Time |
Nick |
Message |
02:42 |
Jillianne joined #evergreen |
04:31 |
pinesol_green |
News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
05:36 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
07:16 |
rjackson_isl joined #evergreen |
07:25 |
agoben joined #evergreen |
08:24 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
08:35 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Josh Stompro] LP#1650807: fix rollover_phone_to_print.pl to ack failed calls - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=89f763b> |
08:41 |
mmorgan joined #evergreen |
08:50 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
09:01 |
_adb joined #evergreen |
09:18 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
09:18 |
maryj joined #evergreen |
09:29 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
09:31 |
Dyrcona joined #evergreen |
09:52 |
collum joined #evergreen |
09:54 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
10:06 |
mllewellyn joined #evergreen |
11:00 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
11:15 |
Bmagic joined #evergreen |
11:23 |
gmcharlt |
tossing out https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1411699 as something for a quick pass with anotehr committer's eyes |
11:23 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1411699 in Evergreen "TPAC: Don't load dojo widgets unless we actually need them (for autocomplete)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] |
11:26 |
bos20k joined #evergreen |
12:17 |
jihpringle joined #evergreen |
12:37 |
kmlussier |
Hi folks! Today is a maintenance release day. I plan to review a few bugs and have the release ready for Bmagic to build by 3 p.m. Eastern. If there are any bugs anyone wants me to look at between now and then, let me know. |
12:38 |
kmlussier |
Also, I know it's a little last minute, but I just submitted a patch that I would love to get into this release if anyone has time to look at it. Bug 1677902 |
12:38 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1677902 in Evergreen "Search Formats limiter appears in left sidebar when search returns no results" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1677902 |
12:44 |
fco_guel joined #evergreen |
12:45 |
fco_guel |
Hi all, I have a doubt, Is there any way to use smtp for evergreen notifications? |
12:46 |
gmcharlt |
fco_guel: sure, Evergreen can be readily configured to email notifications to patrons |
12:47 |
kmlussier |
Change of plans. Let's look at moving the release next week so that we have time to review a security patch for the release. |
12:47 |
gmcharlt |
kmlussier: +1 |
12:48 |
kmlussier |
Also, we can get more goodies from the feedback fest into the release. |
12:48 |
Dyrcona |
+1 Also in light of feedback fest. |
12:48 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
12:48 |
* kmlussier |
will still plan to do her review today so that she doesn't procrastinate and end up doing last-minute review again. |
12:49 |
gmcharlt |
fco_guel: also, http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.12/_notifications_action_triggers.html describes one of the areas where you'd do the configuration |
13:05 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |
13:07 |
fco_guel |
thanks gmcharlt, but I couldn't find where the mail configuration is |
13:10 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: There are several locations for smtp server in opensrf.xml. |
13:10 |
Dyrcona |
The default is localhost. |
13:13 |
sandbergja joined #evergreen |
13:13 |
berick |
grabbing 1040 |
13:17 |
fco_guel |
Dyrcona: Do you have any example about how to config this part? please |
13:18 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: Not really. It's XML. You put the hostname of your smtp server there. |
13:21 |
fco_guel |
so for example is not possible config evergreen to send emails using a gmail account? |
13:22 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1673799: new acqedim index to speed up duplicate file check - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2565c2c> |
13:22 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1673799 Stamping EDI query SQL update - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=bb9225c> |
13:26 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: It doesn't authenticate. We do relay email through Gmail, but we're using Google apps for business or whatever. |
13:27 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: To relay through gmail, you need to use gmail for your own domain and configure gmail to permit your evergreen server to relay mail. |
13:28 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: I still use localhost as the smtp server. I configure the local smtp server to use gmail as a smarthost. |
13:31 |
fco_guel |
Dyrcona: excellent, I think it will work for me https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/configure-postfix-to-use-gmail-as-a-mail-relay/ |
13:31 |
fco_guel |
thanks for yours help |
13:32 |
Dyrcona |
You're welcome. |
13:37 |
mdriscoll joined #evergreen |
13:38 |
ScottThomas joined #evergreen |
13:39 |
ScottThomas |
kmlussier: Are you there? |
13:39 |
kmlussier |
Hi ScottThomas! Welcome! |
13:40 |
* bshum |
waves at kmlussier and ScottThomas too |
13:40 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: Your timing is perfect. I just got back from my coffee run. |
13:41 |
ScottThomas |
kmlussier: Thank you for being here. It looks pretty easy. When we are in the meeting tomorrow and I want to address everyone, do I just simply leave out the name:? |
13:42 |
Dyrcona |
ScottThomas: Without or without the name, we all see what you say. |
13:42 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: Yes, that's right. You use the name if you're addressing somebody directly, but, otherwise, you just type you comment. |
13:42 |
kmlussier |
Yeah, the name just helps remove confusion sometimes when multiple people are talking. |
13:42 |
Dyrcona |
You can use the /msg command with the name to send a private message that only the recipient sees. |
13:43 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: Have you seen yboston's intro to IRC presentation? http://goo.gl/w3zml2 |
13:45 |
kmlussier |
We also have a Quick Start guide at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=community:irc-quick-start. |
13:45 |
ScottThomas |
kmlussier: I did not see the yboston presentation, but will check it out. |
13:46 |
kmlussier |
Another trick that is useful is using the /me command. For example... |
13:46 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1641208: util.file no longer mangles UTF8 when writing JSON - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=077d054> |
13:46 |
* kmlussier |
is sorry her introduction to IRC isn't as good as yboston's. |
13:46 |
ScottThomas |
Drycona: Thank you. I appreciate the help. The first time I did this was a bit intimidating, but it was a big meeting. |
13:46 |
kmlussier |
I typed that as "/me is sorry her introduction to IRC isn't as good as yboston's" |
13:47 |
ScottThomas |
kmlussier: Ah, that's a good trick. |
13:48 |
kmlussier |
pinesol_green, which just posted a commit that was recently merged, is a bot in the channel. |
13:48 |
pinesol_green |
kmlussier: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) |
13:48 |
pinesol_green |
kmlussier: What do you mean? An African or European swallow? |
13:49 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: For the most part, you can get by in the meetings by mimicking some of the things you see other people doing. |
13:50 |
rhamby |
really voting and info are the only two things routinely used in meetings that aren't common IRC use in general |
13:51 |
rhamby |
(unless you're running the meeting) |
13:51 |
kmlussier |
For example, when doing introductions, you'll be typing "#info" followed by your name at the beginning of the meeting. The use of #info tells the meeting bot that what was typed should be included in minutes. |
13:51 |
ScottThomas |
Voting is: Type +1 to vote or show support for an idea. Alternatively, use -1 to vote against or show opposition to an idea. ? |
13:51 |
kmlussier |
Yes, I didn't link to the Meetbot documentation because it's mostly useful for those running the meeting. |
13:51 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: That's for informal voting. In a meeting, there is a formal #vote option. |
13:52 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: When the chair calls for a vote, they will tell you which options can be used with the #vote command. Typically it's something like: |
13:52 |
kmlussier |
#vote yes |
13:52 |
kmlussier |
#vote no |
13:52 |
kmlussier |
or |
13:52 |
kmlussier |
#vote abstain |
13:52 |
* kmlussier |
hopes she is remembering this correctly. |
13:52 |
kmlussier |
Yes, I am. |
13:53 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: And at the end of the meeting, it's always good form to give some karma to the person who ran the meeting. Like this... |
13:53 |
ScottThomas |
kmlussier: Well, the oversight board people are kind so I am sure they will politely advise me if I get it wrong. |
13:53 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas++ |
13:53 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: Yes, they will. Actually, I would say that about anyone in this channel. They're all very helpful and understanding. :) |
13:54 |
bshum |
Except for that eeevil guy. I'd watch out for him. |
13:54 |
Dyrcona |
heh |
13:55 |
kmlussier |
eeevil doesn't come here anymore. |
13:56 |
Dyrcona |
"Don't touch it! It's evil!" |
13:56 |
ScottThomas |
I should hang out here more often. You guys seem like a fun bunch. |
13:56 |
kmlussier |
Oh, this might be useful. A wiki page telling you who everyone is. I don't know how up to date it is. https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=community:irc_channel |
13:57 |
bshum |
kmlussier: That page could use more love for sure. But it's still helpful to use now and then/ |
13:57 |
kmlussier |
ScottThomas: Seriously, everyone should hang out here more often. |
13:57 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: I'd also recommend forwarding the email from cron jobs to an account that gets checked. |
13:57 |
bshum |
@dessert ScottThomas |
13:57 |
* pinesol_green |
grabs some chocolate croissants for ScottThomas |
13:57 |
Dyrcona |
fco_guel: Once you configure the postfix to relay through gmail, you can add a line like "MAILTO=user domain.tld" to the top of the crontab file. |
13:58 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|blake] LP1244354 Unnecessary user refresh after deletion can cause permission error - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a11aca1> |
13:58 |
bshum |
While often we do end up talking technical discussions, just as often I find we muse on the world around us. And desserts. |
13:58 |
bshum |
We can always talk more about desserts. |
13:58 |
* kmlussier |
would rather eat the desserts. |
14:00 |
Dyrcona |
phasefx++ gmcharlt++ |
14:00 |
ScottThomas |
kmlussier++ Dyrcona++ bshum++ rhamby++ I have to leave my computer for awhile. Thank you. |
14:02 |
maryj joined #evergreen |
14:12 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] Webstaff: hide behind-desk option when not supported - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4ec6db8> |
14:19 |
fco_guel |
Dyrcona: Ok, thanks for the advice |
14:22 |
kmlussier |
huh. Something strange has happened to the holds pull list in the web client. |
14:23 |
kmlussier |
But it looks okay on webby. hmmm |
14:28 |
kmlussier |
Does anyone have the web client with a recent master who can check their hold pull list? This is what I'm seeing - http://www.screencast.com/t/sXlPUtFNMKK |
14:29 |
kmlussier |
I see it on the community demo server, which is running with the 2.12 branch as of May 6 and also on a VM that was loaded with master more recently. |
14:29 |
Dyrcona |
I recall seeing that during our meeting on Monday. |
14:30 |
kmlussier |
Dyrcona: Yes, me too. At the time, I thought it was related to the low resolution I was using when my laptop was hooked up to the projector. |
14:33 |
Dyrcona |
Well, I'm trying on a vm with 2.12 and production data FWIW. |
14:33 |
Dyrcona |
Well, it tells me no times to display, but otherwise looks OK. |
14:33 |
Dyrcona |
It probably timed out while retrieving the list. |
14:34 |
kmlussier |
Oh, you know what it is? For some reason, the column picker is defaulting to just show potential copies. |
14:35 |
* kmlussier |
checks to see if it's set that way in local storage or if it's become the new default. |
14:35 |
Dyrcona |
I don't have enough spare RAM to start a vm on my laptop. |
14:35 |
bshum |
Looks fine to me on recent-ish master from earlier this week |
14:35 |
bshum |
I see all more of the usual columns |
14:37 |
Dyrcona |
My poor little VM stuggles to show me 9 items. :) |
14:37 |
abneiman |
kmlussier: I see the expected pull list on EOLI's in-house webby, which is master-ish (miker or gmcharlt could give you a better sense of how close it is to current master) |
14:38 |
Dyrcona |
Of course the db server is also kind of busty. |
14:38 |
Dyrcona |
busy...rather. |
14:38 |
kmlussier |
Yeah, it looks like it was from local storage, which seems odd since I think I would remember making such a drastic change. Also, I made the change on two VMs? But, whatever. I must be losing it. |
14:38 |
kmlussier |
Sorry for the noise. |
14:38 |
Dyrcona |
Could be local storage corruption.... |
14:38 |
bshum |
kmlussier: Would that sort of setting follow you to other instances? |
14:39 |
kmlussier |
bshum: No, not usually. The local storage is set for each domain. |
14:39 |
Dyrcona |
I don't think it would. It's stored by hostname, IIRC. |
14:39 |
gmcharlt |
indeed |
14:39 |
bshum |
K |
14:39 |
gmcharlt |
(and if it did follow, we could probably fund hosting the 2019 EG conference in Aruba from the bug bounty we could collect from Google ;) ) |
14:40 |
Dyrcona |
heh |
14:50 |
kmlussier |
It also happened in a different browser, which has different local storage, so I'm thinking there must be some other underlying cause unrelated to me configuring the columns in an odd way. But deleting eg.grid.circ.holds.pull from local storage definitely fixed it. |
14:50 |
kmlussier |
I wonder if there was some change to those grid columns that affects the previously-stored local storage settings. |
15:08 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1670242 Webstaff checkin transit holds addr fix - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=2ea92ed> |
15:11 |
kmlussier |
gmcharlt: Can we add bugs to the wiki page if the pullrequest was added after you created the page. I'm thinking of bug 1670242 |
15:11 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1670242 in Evergreen "Web client: Cannot successfully check in hold transit items" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1670242 |
15:12 |
gmcharlt |
kmlussier: sure, toss them in if they've gotten feedback this week |
15:12 |
kmlussier |
Will do. |
15:13 |
berick |
kmlussier: testing hatch on this machine? maybe using the copy-from-hatch-to-browser button? |
15:14 |
kmlussier |
berick: No, I haven't used hatch on my Linux machine yet. |
15:16 |
kmlussier |
But I guess I'll have to do so soon since we're testing offline circ. I think I had trouble getting it installed on Linux when I tried it a couple of months ago. |
15:19 |
berick |
kmlussier: maybe related to bug #1653001 since that changed the structure of the pull list. stored grid settings might not line up anymore. |
15:19 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1653001 in Evergreen "webstaff sortable holds pull list" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1653001 |
15:22 |
kmlussier |
berick: Possibly. But if it were that code were the cause, I would think I would have seen it when I tested it. I also had been using the pull list to find items to test for bug 1670242 and didn't see the column picker issue until Monday. |
15:22 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1670242 in Evergreen "Web client: Cannot successfully check in hold transit items" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1670242 |
15:23 |
berick |
ah |
15:30 |
kmlussier joined #evergreen |
15:34 |
kmlussier |
On the other hand, it looks like I haven't stored anything for eg.grid.circ.holds.pull on my mlnc1 VM. It's possible that all of that other testing happened there, and I didn't have the right set of circumstances to cause the problem. |
16:08 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Billy Horn] LP#1618949 Patron edit forces required stat cats - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=8f47b6d> |
16:08 |
pinesol_green |
[evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1618949 Required patron stats format repairs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=997e45a> |
16:22 |
Jillianne joined #evergreen |
16:31 |
pinesol_green |
News from qatests: Test Success <http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live> |
17:00 |
chatter29 joined #evergreen |
17:00 |
chatter29 |
hey guys |
17:00 |
chatter29 |
allah is doing |
17:00 |
chatter29 |
sun is not doing allah is doing |
17:00 |
chatter29 |
to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger |
17:02 |
chatter29 joined #evergreen |
17:05 |
mmorgan left #evergreen |
17:10 |
miker |
berick: there should be no restriction against storing strings in something other than an top level key, right? a la: s.foo.Bar = "[% l('baz') %]"; |
17:10 |
miker |
it certainly doesn't look like it... |
17:20 |
Bmagic |
ever heard of cutting patrons off at their expiration date. AKA renewing items that would normally have a due date beyond the expire date, should have a hard due date of their expiration date instead? |
17:24 |
jeff |
similar, yes. |
17:24 |
Bmagic |
nothing in Evergreen that can address this (yet) ? |
17:24 |
jeff |
i don't think that we currently have a "truncate due date to patron expiration date" feature, but i could be wrong. i have interest there, even though in many cases the concept is seen as a mis-feature. |
17:25 |
jeff |
so, let me rephrase in a more succinct fashion: "i don't know" :-) |
17:25 |
Bmagic |
lol |
17:39 |
kmlussier |
I think there may be an LP bug out there for that feature. It sounds familiar. |
17:41 |
berick |
miker: for egStrings? i would expect nested values to be fine, assuming foo is an object of some sort of course. |
17:41 |
miker |
it is, and it does :) |
17:48 |
berick |
cool |
18:16 |
jihpringle |
Bmagic: we have a library setting called "Limit Due Date by Patron Expiry" |
18:16 |
jihpringle |
If True automatically adjusts item due date to match patron card expiry date if expiry date sooner than due date. If False item due date applied. |
18:19 |
jihpringle |
possibly it's a local customization we added that hasn't made it back to master |
18:24 |
jihpringle |
Bmagic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1046420 |
18:24 |
pinesol_green |
Launchpad bug 1046420 in Evergreen "Wishlist: Cut off due dates so they don't extend past card expiration date" [Wishlist,Triaged] |
18:44 |
csharp |
jihpringle++ |
20:03 |
book` joined #evergreen |
22:20 |
genpaku joined #evergreen |
23:14 |
rlefaive joined #evergreen |