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IRC log for #evergreen, 2016-03-22

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:59 bmills joined #evergreen
02:00 bmills joined #evergreen
03:01 bmills joined #evergreen
03:18 RBecker joined #evergreen
03:59 Monkey_grunts joined #evergreen
04:02 bmills joined #evergreen
05:02 bmills joined #evergreen
06:03 bmills joined #evergreen
06:06 geoffsams joined #evergreen
07:22 JBoyer joined #evergreen
08:08 mrpeters joined #evergreen
08:24 collum joined #evergreen
08:35 vlewis joined #evergreen
08:38 ethomsen joined #evergreen
08:38 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:49 Callender joined #evergreen
08:52 rjackson_isl joined #evergreen
08:52 jwoodard joined #evergreen
08:55 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:56 csharp dbs: I'm noting the irc search issue - the bofh admins will take a look
09:08 serflog joined #evergreen
09:08 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org
09:28 maryj joined #evergreen
09:29 csharp dbs: search fixed - let me know if you see any other problems
09:30 rlefaive joined #evergreen
09:34 yboston joined #evergreen
09:36 JBoyer @hate non-UTF-32 encodings
09:36 pinesol_green JBoyer: The operation succeeded.  JBoyer hates non-UTF-32 encodings.
09:36 JBoyer @hate marc
09:36 pinesol_green JBoyer: The operation succeeded.  JBoyer hates marc.
09:37 csharp @whocares marc
09:37 pinesol_green mllewellyn loves marc
09:37 pinesol_green bshum, jcamins, rfrasur, Dyrcona, tsbere, gsams, collum, csharp and JBoyer hate marc
09:38 csharp @decide [loves] or [hates]
09:38 pinesol_green That's a tough one...
09:38 csharp @loves
09:38 pinesol_green csharp loves supybot plugins; virtualization; lasagna; logs; clarity; all y'all; upgrades; tpac; git; this venue; google; not being evil; when evergreen problems turn out to be staff error; the Jedi; pgadmin; policy; lynx; autoupdate; coffee; db02; kvm; CWMARS; mobile catalog; vim; snow; pizza; google forms; chicken soup; cilantro; actual fun; supybot; vimdiff; felafel; and postgresql
09:38 csharp @hates
09:38 pinesol_green csharp hates dojo_hold_policies_interface; SIP; when libraries purchase third party products without testing and blame Evergreen for it not working; reports; the fact that the Base Filters is unnecessarily greyed out when applying an Aggregate Filter and vice versa; evil; reports more; reports even moar; details; reports even more; the fact that the Base Filters is unnecessarily greyed out (1 more message)
09:38 csharp @more
09:38 pinesol_green csharp: when applying an Aggregate Filter and vice versa even more; having to teach SIP2 client vendors about the SIP2 specification; troubleshooting reports; money reports; marc; reports even more than before; the EDI ruby bits; acquisitions; <quote>fun<unquote>; edi; sip2; sip too; sip two; acq; acq more; acq way more than before; omg I hate acq; and omg I love acq
09:42 gmcharlt csharp: some rebalancing may be in order... ;)
09:42 * csharp can feel the hate flowing through him
09:42 * gmcharlt takes lightsaber duels off the list of suggested activities for the Evergreen Conference
09:43 bshum Aww man... no, come on gmcharlt, that sounds *awesome*
09:43 * csharp uses force lightning on reports server
09:44 jeff JBoyer: UTF-32? Seriously? :P
09:44 JBoyer Go big or go home. Mostly, though, I just want to go home.
09:45 csharp @quote add < JBoyer> Go big or go home. Mostly, though, I just want to go home.
09:45 pinesol_green csharp: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
09:45 csharp @quote add < JBoyer> Go big or go home. Mostly, though, I just want to go home.
09:45 pinesol_green csharp: The operation succeeded.  Quote #147 added.
09:45 gmcharlt @quote add -*- csharp uses force lightning on reports server
09:45 pinesol_green gmcharlt: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
09:46 gmcharlt @quote add -*- csharp uses force lightning on reports server
09:46 pinesol_green gmcharlt: The operation succeeded.  Quote #148 added.
09:46 jeff with UTF-32, I hope you have at least a class II hitch and a decent brake controller -- otherwise I'm not sure you'll make it home with all that weight.
09:47 JBoyer I assume MWT meant the rando 8E in this file to be a CE since 8E isn't a valid UTF-8 start character (or binary MARC value, if yaz-marcdump is to be believed) but we can't fix these things by hand.
09:48 jeff pass it through SIPServer. it'll either come out fixed on the far end, or you'll need a new datacenter. 50/50 chance.
09:49 JBoyer jeff: I suspect the potential cost in storage size would easily be made up for with the increased speed of never having to do silly things like say "Hmm, ok this byte is F3 so I need to grab the next 3 and masticate this mess into a sensible codepoint."
09:50 JBoyer It might be obvious that I have little patience for "the way things were." I suppose no progress is made in aimless grumbling, though.
09:52 kmlussier csharp: So tell me how you feel about reports. I don't think you've been clear on that point.
09:57 Dyrcona Aw, csharp beat me to it.
09:57 * Dyrcona catches up on scroll back.
09:59 * Dyrcona likes using UTF-16 because half as many holes in your files as UTF-32.
09:59 Dyrcona Maybe, if I did a lot of work in Chinese....
09:59 Dyrcona UTF-16BE, of course. ;)
10:07 JBoyer 16 would probably be an acceptable compromise. However, I'm confident people would find a way to wreck that also.
10:14 Dyrcona Well, when I wrote omikuji, I started with UTF-16 for the strings, but switched to UTF-8 because smaller files. :)
10:14 Dyrcona Apple uses UTF-16 in their translatable strings files.
10:19 Bmagic @hate marc
10:19 pinesol_green Bmagic: The operation succeeded.  Bmagic hates marc.
10:22 jeff cute. ransomware via at least three different sources this morning.
10:24 Bmagic my favorite viruses are the ones claiming to be the cure
10:32 csharp @quote add < Bmagic> my favorite viruses are the ones claiming to be the cure
10:32 pinesol_green csharp: The operation succeeded.  Quote #149 added.
10:32 Bmagic :)
10:35 dbs csharp: bofh++
10:42 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:59 jeff Bmagic: no kidding. i hate when random bacteriophages are claiming to be Robert Smith.
11:01 * berick chuckles
11:01 berick @band add Goth Virus
11:01 pinesol_green berick: The horror... The horror...
11:01 berick heh
11:05 Dyrcona :)
11:06 dbs csharp: damn, internal search error on the IRC search again
11:07 dbs mind you, I was searching for http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergr​een/search/?nick=Dyrcona&amp;q=marc so maybe it's a buffer overflow
11:07 Dyrcona Heh.
11:07 Dyrcona I've not had much luck inducing buffer overflows on x86_64, so it's likely something else. ;)
11:08 csharp dbs: I'll take a look - before it was a missing perl dependency that wasn't brought along during the last OS upgrade
11:09 dbs (specifically looking for a conversation from the last month or so on approaches to batch loading MARCXML without invoking ingest, etc)
11:13 Dyrcona dbs: Thursday the 17th had some discussion.
11:13 gmcharlt I will be cutting 2.10.1 later today
11:13 gmcharlt if anybody knows of any showstoppers that they haven't yet written up for LP, please speak up
11:16 dbs Dyrcona++
11:16 dbs gmcharlt++
11:16 Dyrcona dbs: Also the 15th and the 4th, but those look less interesting.
11:18 Dyrcona gmcharlt++ vandelay-- :)
11:20 jeff overhead in the office: "okay, I'm just going to 'git stash' and pretend that never happened."
11:20 dbs Thanks Dyrcona, normally I just grep my own logs but thought I would try the normal search experience instead
11:20 Dyrcona yeah, I search the official irc logs more often than my own for things in channel.
11:21 Dyrcona I usually only search private chats, looking for that cool thing bshum mentioned last week. ;)
11:40 * dbs probably should not be surprised at inserting 75K records with all of the disable/skip flags enabled still taking a long time
11:41 Dyrcona Yeah, it will take a while.
11:42 jeff Is anyone aware of current work taking place to integrate OneClickdigital and Zinio for Libraries into Evergreen? I've been told that a library is working on it with expected completion in June, but I'm not sure what to think of this information, especially since the named library is not a current user of Evergreen. :-)
11:44 Dyrcona I seem to recall that BC was working on OneClickDigital as an extension of the Overdrive integration, but I could be misremembering/making that up.
11:46 kmlussier Yes, that's my recollection too. I think it was on the 2.10 roadmap at one point.
11:47 jeff well, those letters rhyme with the first two letters of the library i was told. might be! :-)
11:54 mmorgan joined #evergreen
12:03 bmills joined #evergreen
12:04 brahmina joined #evergreen
12:18 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:34 jeff okay, "corrected" information is that they were talking about "British Columbia Public Library". I'm going to assume that's BCLC / bclibraries / bc.libraries.coop :-)
12:36 jwoodard joined #evergreen
12:40 kmlussier jeff: My LP searching failed me earlier, but I seem to be doing better now. bug 1541559
12:40 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1541559 in Evergreen "OneClickdigital API integration" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1541559 - Assigned to Jeff Davis (jdavis-sitka)
12:45 jeff kmlussier++ thanks -- i remember seeing that now.
12:45 Dyrcona That reminds me that I wanted to edit a bug this morning.
12:45 bmills joined #evergreen
12:55 * dbs drums fingers as he continues to wait for that INSERT to complete
12:58 jeffdavis jeff: yeah, I am working on OneClickdigital integration amid other projects; June would be nice, but we have an upgrade in May so we'll see...
12:59 dbs and the fingers stop drumming. Yay!
13:02 jeff jeffdavis: Any truth to the rumor that you're also targeting Zinio for Libraries, their magazine service?
13:03 brahmina joined #evergreen
13:05 jeffdavis jeff: Theoretically yes. Work is focused on having a more generic "API integration" module for EG, with OneClickdigital as the first target (sort of like the added content module).
13:06 jeffdavis We've been talking about it at Sitka in terms of OneClickdigital specifically but I would expect to extend that for Zinio.
13:08 * jeff nods
13:08 jeff It sounds like we have some interest here. I'd be happy to test and/or collaborate. Keep it in mind. I'll keep my eyes on the bug. :-)
13:33 rlefaive joined #evergreen
13:39 dbs Dyrcona++ # pingest
13:47 rlefaive joined #evergreen
13:52 yboston FYI, there will be an Evergreen for academics meeting starting at 2 PM EST
13:53 rlefaive Thanks yboston… i was just about to ask!
13:55 mdriscoll joined #evergreen
14:03 horganl joined #evergreen
14:04 yboston sorry folks
14:04 yboston #startmeeting 2016-03-22 - Evergreen for academics monthly meeting.
14:04 pinesol_green Meeting started Tue Mar 22 14:04:25 2016 US/Eastern.  The chair is yboston. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:04 pinesol_green Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:04 pinesol_green The meeting name has been set to '2016_03_22___evergreen_for_​academics_monthly_meeting_'
14:04 yboston there is no agenda for this meeting, but I have some suggested topics
14:04 yboston #topic Introductions
14:04 yboston Please feel free to start introducing yourselves...
14:05 Christineb #info Christineb is Christine Burns BC Libraries Cooperative / Sitka
14:05 yboston #info yboston is Yamil Suarez @ Berklee College of Music
14:05 ethomsen #info ethomsen is Elizabeth Thomsen, NOBLE
14:05 rlefaive #info rlefaive is Rosie Le Faive @ UPEI
14:05 mdriscoll #info mdriscoll is Martha Driscoll, NOBLE
14:05 horganl #info horganl is Laura Horgan from Middlesex Community College
14:06 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:06 yboston here is the agenda from the last meeting
14:06 yboston #link http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php​?id=evergreen_for_academics:2016-02-12
14:06 yboston and the meeting log
14:06 yboston #link http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2016/evergreen.2016-02-12-14.01.log.html
14:07 sandbergja #info sandbergja is Jane Sandberg, Linn-Benton Community College
14:07 yboston like I said there is no agenda for this meeting, it would have been nice but it did not happen
14:07 yboston also, there is no officail topic for this meeting
14:07 yboston so I am open to suggestions
14:08 yboston any lingering comments or quesitons about reserves?
14:08 yboston did we want to talk about a different topic?
14:09 rlefaive I’m just reading over the discussion of reserves - it sounds like a cool thing to have integrated with evergreen! Sorry - I missed last meeting and am trying to catch up. :)
14:10 horganl Do we know when we might see it happen?
14:10 yboston horganl: I beleive this is in the early plannign stages?
14:10 yboston horganl: kathy (kmlussier) would know best
14:11 kmlussier #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC
14:11 kmlussier horganl: Yes, it is still in the planning stages. DPearl at C/W MARS is working on the database pieces right now.
14:11 kmlussier And then we'll look at interfaces.
14:12 kmlussier I still have a little work to be done to finalizing the requirements.
14:12 yboston kmlussier: is there still an opportunity to give feedback on the project?
14:12 kmlussier Yes, I'll put out an email when I finalize those requirements.
14:12 yboston kmlussier: in case horganl wanted to add something?
14:12 kmlussier horganl knows where to find me. :)
14:12 yboston OK
14:13 yboston anything else to be added or asked about reserves?
14:13 kmlussier But, yes, we will be putting out an email to the entire community.
14:13 horganl no just wondering as we have a schedule for reserves summer, fall spring
14:13 kmlussier horganl: We don't have a schedule at this point.
14:13 kmlussier horganl: I don't think it will be done for the upcoming academic year.
14:14 horganl ok good to know
14:14 kmlussier Or, I should say, fall.
14:15 yboston any other topics we want to cover? Here is the list form the wiki page...http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=​evergreen_for_academics#areas_of_interest
14:16 horganl just wondering if anyone is interested in talking about reports?
14:16 yboston reports in general or reports that might have more to deal with academcis?
14:17 yboston I am open to either
14:17 rlefaive I know very little about them but would be very interested to listen!
14:17 yboston since things are slow in this meeting
14:18 horganl well I think reports are difficult for the average person in evergreen.  Any I hear very little about making it easier...
14:19 yboston horganl: that is an excellent question to ask here on IRC
14:19 sandbergja I'm curious if there's going to be an easier-to-use report interface in the Web client
14:19 yboston horganl: it is not pertaining to EG and academics but we are not in the middle of a discussiom
14:20 yboston sandbergja: great question, and I don't know the answer :(
14:20 yboston there used to be a reports "group" in the evergreen community
14:21 sandbergja horganl: reports bug academic libraries AND public libraries :-)
14:21 yboston not sure if they are active anymore
14:21 kmlussier sandbergja: I don't think there would be a change to the existing reports interface in the initial web client project.
14:21 sandbergja kmlussier: thanks, that's good to know
14:21 kmlussier The project is to try to maintain feature parity with the existing client.
14:21 * kmlussier isn't sure if the reports interface is one of the web-based ones, like the ones in acq, that will be moved over as is.
14:22 yboston in the last 6 months I have compiled like 30 SQL queries I run for usage reports that might make more sense for academic libraries. I culd shre them
14:22 yboston *I could share them
14:22 Christineb I remember at the last EG conference Pines demo'd a simplified reports interface they created?
14:22 yboston I wonder if they could be converted into canned reports
14:22 Christineb where canned reports could be shared with staff via a web client?
14:22 horganl Do others add ebooks in their catalog and if so do you have a way to get reports
14:22 Christineb or web interface
14:23 yboston Christineb: yes, I remember too. csharp (Chris Sharp) gave a presentation
14:23 yboston horganl: I add ebooks to my catalog, what type of reports do you need?
14:23 yboston horganl: though 100% of my reporting is done by me with SQL
14:24 horganl When our programs are getting reviewed there does not seem to be a way to get a report of Nursing materials, or Criminal Justice for instance
14:25 kmlussier I know there are some problems with generating reports on new ebooks added to the catalog due to bug 1482757
14:25 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1482757 in Evergreen "Loading records with located URIs should not delete and recreate call_numbers" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482757 - Assigned to Michele Morgan (mmorgan)
14:26 ethomsen horganl:We are looking at ways to get at the bib level classification info in records
14:27 ethomsen Assuming that info is in vendor records
14:27 yboston horganl: I wonder if that is soemthing that could be addressed, at least in the short term, with a SQL report
14:28 yboston horganl: if you write an email to the general list with addiiotional information, perhpas I and other can give you at least some SQL based alternatives
14:28 horganl I had been used to doing my reports myself but don't have access to sql
14:29 yboston horganl: is there someone that could run it for you, at least once in a while until something better is set up?
14:29 horganl I am just a librarian in the field
14:29 mdriscoll Is program (nursing, criminal justice) something that can be derived from the marc record, or should there be a code in the 856?
14:30 yboston for example, I work for a music school (Berklee). I have been able to create a report of all the bisb that have a series of "Berklee concerts"
14:31 horganl Some programs are easier to come by than others... Call numbers work well with some disciplines while others might need a review by subject headings
14:31 yboston but isntead of filtering on a serias tag, I could have filtered ona  6xx subject field
14:32 horganl does it allow for truncation of subject headings
14:32 yboston I have also been able to filter by only musical scores my matching the first couple of letters and some numbers of an LC music call number
14:32 yboston for all I know this can be done in the reports user interface, I have just focused my efforts on raw SQL
14:33 ethomsen horganl; We have been looking into this for you and the other NOBLE libraries
14:34 yboston horganl: are you asking me this: "does it allow for truncation of subject headings" (just want to be clear)
14:34 ethomsen And of course the vendors should be able to provide this information about their collections (although we know they often don't
14:34 horganl yes sorry
14:35 kmlussier yboston: You had made an offer above to share your sql reports. There is a wiki page where these reports could be shared. http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/do​ku.php?id=evergreen-reports:sql
14:35 kmlussier I didn't know if you had seen that page in your travels.
14:35 bmills joined #evergreen
14:35 yboston kmlussier: I don't remmebr seeing it, thanks
14:36 yboston #link http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/do​ku.php?id=evergreen-reports:sql
14:36 yboston kmlussier: I am not clear if I am allowed to submit raw SQL reports
14:36 yboston kmlussier: I will look into it
14:38 yboston any other comments or qeustiosn about reports?
14:39 yboston should we thnk of wrappign up early? do I would like to talk a bit about what will be our next meeting?
14:40 kmlussier For the next meeting, I think it would be a good idea to pull a few potential topics together and send them out in an informal poll.
14:40 yboston kmlussier: I agree
14:41 yboston #idea before confirming future meetings consider pulling a few potential topics together and send them out in an informal poll
14:41 yboston I am glad that we have spoken about reports, and we can keep talkign about them
14:42 yboston also, please feel free to ask questiosn about anything cocnering Evergreen at any time on this IRC channel
14:42 yboston of course, there will be more folsk from academic libraries during one of our meetings
14:44 yboston Also, I can volunteer to set up the next meetign by sending out an email about it. I will include that a topic needs to be picked beforehand
14:44 yboston any other comments or questions?
14:44 Christineb yboston Thank you for hosting :)
14:45 yboston you are welcome
14:45 sandbergja left #evergreen
14:45 yboston when shoudl I shoot for the next meeting on my email?
14:45 yboston for april or wait for the conference?
14:46 yboston (can't remember if their is a time for us to meet at the ocnfenrece in the schedule?)
14:46 yboston #action yboston will send out an email to set up the next
14:47 yboston #action yboston will send out an email to set up the next group meeting; request meeting topic ideas
14:47 yboston anything else?
14:47 yboston I am in no hurry, I can stick around
14:47 yboston though others might need to go
14:49 yboston OK folks, I will end the meeting early. though feel free to stay here and make other comments or ask questions to anyone lese ont he channel.
14:49 yboston You are always welcome here
14:49 yboston #endmeeting
14:49 pinesol_green Meeting ended Tue Mar 22 14:49:45 2016 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
14:49 pinesol_green Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2016/evergreen.2016-03-22-14.04.html
14:49 pinesol_green Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2016/evergreen.2016-03-22-14.04.txt
14:49 pinesol_green Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2016/evergreen.2016-03-22-14.04.log.html
15:15 gmcharlt kmlussier: worked this up for your benefit in testing, but others may find it useful
15:15 gmcharlt memcdump --servers localhost|grep open-ils.search | xargs -n 1 memcrm --servers localhost
15:16 gmcharlt ^^ way to clear all cached catalog search results -- can be useful when testing certain tweaks
15:56 artunit_away_ joined #evergreen
15:56 jlitrell joined #evergreen
15:56 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
16:00 graced joined #evergreen
16:01 jeff can also be spelled "memcdump | grep ^open-ils.search | xargs memcrm" if you have the environment variable MEMCACHED_SERVERS set, or just (export MEMCACHED_SERVERS=; memcdump | grep ^open-ils.search | xargs memcrm)
16:01 jeff taking advantage of memcrm's ability to accept multiple keys as arguments, you can end up with a lot fewer required exec()s of memcrm
16:02 rlefaive joined #evergreen
16:02 jeff not that you're usually caring about performance when you're clearing cached searches... it mostly comes down to whichever form you can remember :-)
16:05 vlewis_ joined #evergreen
16:16 jwoodard joined #evergreen
16:31 mrpeters joined #evergreen
16:37 mrpeters joined #evergreen
17:07 vlewis joined #evergreen
17:08 ethomsen left #evergreen
17:09 mmorgan joined #evergreen
17:16 dbwells joined #evergreen
17:18 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:20 JBoyer joined #evergreen
18:24 JBoyer joined #evergreen
19:46 bmills joined #evergreen
21:44 gsams joined #evergreen
22:36 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] 2.10.0 - 2.10.1 schema update script - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d5e5f6b>
22:36 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] release notes for Evergreen 2.10.1 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2b38160>
22:36 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] update upgrade instructions for 2.10.1 - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=eadd945>
23:05 gmcharlt https://evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen-2-10-1-released/

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