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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-02-14

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:18 collum joined #evergreen
08:45 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:59 Dyrcona I've got two machines running practically the same code on the same Ubuntu release (20.04). One of them gives this error with reports "XMLENT XML Parse Error: mismatched tag." The other works just fine.
09:07 Dyrcona No differences in eg_vhost.conf as far as reports go.
09:17 csharp_ ansible++
09:19 csharp_ Dyrcona: by "reports" you mean you're seeing that in report outputs? may be too in my own head to grok that
09:21 Dyrcona Yeah, when I open a report output, I get a 500 error and that's in the log.
09:21 Dyrcona I mentioned it late yesterday. It's parsing HTML as XML, and <meta charset="utf-8"> is breaking it.
09:21 Dyrcona But not in production, just on this test VM.
09:22 Dyrcona I also diffed the branches, and the reports code is the same.
09:26 Dyrcona Only differences in eg.conf concern a ping file and SSL cipher settings.
09:27 csharp_ huh
09:28 Dyrcona I suspect that there must be a patch applied to production that I don't have on the test VM or vice versa.
09:30 Dyrcona Only code difference is array_agg vs. array_accum in Booking.pm because one has a patch applied that the other doesn't. (I'll need that patch, but not for this problem.)
09:36 Dyrcona I thought this had come up before, but I can't find it in my IRC logs.
09:38 csharp_ it sounds familiar
09:43 Dyrcona I'm taking care of the array_accum patch before I forget.
09:44 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:50 Dyrcona I tried searching Lp with fixed committed bugs enabled, and nothing came up there either.
09:51 Dyrcona Production could have a patch applied from elsewhere...
09:51 Dyrcona I suppose that I can test that locally. I do have the list of commits applied.
09:54 sandbergja Has anybody run into a situation where logging in to the staff client starts to fail most (but not all) of the time?  The browser console complains about open-ils.circ.offline.data.retrieve failing because it can't connect to the server to get stat cats.  This is with redis, recent main with some bonus commits that don't seem related, and ubuntu
09:54 sandbergja jammy.  osrf_control --diagnostic reported that everything was happy.  osrf_control --restart-all fixed the issue (at least for now...)
09:54 sandbergja The error: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sandber​gja/c938c9a63286bededec1bb5a9e18a162/raw/b​fed9be845978f0a21b518c53fe896d056585394/lo​g%2520entries%2520-%2520login%2520issue
09:54 sandbergja (it also is present in the server logs, which didn't have any additional details)
09:55 berick sandbergja: drone/worker lost connection to postgres
09:56 sandbergja berick++
09:56 berick i've seen this happen w/ automatic os updates, but could be other causes
09:56 sandbergja gotcha, I could totally see that
09:57 sandbergja Is there a good way to monitor for drones that have lost their db connection?
09:57 berick sudo apt remove unattended-upgrades # to disable auto updates on critical servers
09:58 berick (for ubuntu, anyway)
09:58 berick sandbergja: hm, just the logs, i think
09:58 sandbergja berick++
09:59 Dyrcona csharp_: I applied the production patches and no unexpected differences. I'm stumped as to why one server is trying to parse the reports html as xml and the other isn't.
09:59 Dyrcona Of course, the server code could actually be different than what's in my local branch....
10:02 csharp_ maybe something where the perl libs are out of sync?
10:03 csharp_ on upgraded servers the /usr/local/share/perl/{version} directories are preserved and I've seen upgraded servers try  to use the older versions
10:03 csharp_ OS upgrades, I mean
10:04 csharp_ also seen OSes hang onto older APT perl packages
10:09 Dyrcona csharp_: Thanks. I'll check that, but I think both of these are mostly fresh, not release-upgraded.
10:09 Dyrcona Yeah, both only have /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0
10:14 csharp_ Dyrcona: same version of clark-kent.pl?
10:15 Dyrcona csharp_: I'll copy the files and diff them but I'm pretty sure they are the same.
10:15 Dyrcona Both servers produce output with the <meta charset='utf-8'> tag, only the one complains about it. I think it has to be something in EGWeb.
10:17 csharp_ and output from the "good" server fails on the bad and vice versa?
10:17 Dyrcona csharp_: I haven't tried that, but will.
10:17 Dyrcona I suspect output from the good server will fail on the bad one, and not vice versa.
10:18 * csharp_ likes ignoring his own problems to help others with theirs :-)
10:18 csharp_ yeah, I think the same thing
10:22 Dyrcona Yeahp. reports from the good server error on the bad one.
10:22 csharp_ Dyrcona++
10:22 Dyrcona I hesitate to go the other direction because it's a production machine.
10:23 Dyrcona Looks like it could replace existing output.
10:27 Dyrcona There has to be some kind of difference.
10:30 Dyrcona I'm going to try a git clean -xfd and rebuild/install Evergreen.
10:34 Dyrcona I doubt that different Postgres versions would affect this. I don't think just looking at the report output connects to Pg in anyway.
10:38 Dyrcona Well, that didn't help....
10:38 Dyrcona *confused unga bunga*
10:44 Dyrcona hm. I think I just might need another db patch.
10:50 Dyrcona git supposedly makes this easier, but the patch workflow doesn't really help. I can't just do git branch --contain <commithash> and find all of the branches with the same commit.
10:50 Dyrcona I have to resort to grepping the logs for Lp numbers, etc.
10:50 Dyrcona I'd like to switch to merge.
10:57 Dyrcona Looks like I need a bunch more patches, but finding them all is proving to be a PITA.
11:02 Dyrcona I have to log --grep for keywords like postgresql, etc.
11:20 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:21 jeffdavis We've run into the lost db connection thing before too. I've opened bug 2098507 as a feature request.
11:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 2098507 in Evergreen "Respond gracefully when database connection is lost" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2098507
12:52 Dyrcona Well, applying all of the Pg commits that I could find did not help my issue with the XML parser error on the test vm.
13:08 Dyrcona I am tempted to delete the VM and rebuild it.
13:29 Dyrcona And that's what I'm doing.
13:57 * Dyrcona is about to find out if OpenSRF 3.3.2 works with Evergreen 3.7.4.
14:06 jeffdavis Looking at bug 2073561 ...
14:06 pinesol Launchpad bug 2073561 in Evergreen "Incorrect content in the config.coded_value_map after applying the upgrade script from 3.12.3 to 3.13.0" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2073561
14:06 jeffdavis For sites that haven't upgraded to 3.13.0+ yet, it seems like the best approach is simply to skip upgrade 1416 altogether?
14:07 Dyrcona jeffdavis: I think so, yes.
14:07 Dyrcona Can we recall it somehow? I suppose with another Lp bug...
14:10 jeffdavis In that case my inclination would be to delete 1416 from the 3.13.0 version upgrade script in the next round of 3.13+ releases.
14:10 Dyrcona Open a Lp bug and see what others think.
14:11 csharp_ I didn't have the bandwidth to read through all the functions - is that something we can skip?
14:11 jeffdavis I haven't checked thoroughly and won't be able to for a while (vacation next week)...
14:11 csharp_ ah
14:12 csharp_ have a nice time!
14:12 jeffdavis ... but if I understand Llewellyn's input correctly, fresh installs are unaffected by this issue because they don't install 961.data.marc21-tag-tables.sql at all.
14:12 jeffdavis And 1416 is identical to 961.data.marc21-tag-tables.sql.
14:12 csharp_ we are upgrading from 3.12 to 3.14 on Saturday
14:12 csharp_ oh
14:12 csharp_ hmm - maybe we can save ourselves the pain
14:13 jeffdavis So simply omitting 1416 would in theory mean that an upgraded system is a match for a clean install.
14:13 jeffdavis I haven't tested this yet *at all* so please don't rely on me being right about this :)
14:13 jeffdavis (and good luck with the upgrade either way!)
14:13 csharp_ thanks!
14:14 Dyrcona I think you can skip it without danger.
14:17 csharp_ Dyrcona++ # gonna skip it!
14:25 Dyrcona Ugh. Half of a script just blew up because i did one of the steps early.
14:27 Dyrcona Well, not quite half.
14:28 Dyrcona I think I should be able to test OpenSRF now.
14:30 Bmagic does the SIP 98/99 keepalive refresh the memcached authtoken?
14:30 Dyrcona Bmagic: Not sure.
14:50 jeffdavis Bmagic: Are you using SIPServer or SIP2Mediator?
14:51 Bmagic SIPServer
14:53 jeffdavis It looks to me like SIPServer doesn't check any authtoken when responding to 98 (looking at sub send_acs_status in Sip/MsgType.pm)
14:54 jeffdavis or rather, it doesn't talk to EG about anything so there's no point where an authtoken is verified for 98/99
15:05 bshum joined #evergreen
15:05 Dyrcona Welcome back, bshum!
15:05 bshum Huzzah!
15:06 bshum Dyrcona++ # moral support
15:07 Dyrcona backups++
15:22 csharp_ bshum++ # supportive morals
15:29 Bmagic jeffdavis++
15:29 Bmagic bshum++ # wb
15:30 Dyrcona Was gonna say that my installation worked on the first try, but I have to remove the legacy JSON gateway from the Apache config.
15:31 Dyrcona Guess that's a side effect of using OpenSRF 3.2.3.
15:33 Dyrcona Huh. I thought this branch had all of our customizations in it.
15:34 * Dyrcona is more confuzzled than before.

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