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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-06-28

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
06:04 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:10 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
07:31 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:51 collum joined #evergreen
08:11 rfrasur joined #evergreen
08:41 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:03 mantis joined #evergreen
09:04 mantis left #evergreen
09:04 mantis joined #evergreen
09:21 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:22 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:55 sleary joined #evergreen
10:07 Dyrcona snapd-- snaps--
10:08 berick heh was just reading about those yesterday doing some ubuntu upgrades
10:09 Dyrcona Well, I have hit a number of bugs on Ubuntu desktop with snaps and removable media.
10:10 Dyrcona Most of them permissions issues, and some supposedly easy to fix but not fixed yet.
10:11 Dyrcona Bug 1966203 prompted my plaint this morning.
10:11 pinesol Launchpad bug 1966203 in snapd "Syslog shows "systemd-udevd[2837]: nvme0n1: Process ... failed with exit code 1." in Ubuntu 22.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1966203 - Assigned to Alberto Mardegan (mardy)
10:12 Dyrcona I'm seeing it when trying to "Safely Remove" a 5TB NTFS drive plugged in via USB.
10:13 Dyrcona I find it interesting who gets the blame for the breaking change. :)
10:18 Dyrcona Containers are overrated.
10:33 jeffdavis Snap is symptomatic of everything wrong with modern software development, and also those kids need to get off my lawn.
10:38 berick jeffdavis: ah but they aren't on your lawn, they're in a container on your lawn.
10:39 jeffdavis :)
10:39 berick to be fair though..
10:39 berick @love containers
10:40 pinesol berick: The operation succeeded.  berick loves containers.
10:40 berick no comment on snaps -- more to be learned there
10:47 JBoyer Anytime I see containers as part of the documented workflow of a software project this goes through my mind:
10:47 JBoyer "Is it hard to install or build software?" https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/​000/043/701/Just_Walk_Out__You_Can_Leave.jpg
10:49 JBoyer I love the notion of something like LXC and using containers as super-light VMs, but popping up a whole fistful of docker / kubernetes / etc. containers to do what should be simple things? Thanks, but no.
11:12 berick @band add A Fistful of Dockers
11:12 pinesol berick: Band 'A Fistful of Dockers' added to list
11:13 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
11:17 Christineb joined #evergreen
12:11 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
12:19 mmorgan1 joined #evergreen
12:34 collum joined #evergreen
12:53 jonadab joined #evergreen
13:07 collum joined #evergreen
13:24 * Dyrcona sings along with Andy Partridge and Collin Moulding: "Ballet for a Rainy Day."
13:25 Dyrcona Which segues to "1000 Umbrellas."
13:26 Dyrcona berick: I got this when running osrf_control with the redis branch: [auth] WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair,  at /usr/share/perl5/Redis.pm line 311.
13:26 Dyrcona It was unexpected, so I must have done something that messed with passwords somehow?
13:33 sleary joined #evergreen
13:39 berick Dyrcona: you have to reset the accounts any time you restart Redis (or the server/vm)
13:39 berick we can handle that differently, but so far i've just been running --reset-message-bus any time I restart services
13:42 collum joined #evergreen
13:52 Dyrcona berick: Thanks I wasn't aware of that.
13:53 berick yeah, i need to document that one
14:01 collum joined #evergreen
15:08 tlittle joined #evergreen
15:10 mantis left #evergreen
15:11 tlittle Can someone explain the logic of asset.copy_part_map to me? Why do we have that table instead of just having a column on asset.copy that links to biblio.monograph_part?
15:16 * mmorgan listens, inquiring minds want to know!
15:21 Dyrcona The commit message is not very helpful: bcd6f20b9a5
15:22 jeff tlittle: because at least at the database level, one copy can be assigned to more than one part.
15:24 mmorgan I was noticing that, but I don't think it makes sense that an item would ever be mapped to more than one part.
15:24 jeff I don't know without doing a lot more digging if that's something that's fully realized throughout the rest of the code and UI, or if it was something that was designed to leave room for future enhancement, or if it started one way and then changed.
15:25 tlittle ^ what mmorgan said
15:25 tlittle Also, can you even give a copy more than one part in the UI? I don't think so, but I've also never tried
15:26 Dyrcona I was just looking in a copy of CW MARS data, and we have a few copies mapped to more than 1 part.
15:27 tlittle What's the use case for that / how are they being used?
15:27 Dyrcona Looks like we have 3 copies mapped to 2 parts each. I didn't check if any are deleted.
15:28 * Dyrcona has no idea. I don't use the software.
15:28 mmorgan On the other hand, I recall some discussion at some point of that. One library separates a 4 disc set into 2 parts, another separates it into 4 parts. Theoretically, if a patron wants disc one, it could be included in 2 possible "parts"
15:29 tlittle True
15:29 mmorgan Maybe it was to leave room for future enhancement.
15:31 Dyrcona In general, though, when a separate table is used, it is to allow a one to many or many to many mapping.
15:32 tlittle Yeah, that makes sense. I just wasn't seeing the use case for mapping many parts to one copy, but I can see mmorgan's point
15:33 mmorgan I haven't read through it all, but here's an early discussion: https://georgialibraries.markmail.or​g/search/?q=parts#query:parts+page:1​+mid:qd2t7jqbi6hajqgm+state:results
15:36 JBoyer I suspect all current multi-part items were transferred from one record to another at some point given that it isn't possible to assign more than 1 part (at least on purpose) via the UI. Any discussion about alternative uses or intents seems to have never amounted to anything concrete.
15:36 mmorgan tlittle: What do you find problematic about the copy_part_map table? Just added complexity?
15:36 Dyrcona I just checked the delete flags on the copies and parts: 1 copy is deleted and the two parts are not, 1 copy is deleted and its two parts are also deleted, the last copy is not deleted and neither are the parts. I suppose I could look up the full part information to see if that helps.
15:38 tlittle mmorgan Kinda,yeah. Like no need to make a join if you don't have to. I'm trying to create a query to look for bibs that have monograph parts created, but there is a copy on that bib that doesn't have a part assigned. And I'm sure I'll get there eventually, but I anticipated part to be on acp and it wasn't so that threw me
15:38 JBoyer Oh, forgot about deleted interactions. I know I've at least once scripted scheduled removal of deleted parts from copies for some reason.
15:38 Dyrcona Nifty! The parts have the same label and are on different. I suspect JBoyer may be on to something.
15:39 Dyrcona ^^are on different bib records.
15:40 Dyrcona And one of the bibs is deleted, so there you go. Looks like it isn't intended to be used that way.
15:42 Dyrcona tlittle: It is common for a bib to have copies with parts and some without. I won't argue if it is a good idea or not, but it happens, and sometimes it is on purpose.
15:43 mmorgan I found seven items in our db that are linked to two parts. All but one of those items are deleted. For the one item that isn't deleted neither linked part is deleted, but in the client, I see no indication that it's linked to more than one.
15:43 Dyrcona mmorgan: Is one of the bibs deleted, like in my case?
15:44 Dyrcona I suspect there's a bug in merging bibs. There is/or was also likely a bug in deleting copies that doesn't get part maps.
15:45 tlittle As far as I understand it, if some items have parts and some don't, the ones that don't aren't considered for holds unless the patron chooses Any/All Part. Is that not correct?
15:45 Dyrcona This little convo could have uncovered up to 3 bugs.
15:45 mmorgan Dyrcona: Neither bib appears to be deleted.
15:46 Dyrcona mmorgan: Ok, there might be 4 bugs here. :)
15:46 mmorgan tlittle: That is correct.
15:46 mmorgan Ok! May as well get exponential!
15:47 tlittle mmorgan Ok good, that's the assumption I was working under! So then yeah, I want to try to find bibs that have some copies with parts and some copies that don't have them, so we can send it to the libs to add their parts
15:47 Dyrcona If the copy is not on a call number/volume linked to the bib, then it might not show up in the client when looking at parts.
15:49 * mmorgan adds a few joins to a query on that item...
15:58 mmorgan Dyrcona: That item is mapped to a part on a different record from it's call number :-/
16:00 Dyrcona So, you consider the schema to be a bug, then we're up to 6 bugs. :)
16:00 tlittle Woohoo!
16:08 mmorgan tlittle: that query sounds like a challenge, especially this late in the afternoon :)
16:09 tlittle It was probably not the wisest 4pm challenge I could have undertaken :D
16:14 rfrasur I just read through the whole parts discussion and am now purposefully going to forget all of it.  Especially the six bugs part.
16:18 Dyrcona :) Most of them are small, like copy delete not deleting part map, and some may have been fixed.
16:28 rfrasur Yeah.  I just happen to have a spreadsheet open with 80k items requiring parts
17:05 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:29 sleary joined #evergreen
18:43 scottangel joined #evergreen
22:27 sleary joined #evergreen

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