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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-08-07

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:18 abneiman joined #evergreen
07:46 ian1 joined #evergreen
07:59 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:59 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:04 cbrown joined #evergreen
08:40 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:59 redavis joined #evergreen
09:21 mantis joined #evergreen
10:02 pinesol News from commits: lp2075231 follow-up: Correct level offsets <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a9ac44​f6e90343ad257a22f3293d400eb4306d03>
10:02 pinesol News from commits: lp2075231 workstation page update <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=80e9ec​5902d4f8fc9dd4d3fddc293b59e88f384d>
10:02 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
11:09 berick https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2024-07-31a -- i think they could have created a better image than a machine that eats C and poops Rust
11:16 redavis I think there needs to be a graphic representation of that description.
11:38 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:43 ian1 joined #evergreen
13:32 Bmagic berick: have you tried to feed ChatGPT one of our C header files, like osrf_json.h for example?
13:34 berick Bmagic: i've feed it Rust code I've written to learn, etc., but no i've never tried to auto-migrate C to Rust.
13:34 Bmagic I just did it
13:34 Bmagic blows my mind
13:35 berick yeah?  cool
13:35 Bmagic https://pastebin.com/K1LsjQ8G
13:36 Bmagic I wonder if it's smart enough to eat a whole git repo
13:36 berick ah ok, yeah, that's integrating Rust with C instead of wholesale migration
13:37 Bmagic I used the prompt from the article "here's some C code, please translate it to safe idiomatic Rust code"
13:42 berick i guess w/o the whole set of code it assumes the rest is C, so it has to work within those confines
13:57 ian1 joined #evergreen
15:25 mantis left #evergreen
15:28 kmlussier joined #evergreen
15:30 kmlussier @dessert
15:30 * pinesol grabs some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream for kmlussier
15:33 eeevil berick: re the rust pooping machine image, do you recall my whiteboard drawing of the WORM (write once recorded mangler) very early on at pines? :D
15:34 berick eeevil: i actaully thought of that :)  and meatgrinders
15:34 redavis This conversation is the best ever.
17:05 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
17:53 kmlussier left #evergreen
18:52 ian1 joined #evergreen
21:11 ian1 joined #evergreen
22:00 ian1 joined #evergreen

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