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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-06-04

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:21 collum joined #evergreen
08:04 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:05 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:19 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:42 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:03 dguarrac joined #evergreen
11:23 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:39 Dyrcona @eightball Is there such a thing as a simple question?
14:39 pinesol Dyrcona: Unlikely.
14:47 collum @eightball Is this a simple question?
14:47 pinesol collum: The outlook is hazy, please ask again later.
15:04 dmoore joined #evergreen
15:34 csharp_ @eightball does it matter?
15:34 pinesol csharp_: Yes!
15:34 csharp_ damn skippy
15:38 Dyrcona @eightball Is ? allowed in an email address?
15:38 pinesol Dyrcona: It is so.
15:40 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:42 Dyrcona pinesol: Looks like you've read RFC 5322.
15:42 pinesol Dyrcona: and don't call me Shirley!
15:42 Dyrcona @who has read RFC 5322.
15:42 pinesol eeevil has read RFC 5322.
16:30 * eeevil recites the full email regexp as a zen koan to seek enlightenment
16:43 jeffdavis lol
16:46 jeff now you have TWO enlightenments.
16:47 csharp_ @blame add we've had a good run, $who, but it's time to say goodbye forever
16:47 pinesol csharp_: The operation succeeded.  Blame #34 added.
16:47 csharp_ @blame ejabberd
16:47 pinesol csharp_: It's all ejabberd's fault!
16:47 csharp_ @blame 34 ejabberd
16:47 pinesol csharp_: we've had a good run, ejabberd, but it's time to say goodbye forever
16:47 csharp_ eeevil++
16:48 eeevil jeff++
16:49 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:48 jihpringle joined #evergreen

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