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IRC log for #evergreen, 2025-02-04

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All times shown according to the server's local time.

Time Nick Message
00:08 blobmarley joined #evergreen
00:13 blobmarley joined #evergreen
00:34 blobmarley joined #evergreen
00:39 blobmarley joined #evergreen
01:00 blobmarley joined #evergreen
01:05 blobmarley joined #evergreen
01:25 blobmarley joined #evergreen
01:30 blobmarley joined #evergreen
02:33 blobmarley joined #evergreen
02:58 blobmarley joined #evergreen
03:04 blobmarley joined #evergreen
03:24 blobmarley joined #evergreen
03:30 blobmarley joined #evergreen
03:50 blobmarley joined #evergreen
03:56 blobmarley joined #evergreen
04:16 blobmarley joined #evergreen
05:22 blobmarley joined #evergreen
05:28 blobmarley joined #evergreen
05:48 blobmarley joined #evergreen
06:30 blobmarley joined #evergreen
06:35 blobmarley joined #evergreen
06:56 blobmarley joined #evergreen
07:37 blobmarley joined #evergreen
07:42 blobmarley9 joined #evergreen
08:03 blobmarley joined #evergreen
08:09 blobmarley joined #evergreen
08:29 blobmarley joined #evergreen
08:35 blobmarley joined #evergreen
08:37 mmorgan joined #evergreen
09:16 blobmarley joined #evergreen
09:18 dguarrac joined #evergreen
09:19 redavis joined #evergreen
09:21 blobmarley joined #evergreen
09:41 blobmarley joined #evergreen
09:47 blobmarley joined #evergreen
09:58 pinesol News from commits: LP2002327 Disable spellcheck on password inputs <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=d98304​9d406350f68ce130a1347b08a98f8f63ad>
10:07 blobmarley joined #evergreen
10:12 blobmarley joined #evergreen
10:20 jmurray-isl joined #evergreen
10:32 csharp_ [6~
10:33 blobmarley joined #evergreen
10:33 csharp_ csharp_: says you
10:33 csharp_ blobmarley: fix your connection mon
10:34 Bmagic I was going to say something yesterday
10:38 blobmarley joined #evergreen
10:41 sandbergja joined #evergreen
10:51 csharp_ I don't have admin powers, but I would kick them if so
10:58 pinesol News from commits: LP2097154 - Opac Search & History display after 'Save' <https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=E​vergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=169807​413d065d7cbd3423fb1df283faeddadeee>
10:59 blobmarley joined #evergreen
11:01 Christineb joined #evergreen
11:04 blobmarley joined #evergreen
11:25 blobmarley joined #evergreen
11:30 blobmarley joined #evergreen
11:50 blobmarley joined #evergreen
11:54 jeff a CTCP VERSION inquiry indicates that blobmarley may be running the IRC client "The Lounge", whose website has the ironic (in context) tagline: "Always connected."
11:56 blobmarley joined #evergreen
12:02 Guest94 joined #evergreen
12:11 dguarrac joined #evergreen
12:12 berick "Always connecting"
12:13 redavis berick++
12:15 redavis gmcharlt wins the day with a new (to me) word - "omnishambles"
12:16 blobmarley joined #evergreen
12:22 blobmarley joined #evergreen
12:42 blobmarley joined #evergreen
12:47 blobmarley joined #evergreen
13:08 blobmarley joined #evergreen
13:10 sandbergja joined #evergreen
13:13 blobmarley joined #evergreen
13:34 blobmarley joined #evergreen
13:38 smayo joined #evergreen
13:39 smayo I take a break from a Combobox bug and work on something else only to find that it's also secretly a combobox bug that would give me merge conflicts with the other one
13:39 smayo Le pain
13:39 blobmarley joined #evergreen
13:39 redavis le pain indeed
13:42 sandbergja :-(
13:59 sleary comboboooooooooox
14:00 blobmarley joined #evergreen
14:05 blobmarley joined #evergreen
14:21 csharp_ need me a big ol' box of Combos
14:25 justdoglet left #evergreen
14:26 blobmarley joined #evergreen
14:30 blobmarley6 joined #evergreen
14:40 mmorgan comboboxcombo
14:43 redavis I need cheese-filled pretzels now.
14:51 blobmarley joined #evergreen
14:56 blobmarley joined #evergreen
15:16 smayo joined #evergreen
15:17 blobmarley joined #evergreen
15:23 blobmarley joined #evergreen
15:33 Bmagic blobmarley: yo! before you leave, I'd like to ask you a question.
15:39 csharp_ redavis: pizza or classic cheddar?
15:43 blobmarley joined #evergreen
15:44 redavis csharp_ either. Pizza preferably, but both are yummy
15:44 csharp_ redavis++
15:49 blobmarley joined #evergreen
15:52 jeff blobmarley: please message me if you get around to fixing your client's recurring connection issues and would like to rejoin! no hard feelings!
15:52 blobmarley was kicked by jeff: blobmarley
15:52 csharp_ jeff++
15:56 redavis jeff++
15:57 jeff Usually, for workstation settings like eg.print.config.receipt, I expect the JSON object in the setting value to have a context that matches. eg.print.config.receipt has a value with "context": "receipt", etc.
15:58 jeff I'm starting to see a few where the context in the JSON value is different, and the context in the JSON value is always "default".
16:02 jeff In at least one case, it seems to be making it not possible for me to use a forced context on a hold pull list template to send the hold pull list to the printer that we've configured for the "mail" context.
16:06 jeff (I haven't confirmed that theory yet, but noticed the symptoms and the deviation from expected-by-me behavior.)
16:22 berick jeff: hm, i wonder if that's the real source of the issue.  at a glance, the Angular is not looking at the 'context' on the eg.print.config.$context settings
16:22 berick which makes sense, since it's redundant info
16:23 jeff Testing further, I can end up with the same "JSON value contains unexpected default context on non-default setting names", but I can't make it cause a problem with context confusion on a test machine, so the issue on the problem machine may be subtly different.
16:24 berick the context can be overridden per template + workstation via workstation setting
16:24 jeff I wonder if Hatch (java) was confused by the presence of, and deletion of, a duplicate printer name.
16:24 jeff *nod*
16:24 berick see the 'eg.print.template_context.*' workstation settings
16:24 jeff eg.print.template_context.hold_shelf_list"""mail"""
16:25 jeff heh. sorry, poor copy / paste.
16:25 jeff despite the forced context of "mail" there, the print job isn't sent to the printer listed in the value of eg.print.config.mail
16:27 jeff "mail" printer is a network copier, printing the hold pull list is going to the local receipt printer, which is the printer used by the contexts default, label, and receipt.
16:28 jeff I'm going to see if restarting Chrome (and thus Hatch) helps any.
16:28 mmorgan jeff: Is this the non-angular pull list?
16:30 jeff browser (and thus Hatch) restart fixed.
16:33 jeff and on the computer next to the problem computer, there was no duplicate printer, but the change in printer context did not take effect until after I exited the browser.
16:33 jeff uncertain why. I'll see if I can reproduce it on another machine.
16:35 jeff mmorgan: the Angular-looking eg2 hold pull list at /eg2/en-US/staff/circ/holds/pull-list, on 3.13.7.
16:37 * mmorgan is confused, thought the eg2 pull list no longer used the ws settings in favor of server side print templates.
16:39 berick mmorgan: it still uses settings to control aspects of the print operation (e.g. print context), just not the print template itself.
16:39 * csharp_ silently cried a single tear this morning when realizing boopac advanced search is Dojo dependent
16:42 sleary yep :(
16:43 berick @who went the way of the Dojo?
16:43 pinesol jeff went the way of the Dojo.
16:43 csharp_ @band add The Way of the Dojo
16:43 pinesol csharp_: Band 'The Way of the Dojo' added to list
16:45 mmorgan berick: Ok, thanks! So is that is still set in the client via workstation settings - print templates - force printer context?
16:47 jeff testing on this machine shows that the change to forced context did not take effect until I logged out of, then back into the client. it's possible also that it's cached server-side and I'm just lucking out by logging out then back in.
16:48 jeff haven't poked any further yet.
16:48 jeff we don't use this interface to print hold pull lists, and a library recently started making use of it, so I haven't experienced the sharp edges before now. :-)
16:49 berick i believe there's also an issue sharing workstation setting values across angular and angjs within the same login session
16:49 berick what with the caching
16:49 jeff also, judging by the 419 error on printing a larger hold pull list, I'm guessing that the entire set of data is round tripped from the server to the client then back up to the server for formatting and back down to the client to print?
16:50 berick mmorgan: i think so. i think it also works from admin -> server -> print template as well (for server-side templates).
16:50 berick jeff: yes, the data's round-tripped
16:51 jeff berick: ah, I hadn't thought of that. the print templates interface is indeed Angular.js looking.
16:53 jeff so I update the forced printer context for a template in the (Angular.js) Print Templates interface, but any Angular interfaces will still have the forced context values that were set when I logged in.
16:53 jeff berick++
16:53 jeff I think that explains what I was seeing.
17:07 jeff Is there currently any provision for a server-side Hold Shelf Slip template to be different per workstation?
17:09 mmorgan left #evergreen
17:09 berick jeff: server-side print templates can be per org unit, but not per workstation
17:10 berick short of logic within the template itself
17:10 jeff that will be fun.
17:10 * jeff makes mental note
17:11 jeff that will not be an issue until Angular circ, right?
17:12 berick right, Angular and server-side print templates generally go together.  don't remember if AngJS can use them.
17:13 jeff Do you expect that forcing a print context will still be something that the local workstation will be able to do, similar to how on 3.13 we can (with caching caveats) force a print context for the server-side hold pull list template?
17:14 jeff Ah, here's a wishlist bug for per-workstation templates: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1958875
17:14 pinesol Launchpad bug 1958875 in Evergreen "Angular Print - Holds Pull List by Workstation then Branch" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
17:14 berick yes, you can force the context for server-side print templates, but we probably need to make that behavior more clear in the UI
17:16 jeff Does the capability to force a print context for a server-side template exist anywhere other than in the (AngularJS) Print Templates editor at present?
17:17 jeff (it's handy that that works right now, even with the caching caveat / need to log out then back in)
17:18 berick yes it's in the admin -> server admin -> print template UI.   which is obv. not ideal
17:19 berick ... blending server-side configs with workstation prefs
17:20 jeff Ah, I see!
17:23 jeff berick++
17:26 jeff And indeed, forcing a print context there takes effect without a logout/login.
17:27 jeff both interfaces set the same workstation setting, and the client's Angular context concept of the current value of the setting is used for determining where to send the print job, even if the template rendering all takes place on the server...
17:28 jeff i.e., if the client's idea of the current value of the forced context workstation setting is out of date, the print output can go to the wrong place.

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