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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-10-24

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:19 sandbergja joined #evergreen
07:27 redavis joined #evergreen
07:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
07:52 sandbergja claiming 1381
08:02 dguarrac joined #evergreen
08:02 sleary joined #evergreen
08:03 pinesol News from commits: LP2019974: release note <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=56773f​b03e07e6a94ff03aeaff1a3a94cbf7303b>
08:03 pinesol News from commits: LP2019974: Stamp upgrade script for open non-cat db view <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=966718​a4dd61513fd2385609b470778ab235c60c>
08:03 pinesol News from commits: LP2019974 Open Non-Cataloged Circs View <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3ddfc5​f2f40406d29b11994a513893388fc3b787>
08:06 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:30 sleary joined #evergreen
08:38 mmorgan joined #evergreen
08:46 abowling joined #evergreen
08:49 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
08:53 terranm joined #evergreen
09:04 csharp_ @band add The VPN
09:04 pinesol csharp_: Band 'The VPN' added to list
09:12 kmlussier joined #evergreen
09:12 mantis1 joined #evergreen
09:16 kmlussier Good morning hack-a-wayers and other evergreeners!
09:16 kmlussier @coffee [someone]
09:16 * pinesol brews and pours a cup of Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Koke Espresso, and sends it sliding down the bar to jeffdavis
09:16 kmlussier @tea [someone]
09:16 * pinesol brews and pours a pot of Magic Summer Organic Tea, and sends it sliding down the bar to ejk (http://ratetea.com/tea/organic-herb​ie/magic-summer-organic-tea/9533/)
09:18 Rogan joined #evergreen
09:19 Rogan achievement unlocked - first dramatic coffee spill of the Hack-a-way goes to abneiman
09:23 csharp_ @who will join [someone] to see [band] with [someone]?
09:23 pinesol degraafk will join ejk to see Lipstick and Hate with bshum.
09:24 csharp_ @who will join [someone] to see [band] with [someone]?
09:24 pinesol jweston will join jeffdavis to see Information Overload with mantis1.
09:28 mantis1 lol I'm actually seeing Bad Religion on Friday
09:29 berick mantis1: nice
09:30 berick @who saw [band] open for [band]?
09:30 pinesol dguarrac saw Nerf Arms Dealer open for Vaguely Quabbin.
09:31 berick Dyrcona++ # first rust patch woo
09:31 sleary we're going to do the accessibility talk at 10am Eastern, for our Zoom folks
09:32 abneiman lol Rogan - I'd only give that a 5 out of 10 on the drama front. No fabric surfaces were harmed.
09:33 pinesol News from commits: Docs: correction to Hold Groups permission <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=23967b​9c98f1c9eba634b182086f1af7d4871401>
09:33 berick you earned the Protected the Fabric trophy
09:43 redavis Hey all y'all.  If you happen to want to log into the zoom meeting for the hackaway topics, the agenda has been updated. Stephanie is up this morning, and Ruth and Bill are up this afternoon. https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php​?id=hack-a-way:hack-a-way-2023#tuesday
09:44 redavis (and apparently I'm gonna refer to myself in the third person today)
09:52 Rogan abneiman - the spread was impressive though, the Swedish and German judges gave you a 7 but the Russian judge only a 2
09:52 eeevil redavis: I'll kick it up a notch with the majestic plural, and say that We plan to join and thank Ruth for the link.
09:54 redavis Noice
09:54 * redavis laughs
09:57 eeevil (I wish we (the community, not eeevil's overinflated ego) were using a video conf thing that required less than 5 concurrent windows and didn't constantly steal focus... but! thank you to whoever donated the use of it)
09:59 eeevil is the robotic gimbal making an appearance? the camera seems to be swiveling this way and that
10:03 pinesol News from commits: Docs: updates to Hold Groups docs and this time I mean it <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=123fcc​a3fc11c2a327d40a3fac91fa5e149c2dbe>
10:04 sleary https://accessibility.deque.com/hubfs/​Holistic-View-Canada-Digital-Accessibi​lity-Laws-Webinar-20231012-final.pdf
10:05 tlittle joined #evergreen
10:41 eeevil sleary++
10:52 briank joined #evergreen
10:55 redavis eeevil, there is a robotic gimbal making an appearance.  It's not very smart yet though
10:55 redavis It wants to stick to a face when a face gets close enough but then it freaks out when it loses a face.
10:56 redavis I haven't downloaded the equipment software yet to make it smarter.  It doesn't have a name yet either.
11:02 eeevil redavis: the lack of a name really seems like the biggest issue here, tbh
11:04 redavis It is.  It can't begin to form a sense of identity.
11:06 Rogan Abomination Achievement Unlocked - Decaf Coffee
11:06 redavis Rogan++
11:12 jeff two hard things.
11:12 jeff (naming things, cache invalidation, off-by-one errors)
11:12 berick zing
11:12 jeff and of course, the requisite: "there's two hard problems in computer science: we only have one joke and it's not funny."
11:14 jeff https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html if you're one of today's lucky 10,000
11:23 jeff That fun Zoom UI quirk/limbo where you haven’t been admitted to the meeting yet, and it’s unclear if your audio will be on when you join or not.
11:27 redavis lol, it's okay.  We don't have speakers enabled because there are so many microphones in the room, and none are smart enough to just "do the thing correctly."
11:32 abneiman shameless hackaway plug for two features that are PR'd and one signed off:
11:32 abneiman https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1993824
11:32 abneiman https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1991294
11:32 abneiman https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1855781
11:32 pinesol Launchpad bug 1993824 in Evergreen "wishlist: Angular Link Checker Interface" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
11:32 pinesol Launchpad bug 1991294 in Evergreen "Wishlist: Added Content Tab in Angular Catalog" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
11:32 pinesol Launchpad bug 1855781 in Evergreen "Angular: Local Admin Circulation Policy Port" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
11:48 Dyrcona Obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/2347/
11:49 redavis ++
11:50 Stompro joined #evergreen
11:56 csharp_ @band add CSharp's Judgment
11:56 pinesol csharp_: Band 'CSharp's Judgment' added to list
12:00 Bmagic jeff: eeevil: gmcharlt: mantis1: we miss you!
12:09 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:31 kmlussier left #evergreen
12:53 Rogan joined #evergreen
12:56 sandbergja joined #evergreen
13:00 abneiman eeevil: sandbergja: (and other interested parties) we're going to a google meet due to a conflict with the Zoom room, stand by for creds
13:00 abneiman jeff mantis1 ^^
13:01 sandbergja abneiman++ # thanks
13:01 abneiman wiki is updated: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php​?id=hack-a-way:hack-a-way-2023#tuesday
13:01 abneiman redavis++ # actually did the work :)
13:02 sandbergja redavis++
13:06 eeevil thanks! redavis++
13:07 sleary joined #evergreen
13:07 redavis Strategic Plan discussion at 1:15
13:13 sandbergja somewhat related to the release/board support discussion, I noticed that archivesspace is hiring a technical lead to coordinate development: https://jobs.code4lib.org/jobs/58​899-archivesspace-technical-lead
13:38 JBoyer claiming 1382 for Stacks
13:54 jeff thanks for the updated links. had a 13:00 local meeting here.
14:01 redavis_reloaded joined #evergreen
14:01 redavis_reloaded https://meet.google.com/wtq-hjfe-dmk
14:05 abneiman https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/​doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:dig
14:05 abneiman https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nPD0_bl​C51wVcYJsdQqGYFoRrlcGmbmqbZlrlosaHgE/edit#gid=0
14:05 abneiman DIG lists as mentioned in hackaway convo ^^
14:06 pinesol News from commits: LP2023314: Stamp Upgrade Script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=43042d​2b1fbb192dd9a6d8bacae8f6c81500e0f6>
14:06 pinesol News from commits: LP2023314: Allow Some Edits to Copy Location 1, as a Treat <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=182ce2​919d91712a908d7f1df296165225832da1>
14:06 tlittle joined #evergreen
14:26 terranm joined #evergreen
14:40 abneiman https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=work​ing/Evergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=0c3d​86102bad49db7fee0541a0399e3b6dcbe3fb
14:40 abneiman this is what sandbergja referenced in the google meet ^^ with her comment "Do we still want this commit in 3.12?"
14:53 eeevil I liked having stereo-Ruth for a moment there, that was fun. :)
14:53 redavis Eeeewwwwwww
14:54 jeff much appreciation to everyone for the remote accommodations.
14:54 eeevil yes, what jeff said!
14:54 redavis Thanks to jeff, eeevil, sandbergja and Stompro for joining in.
14:55 jeff it's nowhere near the same as being able to hang with you all in person, of course.
14:55 eeevil as my 15yo says, "mmmm, it's suboptimal" (I'm doing /something/ right)
14:56 redavis lol
15:10 tlittle joined #evergreen
15:12 redavis We're going to cancel the online stuff for tomorrow's portion of the hackaway since several people are going to be leaving throughout the day.  Just as a heads up.
15:21 berick Dyrcona: https://github.com/berick/Evergreen/blob/user/b​erick/lp2017941-opensrf-on-redis-v3/docs/RELEAS​E_NOTES_NEXT/Administration/redis-upgrade.adoc
15:22 mmorgan If anyone wants to review and push my patch for bug 2002693 signed off by jeffdavis, that would be appreciated!
15:22 pinesol Launchpad bug 2002693 in Evergreen "Logging out on a page with a pcrud call floods browser with errors" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2002693
15:32 Stompro gmcharlt++ thanks for the troubleshooting suggestions.
15:35 sleary joined #evergreen
15:51 dluch Did y'all take down the docs site? Getting a 404
15:53 berick @band add Four Pound Pie
15:53 pinesol berick: Band 'Four Pound Pie' added to list
15:53 abneiman dluch: things are happening!
15:54 abneiman dluch: go here and hard-refesh: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/
15:54 abneiman old-docs are getting a new home
15:54 Rogan joined #evergreen
15:54 Rogan new band name - 4#π
15:55 berick heh.  hard to hashtag
15:56 jihpringle joined #evergreen
15:56 dluch Aha! That'll do it
15:56 dluch Lol. I just did a training and they're all trying to access the docs. I'll pass on the hard refresh info!
16:08 Bmagic anyone want to double check me? 2040313
16:13 csharp_ berick: https://pastebin.com/bWFvXUh1
16:16 Stompro gmcharlt++
16:21 berick Dyrcona: user/berick/lp2017941-opensrf-on-redis-v3
16:21 csharp_ @decide working or wroking
16:21 pinesol csharp_: That's a tough one...
16:21 csharp_ pinesol: are you ready to WROK?
16:21 pinesol csharp_: Have you run autogen.sh?
16:22 csharp_ pinesol: yes
16:22 pinesol csharp_: We're going to need a bigger boat.
16:23 csharp_ pinesol: we were talking about JAWS earlier
16:23 pinesol csharp_: Sorry, that command is only available to Evergreen Premium™ Subscribers. Please upgrade your subscription ASAP!
16:23 sleary joined #evergreen
16:28 Dyrcona berick: working/collab/dyrcona/lp2​017941-opensrf-on-redis-v3
16:33 Bmagic abneiman: I posted those errors on the original antora bug for your review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1848524
16:33 pinesol Launchpad bug 1848524 in Evergreen "wishlist: Antora-ize docs " [Wishlist,Fix released]
16:33 berick Dyrcona++
16:36 pinesol News from commits: Docs:removing that old Acq link on the main page <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1499e5​285ec6c06ca8657a1d3f5fa7ffc2d0eddd>
16:36 pinesol News from commits: LP#2040313 Bringing the old documentation into a docs page <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=3ef92f​a152267731c1426a8b9110ae9a0fecc32a>
16:36 pinesol News from commits: LP#2040313 Bringing the old documentation into a docs page <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=b7820c​287b2b43a5fb5a1526a11ed680bdee1896>
16:47 sandbergja joined #evergreen
16:50 abowling joined #evergreen
17:07 sleary_ joined #evergreen
17:17 berick sleary_: working/user/berick/lpxxx-​marc-edit-rec-type-change
17:23 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:26 sleary joined #evergreen
17:30 sleary berick: I think https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2015163 is the bug filed on that issue (although it manifests in several ways). Seems to work with the tag table check commented out! We'll test it some more.
17:30 pinesol Launchpad bug 2015163 in Evergreen "Fixed Fields Grid in Enhanced MARC Editor Not Updated on Save" [Undecided,Confirmed]
17:51 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:26 sandbergja joined #evergreen
18:26 sandbergja claiming 1383
18:29 jihpringle joined #evergreen
18:36 pinesol News from commits: LP 1904737: stamping upgrade script <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9d8fd6​1b922aee680fcee69dfc528af7d51deeab>
18:36 pinesol News from commits: LP 1904737: Expand copy statuses for the pull list <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=ed161b​b9d9dbbe5bd7543fcc06d6069aba288bec>
19:07 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:30 jihpringle joined #evergreen
21:40 eglogbot joined #evergreen
21:40 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to #evergreen (https://evergreen-ils.org). This channel is publicly logged. Logs for today: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/today

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