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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-20

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
05:43 adam_reid joined #evergreen
07:34 collum joined #evergreen
08:04 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:14 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:23 redavis joined #evergreen
08:36 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:38 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:51 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:40 phasefx berick: hey Bill, for KCLS and Quipu, the verification bit is entirely a KCLS concept and not Quipu? What is setting up the verification code in the ident column, an A/T event? Quipu?
09:45 berick phasefx: right, it's entirely on the KCLS side.  we generate the code when the actor.usr is created.
09:45 berick https://github.com/kcls/evergreen-pub/bl​ob/release/3.11/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/li​b/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/Ecard.pm#L64
09:45 phasefx @berick++
09:45 * phasefx looks askance at pinesol
09:46 phasefx and man you're up early
09:46 phasefx brain fart, had it in my head for a moment you were actually living in seattle :D
09:48 berick heh, yeah i'm only partly adjusted to west coast time
09:50 phasefx :D  What do you have actually calling that generate function, an A/T? a trigger on actor.usr?
09:51 berick phasefx: line 336
09:52 phasefx ah, that's a cgi param in the version I was looking at. Thanks again!
09:53 phasefx or not even that, just pruned
10:04 Dyrcona phasefx: If you're adding that mainline Evergreen, it should he controlled by YAOUS. I don't think anyone outside of KCLS uses that, and there at least 3 other sites using Quipu.
10:04 phasefx Dyrcona++ yeap
10:05 phasefx so far we're getting a generic way to handle surveys, and a security token using a shared secret in a YAOUS
10:06 Dyrcona phasefx++
10:06 phasefx and stat cats likely to follow in the same vein as surveys
10:06 Dyrcona I like the security token idea, and I've not spent time trying to figure out a generic way to handle surveys.
10:06 Dyrcona Yeah, I think everyone hard codes the stat cats for now.
10:07 phasefx just a naming convention for the cgi params quipu agreed to.  surveyid:questionid:answerid
10:13 phasefx or rather, asvr as the param, and what I said as the value
10:13 phasefx repeatabld
10:13 phasefx for some spelling thereof
11:27 adam_reid joined #evergreen
11:33 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:53 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:43 Dyrcona I'm tempted to remove milestones from a couple of bugs because we originally said we wouldn't add milestones to bugs unless there was a branch or it was in progress and the person working on it was committed to getting it done.
13:44 Dyrcona The milestones also provide a way for the bugs not getting lost in the sea of other Lp bugs, so it's a toss up.
13:50 redavis ++
14:40 abneiman I find milestones to be helpful in the doesn't-get-lost sense, personally. If it's pullrequested, and applicable to a target(s), I will usually add them. IMO, if a committer disagrees (or the PR doesn't backport cleanly) they can certainly remove the milestone.
14:40 abneiman target=milestone
15:07 adam_reid joined #evergreen
15:18 redavis joined #evergreen
15:41 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:18 adam_reid joined #evergreen
18:25 pinesol News from commits: Forward-port 3.12.5-3.12.6 upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ec6154​2bfc9ad7f35876abc7fc6fa13be1a0a9a0>
19:31 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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