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IRC log for #evergreen, 2015-11-04

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:15 kmlussier bshum: It was in the email I sent last week. Ron will be picking people up around 9 a.m. Expected start time is 9:30.
00:15 remingtron joined #evergreen
01:17 bmills joined #evergreen
01:29 dbwells_ joined #evergreen
01:49 bmills joined #evergreen
02:18 book`_ joined #evergreen
03:58 bmills joined #evergreen
09:41 serflog joined #evergreen
09:41 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org
09:41 jeff the hack-a-way is going through a tunnel.
09:41 jeff underwater.
09:41 gmcharlt here's a Google doc for communal notes-taking: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_wbIiU47kSEl​cg0hG2o-ZJ9hNmyM8v7rOWyi8jGvA38/edit?usp=sharing
09:41 jeff and there is a recurring short in the electrical.
09:47 tsbere_ joined #evergreen
09:47 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:49 pastebot joined #evergreen
09:52 mdriscoll_ joined #evergreen
09:57 bmills joined #evergreen
09:59 phasefx lol jeff, floating mug
10:03 jeff I'm interested in all kinds of astronomy.
10:04 jeff phasefx: glad you enjoyed it. :-)
10:06 bshum jeff++  # I love that movie :)
10:08 jeff "HANGOUTS! Activity Monitor reports that 124% on the CPU is possible, but NOT recommended!"
10:09 jeff <HANGOUTS> Go to 124% on the CPU.
10:09 bshum jeff: Good movie too :)
10:09 bshum "We're going to kill a friend."
10:10 Dyrcona tsbere: We're still not getting the correct circulation rules for Comcat items.
10:10 Dyrcona It's supposed to be 28 days and 0 renewals, but we're getting 21 days and 2 renewals.
10:10 tsbere Dyrcona: Fun. For "pull your hair out" definitions of "Fun".
10:10 jeff I suspect that improving remote participation options is not worth spending time on, and ensuring greater in-person participation is the better answer.
10:11 Dyrcona I could just hop in the car and be there in 30 to 40 minutes.
10:11 * phasefx wants an ipad on wheels damn it
10:13 jeff dbs: is your "keep an external solr instance up to date" code currently in use? is that external index still in existence, and was it ever more than an experiment?
10:13 * jeff is trying to survey the landscape, as it were
10:14 Shae_ joined #evergreen
10:15 mdriscoll_ joined #evergreen
10:16 jeff phasefx: you appear to have killed the audio by muting Rogan's client.
10:17 jlundgren joined #evergreen
10:17 phasefx jeff: yeah, I regret that, assumed it was just be for me
10:17 phasefx it won't let me unmute
10:17 jeff cute.
10:17 Bmagic yeah, it's silent
10:17 jeff who originally started the hangout?
10:17 miker RoganH: it went quiet on your user (you are the sound) ;)
10:18 bshum Or maybe we're just really quiet over here
10:18 RoganH let's see...
10:18 Bmagic there we go
10:18 phasefx yay
10:18 RoganH everyone is whispering over their keyboards
10:18 jeff okay, we have audio from another client now, apparently.
10:18 jeff looks like Elizabeth's client is now providing audio.
10:18 miker aye
10:19 * phasefx will keep his chaos fingers away from the controls
10:19 jeff i suspect that anyone in the hangout can mute someone, but only that person can unmute themselves.
10:19 RoganH That's probably the case.
10:20 phasefx we should probably mute Elizabeth now that ROgan is unmuted
10:20 jeff Redundant Array of Independent Microphones
10:20 miker jeff: did you see https://www.debian.org/security/2015/dsa-3389 ? ... boo to the ES community
10:21 jeff Google Hangouts: PRESENTED IN [ [ WIDE SCREEN STEREO ]]
10:21 phasefx ream, redundant echo array of...
10:21 mmorgan Better?
10:21 Bmagic it's quiet now
10:21 jeff miker: yeah, saw that. mildly annoying, though I've never installed Elasticsearch from packages to begin with.
10:22 phasefx hrmm, it might have been better with multiple microphones.. there was only a touch of echo at the beginning
10:22 Dyrcona So, the bug that I thought I saw was a bug in my matchpoints.
10:22 Dyrcona tsbere++ for seeing ti.
10:22 Dyrcona it.
10:26 jeff in terms of edit_date on bre, acn, and acp, an Evergreen system is rarely quiescent during the day. This should come as no surprise, but it was amusing to see my incremental index job Just Keep Going as it tried to fetch a page of records at a time until it got 0 rows.
10:28 remingtron yboston: I added notes to Docs 2.9 needs page about how to accomplish remaining tasks
10:28 remingtron in case hackaway folks want to work on any
10:28 remingtron wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.ph​p?id=evergreen-docs:2.9_needs
10:29 gmcharlt tsbere++ # creating Hatch repos
10:30 RoganH http://example.org/gateway?service=open-ils.acto​r&amp;method=opensrf.open-ils.system.ils_version
10:31 RoganH that's for Yamil
10:31 kenstir joined #evergreen
10:31 jeff off to the bank.
10:32 jeff we shall see if my laptop's exhaust fan spins down before i return.
10:37 alynn26 joined #evergreen
10:38 dcook__ joined #evergreen
10:41 Bmagic hackaway video feed is down
10:41 Bmagic its back
10:42 tsbere_ joined #evergreen
10:42 * tsbere ditches the wireless in favor of a wire for the moment
10:42 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:43 tsbere Dunno if my laptop was just saying "I can't see internet on that wireless" or if it was actually unable to see the wireless.
10:44 RoganH joined #evergreen
10:46 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1510641 Release notes (PO actions selector) - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=b26ee40>
10:46 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1510641 Always show actions selector in PO view - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a261d68>
10:47 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:48 dbs @later tell jeff solr.bib_updates is still getting updated (2015-11-04 is the latest in the "touched" column), but we haven't used it since Windsor split
10:48 pinesol_green dbs: The operation succeeded.
10:49 jboyer_laptaupe joined #evergreen
10:49 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:59 jeff dbs++ thanks
11:03 bshum Of course, the wireless has been spotty, so we've been dropping on and off
11:03 bshum If you guys have anything for us in the room, just feel free to toss something here too.
11:03 Dyrcona RoganH: You don't need a class to be a programmer.
11:03 RoganH Dyrcona: agreed
11:05 RoganH Dyrcona: among good programmers I've known more were probably more self taught than anything else
11:05 jeff sounds like someone's trying to download Java in an automated fashion! :-)
11:05 Dyrcona Jave WebStart?
11:09 RoganH I don't know but I heard something that sounded like 'I think we're skirting the spirit of Java here.'
11:09 jeff The Spirit of Java -- is that the name of a plane, or a train?
11:10 tsbere I believe it was more "Java upgrades tend to break things skirting the spirit of Java" as part of a "how to get a runtime for Hatch" discussion
11:11 Dyrcona I don't have that problem with Java, but I don't use Windows or much Java, either.
11:12 jeff I'm still mostly interested in in a more centralized Hatch handing off to receipt printers that are in some/many cases networked.
11:12 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1504615: add release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=d26df88>
11:12 pinesol_green [evergreen|Dan Pearl] LP#1504615: include part names when sorting copies for public catalog display - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ef69735>
11:16 kmlussier artunit e-mailed me a document regarding solr that I should add to the wiki.
11:17 Dyrcona copy_owning_lib in config.circ_matrix_matchpoint and item_owning_ou in config.hold_matrix_matchpoint.....
11:18 jeff waiting for ansible playbooks to provision cloud computing resources is the new "my code is compiling"
11:18 tsbere jeff: That is some of the discussion (networked receipt printers and a centralized hatch) but I dunno how to accomplish that right now.
11:19 ldw kmlussier: are you going over the search discussion now?
11:22 jeff i think she was just reacting to some inquiries i had in prep for more discussion tomorrow.
11:22 Dyrcona The hangout is apparently full.
11:23 * jeff drops his phone from the Hangout
11:24 jeff the audio is JUST enough for me to realize that i'm missing out on some great conversations.
11:24 jeff at least, they sound like they have the potential to be great conversations.
11:25 kmlussier ldw: No, we're talking about course reserves
11:25 Dyrcona hah!
11:25 Dyrcona I like the timing of that.
11:26 * Dyrcona cleans up more circ and hold rules.
11:29 * jeff overhears interesting ssl conversations
11:30 bmills joined #evergreen
11:33 yboston phasefx: if you have a second, here at the hack-a-way I was told about collab/phasefx/wheezy_installer , do you recommend I try these scritps for loading up EG with concerto easily?
11:33 yboston phasefx: I can install EG manually, but I am curious about saving time and to help soemoen that has less expereince with installing EG
11:34 dcook joined #evergreen
11:34 dbwells Hello fellow hacking folks.  The stuff I am working on for bug #1064679 builds on the code in bug #1422379.  Finding a way to move forward on that would be a good thing.
11:34 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1064679 in Evergreen "Hourly due dates and fines ignore library closings" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064679 - Assigned to Dan Wells (dbw2)
11:34 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1422379 in Evergreen "Move money.billing timestamps back to moment of fine" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1422379
11:34 pastebot "Dyrcona" at pasted "ldw my websockets magic" (20 lines) at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org/10
11:35 dbwells Just throwing it out there.
11:35 yboston remingtron: thanks for that update. I already plugged DIG and our DIG meeting tomorrow :)
11:36 mllewellyn joined #evergreen
11:36 jwoodard joined #evergreen
11:38 phasefx yboston: I'm a big fan of the wheezy_installer script
11:39 phasefx yboston: the README, http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/​random.git;a=blob_plain;f=README;hb=refs​/heads/collab/phasefx/wheezy_installer
11:41 yboston phasefx: my bad, I forgot to mention I have a Jessie VM at the moment
11:41 jeff heh
11:42 yboston phasefx: also, will it handle installing the web client? (I don;t mind going back to do those steps)
11:42 phasefx yboston: no, I don't think it's been updated for web client
11:45 yboston phasefx: no problem with web client, I hope I can do the web client steps after running these scripts and still ahve the web cleitn work
11:45 yboston phasefx: so no problems being on Jessie as far as you know?
11:46 jeff i would expect it to require modification work work on jessie.
11:46 phasefx there's actually a jessie script in there, but I have no experience with it
11:46 yboston thank you both
11:46 phasefx looks to be based off the wheezy script
11:47 jeff RoganH, et al: earlier default credentials were admin/open-ils
11:47 phasefx http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/ran​dom.git;a=blob;f=installer/jessie/README;h=​8da9aac781cb2e2dcdfc49fb1ff33d41c9f21bd3;hb​=refs/heads/collab/phasefx/wheezy_installer
11:48 phasefx Josh worked on those
11:48 yboston I screwed up and thought Bill had, I will reach out to Josh
11:51 yboston jeff / phasefx : thoughts on using this script or installing EG manually, and then going back and running the steps for the web client. Any thoughts is that somehting that should be avoided, does it work at all?
11:51 RoganH jeff: yeah, he's trying to get into the current demo box so I figured they were the more recent ones
11:51 ldw gmcharlt: is my git key in the OpenSRF working repo?
11:53 tsbere ldw: What key are you using?
11:54 Dyrcona kenstir: Is android-master the canonical branch for the Android client?
11:54 phasefx yboston: honestly, I haven't mastered installing the web client.. struggled through it, got it working, and left it at that.  So I don't know.  There _shouldn't_ be any reason that you couldn't just use one of those installers and go back after the fact for the web client
11:54 * tsbere sees @arcadia, @thyrsus, and @mail keys for ldw
11:55 yboston phasefx: thanks, looks like you and I are on the same boat witht he web client
11:55 ldw tsbere: @arcadia I believe
11:55 tsbere ldw: Then it should be working. "Key exists on the server" is the criteria for working repos.
11:56 jeff uhoh. bshum's saying my name.
11:56 ldw I may need to modify my ~/.ssh/config
11:56 bshum jeff: YES, YES, I am!
11:56 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1482336: use *.adoc as extension for extant release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=adb63b4>
11:56 pinesol_green [evergreen|Josh Stompro] LP#1482336 - Add *.adoc support to create_release_notes.sh - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=c970553>
11:57 Dyrcona csharp: BlacBox++
11:58 Dyrcona blackbox++ even
11:58 jeff heh. my Elasticsearch indexer was finding bre.id -1 on the incremental passes.
11:58 jeff that's a large record.
11:58 Dyrcona Um... -1? It's infinite, isn't it?
11:59 RoganH_ joined #evergreen
11:59 jeff curl -s "$ES_URL/records-v5/record/-1" | wc
11:59 jeff 0   53724  668233
12:01 Dyrcona gmcharlt++ # He beat me to testing the adoc branch.
12:06 jeff lost the hangout.
12:07 Dyrcona It comes and goes.
12:07 Dyrcona I may just leave it.
12:08 RoganH joined #evergreen
12:10 kenstir joined #evergreen
12:10 kenstir Dyrcona: sorry wifi is spotty here.  Yes, android-master is the canonical branch.
12:10 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1406786: fix remapping copies during parts merge - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=b4fa478>
12:11 Dyrcona kenstir: Thanks.
12:13 kenstir Dyrcona: np.  I have been using IntelliJ IDEA to build it.  Just today I tried android studio, and it built, but most of the assets are not visible in the GUI.  I would recommend against it.
12:13 Dyrcona kenstir: OK. Thanks for the information.
12:14 jeff RoganH: unmute your mic if possible.
12:14 kenstir Dyrcona: You probably know it works only for C/W MARS now.  You or I could get it to work for a different network e.g. NOBLE in a very short amount of time.  This week I will try to make it generic, but at the expense of requiring the patron to know the catalog URL.
12:14 RoganH there we go, it keeps muting on it's own or someone else is unmuting their's and it auto mutes mine
12:14 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:15 jeff RoganH: "due to the number of participants", it's muted by default when you rejoin after network issue.
12:15 RoganH ah
12:15 RoganH Yeah, we're having some wifi hiccups here.
12:16 jeff jboyer_laptaupe: taking notes for next year? ;-)
12:17 jboyer_laptaupe jeff, I have certainly taken notice, yes. ;)
12:17 Dyrcona kenstir: From looking at the logs, it looks like it ought to be in a repository of its own.
12:17 dbs kenstir / jeff: if only we had a canonical list of all Evergreen libraries online somewhere, with their URLs... he said, guiltily
12:18 jeff hey, that sounds useful!
12:18 kenstir dbs: that sounds useful, the reason I went with C/W MARS only at first is that not even all the librarians could tell me the catalog URL
12:18 * jeff dusts off plans
12:19 kenstir Dyrcona: I agree, the app doesn't share really anything, not even opensrf.jar
12:20 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1503782: fix horizontal scrollbar in MARC import queue inspector - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=9ae09b7>
12:22 dbwells kenstir: I know I advocated for the ability to enter the URL, but you are right, even some staff would have trouble knowing or finding it.
12:22 dbwells No easy solution, but certainly some interesting ones, like the canonical list.
12:23 rlefaive joined #evergreen
12:23 Stompro joined #evergreen
12:23 Shae_ joined #evergreen
12:24 Dyrcona jeff++
12:24 Dyrcona tmux++
12:25 Dyrcona I'd be more interested in an app for staff.
12:26 pinesol_green [evergreen|Yamil Suarez] LP#1467634: Hide saved searches from screen readers for non-staff client - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=e42fd2e>
12:27 jeff "This Hangout has been removed due to a DMCA request from an unnamed library vendor."
12:27 dbwells On the other hand, if there is presumably a page telling users about the app and instructions for installing, it isn't so bad to say "now type this url in...".  Not smooth, but functional.
12:28 dbwells Anyway, just my two cents after having not thought too much about for a while :)
12:28 jeff dbwells: not terrible, but "find your library by name" or "find your library by zip code / phone number" is what I'd prefer.
12:28 dbwells jeff: Yes, definitely better if it happens
12:29 Dyrcona On one side of me, they are tearing down the building.
12:29 * dbwells disappears for lunch
12:29 Dyrcona On the other, a different group of workers are preparing to pour concrete for a pillar to support a walkway.
12:31 * jeff stops talking and starts coding
13:07 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jake Litrell] LP#1340852: Retain search params for copy location groups - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1a5a137>
13:07 Dyrcona jlitrell++
13:07 kenstir dbwells: gmcharlt had a vision of a hosted JSON service that associated network names and catalog URLs.  Then a generic app with a welcome activity "choose your library system" makes a lot of sense.
13:08 Dyrcona Well, if each library/consortium had its own app in the store, it would allow for "branding."
13:08 pmurray joined #evergreen
13:08 pmurray left #evergreen
13:09 gmcharlt right - and libraries could choose between relatively easy (building their localized version) and easy (adding themselves to the directory)
13:11 RoganH @karma sip
13:11 pinesol_green RoganH: Karma for "sip" has been increased 0 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of -1.
13:12 RoganH sip--
13:12 RoganH sip--
13:12 RoganH sip--
13:12 berick jboyer_laptaupe: 1497335
13:12 RoganH @karma sip
13:12 pinesol_green RoganH: Karma for "sip" has been increased 0 times and decreased 4 times for a total karma of -4.
13:12 Dyrcona @karma
13:12 pinesol_green Dyrcona: Highest karma: "Dyrcona" (159), "kmlussier" (148), "bshum" (118), "jeff" (98), and "yboston" (95).  Lowest karma: "iii" (-8), "ie" (-7), "typos" (-6), "java" (-4), and "SIP" (-4).  You (Dyrcona) are ranked 1 out of 231.
13:12 Dyrcona java++
13:13 RoganH Java should be at least one better than SIP so I approve.
13:13 Dyrcona @karma java
13:13 pinesol_green Dyrcona: Karma for "java" has been increased 1 time and decreased 4 times for a total karma of -3.
13:13 rlefaive joined #evergreen
13:13 Dyrcona heh.
13:18 jlitrell joined #evergreen
13:18 bshum jlitrell++
13:20 jlitrell Yesssss, internet points!
13:20 Dyrcona heh
13:25 kmlussier Just added jlitrell to http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku​.php?id=contributing:contributors!
13:25 kmlussier jlitrell++
13:26 Dyrcona I use a Perl script to run the upgrade scripts for master.
13:27 dbwells kenstir: gmcharlt: Yes, definitely the right idea (re: centralized DB for app config, etc.).  What do folks feel is the biggest hurdle to making it happen?  It seems like more of an organization problem than a technical one.  Maybe best to just forge ahead and see where it goes.
13:29 dbs this is, btw, close to the same thing that jeff and I had agreed to work on for the web team a long time ago. my bad for not really doing anything about it.
13:30 jeff sorry, had a meeting on my calendar. i've been prototyping said service.
13:30 dbs jeff++
13:31 dbs that also gives us the ability to use the public APIs or /eg/opac/library/ pages to pull in address info (for plotting on maps), collection info, etc
13:31 jeff we do not at present have any type of unique numeric identifier for evergreen libraries or systems / installations. i'm inclined to go with a meaningless serial.
13:32 gmcharlt seems reasonable
13:33 dbwells Yes, we'd definitely want to piggy-back on anything in progress.
13:33 gmcharlt does your prototype store geo coords?
13:33 jeff given a library system name and a hostname, we can cache things like claimed Evergreen version and constituent libraries in the org tree, so that a search can be performed by branch name, etc.
13:34 dbs addresses can be geocoded in the worst case scenario
13:34 dbs the less we have to ask people for, the better. but would be nice to enable them to fine-tune cases where the geocoding is off
13:38 vlewis joined #evergreen
13:54 jeff came back to my desk and plugged my headphones into the wrong device. bah!
13:56 gmcharlt IRC dev meeting starts in a few minutes
13:56 mmorgan joined #evergreen
14:00 gmcharlt http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/dok​u.php?id=dev:meetings:2015-11-04
14:02 bshum #startmeeting 2015-11-04 - Developer Meeting
14:02 pinesol_green Meeting started Wed Nov  4 14:02:04 2015 US/Eastern.  The chair is bshum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:02 pinesol_green Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:02 pinesol_green The meeting name has been set to '2015_11_04___developer_meeting'
14:02 bshum #link Agenda - http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/dok​u.php?id=dev:meetings:2015-11-04
14:02 bshum #topic Introductions
14:02 bshum #info bshum = Ben Shum, Bibliomation
14:02 Dyrcona #info Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
14:02 gmcharlt #info gmcharlt = Galen Charlton, ESI
14:02 kmlussier #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, MassLNC
14:02 jeff #info jeff = Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL)
14:02 tsbere #info tsbere = Thomas Berezansky, Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
14:02 jlitrell #info jlitrell = Jake Litrell, MassLNC
14:03 berick #info berick = Bill Erickson King County Lib. System
14:03 jboyer_laptaupe #info jboyer_laptaupe = Jason Boyer, Evergreen IN, IN State Lib
14:03 dbwells #info dbwells = Dan Wells, Hekman Library (Calvin College)
14:03 panopticon joined #evergreen
14:03 remingtron #info remingtron = Remington Steed, Hekman Library (Calvin College)
14:04 bshum #topic Release Manager Election
14:04 bshum gmcharlt has been nominated
14:05 gmcharlt #info Galen Charlton's proposal: http://libmail.georgialibraries.org/piperm​ail/open-ils-dev/2015-October/009942.html
14:05 bshum Any other nominations before we proceed to vote?
14:06 bshum Any comments?
14:06 bshum gmcharlt++ # biased
14:07 csharp #info csharp is Chris Sharp, GPL
14:07 csharp S
14:08 Dyrcona No comments, let us proceed to the coronation.
14:08 dbwells The proposed release date is my birthday, so there's that :)
14:08 vlewis_ joined #evergreen
14:08 bshum #startvote Should gmcharlt be our next release manager?  Yes, No
14:08 pinesol_green Begin voting on: Should gmcharlt be our next release manager? Valid vote options are Yes, No.
14:08 pinesol_green Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
14:09 bshum #vote Yes
14:09 dbwells #vote Yes
14:09 csharp #vote Yes
14:09 berick #vote yes
14:09 jeff #vote Yes
14:09 jboyer_laptaupe #vote Yes
14:09 phasefx #vote Yes
14:09 jlitrell #vote Yes
14:09 Dyrcona #vote Yes
14:09 remingtron #vote Yes
14:09 kmlussier #vote Yes
14:09 dbs #yes
14:09 gmcharlt #vote Yes
14:09 dbs #info dbs = Dan Scott, Laurentian University
14:09 dbs #vote Yes
14:09 phasefx #info phasefx = Jason Etheridge, ESI
14:10 swedish_chef #voot yaass
14:10 bshum #endvote
14:10 pinesol_green Voted on "Should gmcharlt be our next release manager?" Results are
14:10 pinesol_green Yes (13): kmlussier, jlitrell, jeff, phasefx, remingtron, berick, dbwells, Dyrcona, gmcharlt, csharp, bshum, jboyer_laptaupe, dbs
14:10 csharp swedish_chef++
14:10 bshum Congratulations gmcharlt.
14:10 jeff gmcharlt++
14:11 Dyrcona gmcharlt++
14:11 kmlussier gmcharlt++
14:11 bshum #topic Hack-A-Way update
14:11 gmcharlt #info berick gave a great presentation/proposal on using Sqitch for managing schema update during development
14:12 gmcharlt #info Shared notes for the Hack-a-Way: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_wbIiU​47kSElcg0hG2o-ZJ9hNmyM8v7rOWyi8jGvA38/edit#
14:12 dbwells berick++
14:12 gmcharlt #info jlitrell got his first Evergreen patch merged earlier today
14:12 gmcharlt jlitrell++
14:12 bshum jlitrell++
14:12 berick jlitrell++
14:12 dbwells jlitrell++
14:12 jeff berick++
14:12 jeff jlitrell++
14:12 kmlussier jlitrell++
14:12 remingtron jlitrell++
14:12 csharp jlitrell++
14:13 csharp @karma kmlussier
14:13 pinesol_green csharp: Karma for "kmlussier" has been increased 148 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 148.
14:13 bshum Anything else for the Hack-A-Way update?  I think we got stuff on the google doc to be discussed tomorrow.
14:13 gmcharlt #info various patches from the pullrequest queue have been merged
14:13 gmcharlt reviewers++
14:13 jeff since it's topical to hack-a-way: RoganH's audio is currently muted.
14:14 bshum Noted.
14:14 jeff (fixed)
14:14 bshum So, that's all that's on the agenda for today's special meeting.
14:15 bshum If there's nothing else, we shall end early.
14:15 bshum :)
14:15 berick #info we installed Hatch on the local PC and did some experimenting w/ printing.  some good, some needs work.
14:15 gmcharlt berick++
14:15 gmcharlt csharp++ # testing hatch
14:15 bshum #endmeeting
14:15 pinesol_green Meeting ended Wed Nov  4 14:15:39 2015 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
14:15 dbwells Any word on the search discussion time?  I'd like to listen in, but have a meeting until 3:30 tomorrow.  If it's better earlier, that's alright.
14:15 pinesol_green Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2015/evergreen.2015-11-04-14.02.html
14:15 pinesol_green Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2015/evergreen.2015-11-04-14.02.txt
14:15 pinesol_green Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2015/evergreen.2015-11-04-14.02.log.html
14:15 bshum Okay, thanks all.
14:15 gmcharlt bshum++
14:15 kmlussier bshum++
14:15 bshum kmlussier++ # cookies
14:16 vlewis joined #evergreen
14:16 kmlussier Dyrcona: You still have some time to drive over if you want some cookies. :)
14:19 mmorgan joined #evergreen
14:22 jeff 2015-11-04 14:21:10,021 INFO: Loaded state {'last_edit_date': u'2015-11-04 13:26:03.240554-05:00', 'last_id': 46683956}
14:22 jeff 2015-11-04 14:22:00,432 INFO: indexed 562 records ending with date 2015-11-04 14:21:08.435596-05:00 id 45011502
14:22 jeff 2015-11-04 14:22:00,476 INFO: DONE with incremental!
14:22 jeff still slower than i'd like, but fast enough for now.
14:25 jeff (and yes, we only had 562 bibs with updates on the bib/cn/acp in that ~1h span)
14:26 Dyrcona kmlussier: Thanks, but the way things are going for me this week, I'll play it safe and stay off the road.
14:30 bshum csharp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/922128
14:30 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 922128 in Evergreen "Scrollbars non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Ben Shum (bshum)
14:32 Dyrcona I've never seen that one happen, myself.
14:37 mmorgan joined #evergreen
14:51 berick I proposed we not have the regularly scheduled 3pm est IRC dev meeting today :)
14:51 tsbere +1
14:52 dbwells seconded
14:52 berick dbwells: i am curious, though, if you have any news on the password storage branch
14:52 berick probably about time I rebase that to master
14:53 dbwells berick: I have not proceeded with my bold intentions, but no time like the present, I suppose
14:53 berick heh
14:54 berick well, just wondering :)
14:57 vlewis_ joined #evergreen
14:59 DPearl joined #evergreen
14:59 vlewis joined #evergreen
15:00 Christineb joined #evergreen
15:09 Dyrcona Stompro++
15:09 Dyrcona I just asked, "Can Evergreen send an email before a patron's account expires?"
15:09 Dyrcona I said, "Yes, when we upgrade to 2.9."
15:09 Dyrcona Someone just asked me... duh.
15:13 pinesol_green Showing latest 5 of 7 commits to Evergreen...
15:13 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1384740 MARC stream importer auth release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=465b0e2>
15:13 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1384740 MARC stream (etc) use auth nonce - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5cb6e6b>
15:13 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1384740 marc_stream_importer no-import repairs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=38050c1>
15:13 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1384740 marc_stream_importer test script - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=ad72cfc>
15:13 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1384740 marc_stream_importer auth and cleanup - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=17cc186>
15:14 _bott_1 joined #evergreen
15:18 Dyrcona tsbere: Real time updates of thing1-access if you select me in the hangout. It's getting close.
15:18 berick gmcharlt++
15:21 jboyer-laptaupe gmcharlt: lp 1371647
15:21 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1371647 in Evergreen "config.marc21_ff_pos_map needs an audit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1371647
15:23 Dyrcona tsbere: I'm going to let it run until it gets bad. I've seen it do this and it usually clears up in a few minutes.
15:24 gmcharlt RoganH: kenstir: https://evergreen-ils.org/testing/libraries.json
15:24 RoganH gmchart: thanks!
15:24 RoganH gmcharlt even!
15:24 gmcharlt RoganH: yeah, gmchart is off making maps
15:25 RoganH gmcharlt: it's an honorable tradition even if you fall off the edge of the world
15:28 csharp @quote add <kmlussier> I could talk about search all day.  Some days I do.
15:28 pinesol_green csharp: The operation succeeded.  Quote #126 added.
15:29 gmcharlt @quote add <RoganH> it's an honorable tradition even if you fall off the edge of the world
15:29 pinesol_green gmcharlt: The operation succeeded.  Quote #127 added.
15:40 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:40 Dyrcona wifi--
15:42 krvmga joined #evergreen
15:43 kenstir RoganH++
16:01 csharp jboyer-laptaupe: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/924952
16:01 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 924952 in Evergreen "Acquisitions: Order record loads fail when there is a null value in a holdings subfield" [High,Confirmed]
16:05 kmlussier parts++
16:06 jeff it got quiet over there.
16:07 gmcharlt Dyrcona: bug 1501471 now can haz tests
16:07 pinesol_green Launchpad bug 1501471 in Evergreen "fetching OU settings in batch can be made faster" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1501471
16:07 berick gmcharlt++
16:07 Dyrcona gmcharlt++
16:07 kmlussier gmcharlt++
16:08 berick jeff: we're slaying beasts
16:08 jeff goot, goot!
16:11 jlitrell I love restarting servers from 1,000 miles away.  Gets the blood pumping.
16:13 dbwells berick: I've got some questions about the new auth code when you have a minute.
16:16 berick csharp: srfsh# request open-ils.cstore open-ils.cstore.json_query {"from":["acq.extract_provider_holding_data", 1]}
16:16 berick dbwells: what's up?
16:16 dbwells berick: As it is, it breaks AuthProxy.pm as that module relies on the (perhaps naive) ability to simply lookup the user's password.
16:16 berick dbwells: ah, ok, that can be fixed.  we'll need to teach it to call the stored proc instead of loading the password and comparing
16:17 * berick loads the code
16:17 tsbere Have you taught SIP to call the stored proc yet?
16:18 dbwells berick: I'm not sure that's really the issue, although maybe you're just a step ahead of me.
16:18 gmcharlt Dyrcona: heh, I was thinking that I would have to intentionally break a record in my test database to try out your patch for 1502152
16:18 gmcharlt as it happens... NOT NECESSARY. :)
16:19 Dyrcona Yeah, just some weird characters are enough.
16:19 ldw what is the preferred way to send a message in dojo (ie not alert).
16:19 ldw ?
16:19 dbwells berick: AuthProxy.pm is just a wrapper to call the normal auth mechanisms, so (as it is) it needs to know the user's hashed password to convince auth it's legitimate.
16:19 berick dbwells: hmm, auth proxy is calling open-ils.auth.authenticate.*
16:19 berick heh
16:20 berick that should just work
16:20 berick same as the tpac
16:20 gmcharlt Dyrcona: yeah, there's perhaps a minor irony in the fact that that ‡ character isn't in the MARC-8 character set
16:20 berick dbwells: oh...
16:20 dbwells berick: Yes, it can, but it would need to lookup the real hashed password in actor.passwd, I think.
16:20 berick i see a problem
16:20 berick yeah..
16:21 Dyrcona gmcharlt: :)
16:22 dbwells berick: There's other ways to get there, but ultimately we need some sort of private service which AuthProxy can use to say "trust me, this person is legitimate".  A cstore lookup was a convenient mechanism for that, but not the cleanest, for sure.
16:24 berick yeah, i'm trying to figure out what's going on here...
16:25 dbwells berick: The simplest path to "working" would be to add cstore access to actor.passwd, but that's contrary to part of the reason we went this way, of course.
16:27 berick actor.passwd will no longer have meaning
16:27 dbwells berick: ok, I haven't looked that far ahead yet.
16:30 miker berick: I don't recall ... are you re-hashing the existing password, and replacing the random seed with a salt?
16:33 berick sorry, lot going on here
16:33 jeff berick: injecting to the conversation -- i'd suggest moving angular to head with adding some css as the fallback if moving angular to head results in any WSOD.
16:34 berick jeff: that's basically waht I was thinking
16:34 jeff i suppose i could propose a bug and branch to get that rolling. such a small change, i guess i didn't back a month or so ago.
16:35 berick dbwells: remind me, why does proxy have to call _do_login twice?
16:35 berick miker: yes, to your question
16:36 berick if you're using authenticate.* api, it should be all backwards compat
16:36 * miker should look at dbwell's code ...
16:37 dbwells berick: It doesn't call it twice for the same authenticator, I don't think.  One call is just a passthru for the "native" auth.
16:38 berick ohhh
16:38 berick ok, i see
16:38 dbwells The second call is if we authenticated via 3rd party.
16:38 dbwells okay
16:38 berick for non-native, it's just testing the password
16:38 berick well, it's faking an internal login
16:38 berick by loading the password
16:38 berick and sending it on to aut
16:39 dbwells yes
16:40 berick hmm
16:41 dbwells It was the simplest way to get all the trappings of a normal login without messing with auth or duplicating the token code, etc.  Of course we're messing with auth now, so it makes sense to me to find a more direct path.
16:41 bshum yboston: https://evergreen-ils.org/~bshum/Eve​rgreen-README.html#_optional_extra_s​teps_for_browser_based_staff_client
16:42 berick dbwells: yeah, we may have to teach AuthProxy to create the cached auth data directly
16:42 berick when auth'ing from an external source
16:42 miker dbwells: the implied functionality is that the passwords can be different between the external and native systems, and you trust the external. correct?
16:42 bshum yboston: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=work​ing/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/​heads/collab/bshum/README-webclient
16:42 dbwells berick: that's certainly an option.
16:43 mrpeters left #evergreen
16:44 miker (I say implied because I don't see a code comment ... and I haven't gone looking for release notes.  It may very well be explicit elsewhere :) )
16:45 dbwells miker: Yes, although it will (via possible config) fall thru to use the internal password if the extenal fails.  In fact, in an early version we simply had all the internal passwords set the same to a random value, which AuthProxy then used to login, but that puts a lot of weight on that one value.
16:46 Dyrcona gmcharlt: I think you pushed something to working master that you meant to go to origin master.
16:47 gmcharlt shoot; me takes a look
16:47 Dyrcona Oh, never mind. I botched my git log.... :)
16:47 gmcharlt Dyrcona: ok, at least that was easy to recover from
16:47 Dyrcona Er, wait, no...
16:48 * Dyrcona is confuzzled.
16:48 gmcharlt Dyrcona: I had indeed pushed to working/master rather than origin/master
16:48 Dyrcona Yeah.
16:48 gmcharlt I fixed it by pushing the same patches to origin/master
16:48 Dyrcona Let me fetch again.
16:49 Dyrcona OK. Thanks.
16:49 dbwells I think what could work would be a new private service with an "open-ils.auth.authorize" method (or some such) which simply encapsulates oilsAuthHandleLoginOK() (and maybe a few other bits), and which can then be called by any code with private router access (auth, auth_proxy, etc.) to create a complete user session.
16:49 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1502152: (follow-up) fix a typo - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a9d80dc>
16:49 pinesol_green [evergreen|Jason Stephenson] LP 1502152: Improve marc_export warnings. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=cf4410e>
16:50 * Dyrcona laughs at his typo.
16:51 berick dbwells: that would work
16:52 dbwells It would limit the duality of the code, I think, but maybe overkill?  I'm not sure.
16:52 berick well, it would be good to have it all going through one entry point, since Perl vs. C memcache clients have been known to push the same key to different servers
17:08 pinesol_green Showing latest 5 of 6 commits to Evergreen...
17:08 pinesol_green [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1251415: (follow-up) update release note extension - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=fef3298>
17:08 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1251415: juv-to-adult release notes - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=1b142be>
17:08 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1251415: Juv-to-adult live test - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3f46924>
17:08 pinesol_green [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1251415: Skip deleted users in juvenile update - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=3b630bd>
17:08 pinesol_green [evergreen|Steven Callender] LP#1251415: Use the juvenile setting when removing juvenile flag. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=0fd4ecc>
18:12 bmills joined #evergreen
19:00 rlefaive joined #evergreen
22:30 RoganH joined #evergreen
22:30 RoganH_ joined #evergreen

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