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IRC log for #evergreen, 2023-03-01

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
02:36 tsadok joined #evergreen
07:53 BDorsey joined #evergreen
07:58 stompro_home joined #evergreen
08:00 akilsdonk joined #evergreen
08:00 jeff joined #evergreen
08:01 collum joined #evergreen
08:37 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:06 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:14 kworstell-isl joined #evergreen
09:22 stompro_home joined #evergreen
09:34 Dyrcona stompro_home: I like your changes for NCIPServer. I made a request for small changes to the organization in Git.
09:35 Dyrcona stompro_home: The new settings look useful, too.
09:42 mantis1 joined #evergreen
09:47 collum joined #evergreen
09:49 stompro_home Dyrcona, thanks for looking at it and the feedback.
09:51 Bmagic what would be the underlying issue on an Evergreen server when you see that Evergreen is attempting to insert rows into the database with "DEFAULT" for most of the columns?
09:51 Bmagic INSERT INTO action.survey (description,end_date,id,name,opac,owne​r,poll,required,start_date,usr_summary) VALUES (DEFAULT,'2023-03-02T13:57:00.000Z',DEFAULT,DEFAUL​T,'f',102,'f','f','2023-03-04T13:57:00.000Z','f');
09:52 Bmagic It's our bugsquashing machine. I'm going to setup another machine minus the patches just to make sure it's not those
09:55 berick Bmagic: pretty sure that's a normal thing
09:55 Bmagic PG is throwing an error:  ERROR:  null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
09:56 berick where some initial values are unset
09:56 berick oh well that specifically needs to be fixed
09:56 berick an object is getting to cstore/pcrud with a missing required value
09:56 Bmagic I would have thought it was a problem with one of the patches, but it's the same for several tables.. Makes me think the fm_IDL file isn't matching the schema
09:56 Dyrcona Bmagic: Is the IDL up to date?
09:57 Dyrcona heh
09:57 berick oh could be patch-related
09:57 Bmagic if it's the fm_IDL, then it's one of the patches
09:57 Bmagic I think I have to start without patches, then add one patch at a time until it breaks
09:58 Dyrcona The two aren't necessarily related. It could be the IDL without it being a patch issue. It could be a patch broke the IDL, etc.
09:58 Bmagic that's what I'm thinking
09:58 Dyrcona I'd start with autogen.sh and restart all services and apache2
09:59 Bmagic I think I did tha talready, but I'll do it again right now and make sure
10:00 Bmagic fail
10:00 Bmagic tried to add an org unit
10:00 Bmagic ERROR:  null value in column "shortname" violates not-null constraint
10:01 Bmagic INSERT INTO actor.org_unit (billing_address,holds_address,id,ill_address,​mailing_address,name,ou_type,parent_ou,shortna​me,email,phone,opac_visible,fiscal_calendar) VALUES (DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,D​EFAULT,2,1,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,'f',1);
10:04 Dyrcona I'd also diff the IDL from the example src directory with the one in /openils/conf just to make sure.
10:04 Bmagic ty - I'll do that
10:05 Dyrcona If things are still broken, then I'd start removing patches.
10:06 Bmagic fm_IDL is the same from source
10:07 Dyrcona You could also try xmllint on the IDL file. It's in libxml2-utils, IIRC.
10:08 Dyrcona But, at this point, you might as well as try a clean branch without patches.
10:08 mantis2 joined #evergreen
10:11 Bmagic working on it
10:13 csharp_ @blame off-by-one errors
10:13 pinesol csharp_: It really IS off-by-one errors's fault!
10:15 Christineb joined #evergreen
10:26 Bmagic dropped all the patches except enhanced concerto set. All is well, inserted a new org unit with the interface no prob
10:39 jeff interesting. any theory as to why? that patch at a (very quick) glance doesn't seem like it would be a likely culprit. do you have a good/bad IDL to compare?
10:43 _collum joined #evergreen
10:47 jeff oh. never mind.
10:47 jeff i misread. :-)
10:49 Bmagic I think it's this
10:49 jeff (and thought that you had applied all the patches except the enhanced concerto dataset)
10:49 Bmagic https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Everg​reen.git;a=blobdiff;f=Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL​.xml;h=989a712892032caeb37d9b03c77a1e3401ef20b​1;hp=a4fb45b078c1f80ccfdcb82d9bc2a8ee40fc749a;​hb=eae4610e18619e27091b48ce0fe8de4c59c8495b;hp​b=651b85ebcff1214488c13084f615ec7de64a7dde
10:50 Bmagic look at the change made to the asset::stat_cat block
10:50 Bmagic see <retrieve />
10:51 Bmagic <retrieve permission="STAFF_LOGIN" global_required="true"/> is defined
10:51 Bmagic followed by <retrieve />
10:56 Dyrcona Delete the <retrieve /> and see what happens.
10:58 Dyrcona Or maybe the other one because it looks like the patch may have been trying to remove look up permissions.
11:03 Bmagic that didn't fix it :(
11:04 Dyrcona You ran autogen.sh again?
11:04 Bmagic yeah, but without the -u
11:07 Dyrcona The -u is almost never necessary these days.
11:07 pinesol News from commits: LP2002337 Pre-Fetch All Holds Checkbox Appears Twice <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=8b8263​8c79b2a87cf963b417e3398b1e3742bb50>
11:07 Dyrcona Only if you mess with the org. tree hierarchy.
11:08 Bmagic it fixes the proximity right?
11:08 Dyrcona Yeah.
11:08 Bmagic seems like we still need it
11:08 Bmagic (not in this case)
11:08 Dyrcona Only rarely.
11:08 Bmagic but in general
11:09 Dyrcona Yes.
11:10 Dyrcona Anyway, I don't see anything  in that diff that looks like it would really break things.
11:10 Dyrcona Could be a typo that I don't see.
11:12 Bmagic I've added all the patces in my list of patches up to that patch (on another machine) and  Evergreen is still working. Adding that patch now
11:15 Bmagic and with that patch, still working....
11:20 Dyrcona So, your other VM is just borked.
11:24 Bmagic well, there are 10 more patches that I've not installed on this other machine
11:25 Bmagic to compare apples to apples
11:26 Dyrcona Ok.
11:26 ACSpike joined #evergreen
11:29 Bmagic boom! It's broken now... Somewhere in this last batch of patches
11:30 ACSpike I see a few "ident" columns in actor.usr. Could I store an external system identifier in the ident_value column?
11:33 Bmagic ACSpike: ident_type and ident_value go together. ident_type2 and ident_value2 go together.
11:33 Bmagic in the interface it's shown as "Primary Identification Type" and "Secondary Identification Type"
11:34 ACSpike Right! So I see that there's a (3, Other) ident type in our set up (I don't know if it is peculiar to us or standard).
11:34 ACSpike Could I set the type to 3 and put an external system id in the related value? I guess I'm wondering how this is used inside the system.
11:35 ACSpike It would be a very convenient place for me to put it because it is in the actor.usr table.
11:35 Bmagic You can put any arbitrary text in the ident_value(2) column, as long as the coorisponding ident_type is hooked up to a number that the system knows about. 3 (Other) is fine
11:36 Bmagic the system doesn't make use of those things (as far as I know) other than for reporting
11:36 ACSpike Ok, can I set both ident 1 and ident 2 to 3 Other?
11:37 Bmagic you can create a new "type" if you want. Those are in config.identification_type
11:37 Bmagic sure, you can set them to Other, and put any text in the ident_value
11:37 pinesol News from commits: LP1980874 Limit depth dropdown in patron notes <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=6d6fff​80713ff119b501cfe3c485684163bb3e3c>
11:37 pinesol News from commits: LP#1999410 Move LI loading progress bar <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d227bc​cdd20fd6ff3982488332f9a675a03470b1>
11:37 pinesol News from commits: LP1999268 PO Link to invoice should not retrieve closed invoices <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1b9ac0​d8f7f358545dfe63ee99dc76e78d918875>
11:37 pinesol News from commits: LP2002920: Angular acq batch updater now updates the circ modifier <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=78d1a7​b018f296552a37b401d9f455bf82fdda02>
11:39 ACSpike OK
11:40 ACSpike We're in a consotium, so I'm not always sure when I am allowed to make a new type. But I'll check. That would be one fewer steps.
11:40 ACSpike *consortium
11:41 Bmagic it's good to be cautious. That config table is global. It would affect everyone. Everyone would start to see a new choice in that dropdown if you were to create one
12:03 jihpringle joined #evergreen
12:04 * gmcharlt claims 1356 and 1357
12:06 jeffdavis ACSpike: we put the student/employee ID in the ident_value field for some of the postsecondary libraries in our consortium. I don't think anything in Evergreen depends on those values but I believe we have some custom scripts that use them.
12:07 ACSpike jeffdavis, awesome! Thanks for the confirmation.
12:07 pinesol News from commits: LP2007591 Allow Last-Copy Delete to Create Hold Notices <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=a82a3d​c67148d3315dd024f1170eb0f7bff7960f>
12:07 pinesol News from commits: LP#1914625: add release notes entry <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=04b543​57092f5fc5a47f12183675d99493641969>
12:07 pinesol News from commits: LP1914625: Add Emacs Mode to fm_IDL.xml <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1145c1​e05cad301eb7b37c14dcbc4c53fb6a418d>
12:07 pinesol News from commits: LP1991562 Accessible link and button colors in Angular staff interface <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=1585b5​3dd9b421b3be6cb87059cce5e5774cf723>
12:16 Bmagic found it!
12:16 Bmagic https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1879517
12:16 pinesol Launchpad bug 1879517 in Evergreen "Web Client - Survey End Time Can Come Before Start Time" [Medium,Confirmed]
12:19 Bmagic that was hard to find
12:20 Bmagic I'm installing all the patches except that one, just to be absolutely sure
12:20 csharp_ looks like master is still showing fallout from the dreaded bug 2006749
12:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 2006749 in Evergreen "Angular Library Settings Editor view perms check is broken" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2006749
12:21 csharp_ even after having gmcharlt's latest fix for bug 2007880 we're seeing an internal server error tracked back to AppUtils
12:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 2007880 in Evergreen " open-ils.actor.ou_setting.ancestor_default broken" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2007880
12:22 Dyrcona csharp_: What line in AppUtils?
12:22 csharp_ 1328
12:22 csharp_ @blame bug 1839341
12:22 pinesol csharp_: bug 1839341 broke Evergreen.
12:22 pinesol Launchpad bug 1839341 in Evergreen "Port Local Admin Org Unit Settings UI to Angular" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1839341
12:23 csharp_ pinesol: yes indeedy
12:23 pinesol csharp_: Zoia knows how to make fusilli.
12:23 * csharp_ pours one out for zoia
12:24 csharp_ egweb: Context Loader error: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/O​penILS/Application/AppUtils.pm line 1328.\n
12:25 csharp_ (yes, yes, server is on 18.04, but I don't think that's the problem)
12:27 Dyrcona csharp_: Line 1328 has one of those idioms that I'd like to change where it blindly dereferences a return result without checking that it actually got something back. These don't usually cause 500 errors though. Do you know what setting is being looked up or the line being called in EGCatLoader or whatever?
12:27 csharp_ it's triggered when you log into the OPAC and click on the Messages button
12:27 csharp_ possibly triggered by other things
12:31 Dyrcona I wonder if it is a missing setting?
12:33 csharp_ gonna log out the values it's trying to use
12:34 csharp_ $name = opac.barcode_regex, $orgid = 1
12:34 csharp_ $name = auth.opac_timeout, $orgid = 1
12:36 csharp_ no view perms on either of those settings
12:37 berick if json_query fails to return an array (even an empty one) it means a deeper, previous error has occurred.
12:37 berick it's making a query that cstore cannot process
12:38 pinesol News from commits: LP#1987910: stamp DB update <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=73d07b​9e681b6cd48573d7b5d2eed64d7d0327e2>
12:38 pinesol News from commits: LP1987910: Correcting typo in opac.located_uri.act_as_copy <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9c10bc​e3f3b031f98a24c28f6777a310766247ca>
12:38 pinesol News from commits: LP#1987908: stamp DB update <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=31ddb4​b955759a7df6ef1829899f85b9d17ddb42>
12:38 pinesol News from commits: LP1987908: Fixing typo in seed data for history.money.age_with_circs <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=9dada4​1bc8dc10c8c93813c6ac198774c30e37bd>
12:38 pinesol News from commits: LP1987908: Fixing typo in seed data for history.money.age_with_circs <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=104698​0c352ddac88b52c5e9c3c15066a6fc1678>
12:38 Dyrcona berick: That has not always been my experience.
12:39 csharp_ the direct query in the DB returns 0 rows for each of those ancestor setting lookups
12:40 csharp_ so if there's no result from the query, and we try to access the first member of the array, that should work, theoretically?
12:41 csharp_ (feels wrong, but I don't know for sure)
12:41 csharp_ @who can sense my feelings?
12:41 pinesol Christineb can sense your feelings.
12:41 csharp_ aw, that's nice
12:42 Christineb lol :D
12:42 Dyrcona csharp_: There are a number of places where the Perl does this. I fixed one or two in the past, but they ought be wrapped in an if () to see if anything came back first.
12:42 csharp_ right
12:42 Christineb 👋
12:42 csharp_ Christineb: coming to the conference? (he asks hopefully)
12:42 berick i repeat my previous comment.  an empty array is still an array
12:42 csharp_ berick: ok
12:42 berick csharp_: no other errors in the logs?
12:42 Dyrcona I'm building lastest master on a VM to see if I can reproduce this.
12:43 Christineb not this year 😭
12:43 Dyrcona berick: I think I have it seen it return undef under those conditions and not an empty array.
12:43 csharp_ Christineb: aww - too bad - I always enjoy seeing you
12:43 Christineb can't swing an east coast trip right now
12:43 Dyrcona :(
12:43 csharp_ Christineb: we can come there, though!!
12:44 csharp_ VANCOUVER EG 2025 OR BUST
12:44 Christineb oh I love this idea!!!!
12:44 Christineb I'll bug Sharon today
12:44 Dyrcona :)
12:44 Dyrcona It would be nice to get to use the passport again before it expires.
12:47 csharp_ berick: indeed, there are cstore errors, but I was thinking they were symptom rather than cause
12:47 csharp_ (indicative of symptom, not indicative of cause)
12:47 csharp_ but yeah, I'll dig
12:49 dtmoore joined #evergreen
12:50 Dyrcona So, this was cool: `git rebase -i` apparently new enough to automatically drop a commit from my pg 15 branch that had since made it into master.
12:51 Bmagic very "cool"
12:52 csharp_ aha!
12:52 csharp_ egweb: template error: file error - parse error - opac/myopac/messages/list.tt2 line 98: unexpected token (count)\n  [% l('Message Number') count; %], referer: https://terran-master.gapin​es.org/eg/opac/myopac/main
12:52 csharp_ berick++
12:52 csharp_ (found in the WARN log stream, not ERR)
12:53 csharp_ seems like it should go to ERR but it is not this day that I'll care about that
12:53 Dyrcona OK. I can reproduce it on a clean master. I logged in as Leon Anderson, clicked on "Messages," and got an internal server error.
12:54 csharp_ line 98 of that file: <span class="sr-only">[% l('Message Number') count; %]</span>
12:55 csharp_ 06dd3972f5b
12:56 csharp_ pinesol: uh, hello
12:56 pinesol csharp_: Go away, or I'll replace you with a very small shell script!
12:56 csharp_ pinesol: a shell script would have less attitude
12:56 pinesol csharp_: Down time is a fact of business when you're a poor 501c3 corporation.
12:56 csharp_ bug 1992490
12:56 pinesol Launchpad bug 1992490 in Evergreen 3.9 "Bootstrap Opac: sr-only, aria-label, and title attributes should be localized" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1992490
12:59 Dyrcona csharp_: I was about to report the same thing. I don't get any errors in osrfsys.log. I do get this in Apache logs: Mar  1 12:55:08 focal apache2[18515]: [perl:warn] [pid 18515] [client] egweb: template error: file error - parse error - opac/myopac/messages/list.tt2 line 98: unexpected token (count)\n  [% l('Message Number') count; %], referer: https://focal.cwmars.org/eg/opac/myopac/main
13:08 csharp_ yeppers
13:17 jihpringle joined #evergreen
13:23 Dyrcona csharp_: I fix that one and I get more.
13:27 Dyrcona csharp_: I have a patch, but I want to make sure it is correct.
13:32 Dyrcona I think we might want to fix some of the other changes from 06dd3972f5b
13:47 csharp_ Dyrcona: thanks - happy to test when you're ready
13:47 Dyrcona csharp_: No usable branch yet, but I did open a Lp 2008925
13:47 pinesol Launchpad bug 2008925 in Evergreen "Template Toolkit Syntax Errors Introduced by Aria Label Fix" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2008925
13:53 csharp_ Dyrcona++
14:08 pinesol News from commits: LP#2003707: add releases note entry <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=203558​9a7d6d9824deac5ec64aaab2788c8989f7>
14:08 pinesol News from commits: LP2003707: Add an OpenSRF Core Config Param to autogen.sh <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=960211​7cdbd2e31d38f3df7c890fa893bbda5ad4>
14:08 book` joined #evergreen
14:08 sleary joined #evergreen
14:26 smcalilly joined #evergreen
14:28 smcalilly Hi,
14:28 smcalilly I’m working on a project that creates patrons on an evergreen system We have the OpenSRF portion working but I’m stuck on how to format the patron data.
14:28 smcalilly When requesting the fieldmap for the usr::actor, I get a big object with a lot of keys that also include a “position”. Is this position supposed to be the position the object should be an array?
14:28 smcalilly In other words, I’m I supposed to be submitting an array that represents the usr::actor data elements, or is it supposed to be an object?
14:28 smcalilly I’ve tried both when submitting to the open-ils.actor.patron.update method (via this piece of code https://github.com/atz/OpenILS-Everg​reen/blob/master/Open-ILS/src/perlmo​ds/OpenILS/Application/Actor.pm#L318)
14:28 smcalilly but I keep getting an error that says: Can\'t call method "isnew" on unblessed reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0/​OpenILS/Application/Actor.pm line 500.
14:28 smcalilly I don’t know what fields are required and in what format the API accepts for those fields.
14:28 smcalilly The open-ils.actor.patron.update method says that the patron is an object — here’s an example of the object I’m trying to submit:
14:28 smcalilly {
14:28 smcalilly 'first_given_name': 'James',
14:28 smcalilly 'family_name': 'Joyce',
14:28 smcalilly 'email': 'james@dubliners.com',
14:28 smcalilly 'isnew': True,
14:28 smcalilly 'home_ou': 132,
14:28 smcalilly 'usrname': 'jamesjoyce1234',
14:28 smcalilly }
14:28 smcalilly Or, I’ve tried matching the keys into a position of an array based on the “position” returned by the fieldmap request, but that gives me the same error.
14:28 smcalilly Does anybody know how this data is supposed to be formatted, and what values are required when creating a patron?
14:28 smcalilly pinesol is this the IDL? https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;​a=blob;f=Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml;h=adacfda​2006719d9a1826333f75fdf923445694c;hb=HEAD#l4092
14:28 pinesol smcalilly: Leave me alone, I'm busy right now.
14:29 smcalilly Dyrcona is this the IDL? https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;​a=blob;f=Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml;h=adacfda​2006719d9a1826333f75fdf923445694c;hb=HEAD#l4092
14:30 jeffdavis (pinesol is a bot by the way, sorry it's a bit rude sometimes)
14:30 jeffdavis just getting out of a meeting, I can look at this in a sec
14:31 smcalilly lol yeah i realized i tagged the wrong person. thanks jeffdavis
14:32 Dyrcona smcalilly: That is the IDL. There's a URL that you can hit to retrieve it from the server. Give me a few minutes and I'll past an example.
14:34 smcalilly I think I'm able to get that but not sure. Is this the response that you'd expect from the server?
14:34 smcalilly {'active': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 12},
14:34 smcalilly 'addresses': {'fieldmap': {'address_type': {'position': 0},
14:34 smcalilly 'city': {'position': 1},
14:34 smcalilly 'country': {'position': 2},
14:34 smcalilly 'county': {'position': 3},
14:34 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 4},
14:34 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 15},
14:34 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 16},
14:34 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 14},
14:34 smcalilly 'pending': {'position': 13},
14:34 smcalilly 'post_code': {'position': 5},
14:34 smcalilly 'replaces': {'position': 12},
14:34 smcalilly 'state': {'position': 6},
14:34 smcalilly 'street1': {'position': 7},
14:34 smcalilly 'street2': {'position': 8},
14:34 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 9},
14:34 smcalilly 'valid': {'position': 10},
14:34 smcalilly 'city': {'position': 1},
14:34 smcalilly 'country': {'position': 2},
14:34 smcalilly 'county': {'position': 3},
14:34 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 4},
14:34 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 15},
14:34 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 16},
14:34 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 14},
14:34 smcalilly 'pending': {'position': 13},
14:34 smcalilly 'post_code': {'position': 5},
14:34 smcalilly 'replaces': {'position': 12},
14:34 smcalilly 'state': {'position': 6},
14:34 smcalilly 'street1': {'position': 7},
14:34 smcalilly 'street2': {'position': 8},
14:34 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 9},
14:34 smcalilly 'valid': {'position': 10},
14:34 smcalilly 'within_city_limits': {'position': 11}},
14:34 smcalilly 'position': 14},
14:34 smcalilly 'card': {'fieldmap': {'active': {'position': 0},
14:34 smcalilly 'checkin_lib': {'position': 0},
14:34 smcalilly 'checkin_scan_time': {'position': 28},
14:34 smcalilly 'checkin_staff': {'position': 1},
14:34 smcalilly 'checkin_time': {'position': 2},
14:34 smcalilly 'checkin_workstation': {'position': 27},
14:34 smcalilly 'circ_lib': {'position': 3},
14:34 smcalilly 'circ_staff': {'position': 4},
14:34 smcalilly 'circ_type': {'position': 33},
14:34 smcalilly 'copy_location': {'position': 37},
14:34 smcalilly 'create_time': {'position': 25},
14:34 smcalilly 'desk_renewal': {'position': 5},
14:34 smcalilly 'due_date': {'position': 6},
14:34 smcalilly 'duration': {'position': 7},
14:34 smcalilly 'duration_rule': {'position': 8},
14:34 smcalilly 'fine_interval': {'position': 9},
14:34 smcalilly 'grace_period': {'position': 18},
14:34 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 10},
14:34 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 43},
14:35 smcalilly 'aaasc_entries': {'position': 39},
14:35 smcalilly 'auto_renewal': {'position': 40},
14:35 smcalilly 'auto_renewal_remaining': {'position': 41},
14:35 smcalilly 'billable_transaction': {'position': 32},
14:35 smcalilly 'billing_total': {'position': 34},
14:35 smcalilly 'billings': {'position': 30},
14:35 smcalilly 'checkin_lib': {'position': 0},
14:35 smcalilly 'checkin_scan_time': {'position': 28},
14:35 smcalilly 'checkin_staff': {'position': 1},
14:35 smcalilly 'checkin_time': {'position': 2},
14:35 smcalilly 'checkin_workstation': {'position': 27},
14:35 smcalilly 'circ_lib': {'position': 3},
14:35 smcalilly 'circ_staff': {'position': 4},
14:35 smcalilly 'circ_type': {'position': 33},
14:35 smcalilly 'copy_location': {'position': 37},
14:35 smcalilly 'create_time': {'position': 25},
14:35 smcalilly 'desk_renewal': {'position': 5},
14:35 smcalilly 'due_date': {'position': 6},
14:35 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 22},
14:35 smcalilly 'workstation': {'position': 26},
14:35 smcalilly 'xact_finish': {'position': 23},
14:35 smcalilly 'xact_start': {'position': 24}},
14:35 smcalilly 'position': 2},
14:35 smcalilly 'claims_never_checked_out_count': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 17},
14:35 smcalilly 'claims_returned_count': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 16},
14:35 smcalilly 'create_date': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 18},
14:35 smcalilly 'credit_forward_balance': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 19},
14:35 smcalilly 'day_phone': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 20},
14:35 smcalilly 'deleted': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 60},
14:35 smcalilly 'demographic': {'fieldmap': {'age_division': {'position': 3},
14:35 smcalilly 'dob': {'position': 1},
14:35 smcalilly 'general_division': {'position': 2},
14:35 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 0},
14:35 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 5},
14:35 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 6},
14:35 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 4}},
14:35 jihpringle joined #evergreen
14:35 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 5},
14:35 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 3},
14:35 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 2}},
14:35 smcalilly 'position': 59},
14:35 smcalilly 'guardian': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 56},
14:35 smcalilly 'hold_requests': {'fieldmap': {'acq_request': {'position': 41},
14:35 smcalilly 'behind_desk': {'position': 40},
14:35 smcalilly 'bib_rec': {'position': 28},
14:35 smcalilly 'cancel_cause': {'position': 33},
14:35 smcalilly 'cancel_note': {'position': 34},
14:35 smcalilly 'cancel_time': {'position': 24},
14:35 smcalilly 'capture_time': {'position': 2},
14:35 smcalilly 'current_copy': {'position': 3},
14:35 smcalilly 'current_shelf_lib': {'position': 39},
14:35 smcalilly 'cut_in_line': {'position': 35},
14:35 smcalilly 'eligible_copies': {'position': 29},
14:35 smcalilly 'email_notify': {'position': 4},
14:35 smcalilly 'expire_time': {'position': 5},
14:36 smcalilly 'selection_depth': {'position': 20},
14:36 smcalilly 'selection_ou': {'position': 21},
14:36 smcalilly 'shelf_expire_time': {'position': 37},
14:36 smcalilly 'shelf_time': {'position': 32},
14:36 smcalilly 'sms_carrier': {'position': 14},
14:36 smcalilly 'sms_notify': {'position': 13},
14:36 smcalilly 'status': {'position': 0},
14:36 smcalilly 'target': {'position': 22},
14:36 smcalilly 'thaw_date': {'position': 31},
14:36 smcalilly 'transit': {'position': 1},
14:36 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 23}},
14:36 smcalilly 'position': 3},
14:36 smcalilly 'home_ou': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 27},
14:36 smcalilly 'id': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 28},
14:36 smcalilly 'ident_type': {'fieldmap': {'id': {'position': 0},
14:36 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 3},
14:36 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 4},
14:36 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 2},
14:36 smcalilly 'name': {'position': 2},
14:36 smcalilly 'rtl': {'position': 4}},
14:36 smcalilly 'position': 72},
14:36 smcalilly 'mailing_address': {'fieldmap': {'address_type': {'position': 0},
14:36 smcalilly 'city': {'position': 1},
14:36 smcalilly 'country': {'position': 2},
14:36 smcalilly 'county': {'position': 3},
14:36 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 4},
14:36 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 15},
14:36 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 16},
14:36 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 14},
14:36 smcalilly 'pending': {'position': 13},
14:36 smcalilly 'post_code': {'position': 5},
14:36 smcalilly 'replaces': {'position': 12},
14:36 smcalilly 'state': {'position': 6},
14:36 smcalilly 'street1': {'position': 7},
14:36 smcalilly 'street2': {'position': 8},
14:36 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 9},
14:36 smcalilly 'edit_date': {'position': 11},
14:36 smcalilly 'editor': {'position': 10},
14:36 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 3},
14:36 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 13},
14:36 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 14},
14:36 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 12},
14:36 smcalilly 'message': {'position': 7},
14:36 smcalilly 'pub': {'position': 8},
14:36 smcalilly 'read_date': {'position': 1},
14:36 smcalilly 'sending_lib': {'position': 2},
14:36 smcalilly 'stop_date': {'position': 9},
14:36 smcalilly 'title': {'position': 5},
14:36 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 6}},
14:36 smcalilly 'position': 61},
14:36 smcalilly 'open_billable_transactions_summary': {'fieldmap': {'balance_owed': {'position': 0},
14:36 smcalilly 'billing_location': {'position': 18},
14:36 smcalilly 'circulation': {'position': 16},
14:36 smcalilly 'grocery': {'position': 15},
14:36 Dyrcona smcalilly: Don't pate large text here. Use a service like pastebin, please.
14:36 jeff smcalilly: please don't paste so many lines in here. it's rarely a good experience for anyone. it's preferred to use a pastebin or gist.github.com or something and share the link here.
14:37 smcalilly 'aaasc_entries': {'position': 39},
14:37 smcalilly 'auto_renewal': {'position': 40},
14:37 smcalilly 'auto_renewal_remaining': {'position': 41},
14:37 smcalilly 'billable_transaction': {'position': 32},
14:37 smcalilly 'billing_total': {'position': 34},
14:37 smcalilly 'billings': {'position': 30},
14:37 smcalilly 'checkin_lib': {'position': 0},
14:37 smcalilly 'checkin_scan_time': {'position': 28},
14:37 smcalilly 'checkin_staff': {'position': 1},
14:37 smcalilly 'checkin_time': {'position': 2},
14:37 smcalilly 'checkin_workstation': {'position': 27},
14:37 smcalilly 'circ_lib': {'position': 3},
14:37 smcalilly 'circ_staff': {'position': 4},
14:37 smcalilly 'circ_type': {'position': 33},
14:37 smcalilly 'copy_location': {'position': 37},
14:37 smcalilly 'create_time': {'position': 25},
14:37 smcalilly 'desk_renewal': {'position': 5},
14:37 smcalilly 'due_date': {'position': 6},
14:37 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 22},
14:37 smcalilly 'workstation': {'position': 26},
14:37 smcalilly 'xact_finish': {'position': 23},
14:37 smcalilly 'xact_start': {'position': 24}},
14:37 smcalilly 'position': 67},
14:37 smcalilly 'permissions': {'fieldmap': {'depth': {'position': 0},
14:37 smcalilly 'grantable': {'position': 1},
14:37 smcalilly 'id': {'position': 2},
14:37 smcalilly 'ischanged': {'position': 6},
14:37 smcalilly 'isdeleted': {'position': 7},
14:37 smcalilly 'isnew': {'position': 5},
14:37 smcalilly 'perm': {'position': 3},
14:37 smcalilly 'usr': {'position': 4}},
14:37 smcalilly 'position': 4},
14:37 smcalilly 'photo_url': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 39},
14:37 smcalilly 'pref_family_name': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 54},
14:37 smcalilly 'pref_first_given_name': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 52},
14:37 smcalilly 'pref_prefix': {'fieldmap': None, 'position': 51},
14:37 smcalilly was kicked by jeff: kicking you so your client stops flooding the channel. please come back.
14:38 smcalilly joined #evergreen
14:38 smcalilly sorry i'm not familiar with irc
14:38 * jeff nods
14:38 smcalilly sorry i'm not familiar with irc
14:38 jeff welcome back. :-)
14:39 jeff i think bug 2008925 and bug 2008928 are duplicates. Terran has a branch with a proposed fix.
14:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 2008928 in Evergreen "duplicate for #2008925 OPAC messages page not loading" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2008928
14:39 pinesol Launchpad bug 2008928 in Evergreen "OPAC messages page not loading" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2008928
14:40 smcalilly here's the fieldmap response https://gist.github.com/smcalilly​/0d4ba318d0fcddae6f16646ba2e92fd1
14:41 Dyrcona jeff: You are correct. I just commented on Terran's bug. I'm in the middle of editing a commit message, but I keep getting pulled away.
14:42 csharp_ Dyrcona: I reversed the duplicate bug situation - Terran's is now a dupe of yours
14:42 jeff <spidermans_pointing_at_each_other.gif>
14:43 Dyrcona smcalilly: You'll very likely need to implement a fieldmapper object or routines that can turn the data into objects usable in your programming language. This fieldmapper will need to read and understand the IDL. You will want this fieldmapper to retrieve the IDL from the server to that it will be generic enough to survive through Evergreen upgrades and possibly used by other Evergreen sites.
14:45 jeff depending on what you're trying to do, you may find yourself benefiting from some of the related advice here: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/​evergreen/2023-02-23#i_520910
14:45 smcalilly Dyrcona that's helpful, thank you. i think we already have that but it's setup to do patron searches. logically, i could repurpose that to format a patron object to create one?
14:46 Dyrcona csharp_: We can have competing branches. Mine *may* go to far in someone's eyes, but some of the changes I saw in the commit didn't sit with me so I changed more than was needed just to get the messages interface working again.
14:47 Dyrcona smcalilly: I don't know what you have or how generically useful it would be to you or to others, so I can't really comment on that.
14:47 jeff smcalilly: what are you trying to do?
14:48 smcalilly jeff create a patron via the `open-ils.actor.patron.update` method. the code says that accepts patron creates and updates
14:49 jeff yes, sorry. bigger picture -- why are you wanting to create patrons in that way? what's your larger goal?
14:50 smcalilly ah i see. i'm working on a third party service that signs up patrons for a library if they don't exist in their system
14:50 smcalilly think like an email form that's signing up for marketing emails
14:51 smcalilly we have the service for a lot of different ils systems but now we're adding evergreen
14:53 kworstell_isl joined #evergreen
14:58 jeff so, you have libraries that have handed your service staff credentials so that you can search their patron database and create users if you don't find a match?
15:00 smcalilly no they've given us our own staff credentials for working with their api
15:00 smcalilly we've been using it to search for a couple years with no problems and now we're adding the create part
15:09 jeffdavis If your existing code can already instantiate fieldmapper objects, repurposing that is likely worth trying. It will be easier for a client to perform searches without knowing how to do fieldmapper stuff, though (you might just be passing a barcode to the API and inspecting the object you get back without referring to the fieldmapper).
15:10 jeffdavis Whereas creating a patron pretty much requires a fieldmapper-aware client, at least using that API.
15:11 jeffdavis I don't know if there's an easier way to create a patron record using the API. (There's a real need for an endpoint that can do that without bothering with the fieldmapper, IMO.)
15:12 Dyrcona jeffdavis: The Perl fieldmapper has methods that can use hash maps with field names in any order. That could be repurposed for such an API.
15:14 Dyrcona It would not be immediately useful to smcalilly because most public APIs expect JSON arrays for objects, but we could expose one that uses JSON objects with named fields. There's alsos the XML-RPC interface if it still works.
15:29 collum joined #evergreen
15:52 csharp_ XML-RPC still works - UMS uses it for us
15:52 Dyrcona I haven't tried it for servarl years.
15:52 Dyrcona s/servarl/several/
16:13 kmlussier joined #evergreen
16:13 kmlussier comcast--
16:17 Dyrcona :)
16:17 * mmorgan waves to kmlussier
16:17 * kmlussier waves back
16:18 kmlussier @dessert mmorgan
16:18 * pinesol grabs some Banana Puddin' for mmorgan
16:18 mmorgan Aw, thanks!
16:18 mmorgan @dessert kmlussier
16:18 * pinesol grabs some Key Lime Cheesecake for kmlussier
16:44 JBoyer kmlussier++ !
16:46 kmlussier JBoyer: I was just pondering the question of where butternut comes from.
16:46 JBoyer Bug Squashing -> Squash -> Butternut Squash is delicious. :D
16:46 JBoyer That's where acorn and pattypan came from also.
16:46 Bmagic JBoyer++
16:47 kmlussier Oh! Of course. This must've been a post-Kathy thing then, because I don't remember seeing it before.
16:48 * Bmagic says Good to see you kmlussier!
16:48 mmorgan JBoyer: You need to do a sweetdumpling next.
16:49 JBoyer Yeah, it's a post-2019 thing, I didn't regularly run a testing server this week until I started at EOLI. (We did do some local testing on prod-ish data at the ISL)
16:49 kmlussier butternut is my favorite squash
16:49 berick if it's in GA, sweetdumplin'
16:49 JBoyer I apparently have to look this up.
16:49 mmorgan Even better!
16:49 kmlussier And for MA, we usually should be doing buttahnut
16:50 berick hah
16:51 kmlussier Bmagic: Do you have any good games lined up for this year's conference?
16:51 Bmagic Does the pope meet the bear in the woods for a sandwich? You bet he does!
16:52 kmlussier I'm pretty sure the pope does no such thing.
16:53 Bmagic It's a deep topic. My combination of the two famous comebacks to questions with obvious answers: Is the pope catholic? Does the bear poop in the woods?
16:54 mmorgan If the pope and a bear meet in the woods for a sandwich, would anybody know once the sandwich is eaten?
16:54 kmlussier mmorgan: I'll be pondering that question for the rest of the night now!
16:54 Bmagic mmorgan++ #exactly
16:55 * mmorgan 's head spins
17:15 rhamby only the folks who the track cams
17:15 rhamby s/who/with/
17:16 rhamby it's been a day
17:16 kmlussier rhamby: Huh? track cams?
17:17 rhamby kmlussier you attach the to trees and they use motion sensors to take pics, the fancy ones have cellular signals for sending the pics, but they're usualy pretty tough and you can recover the memory card
17:17 rhamby originally created for hunting I think but I'm more familiar with them used by environmentalists
17:17 mmorgan Unless the bear eats that, too.
17:18 kmlussier rhamby: Oh, we're still talking about the pope and the sandwich! My mind had already wandered.
17:18 rhamby it woulnd't be very tasty but it could happen
17:20 sleary joined #evergreen
17:23 mmorgan Good night #evergreen!
17:23 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:24 jihpringle joined #evergreen
19:29 dtmoore joined #evergreen
19:32 smcalilly joined #evergreen
22:30 smcalilly joined #evergreen

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