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IRC log for #evergreen, 2022-04-13

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:01 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2022-04/2022-04-13_04:00:04/test.49.html>
07:17 rjackson_isl_hom joined #evergreen
07:48 rfrasur joined #evergreen
08:00 mantis joined #evergreen
08:02 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:26 collum joined #evergreen
08:59 rfrasur joined #evergreen
09:01 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:16 Dyrcona Hmm. Looks like it took roughly 12 to 13 hours for pingest.pl to process 4 of the 5 batches of record with the symspell triggers enabled but without having done the symspell setup. I assume the 5th is working on the browse search, but I could be mistaken. I'll see how things look tomorrow before updating bug 1968602.
09:16 pinesol Launchpad bug 1968602 in Evergreen "Symspell Triggers Appear to Slow Record Ingest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1968602
09:20 rjackson_isl_hom Greetings all wizrds of Evergreen - humble support servant wanting advice on debugging a triggered event that shold be sending emakl notifications to patrons but all are currently stuck at pending
09:20 rjackson_isl_hom event def of 5 "Hold Ready for Pickup Email Notification"
09:20 rjackson_isl_hom it is defined without a granularity if that is part of the puzzle
09:20 Dyrcona rjackson_isl_hom: Do you have a trigger runner scheduled to run with the --run-pending option?
09:20 rjackson_isl_hom do these run from cron (and then require a granularity) or?
09:21 rjackson_isl_hom Dyrcona - the event def doesn't have a granularity assigned currently
09:21 rjackson_isl_hom and AFAIK the cron hasn't changed for a while
09:21 Dyrcona rjackson_isl_hom: If there's no granularity, any --run-pending should pick them up unless it has --granularity-only.
09:22 rjackson_isl_hom we have a commented out entry for what "should" pick up no granularity
09:22 Dyrcona You can also do --run-pending with no granularity.
09:22 rjackson_isl_hom which is where the mystery lies - we haven't changed the cron recently
09:23 Dyrcona rjackson_isl_hom: `crontab -l` will show the actual cron that is loaded, in case you didn't know.
09:23 rjackson_isl_hom Dyrcona - thanks I think this is where we were headed - trying to either grab all with no granularity or add one to this event def and a corresponding cron entry
09:23 rjackson_isl_hom Dyrcona++ - got that
09:24 Dyrcona A number of the email events don't have a granularity because they are triggered by other events or made directly by the client or backend.
09:26 Dyrcona There's an expectation to have a --run-pending with no granularity that runs periodically. Ours runs every half hour.
09:27 Dyrcona Granularity is typically for events that are created by the a/t runner with --process-hooks.
09:27 jmurray-isl Dyrcona: My thought was to assign a granularity to this particular event def and have it run more often, say every 5 minutes. Would that make sense?
09:28 Dyrcona jmurray-isl: No, it wouldn't because the hold email ready for pickup notification event is created by the backend when a hold goes on the shelf.
09:29 Dyrcona You really want something to run periodically to just pick up pending events.
09:29 jmurray-isl So that is expected to be left to the every half hour no granularity run?
09:29 Dyrcona Yes.
09:29 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:29 jmurray-isl Thanks.
09:37 jmurray-isl Dyrcona, does the --run-pending with no granularity also pick up things with granularity?
09:38 Dyrcona It does.
09:38 jmurray-isl That's what I thought.  Thanks again!
09:38 Dyrcona Well, let me double check, but I think it does.
09:43 Dyrcona Yes, it looks like that's how it works.
09:44 jmurray-isl Thanks for checking!
09:44 mmorgan jmurray-isl: Any changes made to the event definition recently? What is the Processing delay?
09:45 jmurray-isl From what we can tell there doesn't appear to be.
09:45 * Dyrcona suspects someone changed the crontab and didn't make a note of it.
09:46 jmurray-isl It was changed, but I'm told that it was working after the change.
09:46 jmurray-isl But the --run-pending no granularity had been commented out.
09:47 jmurray-isl It was replaced with an "Everything_Else" granularity.
09:47 Dyrcona Well, as I mentioned earlier --run-pending with --granularity will pickup no granularity events unless --granularity-only is also specified. That could have been what made it appear to work.
09:47 jmurray-isl Gotcha.
09:47 Dyrcona This is all around line 658 in OpenILS/Application/Trigger.pm if anyone wants to look.
09:48 jmurray-isl ++
09:51 Dyrcona Actually, I misspoke about --run-pending. If no --granularity is given it only picks up those with no granularity. Dunno what I was thinking when I read line 665. I must have a bug in my Perl interpreter. :)
09:51 jmurray-isl Ah..
09:51 csharp_ @blame Dyrcona's Perl interpreter
09:51 pinesol csharp_: Dyrcona's Perl interpreter musta been an Apple employee.
09:52 mmorgan :)
09:52 Dyrcona Heh.
09:52 Dyrcona MacPerl was interesting back in the day.
11:05 mantis joined #evergreen
11:39 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
12:03 stephengwills joined #evergreen
12:17 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:32 collum joined #evergreen
12:37 collum joined #evergreen
12:51 collum joined #evergreen
13:47 rfrasur joined #evergreen
13:49 rfrasur_ joined #evergreen
14:19 jeff Dyrcona: FutureBASIC was going to change the Macintosh programming world: https://www.macintoshrepos​itory.org/6653-futurebasic
14:20 jeff (I'm pretty sure it did not.)
14:27 Dyrcona :)
14:28 Dyrcona HyperCard was cool. I even bought the developer edition or whatever.
16:03 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
16:14 rfrasur__ joined #evergreen
16:45 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:08 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:30 stephengwills left #evergreen
18:01 pinesol News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2022-04/2022-04-13_16:00:03/test.49.html>
19:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
20:10 jamin Huh... weird finding.  action.all_circulation records values as they happen, so if the value in other tables for something changes (such as profile for a usr), it won't matter for stats... the value stored in all_circulation stays as it was at the time... correct?
20:11 jamin At least that's how I've understood it.
20:14 jihpringle Hi jamin, the Evergreen irc channel is usually most active 9-5 Eastern Time so you may want to re-ask your question then or post it to the General Mailing list - https://evergreen-ils.org/​communicate/mailing-lists/
20:22 jamin Thanks.  Yeah, I know... one of the reasons I'm rarely in here.  West Coastie here... been a bit of a problem for about a decade now.  Consistently, the time of day when I have questions, or time to follow anything, always ends up after 5pm eastern.  Most have popped out for the day by then.  Occasionally I give it a go anyway, sometimes get lucky. :)

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