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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-06-20

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
07:45 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
07:57 collum joined #evergreen
08:01 BDorsey joined #evergreen
08:59 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
09:11 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:33 sleary joined #evergreen
10:01 Dyrcona Wow! The pull list still works. I guess I got the filter syntax correct. :)
10:26 mantis1 joined #evergreen
10:26 mantis1 Happy Tuesday
10:28 Dyrcona Well, it is a happy Tuesday.
10:28 * Dyrcona just found a bug in workstation registration.
10:29 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:29 eeevil Dyrcona: thought, re pull list query construction: one could grab the list of is_available statuses and pass them as literals to the main query. I haven't timed that, but it's less work at query time so should be at least as fast
10:33 Dyrcona eeevil: One could do that in some places, but in others it is impractical. You should time the queries in my bundle with some real data. I get a speed up with the new index even using the old queries with hard coded stats if you add deleted is false on asset.copy.
10:34 Dyrcona I'd like someone to try them and compare. It might just be something in my configuration.
10:35 eeevil LP finally sent the last byte of the zip file, so I'll see about carving out some time after lunch
10:35 Dyrcona hmm... Can't seem to get a screenshot with a drop down open in Chrome.
10:36 Dyrcona eeevil: Cool. I was doing `time psql .....` so it's crude. I should redo them with the postgresql timing code.
10:38 Dyrcona Ah ha! Got it, but I had to take the whole screen.
10:58 Dyrcona hmmm... I don't think I want to share these screen shots. I'll have to crontrive the situation later and get new screenshots.
11:02 Dyrcona It's not likely to happen in production, either.
11:11 Dyrcona It's also fixable by editing the eg.workstation.all local storage value, or deleting the key.
11:12 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
11:14 Dyrcona Hmm... I wonder if this is our custom colors or a default thing, but I can't read the popups on the pull list. The contrast of the blue on black is too low for my aging eyes.
11:19 Dyrcona It must be Tuesday. :)
11:20 Dyrcona ...and this must be Belgium.
11:40 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:01 sleary Drycona there was a recent bug about the color of links in tooltips... LP 2011056
12:01 pinesol Launchpad bug 2011056 in Evergreen "Bad contrast in barcode popup" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2011056
12:06 tsadok joined #evergreen
12:20 Dyrcona sleary++ That's my issue. I'll see if that applies to 3.10 and back port it.
12:32 Dyrcona Works for me.
12:34 collum joined #evergreen
12:36 sleary Dyrcona++ There were a lot of fiddly color changes in 3.10 and 3.11, but that one should be universal.
12:37 dmoore joined #evergreen
12:37 Dyrcona sleary: Yeahp. I had to do a minor conflict resolution, but it looked obvious.
12:39 Dyrcona The text went from illegible blue on black to white on black, so that's good enough for me. :)
12:41 collum joined #evergreen
12:41 sleary I'm going to have to come back to popups at some point... there's no point in having links in popups with hover triggers, because by the time you reach for the link, you're no longer hovering over the trigger element in most cases. Also there's no way to reach that info by keyboard. But resolving that in a way that doesn't anger people who love hover popups is going to be tricky.
12:44 Dyrcona I noticed that I couldn't click on the links in the popups.
12:45 sleary Yeah. You can't copy/paste either. I've been working on removing popups altogether wherever possible.
12:47 Dyrcona I'd say barcodes don't need them, but I was trying to see the rest of a title when I noticed the poor contrast.
12:48 Dyrcona It would be nice if there was an easy way to tell if a filed is truncated and have them work on truncated fields.
12:54 jvwoolf joined #evergreen
14:07 jonadab joined #evergreen
14:17 mantis2 joined #evergreen
14:19 tsadok_ joined #evergreen
14:19 csharp__ joined #evergreen
14:20 jmurray_isl joined #evergreen
14:51 mantis2 left #evergreen
15:16 sleary joined #evergreen
15:19 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
15:20 bgillap_ Did "working locations" in the user permission editor move some where else by chance in recent versions?
15:20 csharp_ joined #evergreen
15:20 bgillap_ I can see "working locations" but I lost checkboxes on the permissions screen.
15:21 csharp_ bgillap_: it should show working locations you're able to assign to a user
15:22 bgillap_ alright, I'll make a ticket I guess.
15:33 jihpringle joined #evergreen
16:38 ACSpike joined #evergreen
16:42 ACSpike I'm having a little API puzzle. I wrote some code to create patrons in python and used it successfully. I'm attempting to port that code to PHP and getting a 500 error from the server.
16:42 ACSpike osrfMethodException :  *** Call to [open-ils.actor.patron.update] failed for session [1687291109.571197.168729110918689], thread trace [1]:
16:42 ACSpike Can't call method "id" on an undefined value at /opt/sequoia/apps/sequoia-perl5lib/li​b/perl5/OpenILS/Application/Actor.pm line 758.
16:53 Dyrcona ACSpike: That is a non-standard location for the Evergreen Perl libs. You might want to contact your support/hosting vendor.
16:54 ACSpike Dyrcona: got it! thanks!
19:34 dluch joined #evergreen
19:39 Bmagic joined #evergreen

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