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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-03-05

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:59 collum joined #evergreen
08:12 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:43 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:51 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:07 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:21 csharp_ FATAL:  role "evergree" does not exist
09:27 csharp_ huh - https://github.com/pgexperts/pgx_sc​ripts/tree/master/duplicate_indexes finds 40 duplicate indexes in the PINES db
09:28 csharp_ we're kind of a frankenstein, so it's not surprising
09:28 csharp_ 19 years, almost
09:29 Dyrcona "evergren" usually isn't there either. :)
09:33 csharp_ jeff++ # thanks for doing that inquiry - I had not yet
09:34 csharp_ re: certs, I think we should have the project figure out a source for them while we reconsider our hosting options
09:41 JBoyer I expect that Jeff's query was about setting it up to use certbot's dns challenege mode rather than http, which would also get around the ITS issue.
09:42 csharp_ ah - yes, I was just looking at alternative ways to use LetsEncrypt
09:42 csharp_ I haven't done much with it directly
09:42 JBoyer (and I believe the project has the domain, registered with Google I think)
09:42 csharp_ yeah, that's my impression too - just wanting to confirm
09:44 csharp_ I would prefer a single wildcard cert that we propogate where needed
09:44 JBoyer I've got it setup to use dns verification in a couple places since that's the only way they'll issue wildcard certs. I've glanced at name.com's API and I beliveve it's capable, but not ideal for this. (reads more like a reseller-facing API last I knew)
09:46 csharp_ https://eff-certbot.readthedocs.io​/en/latest/using.html#dns-plugins - not sure if any of those plugins would work
09:46 Dyrcona I have to do manual renewal because my DNS provider doesn't have an API.
09:47 csharp_ https://github.com/laonan/certbot-dns-name-com - old, but looks like it used to be possible
09:49 mantis joined #evergreen
09:59 csharp_ ...and, the ITS person I was dealing with is making it sound more reasonable that we can get approval for port 80, so all this may not be necessary in the current instance
09:59 csharp_ I do think wildcards are the way to go, though
09:59 csharp_ also, maybe moving to some place more neutral and owned fully by the project
10:00 csharp_ but whatever - we're happy to host as long as it makes sense :-)
10:27 dguarrac_ joined #evergreen
10:41 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:43 * Dyrcona uses wildcard certs.
10:46 berick @who thinks [band] are a buncha wildcards?
10:46 pinesol Christineb thinks 'Good good boss man' are a buncha wildcards.
10:46 * berick needs a hobby
10:48 Dyrcona bummer... Can't push to a remote repo 'cause I'm the wrong user and ssh key forwarding didn't survive sudo.
10:49 csharp_ berick: https://www.happierhuman.com/weird-hobbies-wa2/
10:50 berick you had me at ostrich racing
10:50 csharp_ for my part, I've gotten addicted to watching car restoration videos where people buy like a $1000 Toyota from 1998 off FB marketplace and transform it into a daily driver
10:51 csharp_ if I had the right tools and environment at home, I would totally want to do something like that
10:51 Dyrcona Hm... If I add my user to the other user's group, I should be able to cd there and push with that account.
10:51 csharp_ also interested in tube guitar amp repair - lots of good channels on YT for that
10:52 Dyrcona @quote add < berick > you had me at ostrich racing
10:52 pinesol Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.  Quote #252 added.
10:52 csharp_ Dyrcona++
10:52 berick csharp_: ooh, i got a Orange tube amp fairly recently.  had to get it repaired twice already :)  sounds amazing though
10:52 csharp_ nice!
10:52 csharp_ I have a 68 Princeton reissue that I adore
10:53 csharp_ hmm - Chess Boxing sounds pretty interesting: " It’s a hybrid sport where the contestants play a game of chess and then box – because why not, right?"
10:53 Dyrcona Related to my "thinking out load" above: adduser is a bad name for a useradd wrapper. I sometimes [often] run the wrong one.
10:53 berick oh yeah, i bet it sounds great
10:54 berick Dyrcona: agreed
10:54 csharp_ Dyrcona: +1`
10:54 csharp_ +1 even
10:54 Dyrcona Chess Fencing...
10:54 csharp_ The Queen's Gambit would have been a totally different series with boxing added
10:55 berick i live a block from a train.  i could start spotting
10:55 csharp_ berick: pretty sure that's not... yeah, okay
10:56 Dyrcona Also had to add a safe directory, but that worked: 1. add myself to the other user's group. 2. cd to the repository. 3. Add the safe local directory exception. 4. git push.
10:57 Dyrcona Hopefull pull with also work.
10:58 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:59 berick @band add Keeping Isopods
10:59 pinesol berick: Band 'Keeping Isopods' added to list
11:00 JBoyer Speaking of The Queen's Gambit, I found the existance of this pretty amusing: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/34​6101/the-queens-gambit-the-board-game
11:00 Dyrcona git pull works, too.
11:03 csharp_ JBoyer: ha!
11:04 Dyrcona JBoyer: That sounds interesting, but also like something that would get played a few times, then put away.
11:05 Dyrcona I miss this game sometimes: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/847/feudal
11:11 csharp_ oh, I remember one of my friends having that game
11:21 Dyrcona I lost mine years ago in a move. (I think.) There's a slim chance it is in a box in the attic.
11:21 Dyrcona But, it may as well be lost in the latter case. ;)
11:28 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:48 jeff I wasn't aware that there was a cert issue, so no, that wasn't the reason behind my inquiry. :-)
11:53 jeff If you're considering moving to the DNS-01 challenge method, with or without wildcards, I can say that there are options that do not require "the nameservers that host your parent zone" to support any kind of API or DNS automation. You might have to leave certbot behind, but you'll probably be happier for that also.
11:56 jeff in a nutshell, you can delegate a subdomain (if you like, a subdomain used only for ACME DNS challenges) to any provider who has an API that is supported by your ACME client, then use a static CNAME (one per hostname or one per wildcard) to alias/delegate lookups.
12:14 jihpringle10 joined #evergreen
12:17 jeff if port 80 is your only reason for moving away from HTTP-01, and you're in a bind and need a quick cert and can free up 443/tcp for a short time, TLS-ALPN-01 is your friend. There are multiple ACME clients that support it with very few dependencies.
12:19 jeff https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh is one I've had good experience with and has support for Let's Encrypt, though it defaults to ZeroSSL now (a CA which I do not have direct experience with)
12:20 jeff https://github.com/dehydrated-io/dehydrated is another ACME client that supports the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge. I've not used it. It looks like it requires zsh and curl, in addition to some pretty expected things (sed, grep, awk, mktemp).
12:46 sandbergja joined #evergreen
12:51 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:06 collum joined #evergreen
13:12 Dyrcona Hm.. I wonder if I need filters for the xml notices events to work?
13:20 Dyrcona berick: It looks like my curbside offer notices are not triggering and I'm getting a hold ready for pickup instead. I know that's vague and you probably don't have an answer, but hat's what I've got to go on so far.
13:20 Dyrcona Has anyone used the xml notices with curbside before? Do you have any pointers/code I could look at?
13:33 berick Dyrcona: if it uses a different A/T hook (i.e. not hold.available or whatever) it will likely need coding.  i haven't looked closely at curbside.
13:35 Dyrcona The hooks are hold.offer_curbside and hold.confirm_curbside. These have code in trigger, but I'll see if it needs code in the xml notices.
13:35 Dyrcona What I'm seeing is it looks like no curbside slot was created.
13:36 Dyrcona That would be a problem with curbside in Evergreen or someone not using it correctly.
13:46 berick ah, ok, hold.confirm_curbside has "ahr" core_type, so you may not need to change any code
14:28 Dyrcona We're looking into it. Looks like we need an action.curbside entry, and I haven't figured out how that gets created, yet.
14:29 Dyrcona Well, looks like the hook creates it for curbside offer creates it.
14:29 Dyrcona bad editing...
14:30 Dyrcona Well, wait a minute. It's the curbside slot reactor.
14:31 Dyrcona OK. I think I need to run that a/t runner as well for my testing.
14:33 Dyrcona It's an active event. I forget if that means the system creates it automatically or if I have to run a/t runner for it.
14:35 Dyrcona OK. Looks like a/t runner does it.
14:38 Dyrcona Still didn't get any output for the curbside offer notice. Maybe it's too soon for the delay?
14:39 Dyrcona It's like the script is not even trying the curbside events, but I'm 99% certain that they are set up.
14:40 Dyrcona Um, what? The lines were commented out. *hangs head in shame*
14:45 Dyrcona I just ran it manually and it produced no output. I'll run it from cron and see what happens.
15:01 Dyrcona It didn't run at all from cron. It should be running right now.
15:02 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:02:15 XML Notice: XML Notice query timed out
15:02 Dyrcona When I ran it manually.
15:06 Dyrcona Events are not being created and they are set to active, so I suppose new code is probably needed?
15:13 berick Dyrcona: if you're using generate-notices.sh, do you have an entry for it, e.g. https://github.com/kcls/evergreen-pub/​blob/release/3.11/KCLS/utility-scripts​/xml-notices/generate-notices.sh#L204
15:14 berick then you have to invoke it w/ something like: https://github.com/kcls/evergreen-pub/​blob/release/3.11/KCLS/utility-scripts​/xml-notices/run-nightly-batch.sh#L28
15:16 Dyrcona berick: I do and I do.
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:08 cwmars-dev: Processing A/T Events for messagebee-curbside-confirm-sms
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:08 cwmars-dev: Generating XML notice file for for 2025-03-05T15:09:08 def=531 => curbside-confirmed
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:09 XML Notice: Found MessageBee Curbside confirmation SMS notification with core type 'acsp' and usr field 'usr'
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:09 XML Notice: Processing event definition 531 as curbside-confirmed
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:09 XML Notice: Collecting events between dates 2025-03-05T14:09:08 and 2025-03-05T15:09:08
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:09 XML Notice: XML Notice query timed out
15:17 Dyrcona 2025-03-05 15:09:09 cwmars-dev: Notice generation failed for def=531 => curbside-confirmed
15:17 Dyrcona That's the output.
15:18 Dyrcona We can probably use the regular Evergreen events through the gateway.
15:19 berick Dyrcona: i see, core type 'acsp' is not supported yet in create-notice-file.pl so that would need to be added
15:20 berick for event retrieval and data fleshing
15:21 Dyrcona I think we'll just go with the gateway.
15:21 Dyrcona Only 1 member is still using these.
15:23 mantis left #evergreen
15:31 csharp_ jeff++ # thanks for the links!
15:58 redavis joined #evergreen
16:00 redavis csharp_, I think the project owns evergreen-ils.org, but am not sure.
16:56 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:00 jeff csharp_: you're welcome! let me know if you'd like any more detail on the DNS-01 options. I didn't go into detail by default because it seemed a little off-topic. :-)
17:04 mmorgan left #evergreen
19:36 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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