Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:47 |
serflog joined #evergreen |
00:47 |
Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to the #evergreen library system channel! | We are publicly logged: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen | Large pastes at http://paste.evergreen-ils.org |
00:47 |
drigney joined #evergreen |
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barbara joined #evergreen |
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Bmagic joined #evergreen |
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jeff_ joined #evergreen |
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abowling joined #evergreen |
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bshum joined #evergreen |
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bshum joined #evergreen |
05:02 |
pinesol_green |
News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
06:12 |
bshum joined #evergreen |
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troy__ joined #evergreen |
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csharp joined #evergreen |
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eady joined #evergreen |
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agoben joined #evergreen |
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JBoyer joined #evergreen |
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Stompro joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan joined #evergreen |
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tsbere joined #evergreen |
09:12 |
csharp joined #evergreen |
09:12 |
* tsbere |
wonders what happened last night with a pile of K-Lines |
09:12 |
csharp |
I got that too! |
09:13 |
tsbere |
Oh, look, a post on freenode.net saying "oops, a bot was given a bad instruction" |
09:13 |
abneiman |
overzealous spam killing, looks like |
09:13 |
tsbere |
As part of trying to stop a spambot attack |
09:18 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
09:19 |
Dyrcona |
@dunno |
09:19 |
pinesol_green |
Dyrcona: PHRASING!!! |
09:30 |
yboston joined #evergreen |
09:33 |
csharp |
wow - that's awful: https://freenode.net/news/spamwave |
09:38 |
Dyrcona |
klines...in my day we called them kill lines. |
09:39 |
* gmcharlt |
wonders if they come in bottles |
09:41 |
Dyrcona |
#monero often has random spammers posting links. |
09:43 |
Dyrcona |
duh.... |
09:43 |
Dyrcona |
I started my SIP2 test again after reloading the database. I forgot that I need to change the read only sip group's permissions. |
09:44 |
Dyrcona |
maybe I should add that to my upgrade script? |
09:48 |
* Dyrcona |
sees what he considers a bug in the SIP2 groups setup here, but one person's bug is another's feature. |
09:54 |
Christineb joined #evergreen |
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jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
09:57 |
jeff joined #evergreen |
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Guest80474 joined #evergreen |
09:58 |
jeff |
well that was no fun. |
09:58 |
jeff |
ah. logs++ "oops, a bot was given a bad instruction" |
09:59 |
Dyrcona |
jeff: Were you a victim of the bad klines? |
10:00 |
jeff |
yup: 21:42:06 -!- jeff [~jeff unaffiliated/jeff] has quit [K-Lined] |
10:00 |
jeff |
``At the height of the attack, one of the klines set resulted in a utility bot attempting to ban all users connected to the network...'' |
10:00 |
Dyrcona |
I wasn't signed in. |
10:18 |
* csharp |
emailed them and got a response similar to the freenode.net posting |
10:21 |
* Dyrcona |
likes to watch the password gropers get banned on his servers. |
10:21 |
Dyrcona |
Haven't been any for a few days. I guess that Chinese botnet wasn't so big. :) |
10:22 |
phasefx__ joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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berick joined #evergreen |
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jeffdavis joined #evergreen |
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rlefaive joined #evergreen |
11:16 |
berick |
anyone out there doing ssl-everywhere with EG? |
11:17 |
berick |
wondering if it's time to open that LP bug |
11:18 |
* csharp |
remembers a bug about that |
11:18 |
berick |
oh heh, didn't even look |
11:19 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Cesar Velez] LP#1624443 - TPAC 500 error after adding duplicate title to Temp List - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4103ef0> |
11:19 |
csharp |
bug 1507013 |
11:19 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1507013 in Evergreen "Forcing HTTPS breaks some functionality in staff client" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507013 |
11:19 |
csharp |
same issue, different angle, I guess |
11:19 |
berick |
csharp++ |
11:19 |
berick |
that answers anothers some of my questions, though |
11:22 |
dbs joined #evergreen |
11:23 |
Dyrcona |
More reason to get rid of the XUL client. |
11:23 |
dbs |
that might have been my first k-line (as a victim) ever, thanks to pinesol for keeping the logs for us :) |
11:24 |
berick |
that's part of what I'm thinking, Dyrcona.. make ssl-everywhere the default when xul is officially dead |
11:24 |
berick |
3.2 i guess |
11:24 |
Dyrcona |
Well, technically, SSL is dead. TLS1.2+ everywhere! ;) |
11:25 |
gmcharlt |
eh, we have a chance to do it for 3.0 actually |
11:25 |
gmcharlt |
e.g., making the 3.0 XUL client use HTTPS to access offline.pl is totally doable |
11:26 |
* bshum |
points at https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1547668 and wonders if this still applies |
11:26 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1547668 in Evergreen "XUL staff client does not support TLS above 1.0" [Undecided,New] |
11:26 |
Dyrcona |
Hmm... You know. I didn't test the staff client with TLS1.2.... |
11:26 |
Dyrcona |
I don't think it can do it, can it? |
11:26 |
dbs |
I should update that bug to indicate that yaz is happily connecting to HTTPS on Ubuntu 16.04, it was another victim of a particular yaz version / OS version issue |
11:26 |
Dyrcona |
bshum++ # For reading my mind. |
11:26 |
berick |
bshum: yeah, we'll have to continue supporting 1.0 until xul is dead |
11:27 |
Dyrcona |
TLS 1.0 is dead, too. Serious vulnerabilities. |
11:28 |
berick |
do the secure:false setting in the staff client have no effect? in constants.js. |
11:28 |
berick |
or do are they happy to be redirected? |
11:28 |
* Dyrcona |
goes to check the dates again on the PCI ultimatum..... |
11:29 |
berick |
i tested a few things here redirecting 80->443 and xul seems happy, but haven't confirmed it's hitting any of the secure:false API's |
11:30 |
dbs |
well we're using the indexdata yaz packages so that might be part of it |
11:32 |
berick |
eh, the secure:false stuff didn't come up in 1507013, so it's probably not an issue. |
11:43 |
Dyrcona |
Y'know what really bugs me about the SSL-everywhere movement? Practically no one encrypts their email, and email should be the first that gets encrypted. Not some random website with pictures of cats. |
11:52 |
csharp |
Dyrcona: yep |
12:00 |
* Dyrcona |
has some config branch commits to revert/delete. |
12:07 |
Dyrcona |
Nothing a git --reset --hard can't fix. ;) |
12:07 |
phasefx |
Dyrcona: people still use email? |
12:08 |
phasefx |
:) |
12:08 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
12:08 |
Dyrcona |
People still use FTP.... |
12:08 |
khuckins_ joined #evergreen |
12:13 |
phasefx |
I could have swore someone put together an Evergreen gopher, but can't find it |
12:13 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
12:14 |
dbs |
phasefx: have you checked Veronica? |
12:14 |
phasefx |
dbs: no :D |
12:14 |
Dyrcona |
Archie!!!!! |
12:14 |
* Dyrcona |
has flashbacks to searching archie for ftp files. |
12:14 |
* phasefx |
found his first telnet talker through gopher |
12:16 |
phasefx |
didn't learn about IRC until later |
12:17 |
phasefx |
only 8 hits in Veronica-2 for Evergreen, mostly about trees :) |
12:18 |
jonadab |
There's a guy in some of the other freenode channels I frequent who keeps trying to tell me that gopher is still being used. |
12:18 |
jonadab |
I told him demonstrating how gopher used to work historically doesn't really count as "still being used", but he doesn't listen. |
12:19 |
phasefx |
:D |
12:21 |
tsbere |
I have a friend that uses gopher. He figures it is so unlikely for someone to poke at that it is a great place to do things secretly. >_> |
12:22 |
jonadab |
Gopher wasn't _bad_, it just didn't do everything the web does, and also didn't really do very much that the web can't also do, so it kind of got displaced. |
12:23 |
jonadab |
I tend to think of it as Web 0.x |
12:23 |
gmcharlt |
your reminder that gopher://gopher.evergreen-ils.org is a thing ;) |
12:23 |
phasefx |
ah! maybe that's what I was remembering |
12:23 |
phasefx |
gmcharlt++ |
12:24 |
gmcharlt |
https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-web-team-extends-protocol-support/ |
12:25 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
12:25 |
jeff |
phasefx: i also had an old gopher interface for early early test result status display. i didn't bother adapting it after that test system went away. |
12:26 |
phasefx |
jeff++ just for giggles? |
12:29 |
csharp |
"would you care for some gopher, Everett?" |
12:29 |
* csharp |
can't read that word without thinking of that movie |
12:30 |
gsams |
We ran across a whole gopher village |
12:32 |
csharp |
gsams++ |
12:57 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl_ joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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terran joined #evergreen |
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rfrasur joined #evergreen |
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hbrennan joined #evergreen |
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rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
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sherbertbc joined #evergreen |
13:59 |
terran |
EOB Meeting starting shortly |
13:59 |
scotthomas joined #evergreen |
14:03 |
* rfrasur |
is here |
14:03 |
scottthomas joined #evergreen |
14:04 |
afterl joined #evergreen |
14:07 |
terran |
Is Tim here? |
14:08 |
rfrasur |
Not yet |
14:08 |
rfrasur |
checking for any email to say who is/isn't going to be here. |
14:08 |
scottthomas |
I thought I was doing something wrong. Glad to see others are here. |
14:08 |
hbrennan |
:) |
14:09 |
Dyrcona |
scottthomas: 60+ other people are "watching." ;) |
14:09 |
Dyrcona |
And the bots... :) |
14:09 |
rfrasur |
Yes...and the bots. |
14:09 |
sherbertbc |
I just emailed Tim, had an email from him this morning that he was planning to be here |
14:11 |
csharp |
@blame the bots |
14:11 |
pinesol_green |
csharp: the bots forgot to give the gerbils their chocolate-frosted sugar bombs |
14:11 |
hbrennan |
ha |
14:11 |
Dyrcona |
@praise the bots |
14:11 |
* pinesol_green |
You don't want to get mixed up with someone like the bots. the bots is a loner, Dottie. A rebel. |
14:11 |
Dyrcona |
That one comes up too often. |
14:12 |
terran |
He will be here in a moment |
14:12 |
tspindler joined #evergreen |
14:12 |
rfrasur |
14:12 |
rfrasur |
Hi, Tim |
14:12 |
rfrasur |
:D |
14:12 |
afterl |
Hi, Tim |
14:13 |
tspindler |
sorry about that |
14:13 |
tspindler |
I had marked 2:30 on my calendar incorrectly |
14:13 |
tspindler |
#startmeeting 2017-08-17 - Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting |
14:13 |
pinesol_green |
Meeting started Thu Aug 17 14:13:25 2017 US/Eastern. The chair is tspindler. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:13 |
pinesol_green |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:13 |
pinesol_green |
The meeting name has been set to '2017_08_17___evergreen_oversight_board_meeting' |
14:13 |
tspindler |
#topic roll call |
14:13 |
tspindler |
Use the #info command stating name and affiliation |
14:13 |
rfrasur |
#info rfrasur is Ruth Frasur, Hagerstown Library, Evergreen Indiana |
14:13 |
tspindler |
#info tspindler is Tim Spindler, C/W MARS |
14:13 |
sherbertbc |
#info sherbertbc is Sharon Herbert, Sitka/BC Libraries Cooperative |
14:14 |
rgagnon |
#info rgagnon is Ron Gagnon, NOBLE |
14:14 |
scottthomas |
#info scottthomas is Scott Thomas, PaILS |
14:14 |
terran |
#info terran is Terran McCanna, PINES |
14:14 |
hbrennan |
#info hbrennan is Holly Brennan, Homer Public Library AK |
14:14 |
afterl |
#info afterl is Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation |
14:14 |
tspindler |
#info Agenda |
14:14 |
tspindler |
#link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=governance:minutes:2017-8-17 |
14:14 |
tspindler |
#minutes of July 20, 2017 |
14:14 |
tspindler |
#link http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2017/evergreen.2017-07-20-14.00.html |
14:15 |
tspindler |
When ever anyone is ready can I have a motion to approve the minutes of July 20, 2017 |
14:16 |
rfrasur |
I'll motion to approve the minutes |
14:16 |
scottthomas |
#Second |
14:16 |
rgagnon |
Second the motion. |
14:16 |
tspindler |
#info rfrasur makes motion and scott thomas seconds |
14:16 |
tspindler |
#startvote Approve minutes of 7-20-17? Yes, No, Abstain |
14:16 |
pinesol_green |
Begin voting on: Approve minutes of 7-20-17? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Abstain. |
14:16 |
pinesol_green |
Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. |
14:17 |
tspindler |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
hbrennan |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
rfrasur |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
terran |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
sherbertbc |
#vote yes |
14:17 |
rgagnon |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
scottthomas |
#vote Yes |
14:17 |
tspindler |
#endvote |
14:17 |
pinesol_green |
Voted on "Approve minutes of 7-20-17?" Results are |
14:17 |
pinesol_green |
Yes (7): tspindler, rfrasur, rgagnon, scottthomas, terran, hbrennan, sherbertbc |
14:17 |
tspindler |
#topic Report of the Chair |
14:17 |
tspindler |
I don't have anything to report. |
14:18 |
tspindler |
#topic Financial report |
14:18 |
tspindler |
I don't think we have any new reports yet. Unless gmcharlt has something? |
14:18 |
gmcharlt |
tspindler: not yet, but will do so later this afternoon |
14:19 |
tspindler |
Thanks, moving on |
14:19 |
tspindler |
#topic SFC Updates (Amy Terlaga) |
14:19 |
afterl |
Nothing to report concerning the SFC. |
14:19 |
tspindler |
#topic Release Manager (Galen Charlton) |
14:19 |
tspindler |
#link https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-3-0-development-update-14-results-of-the-second-feedback-fest/ |
14:20 |
gmcharlt |
that link is a good summary |
14:20 |
terran |
gmcharlt++ |
14:20 |
tspindler |
gmcharlt++ |
14:20 |
rgagnon |
gmcharlt++ |
14:20 |
gmcharlt |
we're reaching a soft cutoff for new features to make it into 3.0 at the end of this week |
14:20 |
tspindler |
any other questions about the upcoming release? It is a big one I know. |
14:20 |
gmcharlt |
(well, more like Monday) |
14:21 |
gmcharlt |
my main plea as RM is for some testing on a couple of the big branches, particularly serials and offline mode |
14:21 |
gmcharlt |
but we're nonetheless on course for reaching the primary release goal of having 3.0 be the one where we recommend use of webstaff in production for all modules |
14:21 |
terran |
The initial testing I did on offline worked really well, but I haven't had a chance to test it again recently. |
14:22 |
rfrasur |
gmcharlt, I suspect that this has gone out, but can you send another plea for testers through the main listserv? |
14:22 |
tspindler |
I can see about more testing here also |
14:22 |
gmcharlt |
rfrasur: yeah, can do |
14:22 |
rfrasur |
Thank you |
14:22 |
tspindler |
#topic SFC Membership Review (Sharon Herbert and Tim Spindler) |
14:23 |
sherbertbc |
We received two responses to the request for information. In the process of developing a report with detailed options for EOB to consider. Nothing more to report today. |
14:23 |
tspindler |
sherbertbc++ |
14:23 |
tspindler |
#topic 2018 Conference Committee Report (Amy Terlaga) |
14:23 |
terran |
sherbertbc++ |
14:23 |
rfrasur |
sherbertbc++ (and gmcharlt++, retroactively) |
14:24 |
afterl |
#info The first planning meeting of the 2018 Evergreen Conference Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th, 1pm. A planning timeline has been developed and shared with the MOBIUS Team. |
14:24 |
afterl |
We have a basic website up. |
14:24 |
afterl |
#info The sponsorship packet is almost ready. |
14:24 |
afterl |
More to follow after the 9/6/17 planning meeting. |
14:24 |
terran |
afterl++ |
14:24 |
sherbertbc |
after1++ |
14:24 |
rgagnon |
afterl++ |
14:24 |
tspindler |
afterl++ |
14:24 |
rfrasur |
afterl++ |
14:24 |
rfrasur |
brb |
14:25 |
tspindler |
afterl, how is the schedule looking to have programming information ready before early registration closes? |
14:25 |
afterl |
I think good. |
14:25 |
afterl |
I will make a note of that though |
14:26 |
tspindler |
#topic Outreach Committee (Kathy Lussier) |
14:26 |
tspindler |
Kathy is on vacation this week but I don't know if anyone else on Outreach can fill in. |
14:26 |
terran |
I believe Kathy is traveling |
14:26 |
terran |
Jinx |
14:27 |
rgagnon |
We met recently and working on a few things. |
14:28 |
rfrasur |
back |
14:28 |
tspindler |
rgagnon, nothing to detail yet? |
14:28 |
tspindler |
or provide details that is |
14:28 |
rgagnon |
Nothing firm, at least that I can recall at this moment. |
14:28 |
tspindler |
ok |
14:29 |
tspindler |
#topic Old Business |
14:29 |
tspindler |
we didn't have anything left from the last meeting |
14:29 |
tspindler |
#topic New Business |
14:29 |
tspindler |
I was wondering if someone could say anything about the status of the hackfest? |
14:30 |
rfrasur |
I'm not sure if jboyer or agoben are listening in. |
14:30 |
tspindler |
rfrasur, its in Indiana again, correct? |
14:30 |
terran |
Yes, same place as last year |
14:30 |
rfrasur |
I do know that the venue has been secured. |
14:30 |
terran |
You have to call the lodge in order to get the group rate for reservation. |
14:31 |
JBoyer |
Poof. |
14:31 |
rfrasur |
Yes, Ft. Harrison |
14:31 |
tspindler |
#info Hackfest in Indiana same location as 2016 |
14:31 |
rfrasur |
JBoyer, do you have some info about about the 2017 hackfest? |
14:31 |
tspindler |
Jboyer, do you have anything to add/correct? |
14:31 |
JBoyer |
I updated the wiki page with information on how to register; if you want to stay at the Harrison house you need to contact agoben directly. |
14:31 |
terran |
I saw a mention that we'll have an EOB meeting the day before? I'm intending to arrive early afternoon. |
14:32 |
rfrasur |
Yes, there's an EOB meeting, and agoben also sent out a survey about potential social things. |
14:32 |
scottthomas joined #evergreen |
14:33 |
tspindler |
I was not planning to go to the hackfest, I don't remember seeing anything |
14:33 |
scottthomas |
I am sorry. I lost connection for several minutes. Am caught up via the log. |
14:33 |
hbrennan |
same here |
14:34 |
rgagnon |
I don't believe I've seen any info either, but also not planning on attending. |
14:34 |
terran |
Anna sent out a message on July 28 to open-ils-general with info |
14:34 |
JBoyer |
Didn't mean to be confusing: call the inn with the code from the wiki to get in the group block, contact agoben for availability of the harrison house. |
14:34 |
tspindler |
#link https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=hack-a-way-2017 |
14:35 |
JBoyer |
Thanks tspindler, I didn't have that handy |
14:35 |
JBoyer |
And I *think* the EOB day is intended to be streamed or teleconferenced in some way, though the details aren't in front of me at the moment. |
14:35 |
tspindler |
I don't remember anyone talking to me about holding an EOB meeting before the hack-away |
14:36 |
tspindler |
If we can do a teleconference, i think that can work. |
14:36 |
rfrasur |
tspindler, it was something that we talked about at the EOB meeting that was held last year at the hack-away. I'm not sure we've talked much more about it since then. |
14:37 |
JBoyer |
We're just ready for it, whether or not it actually / what happens is up to you fine folks. :) |
14:37 |
tspindler |
rfrasur: thanks |
14:38 |
rfrasur |
Jboyer, thank you |
14:38 |
rfrasur |
JBoyer++ |
14:38 |
tspindler |
If we held it like last year, would the EOB be on November 7? |
14:38 |
terran |
Either way is fine with me - although I might actually have to take real meeting notes instead of relying on IRC's logs. |
14:38 |
tspindler |
JBoyer++ |
14:38 |
JBoyer |
It's intended to be the day before the actual hackfest. I can look that part up... |
14:39 |
tspindler |
I will be on vacation November 6 so I can't do that day. |
14:39 |
JBoyer |
11/6 is the planned EOB day. |
14:39 |
tspindler |
JBoyer, are you the main organizer? |
14:40 |
terran |
The normal day would be Nov 16. |
14:40 |
JBoyer |
agoben has been organizing things on this end, she's unavailable at the moment however. |
14:40 |
tspindler |
ok |
14:41 |
rfrasur |
tspindler, I forwarded the email to you. |
14:41 |
tspindler |
#action tspindler will work with hack-a-away organizes about the an EOB meeting |
14:42 |
tspindler |
Any other questions about the hack-a-away? |
14:42 |
tspindler |
We will be sending Drycona there |
14:43 |
JBoyer |
It's not an issue on this end if the EOB is still on the 16th, the room that is reserved is at the ISL so it won't cost anything either way. |
14:43 |
tspindler |
Would the rest of the EOB like to hold it in conjunction with the Hack-away or wait? |
14:43 |
JBoyer |
(I think all of that came about because of the proximity of several members rather than a long term desire to tie an EOB meeting and the hack a way together) |
14:44 |
tspindler |
Who on the EOB is going to it? |
14:44 |
hbrennan |
Either date works for me right now. As long as it's still late enough in the day for this Alaskan to join |
14:44 |
hbrennan |
I won't be there |
14:44 |
rfrasur |
JBoyer, that's correct. And there were also some issues that lent themselves to face-to-face interaction |
14:44 |
sherbertbc |
I won't be there |
14:45 |
terran |
I'll be there |
14:45 |
rfrasur |
I CAN be there, and hope to be attending whatever evening thing is going on... |
14:45 |
* rfrasur |
isn't a developer though. |
14:45 |
scottthomas |
Nor will I. I have a board meeting. |
14:45 |
rgagnon |
The 6th may be a problem for me, but not going to Indiana. |
14:46 |
rfrasur |
It sounds like there won't be enough attendance for an EOB meeting at the Hackaway. |
14:46 |
terran |
I'm happy to do it on the 16th as normal. |
14:46 |
tspindler |
Ok, it doesn't sound like there is ned to meet at the Hackaway. Unless something crops up , I don't hink we have an urgent issue. |
14:46 |
rfrasur |
Even with teleconferencing. Perhaps it'd be better to do it on the 16th and get a Hackaway update. |
14:46 |
tspindler |
Let's keep the normal date then. |
14:47 |
tspindler |
I could organize a teleconference. We have GoToMeeting if the EOB would want to use that? |
14:48 |
tspindler |
Ok, we will leave that for discussion later. |
14:48 |
rfrasur |
Is there some reason to do teleconferencing rather than IRC? |
14:48 |
tspindler |
No, I just wasn't sure if someone wanted a teleconference |
14:48 |
rfrasur |
Ah, gotcha. |
14:49 |
tspindler |
Any other new business? |
14:50 |
tspindler |
Ok, can I have a motion to adjourn? |
14:50 |
* rfrasur |
motions to adjourn |
14:50 |
rfrasur |
:D |
14:50 |
tspindler |
#endmeeting |
14:50 |
pinesol_green |
Meeting ended Thu Aug 17 14:50:19 2017 US/Eastern. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:50 |
pinesol_green |
Minutes: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2017/evergreen.2017-08-17-14.13.html |
14:50 |
pinesol_green |
Minutes (text): http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2017/evergreen.2017-08-17-14.13.txt |
14:50 |
pinesol_green |
Log: http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2017/evergreen.2017-08-17-14.13.log.html |
14:50 |
sherbertbc |
tspindler++ |
14:50 |
terran |
tspindler++ |
14:50 |
hbrennan |
tspindler++ |
14:50 |
scottthomas |
tspindler++ |
14:50 |
rfrasur |
tspindler++ |
14:50 |
rgagnon |
tspindler++ |
14:50 |
tspindler left #evergreen |
14:51 |
rfrasur |
lol, all the jumping out of IRC. Thanks guys and gals. Carry on...and...um. |
14:52 |
berick |
heh |
14:52 |
hbrennan |
rfrasur: I'm still here! |
14:52 |
berick |
saucers left spinning on tables |
14:52 |
hbrennan |
:) |
14:52 |
rfrasur |
I'm staying...for now. Just because |
14:52 |
hbrennan |
same |
14:52 |
rfrasur |
hbrennan!! Yes! |
14:53 |
bshum |
@dessert rfrasur |
14:53 |
* pinesol_green |
grabs some Sweet Potato Pie for rfrasur |
14:53 |
terran |
me too |
14:53 |
rfrasur |
I love sweet potato pie. Thank you. |
14:53 |
rfrasur |
Terran!! Also Yes!! |
14:54 |
terran |
Sweet potato pie sounds really good. I suppose I should eat something besides corn nuts today. |
14:55 |
rfrasur |
Uh, yeah. Most assuredly. And sweet potato pie is kinda like eating a fruit...and a vegetable...and a starch.. |
14:55 |
rfrasur |
It's basically a full meal. |
14:55 |
rfrasur |
Kinda like pizza |
14:55 |
rfrasur |
Without cheese |
14:55 |
rfrasur |
Hopefully |
14:55 |
* rfrasur |
had caffeine. |
14:55 |
hbrennan |
ha |
14:57 |
abneiman |
dang you guys, now I want sweet potato pie, and corn nuts, and pizza.... |
14:57 |
hbrennan |
bahahaha |
14:57 |
hbrennan |
me too |
14:57 |
hbrennan |
And I have.... 2 1/2 hours until lunch :( |
14:58 |
rfrasur |
abneiman, I'd feel a little bad about that, but you know. I don't. |
14:58 |
* rfrasur |
grins mischieviously |
14:58 |
abneiman |
:) |
14:58 |
* abneiman |
might have to revise dinner plans |
14:58 |
rfrasur |
It's all on account of that sushi platter you posted. |
14:59 |
abneiman |
LOL... dude, that was like, WEEKS ago |
14:59 |
rfrasur |
I have a LONG memory. |
14:59 |
abneiman |
...for sushi :) |
14:59 |
rfrasur |
I mean, it's not like I hold grudges...but I really like sushi. |
15:00 |
rfrasur |
:D |
15:01 |
hbrennan |
Confession: I find a sushi place at every conference |
15:01 |
rfrasur |
That's not a confession, Holly. That's SOP. |
15:01 |
rfrasur |
I find no fault in that whatsoever. No absolution necessary. |
15:01 |
abneiman |
hbrennan: I try to do the same. Missed out in CVG though. |
15:02 |
hbrennan |
I always have to stay over Sat night and everyone leaves... so I have a bed picnic |
15:02 |
* rfrasur |
laughs |
15:02 |
rfrasur |
St. Charles is pretty close to me. I'd totally stay longer for sushi. |
15:02 |
hbrennan |
abneiman: You missed Wabi Sabi half price all day every day! |
15:03 |
hbrennan |
It was a trick though. Had to eat in for half price |
15:03 |
abneiman |
hbrennan: the place in my town does the same. All it does is encourage me to overorder... |
15:03 |
hbrennan |
abneiman: Ha. I believe this |
15:03 |
rfrasur |
Hmm, now I'm pondering the implications of eating at Wabi Sabi and drinking Cabo Wabo. |
15:04 |
mmorgan1 joined #evergreen |
15:17 |
rfrasur |
Okay, peace y'all :-) |
16:13 |
Jillianne joined #evergreen |
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mmorgan joined #evergreen |
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jvwoolf joined #evergreen |
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khuckins joined #evergreen |
16:32 |
pinesol_green |
News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
16:33 |
afterl left #evergreen |
16:42 |
gmcharlt |
csharp: my last comment in bug 1709710 gives you an alternative thing to try |
16:42 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1709710 in Evergreen "OpenSRF Installation Instructions for ejabberd" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709710 - Assigned to Adam Bowling (abowling) |
16:42 |
gmcharlt |
also, dbs ^^ |
17:03 |
khuckins_ joined #evergreen |
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genpaku joined #evergreen |
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Christineb joined #evergreen |
22:02 |
dbs |
gmcharlt: yeah saw that, thanks - seems like it would require a recompile & install of most of the shared libs and binary executables in OpenSRF and Evergreen? |
22:09 |
RBecker joined #evergreen |