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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-28

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
03:21 Jaysal_ joined #evergreen
03:21 dluch_ joined #evergreen
03:21 Bmagic_ joined #evergreen
03:21 scottangel joined #evergreen
07:01 collum joined #evergreen
07:58 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:05 BDorsey_ joined #evergreen
08:05 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:31 redavis joined #evergreen
08:35 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:43 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:53 pinesol News from commits: LP1622358 Styling for keyboard hints in staff nav <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0ee216​814c7813275af55b2512342469465be822>
08:54 pinesol News from commits: LP1622358 Add keyboard shortcut hints to staff nav <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d263ac​4cd0686829f41519eb57f5b3551b5bd49c>
08:54 pinesol News from commits: LP1622358: follow-up: fixing syntax, adding to Angular navbar, and adding Item Status <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=122441​dc5029e33bd14d1f8096174f532db328d6>
08:54 pinesol News from commits: lp1622358 added keyboard shortcut 2 drop down menu <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=da13e6​fa42986951254bf61400865f69b2851a99>
09:02 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:12 Dyrcona eeevil: Should I temporarily remove someone from the bug wranglers on Launchpad?
09:12 csharp_ @who is [someone]?
09:12 pinesol Rogan is ejk.
09:12 Dyrcona eeevil++ # fixing tags
09:18 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:19 kmlussier Good morning #evergreen!
09:19 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Ethiopian Sidamo Fair Trade/Organic, and sends it sliding down the bar to phasefx
09:19 kmlussier @tea [someone]
09:19 * pinesol brews and pours a pot of Earl Grey Decaffeinated Black Tea, and sends it sliding down the bar to Jaysal_ (http://ratetea.com/tea/big​elow/earl-grey-decaf/87/)
09:20 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:21 sandbergja claiming 1426
09:54 pinesol News from commits: LP#2012669 stamping upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8f0643​389d0ffb964bda1cdeaa5ed9cb89f29586>
09:54 pinesol News from commits: LP#2012669 Hold reset reason <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=7a2793​4f8ac4f89a0c19d9ee4dcb34f55d786a73>
09:54 pinesol News from commits: LP#2012669 Hold reset reason <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=168421​015c733b41cdcaf0dfea56d1e8f4f55bb3>
10:12 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
10:18 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
10:20 eeevil Dyrcona: not sure if you are joking or not ... I lack time to be a better mentor esp during BSW, but I don't know if removal is necessary. I appreciate their desire to pitch in, in any case.
10:24 pinesol News from commits: Lp 1908540: Add example proxy log configuration for Apache <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=7add88​a68b6d5c58e53fc535b4f883e4854ca309>
10:25 csharp_ confirming that there is not yet a rel_3_14 - right?
10:33 redavis Not yet
10:33 Dyrcona eeevil: I wasn't joking.
10:36 csharp_ redavis: thanks
10:36 redavis csharp_++
10:37 csharp_ might need some bug wrangler training somewhere so people's eagerness doesn't get ahead of their knowledge of our practices?
10:37 * csharp_ looks around for the EG intern to go do that
10:37 csharp_ pinesol: you able to do that?
10:37 pinesol csharp_: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
10:37 csharp_ on point anyway
10:44 collum csharp_++  Now I have "Daisy, Daisy" as an earworm.
10:45 eeevil I think there's tag-related BWS documentation? /me checks
10:49 kmlussier Thanks, collum. Now I have Daisy, Daisy as an earworm.
10:49 collum I like to spread the joy.
10:50 kmlussier heh
10:50 kmlussier collum++
10:54 csharp_ collum++
10:55 csharp_ eeevil: yes, somewhere on the wiki, methinks
10:56 csharp_ collum: only if it slows down into unintelligibility :-)
10:56 collum csharp_++
11:00 csharp_ @blame the bots
11:00 pinesol csharp_: the bots is why we can never have nice things!
11:01 csharp_ @blame AI
11:01 pinesol csharp_: AI is the SPY!
11:01 csharp_ speaking of HAL
11:01 Bmagic_ yeah, lol
11:01 csharp_ Gemini: "I'M AFRAID I CAN'T DO THAT DAVE"
11:02 csharp_ Gemini: "but I can summarize this three-sentence email or help you cheat on your schoolwork"
11:03 csharp_ (paraphrasing a meme I saw) we feared SkyNet but got email suggestions
11:04 Bmagic_ funny about this topic, we're starting to implement zoom meeting transcription and AI summaries for meeting minutes
11:05 csharp_ "we" = "MOBIUS"?
11:05 Bmagic dats right
11:05 csharp_ I'm sure that's actually helpful
11:05 Bmagic it promises to save us hours and hours of re-watching meetings and taking the notes manually
11:06 csharp_ yeah, I would have killed for that when I was secretary for the EG board 10 years ago
11:07 Bmagic we live in the future
11:07 csharp_ and the future is us
11:07 Bmagic and knowing is half the battle
11:08 csharp_ Bmagic++
11:09 Bmagic THUDNERCATS!!! Hoooooooooooooo
11:09 Bmagic dang it
11:09 csharp_ haha
11:09 Bmagic THUNDERCATS
11:09 csharp_ also LASER CATS
11:10 Bmagic which is my wifi password :) lol
11:10 Bmagic always top of mind
11:10 Bmagic gotta keep modern things rooted in the 80's lest we forget
11:13 Bmagic "I have the same password on my luggage"
11:14 csharp_ @band add Bug Squarsh
11:14 pinesol csharp_: Band 'Bug Squarsh' added to list
11:14 csharp_ ehrmagerd berg squersh
11:15 Bmagic lol, took me a second
11:15 Bmagic csharp_++
12:03 Bmagic what's the magic trick to get the nightwatch tests to run with gecko/firefox? This is the command i'm using: mkdir $HOME/tmp; MOZ_HEADLESS=1 TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp ng e2e
12:03 Bmagic error: Failed to connect to GeckoDriver on localhost with port 4444.
12:07 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:13 Bmagic just found out that firefox isn't installed, gonna install it
12:17 Bmagic and that was it :)
12:25 abneiman pursuant to some needing to refresh themselves on bug wrangling and tags ... this has been EXTENSIVELY documented in the wiki by myself, terranm, kmlussier, and others: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/d​oku.php?id=dev:bug_wrangler:faq  https://wiki.evergreen-ils.​org/doku.php?id=dev:lp_tags # just sayin'
12:25 redavis abneiman++
12:26 abneiman so if someone in your life needs a refresher, there's resources to point them at :)
12:27 Bmagic abneiman++
12:27 redavis family gathering favors - excel formuals and documentation links
12:27 redavis s/formuals/formulas
12:30 collum joined #evergreen
12:31 cbrown_ joined #evergreen
12:33 csharp_ abneiman++
12:33 Guest21 joined #evergreen
13:37 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:01 Stompro joined #evergreen
15:06 redavis Bmagic, is your bug squash server getting reloaded?
15:08 Bmagic nope, looks like the certificate expired... fixing
15:08 redavis Bmagic++
15:10 Bmagic redavis: is it working now?
15:10 redavis giving it a try
15:11 redavis Bmagic, fixed.
15:11 redavis Bmagic++
15:22 Bmagic redavis++
15:34 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:51 redavis joined #evergreen
16:20 kmlussier1 joined #evergreen
16:34 kmlussier joined #evergreen
16:55 JBoyer "Thudnercats" sounds like what happens if Lion-o gets into the booze and doesn't land on his feet anymore. :)
17:11 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:35 Bmagic lol
17:35 Bmagic JBoyer++
17:36 Bmagic for those of us who are still here: I'm running perl live tests via "make livecheck" - and it's all passing, but it's stumbling on the offline interface check. There's this grep command: 'wget --no-check-certificate -m https://localhost/eg/staff/offline-interface 2>&1 |grep -B 2 " 404 "|grep https|grep -v robots.txt|wc -l'
17:36 Bmagic which in my case returns 13, bunch of js and css files in the build folder
17:47 Bmagic nevermind, figured it out :)
17:47 csharp_ what was it?
17:48 csharp_ localhost/docker?
17:48 Bmagic rsync -L -a --no-owner --no-perms --size-only /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen-build​/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/ /openils/var/web/js/ui/default/staff
17:49 Bmagic I had performed a step out of order, and the final /openils folder needed the results of "cd /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen-build​/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/ && npm run build-prod"
17:49 csharp_ ah
17:50 csharp_ hooray for tests!
17:50 Bmagic yeah, the more I run them, the more I want to write more
17:50 Bmagic those nightwatch tests are spectacular because they click on the interface the way humans do
17:51 csharp_ still haven't found time to get to that
17:52 Bmagic I'm working on bug 2068740
17:52 pinesol Launchpad bug 2068740 in Evergreen "Concerto and Enhanced Concerto user passwords should be updated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2068740
17:52 Bmagic which, has the nasty side-effect of ruining our test suite. perl, postgres and angular/nightwatch
17:53 Bmagic and violla: I got real familiar with our tests
17:55 csharp_ can we just pass environment vars or something?
17:55 Bmagic yeah, I know what you mean. I had the same thoughts: our tests need to be smarter
17:56 Bmagic lots of hardcoded ID numbers and assumptions of the concerto set
17:56 Bmagic nightwatch, for example, expects to find "BR1" in the branch list when it's siumating all of the clicks to register a workstation
17:57 csharp_ ick
17:57 Bmagic siumataing/simulating # lol
17:57 Bmagic so, automatically, the nightwatch test requires the old concerto set and doesn't work with enhanced
18:01 csharp_ Bmagic++ # doing God's work
18:05 kmlussier left #evergreen
18:11 sleary I have not had time to play with Nightwatch as much as I would like, but there is a recording of Jane explaining the tests somewhere in the New Devs meeting archives
18:12 sleary as soon as I figure out how to make it take screenshots automatically, I will acheive documentation nirvana

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