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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-22

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:44 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:05 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:11 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:30 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:34 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:34 collum joined #evergreen
08:46 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:07 * Dyrcona shares his non-constructive comments of the day.
09:09 Dyrcona But, honestly, "Smart Quotes" at a system-wide level is kind of a dumb feature. I can understand it in a word processor or even email user agent, but most anywhere else, it's not what you want.
09:13 Dyrcona PS: "Smart quotes" also break MARC records....So, no cataloging on your iPhone thanks. :)
09:37 mantis joined #evergreen
09:42 mmorgan Smart quotes == Dumb quotes
09:49 Dyrcona In light of eeevil's comment on Lp 2069363, I am more inclined to say we shouldn't fix it.
09:49 pinesol Launchpad bug 2069363 in Evergreen "OPAC: putting search terms in double quotes does not always prevent stemming" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2069363
09:51 eeevil Dyrcona: well, I'm actually seeing if I can address it in just a few minutes. if so, I'll offer a branch
09:51 Dyrcona eeevil++ Your other comment just show up in my email.
09:52 Dyrcona I'm OK with fixing, but I also think Apple ought to own this.... :)
09:52 Dyrcona eeevil: I'll probably bother you later about Lp 2073561.
09:52 pinesol Launchpad bug 2073561 in Evergreen "Incorrect content in the config.coded_value_map with ctype audience after applying the upgrade script from 3.12.3 to 3.13.0" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2073561 - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
10:04 redavis joined #evergreen
10:07 Dyrcona Adding length to the fixed_field CTE in insert_updated_coded_value_map almost fixes it.
10:08 Dyrcona Well, subquery, not CTE I guess.
10:08 sleary Dyrcona I do think that if Apple is going to turn smart punctuation on everywhere, they should at least give us a non-standard HTML attribute to force it off, like data-webkit-stop-your-nonsense or something. But, eh. We should just deal with it in the query string. It *is* a useful feature in other contexts, and I'm not willing to shift that much of the technical burden to users.
10:24 Dyrcona Aight, so, I'm gonna delete all the added entries in my test database. Modify the insert_updated_coded_value_map function to use the field length and see what happens.
10:37 Dyrcona heh. I wonder if that fixes it....
10:47 Dyrcona Oh, no. That doesn't work, either. Some of my existing entries have the descriptions removed.
10:49 Dyrcona Yjsy
10:49 Dyrcona Oops... It's looking like an upgrade that we may want to skip because I think we've customized some of those entries....
10:52 Dyrcona Further down some fields get broken... Rock drawings becomes monographic series for example.
11:21 Bmagic what happens to Rock Lobster?
11:36 eeevil Dyrcona: re 2073561, the ccvm addition logic that ended up going in looks to be ... the wrong version. I feel certain there was a correct one that tested ctype, not just rec_type. I will ask 'round here
11:43 cbrown_ joined #evergreen
11:56 Dyrcona Bmagic: It ends up on Planet Claire.
11:56 * Dyrcona was in a meeting.
11:56 * Dyrcona heads out to grab lunch.
11:56 Bmagic :)
12:01 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:17 csharp_ eeevil++
12:17 csharp_ apple--
12:22 csharp_ @karma apple
12:22 pinesol csharp_: Karma for "apple" has been increased 0 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of -1.
12:22 csharp_ apple--
12:22 csharp_ @karma
12:22 pinesol csharp_: Highest karma: "Dyrcona" (89), "abneiman" (66), "berick" (65), "redavis" (56), and "sleary" (55).  Lowest karma: "comcast" (-9), "dojo" (-4), "typos" (-2), "ejabberd" (-2), and "zoom" (-2).  You (csharp_) are ranked 14 out of 98.
12:22 Dyrcona apple--
12:23 csharp_ comcast--
12:23 csharp_ @blame apple
12:23 pinesol csharp_: apple musta been an Apple employee.
12:23 Bmagic apple-- # bandwagon, but also cost
12:23 csharp_ pinesol: wrong one
12:23 pinesol csharp_: Have you confirmed your ISBN SPIDs with your service provider?
12:23 berick apple did something?
12:23 redavis comcast--
12:23 csharp_ berick: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=5bff03​14df40776837aba83d22dd46d732ddf0c3
12:23 Bmagic berick: smart quotes on spellchecked web input boxes
12:24 berick ahh
12:24 csharp_ pretty sure they're "smarter-than-you-quotes" in Apple's case
12:24 Bmagic Evergreen should bill them
12:25 redavis Bmagic++
12:26 redavis It should be done via the unique api and have "rotten-apple" as the creator user
12:26 Bmagic redavis++
12:29 sleary apple--
12:29 sleary eeevil++
12:30 Bmagic eeevil++
12:30 sleary jihpringle++ # for spotting the difference in the URL encoding
12:51 * mmorgan has a question about QueryParser, since it's the topic of the day :)
12:51 mmorgan Why are there two QueryParser.pm files?
13:33 adam_reid joined #evergreen
13:39 adam_reid Hey all! I'm interested in working on some UI fixes to the staff side of Evergreen. I was looking around in the docs and didn't find any specific note about where to look to get started with this. When looking over the Evergreen install instructions I see that angular is primarily used. When looking through the source folder the organization wasn't clear to me. Anyone have any suggestions on where to make change to the staff UI? Thanks!
13:42 jihpringle adam_reid: I'd recommend starting by coming to the UI interest group meeting as someone there should be able to point you in the right direction.  The August meeting is actually in about 15 minutes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u99l7a​fpg9h0nieN4huE-K2CA1S_NO0wffZ9GHPN-as/edit
13:51 csharp_ good_timing++
13:52 csharp_ adam_reid: for the Angular side, it's in Evergreen/Open-ILS/src/eg2/, and the resulting app is built in Evergreen/Open-ILS/web/eg2/
13:52 csharp_ adam_reid: for AngularJS (deprecated but still in use in EG) it's in Evergreen/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff
13:58 adam_reid Awesome, I'll see if I can squeeze in, might be a bit occupied as we are short staffed right now. Thanks!
14:03 sleary adam_reid I'll shout out to you when we finish chitchat, but you will want to have a look at the slides and notes and video from our August 24, 2023 meeting: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.or​g/doku.php?id=community:ui_ig
14:33 csharp_ @redact [band]
14:33 pinesol csharp_: The Type ███████
14:34 csharp_ @redact [quote random]
14:34 pinesol csharp_: Quote #114: "<Dyrcona> If TCP/IP were ████████████ like most ███████ standards, ██'█ all be using AOL/CompuServe." (added by ██████ at ██:██ PM, May 04, ████)
14:35 csharp_ @redact [loves]
14:35 pinesol ███████ loves love; bash; git; and ███ more
14:36 Dyrcona @loves
14:36 pinesol Dyrcona loves git; sed; OpenBSD; gnu/emacs; git-quickpick; tmux; and #evergreen
14:36 Dyrcona @hates
14:36 pinesol Dyrcona hates JavaScript; and Launchpad Search
14:37 csharp_ @hates
14:37 pinesol csharp_ hates too many parallel opensrf requests; hate; that guy who ruined freenode for everyone; and AI bots
14:37 csharp_ @hate nasty hobbiteses
14:37 pinesol csharp_: The operation succeeded.  csharp_ hates nasty hobbiteses.
14:39 csharp_ been listening to the recent LOTR trilogy read by Andy Serkis - highly recommend ★★★★★
14:39 Dyrcona @dontcare git-quickpick
14:39 pinesol Dyrcona: The operation succeeded.  Dyrcona no longer loves git-quickpick.
14:46 * Dyrcona wonders what is phonowire?
14:47 Dyrcona Duck Duck Go apparently doesn't know either....
14:50 Dyrcona Some obsolete method for recording sound, obviously, but I've never heard of it before today.
14:54 jeff I think you're looking for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wire_recording using devices such as https://mcclellans.com/Silv​ertone7085WireRecorder.htm
14:54 jeff I think you can still buy Silvertone wire on eBay. :-)
14:55 Dyrcona jeff++ # But actually, I'd probably prefer not to know. :)
15:03 jeff about two feet per second, very very fine wire. pretty wild / neat.
15:03 jeff no idea how tricky preservation is.
15:04 Dyrcona Probably very tricky. I might see if I can find The Live Wire: Woody Guthrie in Performance 1949
15:07 Dyrcona I came across 'Phonodisc, phonowire, etc.' while looking at the config.coded_value_map entries that got stepped on by 1416.
15:24 eeevil mmorgan: re QP, I split it into two so the query parsing and general logic could be reused, filling in the details for specific target backends with drivers (for postgres, in our case). There was a short time when Koha used (or was going to use) QP, actually. For EG specifically, the idea was to have QP grammar always be the front end, and then if we swapped in elastic search or some solr-based search-specific backend, we'd just use a QP driver to
15:24 eeevil transmute our frontend search grammar to whatever backend we wanted to use down the road.
15:25 eeevil my hope for that remains, TBH.  there will always be some new shiny search backend, and we shouldn't have to teach our users how to spell "search in this specific field" or "turn on this particular flag/modifier" or "the way you spell 'facet' is now XXX" each time we change that out
15:27 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:54 mmorgan eeevil: Thanks for answering re: QueryParser!
17:01 mantis left #evergreen
17:04 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:45 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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