Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:30 |
yar joined #evergreen |
05:00 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Testing Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
07:01 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
07:09 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
07:26 |
yar joined #evergreen |
07:47 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
07:59 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
08:20 |
littlet joined #evergreen |
08:42 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
09:30 |
Christineb joined #evergreen |
09:33 |
collum joined #evergreen |
09:48 |
aabbee joined #evergreen |
09:52 |
cowens joined #evergreen |
10:00 |
berick joined #evergreen |
10:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1823041 Angular dialogs return observables - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2f8ada2> |
10:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Jane Sandberg] LP1823041: Converting new dialogs to observables - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c707fad> |
10:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1823041 Remove unintentially merged code blocks - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=efc79c1> |
10:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1823041 Observable dialogs repairs and cleanup - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=91c438c> |
10:33 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP1823041 Confirm dialog returns true/false repairs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e4cd703> |
11:05 |
bos20k_ joined #evergreen |
11:30 |
khuckins joined #evergreen |
11:53 |
remingtron_ joined #evergreen |
11:57 |
bshum_ joined #evergreen |
11:58 |
bshum |
Well that was amusing |
11:59 |
remingtron_ |
bshum: I'm still waiting for my alter ego to leave. |
12:02 |
bshum |
I just did a "ghost" on my nickname with nickserv and forced him away |
12:02 |
bshum |
And then reclaimed my name :) |
12:05 |
bshum |
I guess there's still weirdness going on though |
12:05 |
bshum |
It's a sign that it's time for lunch :) |
12:06 |
Dyrcona |
bshum: Agreed! |
12:21 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
12:31 |
collum_ joined #evergreen |
13:26 |
nfBurton joined #evergreen |
13:51 |
agoben |
The EOB/Evergreen Project Board meeting will start in about 10 minutes! |
13:56 |
hbrennan joined #evergreen |
13:58 |
pinesol |
[evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1833080: have eg-bool recognize IDL bool string values - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=eef6f0f> |
13:59 |
* berick |
updated evgdemo.kcls.org to master as of 1 minute ago if anyone needs an updated demo server |
14:00 |
agoben |
Here we go! |
14:00 |
agoben |
#startmeeting EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20 |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Meeting started Thu Jun 20 14:00:32 2019 US/Eastern. The chair is agoben. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:00 |
pinesol |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:00 |
pinesol |
The meeting name has been set to 'eob_meeting_for_2019_06_20__agenda_https___wiki_evergreen_ils_org_doku_php_id_governance_minutes_2019_06_20' |
14:00 |
agoben |
#topic Roll Call |
14:00 |
agoben |
Use the #info command to provide name and affiliation |
14:00 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Roll Call (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:00 |
hbrennan |
#info hbrennan is Holly Brennan, no library affiliation! :( Homer Alaska |
14:00 |
agoben |
#info agoben = Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana |
14:00 |
JBoyer |
#info JBoyer = Jason Boyer, IN State Library, Evergreen Indiana |
14:00 |
csharp |
#info csharp = Chris Sharp, GPLS |
14:01 |
littlet |
#info littlet = Tiffany Little, GPLS |
14:01 |
cowens |
#info cowens = Chris Owens, BPL/COOL |
14:01 |
nfBurton |
#info nfBurton = Chris Burton, Niagara Falls Public Library |
14:01 |
agoben |
We're all here excpet for gmcharlt! |
14:01 |
agoben |
#topic Approval of Minutes |
14:01 |
agoben |
#info Minutes from 2019-05-16 meeting: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-05-16-14.00.html |
14:01 |
agoben |
Corrections, updates, suggestions? |
14:01 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Approval of Minutes (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:02 |
hbrennan |
I finally made it :) |
14:02 |
agoben |
Can I get a motion to approve the minutes? |
14:02 |
agoben |
We're glad to see you again! We missed you! |
14:02 |
littlet |
I'll move to approve them |
14:02 |
JBoyer |
Second |
14:03 |
agoben |
#startvote Accept minutes from 2019-05-16? yes, no |
14:03 |
pinesol |
Begin voting on: Accept minutes from 2019-05-16? Valid vote options are yes, no. |
14:03 |
pinesol |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:03 |
JBoyer |
hbrennan++ #! |
14:03 |
JBoyer |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
agoben |
yes |
14:03 |
csharp |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
littlet |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
agoben |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
cowens |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
nfBurton |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
hbrennan |
#vote yes |
14:03 |
agoben |
#endvote |
14:03 |
pinesol |
Voted on "Accept minutes from 2019-05-16?" Results are |
14:03 |
pinesol |
yes (7): nfBurton, JBoyer, agoben, cowens, csharp, hbrennan, littlet |
14:03 |
agoben |
#topic Chair Report |
14:03 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Chair Report (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:03 |
agoben |
#info I have received 5 of the COI forms which we need to pursue the 1023. Still need them from Chris B., Chris S., Holly, Jessica. |
14:04 |
hbrennan |
agoben: I feel like after the email list change I'm not getting everything |
14:04 |
hbrennan |
Sorry! |
14:04 |
agoben |
#info I have reached out about the donation approved at the last meeting, but haven't confirmed the payment has been made as yet. |
14:04 |
agoben |
hbrennan: I'll resend! |
14:04 |
rhamby |
#info rhamby = Rogan Hamby, Equinox |
14:04 |
agoben |
#action agoben will send reminders re: COI forms |
14:05 |
csharp |
oh - oops |
14:05 |
agoben |
Part of it was my fault because somehow the old file got overlaid initially, but we should be all set with the new version. |
14:05 |
nfBurton |
Right! I will send today |
14:06 |
agoben |
I'll send out the link with the reminder if I dont' hear from you yet today |
14:06 |
agoben |
Any questions about the Chair/President's report? |
14:07 |
agoben |
Seems to be quiet, so I'll move along. |
14:07 |
* csharp |
confirms that hbrennan is on the new board list.evergreen-ils.org list |
14:07 |
agoben |
#topic Treasurer's Financial Report |
14:07 |
agoben |
gmcharlt is out, but sent an update to the board's list. The formal reports will be provided for review after the ALA conference is over. |
14:07 |
agoben |
#info Received the $20,000 grant from Conservancy of Evergreen project funds, and should be able to honor invoice from MOBIUS soon. |
14:07 |
agoben |
#info Starting to pay expenditures related to ALA Annual 2019. |
14:07 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Treasurer's Financial Report (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:08 |
agoben |
And we'll be discussing the budgetary reallocation policy later this meeting. Anyone have anything to discuss on the budget front otherwise? |
14:08 |
csharp |
#info gmcharlt's updates: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/board/2019-June/000007.html |
14:09 |
agoben |
We may have more to think about when the full reports come in, but it sounds like things are moving as expected. |
14:09 |
agoben |
Up next: |
14:09 |
agoben |
#topic SFC Updates |
14:09 |
Topic for #evergreen is now SFC Updates (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:09 |
agoben |
Anyone have anything to note here? |
14:10 |
agoben |
#info No updates |
14:10 |
agoben |
#topic Release Manager (3.3) |
14:10 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Release Manager (3.3) (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:10 |
agoben |
Is dbwells around? |
14:11 |
agoben |
Must be busy! |
14:12 |
agoben |
#topic Release Manager (3.4) |
14:12 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Release Manager (3.4) (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:12 |
agoben |
Report from gmcharlt: |
14:12 |
agoben |
#info The first feedback fest for the 3.4 cycle, which coincided with a Bug Squashing Week, was a success. |
14:12 |
agoben |
Anyone else have anything from the current releases to discuss? |
14:12 |
csharp |
we're cutting point releases today - possibly announced tomorrow |
14:13 |
agoben |
++ |
14:13 |
nfBurton |
Just want to point out that Launchpad hasn't been updated with the 3.4 release manager |
14:13 |
csharp |
for 3.1 and 3.2 |
14:13 |
csharp |
not sure about 3.3 |
14:13 |
JBoyer |
nfBurton, I'll see if I can manage that. |
14:13 |
agoben |
Thank you! |
14:14 |
nfBurton |
Thanks. I had to do some digging to find it |
14:14 |
agoben |
Moving along then |
14:14 |
agoben |
#topic 2019 Conference Committee |
14:14 |
Topic for #evergreen is now 2019 Conference Committee (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:14 |
agoben |
Any more follow up on the 2019 conference other than the donation check? |
14:15 |
agoben |
Seems to be nothing, so... |
14:15 |
agoben |
#topic 2020 Conference Committee |
14:15 |
Topic for #evergreen is now 2020 Conference Committee (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:16 |
agoben |
Is terran around with any updates/ |
14:16 |
agoben |
? |
14:16 |
agoben |
Or anyone else on the Conference Committee? |
14:16 |
littlet |
I'm here |
14:16 |
agoben |
Anything exciting (or not) to share? |
14:16 |
littlet |
The contract has been signed with the venue |
14:16 |
agoben |
Excellent! |
14:16 |
littlet |
And...that might be it. Or at least that's all I can think of at the moment. |
14:17 |
JBoyer |
That was the last I heard, littlet. |
14:17 |
agoben |
Was the deposit done through MOBIUS or the new EVG account? |
14:17 |
terran joined #evergreen |
14:17 |
agoben |
Or is that still outstanding? |
14:18 |
JBoyer |
I don't recall hearing. Too old to be the TEP account I thought |
14:18 |
littlet |
Looking... I feel like it was MOBIUS |
14:18 |
csharp |
terran: since you just joined <+agoben> Was the deposit done through MOBIUS or the new EVG account? |
14:18 |
littlet |
But I just saw terran pop in, maybe she remembers |
14:18 |
csharp |
for the conference venue |
14:18 |
terran |
I believe it was supposed to be done directly to the new account |
14:18 |
agoben |
++ Just curious about the flow of the funds since we have the new account. |
14:19 |
terran |
Oh sorry, I thought you meant the grant funds |
14:19 |
terran |
Are you talking about the 2020 conference deposit? |
14:19 |
csharp |
only gmcharlt and I are signees at the moment and I know I haven't despensed any funds yet |
14:19 |
csharp |
terran: yep |
14:19 |
littlet |
"We do not require a deposit for corporate events" |
14:19 |
csharp |
ah |
14:19 |
littlet |
From the venue's email. So no deposit |
14:19 |
terran |
I don't think we've been invoiced for a deposit |
14:19 |
JBoyer |
Wow. |
14:20 |
agoben |
Nice! |
14:20 |
agoben |
Ok, now that my curiosity is satisfied, anyone have anything else? |
14:21 |
agoben |
And thanks for popping in terran! |
14:21 |
terran |
Sure :D |
14:21 |
agoben |
Moving on then |
14:21 |
agoben |
#topic Outreach Committee |
14:21 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Outreach Committee (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:21 |
agoben |
rhamby? |
14:21 |
rhamby |
agoben: I email the update earlier. So, first up, any questions? |
14:21 |
agoben |
I do have this ready |
14:21 |
agoben |
#info The full report is available here: http://list.evergreen-ils.org/pipermail/board/2019-June/000008.html |
14:22 |
rhamby |
At this point things are moving ahead and going well. |
14:22 |
rhamby |
The main procedural things we'd like to work out moving forward are when the budget is needed by the baord and we'd like to streamline things in regards to moving between line items. |
14:23 |
rhamby |
In regards to the lineitems I think gmcharlt's recommendations that he provided in email would work well for us. |
14:23 |
agoben |
We're going to get into that shortly, yes. |
14:23 |
agoben |
Sounds like we're in good shape though! Thanks for the update! |
14:23 |
rhamby |
No more from me. |
14:24 |
agoben |
#topic Site Selection Committee |
14:24 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Site Selection Committee (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:24 |
agoben |
I've not reached out to the previous group as yet. Will put that on my TODO list! |
14:24 |
agoben |
Any feedback that should go with that TODO? |
14:25 |
csharp |
we always seem to scramble around this every year - we should consider a standing committee that just knows it needs to meet at a certain time each year |
14:26 |
agoben |
Seems reasonable |
14:26 |
littlet |
+1 |
14:26 |
agoben |
Something to be slated for the fall? Sept/Oct timeframe? |
14:27 |
agoben |
Solicit members generally or appoint them from past participants? |
14:27 |
csharp |
as long as there's enough time between the selection and the need to secure a venue via contract |
14:28 |
csharp |
I think there should be continuity and I would volunteer to be on the standing committee |
14:28 |
terran |
It's always nice to announce the next year's location during a conference |
14:28 |
agoben |
Well, it seems like if we go with fall for 16-18 months ahead that should be fairly doable and doesn't get into holiday/new year's reporting madness. |
14:28 |
littlet |
I would volunteer as well. I was just looking back through my emails and looks like in January was the first the site selection committee got together |
14:28 |
csharp |
agoben: makes sense to me |
14:29 |
agoben |
They were a bit late this year, at least that was my impression. |
14:29 |
littlet |
Yes, I believe so. So earlier than that would be good |
14:29 |
csharp |
littlet and I volunteered this last time before we realized we were also submitting a proposal :-) |
14:29 |
csharp |
yeah, so September/October for 2021 |
14:30 |
agoben |
Alright, so I know Amy T has headed them up more than once. I'll ask if she'd be interested in participating too. |
14:30 |
csharp |
I don't mind heading up the committee effort (not necessarily as chair, just convening the group) |
14:30 |
agoben |
Others who should be approached now? |
14:31 |
csharp |
anyone who has been on a past conf committee would be useful, like dluch |
14:31 |
agoben |
++ |
14:31 |
agoben |
Would you be willing to put that group together then? |
14:31 |
csharp |
yes'm |
14:32 |
agoben |
#action csharp will solicit and create the 2021 conference selection committee |
14:32 |
agoben |
Thank you very much! |
14:32 |
csharp |
happy to do it! |
14:32 |
JBoyer |
csharp++ |
14:32 |
littlet |
csharp I have notes from a meeting with the 2020 folks that talked about standing committee members. Once I find it, I'll send it to you |
14:32 |
csharp |
littlet: thanks |
14:32 |
agoben |
++ |
14:33 |
agoben |
#topic Unfinished Business |
14:33 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Unfinished Business (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:34 |
agoben |
I have none that hasn't already been discussed. Anyone else? |
14:34 |
agoben |
The NFP paperwork is currently in the collecting COI phase. I've received at least one more already at the meeting. |
14:35 |
agoben |
Will turn that over to Dilly once they're all in so we can move forward on the 1023. |
14:35 |
csharp |
I'll do mine asap |
14:35 |
agoben |
ty! |
14:35 |
agoben |
Ok then, on to the big discussion for the day. |
14:35 |
agoben |
#topic New Business: Policy for budget adjustments |
14:35 |
Topic for #evergreen is now New Business: Policy for budget adjustments (Meeting topic: EOB meeting for 2019-06-20, agenda:https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2019-06-20) |
14:35 |
agoben |
Comments from gmcharlt : For expenditures authorized by the board for a specific project, such as the participation at ALA Annual, the committee acting on that approval can have leeway to adjust actual expenditures among the individual line items that made up the original proposal, subject to the restrictions that (a) any adjustments must be directly tied to the approved project and (b) expenditures that would go over the total approved amount must be |
14:35 |
agoben |
brought to the board for approval. I could also envision a variant of (b) that gives (say) the treasurer authorization to permit going over by 5% (capped at $250) in exigent circumstances, but that the preference is to put it before the board first. |
14:35 |
agoben |
I'm in favor of formally accepting something along those lines into policy, but also think it would be wise to review in subcommittee if there are other angles that the board would like to consider. |
14:36 |
agoben |
The last entry there are my comments. (Realize they're stuck to the others). |
14:36 |
agoben |
We also, as requested, need to have deadlines outlined for budget creation if we don't have them already. |
14:37 |
nfBurton |
Sounds reasonable |
14:37 |
littlet |
I'm good with gmcharlt 's suggestions |
14:38 |
agoben |
Anyone feel particularly passionate about going with a subcommittee vs trying to hash it out now? |
14:38 |
agoben |
And should this be defined in our Rules of Governance or in a separate budgetary policy? |
14:39 |
csharp |
I think it would be a good idea to let a subcommittee review it, myself (not volunteering for that one, but thinking it would be a good idea to let it percolate) |
14:39 |
littlet |
Re: budget creation, when is the start of our fiscal year? Since we're a new entity, do we even have a fiscal year outlined yet? |
14:39 |
agoben |
I can't find where that's defined, but I'm sure Galen knows |
14:39 |
agoben |
er, gmcharlt |
14:40 |
agoben |
I think it would make the most sense for him to lead that subcommittee if he is willing. I'm happy to toss in my 3 cents since I do a reasonable bit of budget work for our local project. |
14:40 |
JBoyer |
I'm fine with starting with gmcharlt's wording, having a small subcommittee look into options, and having a separate policy. (The RoG seems like it should be a small core of policy, not where "everything" ends up) |
14:41 |
littlet |
Agree with JBoyer |
14:41 |
littlet |
On all points :) |
14:41 |
csharp |
+1 |
14:41 |
agoben |
+1 |
14:41 |
nfBurton |
+1 |
14:41 |
hbrennan |
+1 |
14:41 |
cowens |
+1 |
14:42 |
agoben |
Ok, do we want to formalize that with an official vote or just list the action? |
14:42 |
csharp |
action |
14:43 |
littlet |
+1 |
14:43 |
JBoyer |
It sounds like it won't find much opposition, and since I can never remember if it needs to be a committee actoin or not it's safest to anyway |
14:43 |
agoben |
#action A subcomittee shall be formed to create a budget policy for The Evergreen Project |
14:43 |
JBoyer |
or... what csharp said. :) |
14:43 |
agoben |
They're appointed by the committee is all I could find in Roberts |
14:43 |
agoben |
Robert's Rules, that is. |
14:43 |
JBoyer |
Close enough for me. |
14:44 |
agoben |
Further discussion? |
14:44 |
agoben |
Or other new business? |
14:44 |
JBoyer |
Is this subcommittee going to explore gmcharlt's mention of an annual budget? |
14:45 |
JBoyer |
(for outreach, specifically) |
14:45 |
agoben |
The current action is open for that purpose, yes. |
14:45 |
JBoyer |
nothing else from me then. |
14:45 |
agoben |
We could be more specific though if we want to bound the policy extent |
14:45 |
littlet |
Since this will take a little bit of time with subcom review, does the outreach committee have what they need for ALA? |
14:46 |
littlet |
For their immediate needs, until the subcommittee comes to some long-range suggestion |
14:46 |
JBoyer |
rhamby still around? |
14:46 |
agoben |
I'm hoping so since gmcharlt is there and can presumably use the EVG account for things |
14:47 |
rhamby |
JBoyer: I am, ,reading up |
14:47 |
rhamby |
We're covered for ALA, I brought this up for future purposes. |
14:47 |
agoben |
++ |
14:47 |
JBoyer |
rhamby++ |
14:47 |
littlet |
rhamby++ |
14:47 |
rhamby |
i.e., streamline things and make everything transparent hopefully |
14:47 |
csharp |
littlet++ # thinkin' real smart |
14:48 |
littlet |
Hah :D |
14:48 |
agoben |
Alright, anything else? |
14:49 |
agoben |
Looks like we're done! Thanks everyone!!! |
14:49 |
agoben |
#endmeeting |
14:49 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org | Can't speak? Make sure your nickname is registered and that you are identified to freenode services: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration |
14:49 |
pinesol |
Meeting ended Thu Jun 20 14:49:19 2019 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:49 |
pinesol |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-06-20-14.00.html |
14:49 |
pinesol |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-06-20-14.00.txt |
14:49 |
pinesol |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2019/evergreen.2019-06-20-14.00.log.html |
14:49 |
JBoyer |
agoben++ |
14:49 |
agoben |
csharp++ |
14:49 |
littlet |
agoben++ |
14:49 |
agoben |
rhamby++ |
14:49 |
agoben |
terran++ |
14:49 |
agoben |
tlittle++ |
14:49 |
csharp |
agoben:++ |
14:49 |
nfBurton |
agoben++ |
14:50 |
hbrennan |
THanks agoben! |
14:50 |
hbrennan |
agoben++ |
15:22 |
makohund joined #evergreen |
15:25 |
makohund |
Any known reasons the sort order in a print template (orderBy on an ng-repeat block) might be ignored? As in, simply not work? |
15:45 |
cowens left #evergreen |
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khuckins joined #evergreen |
15:54 |
jeffdavis |
Dyrcona: pushed a fix for that place hold internal server error, sorry for the oversight, thanks for poking at it |
15:55 |
Dyrcona |
jeffdavis: I see. I had pushed my own fix and saw that you updated your branch when I did a fetch on my test vm. I'll see what you did and give it a try. |
15:56 |
Dyrcona |
jeffdavis++ # I made the same changes. |
17:00 |
pinesol |
News from qatests: Failed Running perl live tests <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live/test.49.html#2019-06-20T16:59:30,171327774-0400 -0> |
17:07 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
17:08 |
jeff |
# Failed test 'No missing assets required by the offline interface' |
17:08 |
jeff |
# at live_t/24-offline-all-assets.t line 7. |
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yar joined #evergreen |
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homer_public_lib joined #evergreen |
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Christineb joined #evergreen |
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stephengwills joined #evergreen |
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stephengwills joined #evergreen |
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remingtron joined #evergreen |
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stephengwills joined #evergreen |