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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-06

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:22 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:34 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:06 redavis joined #evergreen
08:11 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:58 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:05 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:11 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:23 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:32 BDorsey joined #evergreen
10:22 mmorgan left #evergreen
10:32 Dyrcona Hm....
10:35 Dyrcona I don't suppose it would be possible to do an array_agg and group by on a cstore search_....
10:38 csharp_ @decide dark mode or GOTH MODE
10:38 pinesol csharp_: go with dark mode
10:38 csharp_ @band add Goth Mode
10:38 pinesol csharp_: Band 'Goth Mode' added to list
10:38 csharp_ (credit to terranm)
10:40 berick @band add Depeche Commode
10:40 pinesol berick: Band 'Depeche Commode' added to list
10:42 Dyrcona berick++
10:42 Dyrcona Yeah, I don't think what I want to do will work.
10:42 csharp_ berick++
10:43 csharp_ reach out and touch me
10:43 Dyrcona Your own personal... bidet...
10:44 Dyrcona I'm going to try it anyway. Watch it blow up.
10:48 Dyrcona Ooh. Even if it adds an aggregate column, it's gonna group by the column that I'm trying to aggregate... Well, let's see.
10:49 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
10:51 Dyrcona Yeahp. No result... I'll have to group in code.
10:51 Dyrcona I can order by, though... that would make it easier.
11:12 Dyrcona Wow! Never realized how many EDI accounts have the same host, username, password and directories.
11:12 Dyrcona Maybe just a "distinct on" would solve the problem....
11:13 berick Dyrcona: same here.  the design could use some refactoring :\
11:14 Dyrcona berick: That's what I'm working on. Lp 1836908
11:14 pinesol Launchpad bug 1836908 in Evergreen 3.11 "EDI File Transfer Needs to be Smarter" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1836908
11:14 Dyrcona I'm trying to just handle it with the Perl, but I'll change the schema if I must.
11:18 Dyrcona I think adding a group by on host, username, and password would solve a big chunk of the problem.
11:18 Dyrcona None of my accounts have different directories where the rest is the same.
11:19 Dyrcona Of course, that might break the query.
11:21 berick Dyrcona: i see.  yeah i was thinking specifically about the duplication in the DB, but I see the obvious crossover
11:22 Dyrcona I'm going to try group_by in the cstore search. I suspect it will blow up with an error because we're fleshing the provider.
11:22 Dyrcona Oh, never mind: "A JSON query has no separate construct to define a GROUP BY clause."
11:36 berick Dyrcona: maybe just {"select":{"acqedi":["host","username","pat​h","in_dir"]},"from":"acqedi","distinct":1}
11:37 Dyrcona berick: Yeah. I'm playing with code I copied from the edi_fetcher.pl. I should see how the rest is being used by RemoteAccount.pm before doing something that drastic.
11:38 * berick nods
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:03 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:13 Dyrcona This is why I kept putting this off: there are a couple of places this could be fixed, and then there's the temptation to rip it up and implement something quite a bit different....
12:21 Dyrcona I suppose I could build a copy of the provider/account list and use grep to prevent duplicates.
12:29 Dyrcona That works in my simple test. The list went from 180 to 29.
12:47 Dyrcona heh. I typoed "Depulicate" as "Depuplicate" and my spell check suggested "Depopulate" with also works. :)
12:48 Dyrcona OMG!!! "Deduplicate" not "Depulicate."....
12:48 Dyrcona @blame finger
12:48 pinesol Dyrcona: finger is why we can never have nice things!
12:48 berick @band add The Depopulaters
12:48 pinesol berick: Band 'The Depopulaters' added to list
12:49 Dyrcona berick: I ended up adding a loop in O::A::Acq::EDI::retreive_core to remove duplicate accounts/in_dir combinations from the list. I can test it in a minute. I'll put a link to the commit once I've pushed it to the working repo.
12:58 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:00 jeffdavis I think "depulication" would technically be flea removal.
13:09 Dyrcona jeffdavis++
13:10 Dyrcona berick: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wor​king/Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=aed84a​28b064fa4d2a472cfe38afda3304dfddea
13:12 collum joined #evergreen
13:24 Bmagic do any of you index the 035 for OCLC number searching?
13:46 Dyrcona Bmagic: I'm looking, but I don't think we do.
13:46 Dyrcona Related to my earlier conversation: Looks like the patch works!
13:48 Dyrcona Bmagic: We don't but I think you'd want a marc on 035, not sure which subfield.
13:49 Bmagic it's $a
13:49 Dyrcona That is a marc xpath.
13:52 Bmagic yeah, this is what I've got: //marc:datafield[@tag='035'​]/marc:subfield[@code="a"]
13:53 Dyrcona Is it working? field_class = 'identifier'?
13:53 Bmagic I'm concerned about the commonly prefixed OCLC numbers "(OCoLC)" - and whether or not the index will allow for us to search by just the bare number
13:54 Bmagic I haven't introduced it yet
13:54 Bmagic I thought I would see if someone else has done this and perhaps took a different path
13:54 Dyrcona What does metabib.identifier_field_entry.index_vector look like?
13:54 Dyrcona Oh, I see.
13:55 Bmagic DIG meeting time! (on zoom in case you thought I meant in IRC)
13:55 Dyrcona My guess is that it will work. index_vector should get split up with ocolc and the number.
13:58 Bmagic https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84441505629​?pwd=eXF1RFRUVXoyTjVxQjdvQk55WVRhdz09
14:13 collum Bmagic - I think there's a default 35a$.  It's labeled System Control Number.
14:15 Dyrcona collum++
14:15 Dyrcona We have it.
14:28 Bmagic collum: not finding it in the interfrace
14:30 smayo joined #evergreen
14:37 dguarrac joined #evergreen
15:32 Dyrcona Ugh! Typo in a commit message..... Those bug me, particularly my own.
15:35 Dyrcona commit 009e48a0a7
15:35 Dyrcona commit 24ff30d79
15:35 Dyrcona commit 24ff30d79dc651432373fcea4317d3a408da7090
15:37 Dyrcona Guess that doesn't work any more, or I'm doing it wrong. :)
15:43 jeff depends on the repo.
15:44 jeff are those working repo commit hashes?
15:44 jeff then pinesol doesn't resolve them, iirc.
15:47 jeff it might only do configured branches, also.
15:47 jeff commit 51ac6c6
15:47 jeff or, it's broken. whee!
15:47 jeff I'll try to take a look later.
15:56 Dyrcona It's all right jeff. I could take a look later, too.
15:57 Dyrcona Bet it stopped working when we set up the new VM for the repos and/or renamed the branch to main.
16:05 Dyrcona commit 24ff30d79dc651432373fcea4317d3a408da7090
16:05 Dyrcona Not that simple, huh.
16:06 Dyrcona Um... It doesn't take 4 of us to fix it, does it? :)
16:06 * Dyrcona butts out.
16:08 * jeff overrides the default branch in the ini and rehashes the git plugin... and waits
16:12 * Dyrcona was getting there, but someone else had git.ini open... :)
16:19 berick abneiman: sleary: Bmagic: may have found a good one:  marc editor -> edit a subfield value -> save changes -> instead of saving the value clears
16:19 berick seeing same on my 'main' dev server
16:19 berick s/saving /saving, /
16:21 sleary nooooooooo
16:21 berick hm, also arrow-right within subfield text content makes the cursor jump back to the subfield code
16:22 jeff commit 2140674
16:22 sleary hmm, that I can fix. Might need eeevil to look at the subfield values.
16:23 eeevil COMBOBOOOOOOXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!
16:24 eeevil (actually, sfv probably isn't a combobox issue. that should be a plain input. which only makes it more annoying, really)
16:25 jeff git plugin doesn't appear to support on-the-fly change between branches, removing the shallow copy of the repo on disk and rehashing pulls the right branch. still failing with an error in the bot's log. might be a python git library dependency issue. suspending troubleshooting for the moment.
16:25 Dyrcona jeff++
16:26 Dyrcona I might take another look after I get home. I'm not sure how much we really need that plugin anyway.
16:30 Bmagic berick: abneiman: sleary: https://bugsquash2.mobiusconsortium.org installed from tarball, no prob. Can login, search, etc.
16:30 abneiman berick++ Bmagic++
16:30 abneiman combobox--
16:30 Bmagic is that a show stopper?
16:31 abneiman the lack of saving a subfield value is, IMO
16:31 abneiman the keyboard shortcut less so
16:31 Bmagic it's nasty actually
16:31 Bmagic completely deleting the value
16:31 abneiman yes
16:32 berick not really a shortcut, but an inability to move the curser to the character you want to edit
16:32 Bmagic WTF, it didn't do that in a previous test
16:32 abneiman anyway I think we have a fix
16:32 abneiman stand by
16:34 sleary I'm seeing the right arrow issue, but I have no problem saving an edited subfield.
16:35 Bmagic bugsquash2 reproduces the saving issue berick describes
16:35 berick ah was just double checking there
16:35 berick confirmed
16:35 berick sleary: try one of the multi-line fields
16:35 sleary k
16:36 Bmagic ah, yes, maybe that's the difference. I, for some reason gravitated towards a "bigger" field, 500a
16:36 berick yeah, other fields save OK for me too
16:36 sleary ... yeah, that's bad
16:36 berick Bmagic: same :)
16:37 Bmagic interesting. What a nuance. Thinking back to when I tested that branch, I edited marc records like crazy but I don't think I interacted with a larger subfield like that
16:37 abneiman I'm not seeing it on our internal 3.13-rc, even in multi line fields
16:37 abneiman weird
16:37 Bmagic weird indeed. Imma install from git and see
16:37 abneiman it = not saving subfield value
16:38 abneiman I think ours was upgraded, not clean install, if that's relevant
16:39 Bmagic be about 10-20 minutes on that
16:40 Bmagic and I have a meeting right now, so afk
16:41 abneiman right right, I was mixing up tag with data, so I should step away because I am not helpful. so, confirmed on RC, FWIW. sleary and miker are looking at it.
17:10 jvwoolf left #evergreen
17:11 sleary berick are you still around?
17:11 jihpringle joined #evergreen
17:15 berick sleary: yes
17:19 * berick sees the working branch
17:20 sleary berick I think we have a fix, but eeevil just found a bunch of missing libraries on my dev server that are causing other problems
17:20 sleary testing it on a different server now
17:20 eeevil deploying to butternut for testing now...
17:22 berick seems partly fixed.  editing existing values is better.  creating new ones is still having issues.
17:24 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
17:24 eeevil berick: you mean the arrow key issue, or something else?
17:26 berick no, the value disappearing isssue
17:26 berick on a new, e.g., 500 a value
17:26 berick well, new 500 a field
17:27 berick arrow issue persists as well but guessing that's a different thing
17:27 sleary yeah, I'm not as worried about the arrow thing at the moment. A new 500 a works for me on butternut
17:28 eeevil hrm, I was able to add a new subfield (textarea type) to an existing tag
17:28 sleary and I don't see any other instances of innerText lurking in the code
17:30 eeevil but a new datafield with a new textarea-type subfield, the subfield value didn't save. trying something else
17:30 berick yeah, that
17:30 sleary ah, I see it
17:32 eeevil berick: I was able to get into the subfield code box with keyboard only, you have to tab to get to the whole subfield group, then arrow once the whole group is selected to get into the subfield code, then tab again between subfield sub,um,fields
17:34 eeevil oh, the problem with the fresh datafield version of this is that it wants to grab the element by id during the ngAfterViewInit hook, but it changes the input to a textarea based on the tag, which changes after ViewInit
17:35 sleary >.<
17:35 eeevil I think we should just use model for the textarea like we do for the <input> small-field version
17:35 sleary seems reasonable
17:35 eeevil (that's a holdover from when everything was an editable div, not a new idiom, for the room...)
17:36 sleary mostly I keep my seething hatred for Angular's handling of element IDs in our internal Slack.
17:57 * berick disappears
19:11 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:36 jihpringle joined #evergreen
22:46 pinesol News from commits: Save multiline contents in MARC subfield values <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=af5c71​d6d8b6f0d945ed029ca8fb3e31b13cd22b>

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