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IRC log for #evergreen, 2024-04-30

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:35 stephengwills left #evergreen
03:04 dickreckard joined #evergreen
04:13 dickreckard joined #evergreen
07:17 collum joined #evergreen
07:33 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:17 dickreckard joined #evergreen
08:33 _collum joined #evergreen
08:40 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:06 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:08 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:11 stephengwills joined #evergreen
09:22 smayo joined #evergreen
09:56 Dyrcona Crazy. NCIPServer worked for me without applying the HTTP::Body::XForms patch on Ubuntu 22.04.
10:25 kmlussier joined #evergreen
10:29 Dyrcona Looks Lp is having email issues again.
10:30 collum joined #evergreen
10:39 dickreckard Bmagic: still looking into that keyword mistery.. so by truncating the keyword_field_entry table and re-ingesting a bib, I see the new rows being created..
10:39 dickreckard but still, in the opac search, no results by keyword
10:39 Bmagic that's interesting;
10:40 Bmagic ellusive thing isn't it. Try autogen.sh as the opensrf user and restart Apache
10:40 dickreckard so I am wondering if something got messed up in how the facet fields are setup
10:43 dickreckard do you know how one would search by keyword in the srfsh interface?
10:52 Dyrcona dickreckard: It's probably open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass. You'll need to look at the Perl code to see how it works, though.
11:00 berick you can also search via the staff catalog and see the full JSON of the API call in the activity log -- then just remove .staff from the API call
11:19 dickreckard ok something in the logs.. failed with exception: Exception: OpenSRF::EX::ERROR 2024-04-30T17:15:29 OpenILS::Application::AppUtils /usr/local/share/perl/5.36.0/Ope​nILS/Application/AppUtils.pm:202 System ERROR: Exception: OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException 2024-04-30T17:15:29 OpenSRF::AppRequest /usr/local/share/perl/5.36.0​/OpenSRF/AppSession.pm:1171 <500>   *** Call to
11:19 dickreckard [open-ils.storage.biblio.multiclas​s.staged.search_fts.staff.atomic] failed for session [1714490129.12382188876.283246714]
11:19 dickreckard so the search fails when by keyword that makes sense
11:23 dickreckard the erro thread trace goes to > Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.36.0/OpenILS/Appl​ication/Storage/Driver/Pg/QueryParser.pm line 1346.
11:23 Bmagic starting to sound like Evergreen isn't installed properly?
11:23 Bmagic or a custom patch is breaking it somewhere? Are you using vanilla Evergreen?
11:26 dickreckard mmm there is a custom patch but it should only relate with ldap authorization
11:26 mmorgan dickreckard: Did you make any indexing changes? Do your rows in keyword_field_entry look normal?
11:27 dickreckard mmorgan: just truncated the table so right now its the rows for only 1 bib.. they look 'normal' ( i mean they have their own weird vector syntax but doesnt look weirder than before )
11:28 * mmorgan nods. Weird vector syntax sounds normal :)
11:31 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
11:32 Bmagic dickreckard: I'd run through the build steps again, and restart the services stack
11:37 dickreckard ah yes with a fresh clean database the keyword search works. with the imported database doesn't
11:38 dickreckard so i guess it is somewhere in the database upgrade steps that something breaks but didnt get errors in the process..
11:45 dickreckard will try to repeat again the db update steps
11:45 dickreckard with more attention..
11:51 Stompro joined #evergreen
11:59 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:07 Bmagic I'm suggesting just the Evergreen bits, you can leave the DB alone. Or, since you mention it, does config.upgrade_log contain rows equal to the version of Evergreen that you think you've upgraded to?
12:17 dickreckard yes, the upgrade log arrives to 3.12.1..
12:18 dickreckard Bmagic: a new clean database works correctly with the current Evergreen bits. it seems to be the upgraded db that breaks the keyword search ( and probably other things then. )
12:18 Bmagic I see what you mean, carry on
12:26 smayo joined #evergreen
12:49 Dyrcona I have test/dev servers where features sometimes don't work. I've got one where the acq. interface completely fails. Search has been a problem in the past. A full ingest sometimes helps.
12:49 Dyrcona dickreckard ^^
12:57 Dyrcona We usually blame these issues on the test environment being slower than production.
14:05 sleary joined #evergreen
14:54 Dyrcona oops. accidentally pushed a working branch to NCIPServer origin, and gitolite won't let me delete it. I should probably check/update the configuration to prevent pushing working branches in that repo. There's only 3 of us that use it, anyway....
15:09 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
15:13 dickreckard Bmagic Dyrcona: in the end I re-executed all the sql upgrade scripts from scratch and ended up with a working setup! \o/ so it was something that went wrong with the previous upgrade... thanks again for thinking along! :)
15:13 Bmagic dickreckard++
15:25 Dyrcona Cool!
15:25 Dyrcona also, I thought I was on the list to get NCIPServer commit emails, but I guess not.... Is there even such a list? /me checks.
15:29 Dyrcona OK. There is no such list.
15:47 Bmagic :)
15:50 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:52 Dyrcona NCIPServer got some bug fixes and new features today. Stompro++
15:58 Stompro Huzza.... we just went live with Reshare today also.
15:59 Bmagic Stompro++ # suuuweet!
16:00 Stompro But I just found a possible bug in the lookupuser password auth stuff.... looks like it is sending in the barcode as the username argument for open-ils.auth.login
16:01 Stompro Users with usernames set to something other than their barcode cannot login.
16:01 Stompro https://gitlab.com/LARL/ncipserver/-/commit/2​37de8c96d33dfd5eaf2d88bca02e6ee72973aad#078d4​0ab367e08e872e32708828b718be4287eb6_2788_2863
16:02 Dyrcona I'd go with identifier and let Evergreen figure it out.
16:04 Dyrcona Of course, even with local regexes there are usernames that won't work sometimes. We've had barcodes trip that up because our regex looks for 'D[0-9]{9}' and some have 'd' in the barcode. :)
16:06 Dyrcona I guess a username that's 14 digits will cause us problems.... I've recently come out against letting patrons chose their own usernames in light of these issues and other bugs.
16:07 Dyrcona I've been outvoted, so I go along with it.
16:08 Dyrcona Stompro: Do you want to update the code or should I?
16:09 Stompro Feel free, I'll hopefully be able to test it out tomorrow afternoon.  I don't get why usernames don't actually work either, that might be a different bug.
16:10 Dyrcona Well my barcode == username, and breaks the rules. I should have tested with a regular patron, and in light of this, I will test it again.
16:11 Dyrcona I think I know the account to test with. One of those with the lowercase d in the barcode. They also have a different username.
16:13 Dyrcona Hm.. the lowercase d password is inactive in my test database and the uppercase D one is active. I guess that's even better. :)
16:17 Dyrcona Also, the code was implemented to only expect barcodes, but....
16:21 Stompro do you mean the "<AuthenticationInputType>barc​ode</AuthenticationInputType>" part?
16:22 Stompro I noticed that also, but I don't remember what the other options in the standard were there off the top of my head.
16:22 Dyrcona Nope. I mean the whole initial implementation was implemented to expect barcodes and not usernames. I think I know the issue with usernames. I'll look into it after this.
16:22 Dyrcona I don't think the "standard" says anything about anything but barcodes.
16:22 Dyrcona I'd have to look again.
16:23 Stompro Thanks for taking a look. Dyrcona++
16:24 Dyrcona So, when I use this patron's username, they aren't found. That's because we search for users by barcode and not username. I think we could bug on that Lp and come up with an implementation that searches username, too.
16:26 Dyrcona I use the barcode and I can find them and they authenticate correctly using either barcode or identifier, provided I give the correct password.
16:27 Dyrcona I'll switch it to identifer and push a follow up commit to main, then open a Lp bug for looking up users by username.
16:30 Dyrcona huh. Guess I haven't committed that yet.
16:31 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:31 Dyrcona Oh, right! I had questions about a few things....
16:31 Dyrcona Been a longish day.
16:51 Bmagic Dyrcona++
17:04 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:15 sleary joined #evergreen
17:36 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:30 stephengwills left #evergreen
18:46 kmlussier left #evergreen

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