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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-11

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
03:35 bshum joined #evergreen
07:08 collum joined #evergreen
07:58 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:03 collum joined #evergreen
08:29 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:01 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:23 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:24 Dyrcona Why is it that something tested in production over a week ago and worked, doesn't work when I actually want to use it?
09:31 Dyrcona OK. It IS working. The first thing it tried to do ended up being invalid as far as the new process is concerned.
09:31 Dyrcona The a/t event is not invalid, but it doesn't meet other criteria in the script.
10:00 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:05 csharp_ rubber_ducking++
10:06 csharp_ JonHGeorg: happy to help!
10:06 Em_Ott joined #evergreen
10:09 kmlussier Good morning #evergreen!
10:09 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
10:09 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Kenya Peaberry Nyeri-Tatu, and sends it sliding down the bar to pinesol
10:09 Em_Ott joined #evergreen
10:09 kmlussier @tea [someone]
10:09 * pinesol brews and pours a pot of Chamomile (Sachet), and sends it sliding down the bar to mmorgan (http://ratetea.com/tea/harn​ey/chamomile-sachet/5103/)
10:10 mmorgan Thank you kmlussier! Though I'm not sure it's wise to send Chamomile! ;-)
10:11 kmlussier mmorgan: I've always thought of you as more of a coffee person anyway.
10:11 * mmorgan is on the fence, these days. Today is a rare day when I'm drinking a second cup of REAL coffee.
10:11 * mmorgan is usually on to green tea by now.
11:29 Dyrcona berick++ We're using the evergreen-xml-notices for real in production today.
11:29 Dyrcona Bmagic++
11:30 berick Dyrcona: cool, good to know
11:31 berick heads up I'm adding a patron-self-registration (pending patron) email notice to ours.  will share when it's merged
11:34 Dyrcona That's cool. You might want to consider adding some of the other modifications to your own github repo. If you want, I can make clean branch of my modifications from here: https://github.com/CWMARSINC/ev​ergreen-xml-notices/tree/cwmars
11:34 Dyrcona That branch could probably use better attribution of what is yours versus which are my changes.
11:35 Dyrcona Also, some of the very specific changes should probably be skipped, like our events.
11:37 berick yeah i'm curoius what you've added
11:37 berick "curoius" is the ancient Greek spelling, btw, not a typo
11:37 Dyrcona :)
11:38 Dyrcona Other than different paths for the local files, the bulk is in that branch above. Many of the changes come from your KCLS repo.
11:40 * berick nods
11:44 collum Κουρόιους
11:44 berick exactly
11:58 redavis joined #evergreen
12:08 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:42 csharp_ Dyrcona++ berick++ # very interested in the xml notices stuff
12:42 csharp_ @decide curois or chreeus
12:42 pinesol csharp_: go with chreeus
12:43 csharp_ pinesol: yep - my mama always did
12:43 pinesol csharp_: I eat more coconut cream pie before breakfast than most people eat all day
13:14 Christineb joined #evergreen
13:37 Dyrcona pinesol: What about RC Cola and a Moon Pie?
13:37 pinesol Dyrcona: The horror... The horror...
13:41 csharp_ @dessert
13:41 * pinesol grabs some Lemon Cupcakes for csharp_
13:42 Dyrcona berick: I wonder if Lp 1953044 is related to a use after free/double free I reported as a security bug.
13:42 pinesol Launchpad bug 1953044 in OpenSRF "Perl services can crash with a "Use of freed value in iteration" error" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1953044
13:45 Dyrcona Never mind. Doesn't look like the same thing now that I read it again.
13:47 Dyrcona @dessert search moon pie
13:47 pinesol Dyrcona: 1 found: #40: "Moon Pie and some RC Cola"
13:47 Dyrcona :)
13:47 Dyrcona @dessert 40 pinesol
13:47 * pinesol grabs some Moon Pie and some RC Cola for pinesol
13:48 kmlussier @dessert Dyrcona
13:48 * pinesol grabs some candy from krvmga's desk for Dyrcona
13:48 Dyrcona That's most appropriate, though it's no longer krvmga's desk.
13:48 kmlussier krvmga always had candy at his desk.
14:24 redavis Bmagic, just noting, in case you weren't aware and wanted to be, bugsquash.mobiusconsortium.org is giving an internal server error.
14:29 terranm joined #evergreen
14:46 shulabear joined #evergreen
14:55 Bmagic warning: dev meeting immanent
14:56 Em_Ott joined #evergreen
14:59 * kmlussier had forgotten she had a to-do item from the last meeting.
14:59 Bmagic 40 seconds
14:59 LindaJansova joined #evergreen
14:59 Bmagic 15 seconds
14:59 berick heh
14:59 Bmagic 5
14:59 redavis daaaahhhhhaaaaaannnngggg
15:00 Bmagic #startmeeting 2024-06-11 - Developer Meeting
15:00 pinesol Meeting started Tue Jun 11 15:00:01 2024 US/Eastern.  The chair is Bmagic. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00 pinesol Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00 pinesol The meeting name has been set to '2024_06_11___developer_meeting'
15:00 Bmagic #info Agenda at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/do​ku.php?id=dev:meetings:2024-06-11
15:00 Bmagic #topic Introductions
15:00 Dyrcona #info Dyrcona = Jason Stephenson, CW MARS
15:00 Bmagic #info Bmagic = Blake GH, MOBIUS
15:00 terranm #info terranm = Terran McCanna, PINES
15:00 Bmagic you can't beat the meeting host Dyrcona!
15:00 redavis #info redavis = Ruth Davis, ECDI
15:00 sleary #info sleary = Stephanie Leary, EOLI
15:00 abneiman #info abneiman = Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox
15:00 mmorgan #info mmorgan = Michele Morgan, NOBLE
15:00 Bmagic party foul
15:00 kmlussier #info kmlussier is Kathy Lussier, NOBLE
15:00 berick #info berick Bill Erickson, KCLS
15:00 shulabear :#info shulabear = Shula Link, GCHRL
15:01 jeff #info jeff = Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL)
15:01 smayo joined #evergreen
15:01 LindaJansova #info LindaJansova is Linda Jansova, Osvobozena knihovna, Czech Republic
15:01 jeff ]]\\\
15:01 jeff bah.
15:01 shulabear #info shulabear = Shula Link, GCHRL
15:01 eeevil #info eeevil = Mike Rylander, EOLI
15:01 smayo #info smayo = Steven Mayo, PINES
15:02 EvaCe joined #evergreen
15:02 Bmagic #topic Action Items from Last Meeting
15:02 Bmagic #info gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
15:02 pinesol Launchpad bug 2051946 in Evergreen "institute a Git commit message template" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2051946 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
15:02 Bmagic absent?
15:03 Bmagic we'll carry it
15:03 sleary I believe that's done, though
15:03 Bmagic oh?
15:03 Bmagic the bug doesn't have what I would expect
15:03 sleary or perhaps I'm thinking of the release note one-liners
15:04 abneiman sleary I think you're thinking of the release notes
15:04 Bmagic the one-liners is something else
15:04 sleary ok
15:04 abneiman 2051946 is a follow up & I do not think it's done
15:04 Bmagic #action gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
15:04 pinesol Launchpad bug 2051946 in Evergreen "institute a Git commit message template" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2051946 - Assigned to Galen Charlton (gmc)
15:04 Bmagic #info mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same
15:04 mmorgan Please carry forward. Still making progress as time allows. I did want to note that the majority of today's datapoints came via the Launchpad API.
15:04 Bmagic suuuweet!
15:05 sleary mmorgan++
15:05 Bmagic mmorgan++
15:05 redavis mmorgan++
15:05 Dyrcona mmorgan++
15:05 Bmagic #action mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same
15:05 kmlussier mmorgan++
15:05 Bmagic #info Dyrcona will take a look at bug 1017990 for merging into main and 3.13
15:05 pinesol Launchpad bug 1017990 in Evergreen "Possible to bypass holds placement limits via direct API calls" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1017990
15:05 abneiman mmorgan: is the Launchpad API better behaved these days?
15:05 abneiman IIRC it was very finicky & crashed a lot
15:06 mmorgan abneiman: It's answered properly when I've asked it the right questions so far :)
15:06 abneiman mmorgan++
15:06 Dyrcona My experience is that there were limits on how many things you could do before it would start acting up.
15:07 Dyrcona Anyway, I commented on the bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1017990/comments/14) and I see that csharp_ has followed up with some additional code.
15:07 pinesol Launchpad bug 1017990 in Evergreen "Possible to bypass holds placement limits via direct API calls" [Medium,Confirmed]
15:07 Bmagic well, 3.13 is released, and this bug didn't make it
15:07 csharp_ #info csharp_ is Chris Sharp, GPLS
15:07 Dyrcona Ugh. wrong comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ever​green/+bug/1017990/comments/21
15:08 Dyrcona I'll take another look at Chris's branch. I'm not sure what I looked at last time.
15:08 Bmagic alright, no problem. Carrying it
15:08 Dyrcona Too much going on lately.
15:08 Bmagic #action Dyrcona will take a look at bug 1017990
15:09 pinesol Launchpad bug 1017990 in Evergreen "Possible to bypass holds placement limits via direct API calls" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1017990
15:09 Bmagic #info eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
15:09 csharp_ Dyrcona: thanks
15:10 Bmagic I'm assuming eeevil is typing
15:11 eeevil I haven't even thought about that ... been a long month!
15:11 eeevil so, push it forward, please
15:11 Bmagic same for me! Carry!
15:11 Bmagic #action eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
15:11 Bmagic same for this probably
15:11 Bmagic #info eeevil will see about merging bug 2042158
15:11 pinesol Launchpad bug 2042158 in Evergreen "Postgres 12+ needs to have JIT disabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2042158
15:12 Bmagic oh! nope, that one was touched
15:12 Bmagic close the books on that
15:12 eeevil I saw about that :)
15:12 Bmagic eeevil++
15:12 eeevil Bmagic++
15:12 * csharp_ can't quite grab the "just in time" joke that's floating out there
15:12 Bmagic csharp_++
15:13 Bmagic kmlussier's turn
15:13 Bmagic #info kmlussier will update wiki (commit message standards) to include details about shared components/pullrequest rule for LP tagging on multi-commits
15:13 kmlussier I'm sorry. I forgot to put it on my to-do list. I'll get it done before the end of the day.
15:13 Bmagic no rush, we don't have another one of these for 30 days!
15:13 Bmagic #action kmlussier will update wiki (commit message standards) to include details about shared components/pullrequest rule for LP tagging on multi-commits
15:13 kmlussier I'll forget again if I don't do it right away. :)
15:14 Bmagic :)
15:14 Bmagic that does it for action items from last month
15:14 Bmagic #topic Evergreen
15:14 Bmagic #info 3.13.0 is released
15:15 Bmagic boomshakalaka
15:15 jeff heartfelt thanks to all, especially the release team!
15:15 smayo release_team++
15:15 redavis release_team++
15:15 terranm release_team++
15:15 kmlussier release_team++
15:15 LindaJansova release_team++
15:15 Bmagic the release team is drunk on a beach somewhere
15:15 abneiman ...wait how did I miss THAT memo
15:15 redavis lol, or in this meeting. frightfully sober
15:16 shulabear the release team wishes
15:16 mmorgan release_team++
15:16 Bmagic IRC works on phones these days
15:16 sleary beach, Launchpad... no, not the same at all
15:16 redavis @coffee release_team
15:16 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Beloya Selection 8, and sends it sliding down the bar to release_team
15:16 abneiman @liquor release_team
15:16 pinesol abneiman: is your coffee overgranularized?
15:16 abneiman dang
15:16 sleary lol
15:16 redavis lol!!!
15:16 kmlussier @bartender release_team
15:16 * pinesol fills a pint glass with J.W. Dundee's Original Honey Brown, and sends it sliding down the bar to release_team (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/302/832/)
15:17 abneiman kmlussier++
15:17 Bmagic kmlussier++
15:17 shulabear kmlussier++
15:17 Bmagic #topic Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern)
15:17 Bmagic incoming
15:17 Bmagic #info Open Bugs - 3050
15:17 Bmagic #info Pullrequests - 82
15:17 Bmagic #info Signedoff - 11
15:17 Bmagic #topic Launchpad Status since last meeting
15:17 Bmagic #info Bugs Added - 43
15:17 Bmagic #info Pullrequest tag Added - 12
15:17 Bmagic #info Signedoff tag Added - 11
15:17 Bmagic #info Fix Committed - 21
15:17 Bmagic #topic New Business - translation infrastructure: eliminate Launchpad in favor of POEditor - Stephanie/3.13 team
15:19 sleary I'll let the rest of the team chime in since we're all here. We had some issues with Launchpad's translation branches not creating / updating automatically in the background like they're supposed to, and we had to get Galen to help figure out wha was going on.
15:19 sleary I think this is related to the API flakiness.
15:19 Bmagic anyone interested in forming an investigation?
15:19 shulabear75 joined #evergreen
15:19 Bmagic (into seeing how POEditor workflow plays out for both POT and Angular translations)
15:20 terranm I cannot volunteer right now, but +1 to only having one place to manage translations
15:20 Bmagic One thing that might be: POEditor doesn't poll our repo
15:21 Bmagic LP does automatically sync our strings into it's mechanism via our git repo
15:21 LindaJansova I agree, it would certainly be better to have one place to work on the translations :-).
15:21 Dyrcona Well, when it works. Looks like we went a few months without any updates.
15:21 Bmagic I don't think* POEditor does that
15:21 sleary I think POEditor *can*, but is not currently set up. https://poeditor.com/kb/localization-file-managem​ent-with-github-bitbucket-and-gitlab-integrations is one place to start.
15:22 Bmagic sleary++
15:22 Bmagic look at you bringing up the documentation
15:22 Dyrcona I think it would be better for translators and release teams if there is only 1 place for translations.
15:22 LindaJansova Also, POEditor search capabilities far surpass those available on Launchpad where it is not possible to search in more than one set of strings at the time. So +1 for POEditor!
15:22 abneiman I'm generally a fan of anything that streamlines the build process, and currently we have like 10 translation steps and two separate places. Streamlining this makes it easier on translators as well as release teams.
15:23 Bmagic one website to rule them all does sound attractive
15:23 sleary the translation-related steps are a huge hurdle for release teams right now.
15:23 sleary and no one understands the Launchpad processes very well.
15:23 redavis If there is a team working or a potential team working on this, I'd be happy to be on the team (investigation team, I guess).
15:23 LindaJansova One place would also help when we try to do some troubleshooting (nowadays it is rather complicated).
15:23 Bmagic how do we move forward with this migration?
15:24 sleary I think the investigation's goal will be to answer that question
15:24 redavis It seems like the only real reticence is having an actual plan to get from LP to POEditor.
15:24 Bmagic We need a team to dive in and click all the buttons? Who's on the team. We have one! kmlussier.
15:25 kmlussier Huh? I don't think you want me on that team.
15:25 redavis I mean...redavis^
15:25 abneiman I'm with you redavis
15:25 Bmagic redavis, sorry, yes, redavis
15:25 redavis abneiman++
15:25 sleary I am interested but abneiman will murder me in my sleep if I volunteer for anything else this month
15:25 kmlussier redavis++ abneiman++
15:25 abneiman if we can get a dev who's familiar with the build process, I think redavis, said dev, and I can come up with something useful :-D
15:26 Bmagic "these two hands" </rockbitter>
15:26 sleary heh
15:26 abneiman omg sleary lol
15:26 Dyrcona I can see what I can do. I've had trouble using POEditor, but I think someone supposedly fixed that.
15:26 abneiman but also, yeah, no
15:26 redavis lol!!!
15:26 kmlussier abneiman doesn't seem like the murderous type.
15:26 mmorgan sleary: That would be counterproductive.
15:26 abneiman thanks for the vote of confidence kmlussier, lmao
15:26 redavis Dyrcona, wanna give it a go?
15:26 Bmagic LindaJansova: interested in looking at it?
15:26 csharp_ @who is the murderous type?
15:26 pinesol Bmagic is the murderous type.
15:26 csharp_ pinesol++
15:26 Dyrcona Bmagic is the Spy!
15:27 Bmagic haha, I deserve that pinesol
15:27 * redavis already knew that
15:27 Dyrcona I'll take a look for sure.
15:27 Bmagic ok, redavis and Dyrcona are officially a POEditor team?
15:27 abneiman and me
15:27 Bmagic !!
15:28 redavis Okay, so then I'll send out a convening email to the team as it were.  LindaJansova, we'd love you onboard as well if you can.
15:28 LindaJansova I think I and EvaCe can have a look at it when the data are in POEditor but can also collaborate on the steps prior to that (although we are not that familiar with the processes behind the scenes, I'm afraid ;-)).
15:28 LindaJansova Apologies, I appear to be a slower typer ;-).
15:28 redavis LindaJansova++
15:28 Bmagic LindaJansova++
15:28 redavis lol, no worries.
15:28 kmlussier LindaJansova++
15:28 Dyrcona LindaJansova++
15:28 abneiman it's ok LindaJansova - we're trying to fix the processes behind the scenes anyway! and we appreciate your input!
15:28 LindaJansova :-)
15:29 shulabear75 LindaJansova++
15:29 redavis LindaJansova and EvaCe, how about we include you in emails and updates, but with no obligation on your part?
15:29 LindaJansova Sounds great :-)!
15:29 Bmagic #action redavis, Dyrcona, abneiman, LindaJansova, EvaCe will investigate and see what it will take to move our translations to POEditor
15:29 mmorgan redavis++ abneiman++ Dyrcona++ LindaJansova++ EvaCe++
15:30 Bmagic redavis++ abneiman++ Dyrcona++ LindaJansova++ EvaCe++
15:30 sleary redavis++ abneiman++ Dyrcona++ LindaJansova++ EvaCe++
15:30 csharp_ redavis++ abneiman++ Dyrcona++ LindaJansova++ EvaCe++, oh my!
15:30 Bmagic that's probably the best outcome for this topic
15:30 Bmagic we'll be excited to hear from yall next month
15:31 Bmagic #topic New Business - LP#2060734: changes to the release process
15:31 sleary ah, I put this on the agenda hoping sandbergja would be here to discuss it, but we'll have to do that in the comments / on the list.
15:31 Bmagic I see
15:32 Bmagic #topic New Business - Outstanding roadblocks to merging OpenSRF Redis?
15:32 berick pretty much what it says.  What else needs doing before we can merge to OpenSRF main?
15:32 Bmagic is it converted to redis's replacement?
15:33 berick no that will take time
15:33 Dyrcona Which replacement did we decide on?
15:33 Bmagic My understanding was that we can't adopt it officially because redis's rules?
15:33 Bmagic valkey?
15:33 berick Bmagic: not exactly
15:33 csharp_ Dyrcona: ValKey
15:33 berick the packages availabe now are perfectly fine to use
15:33 Dyrcona I think we can adopt the versions that are packaged in current distros, can't we?
15:33 csharp_ yes
15:33 Dyrcona berick++
15:34 berick and we have a replacement plan, just have to wait for that stuff to settle down
15:34 berick which won't affect the code, just the docs/installers
15:34 Bmagic ok, so we can* keep using redis, via the git branch's auto-installer?
15:34 Dyrcona I haven't seen package for ValKey, yet.
15:34 csharp_ Bmagic: yep
15:35 Bmagic hmmm, so the question is: do we merge it before ValKey is "out" ?
15:35 Bmagic with the understanding that we will have a follow-up LP to update the bits for ValKey when that's possible
15:35 berick the bigger qestion for me is whether the functionality is complete for the various use cases
15:36 berick which is to some extent aimed at the Equinox folks
15:36 Dyrcona I've been using it since October on a test instance and haven't noticed anything that doesn't work.
15:36 Bmagic We have it running on production, for a small library. Working just fine. Though, I'd feel more confident if it were on production for a larger library/consortium
15:37 berick Bmagic: i'm deploying it as soon as it's merged to opensrf main
15:37 berick (part of why i'm asking now, want to get going on it)
15:37 Bmagic merging it doesn't make it required: just making sure that's clear
15:37 csharp_ not that it helps us with debian(-ish) things, but Fedora already has valkey in the repos
15:37 berick csharp_: oh neat
15:37 Bmagic Fedora is a speeding bullet that no one will catch
15:38 csharp_ as well as valkey-compat-redis.x86_64 : Conversion script and compatibility symlinks for Redis
15:38 jeff debian will be a while, I'm sure. request is here, no update since two months ago: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-b​in/bugreport.cgi?bug=1068342
15:38 pinesol jeff: Error: Could not parse data returned by Debian:
15:38 jeff none of that prevents use or merging.
15:38 Bmagic merging it is pretty much fine right? Like people can ignore it and keep using ejabberd?
15:39 csharp_ jeff: we'll probably need to use a PPA if it becomes a thing
15:39 jeff possibly eeevil or gmcharlt or JBoyer have input/thoughts/feedback but may be unavailable to comment.
15:39 jeff (I think that's who berick was asking, for the most part)
15:39 berick Bmagic: not exactly, you'd have to use an already-released version of opensrf to use ejabberd
15:39 Bmagic i see
15:39 berick once on main, it's only redis, no side-by-side
15:40 csharp_ I think it's fine to say OpenSRF < 4.0 (or whatever) is ejabber-friendly
15:40 Bmagic But that's just OpenSRF, on the Evergreen side, you don't have to do anything? For example, if someone installs Evergreen 3.14, they can use OpenSRF 3.3.0 without issue
15:40 csharp_ don't upgrade if you want to stay on ejabberd
15:40 csharp_ @who wants to stay on ejabberd?
15:40 pinesol eby wants to stay on ejabberd.
15:40 Dyrcona Bmagic: Evergreen already installs the Redis packages.
15:41 berick right it only affects opensrf
15:41 Dyrcona I think we should maybe get Ubuntu 24.04 installation support first. https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2054842
15:41 pinesol Launchpad bug 2054842 in OpenSRF "Add Installation on Ubuntu 24.04" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Jason Stephenson (jstephenson)
15:41 Bmagic ejabberd is a pain in my neck, and I can't wait to be rid of it. So, you've got no resistance from me :)
15:41 Dyrcona Redis is more like tennis elbow... :)
15:41 jeff the idea as I recall was OpenSRF 3.x = ejabberd, OpenSRF 4.x = redis/valkey/whatever, and merging redis to OpenSRF main and releasing OpenSRF 4.x does not mean that Evergreen x.y can't continue to work with OpenSRF 3.x or 4.x, but I've been wrong before. :-)
15:42 csharp_ I used to not care, but the pain over the last few versions/ubuntu releases has been signficant
15:42 csharp_ jeff: that was my understanding too
15:42 Dyrcona csharp_: Ubuntu 24.04 just works with ejabberd this time. We got lucky. :)
15:43 kmlussier Dyrcona: I have tennis elbow. It's quite painful.
15:43 csharp_ the thin ice we're skating on held!  (this is fine dog)
15:43 * kmlussier is hoping reddis isn't quite so painful.
15:43 Dyrcona jeff csharp_: Yeah, that was my suggestion about the numbering.
15:43 Bmagic We have a few systems adopting 3.13 over the next few months, I think we can give redis a whirl at the same time. I'd like to see it up and running in a larger environment as proof. I don't think any test environment can do what a production environment does
15:44 Dyrcona kmlussier: I'm sorry, didn't mean to make light of it. All software is some kind of pain to use.
15:44 Dyrcona berick has done a great job making the Redis integration just work. Very little configuration required.
15:44 Bmagic agreed berick++
15:44 csharp_ I think we're in a chicken/egg situation - I don't want to move PINES to anything that's not in main and we don't want it in main until someone like PINES is running it live :-)
15:45 Bmagic I don't know where all of this leaves us
15:45 Dyrcona So, are we at an impasse then?
15:45 berick my concern is deploying to prod, then the branch meets merge resistance, and now i'm running significantly different key infrastucture code
15:45 berick exactly, chicken and egg
15:45 Bmagic I will get it installed on a larger production environment and report back. Will that work for now?
15:45 redavis Bmagic++
15:45 shulabear75 csharp++ berick++
15:45 csharp_ or a game of chicken, or something about chickens
15:45 redavis GuineaPigs++
15:45 shulabear75 csharp_++
15:45 Dyrcona Bmagic++
15:45 csharp_ kaw ke kaw!
15:46 Bmagic alright, next
15:46 Bmagic #topic New Business - Backport guidelines? What should be backported? - Stephanie/code review team
15:46 sleary ah, this came up last week.
15:46 shulabear75 as someone who deals with a lot of front-end users in PINES, i am completely with Chris on this for my own sanity in the days after the eventual update.
15:46 abneiman this is a good question to revisit
15:47 sleary I don't think we have any real guidelines for committers on what things should be backported, and the main question was whether it's wise to backport things that involve string changse.
15:47 sleary changes.
15:47 sleary database updates, also, but strings are more common in potentially backportable things
15:47 Dyrcona So.... My opinion: We backport too many schema changes... Josh Berkus thought we were kind of nuts when we talked about it in Vancouver all those years ago.
15:48 redavis Dyrcona++
15:48 Dyrcona Also, we used to not keep translations up to date for backport branches. This meant backport string changes weren't readily translatable.
15:49 Dyrcona We are updating strings for point releases, now, but we could stop if we say no string changes.
15:50 abneiman I agree with Dyrcona re backporting schema changes, unless it's critical. I can go either way about string changes.
15:50 redavis seems like if there are security things that can easily be backported, okay. And, if there's perhaps a regression that gets fixed for a new release and can...again...be EASILY backported...that makes sense.  Otherwise, it seems to just make sense to aim for now and forward.
15:50 mmorgan If translations were more manageable, maybe it would make sense not to restrict backporting string changes.
15:50 abneiman I'd like to hear from our translators about string changes in point releases ... and mmorgan makes a very good, er, point about more manageable translations
15:51 redavis agreed with mmorgan and abneiman
15:51 LindaJansova A sidenote - perhaps it would be beneficial to have specific mentions of time slots for doing the translation work in the release schedule (which now only contains String Freeze).
15:51 redavis LindaJansova++
15:51 redavis Noted
15:51 sleary LindaJansova++
15:51 EvaCe LindaJansova++
15:51 LindaJansova As to changes in point releases - probably once the time slots are introduced and we now (= can plan) when to translate, it would be fine with us :-).
15:52 abneiman noted LindaJansova - however for point releases, we usually don't have as formal a schedule. It's more like, what's ready? OK cut release! on an approximately monthly schedule
15:52 abneiman which I think is currently 3rd Wednesdays (for point releases)
15:52 abneiman though we haven't done one since April, since May was all 3.13 all the time, and noting that third Wednesday in June is a US federal holiday
15:53 sleary we could plan those a little better and put things on the community calendar if we need to
15:53 redavis sleary++
15:53 mmorgan sleary++
15:53 Bmagic not sure I'm seeing an action item
15:53 LindaJansova Okay :-) but perhaps having a clear schedule would be good anyway (maybe living elsewhere than in the release schedule wiki page if that one would make things more complicated?)...
15:54 LindaJansova sleary++
15:54 Dyrcona I think we should just stop point releases after a new x+1 release is made. If people do upgrade past the point of the generated upgrade script, it makes upgrading to a new major release that much harder.
15:55 redavis LindaJansova, I think we can better utilize the community calendar to include release activities including string freezes.
15:56 Bmagic redavis: would you like that action? Editing the calendar along these lines?
15:56 redavis Bmagic, yes...but I am not exactly sure when that will happen since there's some cat herding to happen prior...
15:57 redavis So, go ahead and add that action item for me, and then I'll just report on where it stands at the next meeting...whether "done" or "progressed" or whatever.
15:57 eeevil Dyrcona: every release is a major release?
15:57 Dyrcona redavis: I think for 3.14 we can discuss a schedule with time set aside for translation work.
15:58 redavis Dyrcona++ email to you and the rest of the team headed out tomorrow.
15:58 Bmagic #action redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
15:58 kmlussier If we have a clearer idea of what the release schedule should be, it would help with scheduling the translations.
15:58 Dyrcona eeevil: Almost. We get questions all the time about how I do upgrade A.B.G to X.Y.Z when the db upgrade is for AB.D to X.Y.Z and so on.
15:58 Bmagic we're coming up to our hour
15:58 Dyrcona I honestly don't think we have the human resources to do monthly point releases.
15:59 kmlussier A conversation for another day? :)
15:59 Dyrcona I won't be there.
15:59 redavis kmlussier, I think we're talking about that on Thursday.
15:59 eeevil I agree with the resource vs monthlies point, fwiw
15:59 Bmagic Next month's regular meeting would be July 9th, I'm not going to be able to make that
15:59 mmorgan If we can better streamline the release process, it would take fewer resources.
16:00 kmlussier redavis: Yes, Thursday at 12 p.m. Eastern.
16:00 abneiman yes, I strongly encourage everyone who's interested in the release conversations to attend the discussion kmlussier is hosting this Thursday!
16:00 kmlussier Sorry Dyrcona. I went by what was in the Doodle poll.
16:00 eeevil but, all software has bugs, so I'm not sure I'm on board with every-release-is-an-island
16:00 redavis kmlussier++ abneiman++
16:00 Dyrcona eeevil: I'm not saying that either exactly.
16:01 Bmagic anyone want to take this July 9th meeting?
16:01 * redavis hums "features in the stream...that is what we are."
16:01 Bmagic #topic Announcements
16:02 abneiman Bmagic: I can lead the 7/9 meeting
16:02 eeevil redavis: great, now /that'll/ be in my head for 2 hours... :P
16:02 kmlussier Bmagic: If nobody else volunteers, I can take it. But I'll be running back from a dental appointment.
16:02 Bmagic #info Next Meeting is Tuesday, July 9th 2024
16:02 terranm I have another quick topic before everybody leaves - is August a good time for the next Bug Squashing Week? (kmlussier pointed out that it'll be the 10 year anniversary of community bug squashing events)
16:02 kmlussier Never mind. abneiman beat me to it.
16:02 redavis eeevil, success is my only aim...muahahahahah
16:02 Bmagic abneiman++ # it's yours! I'll do the wiki dance after this one, you get July 9th's privilege
16:02 abneiman ta
16:02 redavis terranm, I was going to email you about that too!
16:03 kmlussier August 26 to be exact.
16:03 eeevil redavis: "no release between, how can it be wrong"
16:03 terranm We could do August 26-30
16:03 redavis eeevil++++++++++++++++++++
16:03 Bmagic terranm: looks good for me
16:04 redavis terranm, perfect
16:04 sleary terranm++
16:04 terranm Maybe we'll have the new circ/patron interfaces to test then?
16:04 LindaJansova terranm++
16:04 redavis terranm++
16:04 Bmagic terranm++
16:04 mmorgan terranm++
16:04 terranm Thanks, I'll put it on the calendar and all that
16:04 Bmagic thanks everyone! Good turn out this month
16:04 kmlussier I have questions about the new circ/patron interfaces, but I'll send it in an email.
16:04 Bmagic #endmeeting
16:04 pinesol Meeting ended Tue Jun 11 16:04:47 2024 US/Eastern.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
16:04 pinesol Minutes:        http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2024/evergreen.2024-06-11-15.00.html
16:04 pinesol Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergr​een/2024/evergreen.2024-06-11-15.00.txt
16:04 pinesol Log:            http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergree​n/2024/evergreen.2024-06-11-15.00.log.html
16:04 sleary terranm there is a pull request on that now, although someone pointed out a couple of things that might be missing, so I'll update that branch soon
16:05 kmlussier Bmagic++
16:05 abneiman Bmagic++
16:05 mmorgan Bmagic++
16:05 abneiman sleary++ # circ interfaces PR
16:05 LindaJansova Bmagic++
16:05 redavis Bmagic++
16:05 terranm Bmagic++
16:05 sleary Bmagic++
16:05 Dyrcona Bmagic++
16:05 kmlussier @karma
16:05 pinesol kmlussier: Highest karma: "berick" (42), "Dyrcona" (40), "Bmagic" (35), "sleary" (27), and "eeevil" (22).  Lowest karma: "comcast" (-8), "dojo" (-3), "NSA" (-1), "runaround" (-1), and "actual_evil" (-1).  You (kmlussier) are ranked 7 out of 61.
16:07 csharp_ comcast--
16:09 shulabear joined #evergreen
16:09 redavis Dyrcona, terranm, I've updated the 3.14 release schedule with the August bugsquash week
16:09 Dyrcona redavis++
16:09 eeevil Dyrcona: I think raising the db-change bar MUCH higher on back branches once the next major is out might be a compromise? that seems like it would have the intended effect in practice... like, replacing functions (without breaking the API) or fixing security issues is fine, but otherwise it's a "no" by default.  if someone wants to put in the work to make a later-major upgrade script do all the right things (lots of IF EXISTS, DO blocks to check for
16:09 eeevil stuff, etc) then, "maybe, let's discuss"?
16:10 eeevil is that what you're thinking?
16:10 sleary Dyrcona redavis pro tip: when you make the schedule, don't forget to actually schedule the meetings for building the releases. (Guess what the 3.13 team forgot to do. >.<)
16:11 terranm redavis++
16:11 redavis lol, thank you for the reminder.  We'll definitely do that.
16:11 Dyrcona eeevil: Mostly something like that. I also think not doing tarballs would help and switch to actual git tags instead of tag branches.
16:11 redavis I ain't nothing if not a meeting scheduler.
16:12 mmorgan Just a thought - maybe db and string changes only get backported to .1 and .2 point releases (or something like that)
16:12 Dyrcona By "not doing tarballs" I mean not doing tarballs for point releases after a certain point. I don't know who uses them.
16:14 kmlussier redavis: That's been the one thing I've hated most about every job I've had since 2010.
16:14 Dyrcona kmlussier++
16:14 sleary kmlussier++ # That is the one thing I actually *would* like an AI assistant for.
16:15 Dyrcona sleary++
16:15 Dyrcona I saw a comment the other day along the lines of: I was hoping for AI to do my dishes and fold my laundry while I do art and writing, and not the other way around.
16:15 sleary yep
16:16 kmlussier I always used the severity of the bug as the metric for determining whether a database or string change should be backported.
16:16 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:16 mmorgan kmlussier++
16:17 Dyrcona I've pretty much just backported without thinking about it too much, but I think we should put more thought behind it.
16:18 sleary I would really like us to have a written set of guidelines (or "more of a suggestion") for newer committers
16:18 terranm +1 to better guidelines. I'm still a very nervous committer.
16:18 mmorgan +1
16:19 mmorgan terranm: I think I will always be a nervous committer.
16:19 terranm I mean, caution is often a good thing
16:19 terranm Just not the anxiety part :D
16:20 mmorgan caution++ anxiety--
16:20 terranm mmorgan++
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:05 kmlussier left #evergreen
18:49 jihpringle joined #evergreen
20:03 pinesol News from commits: LP2015112 follow-up: ng lint --fix <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=72173f​76e08b0455f0dc7fa38bcfd4e2f00b02b9>

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