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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-05-28

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:43 dmoore joined #evergreen
07:09 collum joined #evergreen
07:46 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:49 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:06 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
08:32 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:33 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:06 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:56 Christineb joined #evergreen
09:57 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:59 Dyrcona If I want to compare a column to null in a Perl cstore query does { column => undef} work? I think I've seen that before.
10:00 Dyrcona I can experiment, I guess.
10:00 Bmagic that looks right
10:02 sleary joined #evergreen
10:03 Dyrcona Actually, want I want is something like {"and" => {column => { "!=" => ""), column {"!=" => undef}}}
10:04 Dyrcona s/want/what/
10:04 Dyrcona Then, this isn't going in a cstore query it's in a CStoreEditor-> search_objectname();
10:16 Dyrcona The not on undef isn't working: {"+and" => {sms_notify => {"!=" => ""}, sms_notify => {"is not" => undef}}} # I've tried a few variations.
10:20 Dyrcona Ok, I'm getting there. {sms_notify => {"not"=>undef}} works by itself.
10:20 Bmagic Dyrcona++
10:20 Dyrcona I may just skip the check for empty string, since those are all old, with the majority being from 2016.
10:21 Dyrcona I'll do the and to see if it works.
10:24 Dyrcona I don't think the and works in the search_* functions..
10:48 smayo joined #evergreen
10:49 cbrown-isl joined #evergreen
10:49 smayo @band add 'Good good boss man'
10:49 pinesol smayo: Band ''Good good boss man'' added to list
11:20 Dyrcona OK. Got it: {"-and" => {sms_notify => {"not" => undef}, sms_notify => {"!=" => ""}}} # It wasn't that hard after all. I confused "+" on a table with "-" on an operator.
11:20 Dyrcona Don't worry. I also did not spend the last hour on this.... :)
11:30 eeevil Dyrcona: the comparitor for "is not null" can be anything (that passes the "it looks like a comparitor and not an injection attempt" test) other than "=", and "is null" must be exactly "=" ... late for you this morning, I know, but for the logs: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku​.php?id=documentation:tutorials:jso​n_query#other_kinds_of_comparisons (A note immediately above that "Other Kinds" heading, and toward the end of that section as well.)
11:33 Dyrcona eeevil++ I refer to that document frequently. My problem was with the "and" moreso than the not null in the end.
11:35 Dyrcona left #evergreen
11:35 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
11:36 Dyrcona So, that's where Emacs can mess things up: Ctrl-w to cut, but Ctrl-w normally closes windows/tabs in other applications.... :)
11:37 * Dyrcona accidentally closed the tab instead of cutting text from the reply box....
11:38 Dyrcona Basically, I'm working on sending notices to MessageBee still and I'm trying to identify holds for patrons that want SMS notifications. We're discussing options internally, so I'm looking at what these options will mean.
11:39 Dyrcona Some here want changes to our screens because of how this process works.
11:44 mmorgan Dyrcona: Are you looking at patrons' preferences or the sms_notify fields in the holds?
11:46 Dyrcona mmorgan: The current process is brute force and I'm refining, so I'm looking at different ways to figure this out.
11:47 Dyrcona It's more complicated than it sounds because we're also contemplating some interface changes that could make this harder depending on what we decide.
11:47 * mmorgan nods
11:47 mmorgan Generally, everything is more complicated than it sounds :-(
11:50 Dyrcona Well, I suspect we may not make those changes after this meeting, but we'll see.
11:50 Dyrcona @decide raise goats or write code
11:50 pinesol Dyrcona: go with write code
11:50 Dyrcona Baah... :)
11:51 mmorgan :)
12:05 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:20 BDorsey joined #evergreen
12:34 bshum Bmagic: I don't think LP works so well with git integrations, which is why we stuck with bzr mirrors, which wasn't ideal, but all we had back then
12:43 Dyrcona It might work better, now, since most projects have switched to git.
12:45 bshum Yeah it looks like what I did is ancient tech, from rel_3_1 was the last time I setup a translation :D
12:45 * kmlussier waves to bshum
12:45 * bshum waves back to kmlussier ;)
12:46 bshum eyeing what's in LP translation setup
12:46 bshum it's still very bzr centered
12:47 Dyrcona Yes.
12:47 Dyrcona I think we should just move to POEditor.
12:54 bshum Probably a good plan to complete that move for all the templates
13:39 sleary joined #evergreen
13:43 Dyrcona So, we will use that logic I worked out earlier to exclude holds without sms_notify set. This will be interesting in the long run. It depends on what we can and cannot hide in the discovery layer.
14:11 Bmagic joined #evergreen
14:11 scottangel joined #evergreen
14:11 dluch joined #evergreen
14:18 Dyrcona I don't think that previous code does what I thought it did. Well, I know it doesn't after running it through data::dumper.
14:21 Dyrcona This is what's needed: {"-and" => [{sms_notify => {"-not" => undef}}, {sms_notify => {"!=" => ""}}]}
14:24 Dyrcona And people say Lisp is ugly.....
14:31 Dyrcona Yeah, that works with the ids added.
14:38 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
15:34 Dyrcona berick mmorgan Bmagic : https://github.com/CWMARSINC/ev​ergreen-xml-notices/tree/cwmars is what I've got so far for CW MARS. I'm going to test it for hold notifications this afternoon. We're not planning to use the two configured curbside notices, yet. I want to check if the code needs more modification for those.
15:35 mmorgan Dyrcona++
16:05 Bmagic claiming 1417
17:00 dguarrac_ joined #evergreen
17:13 pinesol News from commits: LP#2066981 Stamping upgrade 1417 <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=289da3​15bd3f09556a96df80fb645dd235aab4e5>
17:13 pinesol News from commits: LP#2066981: Queued Ingest vs reporter data <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=63e6b3​299867f2eaba2dfe3f6f24b8d2a35781f3>
17:20 mmorgan left #evergreen
18:10 kmlussier left #evergreen
20:02 dmoore joined #evergreen

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