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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-06-15

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
03:25 tsadok joined #evergreen
03:41 tsadok joined #evergreen
08:07 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:48 tslittle joined #evergreen
09:15 rfrasur joined #evergreen
09:16 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:07 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
10:10 mmorgan left #evergreen
10:22 Dyrcona Crazy. I've got one server that I left running for a few days and only drones are running. Looks like the routers and listeners all shut down.
10:23 Dyrcona I wonder what I did or what happened... Think I'll make a note to look into it later.
10:25 Dyrcona Ejabberd update maybe?
10:26 Dyrcona epmd.service and network both restarted as a result of updates. epmd has something to do with erlang/ejabberd, IIRC.
10:28 gmcharlt channeling JBoyer - systemd unit for OpenSRF that asserts a dep on ejabberd could cleanly restart things
10:29 * JBoyer thinks something along the lines of BindsTo=ejabberd.service
10:29 Dyrcona systemd+-
10:29 gmcharlt systemd_qua_service_management++
10:29 gmcharlt systemd_qua_world_eater--
10:29 JBoyer Oh, just wait until you start using a fresh Bookworm system. Finally time to start learning systemd-journald-remote.
10:29 Dyrcona I'm not sure ejabberd restarted. epmd did. I looked it up. It's the Erlang Port Mapper Daemon.
10:30 jeff yup. also, fare-the-well ntpd.
10:30 jeff s/the/thee/ :-P
10:31 Dyrcona Systemd making Linux worse than Windows since.....
10:32 * Dyrcona gets started the OpenSRF/Evergreen+Redis+Rust port to OpenBSD. :)
10:32 jeff or, put a better way (because "fare thee well" isn't really it), "The ntp package, which used to be the default way to set the system clock from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, has been replaced by ntpsec."
10:32 jeff and "The Debian default is now systemd-timesyncd, which may be adequate for users who only need an ntp client to set their clock."
10:33 Dyrcona Maybe I should actually dust off the Devuan support branches?
10:34 Dyrcona TBH, I'll deal with the changes.
10:36 Dyrcona I've started two emails to the development list in response to sleary's email about helping new developers, and deleted the first last Friday. I saved the draft of the second one yesterday. My first was kind of snarky. My second includes a bunch of stuff about how I think switching to Reids and Rust could make things easier for us in the long run. I haven't sent it because it's hard to tell when my opinion is useful or not.
10:37 Dyrcona That's related to the current conversation, I think, because cleaning things up as a result of the other work would make it easier to support other distributions and operating systems. Who knows? Maybe Evergreen will one day run on a Windows server....
10:39 jeff Reids and Rust?
10:39 * jeff looks for the post
10:39 Dyrcona Redis....
10:39 jeff oh!
10:39 jeff never mind.
10:40 Dyrcona I worry that Rust may just be a fad, but it's in the Linux kernel so maybe it isn't. Of course, computers may just be a fad, too.... ;)
10:46 gmcharlt we'll be back to punching holes in cards by hand before you know it!
10:46 Dyrcona heh. I was thinking more about knapping flint into axes, but OK. :)
10:47 gmcharlt both/and - the cards have to be carved out of trees somehow!
10:47 JBoyer There's some jokes going on here but I've seriously considered building an 8x8 core memory and enough core rope memory (core memory, but rom) to hold a few bytes.
10:48 JBoyer I got a little less serious once I saw what a hassle someone else went through for the core, but very interesting stuff. :)
10:49 Dyrcona Ha ha, only serious.... :)
10:49 jeff bit of an extreme method of encouraging more efficient usage of memory... :-)
10:50 JBoyer "Oh, you think you need 50 megs to build this software? Better get weavin."
10:50 Dyrcona "Six hundred forty K is enough for anybody."
10:52 Dyrcona I was thinking of this one when I made the remark about computers being a fad: "I think there's a world market for 5 computers."
10:56 JBoyer Well, in their time and context both of those were a bit less ridiculous than they sound today. :) (Though surely there was room for 7 computers. :D )
10:59 mmorgan joined #evergreen
11:00 Dyrcona :)
11:13 Christineb_ joined #evergreen
11:25 jvwoolf Good morning, all.
11:26 mmorgan jvwoolf: Good morning!
11:26 jvwoolf I finally got smart and sent the make check output to a file on that server I was fighting with yesterday
11:27 jvwoolf Looks like it's throwing this error early on:
11:27 jvwoolf [2023-06-15 10:28:27] t/07-OpenILS-Application-Storage.t/ [ERR :187034:CDBI.pm:34:] Your version of Class::DBI, 3.0.17, is too new and incompatible with Evergreen.  You will need to downgrade to version 3.0.1 or install Class::DBI::Frozen::301
11:28 jvwoolf Which is the same one I saw yesterday when running the perl command, Dyrcona
11:30 Dyrcona jvwoolf: Was the libclass-dbi-perl package installed, and did you purge it?
11:30 jvwoolf I did, but it was the end of the day so maybe something went wrong and I didn't notice
11:31 gmcharlt (ironically, Class::DBI itself has not changed from 3.0.17 for over a decade and is itself frozen; we could migrate to that in saftey, I suspect, although DBICx::Class would probably be a better bet for a module that is still maintained)
11:32 * Dyrcona would like to ditch the Perl code, but that's a conversation for another place and time.
11:34 Dyrcona Another option is to eliminate the need for Class::DBI. I'm not sure it really gives us anything that we can't do with just plain old DBI.
11:34 jvwoolf Just tried again and it *looks* like it worked
11:35 jvwoolf The purging that is, not the install, I'm not that fast :)
11:37 jvwoolf Is this a thing? https://pastebin.com/RevkkMgS
11:38 Dyrcona Yes, that's a thing. libclass-dbi-perl probably depends on those. Now that it's gone, you can remove them.
11:43 Dyrcona I think this is weird. I have 1 vm where libclass-dbi-perl is installed and Evergreen seems to work.
11:43 jeff gmcharlt: agreed / matches what I remember from the last time I dug into the whole thing. :-)
11:44 gmcharlt Dyrcona: PERL5LIB could be smoothing it over
11:45 Dyrcona opensrf@jasontest:~$ perl -MClass::DBI -e 'print "$Class::DBI::VERSION\n";'
11:45 Dyrcona 3.0.17
11:46 Dyrcona make check passes, too.
11:52 Dyrcona gmcharlt: Maybe, but I'm not sure how that's working.
11:53 gmcharlt ah, this is how
11:54 gmcharlt 'Class::DBI::Frozen::301'->use or 'Class::DBI'->use or die $@;
11:54 gmcharlt so if you have the frozen version, it ignores the other one
11:55 Dyrcona gmcharlt: Yeah. I was grepping the code for Frozen::301 but the results hadn't come back yet. I was also poking at my other servers.
11:55 jvwoolf Here's something I'm curious about: https://pastebin.com/guiL4px7
11:56 Dyrcona jvwoolf: I probably made things worse for you by telling you to purge libclass-dbi-perl. It looks like all of my Evergreen servers have it installed as automatic, which means that something else needs it.
11:57 jvwoolf Dyrcona: That's OK at least that is ruled out
11:57 jvwoolf And I think I can just get it back with an apt-get right?
11:57 Dyrcona jvwoolf: Just run the Evergreen prerequisites installer for your distro again: sudo make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install ubuntu-focal (if is't 20.04). Then build Evergreen again.
11:58 Dyrcona That error you pasted is why we use the force option to install it via CPAN.
11:58 jvwoolf That error is coming up when I run that exact command
11:59 Dyrcona Hm...
12:00 bshum Maybe clear the cpan on the root user
12:01 bshum to gather fresh
12:01 bshum And see if it's some corrupted local copy
12:01 Dyrcona Yeah, what bshum just said. I was going to suggest it could be the mirror you are using has a bad checksums file.
12:01 jvwoolf How do I do that?
12:02 Dyrcona sudo rm -rf /root/.cpan
12:03 jvwoolf And that will repopulate when I run through the install?
12:03 Dyrcona Yes.
12:03 jvwoolf Dyrcona++
12:03 bshum In theory.
12:03 jvwoolf bshum++
12:03 bshum :D
12:04 jvwoolf He said the thing!!
12:04 Dyrcona bshum: It will unless something else goes wrong.
12:04 jvwoolf :D
12:04 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:04 jvwoolf bshum: We still say "in theory" around here in your honor :)
12:05 bshum jvwoolf: I couldn't help myself ;)
12:05 mmorgan Hah!
12:05 mmorgan bshum++
12:05 mmorgan jvwoolf++
12:27 jvwoolf HOORAY!!
12:27 jvwoolf IT PASSED!
12:28 Dyrcona jvwoolf++
12:28 jvwoolf Dyrcona++
12:28 jvwoolf bshum++
12:28 bshum jvwoolf++
12:28 jvwoolf More karma because that was quite an ordeal
12:28 bshum Dyrcona++
12:29 Dyrcona bshum++ gmcharlt++
12:34 tslittle joined #evergreen
12:50 tslittle joined #evergreen
13:04 jvwoolf left #evergreen
14:19 mantis1 joined #evergreen
15:31 mantis1 left #evergreen
16:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:46 sleary joined #evergreen
17:08 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:27 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:36 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:10 jihpringle joined #evergreen
21:37 jonadab joined #evergreen

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