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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-06-14

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:20 jeff joined #evergreen
07:35 collum joined #evergreen
07:35 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:52 tslittle joined #evergreen
08:09 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:41 mantis1 joined #evergreen
08:43 rfrasur joined #evergreen
08:44 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:44 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
08:49 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
08:55 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:02 jihpringle joined #evergreen
10:33 mantis1 Continued issues with upgrading to 3.11.0.  Getting node.js errors when running sudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install ubuntu-focal-developer.  I did delete the node file in /usr/local/bin.  Not sure where else I should do that.
10:38 JBoyer mantis1, you need to totally wipe node out: ' sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules '
10:38 JBoyer Then the developer pre-reqs should be able to replace it with the correct version
10:42 mantis1 JBoyer++ worked like a charm!
10:47 Dyrcona Anyone seen issues with saving patrons after doing a switch user in the staff client? I just butted into a conversation with a couple of librarians at a NOBLE library discussing that. It seems it might have something to do with the patron group application_perm.
10:48 Dyrcona Somebody recently shared a script for clearing out Node. I have one that I use, but I'll see if I can find the link to one that is already on Pastebin or wherever.
10:49 Dyrcona mantis1: Here's my script to cleanup node: https://pastebin.com/CP4bPZLz  I guess I shared it already.
10:50 Dyrcona And, here is csharp_'s : https://pastebin.com/aWcn6jkC
10:56 * mmorgan was looking at that exact problem :)
10:57 mmorgan Dyrcona: ^^
10:58 mmorgan When I switched user on the edit screen, the save button only lit up after refreshing. But after a refresh, I was able to save.
11:03 Dyrcona mmorgan: OK. I overheard a couple of librarians talking about it in a NOBLE library today, and I butted in saying it sounded like a bug to me. :)
11:04 * Dyrcona is hanging out at Gordon College and working on Evergreen while his daughter does an internship in the library archives. :)
11:04 mmorgan Cool!
11:04 Dyrcona Yeah, thanks.
11:05 mantis1 Dyrcona++
11:07 gmcharlt Dyrcona==
11:07 gmcharlt er
11:08 gmcharlt Dyrcona++
11:14 gmcharlt if you give a mouse a cookie^W^W^W^W GitHub Actions a commit...
11:14 gmcharlt anyway, the GitHub-based automatic tests are now happy again
11:14 pinesol News from commits: fix title of 3.11.0 release notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8c52cb​5dfef7485f4bec742c2a431c35b39d6c58>
11:15 pinesol News from commits: LP#2023582 - 3.11.0 release notes - remove redundant section <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ba9550​376925919ddab361b4b9f918fd8f5b66f7>
11:15 pinesol News from commits: LP#2023582: Update RELEASE_NOTES_3_11.adoc - formatting fixes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=500b04​d7a729d30bc87b66aafe53d52220163256>
11:22 Dyrcona gmcharlt++
11:28 Christineb_ joined #evergreen
12:51 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:13 dmoore joined #evergreen
13:45 jvwoolf Anybody have an issue with Perl modules not getting installed correctly with 3.9.3?
13:45 jvwoolf We've installed it a few times over the past few weeks (including for our production system) but seem to be having issues with the install on 2 different test servers today.
13:58 JBoyer jvwoolf, any OS upgrades in the mix there?
13:59 JBoyer (Like 20.04 -> 22.04, not 20.04.9 -> 20.04.10)
14:13 jeff jvwoolf: can you say more about what the issues/symptoms are? are there errors at "make install" time, or something else?
14:17 jvwoolf JBoyer: As a matter of fact, there were. 18.04 to 20.04.
14:18 jvwoolf jeff: One server had an error when I ran make check. The other went through the install OK but had an error when trying to start services.
14:20 jeff What were the errors? Also, sounds like your Perl version changed, so JBoyer may have more ideas related to his original line of thought.
14:20 JBoyer Those almost always end up changing perl versions, so /usr/local/share/perl/5.x.y/ may be replaced by /usr/local/share/perl/5.a.b/ and now all of the Evergreen perl mods aren't where they're expected anymore. So, after an os upgrade you've got to treat it as a fresh Eg install (so make -f ... ubuntu-something-developer or whatever)
14:21 JBoyer So if you skip the pre-req install because Evergreen was already on there it will be ... weird.
14:21 jvwoolf JBoyer: I did that
14:22 jvwoolf Unless our install instructions are missing something. I'll take a look at the community instructions
14:23 JBoyer Bummer. :-/ I'm running low on ideas that would affect perl at that point. (Now node, that can cause all kinds of fun, new, problems)
14:25 jvwoolf Nope, our instructions match what's here: https://evergreen-ils.org/docume​ntation/install/README_3_9.html
14:27 jvwoolf In case it helps, here's the make check error: https://pastebin.com/FGDiYq6R
14:30 jvwoolf And here's the startup error: https://pastebin.com/gKQdDQSz
14:31 jvwoolf Oh! I also noticed when I was started it was complaining about checksums not matching.
14:34 mantis1 left #evergreen
14:34 jvwoolf I'll try one more time to see if I missed a step along the way.
14:34 jeff Did your OpenSRF installation go well?
14:37 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
14:37 jeff because that second paste indicates that your new Perl 5.30 install doesn't have the OpenSRF::Utils::Logger package present in its default directories. If you last successfully installed OpenSRF before your OS (and Perl) upgrade, then you do need to install OpenSRF again (at least to get the Perl libs).
14:38 jvwoolf They did. We reinstalled OpenSRF on both servers.
14:38 jvwoolf No errors on that one
14:39 jvwoolf We used the 3.2.3 tarball, which we had done before
14:40 jeff the output of this command may be instructive: find /usr -name OpenSRF.pm
14:40 mantis1 joined #evergreen
14:44 jvwoolf https://pastebin.com/sx6WMB1K
14:50 jvwoolf Ah, on the server with the start error we think the wrong distro was used in the make commands
14:59 jeff Is that find command output from the same server as this paste? https://pastebin.com/raw/gKQdDQSz ("the start error")?
15:06 jvwoolf jeff: Yes
15:06 jvwoolf mantis1 reinstalled OpenSRF on that server and it's all good now
15:06 jvwoolf jeff++
15:07 mantis1 I was running it on the wrong OS version
15:07 mantis1 @bartender jeff
15:07 * pinesol fills a pint glass with Schlitz, and sends it sliding down the bar to jeff (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/106/263/)
15:08 mantis1 @coffee jvwoolf
15:08 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Kenya Peaberry Deep River Estate, and sends it sliding down the bar to jvwoolf
15:10 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:10 jvwoolf I know I did everything right this time on the server I'm working on and I'm getting the same error on make check
15:11 jvwoolf @bartender mantis1
15:11 * pinesol fills a pint glass with Ommegang Witte, and sends it sliding down the bar to mantis1 (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/42/16506/)
15:13 jeff Above the "Test Summary Report" should be a collection of more specific/detailed error messages. Often times I like to start with the first one, though it's not guaranteed to be the clue that leads to a solution. :-)
15:14 Dyrcona jvwoolf: Is this a virtual machine?
15:15 jvwoolf Dyrcona: Yes
15:16 mantis1 left #evergreen
15:17 Dyrcona I'd destroy it and start over. The output from your find commands suggests that it has been upgraded from Ubuntu 16 to 18 to 20.
15:19 jvwoolf Dyrcona: That's the case with all of our test VMs at this point
15:20 jvwoolf This is the only one that's decided to be a PITA
15:25 Dyrcona Try this one: find /usr -name Logger.pm
15:28 * Dyrcona was just wondering why my database was missing indexes, and then realized I was checking the wrong schema.
15:28 Dyrcona No asset.copy indexes in the actor schema!
15:28 jvwoolf https://pastebin.com/49UtGZq2
15:29 jeff based on that output, my next suggestion would be perl -c /usr/local/share/perl/5.30​.0/OpenSRF/Utils/Logger.pm
15:30 Dyrcona Yeahp. What jeff said.
15:30 Dyrcona Probably a busted module somewhere.
15:32 jeff (but I also think we may be using the output of paste gKQdDQSz ("the start error") to debug a different machine, so that may not be helpful.)
15:33 jeff the errors from "make check" that occurred before the Test Summary Report are my best suggestion at the moment.
15:33 jvwoolf jeff: Yes, sorry for the noise on that one
15:33 jvwoolf It was just a coincidence that they were both getting Perl-related errors at the same time
15:34 jvwoolf /usr/local/share/perl/5.30​.0/OpenSRF/Utils/Logger.pm syntax OK
15:38 Dyrcona jvwoolf: Try this one: perl -c /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0/O​penILS/Application/Storage.pm
15:40 * Dyrcona should audit the CW MARS database indexes. I've found at least one that has the wrong name and a slightly different definition from the stock schema.
15:41 jvwoolf Ah, now we're cookin'
15:41 jvwoolf https://pastebin.com/QXSJeQy2
15:43 Dyrcona I wonder how that happened. Someone installed Class::DBI differently on this one?
15:45 Dyrcona jvwoolf: If `apt search libclass-dbi-perl` includes the word installed, then run this: `sudo apt purge libclass-db-perl`
15:46 Dyrcona After that, I'd reinstall the Evergreen prerequisites for ubuntu-focal.
15:52 Dyrcona As for what I'm working on: I can add a new index, get both the old code and new code to use it, and the old code is now as slow as the new code. :)
15:52 Dyrcona With the original index definition, the old code is faster.
15:54 Dyrcona IOW, my code introduces a performance regression that I haven't figure out how to remove, yet.
15:56 jvwoolf Dyrcona: I assume that second command should be: `sudo apt purge libclass-dbi-perl`?
15:56 Dyrcona jvwoolf: Correct. I missed the i when I typed it.
15:57 jvwoolf Dyrcona++
15:57 jvwoolf Thank you for your help with this!
15:58 Dyrcona You're welcome and jeff++ also.
15:58 jvwoolf Yes indeed
15:58 jvwoolf jeff++
15:58 jvwoolf Oh an
15:58 jvwoolf JBoyer++
15:59 jvwoolf For chiming in earlier :)
16:03 jvwoolf Already looking better. No checksum errors.
16:07 Dyrcona Ooh. I think I've found an index combination that works.
16:10 Dyrcona It mostly gives better performance that the one new index alone. I'll have to EXPLAIN to see if the second index is actually used.
16:12 Dyrcona Weird. The second index isn't used, not even with an exists variation of the query.
16:12 jvwoolf make check still fails :(
16:12 jvwoolf TBC tomorrow
16:12 jvwoolf I have a preschool art show to attend
16:12 Dyrcona OK! Enjoy!
16:13 jvwoolf Thanks! :)
16:13 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:15 Dyrcona I'll bet that config.copy_status is so small, that the optimizer says, "Who needs an index?"
16:37 Dyrcona I wonder if add deleted is false to the index would speed things up? You wouldn't want to pull a deleted copy for the pull list, would you?
16:39 jeff I'd like to see that. :-)
16:40 Dyrcona It is faster than the index with the copy statues!
16:41 Dyrcona It knocks .2 to .3 seconds off the query run time.
16:42 Dyrcona So, I'm going to make some more modifications to Lp 1904737 and use this index: "create index on asset.copy (circ_lib) where deleted = false or deleted is false;"
16:42 pinesol Launchpad bug 1904737 in Evergreen "Flag/setting for Items with Specific Statuses to Display on Holds Pull List" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1904737 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
16:43 Dyrcona I think I'll see what happens with the current query using that index and dropping the cp_available... index.
16:43 Dyrcona I'll bet it's faster.
16:47 Dyrcona Yeah... On my test system performance is comparable to the modified query and just slightly faster than the previous cp_available_by_circ_lib_idx.  Going to modify the queries to include "deleted is false" to force the is false index to be used. Maybe drop the circ with status code index, too.
16:49 Dyrcona Heh. It's using both indexes when they are there.
16:49 Dyrcona oops. It's the index on serial.unit that I'm seeing...
16:53 Dyrcona To be fair, I should probably loop these variations thousands of times and average them out, and they will likely all be comparable, i.e. within a fraction of a second of each other.
17:03 mmorgan left #evergreen
22:44 scottangel joined #evergreen

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