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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-02-06

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:55 eglogbot joined #evergreen
00:55 Topic for #evergreen is now Welcome to #evergreen (https://evergreen-ils.org). This channel is publicly logged. Logs for today: http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/today
08:33 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:06 Dyrcona joined #evergreen
09:50 sandbergja joined #evergreen
09:52 sandbergja Bmagic: I had an idea about the symlinks in the docker dev container.  Right now, Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff is symlinked, but Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/opac is not (and it would be nice if it was!).  Do you see any potential gotchas to symlinking all of Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default ?
09:56 dguarrac joined #evergreen
10:38 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:41 Bmagic nope! I just missed one it sounds like
10:42 Bmagic sandbergja ^^
10:42 sandbergja Bmagic++
11:12 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:13 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:02 sandbergja joined #evergreen
17:04 mmorgan left #evergreen

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