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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-08

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
01:24 abneiman joined #evergreen
07:16 collum joined #evergreen
07:17 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:51 bshum joined #evergreen
07:58 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:15 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:22 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:36 ian1 joined #evergreen
08:37 mantis joined #evergreen
09:30 cbrown joined #evergreen
09:32 ian1 joined #evergreen
09:59 berick just completed the first day running Redis+OpenSRF on 1/8 of our production app servers.  so far, so good.
09:59 berick rolling out to the other servers over the next few weeks
10:00 sleary berick++
10:44 mmorgan Our PC Support Specialist brought to my attention that the Hatch Chrome extension 'may soon no longer be supported', likely due to the deprecation of Manifest V2.? https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hatch-n​ative-messenger/ppooibdipmklfichpmkcgplfgdplgahl
10:45 mmorgan Anybody working on this? I don't see an lp bug.
10:50 jeff I know that there has been discussion. I thought that there was a bug open, but I don't find it right now.
10:57 mmorgan Sounds like a perfect agenda item for next week's dev meeting. I'll add it.
11:19 jeff "soon" is June 2025 if you are able to set the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy. sooner if not.
11:41 jeff @ana soon is june
11:41 pinesol jeff: O Jesus! In no
11:43 mmorgan =-O
12:13 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:45 ian1 joined #evergreen
13:15 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
13:38 collum joined #evergreen
13:50 cbrown joined #evergreen
15:13 adam_reid joined #evergreen
15:21 adam_reid Can anyone tell me where I can change the 'ctx.copy_limit' default of 10? I tried in the config.tt2 and that didn't work... I thought it was in the admin somewhere, but I have been looking for while.
15:22 adam_reid Also! The new site looks really nice!
15:28 JBoyer adam_reid, I think that's a user preference (so you have to login and then look around the My Account area) but to change the default for users not logged in I think you have to edit the templates.
15:28 JBoyer Same with the number of copies shown in the record detail page
15:31 adam_reid Right! Ok, that sounds familiar! Thanks. So probably no simple way to override that... I was hoping to change the way the copies table is rendered to condense it a little, but I'd need to get the full list to make a count of each status by location.
15:49 adam_reid Hmmn, I'm only seeing settings for Search Results per page, and settings related to lists. None of them change the number of copies displayed on the record page. I'll keep poking around.
16:01 mantis left #evergreen
16:09 dmoore joined #evergreen
17:14 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:23 adam_reid joined #evergreen
17:35 sleary adam_reid: I'm digging around in that right now. In table.tt2, that loop is: FOREACH copy IN args.holdings
17:35 sleary args.holdings gets set in misc_utils.tt2. Search for args.holdings.push(holding); and look upward
17:35 sleary it's gnarly
17:36 adam_reid haha, ok, will take a look. That's the table rendered on the results page right? The table on the record seems to use data from ctx.copies, but I suppose I could use the holdings data
17:36 adam_reid thanks
17:38 sleary ah, whoops, you're right. I'm on the results page at the moment.
17:38 adam_reid no worries, when I first started making chnages to our theme I broke that table assuming they were the same thing
17:38 adam_reid I always mix them up still
17:44 adam_reid so the xml referred to in this code, that is referring to the marc record? Further up it references args.marc_xml... odd I didn't think volume info was in a marc
19:37 pinesol News from commits: LP2075341 holds management updating screenshot <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=13c447​f7281045c52ddeaadcd1d0eb79282b3cc9>

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