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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-12

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:16 JBoyer joined #evergreen
03:38 JBoyer joined #evergreen
06:45 redavis joined #evergreen
07:39 collum joined #evergreen
07:58 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:14 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:45 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:48 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:57 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:00 Dyrcona dependencies--
09:02 Dyrcona Doesn't help if pgdg is set to focal but you're running jammy. :)
09:06 Dyrcona ppa.launchpad.net seems to be unreachable at the moment.
09:08 Dyrcona And Launchpad just gave me a time out error.
09:40 redavis joined #evergreen
09:54 Dyrcona redavis: Did you not get my 2 emails this morning?
10:00 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
10:00 BDorsey joined #evergreen
10:47 redavis Dyrcona, yes.  Dealing with one thing and then I'll review those next.
10:48 Dyrcona Cool.
10:52 redavis I apparently have a slow email fetcher Dyrcona.  My apologies.
10:53 berick @band add Slow Fetcher
10:53 pinesol berick: Band 'Slow Fetcher' added to list
10:55 berick @dunno add have you tried optimizing up your fetcher?
10:55 pinesol berick: The operation succeeded.  Dunno #87 added.
11:01 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:15 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
11:16 mmorgan2 joined #evergreen
11:27 Dyrcona I just noted that logs from the edi_order_pusher.pl seem to be in GMT.
11:27 Dyrcona Example: [2024-06-12 15:00:11] /openils/bin/edi_order_pusher.pl
11:31 Dyrcona other log entries are in local time.
11:33 csharp_ @blame timezones
11:33 pinesol csharp_: timezones stole bshum's tux doll!
11:35 Dyrcona bshum++
12:02 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:33 collum joined #evergreen
13:14 dmoore joined #evergreen
13:37 redavis joined #evergreen
14:06 jeffdavis joined #evergreen
15:03 cbrown_isl joined #evergreen
15:12 csharp_ ha! I'm troubleshooting an ejabberd issue on Ubuntu 22.04 and serendipitously hit bug 1970791, filed by our very own Dyrcona
15:12 pinesol Launchpad bug 1970791 in ejabberd (Ubuntu) "Starting ejabberd with systemctl "hangs" on Ubuntu 22.04 with apparmor profile" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1970791
15:15 csharp_ seems the trick to getting apparmor to care about disabling a profile is to create a symlink to the profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disabled, then do "aa-teardown; systemctl stop apparmor.service; systemctl start apparmor.service"
15:16 csharp_ possible aa-teardown is not required, but a simple systemctl restart apparmor was ineffective for me
15:19 berick related, i deployed the redis code to our testing cluster today.  planning to continue apace.
15:19 berick chicken, meet egg
15:23 csharp_ berick++
15:53 Dyrcona csharp_: It's in the README how to disable apparmor of ejabberd on ubuntu. Only it does not work and is not needed on ubuntu 24.04.
15:55 Dyrcona It's in the OpenSRF README: https://evergreen-ils.org/documenta​tion/install/OpenSRF/README_3_3_0.h​tml#_configure_the_ejabberd_server
15:55 Dyrcona apparmor_parser throws an error on Ubuntu 24.04 and I haven't bothered to figure it out since Ejabberd works.
15:56 Dyrcona Also, the underlying bug reported in our Launchpad has been fixed, I think.
15:57 Dyrcona Maybe not...
16:06 Dyrcona Do we still have a "web team?"
16:07 sleary it is the outreach committee
16:07 redavis It's outreach.
16:07 sleary which is meeting right now
16:08 Dyrcona Well, I don't know if they can help, but I can't edit the WordPress site appearance, and I think I need that to be able to fix a bad link in the "footer."
16:10 sleary I can do it. Is it the IRC link?
16:17 Dyrcona sleary: Yes it is.
16:33 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:35 sleary Dyrcona: both the logs and the join link appear to be working. I know there was discussion on the list, but I can't find a problem.
16:37 mmorgan sleary: The join link should point to libera rather than freenode, I believe: https://web.libera.chat/#evergreen
16:37 sleary ah, ok
16:37 mmorgan The logs link looks ok to me.
16:39 sleary Dyrcona mmorgan should be fixed now.
16:40 mmorgan sleary++
16:47 Dyrcona sleary++
17:02 mmorgan left #evergreen
21:20 sandbergja joined #evergreen
21:21 sandbergja claiming 1420
21:37 pinesol News from commits: LP1943744 follow-up: exempt two conditionals from eslint <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=4c82f6​5319a104a0180235d5a9cb015b017727d6>
21:37 pinesol News from commits: LP1943744: stamp upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=dd4155​de25eda3afafbaee6b6fb0b214c7d73413>
21:37 pinesol News from commits: LP1943744 Staff Catalog Sort Order & Checkbox Preferences <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=fda36d​f62b09dda5e37885aa3a6dfb2a77eb9a8a>

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