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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-29

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:02 collum joined #evergreen
07:24 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:51 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:25 sleary hello darkness, my old friend
08:27 sleary https://butternut.evergreenc​atalog.com/eg2/en-US/staff/
08:31 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:32 collum sleary++
08:39 mantis joined #evergreen
08:40 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:01 * Dyrcona seriously considers reverting the 1416 db upgrade and all of the commits associated with it.
09:04 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:16 cbrown_ joined #evergreen
09:23 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:25 sandbergja sleary++
09:25 sandbergja smayo++
09:25 sandbergja very excited about dark mode!
09:27 sandbergja claiming 1427
09:27 pinesol News from commits: LP2047940 Receive cancelled lineitems in search <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b86db0​5db253121d664e6e1c4869f92a00d2061c>
09:35 Dyrcona We apparently have too many db upgrades for GitHub to display them all. Looks like the web interface has a limit of about 1000 items per folder.
09:36 sandbergja Dyrcona, yes, I find that very annoying.
09:37 berick sleary: neat!
09:37 * Dyrcona uses gitweb on git.evergreen-ils.org for the link, instead.
09:41 sandbergja Dyrcona: regarding 1416, I noticed that there is an option to deprecate or supersede upgrade scripts (https://github.com/evergreen-library-s​ystem/Evergreen/blob/b86db05db253121d6​64e6e1c4869f92a00d2061c/Open-ILS/src/s​ql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql#L988-L1002 caught my eye).  I wonder if those would be appropriate in this case?
09:42 Dyrcona sandbergja: Maybe. This one is just all kinds of busted. As it stands, it needs to not be run in the first place, until it can be repaired.
09:44 Dyrcona I've been looking for the alternate version that eeevil alluded to, but both of the branches turned up by `git brach -r --list *2006969*` have the exact same implementation of the inset_update_coded_value_map function.
09:44 Dyrcona Bleh. typos--
09:51 csharp_ @praise add Everything is better with $who
09:51 pinesol csharp_: The operation succeeded.  Praise #22 added.
09:51 csharp_ @praise 22 smayo
09:51 * pinesol Everything is better with smayo
09:51 eeevil Dyrcona: I think it's not in the working repo
09:57 Dyrcona Entdecke die Insel von [someone]
09:57 Dyrcona Nope, doesn't work.
09:57 csharp_ gotta @
09:57 csharp_ or pinesol:
09:57 Dyrcona Entdecke die Insel von @someone
09:58 Dyrcona @ has to be at the begging.
09:58 pinesol Dyrcona: I see nothing, I know nothing!
09:58 pinesol News from commits: LP#2069472: stamp upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0263dd​8e47b7f0c45760a1b365b8dce216b18497>
09:58 Dyrcona :)
09:58 pinesol News from commits: LP#2069472 Conjoined Items Grid Config Not Saving <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=716e81​310735d18537d2f0b7b75701a703faf319>
09:58 csharp_ pinesol: blame [someone] for Dyrcona lapsing into German
09:58 pinesol dluch_ tests their code on the LIVE SERVERS, then blames the user. SAD! for Dyrcona lapsing into German
09:59 Dyrcona Whatever.. It just popped into my head because of the praise. It was a tagline I used to use on a MMO years ago: "Entdecke die Insel von Dyrcona." (Yeah, I used it as my gamer tag, too.)
10:00 Dyrcona It means, "discover the island."
10:03 csharp_ Dyrcona++
10:03 Dyrcona pinesol: Entdecken Sie die Insel von [someone]
10:03 pinesol Dyrcona: Does the abacus count itself?
10:04 Dyrcona I get it. I have also use one of the commands that recognizes [someone].
10:04 Dyrcona Enough fooling around, back to grubbing around in the database. (I think I'm gonna need LoC documentation, too.)
10:14 cbrown joined #evergreen
10:16 sandbergja claiming 1428
10:20 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:21 kmlussier Stompro++ mmorgan++ #Stripe troubleshooting
10:22 csharp_ PINES helpdesk ticket: "Is it possible to batch change some of our shelving locations?" me: "yes" <close ticket>
10:28 pinesol News from commits: LP1807998: stamp upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ae3aed​8a4626eb55df4dcfb6dc6660b4e772627f>
10:28 pinesol News from commits: LP1807998: Fix Canadian Dollars currency code <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=68cd8a​53832f052081bf457effcf8ae83711f89c>
10:28 pinesol News from commits: LP#2077441: Sort templates and reports by name ASC by default <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3f9c2e​5a03a8b6ba3d77a63253f82d2a56941e12>
10:29 Dyrcona csharp_++
10:56 redavis joined #evergreen
11:02 redavis sleary++ #dark mode on butternut. *chef's kiss*
11:08 Dyrcona The stew thickens...
11:08 redavis yum
11:14 csharp_ the butternut is dark, yes
11:14 redavis It's still got a few places to be fixed, but it's a general delight.
11:25 Dyrcona I think I managed to invoke OOM Killer on my laptop: "Chrome didn't shutdown correctly." I was doing something with 4 virtual machines simultaneously, and the laptop "froze" for a few seconds to a minute.
11:26 Dyrcona systemd-oomd[2104]: Killed /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-gno​me-google\x2dchrome-5238.scope due to memory pressure for /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service being 66.79% > 50.00% for > 20s with reclaim activity
11:26 Dyrcona Hee hee.
11:29 berick ♫ Memory pressure pushin' down on me
11:30 Dyrcona ... pushin' down on you....
11:30 Dyrcona berick++
11:35 sleary redavis indeed! make us a list, we will fix it up.
11:36 sleary glad you like it :) I think the text in tables is oddly bright; I need to look at that later. That's an after-hours project for me, though.
11:38 redavis sleary, I'll make a short list.  It is pretty short from what I saw.  Mostly contrast issues and generally in dialog boxes/modals/the_like.
11:40 redavis {insert short_rant universe}How the heck are bills actually tied to a specific patron? I've resolved not to complain about billing, but why won't it meet me halfway? {conclude insert}
11:47 Dyrcona redavis: Through the transaction.
11:47 jeff money.billable_xact has a usr column that references actor.usr.id. money.billing rows have an xact column that references money.billable_xact.id, payments have an xact column that points at billable_xact.id, etc.
11:48 jeff and there are rarely items directly in money.billable_xact, both action.circulation and money.grocery inherit from money.billable_xact
11:48 Dyrcona inheritance+-
11:50 jeff rarely as in, probably never, outside of a migration, and even then I would recommend against doing that without some really good reason that I can't think of right now.
11:52 redavis I think my angst is less to do with the understanding...and more to do with getting it all melded into something useful quickly.  Many, many windmills.
11:52 redavis also jeff++
11:52 mmorgan redavis: What are you trying to meld together?
11:52 Dyrcona redavis: What are you trying to do, and if you it frequently, maybe a view is in order?
11:54 jeff speaking of billing: when staff incorrectly record the payment type, how are most folk handling that? manual corrections in the back office, directly correcting the issue in the database, or something else?
11:54 redavis I was trying to get a report of anyone that had a bill.  I could set up a traditional report (if clark kent is running on the test server), but was hoping I could run into simple reporter and throw something together quickly.
11:55 jeff (I can't remember if I've asked that question here recently or not)
11:56 redavis I didn't find an easy way to get patron connected to billing in simple reporter.  It seems to focus on org units.  I suspect if I used the circulation "source" it might be doable, but it went beyond the "quick and easy."
11:56 Dyrcona jeff: I don't deal with that, and I don't hear anyone at CW MARS talking about it. If you really want an answer, you might try the general list.
11:57 redavis jeff, in Evergreen Indiana (which I'm no longer affiliated with), they did directly corrections in the database.
11:58 jeff redavis: got it! any idea how often you had tickets like that come though?
11:59 redavis It was about once 6-12 times a year.
12:00 Dyrcona I suspect we have them fix it via the client (if that's possible). I don't get tickets to fix it in the database.
12:01 mmorgan redavis: I see what you mean. I just looked at billings and payments trasaction summary in simple reporter, and it's just ous. Patron doesn't seem to get you there either.
12:01 Dyrcona Also, how come I can't find the magic sauce with psql to list the view names.
12:01 jeff \dv
12:02 redavis mmorgan++ #thank you for confirming that I'm not crazy...in this instance.
12:02 Dyrcona jeff: not in psql for pg16.
12:02 redavis Dyrcona, you've reminded me that I need to eat lunch.
12:02 Dyrcona Oh... I stand corrected... I musta had / instead of \.
12:03 Dyrcona I just finished my lunch: Chicken stir fry from a food truck....
12:03 Dyrcona It was really good.
12:04 Dyrcona jeff++ # I'm twice an idiot: It is \dv and I typed '\dv money.' which doesn't work without the *.
12:05 jeff I think it used to work without the *, because I recall needing to adjust my muscle memory with the \d commands and pattern matching / schema limiting.
12:06 Dyrcona jeff: Yeah, that's it....
12:08 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:09 Dyrcona redavis: There's a view called money.open_usr_summary that might work. It has the "mous" class in fieldmapper, and should show up in the reporter as Open User Summary. It only lists totals owed, but it is supposed to cover only patrons with open bills.
12:21 Dyrcona "Only one thing I did wrong: I stayed in Mississippi a day too long."
12:23 JBoyer SR doesn't have a lot of flexibility in its billing reports because there's nothing simple about swimming those waters.
12:27 Dyrcona Well, there's always "The Reporter..."
12:27 Dyrcona @band add The Reporters
12:27 pinesol Dyrcona: Band 'The Reporters' added to list
12:40 kmlussier left #evergreen
12:42 eeevil (I (I won't blame/out others) call the full reporter Avril internally -- why you gotta make everything so complicated?)
12:43 eeevil redavis: jfyi, both simple and full reports depend on clark to generate output, so if you have simple on test, you have full also.
12:51 redavis eeevil, acknowledged about clark/avril.  It wasn't so much the running as the preparing to run.  I was putting more energy into the building than getting on with the testing.
12:54 redavis and also acknowledged about SR in relation to billing JBoyer.  I just don't generally use SR, and wanted to be a little lazy about building a template in the full reporter...so was hoping someone had done a lot of work so I wouldn't have to.  And then I realized, I still don't have to...cuz what I was doing was a choice.  So...I quit and ate lunch.  The world is better.  Also, I love Avril Lavigne and am mostly very happy
12:54 redavis with complexity.  Even if it makes things more...complicated.
13:42 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
14:37 Dyrcona I might have an idea how to fix the 1416 upgrade before it gets run, i.e. replace it.
14:39 Dyrcona Instead of grabbing the first record attr defintion from the list of rec_types, we add the rec_type as a function parameter.
14:40 jeffdavis Is there an LP bug about the issues with that upgrade?
14:40 Dyrcona Lp 2073561
14:40 pinesol Launchpad bug 2073561 in Evergreen "Incorrect content in the config.coded_value_map with ctype audience after applying the upgrade script from 3.12.3 to 3.13.0" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2073561 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
14:40 jeffdavis thx
14:43 Dyrcona In my investigation, it breaks a lot more than just what't mentioned in the bug.
14:44 Dyrcona A fresh Evergreen installation also has a few issues with config.coded_value_map as well, but they're minor by comparison to what happens in an upgraded database.
15:32 Bmagic sounds ominous
15:44 mantis left #evergreen
15:46 Dyrcona sleary++
15:59 pinesol News from commits: Docs: added negative relative dates to reports docs <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=7eeafc​a4443238488ddefbfbcbaff6af26c41b4e>
16:04 sleary Dyrcona thanks for trying that out while I was trapped in a Chipotle by a sudden downpour. :D
16:12 csharp_ sleary: very poetic
16:14 * Dyrcona got drenched going to pick up pizza recently. Wasn't raining at my house. It was pouring at the pizza place less than 5 miles away.
16:18 Bmagic does ingest_ctl target deleted bibs when creating a biblio queue for reingestion?
16:21 Bmagic ah, found it
16:21 Bmagic SELECT id FROM $queue_type.record_entry WHERE NOT DELETED
16:59 pinesol News from commits: LP2067739: Update Holds Pull List documentation <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=91d8d8​1d276be70ba6d31ae7d34b2b45e19bb0fd>
16:59 pinesol News from commits: LP2067746: Added new image folder and screenshot for 'print selected row' <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=04b0e4​9e3f4e3782b2b2bc47cf3387b13e13710c>
17:10 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:29 pinesol News from commits: LP2062004 - Update docs: behavior for barred patron accounts <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=58044c​c85ceaa881620110af15c6a3cd9c2d5632>
18:43 jihpringle joined #evergreen
20:24 Rogan joined #evergreen
20:24 degraafk joined #evergreen
20:27 briank joined #evergreen

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