeting if you wish :-D
15:16 abneiman #action redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
15:16 redavis abneiman, I think more than making the regular calendar event, extra time for translation work needs to be added into release cycle procedure.
15:17 abneiman redavis: both, I think, since we at least make a nominal effort to calendar point releases
15:17 redavis abneiman++ #truth_has_been_spoken
15:17 Dyrcona abneiman: That's OK. I'll take an action to look into git integration with POEditor.
15:18 abneiman #action: Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor
15:18 abneiman Dyrcona++
15:18 abneiman anything else from last week's actions?
15:18 rlefaive joined #evergreen
15:18 abneiman or last month's, even? what is time.
15:18 sleary Dyrcona++ redavis++ abneiman++
15:19 * redavis clarifies that POEditor offers no subscription fee to open source projects - not non-profit.
15:19 berick Dyrcona++ redavis++ abneiman++
15:19 abneiman #info redavis clarifies that POEditor offers no subscription fee to open source projects - not non-profit.
15:19 abneiman good clarification redavis
15:19 mmorgan Dyrcona++ redavis++ abneiman++
15:19 abneiman moving along
15:19 abneiman #topic Release info
15:20 abneiman #info two OpenSRF releases! https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-and-ope​nsrf-security-releases-evergreen-3-10-5-3-1​1-6-3-12-4-3-13-1-opensrf-3-2-5-and-3-3-1/
15:20 abneiman #info also, Evergreen security releases! https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-and-ope​nsrf-security-releases-evergreen-3-10-5-3-1​1-6-3-12-4-3-13-1-opensrf-3-2-5-and-3-3-1/
15:20 abneiman hahaha that's the same link, genius
15:21 abneiman anyway, ++ to all who helped get those out
15:21 dluch ++
15:21 mmorgan Indeed!
15:21 abneiman as a reminder:
15:21 terranm everybody++
15:21 abneiman #info 3.14 Roadmap is here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/do​ku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap - mark your calendars!
15:21 abneiman and, a ninja edit of the agenda from me, your erstwhile meeting leader ...
15:22 abneiman #info given that we just did a security release, is there any intent to do a further July point release (for non-security bugfixes) or are we waiting til August?
15:23 abneiman discuss!
15:23 redavis If we're adding reminders (I was going to wait until announcements, but will do it now) - there is...as abneiman just stated a scheduled monthly maintenance/point release on the books for next week.
15:23 abneiman also, gmcharlt++ eeevil++ sandbergja++ Dyrcona++ # security release
15:23 sandbergja +1 to a July maintenance release
15:24 sandbergja and I can help out with it
15:24 abneiman I'm available for release notes next week
15:24 abneiman sandbergja++
15:24 redavis also +1 to the maintenance release, and I can do...something.
15:24 redavis sandbergja++
15:24 abneiman redavis++
15:24 shulabear sandbergja++ redavis++
15:24 abneiman sounds like it's a go
15:24 * mmorgan is willing to help also
15:25 redavis I'll go ahead and send out a reminder to the list(s) tomorrow for anyone who wasn't here today.
15:25 dluch sandbergja++ redavis++ abneiman++ mmorgan++
15:25 abneiman #info yes, Virginia, there will be a July point release
15:25 redavis abneiman++
15:25 abneiman #action sandbergja, abneiman, redavis, and mmorgan will put out said point release
15:25 abneiman mmorgan++
15:25 abneiman now that the karma is all in order. next item!
15:25 jeffdavis thanks all!
15:26 abneiman #topic Launchpad stats
15:26 abneiman Snapshot
15:26 abneiman Open Bugs - 3108
15:26 abneiman Pullrequests - 95
15:26 abneiman Signedoff - 11
15:26 abneiman Edit
15:26 abneiman Updates Since Last Meeting
15:26 abneiman Bugs Added - 76
15:26 abneiman Pullrequest tag Added - 20
15:26 abneiman Signedoff tag Added - 6
15:26 abneiman Fix Committed - 8
15:27 abneiman decent progress over the last month. any questions / comments on those?
15:27 abneiman mmorgan++ # for the stats
15:27 mmorgan progress++
15:27 abneiman onward!
15:27 abneiman #topic New Business
15:28 abneiman #info Can we make some progress on some of these issues? http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2024-03-12#i_547284
15:28 sandbergja I put this on here.  I think I lied when calling it "new business" hahaha
15:28 abneiman "eternal business"
15:28 ian1 left #evergreen
15:28 terranm lol
15:28 mmorgan Everything old is new again :)
15:28 dluch lol
15:29 sandbergja I was hoping we could go back to the previous discussion, and pull out one or two bitesize items that we could make progress on *in this meeting*
15:29 abneiman ok - did you have your eye on a couple items in particular?
15:29 redavis fer sure.  But I do like the idea of someone being able to checkout a virtual machine.  Just used that in a class and it was delightful.
15:29 sandbergja so not like move git hosting or setting up a VM checkout system,  but... like more guidance on backporting.  Or doing something proactive about existing pull requests without test plans
15:30 jeffdavis Would a "needstestplan" tag be useful or is that just kicking the can down the road some more?
15:30 redavis jeffdavis++
15:30 sleary was just thinking that, jeffdavis
15:31 abneiman it's certainly a start
15:31 abneiman jeffdavis++
15:31 Dyrcona For testing, we do have this old document: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=dev:contributing:qa
15:31 Dyrcona It basically says, you must include tests.
15:32 jeffdavis I think " a plan for how to test if the fix works" is not necessarily the same as the automated tests contemplated there.
15:32 jeffdavis Although automated tests are certainly ideal.
15:32 sleary correct.
15:32 abneiman yes, I was going to say - not everything is automatically-testable
15:32 redavis I think there are both code tests and feature tests.
15:33 sleary and I think that document is not entirely up to date with our current translation process.
15:33 abneiman and in fact, we do have  a "needstest" LP tag which indicates that an automated test is needed (and is often misapplied by people who think it means "please test this")
15:34 sandbergja It seems to me that the automated test part of that document has been more or less ignored for 9 years...  It is pretty unusual to see any code submitted _with_ automated tests.
15:34 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:34 Dyrcona True. We have not been enforcing it. Commit messages explaining how to test have been acceptable, too.
15:34 redavis there's a nuance differentiating needstest and needstestplan
15:36 Jaysal joined #evergreen
15:36 Dyrcona I'm not sure we were all that strict with the 2.8 and 2.9 releases mentioned in the document, but it's a start.
15:36 rlefaive joined #evergreen
15:36 Jaysal joined #evergreen
15:36 sandbergja I'm hearing no strong objections to a needstestplan tag
15:37 redavis +1 to needstestplan tag
15:37 sandbergja And the page Dyrcona mentioned has a nice example of a test plan in a commit message
15:37 redavis It seems that that page could also do with a nice update, but I can't volunteer for that.
15:37 abneiman no, but I will point out that with one exception, the needstest tag is on bugs that haven't seen any action in 3+ years
15:39 * mmorgan likes the idea of using Launchpad tags, but we need to make sure the tags are more like action items than reasons to kick the can down the road.
15:39 abneiman this ^^^^
15:39 redavis abneiman, I can envision the needstestplan used on a consternating lp ticket during BSW where a tester might need more info to set up their test. "help me!"
15:39 abneiman good point, redavis
15:40 jeffdavis I will say I committed something today because abneiman asked for eyes on the 3.14 roadmap, and the fix had a test plan and no merge conflict.
15:40 abneiman "The disambiguation of uses of Lauchpad tags: an Evergreen Conference Panel and / or drinking game"
15:40 redavis lol!
15:40 abneiman jeffdavis++
15:40 sandbergja nice, jeffdavis!
15:40 redavis jeffdavis++
15:40 mmorgan jeffdavis++
15:40 dluch jeffdavis++
15:40 jeffdavis So reminders can work. Maybe sharing a "bugs to look at" list regularly would encourage that?
15:41 abneiman Tags are good, and comments along with tags are even better.
15:41 Dyrcona jeffdavis++ # The collab group looked at it yesterday, too. I thought some from that meeting was going to commit it.
15:41 redavis re: EVGILS Panel vs. drinking game.  Porque no los dos?
15:41 abneiman jeffdavis: I like that idea, but who will produce that list?
15:41 sleary could we add a new item to the stats in this meeting for bugs that have newly added "needstestplan" tags?
15:42 mmorgan +1
15:42 smayo sleary++
15:42 abneiman well, in that case, "needswork" and "needsrebase" should also be on that list
15:42 sandbergja One etiquette question (which I think might be part of not kicking the can down the road): if a pullrequest gets a needstestplan applied, can anybody reply on launchpad with the test plan?  Or would it have to tbe the original patch author.
15:43 mmorgan I also like the idea of a bugs to look at list.
15:43 redavis that's a cool idea.  clarifying question - would needstestplan only go on pull requested tickets?
15:43 redavis sandbergja++
15:43 sleary redavis I think so
15:43 redavis sleary++
15:43 shulabear redavis++
15:44 Dyrcona sandbergja: In keeping the bazaar atmosphere, I think anyone could offer  a test plan, though it would be better coming from the original patch author.
15:44 abneiman yes, I was basically typing what Dyrcona just said re test plan
15:44 redavis Dyrcona++
15:44 mmorgan I also think anyone could offer a test plan.
15:44 sandbergja Dyrcona++
15:44 shulabear Dyrcona++
15:44 abneiman and +1 to the tag being only applicable to pr'd items
15:45 jeffdavis IMO it should be an expectation that the author provides the test plan, but I agree anyone could do it.
15:45 abneiman OK, so, I think we have a few items of agreement here:
15:45 redavis And maybe worth noting that there might be people who excel at test plans but not other stuff and vice versaish.
15:45 shulabear redavis++
15:45 sandbergja redavis: good point
15:46 sleary I think we've occasionally gotten test plans from the first signoff person.
15:46 abneiman 1) [someone] will create a needstestplan tag, which will be appplied to PR'd bugs if a test plan is lacking and needed; 2) we prefer if all PR'd bugs ALREADY have a test plan from the patch author, but if not, anyone can provide them; 3) mmorgan will update the LP stats monthly pull to include new uses of needswork, needsrebase, and needstestplan
15:46 mmorgan Providing test plans could be a good fit for folks that use Evergreen and not so much write code.
15:47 abneiman is that an accurate summary? does anyone want to take the first item as an action?
15:47 redavis I do envision that this might be a nice entry point for community contribution as well.
15:47 sandbergja I can make the tag right now
15:48 mmorgan I would think it could be a good entry point. A good bug squasing week activity!
15:48 mmorgan sandbergja++
15:48 abneiman sandbergja++ # the best kind of action items are the ones already done!
15:48 abneiman ok, for the minutes:
15:48 redavis sandbergja++
15:49 abneiman #info agreed upon the following: 1) sandbergja will create a needstestplan tag, which will be appplied to PR'd bugs if a test plan is lacking and needed; 2) we prefer if all PR'd bugs ALREADY have a test plan from the patch author, but if not, anyone can provide them; 3) mmorgan will update the LP stats monthly pull to include new uses of needswork, needsrebase, and needstestplan
15:49 terranm It will need to be added to https://wiki.evergreen-ils.​org/doku.php?id=dev:lp_tags as well - I can do that
15:49 abneiman terranm++
15:49 redavis terranm++
15:49 Dyrcona I think there's actually and #agreed command for the bot.
15:49 abneiman moving along, or any other discussion here? did we meet your goal of bitesize actionable items here, sandbergja?
15:49 Dyrcona s/and/an/
15:49 terranm To make sure I'm right, needstestplan should be applied to tickets needing testing instructions, correct? (I had to step away, so trying to catch up)_
15:50 sleary yes
15:50 terranm thx
15:50 sandbergja I'm good!  Thanks all!
15:50 abneiman everyone++
15:50 abneiman next item
15:50 abneiman #info several items on the 3.14 roadmap are already pullrequested, and two are signed off - can these get some eyes to avoid last minute merge scrambling?
15:51 abneiman this was from me.
15:51 abneiman oops, links are helpful: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku​.php?id=faqs:evergreen_roadmap:3.14
15:52 abneiman jeffdavis already took one of these on, so there are now TWO features committed for 3.14!
15:52 dluch woot!
15:52 eeevil side note, I'm happy that evergreen pi will be a spoooooky release right by Halloween :D
15:52 abneiman and yes, I will give myself a related action
15:52 abneiman #action abneiman will review existing EOLI PRs for test plans
15:52 phasefx_ we could just keep versioning in the pattern of pi, but it wouldn't be rational
15:52 Dyrcona eeevil: Should we do what tex does and increment 1 digit of pi for each future release?
15:53 Dyrcona phasefx_++
15:53 abneiman phasefx_++
15:53 abneiman but I mean, if y'all are done...
15:53 abneiman ahem.
15:53 redavis phasefix_++
15:53 redavis phasefx_++ #too
15:53 dluch phasefx_++
15:54 smayo A spooky release with dark mode on the roadmap? Very spooky.
15:54 phasefx_ we're all nerds
15:54 abneiman (I'm just forging ahead, you nerds) there are 3 pullrequests and 2 signoffs on that 3.14 roadmap. Perhaps instead of a Last Minute Merge Melee, we can look at some of those earlier?
15:54 sleary smayo we should put a ghost easter egg in there somewhere
15:54 eeevil alliterative code names: pumpkin pi
15:54 redavis There are couple of those that are still in or pre-testing.
15:55 abneiman good point, redavis
15:55 sleary yes, and a few not finished at all--although dark mode is getting pretty close!
15:55 redavis Also, I'll go do a root around LP and see if there are some other things that should be added to the roadmap as well.
15:56 jeffdavis I'm kind of scared to commit bug 2043142 because it's so big, even though folks here at Sitka have tested and signed off on it. Does a non-EOLI person need to commit it?
15:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 2043142 in Evergreen "wishlist: Reports security improvements" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2043142
15:56 abneiman AFAIK these are ready for review:
15:56 abneiman Add PostgreSQL 16 support bug 2037656 – pullrequested & signedoff
15:56 abneiman Experimental Angular Circulation update (alerts, messages, notes; accessibility)  bug 2065344 – pullrequested
15:56 abneiman Rename Any Parts label bug 1902120 – pullrequested
15:56 abneiman Reports security improvements bug 2043142 – pullrequested & signedoff
15:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 2037656 in Evergreen "Add Support for PostgreSQL 16" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2037656
15:56 abneiman Various changes to the release process bug 2060734 – pullrequested
15:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 2065344 in Evergreen "Angular Circ: notes & messages; UI & accessibility omnibus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2065344
15:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 1902120 in Evergreen "Rename 'All parts' to 'Any part' in hold placement screen" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902120
15:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 2060734 in Evergreen "Various changes to the release process" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060734 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
15:56 redavis jeffdavis, that's preferable.
15:57 Dyrcona Regarding Lp 2043142: Someone at CW MARS told me it likely would not affect us because we don't let library staff create templates. Otherwise, we would probably have tested it by now.
15:57 pinesol Launchpad bug 2043142 in Evergreen "wishlist: Reports security improvements" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2043142
15:57 sandbergja out of curiosity, does bug 2043142 have a test plan?
15:58 abneiman sandbergja: there is a tech ref doc and an extensive commit message, but not necessarily a "do A and get B" test plan
15:58 Dyrcona I have actually been looking at Lp 2060734, and I should go ever it again. I think I'd like to suggest/make some modifications.
15:58 pinesol Launchpad bug 2060734 in Evergreen "Various changes to the release process" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060734 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
15:59 abneiman which, does point to a wrinkle that I of all people should've thought of, which is, what's the difference between a bugfix test plan and a feature test plan
15:59 Dyrcona typos--
15:59 sandbergja Dyrcona++ # thanks for reviewing that
15:59 Dyrcona sandbergja++ Thanks for taking it on.
15:59 sandbergja abneiman: good question
16:00 Dyrcona yeah, bug fix tests should be easier than new features, unless the feature is really simple.
16:00 abneiman because with features, it's not as simple as "do A and get B" - which is why we (Equinox) try to include documentation and tech ref docs with new features, along with extensive commit messages
16:01 abneiman but, if you all would rather us put out more formal test plans, I can work on that as well
16:01 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:01 abneiman however, we are at the top of the hour so maybe "test plans for big features" could be a future topic
16:02 sandbergja yeah, that might be where it gets trickier
16:02 dluch +1
16:03 redavis also +1
16:03 abneiman #action discussion item for next meeting: test plans for big features
16:03 abneiman that even might be a worthy hackaway topic
16:03 abneiman anyway.
16:04 abneiman anything else to discuss? Anything that I forgot? Any parting words of wisdom?
16:04 redavis stay hydrated
16:04 eeevil never start a land war in ... oh, nevermind
16:04 abneiman #agree we're all gonna stay hydrated
16:04 dluch lol
16:04 redavis eeevil++
16:04 shulabear never got up against a sicilian when death is on the line.
16:05 abneiman going once
16:05 * mmorgan want some pi(e)
16:05 eeevil shulabear++
16:05 redavis shulabear++
16:05 abneiman going twice ...
16:05 dluch shulabear++
16:05 abneiman it's been real y'all
16:05 terranm Cheers y'all
16:05 abneiman #endmeeting
16:05 pinesol Meeting ended Tue Jul  9 16:05:22 2024 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
16:05 pinesol Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2024/evergreen.2024-07-09-15.00.html
16:05 pinesol Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2024/evergreen.2024-07-09-15.00.txt
16:05 pinesol Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2024/evergreen.2024-07-09-15.00.log.html
16:05 eeevil abneiman++
16:05 shulabear abneiman++
16:05 Dyrcona abneiman++
16:05 dluch abneiman++
16:05 mmorgan abneiman++
16:05 collum abneiman++
16:05 sleary abneiman++
16:06 scottangel abneiman++
16:06 redavis abneiman++
16:06 phasefx_ abneiman++
16:06 smayo abneiman++
16:50 sandbergja abneiman++
16:51 JBoyer abneiman++
16:54 sandbergja abneiman++
17:23 mmorgan left #evergreen

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