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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-06-21

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:27 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:38 scottangel joined #evergreen
07:40 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
08:33 sleary joined #evergreen
09:05 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:18 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
09:27 Dyrcona Does anyone have a handy query to find grouped events?
09:32 Dyrcona We have events that sometimes get stuck, usually it is our mark lost trigger, but occasionally we have a grouped event that gets "stuck." I'm trying to come up with with something that we can run to fix these events and run them again. I want to write something that anyone on our staff can run, i.e. someone who doesn't know about grouped events, etc.
09:32 Dyrcona I've so far been fixing them by hand when they turn up.
09:40 * Dyrcona figures writing something in Perl to gather the events via JSON query, then updating the events to pending, and running event fire or grouped event fire as appropriate. Coming up with a generic query to find stuck grouped events will be tricky, since the underlying fields for grouping vary by event.
09:41 rhamby I was thinking about doing that the other day while troubleshooting some notices but so far I haven't quite hit the point of writing something reusable for it
09:46 Dyrcona I'm leaning toward multiple queries: 1 to find the "stuck" events and 1 or 2 others to find the individual and grouped events. The latter may have to run multiple times for each group. I'm not sure, yet.
09:46 ACSpike For anyone who is curious, the error message I pasted yesterday is what you get when you supply the wrong number of fields for the au class.
09:47 Dyrcona ACSpike: I suspected something like that. It could be that your field mapper is out of sync, but since you're working in PHP, I had no idea what your client side looks like.
09:47 ACSpike I'm the field mapper.
09:48 Dyrcona :)
09:49 Dyrcona If you want something reusable, I recommend figuring out a way to map fields in code. Doing it by hand is risky over the long term.
09:50 mantis joined #evergreen
09:51 Dyrcona ACSpike: There was an attempt to make an OpenSRF library in PHP some years ago as part of Google Summer of Code: https://github.com/pranjal710/osrf
09:52 Dyrcona It has a Fieldmapper.php module that you might be able to crib to get started in that direction.
09:59 sleary joined #evergreen
10:07 Dyrcona rhamby: One of the problems with developing something to fix stuck events is mimicking the stuck event data in a test database.
10:08 rhamby yep
10:12 Dyrcona Also, I wish I still had the query from the last time that I fixed grouped events. I don't remember what I ran to get the grouped event ids to fire them again, and recreating it a couple of months later is not so easy.
10:13 Dyrcona I suspect that I had to dig into the hook and a few other things.
10:29 collum joined #evergreen
10:44 ACSpike Dyrcona: Thanks for the pointer
11:05 Dyrcona ACSpike: If you do use any of that, be sure to credit Pranjal for the initial work.
11:41 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:47 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:31 Dyrcona I'm getting a warning on Pg 15 when creating a new concerto database today. I'll keep looking and open a Lp bug later.
12:34 Dyrcona Happens on Pg 10 also.
12:37 Dyrcona Happens when loading the base schema, not just with --load-all-sample.
12:44 Dyrcona Happens in rel_3_11 and not rel_3_10, so something relatively new. I'll try git bisect to find it.
12:45 * Dyrcona needs to practice git bisect anyway.
13:04 Dyrcona I'll have to finish it later.
13:22 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
13:30 rfrasur joined #evergreen
13:47 jeff joined #evergreen
14:03 ACSpike Dyrcona: of course!
14:52 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
14:56 terranm joined #evergreen
14:56 terranm New Devs meeting in 4 minutes... https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.p​hp?id=newdevs:meetings:agenda-2023-06
14:58 sleary joined #evergreen
15:11 Dyrcona Queued ingest is responsible: a52ea2edb5f6308f31a28fdd6d4a46bacae9a94d is the first bad commit
15:17 JBoyer Dyrcona, yeah, the uncatalogged record needs to have more stuff added, it’s harmless but noise. I hadn’t looked into it enough to know what it needs. I’m guessing it won’t need much.
15:17 JBoyer Leader, maybe a control field or two and that should stop it squawking.
15:24 Dyrcona JBoyer: I opened Lp 2024614.
15:24 pinesol Launchpad bug 2024614 in Evergreen "Warning when creating database schema" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2024614
15:24 bgillap_ Hey, I want to look at beautiful opacs.  Got any favourites?
15:24 JBoyer Dyrcona++
15:38 jeffdavis bgillap_: for Evergreen libraries I like https://www.niagaraevergreen.ca/eg/opac/home
16:09 mantis left #evergreen
16:18 jvwoolf left #evergreen
16:41 jihpringle joined #evergreen
22:18 sleary joined #evergreen

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