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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-09-12

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:10 collum joined #evergreen
07:22 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:45 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:55 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:00 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:04 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:20 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:49 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:51 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:57 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:13 Bmagic jihpringle: I didn't know about that setting!
09:14 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
09:18 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:18 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of El Salvador Pacamara Los Planes, and sends it sliding down the bar to JBoyer
09:19 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Costa Rica Micro Lot "Pepe" Honey Processed, and sends it sliding down the bar to sleary
09:19 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Kenya Giakanja, and sends it sliding down the bar to Rogan
09:19 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Colombia Hato Viejo Cup of Excellence, and sends it sliding down the bar to jmurray-isl
09:19 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Guatemala La Conception, and sends it sliding down the bar to degraafk
09:19 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Kenyan Highland Cooperatives, and sends it sliding down the bar to jonadab
09:19 Bmagic @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of El Salvador Pacamara Finca Los Alpes The Bank, and sends it sliding down the bar to ejk
09:56 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:57 sandbergja A little celebration: main now has 190 unit tests for the angular staff client.  Let's get 10 more so we can hit 200!
10:37 mmorgan1 Woo hoo!
10:49 sleary sandbergja++
10:53 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
11:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
11:24 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:47 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
11:53 _collum joined #evergreen
11:57 scottangel_ joined #evergreen
11:57 Jaysal_ joined #evergreen
12:12 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
13:50 abneiman sandbergja++
13:58 sandbergja joined #evergreen
14:21 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
14:35 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:57 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
15:00 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
15:47 Bmagic berick: I'm going over evergree-xml-notices repo and I'm struggling to remember if the "for-text" feature was an unmerged patch file that I've used or if it was suppose to be removed in main
15:48 berick Bmagic: this is the code we're using in production now: https://github.com/kcls/evergreen-pub/tree/r​elease/3.11/KCLS/utility-scripts/xml-notices
15:48 berick we're def. using for-text
15:49 Bmagic I see, so the old github repo: https://github.com/berick/eve​rgreen-xml-notices/tree/main is depricated?
15:50 Dyrcona Bmagic: CWMARS is running this more or less https://github.com/CWMARSINC/evergreen-xml-notices
15:51 berick Bmagic: yes and I'll add a note to that effect now
15:52 Dyrcona berick: You could archive the repo. I think that's the correct term.
15:53 berick it's not really deprecated, so much as a snapshot, which has no diverged from what we're using locally.  i want to keep the docs in place.  i'll just clarify on the page.
15:54 berick with hindsight, i would have spawned it as a wholly separate project to begin with :\
15:56 Bmagic well, that resolves my for-text question
15:56 Bmagic for-text is a new feature that didn't make it's way back to that repo
15:57 Dyrcona Actually, this is closer to what CWMARS is using https://github.com/CWMARSINC/ev​ergreen-xml-notices/tree/cwmars
15:58 berick added a note: https://github.com/berick/evergree​n-xml-notices/blob/main/README.md
15:58 Dyrcona Regarding splitting things into individual projects, we have 2 copies of many things in different git repositories because it is easy to interface with our hosting provider if things are in a repo on their server. :)
15:58 Dyrcona The above is a hint for Bmagic that he can find what CWMARS is actually running if he looks in the correct place.
16:00 Dyrcona While I'm thinking of it, I plan to make a public git repository with the scripts that we're currently using to export data to Aspen. It came up during the Aspen for Evergreen meeting this morning.
16:01 Dyrcona I should check that the cwmars branch is up to date in that evergreen-xml-notices repo.
16:08 Dyrcona Looks like they're the same modulo the configuration.
16:39 Bmagic the KCLS repo differes greatly
16:40 Bmagic I can admit that the reason that this IRC channel contains spelling mistakes is 98% my fault
16:49 berick i beg to differe
16:54 Dyrcona I geb to defer...
16:54 Dyrcona I make my share of typos...
16:55 * Dyrcona poofs out.
16:55 Bmagic lata
16:55 Bmagic berick++ # lol
17:05 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
18:22 pinesol News from commits: LP#1847130: ARIA followup for self-checkout <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=fecda3​0d5727e1f788c24b6248f2ea4fe2693ee6>

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