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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-23

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:26 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:02 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:35 redavis joined #evergreen
08:47 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:48 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:03 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:44 StomproJ I wonder what the record is for one person reporting the same bug multiple times.  I'm at 2, with a 7 year delay between each report.
09:44 redavis LOL!!!
09:45 redavis Do you also end up marking your own tickets as duplicates?
09:47 StomproJ Yes, just did that.  But first I looked into fixing it... but it looked like it was already fixed... so then I found a commit message, from myself.
09:47 redavis Stompro++
09:48 redavis I mean, that sounds like awesome work from my standpoint.
10:00 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
10:24 eeevil Dyrcona: are you working on the code for LP 2077098 (improving back-compat of angular reporter)? I'd be glad if someone took an interest in learning the code, so it wasn't just me punching at it, but if you're not then I'll look at the 2 remaining complaints (on that ticket) this morning
10:24 pinesol Launchpad bug 2077098 in Evergreen "Angular Reporter- can't edit pre 3.13 reports & transforms not converting" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2077098 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
10:28 Dyrcona eeevil: I installed it for John Amundson to test. He has some comments, I think. I'll remove myself.
10:28 eeevil +1, thanks!
11:05 adam_reid joined #evergreen
11:13 Dyrcona ills should probably not reference muscial formes, eh?
11:15 Dyrcona I'm probably going to have to look this stuff up at LoC to really fix it.
11:15 Dyrcona eeevil: You said there might be a better version of the 1416 db upgrade for config.coded_value_map hanging around. I'd appreciate seeing it, thanks.
11:17 eeevil Dyrcona: I'd give it to you or just push a branch, but I don't have it because I didn't write it ... there is spelunking underway to find what I /believe/ exists, though
11:28 Dyrcona OK. I've found a lot of errors in our training database. That upgrade ought to be recalled, but it may be too late if folks have applied it in produciton.
11:30 mmorgan Stompro: Just saw your comment from earler. It makes me feel like I'm in good company! Not sure I have *actually* reported my own duplicate, but I have certainly, more than once, gone to lp with the intent of reporting a bug, only to find one by my former self :)
11:59 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:32 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
13:48 phasefx joined #evergreen
13:57 sleary speaking of duplicates... do we have anything in Launchpad about adding schema.org microdata to the OPAC?
13:59 JBoyer sleary, maybe under Fix Released, I think it was in the TPAC but don't know if it's in the BPAC or not.
14:00 sleary JBoyer++
14:01 sleary I might just need to add one about including the microdata in the various browse interfaces as well as the search results
14:05 JBoyer Ah, ok, I don't know if it was ever there, I only remember the record detail page having it.
14:23 * Dyrcona keeps finding stuff to fix.
14:23 mmorgan :)
14:48 kworstell_isl_ joined #evergreen
16:01 Dyrcona @bartender eeevil
16:01 * pinesol fills a pint glass with Coal Porter, and sends it sliding down the bar to eeevil (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/378/1928/)
16:01 eeevil pinesol: make it a triple
16:01 pinesol eeevil: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
16:01 eeevil oh, I do, indeed
16:02 Dyrcona heh.
16:02 Dyrcona Also, "Coal Porter..." I see what they did there.
16:06 pinesol News from commits: LP2073127 Replace bootstrap-css-only dependency <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=89d8b6​d4f8c30b80803754470e040200c1640cfb>
16:17 Dyrcona eeevil: The working branch history seems confusing because I earlier cherry-picked the two commits from your branch, then reverted them so that John could check a couple of things. I then cherry-picked the three commits after you added the 3rd.
16:17 eeevil sleary: this shows a lot of the substantive history for TPAC microdata: git log --pretty=oneline|grep schema.org
16:18 Dyrcona eeevil++ # I was thinking of something like that. Probably `git log --grep schema.org`
16:19 Dyrcona I'm gonna grab the latest commit on the reporter branch and install it. John probably won't get to it until Monday.
16:20 eeevil Dyrcona: different workflows, I guess ... I usually just use an interactive rebase to cut out commits, I /never/ revert (because history's not written until it's in origin/main ;) )
16:24 Dyrcona I use revert in my local branches often to avoid force pushes and resets. I usually clean them up eventually or before sharing with others. This branch wasn't really meant to be shared, though it is in the working repo.
16:25 sleary eeevil++
16:26 * Dyrcona ponders: Is there a make command to just install the Angular staff client and not everything all at once?
16:27 eeevil Dyrcona: there's a ln command to point the installation location at your ~/Evergreen/OpenILS/web/eg2 dir, and ng build --watch ...
16:27 eeevil so ... sorta?
16:28 Dyrcona Yeah... I don't feel like setting up watch at 4:30 PM on a Friday. :)
16:28 Dyrcona I should use it more often, though.
16:28 eeevil without that, angular is all https://xkcd.com/303/
16:30 Dyrcona One of my favorites! I like using 'make -j8' in OpenSRF. It's done in a flash.... Evergreen barfs with make -jN.
16:30 * eeevil makes too many typos to have to kick off a full build and install after every change
16:31 Dyrcona I cheat using bash history: !ng, etc.
16:31 eeevil now, I run away. have a good weekend, evergreeners
16:31 Dyrcona You, too!
16:32 jeffdavis ctrl-r to interactively search bash history is my secret weapon
16:32 Dyrcona Yeahp. Mine, too.
16:33 Dyrcona !? is handy, too, but can be dangerous if you have very similar command lines in your history.
16:35 Dyrcona As a safe guard, I set histreedit and histverify in .bashrc.
16:35 Dyrcona Well, I did a partial install/restart. We'll see if OpenSRF/Evergreen survives that. :)
16:42 Dyrcona OK. eg2 gets copies to Open-ILS/web/eg2 and then gets installed when Open-ILS/web gets copied.
16:42 Dyrcona I knew that, but had to look it up to refresh my memory.
16:53 Dyrcona Have a good weekend all!
17:01 mmorgan left #evergreen
20:17 blobmarley joined #evergreen
21:33 blobmarley joined #evergreen
22:14 blobmarley joined #evergreen
23:24 bshum joined #evergreen
23:34 Rogan joined #evergreen
23:35 briank joined #evergreen
23:35 degraafk joined #evergreen
23:57 briank joined #evergreen
23:57 Rogan joined #evergreen
23:57 dluch joined #evergreen
23:57 book` joined #evergreen
23:57 Jaysal joined #evergreen
23:57 Stompro joined #evergreen
23:58 degraafk joined #evergreen

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